Oshawa Daily Times, 8 Jan 1929, p. 10

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AE I So i I SRR RO PAGE IN The OSHAWA DAILY 1IMES, LIUESDAY, JANUARY 8, Gathered fon have been [5a Mrs, Alan } School re-opened on the 3rd but ome pupils were unable to attend lpn account of sickness, Mr.and Mrs, Family visited Mr, and Mrs, Arthur New Year's Day. EPENEZER fRoss on Ebenezer, Sunday last an irly well attended, {ly J. H. Stainton, occupied the tpulpit in the morning ; preached a sp.endid sermon {rom the text found Sunday School sion in the afternoon, ping service was withdrawn, Regular League Meeting will be held on Thursday evening of this week, A good prepared and everyone is invited. Mrs, George Bickell of Bowman- ville, is visiting with Trull. The Courtice the winter term on Monday, but on Beecount of sickness, Number 4 is olosed for another week, We are glad Jan, Igervices were held at Ebenezer on hrvices d these were only Suburban and District N eus By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents. TEE TT -- TAUNTON ml -- Teunton, Jan, 7,--Mr., and Mrs, Wesley Claspell umber of thelr friends on Friday vening and on Monday evening, Misses Bernice and Alleen Stain. SOLINA Solina, Jan, 7.--The week of prayer at Kldad has been called off on account of the flu epidemic in other neighborhoods, There was a goodly number at 8, 8. service also the preaching service, League will be held on Wednesday night with Mrs, McKessock in charge of meeting, Don't forget the change of night, Mr, and Mrs, A, J. Reynolds and Misg Edna and Miss Mary Hogarth, 'and Mrs, Pascoe, and Mr, and Mrs. J. T, Rundle with Mr, H, G, Pascoe, Zion, Mr. and "Mrs, Steele, Toronto, at Mrs, A, Millson's, Mr, Arthur Baker, Oshawa, ie at home convalescing from Toronto, Glad to see some of our Zion friends, with us on Sunday, name: ly, Mr. H. G, Pascoe, Miss Eiva and Mr, Frank Pascoe, and Mr, and Mrs, Awde, Senaca, South Dakota, Miss Vera Baker at Taunton, Solina community extends a hearty welcome to Mr, and Mrs. Charles Johns who has come over from Hampton to the J, D, Ho- garth form, Mr. and Mrs, A, L. Pascoe with entertained a visiting with their Lavis. George Scott and 7,--~Only two Our pastor, service and in Genesis 6: 24. held a regular ses- The eve- program is being | R, G, Westaway, at his sister's, Mrs, Grace Clatworthy's, It is seventeen years since Mr. Westaway left for the west, The Pascoe family celebrated thelr Christmas reunion at the home of 'Mrs. Thos, Pascoe, Mr, and Mrs, Chas, Wood' and fam- {ly visited at Mr, J, L, John's re- cently, Mr, Frank Cryderman at Mr, A, B, Cryderman's, Mr, and Mrs, Herbert Rundle and family visited at Mr, Wesley Hos- kins', Kedron, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Tamblyn and family, Orono, spent Christmas at Mr, W, Wilbur's, : Monthly meeting of the W.M.S, was held at the home of Mrs, Jumes Jebson, on Tuesday, Dec, 18, Mrs, (Rev,) J. R, Bick occupied the chair, and conducted the devotional and business period, and Mrs, Lewis Al- lin took charge of the program, Mrs, Salter read the devotional leaflet; Mrs. C, H. Wallace, the scripture reading; Mrs, A, Trénouth, Mrs, 4 Influenza Relieved : for colds and influenza, the best remedy for prompt vellef is ; Rheumatone Kedron friends, PICKERING Pickering, Jan, 3.--Mr, and Mrs, W. G, Reid and family spent New Year's Day with friends in Osha- wa, Mr, Arthur Mrs," Ira School opened for to report that Mrs, Boyes spent B. Wilkins is improving following week-end with his brother, Wm, .the operation which she underwent Boyes, in Belleville, An Oshawa Hospital last week, Sickness is still very prevalent ' spent the in this community and we wish for everyone a speedy recovery. Miss Laura Andrew of Toronto holiday at her home here. Mr, and Mrs, H, J. Marquis, Misses Agnes and Phyllis, and Mr, Joseph of Lefroy spent New Year's Phone 193 ¥.1 Yard--=89 Orders Promptly Delivered | Day with relatives in the village, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Baker and family and Miss Lillian and Mr. John Gillingham, of Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Duke Dunn on Tuesday. Mr, and Mrs. Wm, Heron and family of Brooklin were in town on New Year's Day. The monthly meeting of the W, M.S. of St. Andrew's church mes at the home of Mrs, W. G, Reid on Wednesday afternoon, The pro- gram was based on a chapter of if] "Drums in the Darkness." The ii] election of officers took place wna with the exception of a few offi. ers who were unable to carry ou, SARGANT | Bloor Street E. the old executive was re-elected. Mrs, Thos. Law is at present ser- riously ill at her home here. Rev. J, 8. and Mrs. Ferguson and family spent New Year's Day in Aurora at the home of the for- mer's father, where the first fam- Effective 8.23 a.m.~Daily 9.59 a.m.~Daily. 1.17 p.m.~Daily except except except 2.32 p.m.--Daily 6.47 p.an.--Daly 9.42 p.m.--Daily. 11.39 p.an.--Daily 1209 a.m. --Daily. 12.25 a.m.--Daily. Westbound 4.44a.m.--Daily. 545 a.m.--Daaly. & a. a.m.~Daily. am.--Daily p-m.~Daily .37 p.am.~Daily. 5 BRAT JIYRSBY pean + Leave Leave Bowmanville Oshawa 7.10 am. £10 a.m. 6.15 am. 7.20 am 8.20 am 9.45 am am 3 pm pam " & bet " B Conds Lelese 2:02.55 Bagge EpmmnappeEEmus BREbnsehaneung (2 44.2] =o WwPPPPan® Mo pm Fame marked "x" » tatty Hosmtat Soecial Busses Reasonable Rates ano Uaretu! Drivers 1 A GARIOUN Pooprietor Bowmanville Phone Pebava Waiting Keom, 10 Prince St.- except 8.58 a.m.--Sunday only. Daily except Sunday. except Sunday. except Sunday. paa.~Sunday ouly. 27 pam.--Daily except Sundar. 5 p.m.--Daily except Sunday. Whitby. Oshawa, BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Effective on and aites Nov. 4 e Going West CERT] 111 & EERE 3 B ily re-union in sixteen years took place, The Misses Law are spending two weeks motoring through the States with friends. The public and continuation schools re-opened on Thursday af- ter the Christmas recess. All the teachers reported for duty, but a number of the students were ab- sent owing to illness, At the annual nomination meet- ing of the village board of trustees held in the Town Hall on Monday evening, ft was the wunan'mous vote of the gathering that the old board be re-elected. F. J. Prouse, S. J. Davies and Wm. Cullis have ' rendered exceptionally good ser- vice during the past year, and there is every indication that they will live up to their stacdards during 1929. Leslie Bird, of 'Toronto, who appeared before Magistrate Clark on Friday for a preliminary hear- ing on a charge of manslaughter, arising out of the death of Allan Burnett, in a motor accident at Dunbarton on November 21st, was honorably acquitted of the charge. The verdict was very popular with the majority in the community, who sympathized greatly with the youth in his misfortune, Mrs. Patton ard Jan. 6, 1929 Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. Sunday. Saturday. - Asrive Arrive Whitby 71.25 am. £30 am. 9.45 am. 10.35 am. 12.3 p.m. 22 3.2 pam. 4.25 pam. 5.30 pam. 6.3 pam. 8.0 pan. 9.3 pam. 10.40 p.m. A155 pam. i : ht 4 bi 3 SERRE sRRRE BEREREREEENEE EBseseaceibse 4 » 8 H 1 BE 8 n RITE 1H it I ® 28 E i : ue 28 SESE WF Eunbpik BEREELS be 2 ® 8 11.30 p.m. 'ase through tusses 8 er AR Uccasions the | Capsules In its first stages {is the proper time to check Flu, Ask for them at all good Drug Stores, 7] Accept no substitutes, The green capsules in the green box, Grace Clatworthy, Mrs, Jebson gave short readings from the third chap- ter of "Drums in the Darkness." A duet, "Silent Night," was sung by Mrs, L. W, Souch and Mrs, Geo, Bar- ran, At the close: of the program election of officers took place, Next meeting to be held at Mrs, Geo, Bar- ron's, New officers are: President, Mrs, (Rev.) J, R, Bick; 1st vice-pre-: sident, Mrs, Geo. Barron; 2nd vice- president, Mrs, Frank Rogers; rec- ording secretary, Mrs, W. W., Horn; corresponding secretary, Mrs| John Colwill; treasurer, Mrs, Charlotte Stephens; superintendent of System- atic Giving, Mrs, Theo, Salter; as- sistant, Mrs. James Curtis; strang- ers' secretary, Mrs, Jas, Burns; sup- erintendent of baby band, Mrs, C, J. Kerslake; press correspondent, Mrs, Alvin Peters; literature secretary, Mrs, Petley; superintendent of Mis. sion Circle, Miss Lulu Reynolds; superintendent of Mission Band, Mrs, James Jebson; organists, Mrs, E. H, Cole and Mrs, C. W, Souch, Christmas report of Hampton school, Names in order of merit; V--Fred Holwell (I), 1V--Elsie Moore (H), Merwin Cry- derman (H), Ted Johns (H), Helen Knox (H), Elias Greenaway (H), Elwood Shackelton, Sr, 1II--Austin Barron (H), Jack- son Wray (H), Gordon Phillips (H), Bloyd Wilcox, Jean Stainton, Violet Petley, Nelson Robbins, John Watch- horn, John Kironda, Jr, III--Anna Wallace (H), John Virtue (H), Harold Martin (H), Harry Winterburn (EH), Annie Stain- ton, Miidred Andrus, Bruce Clarke, Mandy Connaghan, Pearl Connaghan, Sr. II--Katie Jones (H), Doris Cryderman (H), Mike Kironda, Jr, II--Betty Knox (H), Eva Johns (H), Jimmie Hamson (H), Thelma Robbins (H), Lena Novick (H), Muriel Scott (H), Vera Martin, Alan Farn, Sr. I--Walter Holwell (H), Ruby Colwill (H), Ruth Colwill (H), Jack 8 | Cowling (H), Gladys Chapman (H), John Novick, Bernice Rogers, Jer- ald Black, Jr, I=--Doreen Perrett (H), Wanda Clarke (H), Isobel Rogers (H), Jack Jones, Nellie Armour, Pr, Gladys Trull (H), Jean Johns, Donald Adcock, Harry Adcock, ' CLAREMONT Claremont, Jan. 4, -- Miss Hileen Cooper, of Toronto, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Cooper, Among those attending the funeral of the late Mr, Geo. Cooper on Thursday were: Col. Wm. Michell and Miss Jennie Michell of Toronto, Mr, George Ramson, of Oshawa, Mr, Clarke Ramson of Toronto, Mr, Earl Underhill, Mr, Frank Underhill and Dr, BE, Underhill of Aurora, Miss Jessie Cooper of Toronto, Dr, F, Tracy of Toronto University, and many other friends, Misses Margaret and Mabel Mac- Lellan spent New Year's in Toronto, Miss Myrtle Thompson spent New Year's with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, W, Thompson, a Mr, Luther Baines, of Peterboro, is spending a few days with his mother, Mrs. Jos. Readman, who is very ill, Miss Evelyn McCullough of the Wellesley Hospital, spent New Year's with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jas, McCullough, There passed away in North Clare- mont on New Year's morning at the home of Mr, G. M, Forsyth, warden of Ontario county, one of the com- munity's oldest and most highly re- spected residents in the person of Mr. Geo, Cooper, Mr, Cooper was the son of Charles Cooper, who came from Yorkshire, England, in the year 1830 and Isabella Bryan, who was from Nova Scotin of U.S, Loyalist stocls, settling first in Whitewall and later moving to what is known as the Cooper homestead, lot 25, in the 9th concession of Pickering Town- ship, Here the late Geo, Cooper was horn in 1846, a member of a large family of whom only one survives, Charles, of Richmond Hill. Mr. Cooper was married sixty years ago to Catharine Michell of Pickering Do You Own Your Own LETT, NICHOLLS AND HALLITT | Real Estate Insurance and Loans, Phone 3254 11 King St. East, Oshawa am, REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE | Cutler & Preston "64 King St West Telephones B72 298 Night Calls 510, 1560, WANTED Sensibly priced homes wanted for clients who wish to purchase, We are always selling homes anu can sell yours Listings are required immediately from those Who Really Want to Sell Phone 1550 and get particulars THE DISNEY REAL ESTATE Clients now waiting for 4 room and 10 room houses near Motors, Township, who predeceased him six years ago, To this union were born nine children, two dying in early childhood, five daughters and two sons surviving: Mrs. Isabella Raw- son of Toronto, Mrs. Mary Underhill of Aurora; Frank on the old home- stead, Mrs. G, M, Forsyth, Mrs," Wal- ter Ward and Mrs, Blanche Cook of Claremont and Herbert of Peace River, Alta; He is also survived by twenty-four grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren, Mr, Cooper was of a quiet and retiring disposition, a great lover of home and an ardent supporter of everything that was for the public good; conscientious and upright in business, with a rug- ged honesty and kindness of heart that claimed the respect of all who knew him, Early in life he united with the Primitive Methodist church in Claremont and when the union tok place with the Wesylans body he entered heartily into it, was an active worker and faithfully filled the office of recording steward for fifteen years and until the local un- 4% Prince St) Oshawa, Ont. REAL ESTATE Automobile and Fire Insurance of all kinds t I. HL R. LUKE jon of that Joly with the Preshy- | Phones 871, 031, 687W, terian church eight years ago in| Mone 0 It 1 which church he held the Nill] first yo St 6% per oni, place of elder until his death. The! REGENT THEATRE local school hoard also claimed many > " 4 years of faithful service, having served on the board for a number of years, taking an active part in the | diction to the community where he building of the old school and also |spent his whole life. The funeral of the present United Church. His| took place from the residence of his life and example have been a bene-| son-in-law, Mr. G. M. Forsyth, | == BLK, ELLA CINDERS--Another oh : = Gia Cond ort Lut sies home R-- STOCKINGS ARE TCO THIN! Expensive Gift By Bill Conselman and Charlic Plumb ------ 3 Reg U 8 Pn OF, Copmahe 1929, by Meuwopolse Newspaper Serwice I canNOT. TEL You--eUT 1 USED TO THINK ONLY TWO GUYS IN THE WORLD WERE RICH ENOUGH TO BUY CARS LIKE THIS-- FO.B. CETROIT AND wi S, MINT! RSE, EPT THE CAR LL LET You DRIVE ME THE THEATER ! ARE NOL A CAREFUL DRIVER? OF I CAN'T BUT WITHOUT THE # mn i An lf! 3, |. Dhol or Dare Cerin zs 5 S/over Gla with Gifts P2270 BRINGING UP FATHER-- -- By Geo. McManus IF | COULD JUST SNEAK IN © ~ - BY GOLLY. SHES SNORIN' - NOW'S ME CHANCE TO GIT ME HANDS ON THE © 1929, Tut] Feature Service, Inc, Great Britaln sights reserved. J [| wisi SHED UNTIL THE 17 CENTURY THAT IT BEGAN 0 BE USED 1 ENGLAND. -P- By Ruse Westone TILLIE'S DIARY TO MY WAN OF THINKING. THE. ONLN KIND © A MAN WHO LIKES TO KEEP HIS MinD CON His WORK 15 A FEAL. LAK

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