THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, JANUARY 7, 1929 PAGE bIVE Woman's Daily Interest | SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the co- operation of its readers In contributing items to this column. Send in a postcard or phone 85, Mr. Ralph Schofield Simcoe street south, left yesterday for a three month visit in Western Can- a ad * LJ LJ Colonel and Mrs. W. E, Phillips are in Mortreal and are staying at the Ritz Carlton during thelr visit | there. LJ] * LJ Mr. Keith Wickens and Mr, Matt Sutton spent Sunday at the for- mer's home, in Sterling LE Messrs. Jack Cornwall and Mur- ray Gossage left Wednesday 'ev- ening for Winnipeg, and will be absent for three or four months, LJ * LJ hd Mr. and Mys, William Neer, Jr., and family have returned from vis- iting the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, William Neer, Sr, Royal street, near Belleville, * % = Miss Stella Wickens, who has been s»nding a few days in town, returned to her home in Sterling yesterday. She was accompanied by Miss Clara Hopper, who spent Sundav there, w A * Mr. Keith Hoehn, who has been spending the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, F, C. Hochn leaves today for Niazara Falls College, Niagara Falls, Ont, which he is atterding this year, * ¥ Mr. Harold Edmondson has re- turned to Albert College, Belle- ville after spending the Christmas holidays with his parents, Mr, ana Mrs. FP. W. Edmondson, Simcoe« street south. * 0% Mr. and Mrs, F, W. Cowan, Sim- coe street south, Major and Mrs, Ceci) Cowan, Toronto and Miss Doris Jacks, of Londor, England, left yesterday for Honolulu, where they will remain for severu months. * & 7 Mr, Arthur Wright, who has been confined to the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital for a week with in- fluerza, has recovered sufficiently to be removed to his home on Osh- awa Boulevard, where he is mak- ing steady progress. i * * Miss Charlotte Niven, genera. secretary of the World's Commit tee of the Young Women's Chris- tian Association, is coming to Can- ada in May to attend the annual convention of the Canadian Nation- al Council of the Y.W.C.A, in Banff, Alberta, which opens June 4. * * * Miss Joy Jamieson of Bishop Bethune College, who is spending the Christmas vacation at her home in Toronto, was a guest at a luncheon at the Badminton Club, Toronto, which was followed by a theatre party, given by Miss Ursula Benrett on Saturday afternooh, * % ¥ A number of the members of the Loyal True Blue Lodge gathered on Wednesday evening last in the K.P. hall to surprige three of their members, Brother William Short, on the occasion of his birthday Brother and Sister William John- ston on their wedding anniversary, and Sister Foote on her wedding aniversary. A pair of slippers was presented to Brother Short, a serv- ing tray to Mr. and Mrs, John. sion and a fruit dish to Mrs, Foote, Refreshments were served and the remainder of the evening was spent in games and music, INSTALL OFFICERS SUNBEAM CHAPTER ' OF EASTERN STAR The annual {installation of of- ficers of Sunbeam Chapter No, 78. Order of the Eastern Star, was held on Thursday evening, Janu- ary 8, in their Chapter Room, K.P, hall and was marked with a large attendance of members and Visi- tors, ~ The visitors included rep- resentatives from Toronto Chap- ters, with Sister Abraham, organ- ist of Grand Chapter. The instal- lation ceremony was conducted by Sister Sara Robertson, .D.D.G.M. of Harmony Chapter, and Sister Walker, Queen City Chapter, as Marshal, assisted by matrons and patrons. The following officers were in- stalled: Worthy matron, Sister Grace Walker; worthy patron, Brother Karl Cliff; associate pat- ron, Brother H, Shelley; treasurer, Sister E. Stirling; secretary, Sister C. Shelley; conductress, Sister M. E, Weir; associate conductress, Sister E, Barnes; chaplain, Sister I, Holsworth; marshall, Sister B. Larmouth; organist, Sister J, Reed; Adah, Sister 8, Powers; Ruth, Sister Stewart; Esther, Sis- ter J, Dick; Martha, Sister I, Cliff; Electa, Sister E, Aylsworth; warder, Sister I, McDonald; sentis el, Brother F. Train, During the ceremony, splendid solos were rendered by Mrs. Cresbey. Presentations | erts, P.W.M. The retiring Worthy Matron, | Sister Durlop, and Worthy Patrow, Brother Stewart, were presented with their jewels by Sister T. Rob- The officers and members presented Sister Dunlop with a beautiful silver flower bas ket and bouquet of carnat'ons ana a volume of Burr's poms to Brother Stewart. The installing officer, Sister Rober:tson, receiv- ed a brass fruit bowl, and Marsha) Sister Walker, a bread tray, Gifts were also preserted to the or- ganist ard solo'st, The Worthy Matron, Sister G. Walker, recejy- ed two pairs of silver sa't and pep- per shakers from her dau~hter and a silver fiower basket from her daughter-in-law, Margaret Walk- er, of Toronto. Following the irstallat"on and presentations, a svwmper was served which bought a pleasant cvenin: to a close, ASHBURN Ashburn, Jan. 5, -- Pleased to re- port that Miss Marie West, who was operated on for appendicitis recently is improving nicely. Rev, Mitchell, who was confined to the heuse and unable to preside last Sabbath is able to be around again. Mr. Archie Perinder has rented Mrs, Cassidy's farm east of the vil- lage and expects to go more exten- sively into sheep raising, Miss Gascoyne of Oshawa visited friends liere on Sunday. Much sympathy -is lt for our rural mail driver, My. son, in the death of i; father, Mr. | John Thompson, of b.ooklin. Miss Sarah Davidson, of Whitby, spent the holiday with her cousin, Mr. George W. Mole. People are hoping that the cold spell of late will have the desired ef- fect of clearing up the flu epidemic which has been the cause of such a lot of sickness through here for the past few weeks. Municipal aspirants have been making a house visitation during the past few days extending New Year's greetings, and soliciting votes and in- fl from the ratepayers. After Grippe, Bronchitis, Cold or Cough, Build Strength With SCOTT'S EMULSION Rich in the Health - giving Vitamins of Cod- liver Oil » Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. 28 A ER ft Miss Emma Fisher of Toronto spent the holiday with her mother, Mrs. Edward Fisher. There passed away at her home in Toronto on Dec. 28, Mrs. Annie Johnston, wife of our former pastor, the late Rev. Johnston. Deceased was well known here a few years ago, being a very active worker in Burns' church. She is survived by an only daughter and three sons to whom much sympathy from old friends of this community is ex- tended. Success to Mr. Walter Lynde, of Chalk Lake, who is running as a councillor for Reach. This is Walt's first attempt at municipal honors and Monday's vote will prove whe- ther he will be a member of the 1929 council or not. A Montreal man sent to prison twelve times was resentenced the other day. Evidently he has the cour- age of his convictions. -- Kitchener Record. Help Check the Flu! Be Propased For Night mergencies -0y Thomp- | NOT THE SAME " PERSON AT ALL Fruit-a-tives" Stopped ain and Terrible Dizziness = ® FEREEY CRITICISM A. A, Milne in the Book Window (London) Criticism does not so much mat ter with a book, or rather it mat. ters artistically but not financially, which is how it should be, Criti- cism of a play matters financially but not artistically, It matters fin- ancally because a play cannot af. ford to wait for public opinion, and the only immediate opinion avail- able is that of the critics, It does not matter artistically, hecause the joint work of author, producer and actor is being criticized by some- body who has no idea where one ends and the other begins, . CAPTIVATING A plum-colored lustrous crepe satin--typically Parisian and dash- ingly chic. The partial collar that terminates in scarf is of printed sheer velvet in plum and purple tones. The velvet appears again in one-sided vestee. Dull side of crepe fs used for binding vestee and collar. The skirt introduces a new flare in slanting outlines in plaited section that is stitched to right front of dress. You'd never suspect that it is a one-piece af- fair from the finished garment, that makes it so entirely simple to make. Pattern for Style No. 292 comes in sizes 16, 18, 20 years. 36, 38, 40 and 42 inches bust. Sheer Sheer rayon velvet, printed sheer velvet, flat silk crepe, canton crepe, sheer woolens and crepe Roma also appropriate. Price, 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is prefer- red), Wrap coin carefuliy. PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON Suburban and PORT PERRY : Port Perry, Jan, 4, -- Mr, and Mrs. A, D, Peters and Miss Edith Peters spent Christmas with Mr, and Mrs, Elwood Carruthers, at Glen Major, Mr, and Mrs, Samuel Jeffrey left on Tuesday for St. Petersburg, where they will spend the winter, Dr, Murray is visiting his son, Mr, Fred Murray at Canton, Ohio, Miss Mary Walker spent several days with friends-in a We are pleased to report that Miss Isobel Lucas has recovered from her recent illness and is able to be about again, . ® Mr, and Mrs, Jas, Waddell celebrat- ed the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding on New Year's day, Among their many callers were several offi- cials of the United Church, who pre- sented them with a bouquet of fifty carnations and a beautiful address, as a token of the esteem in which they are held. An address, beauti- fully printed and bound in gold, was also read from the W.C.T.U, of which Mrs. Waddell has heen a mem- ber for a long time. We take this opportunity of wishing this estimable couple more happy years together, The sympathy of the community is extended to Mrs, J. B, Lundy in her bereavement, in the loss of her fa- ther, Mr. G. A. Blackstock, of "To- ronto, who died on New Year's day, Miss Marian McLaurin, of Toronto, is the guest of Miss Mary Walker, Mr, and Mrs. Asher and family spent New Year's Day with friends in Belleville, Miss Frances Mellow of Toronto was home for the holidays. Quite a number from Port Perry attended the hockey match, Maple Leafs vs. New York Rangers in To- ronto, on Wednesday night, A special meeting for installation of officers for 1929 was held by War- riner Lodge No, 75 1.0.O.F. on Fri- day, Dec, 28. Bro, Lawson Honey of Warriner Lodge, distriet deputy grand master of No, 11 distriet and his installing team were present. The following were installed: Past Noble Grand, T, W. McLean; Noble Grand, Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents. District N ews every care that could be given, Mr, Wannamaker had reached the age of 78, although up in years was quite smart and his cheerful nature will be greatly missed by all who knew him. He came from Scugog Island to Sea- grave some yea.. ugo, where he has resided up to the time of his death, He leaves to mourn his loss his wi- dow, one son, Hiram Wannamaker and one daughter, Mrs. Isalah Irwin, both of this place; and three grand- children, Mr, Bertram and Glen Wan- fiamaker, and Miss Lena Irwin, The funeral service was held on Tuesday afternoon at his son's residence, the Rev, J. W. Davidson conducting the service, Mrs, 8, J. Wooldridge sang "There is No Night There," The re- mains were taken by motor to Pine Grove Cemetery for burial, Mr. Angus Wilkinson accompanied by his mother of Oshawa were week- end visitors at the home of the lat ter's brother, Mr. A. Dowson, Mr, and Mrs, H. Copeland of Oak- wood spent New Year's at the home of Mrs, J. Shortt, The annual school meeting of 8.8. No. 16 was held in the school room on Wednesday morning of this week, The secretary's report was read and adopted, Mr, J. N. Mark was re- elected trustee for 'the next three years. It was decided to buy more playground space for the children, which will delight the football boys as well as the school children, A move in the right direction, The many friends of Mrs, F, Bil lingham will be pleased to hear she has fully recovered from her recent illness, having taken the flu while here from Toronto over the holidays. Many others are reported well on to recovery. Mr, and Mrs. Adam Wallace and two children, Verna and Keith, of | Toronto, spent New Year's at the | home of Mr, and Mrs. C. W. Moon. | Miss Alma Frise left on Thursday | for Toronto where she will attend | Normal, | Mr. and Mrs. Howark Leask spent | New Year's in Toronto with friends. | Mrs, Geo, Clarke's mother, Mrs, J. Sharp, of Little Britain, is confined | W. M. Letcher; filn, sec, Norman Ewers; treas., A. L. McDermott; warden, R. Plum; conductor, E. H| Purdy; chaplain, Jobn Doubt; R.S.N.G., James Dusty; L.8.N.G., C. V. Purdy; R.8.V.G, A. Johns; L.8.V.G., W, Chapman; R.8.5., D. Harrison; L.8.S., A. McFarlane; in- side 'gucrd, M. Hodgson; outside guard, R, Wallace; D, of C, J. E. Jackson, Mr. end Mrs. Cecil Beare and fam- ily spent Chrisimas with Mr, McAu- ley in Brantford. | Miss Frances Christy is visiting | friends in Bloomfield. Miss Olive Wallace of Guelph spent the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. 8. A. Wallace. Miss Stella Wilson spent the holi- | days with her parents in Raglan. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cook have moved into the house on Caleb street, formerly occupied by Mr, J. C, Cock- burn, The results of the examinations at | the Port Perry high schcol are as follows: --- ! Form I--Sylvia Nind, Enid Wal- | lace, Olga Lakey, Marjorie Pyatt, Sheila Maclver, Marjorie Rezl, Rob- ert Willan, Albert Cawker, Evelyn Somerville, Marion Tinsley, Malcolm Black, Dorothy Miller, Hughes Wil- liamson, Clifford Ward, I'red Swit- zer, Alice Hayden, Donald Wauchope, Dorothea O'Neill, Archie Farmer, Helena Boe, Robert Woods, Arthur Asher, Iva Reynolds, Glen Hood, Jean Cumming, Leo Burton, Form I1I--Violet Bond, Hugh Nind, Robert Cawker, Eric Nasmith, Mel- ville Lakey, William Lyle, Donald Shepherd, Veda Ewers, George Lins- ley, Storey Beare, Robert McMillan, Josie Nott, Henry Dodd, Ellwood Crozier, Betty Bland, Melvin Wil- liams, Florence McMillan, Kathleen Payne, Harold Burton, Grant Or- chard, Sandy Moore, Hazel Jeffrey, Cecil Fralick, Oscar Bradley, Sam Masters, Form III--Lillian Murphy, Helen Vickery, Inez Fralick, Tom Harris, Arnot Van Nest, Dorothy Balfour, Esther Turner, Beverley Smallman, Douglas Nasmith, Frances Raines, Doris Murray, Harley Balfour, Irva Nott, Helen Carter, Thora Kaufman, Gilbert Innes, Marjory Mitchell, Hu- bert Collacutt, Donald Boynton, Lioyd Rundle. ¥orm IV--Ruby Lee, Dorothea Na- smith, Dorothy Davey, Jean Cawker, Doris Nind, Robert Brown, Annie Farmer, Wallace McMillan, David Dowson, Isabel Cawker, Jack Clark, Ivan Wallace, Grace Cawker, Dorothy Proutt, William Grant, Mary Walker, Frances Christy, Hilda Fallis, Edwin Mitchell. Mr. W. 8. Shortt of Oshawa spent the holiday at his home here. : We are glad to report that Miss Norma Orchard, who underwent an operation in the Oshawa Hospital last week, is progressing favorably. SEAGRAVE Seagrave, Jan. 5. -- The annual meeting of the United Church Sun- day school was held on Thursday evening last, with quite a number of teachers and officers present. The financial report shows an interest ta- ken in the work of the Sunday 1. The birthday box that was intro- duced on Easter Sunday was opened and found to contain the large sum to her hed through illness, the family | having all been called to her bedside. | The Girls' Club and Mrs, H. Leask's Young Men's Bible Class met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 8. | Reynolds on Wednesday evening, | where a pleasant time was spent. | Various games were played, after | which lunch was scrved, | A manufacturer taking stock gave us the choice of the racks at a price that enable remarkable value, SATINS--GEORGETTES TAFFETAS Each frock an exclusive model, trends that influence the formal mode of the season. Regular prices $19.50 to $35.00, SEE SPECIAL WINDOW DISPLAY WARD'S 8 us to offer this most |} a ) featuring fashion The Star Mattress is one of the best known and most popular of Simmons famous mattresses. Filled with fine white cotton felt, layer upon layer, it combines comfort and appearance with great wearing qualities and sells price of ershsssRs ANIA RSA RS RIOR $16.95 at the very moderate Here Is D, t Your Chance Feather Pillows Simmons fing" quality Feather | i in fine quality | Art Sateen and filled with choice | Pillows covered $4.75 Flannelette Blankets Beautiful fine quality Flannelette | Blankets, imported direct trem | England, have Rose or 'Blue bor- | ders, will give spendid service. | | Size 68 x 90. Rez. $2.98. Simmons Safety Cribs, with high slid- ing sides and closely spaced fillers, are safe, cosy and comfortable. Fin- ished in hard-baked white enamel that will stand hard usage. The soft cot- ton mattress is covered with Bunny pattern ticking. The combination at nized as the most famous mattress in Canada since it was first designed 30 4 ; o dollars and twenty-five Fo he Oshaws Daily Times oh swehiy oe isi A fifty dollars to | The CHATEAU Bed is a beautiful combination of Graceline tubing and delicately shaped steel spindles. Can be finished in forestwced or colers to % - " yA harmonize with almost $25 00 any furniture .......ooeieeees be given to missionary work for the ! qd Oshawa. Ont. year 1928. We are looking forward years ago. Soft, springy and resilient to greater work this coming year. layer 2 laver of the Mf 4 The election of officers for the en- "i 4 wo - V A hs fo life suing year were: Superintendent, 9 «0 Ss ng makes it cheaper in the long run than Mr. J. N. Mark; asst supi, Mr. H. the cheapest - mattress $25 00 you can buy .......... pan aaa Luke Furniture Cominanv ass't secretary, Mr. Ma' » McMil- 63 King Street East and get these needful "first aids" for emergency cases. But it is important to be prepared for emergencies dur ing the la"e hours of the night when our store is closed. : Please send patterns listed be A well stocked medicine cabinet is a gront convenience--and ping a real protection. Let us help you fill it with the best the ow: market affords--Medicated Gauze, Liniment. lodine, Hygeol, Fever Thermometers, Absorbent Cotton, Hot Water Bottles, Ite ) 0 F COURSE, during the day, you can rush to our store sess psssssnass jan: treasurer, Mr. W. l.og rs; Mis sionary treasurer, Mrs. J. McTag- gart; pianist, Miss Illa Moon; lib- NAME sosssssssssnsrnnsnsnnse cradle QAGNeSE 10 sssnssnrsnsssssssss We specialize in the prompt and accurate filling of rescriptions ravian, Miss Vera Farmer; roll, Mrs. W. Frise. On Sunday morning there passed away at his home one of our most bighly esteemed citizens, in the per- son of Mr. John Wannamaker. De- ceased had been in poor health for some time. About two weeks ago he grew end came, having ~~ i -rn's Drug Store The Familiy Drug Store with the Lowest Prices Fuone 378 Nést the Post Office OSHAWA, Ont. PrOVIDCE .osssspnsssnnsssnas rice. 20 cents each. Seno stamps or coin. Wrap coin carefully, v | took the flu and gradually worse until the