Oshawa Daily Times, 3 Jan 1929, p. 5

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Ue AWA DAILY 1 IMES, THURSDAY, JANUARY 3, 1929 PAGEL FIVE SALVATION ARWY 1S DIVIDED INTO OPPOSING CAPS Evangeline Booth Party Con- fident of Deposing the General London, Jan, 3--For the first time both parties within the Salvation Army yesterday openly admitted that the high council which will, meet shortly is split in two opposing coun- cils, Officials at the international head- quarters and at the headquarters of Evangeline Booth, {freely made pro- nouncements on the probable line-up of next week's voting, when the questions of removal of General Bramwell Booth as commander-in- chief and re-organization of _the Army will come up, Opinions An official of the Evangeline Booth group stated that after a careful can- vass the group was satisfied more than the necessary three-quarters majority of the council will vote for the removal of the general and for re-organization of the Army, At international headquarters, on the other hand, those who are sup- porting General Booth refused to concede a probable victory to the other camp, saying that they were sure of at least seven votes and that they believed the council would vote confidence in the general to continue his leadership, tain of those who would support the general would favor this. A high official at international headquarters said yesterday that in his opinion such changes would spread to the roots of the Army's oigahization and perhaps seriously affect the methods of appointments in all departments, The councillors, he said, were the general's personal representatives and appointges, car- rying their authority directly from him to ihe various countries in | which they serve, Their views, there- fore, are not necessarily representa- tive of the feeling of the Army in those countries, and this, he thought, would be an issue at the forthcoming conference. Rank And File Should the election method \ be adopted for the future choice of the Army's leader, he thought the rank and file throughout the Army might demand a similar method of choos- ing the minor officials of the various departments, corps and other units in which they work, rather than sub- mit to appointed superiors chosen by the heads of their units. "Should this occur," hc said, "there will be no more Army, Still, demo- cracy reflects .the spirit of the times and 'it may be that the Army shall have to move with the times, It re- mains to be seen which system of government will emerge triumphant from the high council's searching test next week." Incidentally, the supporters of Gen- eral Bramwell Booth state that the general is acutely alert mentally and according to his doctors is well on the road to recovery from his re- cent illness. The decision to keep him in ignorance of the calling of the high council and the arrival of his sister, Evangeline, was on the advice of his doctor to prevent a possible setback, CRAZED FATHER KILLS TWO SONY WOUNDS RELATIVE Horrible Tragedy at Conse. con, Near Belleville, Follow- ing Farm Dispute Two Dead Belleville, Jan, 8,--Kenneth and Colin Twells( aged 9 anl 11 re- spectively, are dead, and Arthur Corfield, 81, is lying in the Belle- ville General Hospital with mortal wounds following a shooting af- fray at Consecon, Prince Edward County, last night at 6 o'clock. Charles Twells, father of the two dead boys, and brother-in-law of Corfield, is in Prince Edwara county jail anl will probably face two charges of murder. The affair is one of the worst in the history of the district and: the tiny village of Consecon has been rocked to its very depths by the shooting, which was, to all in- tents, premeditated, At midnight tonight Corfield was still alive, Af- ter physicians hal operated at 11 o'clock they declared his recovery was doubtful, Share of Crop At 6 o'clock Corfield, who had been working a farm with Twells, went to the latter's home to set: tle up the share of the crop which had been harvested, taking with him David Mattis as a witness As he ntered Twells' home, the litter fell to the floor and managed to crawl to the door, Mattis, who had been standing outside, disap- peared, acording to hte story, and the wounded man mae his way on his hans and knes dow the roa. As he reached the front yard, he heard two other shots in quick succession and the boys' screams denoted that they were the victims of the other two charges. Rushed to Doctor Corfield was found by neighbors and rushed'to the office of Dr. Van. luven, The Belleville police were notified and Sergeant Booth and Constable Jackson answered the "Troubled With Painful Eruptions Cuticura Healed '1 was troubled with itchy, sore eruptions on my head for © year, They were very embarrassing in company as I wanted to be scratching all the time, and if I did scratch them a watery fluid came from them, They were very painful, sand my hair came out in patches. "1 tried many remedies durin, that Yyme but without success. read an advertisement for Cuticura Soap and Ointment so purchased some. The irritation sto, after one week's treatment, and after us. ing three cakes of Cuticurs Soap and three boxes of Cuticura Oint- ment | was completely healed," (Signed) Mise B. Rendall, 309 Kensington St, St. James, Man,, Sept. 7, 1927. Cuticura Soap, Ointment and Tal- cum are all you need for all toilet uses, Soap to cleanse, Ointment to + a Talcum to p: s call with the ambulance, they reached the A cene, Corfield was bleeding profusely and small hopes "were held out for him at that time. t Chief Constable Biddle of Picton and Provincial Constable Morris had arrived by this time and the four officers proceeded to Twells' home, fifty yards up the road. They found the alleged murderer in a corner of a front room cow- ering in the corner with his wife in another room practically pros- trate, The two lads were lying on the floor, apparently hawfkg been killed instantly, Twells, to all purposes, hal planned to 40 away with his wife and himself, but had lost his nerve, He was taken into custody and surrendered without any sign of a struggle, Body of Famous Spy To Be Returned To Native Virginia Kilbourne, Wis., Jan, 3.--Belle Boyd, who in life dared everything for the South and then was buried in the alien North, is going home. The body of the Confederacy's most noted woman spy is to be 'taken from Tiny Spring Grove Cemetery here and reburied in the soil of her native Virginia, The courageous foe of the Union, who hoodwinked Federal officers and defied thelr superiors even tn cabinet officers, has heen honored each Memorial Day by the Kil- bourne G, A. R, Old Federal sold- fers have . placed flowers on the famous spy's grave each year. She died here June 11, 1900, while on a tour with a theatrical company. Now arrangements: are being made to exhume the hody and send When | BALLOTS FOUND NOT INITIALED Returning Officer Gives Re- port at Sault Election Probe Sault Ste, Marie, Ont., Jan. 3.-- At Wadneslay's session of the pub- lic "investigation into the recent municipal election, it was brought out that two women named Irwin, neither any relation to 'the Mayor, voted under the name of Ann Ir- win at poll 13 M, where George Saunders was returning officer, In other places it was found that the votes as recorded by returning of- ficers varied slightly - from the record of the poll books, The entire morning session of the infestigation was occupied with poll nien M to'Z, where Miss A, Turner, returning officer at Monday afternon's session, found five uinitialled mayoralty ballots, all marked for rwin, in the ballos box. for the poll. ; Mone'sr inetao mfwy rdl dinulinn InitiaHed Ballots Miss Turner counted the mayor- alty ballots in the hox and exclus- ive of the five uninitiallel ballots marked for Irwin, she found the same total as were contained, 96 for Brewer and 87 for Irwin, e»- act, on the statement of returns which she made out on election night. The result of the recount was to give Brewer 93 and Irwin 91, Miss Turner also found four mayoralty ballots in the box, three « ability to cure your malady, Confidence - When properly placed ylelds a multitude of dividends. When you call in your physician you have confidence in his When he writes a prescription he has confidence 'that the drugs he ppescribes will effect a cure, Now comes another phase in the matter, The prescription must be filled--you must have confidence in your druggist, Careful, accurate dispensing---pure, high quality drugs-- cleanliness, and a finished product that will fulfil your needs --all this must come from your druggist. We are more than merchants--and our professional abil~ ity is worthy of consideration, Bring your prescription and drug orders te Jury King E. Phone 28 and Lovell's THE REXALL STORES Simcoe 8, Phone 68 itialled all the ballots that she gave out on election day, a : will be used as a bunkhouse for fishermen, She will no longer STERN WHEEL SHIPS - FAST DISAPPEARING New Westminster, B.C,, Jan. 3,-- --The Fraser River has seen tne last of its picturesque stern wheel steamers which until now have formed a link with the romantic past, the Cariboo gold stampede navigate the shallows and treachs erous canyons of the mighty Frase er, and she was the last of he line. Sternwheelers first commenced to operate on the Fraser in 1859, FLU-GRIP Rub on~inhale and other notable events in the early history of British Columbia, The old steamer Skeena has been sold as a cannery tender and Change Method They said, however, a change in the method of choosing a successor and other administrative reforms might be effected and that even cer- for Brewer and one for Irwin; which apparently been missed #. | the recount, Miss Turner statel ) emphatically again that she had 1u- it to Virginia where a more fitting monument than the one which stands above her grave here will be erected, pulled a ,32 calibre revolyer from his pocket and fired point blank, the charge entering Corfield's head just behind the ear, Corfield Canadian If all one's Christmas ties were placed end to end the rainbow would look like a total eclipse. -- Toronto Saturday Night, ' Free IL PD Gintment 2 and se. Taleam te. 0 Cuticurs Shaving Stick 28¢. "\ PROSPEROUS A : ewer, | The New Year lies ahead of us filled with worth-while things to do and the promise of great accomplishments and great rewards. HAS AIS] ition : Your copy of our "3 Big Days" ? dg BIG VALUE Knitted GLOVES UP-TO-DATE STYLES This splendid Glove assortment will be a real surprise for you. You will find here fancy Gloves with turned Cuffs, Brushed - - Wool, combination colorings, Silk and Wool, and Plain Knit. Grey, Brown and Black, in all sizes from 6 to 8. Gloves usually sold from 50c to 75¢ in this assortment. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, per pair ........... WOOL MITTS REMARKABLE VALUE Pure Wool Mitts for children from 2 to 9 years of age. "Snow King Quality" ribbed Mitts with long tight-knitted Cuffs. These come in colors of Camel, Red, Navy, Grey and Black. We advise you to come early. Note our price. DURING THREE BIG 19¢ DAY B,. DEL. DBI .cosressistieisriirmiberscsnbi as i AEs sass s sessessnnnnenes 00, In colors of Camel, Beaver, 30e | tiie LOOK AHEAD ! Calendar for 1529 will enable you to look ahead and be an ear'y bird at our monthly sale § events, This store continues to enjoy constantly increasing <I buying advantages, which are reflected at all times in our 2 offerings to you -- UTMOST 3 q IN DEPENDABLE T YALOES Tin Value Pyjam- as A great saving bere for you on reliable Flannel- New "Hoover' Style Utility Dresses Made with handy double-wear front. Just note our price! LOW PRICED A "Hoover" style Utility Dress, so useful that it has become very popular. Made of good quality "Linon" with long turn-style white collar, short sleeves, re- versible front, and all-round belt. In such wanted colors as Blue, Mauve, Green, Peach, etc. In sizes suitable for Small, Medium and Large Women. A regular $1.25 value. A splendid buying opportunity for you. DUR- 93 ING THREE BIG DAYS, [ Special Gingham : House Dresses Always needed and wonderful value at our price An assortment of Ging- ham, House Dresses in small and large check and plaid patterns. A large range of colorings from which to choose, and in five different styles. Made with contrasting colored trimmings, pockets, etc. In Medium, Large and O. S. women's sizes. Usually 3 sold as a leader at 95c¢. DURING 63 THREE BIG DAYS, each ........ OO€ Marquisette Ruffled Curtains At a Big Saving Price Just a once-in-a-long while opportunity 1 for a saving like this Curtains made of marguisette in single and double check styles and al- so in plain Scrim, with tie-backs and frillings to match Curtain. These me- asure about 20 inches wide by 2 1-4 yards long. A regular 65c value. DURING THREE BIG 4/1 ribbed all-wool Cashmere and Worsted Mixture Socks. Stamped (All-Wool--Made in England) ; spliced heels and toes, in Black, Brown and Heather mixtures, in sizes 10 to 11 1-2. Good value when sold at 50c. Note our price. DURING THREE BIG DAYS, per pair .......... 3c $1.00 Men's Pyjamas made of good, firm, well-napped Striped Pyjama Flannel- ette in an assortment of Pink and Blue combina- tion stripings Well- made with Silk contrast- ing colored Braid Frogs. In men's sizes, 36 to 42. A regular -2.00 quality, DURING THREE BIG 3 pairs for ... SPLENDID VALUE SAFETY PINS Xa) ie PE \ BATH TOWEL SPECIAL A high quality Towel at a very low price White Bath Towel, size 20 ins. by 40 ins., heavy quality, with fancy colored ends of Gold, Blue, Helio or Pink. Our share of a manufactur- ers over-makes. You would con- sider these splendid value at 40c. DURING THREE BIG DAYS 88, .isssrssisinss oii Four dozen Pins for 5c. Just think of it! A well made heavily nickled Safety Pin with Needle Point and well- protected Shield. Three useful - sizes assorted on each card of one dozen. DURING THREE BIG 5 c DAYS, 4 cards for ps An Outstanding Toothbtush Value | pep vary ; eS (Five Cakes only to & Customer a wag WR Men's and Boys' KNITTED RAYON TIES SALE ENDS ISU ING " . S * Largest 12 r'] Bristles in three shapes--straight style as well as the two styles illustrated. Brushes usualy sold at 20c. Note our wonder-price and secure your share early. DURING THREE 15¢ DAYS 2 Brushes for A large heavy napped Wash Cloth measures 12x12 ins. Fancy White Jacquard I, borders FLANNELETTE BLANKETS White or Grey. 70 x 84. Extra good quality. On Sale Friday and Saturday .......ooesesesescss.ns rin Pair $1 98: DU and' come early. "IG DAYS, per yard . 22-inch Fine Linen Check Glass Towelling A rare opportunity for you to secure the best for the least LOW PRICED 22 inches wide.~ Just note the width and remember this splendid Checked Glass Towelling is of Pure Linen. Large checks in such colors as Red, Blue, etc. A regular 40c quality. Note our price . Uusuall DURING THREE BIG D for sold ays 3 2 Cloths print paper. Lay in a big now to last you some time. Scribler. DURING THREE BIG DAYS specie ess» At Ha¥-price--come early A big Scribbler of good, plain, heavy news- enough supply A regular 5¢ Lead. A regular THREE BIG DAYS --~, Colored Hexagon-shaped Pencils with Metal Tip and Rubber and good-quality . A great showing of fancy bar stripes and fancy block effects in a large range of colorings. See them, but be here early. Just note our price! DURING THREE BIG DAYS .... ea 10 DURING 2 for 5c 5c value. 16inch Heavy Pure Linen Striped Towelling ish your stock mow when ow price enables you to save so much A heavy Brown and Pure Linen Crash Towelling. (Scotch make.) Measures about wide, with colored borders of Red and Blue. A good valte if offered you at 20c. Lay in a stock at our price. DURING THREE BG DAYS, per gard .........ccrnennees Whi iin 16 inches 14¢

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