« OSHAWA DAILY £ LIMES: WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 2, 1929 1 rALL FIVE TWO NOMINATED FOR MAYOR IN © BOWMANVILLE Mayor T. S., Holgate and M. J, Elliott on List--Town Hall Packed (By Staff Re orter) Bowmanville, Jan, 1,--If increased attendance at nomination meetings is an indication of increased interest * in municipal matters, then the do- ings of the 1929 Council are going to be closely followed by our citizens, The meeting started in the Couneil Chamber but as numbers increased, adjournment was made to the Opera House which, by the time nomina- tions 'were brought in, was fairly well filled, John Lyle, Town Clerk, read the list of those nominated, af- ter which he was appointed chair- man, Mayor Holgate, who was the first one called on to speak, briefly reviewed the year's work of the council and drew attention to what would have to be undertaken by the incoming council. He was followed by Councillor W, C, Caverly, Reeve Thickson, Deputy Reeve W. H, Car- ruthers, Milton Elliott, Councillor W. P. Corbett, Geo, James, C, E. Rehder, Dr, Dinniwell, Alan Camp- bell and Rev, J, W. Bunner., Each of the Councillors spoke of his par- ticular line of work in connection with town matters but the main theme of the evening was the ques- tion of the pavements that have been laid during the year. Before the close of the meeting Town Engineer Palmer asked permission to reply to some criticism regarding his work in connection with the pavements and explained why' certain things were done, Rev. Geo, Mason also took sthe platform and brought be- 'fore the Council the condition of the streets north of the C.P.R. tracks and made it very plain that some- thing will have to be done to enable the citizens of that part of the town to get in and out during the season of the year when roads are bad. Fol- lowing is the list of nominations: FOR MAYOR M. J. ELLIOTT, nominated by W. R. Strike; seconded by C, A. Cawker, T. 8. HOLGATE, nominated by C. A. Cawker; seconded by W, R. Strike, FOR REEVE W. C. CAVERLY, nominated by W. R. Strike; seconded by C, A. Cawker. W. H. THICKSON, nominated by W. R. Strike; seconded by C, A. Cawker. FOR DEPUTY REEVE W. H. CARRUTHERS, nominated by A. M. Hardy; seconded by C. A. Cawker. GEO. JAMES, nominated by W. _R. Strike; seconded by C. A. Cawker. FOR COUNCILLORS WM. BROCK, nominated by W. R. Influenza Relieved for colds and influenza, the best remedy for prompt relief is Rheumatone C, BE, REHDER, nom R. Strike; seconded by & GRO, JAMES, nomina Hardy; seconded by C. C, A. SMITH, nomi R, Strike; seconded by W. A. EDGER, nom R, Strike; seconded by W. P, CORBETT, no M. Hardy; seconded by, GEO, CROMBIE, nongh R, Strike; seconded by Dr, R, E. DINNIWER nominated by A. M, Hardy; second by C. A, awker, 4 3 ED. J, GIBBS, nomited by A, M. Hardy; seconded bg" R. Strike, ALAN CAMPB W. R, Strike; Cawker. JAS, B, FLETT, ni Williams; seconded b; W. E, ARMSTRON W, J, BAGNELL, y C. Caverly; seconded'! T. A. Dus tan, i J. W, BUNNER, ated by T, 8. Holgate; seconded bGeo, James, FOR SCHOOL STEES T, A. DUSTAN, ngmated by W, R. Strike; seconded By. A. Cawker. SIDNEY LITTLE ominated by W. R. Strike; sec by C. A, Cawker, i GEO, WEEKS, nompted by A, J, Wadhams; seconded A, Williams, CHAS, RICE, no Strike; seconded by FRED COLMER, M. Hardy; seconded REV. W. H, ARGO CALLED BY DEATH Retired United hurch Min- ister Had Been Ill a Short ime (By Staff | rter) Bowmanville, 2.,--There passed away on ay, December 31, a highly regpted citizen in C. A, Cawker, the person of Rey, Vm. H. Spargo. The deceased hadbeen {ll for a short time and a 'eek before his death suffered a gbke fromy which he never rallied.glbe late Mr, Spargo was born §Cornwall, Eng- land, in 1855. served in the Bible Christian ch and former Methodist Church®r 41 years, and was a superanngied minister of the United Churgtfor the past 10 years, during whils time he resid- ed in Bowmanvill He is surviv- ed by his wife two daughters, Miss Vesta Spafp at home, and Mrs. R. F. Staples of Toronto. The late Mr. Sgrgo was a mem- ber of Jerusalem Lodge, No, 31, AP. and AM., fier the direction of which the fungal takes place on Wednesday aftenoon, Jan, 2, from Trinity Uped Church, pre- ceded by a privee service at the home conducted ¥ Rev. J. U. Rob- bins, pastor. 12 NOMIRTED FORMAYORS Contrada Page 2) me a good lose,' stated Councillo: E. Bowman. JB appreciated the work of Maye Bateman and thqught that if he withdrew from council, Whitby would be the los- er. As chairma of the fire and light commissio, he considered that Whitby posessed a splendid fire brigade vas one of the best lighted towns fnOntario, Mr. Bow- man was agains the fee system in the police depatment and declar- ed that he wopid work for its ab- olishment. He was also opposed j|to the park ekxemsion project and RUB your chest with Vicks before (1) It is vaporized by the heat of the body and inhaled for hours di- sect to the inflamed air-passages or QP ice VIER as a private ctizen would vote against it. Is A 'andidate Robert Reid jeciined to make a speech on of the lat of the hour, but anno a candidate for council. : As chairman of the fingnce com- | ment and declared that he would reproduce the report. Mr. Ormis- ton found a better spirit existing in town amd forecasted greater pro- Srese. , Willam Davidson admitted that ity to the best of his ability if elect- |€d. He was also opposed 10 extend- ing the park. After serving two years in coun- cil, Chas. Broughton announcof that he would again be a candida*- joil. the mvnicipality. F. E Collins. althoush acknow "ing this interest in municipal * irs, consid-ved that #t woule » presumptous for him as a new "ident of Whitby to run for coun- ¢d the meeting that he would serve the municipal- and would give his best efforts = Town Clerk Frost then declar- J 5 pi : SY - Pe Ax Dresses -- You = Never Saw Such Values Less than thirty days to completely clear the racks and cases, Party Dresses, Afternoon Dresses and - Dresses for business wear, In special price groups at $2.95, $5.95, $7.95 and $12.95 J -- , Women's White Wool Gauntlet Gloves Buy a pair for skating or tobagganing, $1.50 and $1.75 qualities, Selling for, LEN AE - : i] a ~~ no Gets a Great Start on THURSDAY SATURDAY 2 98c Buys Any Woman's or Girl's Hat in the Store Regardless of the fact that former prices range from $2.95 $4.95 we y, z . he # . ' ay Ne ne Striped Krinkle Side Curtains with Valance Cream color with stripes in Rose, Gold or Blue, Special per set ,. 98¢c eeeT------ Oval and Round FRIDAY We are | Staging the | First » BIG DAYS SALE Madeira Doilies 8 and 10 inch round, 6 x 12 and 8 x 12 oval. Regu. lar up to 85c. each Selling for ,, 39¢ of 1929 ANEWNYE RR og Sunburst Skirts in Pure Wool Cloths A complete pre-inventory clearance in plain colors in finely woven fabrics as well as checked and striped rod Patterns in quality skirts previously priced $2 95 at $4.50 to $5.95 January Sale » 50 DOZEN WOMEN'S SILK AND ARTSILK ANEWYEAR 32" New Canadian Ginghams Small and medium Check Substandard i dr | Pa:tern, Fast washing col- ia an ors, Our regular 25¢ quality Eo 10e ™ Lace Curtain Panels on Seasonable 1here's an illus- trated Sale Bill in the mail for every home in Oshawa. Kindly let us know if you do not get yours. Addition to the Sale Circular. Flowered Silk Voiles This Special List of Sale Bargains is It's Going to Be a Wonderful Time to Save Merchandise. Don't A Selection of entirely mew patterns in In handsome Floral Medallion designs. Made of a strong cotton met, fin- ished at bottom with fringe. Size 36 x 81 inches, January 59¢ =" Sale at I EEE EE EE EEE FY PRT REET PRT TTF COMFORTERS Coverings of floral chintz. bed size, 66 x 72 inches. Underwear for Boys A great sarplus 'stock of this very dependable well made winter Underwear is priced for quick selling. SHIRTS and DRAWERS jin sizes 20 to 32. Regular 89c =m $1.69 COMBINATIONS fin sizes 20 to 32. Regular up to $195 yd. January Cotton Eiderdown for Kimonas ll A good rafige of light and medium | colors in plains and fancy patterns. ll 27 inches wide. Regular 39 yd. c Double 58c. January ered Tea Napkins Balance of a special import- ed purchase. Well worth double the moncy. Considering the Purchase of a Coat for Yourself or for Your Daughter? Choose it here from a selection of seven- ty-five of the Season's Best. For JustOne-half the Regular Price. the same quality that has previously sold Sale .. 35¢ 55 Dozen Women's Silk and Wool Hose 1st Quality Puritan Maid Make, 8 Big Days Sale - - .e made possible a price that ordinarily could mot be expected, A full range of colors in all sizes 83% to 10. WOOL SKIRTINGS 54 inches wide Regular $2.95, January Sale 89c yd. The "Brant" Wool Blankets Are offered in the January Sale of a worthwhile saving. These very popular wool bed covers come in plain and check patterns in Rose, Blue, Gold, Camel, Green and Mauve. They are in the largest size 72 x 84 inches and regularly sell at $8.95. January $6 85 each sass ssasssssannnss sss sene.. Cotton Filled Comforters Coverings of Floral Silko- line im blue and rose color s. Double bed 1.98 =* sige, Jam- mary Sale and 39c quality Ties. Selling for 1 each 19 Girls' Skating Toques in heavy Jumbo-Knit, Scarlet with White cuff and each Pom-Pom. Regular $1.25 yvalue. January Sale ...... Pure Wool Sweaters Women's Fancy Velveteen Kimonas y > striped patterns. Regular 50 ll 1s sos Sale "3 dois rn $1.95 Whe last 25 of a very special purchase lot. Very at- Good medium weight, suitable for 9 . » tractive colorings. Penman's Full-fashioned Silk and Wool all the year round. Regular $4.95 value Hose for Women Women's Chamoisette Gloves Two dome wrist fancy silk stitched backs. A most exceptional of a quality that cannot be bought today for less than 1.25 pair. Any imperfections in the knitting ave very slight and jsully Jio Who 994 Sr Wei. Giney, Sand Ana Suge Apr] BOE -- | / value for the money. Colors, Sand, Mode and Grey. pair Sizes 6 to 8. January Sale AR EE na Pure Wool Jumbo Knit Pullover Sweaters Sizes 34 to 40. Colors White, Sand and Red. Regular $4.95. January Sule $3.35 81 x 90 inches. Regular $1.50. January Sale . . . . $1.00 = E