Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Dec 1928, p. 6

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PAGEL Six IHE OSHAWA DAILY | livik>, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1928 ------ ------ Woman's Daily Interest SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the co operation of its readers in eontributing items to this eolumn. Send in a postcard or phone 86. Miss Alma Greer spent Christ- mas in Toronto. LI Mr. and Mrs, Clement Cox spent Christmas in Belleville, » LJ » Miss Clara Hopper spent Christ mas at her home in JVhitby, » » Mr. Dick Genge was a Christmas visitor at his home in Peterboro. LI Mrs. 8, Cuthbertson and daughter, Joan, are visiting relatives in Ayr, LJ LJ w Mr. Alex Parks, Richmond St., spent Christmas with his parents fn Toronto, > LI Mr, Jack Bond, Richmond street, spent Christmas at his home in Toronto. ® ok 0% Mr. Donald Workman spent the Christmas holiday at his home near Picton, . * ] Mr. Willlam Stoddart spent the Christmas holiday at his home in Deseronto, . »* Miss Mary Head was a holiday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Head of Lindsay. . Mrs. C. R. Sweet, Ritson road S., spent Christmas with relatives in Peterboro, Ld Mr. and Mrs. George Bull, Sim- coe street north, spent Christmas in Toronto. » LJ Ww Mr. Neil MacDonald of South- ampton spent Christmas with Mr. Norman McLeod. A &* * Miss Grace Mulhall spent Christ- mas in Cobourg with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Mulhall. * ® 0» Mr. Willlam Dixon spent Christ- mas with his sister, Miss Dorothy Welbanks in Picton. * = * Mr. and Mrs. Walter Shortt, of Woodville, spent Christmas with relatives in the city. A * ® Mr. and Mrs. G. Waite, Belleville, were the Christmas guests of rela- tives in the city. Mr. E. J. MeGirr "was a visitor at his home in Durham for the Christmas holiday. *® LJ %* the Mrs. Ss. Mr. E. McNaughton was Christmas guest of Mr. and Charles Taylor, Port Hope, » » Miss Laura G. Fraser, BA, of Durham, is the guest of Mrs. A. W. Bell, Simcoe street north. Ld LJ » Nr. and Mrs. T. Burns spent Chris- tmas in Belleville with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Burns. Mr. and Mrs. Davia MacDonald and daughter, of Ripley, were Christmas guests of Miss Gertrude Kidney. ® % Mrs. Austen M. Fraser, of King~ ston, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Alex W. Bell, Simcoe street north. * * ® Mrs. Walter Murray of Toronto is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Werry, Colborne street east. *® - - Miss Mae Burns is spending a week's holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Burns, Belle ville. = = = Misses Margaret and Helen Gibson spent Christmas with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gibson, Port . ® ® % Mr. H. A, Lawrence was the g of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. ] Lawrence, Port Hope, for the holi- day season. a Mr. Stewart Chapman spent the week-end and holiday with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. William Chapman, Gananoque. ® = =» Mr. and Mrs. Sagar Morey and family spent the holiday with their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomp- son, in Port Perry. uest * The many friends of Mrs. E. J. McGirr will regret to hear of her illness at the home of her mother, Mrs. Fox, in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Percie Maybee, Sim- coe street morth, spent Christmas with Mr. Maybee's mother, Mrs. B. S. Maybee, Ross Mount. * x =» Miss May Dillon of Midland was the guest of her mother, Mrs. RE. Dillon, Fairbanks streets, for Christmas. = * * Mr. Everton Wagar, Division street, is spending the Christmas holidays with his parents in Par- ham, Ontario, * 0» Mr, and Mrs, Leo Howard spent Christmas with the former's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs, Henry Howard, Deseronto, 0 x Miss Cecily Hancock is the guest of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, R, S. Hancock, Port Hope, for the Christ- mas holidays. ow ow Mr, and Mrs, Charlie Smith, Ar- thur street; spent Christmas with the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs, Frank Gibson, Port Hope, LI Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Whattam and baby, have returned from spending Christmas at Mr, What- tam's home in Picton, . x ¥ Mr. and Mrs, P, A, Blackburn and daughter, Millicent, King St. east, spent the holiday with rela- tives in Dunnville, . 0» Mr, George Loveless spent the week-end and Christmas with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, T. A, Love less, London, Ont. 7 * * LJ Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wilson and family, of Toronto, spent Christ- mas with Mr. and Mrs, T. L, Wil- son, Colborne street east, for * Me, and Mrs, G, D, Conant and family spent. Christmas with Mrs Conant"s parents, Senator and Mrs. E. D. Smith, Winona, L EEE Mr, W, Goodwin and Miss May Goodwin, of Lindsay are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs, W H. Ross, King sireet east. a» * » Mr, and Mrs, J. F, W. Renwick, Toronto, spent the holiday season with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Renwick, Connaught street, * & Mr. and Mrs. Nelson 8. Baird and family, Drew street, spent Christmas with Mrs. Baird's sister, Mrs. C. Stone, in Saintfield, Ont, * A *® Mr, and Mrs. Earl Johnson, of Windsor, are spending a few days with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. A. Young, Bruce street, LI Mr. and Mrs. A, Worrell, of De- troit, Michigan, are spending a few days with the latter's father, Mr. H. W. Glover, Ritson road north. * x =» Miss Laura lL. Jones, a member of the faculty of the Oshawa Colle- giate Institute, is spending tne holidays at her home in Cobourg. * * 3 Miss Barbara Schofield, of Bishop Bethune Colle re, is spending the hol- idays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth R. Schofield, deCasson road, Montreal. * Ww Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Abernethy and son, Arthur, of Campbellford, spent Christmas with the latter's brother, Mr. T. L. Wilson, Colborne street east, » *® * Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Bailie have returned home from spending the Christmas holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Hume and family, Bellefair avenue, Toronto. * w » Mr. Harry Donald, Brock street. left last night for Regina, where he has accepted a position in the office of the branch of General Motors of Canada there. w ® =» Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn King, son, Buster, and daughters, Ruby and Madeline, spent Christmas with Mrs. King's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Reubeny Bennett, Port Hope. x x » Miss Mildred Edmondson, of the Oshawa Collegiate Institute teach- ing staff, is spending the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Edmondson, Toronto. - * - Mr. John Wilson, Bruce stret, Mr. Robert Wilson and son, Fred, Ross' Corners, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Edmondson, of Toronto, for Christmas. - * »® Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Giibank, Perth, are the guests of the latter's parents, Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Shirley," King street west. Mr. Gilbank is the prin- cipal of public schools in Perth. » * | Mr. and Mrs. W. Chester Smith and children, Simcoe street north, spent Christmas with Mr. Smith's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Smith, Windermere avenue, Toron- to, who celebrated the forty-fifth anniversary of their marriage on Christmas Day. * * - Mrs. Edward Williams, Miss Al- thea Williams, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Densem, all of Bowmanville; Mrs. Harry Spencer and children, Mr. and Mrs. D. Palmer. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Russell Williams, Niagara Falls, N.Y., were the Christmas guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Goyne, Hillcroft street. = * = On Monday evening the choir of Cedardale United Church met at the home of Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Irvine for the purpose of present- ing Mrs. McFarlane, the organist and choir leader of the churcu, with a Christmas present. Mrs. William Moncur read an address of appreciation to Mrs. McFarlane and Mrs. Jones presented a silver ole to Mrs. McFarlane. A program of music and contests was enjoyed, after which refreshments were served. » = E The home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. W. Bell was bright with candle light 1 and gay with Christmas decorations on Christmas Eve and Christmas day, when the families of the late James Bell of Toronto, and of H. 8. Davy of Kingston, of which Mrs. Bell is a member gathered to celebrate | Christmas together. There were a- { bout thirty members of the two fa- milies present. A large Christmas tree, bright with lights and decora- tions, was in the upper living room and from this the many presents for the various members of the two fam- | ilies were distributed. . THE SMART BOLERO A becoming new fashion for the little miss of 8, 10, 12 and 14 years ie the new bolero costume with cir- cular skirt, It is simple enough for classroom, yet dressy for more for- mal wear. Style No. 334 copies the grown-up mode, both in cut and fabrie, It chooses sheer tweed in beige and brown with sheer beige woolen bodice and collar, Brown velveteen {is used for girdle, to pipe edges of bolero and for pert tie. Navy blue velveteen with white silk crepe bodice is fetching and can be made at a saving well worth while. Bottle green homespun, plaid woolen in red tones, navy blue wool repps, and patterned wool jersey in combination with plain jersey are lovely ideas for its de- velopment. The two-piece circu- lar skirt is joind to bodice, that is cut from center-front neck and fin- ished for opening with piping. The bolero is sewed to armholes and neck edges. Its so simple! Pat- tern price 20 cents in stamps or coin (coin is preferred). a anaes PATTERN PURCHASE COUPON Sota, Sales we 3 2, food BC BR 3 To The Oshawa Daily Times Pattern Department Oshawa. Ont. Enclosed tind cents. Please send pauterns listed be low: . i pel Joe, sssssssnnss BIZ0 sinuses dg o> TP re NRIDE suvssrsessssnsnsnsnnsss" ofr BUGICES 1000s 2usersssnnnisnes l'own Province DE I 20 cents each. Senda Wrap coin Price, stamps or coin. carefully. BE a a a a A CHRISTMAS CONCERT The Simcoe Street Pentecostal Mission held their Christmas tree and concert on Friday evening, December 21. Mr. Shime acted as chairman for the following program: Duet, Misses Thelma and Eva Boynton; recitation, Margaret Gillespie; recitation, Lind- ert VanDriel: Mae Mevers; duet, Mr. Boynton and Wilired Claus: recitation, Evelyn Meyers; recitation, Thelma Boynton; Christ- mas alphabet exercise by nine pri- mary scholars: recitation, Vera Rock; musical duet, Mrs. Boynton and Wil- fred Brant; quartette, the Claus family ; recitation, Mrs. VanDriel; recitation, Ruth Claus; duet, Mr. and Mrs. Boynton; reading, Mrs. Shine; Christmas exercise, five intermediate and one primary scholar: duet, Wil- fred Claus and Eugene Brant; reci- tation, Mrs. Boynton; solo, Mrs. Brant: recitation, Mae Meyers; duet in Dutch, Mr. and Mrs. Meyers: re- citation, Margaret VanDriel: duet, Thelma and Eva Boynton; recitation, Stanley Shine. At the close of the program the scholars were presented with books, candies and oranges while the ladies of the Sunda, School received a wall motto and the gentlemen a book, containing the life story of a dis- tinguished missionary. D0 a a a on 2 efendeelon solo, -------- dq Father of Dead Girl Says No Faith Can Be Placed in Dying Story -- Asserts a Negro Woman Was Com. panion on Trip to Detroit --Police Seek House Woodstock, Dee. 27.--Provin- cial and city police Investigating the case of Kathleen Howlett, 18- year-old Woodstock girl, who was killed in a motor accident near Windsor on Christmas morning, after, according to her death-hed story, escaping from a house in Windsor, have discarded the story which the girl told to the offect that she had gone there in response to a newspaper advertisement by a Windsor bachelor: for a house- keeper, This story she told the doctor at fore she died, and in it she sald she had accepted the position, and had received a railway ticket from the Windsor man so that she could Bo to the border city, After inter- viewing the girl's mother and fa- ther, who live apart, although both reside in Woodstock, Provincial Officer Buchanan came to the con- clusion that there was no founda- tion for the newspaper advertise- ment story and started investiga- tions along new lines which may the mystery of the Windsor house Is finally cleared up. Doubted By Father I'red Howlett, the girl's father, sald yesterday that he did not place any credence in the story as told by the girl, and expressed the view that it had been told to shield those who were responsible for her trip to Windsor. His daughter, he said, bad been persuaded to go to Windsor by a colored woman who was one of her friends, and whose name the police- are withholding. This woman, he sald, bad accom- panied his daughter to Windsor Monday, and for her, after promising to take her with a friend. This is the angle which may result in the disclosing which the girl sald she escaped. The girl was well known in Woodstock and Ingersoll. She had and for the last few months had lived alone with her mother, while her sisters and brothers lived with their father at 228 Riddell street, this city. In addition to her par- Eva, Florence, Dorothy ore brother, Billy, and a Douglas, born in July, ters, Katie; young son, 19217. Mother in Collapse The girl's mother was have gone to Tilbury yesterday to at-| tend the inquest, but she suffered a collapse from the strain of the tragedy, and was unable to make | the trip. ! Mr. Howlett complained of al- | leged delay of the authorities in! Tilbury in notifying him or the | girl's mother of the accident. The aceident occurred at 3.30 in the morning, and the girl died of her | injuries soon after one o'clock in the afternoon, but it was six o'- clock in the evening when Mr. and Mrs. Howlett first heard of the tragedy. "Had we heard of it at once, we could have been there be- fore she died, and I am sure she | would have told us the true story | 10 ment of Mr. Howlett. Police Not Notified Police officers in the district de- | clare they were not advised of the | accident until an hour after the | girl had died in Chatham Hospital. | The car used by the girl's compan- | ion's, Harold and James Balloid, of ! Detroit. was removed from the ditch without the usual release be- ing obtained from Highway Traffic Officer Rowcliffe, and Provincial Constable Harris: knew nothing of either the fatality or motor crash until four or five o'clock in the af- ternoon, although it occurred about three in the morning. Crown At- torney Smith, of Chatham, made personal investigation into the tragedy. It was decided that an inquest was not necessary. Seek House in Windsor Windsor, Dec. 26.--Provincial police here are trying to locate the house where Kathleen Howlett, 18, of 334 Wellington street, Wood- stock, was imprisoned just before Tilbury who attended her just be- | provide startling disclosures before | had bought a ticket of the address of the house from | ents, she is survived by four sis- | and | | the ys, bad lighting conditious, proper nourishment and insanitary | Startling Disclosures Promised From Probe of the Howlett Death ed the auto which carried her to her death near Tilbury, Inspector Arthur Moss communis cated with the Woodstock police to trace a Windsor man who is re- ported to have inserted an ad, in Woodstock signed "Bachelor," and asking for a housekeeper, CHRISTMAS "TREE ENJOYABLE EVENT CEDARDALE CHURCH Presentation to H. B. Wilson a Feature--Fine Program Staged Christmas tree ana | entertainment was held on Friday evening in the Sunday school of Cedardale church, with a record at- tendance of scholars and parents present, Rev, G, W, Irvine presi ed and a varied program of recita- tions, songs, exercises and drills were wa!l carried out by the child- ren and reflected credit on the teachers in charge. The Primary Miss May McMullen, | gave several pleasing recitations | end songs. Helen Murray, Jom. Brooks, Lorna Deeley, Betty Cur- ry and Madeline Branton of Mrs, Clifford's class contributed Christ- mas recitations. An exercise, The | Shepherds," was g'ven by Mrs, Lap | pin's class of boys. Miss Mabel | Deeley's class gave recitations and | Mrs, Irvine's elass cortributed sev- "eral motion songs, Tha C.G.L.T. group, under the directionship . | Mr. Dervent, gave a drill, which | was interspersed with songs. At the close of the program San- i ta was gaily welcomed acd spent a { busy hour distributing gifts and {candy to the children, Presentation { A pleasant feature of the eve. ing was the presentation of a fern ard stand to Mr. H. B. Wilson, sup- | © The annual | i class with to a good position as housekeeper | €rintendent of the Sunday School, |°F8 who has so successfully carried out of the case which the Provincial | bis work for a number of years, |makiig a to . Police are now investigating, and | n behalf of the teachers and of- for the year of y | ficers of the school, as a token of | the high esteem in which Mr. Wil- | church, This Christmas tree, which is a d { delightful event in the lives of the | worked in several of the factories, | "© e : e | : : ' a d iis f | Cedardale children, has heen given and windows at this festive season | ing counties' council { for 2 number of years through the are certainly a credit to our mer-jt | generosity of the Robson Leathe! Company, who also make the an- | nual picnic possible. | I i Bi I | | Eye Care and | Eye Strain | I | The Relation of Defective Eyes to Health, Part "6" Copyright 1028 By C. H. Tuck, OPT. D. A constant twitching ard wink- ing of the lide, "Nictitation" may { " hi { | in itself be a symptom to some ir- made with the regularity of the muscles of the eyes, Severe headaches, nausea, dlzm- ness and biliousness may he term- ed migraine. May be due to the physical condition but is are used. Neurasthania, common- of her experiences," was the state- | IV after or prior to some illness, Orono re; {and only a few of such cases mu, played i not find relief in #a correction to jor the eyes, but the majority o these cases respond when a correction to mu slcaedn etao shrd f lu unun to muscle and eye conditions a... found and corrected. Some of th. causes then are poor health, dis- ease, and weakness, over use of im- conditions. ] The simple inconveniences com- plained of are: Frontal headache over brows, temporal or in the back of the head, redness of the eyes and lids, light will irritate the eyes and they will water under the least irritation and will appear gritty and sandy. To be continued next week. PLANE CRASHES St. Catharines, Dec .27. -- Aan airplane from Hamilton crashed near Jordan this afternoon. William Van- gorder, the pilot, suffered a broken nose and cuts, and the mechanic was rendered unconscious. she fled from the house and enter- Queen of Banff Revel Kay Harrison, who was elected Queen of the Banff Winter Carni- val to be staged in the mountain resort February 2-9, is prominent in Pacific coast sports and social circles. Here she shows what the well dressed girl wears when she is active in winter sports. ORONO Orono, Dec. 27.--Mr. Horace [Best has joined the clerking staff {at the corner store, Mrs, We. J. Levy, sister of the late G. M. Long of this town, died {in Toronto, on Saturday last, De- ceased was in her 75th year, | The Ladies' Aid of the Park St | Church were very well rsetisfied with their sale of Christmas gifts, |ete., Tuesday in the Sunday School rooms, & tidy sum being realized for the benetit of the church. This anization at its last meeting nted $300 to the church fund, I by them to this fund 500. | pres Mr. WW. IF, Reeve Bowen, juty Albert Morton were son ig held in the school and in the [among those who attended the fun-| eral on Thursday at Cobourg, of the late Col. Neila McNchtaon The teautifuliy decoraied s.ores chants and business houses, being more elaborat before attempted. he farmers in the vicinity of n's Corners have been troubled a great deal of late by having their hen roost nd itry yards visi.- ed by thieves 1g in consid- e « lon eve | T { De a Te Several police dogs and he fire arms, The next time these marauders call |their- reception will be a hot one. The curling division of tae Orono Bowling and Curling Club held an enthusiastic meeting on Tuesday last at the QO.P.A. club rooms »t which the membership fee was cided upon and rable loss. onsidering gettin } jate type t it ricultural socie:y for exclusive use-of the rink Tuesdays and Thursdays. President iJ. J. Gilfillan occupied the chair. Hockey is bound to btoom in the village this season as a | ue is Motors, Bowmanville and lars. All games >» Orono arena. ula General to in Watch parti MISSIONARY MEETING { A missionary meeting of special interest was held in the Cedardale {Church when an auxiliary of the Women's Missionary Society and | Mission Band was formally organ- lized by Miss Evelyn Mitchell, Do- minion Secretary of the Women's | Missionary Society of the United Church of Canada. Miss Mitchell gave a splendid address with the missionary work at home and abroad. The members of the Albert street Ladies' Aid were present and in company with the Cedardale group of the C.G.LT., {contributed to the program. BELGIAN KING TO PARTICIPATE IN HOO- VER DEMONSTRATION Brussels, Belgium, Dec. 27--King Albert today annonuced his intention of participating in the Herbert Hoo- ver demonstration planned for Jan. 19, by Belgian "iriends of America," M P., and Dep- | farmers are! de- | arrangements were | : | dinner be | dealing ; PORT PERRY Dec. 21, -- Mrs. Appleyard, of Woodstock, was the guest of Mr, and Mrs, CNf- ford Coulter, last week, *, and Mrs, C. L. Vickery were guests of Mr, and Mrs, Vickery over the week-end. Mr, Arthur Dickson of Toronto, visited his sister, Mre. G. A. Woods, on Sunday, Mr, and Mrs, Wesson of Saskat- chewan vigited friends in Port Per- ry last week. Owing to the flu epidemic sever- al entertainments have been post- poned, The high school concert was given on Wednesday and Thursday evenings when the following prizes were awarded: I,0,D.E, scholar ship, for the highest. standing in first two years of the high school course won by Lillian. Murphy, Art prizes .onatal by Mss 1, M. Harris, Lillian Murphy and Mar- 'jory Mitchell, Agricultural prizes, donated by Mr, uemmell, B C wk- er and W, Lyle, ITousehold Scl= ence, donated the W.C.1\vU,, Form "1, Violet Bond and Doro= thea O'Neill; Form II, Norene Cawker and Lillian Murphy; French prizes donated by Miss L, M.' Harris, Upper School, Dorothy Davey, Middle school, Hilda King, Entrance prizes, donated by the Port Perry Board of Education, Marjorie Pyatt, Enid Wallace, Ai bert Cawker, Iva Reynolds. Mr, Phillip Ninl of Toronto Is home for the holidays, Miss Elsie Rose of Markdale and the Misses Grace and Hilda Roge of Toronto are with then parents, Mr, and Mrs, A, H, Rosc¢ for the Christmas holidays, Mr. C. M2arthur held a sale of household goods last week and has left Port Perry to take up res idence in Whitby, where he has secured a good position. At a meeting of the rink com- mittee held in the town hall re- ently the following officials were elected for 1929: President, Mr. E, H, Purdy; viee president, Mr, F. 1 Shepherd; secretary treasurer, Mr, A. Brock; board of directors, ----- Dr. McMaster, John Harris, P, In- gram, Bert MacGregor, R. Somer- ville. Caretaker, Mr, N, Shane, Port Perry, 4, . by NEWCASTLE Newcastle, Dec. 26, -- Mrs, W. H. Anderson spent Monday in C ity. Mr. Lorne Bretson is now driv- Ler dry truck. 1 hurne | here, Mrs. spent Sunday with Thomas Gibson proved, in Reevas WW, at Cobourg his week. Mrs. Frank Gibson and daugh- scale than | ter Helen spent the week-end in* i Toronto. : | Mrs. W. Leeler and children have returred from a' visit with { relatives at Akron, Ohio. | Ex-Warden A. A. Colwill, Reeve { M, J. Holman, Dr. J. A. Butler, -reeve of Newcastle, { Allin, 'Nir. and Mrs. J. {E. W. Philp. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. { Gibson, Mrs, Lockhart. Mr, Harold Allin assisted Osha- , wa Citizens' Band at their Sunday evening con:2tt in the New Martin (Franklin theatre in that city, and contribu- | d e a cleverly rendered triple- | tongue euphonium solo. Dr. Walton Ball entertaired a | number of friends at a Christmas party | Port Newcastle, Sunday. Mr. Ainch has returned home {from the Bowmanville Hospital { for appendicitis. COURTICE Courtice, Dec, 26.--NIr. and Mrs. McNamara, Buffalo, are spending the Christmas holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Shortt. Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto, is home - for the holidays with her mother, Mrs. Eli Osborne. Mr. Glean Courtice, greatly (well under way comprising teams' | dependent upon the use of the eyws [from Oshawa, two of them, one | {and the strain under which they land all Orono boys employed at AWN hl HOSIERY SPECIALISTS IN FITTING, WEIGHT AND PRESSURE. AGENTS FOR AND S$ ELASTIC HOSIERY Abdominal ORS & COX .L1D TORONTO De- | in charge of the Oshawa Laun- Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sutton of Col- friends who has been on the sick list is now much Rickard is attend- Ex-Reeve at Walton Lodge. | { where he underwent am operation | New York | City, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Courtice. Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Fitsimmons and son, Detroit, are guests of her father and mother, Mr, and Mrs. 8, 8. Brooks. : Mr, and Mrs, Howard Courtice, Winnipeg, are with Mr, and Mrs, W. E. Courtice, and Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Courtice, Mr, Kenneth Walters, Oshawa was home Christmas day with Mr, and Mrs, Everett Walters, Mr, Jas, Hancock, is attending Boys' Parllament in Toronto, Quite a.number in our commun- ity have been sick with influenza, our pastor Rev, J, H. Stainton, among others, But we are glad to note that he is better, Sunday Morning the service was taken by Mr. Clarence Ferguson, of Toronto University who delivered a fine address, We offer congrat- ulations to Mr, Ferguson on his splendid-ability as a young man and wish him success as he continues to prepare himself for the ministry. Sunday afternoon at Sunday School session Miss Aura Osborne took charge of the devotional per- fod, A chorus was suug by her class, Miss Florence Wilkins, read the bible lesson, Miss Helen Wilkins, gave areading and Miss Elsie Oke sang a Christmas 'song, After the lesson period Miss Iva Courtice gave a reading and the Primary class sang a chorus, Sunday evening the service was opened by Mr. Cedric Parsons with Mr. Jas. Hancock leading in song service, Afterward Miss Lyla Os- borne gave a fine selection from "Dickens," representing Scrooge's attitude toward Christmas and his dream which was {illustrated with lantern slides by Mr. B. O. Young, The choir sang special Christmas music at both morning and evening services, Mr. Earle Trull is home from the West visiting his father and moth- er Mr, and Mrs, Louis Trull, The Young People's meeting will be held this week on Thursday ev- ening as usual. EGZEMA [TCHED AND BURNED On Arms and Legs Six Years. Cuticura Heals. * When I was a small boy eczema broke out on my arms and legs in small pimples. As I grew older the eczema became wet and turned very red, and my clothing aggravated it. It itched and burned so that many a night I could not sleep. The trou- ble continued for six years. ** A friend advised Cuticura Soap and Ointment so I sent for a free sample. I found great relief after using it so purchased a cake of Cuticura Soap and a box of Cuti- cura Qintment which healed me." (Signed) Louis W. Plunz, 7128 Jasper Ave., Edmonton, Alta. Use Cuticura Soap, Cintment and Tailcum for daily toilet purposes. rR A WL | Ze_ Ointment 35 and Suc. Talcum Be. | NF" Cuticura Shaving Stick 28c. Guard your throat with lodized Throat Tablets These tablets presemt in a pleasantly flavoured form a small but effective dose of lodine, together with other antiseptics. They are soothing and heals ing to the throat and breath- { Sold in bottles of 50 tablsts 25¢ | THE GoOSsEGRL~ Doity- Bey Ano A BEAN- AND Tol THEM iT WAS A SEED FROM THE APPLE Of ConTENTMENT. THEY #MWST PLANT GoosSE ~ Gint.~ | Dolly Dimples and Bobby Bounce - By Grace G. Drayton Fan excuacs, SAD TE Yov he ar THE CAP ON M3 HEAD - AND PUFF ME MIAS GONE AS SvoDENLY AS YoU BLOW A CANDLE ©ul - 1227 > jo on, saw Thr Coose~ Carl, WE will Go AnD pLAmT aT "J Wo RJ y 2

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