(vue UHIAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1920 Representative--JAMES HOLDEN Phone, House 15---Office 484 Election Rumors Are - Rife in Whitby But Candidates Are Few No One Has Yet Definitely Announced His Intention of Contesting Mayoralty --Contests Likely for the Reeve and Deputy- Reeve --Little Change. Likely in th= Aldermanic Field (By Staff Reporter) Whithy, Dee, 27--With the ap- proach of nomination day on Mon- day, December 31, election talk' has become the main topic of conversa» tion locally, But although there have been many rumors concerning candidates and possible candidates it would appear at present as though the contest will be a quiet one, Scv- eral names have been mentioned for the mayoralty but to date no one has definitely announced his intentions of seeking the position of Whitby's chief magistrate, It is not likely that it will go by acclamation, however, For Reeve Reeve Albert W. Jackson is stick- ing to his announcement, made some time ago, that he will seek the reeve- ship for a fifth consecutive term. According to report J, M, Kenny, a former member of the council is an- other candidate for this office but his name has also been mentioned for mayor, One ratepayer claims that there will be six candidates for' this one position but those who are in close touch with municipal affairs contend that this is a wide guess. Reeve Jackson was elected last year by acclamation, Deputy Reeve Deputy Reeve R, J. Underwood will again seek office but may have opposition from Counc, Ed. Bowman. Counc. Bowman does not confirm 4 his intentions known on nomination night, For Council There has been little damage in the aldermanic race, with all but two members of this year's council in the field, Robert Reid, of the Reid-Nash Motors is a new candidate and last night admitted to The Times that he would run, Wm, Davidson, of the Davidson Motor Sales may also bea candidate, FIFTY-TWO MILES OF STREETS ARE BEARING UP WELL Whitby Finds Work Done in Summer is Now Bearing Fruit (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Dec, 27--A varied suc- cession of mild weather and. frost has played havoc with several local streets but the more important thoroughfares are standing up well to the strain of the heavy traffic. This is no doubt due to the fact that the roads were well graded and gravelled this summer, It 18 no small matter for a community the size of Whitby to look after fifty-two miles of streets but more attention is be- ing paid to this important task every year, That 16-year-old Toronto boy who stole $1,325 from his employ- ers in five weeks and banked ev- ery cent of it had a queer slant on that thing we know as "thrift," -- this report but will probably make Hamilton Spectator, WHITBY HOCKEY FANS PINE FOR * ARCTIC WEATHER Exhibition Game Between Oshawa and Town Teams Called Off--No Ice (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Dee, 27--Hockey fans of the district were doomed to disap- pointment last night when the ex- hibition game between the Oshawa and Whitby O.H.A, aggregations had to be called off on account of lack of ice at the Burns' arena, The weather has been unfavorable for this favorite Canadian sport and if there is to be any hockey play this week it must be of the English field type, Old timers point out that win ter has never failed in coming and although late it will come, neyerthe- less, Old Rivals This is some consolation to local, dyed-in-the-wool fans who would rather live in the Arctic circle and wear red - flannels for the sake of hockey than pine away under the influence of southern breezes, This was to have been the first and last encounter with Oshawa unless each team wins its group. Such an out- come is quite probable and the two old rivals may be given another chance to meet in a league game. FIRE BRIGADE BALL (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Dee, 27--The annual ball of the Whtiby Fire Brigade will be held in the town hall' on Friday night, December 28, This is always one of the best dances of the year and invariably is well attended, The proceeds go towards the benefit fund of the brigade, the members of which so loyally protect local property from the ravages of fire. FLU PREVALENT Whitby, Dec, 27--The "ilu" epi- demic is still prevalent in town and several new cases are reported daily. They are all of a mild type and are not causing serious concern, Evidence of the general spread of the epidemic is shown in the fact that the choir of All Saints' Angli- can Church which was to present a Christmas cantata tonight found it necessary to postpone the event un- til Friday, January 11, on account of the number of singers who are sick. FACING TRIAL (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Dec. 27--After being re- manded twice, Jesse Pyke, of Myrtle charged with a serious offence against two small boys, will face trial before Magistrate J, Willis today. Pyke was arrested a week ago last Saturday by Chief H, Gunson and Constable R. Bailey. WHITBY PERSONALS Mr, and Mrs, Aleck Wilson, of Port Credit, spent Christmas at the home of the former's parents, Mr, and Mrs, A, Wilson, Brock street. Miss Helen Richardson, of Vie toria College, Toronto, is spending the holidays at the home of her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs, L, F. Richardson, Centre street, Miss Clara Hopper, of Oshawa, was the guest of her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Hopper on Christmas. of the Toronto General Hospital, is spending a weck's vacation visiting her parents, Mr, and Mrs ,Albert W, Jackson, Centre street, Mr, Robert Blow, of Detroit, son of Mr, and Mrs. E, R, Blow, Brock street, has been renewing acquain- tances in town, Mr, Frank Threadgold was a re- cent visitor to Toronto, Mr. Harold Richardson, of Ottawa, spent Christmas with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, W. J. H. Richardson, Pine street, Mr, and Mrs, L. Coates, of Tor- onto, spent the Christmas holiday with Mr, and Mrs, L, Draper, Green street, Miss Grace Coulthard, of teaching staff of the Toronto public schools, is visiting at the home of her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. R, A, Coulthard, Dunlop street. Miss Alma Jones, a teacher at King street school is visiting at the home of her parents in Claremont. Mr, and Mrs. W, E. McBride, and family, spent Christmas as the guests of friends in Toronto, Mr. Geo. McGillivray, of Toronto University, has been visiting at the home of his parents, Dr. and Mrs, C. F. McGillivray, Dundas street. Mr. Donald Ruddy, of Trinity Col- lege, Toronto, is spending the holi- days at the home of his parents, Judge and Mrs, Ruddy, Byron street. Miss Mabel Rowe, of Toronto, spent Christmas with her brother, Mr. F. Rowe, Mr. and Mrs. R. Fowler were Christmas guests at the home of Mr. Fowler's father in Toronto, Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Astley, Miss Astley and Miss Jarrett spent the holiday as the guest of the former's mother in Trenton, I 0 Seven ONL 23 Piece Sets ii After Christmas Sale of Oddments Boys' Sweater Miss Helen Jackson, of the staff MORE ALLOCATIONS FINALLY APPROVED FOR 551 STATIONS Washington, Dec. 27--After more than a year's study, the Federal Ra- dio Commission yesterday announced its decision allocating the transcon- tinental short-wave channels avail- able between 1.500 and 6.000 killo- cycles for all kinds of service--Fed- eral, marine, commercial, press, geo- physical exploration, aviation, rail- ways, amateurs and visual radio or experimentation, © The total number of such chan- nels available between 1,500 and 6,000 kilocycles is 639, and only 551 of these were allocated in the decision which the Commission made today, the remaining 88 being unassigned by the Commission at the present time. The assignment of these 88 is to be discussed with Canada and other North American nations. In its general short-wave alloca- tion the Commission has taken care of the 649 available channels as fol- lows: Reserve for Government use, 95; allotted to mobile services, 143; allotted to fixed services, 408; un- assigned by the Commission, 88. These latter channels were not assigned because they are involved in the discussions to be had with Canada and other North American nations, SUN SPOTS Los Angeles, Cal, Dec, 27--Sun spots have no direct influence on the weather, according to Professor Ellerman, of the Mt, Wilson Obser- vatory. In a lecture here Prof, Ellerman said that spots create electrical and magnetic disturbances which at times are sufficiently powerful to paralyze telegraph lines and seriously inter- fere with radio transmission. "There i8 no evidence to show that the sun spot period, which is about eleven years from maximum to maxi- mum, has any effect on rainfall," Pro- fessor Ellerman declared. "How- ever, there is an increase of radia- tion from the sun at the maximum of a few per cent over that received at the minimum sun spots, which has a slight effect of mod' "ing the tem- perature all over the earth, What- ever influence comes from sun spots must affect the entire earth and not any particular locality." The astronomer stated that the magnetic disturbances were caused by sun spots, through a rotating movement, radiating electrons into space OCEAN WASHES OFF MUCH PLANT FOOD Washintgon, D.C, Dec. 27--The nation loses more than $2,000,000,000 annually in plant food lost in the washing 'away of more than a billion and a half tons of soil from fields and pastures, The washed soil con- fatne 126,000,000,000 pounds of plant ood, Relating this loss before the House Agricultural Appropriations sub- Committee, H, H, Bennett, of the Bu- reaw of Chemistry and Soils, said that "erosion is removing from our fields, twenty-one times as much plant food every year as is taken out of the soil by the crops removed, and this is a minimum estimate that is obviously small" ESTABLISHED 1859 ("where Economy RuLes'] High Quality Foods New Fresh Stock Sweet-Smelling Stores You can purchase all your daily needs from your nearest A. & P. Store. Specialists in High Quality Meats and Groceries with consistently lower prices. GRANULATED SUGAR Al 10 ibs. 53° H.P.SAUCE 2 votes 47° DELMONTE FANCY Asparagus Tips, tin 25¢ SUNLIGHT SOAP - - 10 Bers 49° PALMOLIVE Soap - 3 caxes 20° SHIRRIFF'S ORANGE Marmalade 12-02. Jar 15° QUICK OR REGULAR Quaker Jats 3rxc. 27° Every Egg Guaranteed EGGS STORAGE FIRSTS 4 " Doz. 39C WESTON'S ASSORTED Sandwich 1b. 29c¢ BUTTERSCOTCH IE. Waters 25¢ Cocoa 2-lb. pkg. TODHUNTER-MITCHELL 1-1b. Box 39¢ 35¢ | 2b. Box .$1.09 Holiday Chocolates FINEST Cooking Figs 3-1bs 29¢ C. & B. SCOTCH KIPPERED ....89¢ 99¢ | 23-lb. Box 3-1b. Box ..... Herrings No. 1tin 25¢ CALIFORNIA NAVEL Oranges soodsize 33¢ and 43¢ DOZEN CRISP AND TENDER Celery Hearts 2 vunches 31¢ CAPE COD Cranberries 2 Ibs. 49c¢ NEW CALIFORNIA Carrots - . 2 vunches 17¢C JERSEY Sweet Potatoes 3 ws 19¢ ICEBERG Lettuce - and Girls' EXTRA SPECIAL BACON PEAMEAL SLICED BREAKFAST FRESH YOUNGS SH0JLD IRS PORK BUTT ROAST Ten we od ree TD am oak BS PW Sh a TTT TEETER Rl Te ET Tame Em, Sn Regular $3.75 for $2.79 set. Regular $2.95 for $1.88 set. One only Coffee Set, 17 Pcs. Regular $3.95 for $2.75 set. Basement Shoppe BACK Pullovers Sizes 24 to 32. Special value. | w XI wn. 23° OUR BEST GRADE [ Mincemeat 22. ». 1I§ SUGAR CURED Ham or le Beef Suet By they, 29° Sliced 31° i», 29° FANCY, LARGE oysters BEACON BRAND SMOKED Finnan Haddie 1b. ee Remnant Tables Including Remnants of all descrip- tions from our price goods counter ~--Basement Shoppe. Blue Glass Points Jar Eecv37° Faney Roasts of High Quality Beef ROASTS Porterhouselh.35¢c Prime Rib 1b. 27¢ 10-13 1b, Average Wing - -1b. 30¢ 5 Rump - 1b. 2§5¢ $e Sirloin - Ib. 30¢) 1. 40¢ LIMITED QUANTITY LEFT OF CHOICE YOUNG GEESE - - - - 1b. 33¢c cs PACIFIC = LIMITED, OF CANADA Watson's Silk Nightgowns Twenty only--Different colors. Sizes small, medium and large. Special clearing price. Each SWEET PICKLED Ox Tongue ib. 30¢ No. 1 Grade TURKEYS Here is a real Bargain--Broken line of sizes and colors. Regular $1.50 value. Clearing for... 79¢ Men's and Women's Initial Handkerchiefs 1». i5¢ Fency Milk-Fed Roasting Chickens 5-7 Ib Average Ladies' Fall and Winter Hats A Season's clearing of smart styles. Special clearing up of this line, A good choice of colors and sizes. Reg. $2.25 and $2.95 $1.79 50 Pair of the + Blankets One of the greatest values we have ever been able to ofes in F amnelens Blasts bd, check and | novelty patterns. reg . ue $2 88 | EE Made of the finest John S. Brown's Linens with hand worked initial. 25 Clearing at, #ich Cc