Oshawa Daily Times, 27 Dec 1928, p. 11

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/ THE USHAWA DAILY IMLS, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1928 | = 4 THE C fi" where SS uyger ~~ ED SECTION 4 MN~~ meets Mr. Seller Legal Music Transportation gon ANT & ANNIS, BARRISTERS, licitors, Notaries Public, Etc. Con Jevancive, and general practice of Law Offi es 7% Simcoe St south. Oshawa. Phone 4. G. D. 'Conant, BA, LLB.; AF Annis, BA, 1 B tf) FRANK 8. EBBS, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary Public, Convey- ancer Money to loan. Third floor aw Alger Building. Opposite Post fice. Phone 2996. (4th) W. E N SINCLAIR. K.C, BANK of Commerce Building. = (116-1 yr.) JOSEPH P. MANGAN BA.--BAR rvister, Solicitor, Notary Public, Con- veyancer Money to loan Office 14}4 King St. East, Oshawa. Phone 445 Residence phone 837. GRIERSON & CREIGHTON--BAR risters, Conveyancers, Notaries Pub lie, etc Office over Standard Bank Entrance Simcoe St. Phone 13 | #. Grierson, K.C.,, T. K. Creighton, » LOUIS 8. HYMAN, BARRISTER, Solicitor, Notary, over Dewlands Store, 16 Simcoe street north Phone 67. Residence REN. (93:1) we Medical DR HAROLD W. TRICK, PHYSI- cian, Surgeon Obstetrician, Special references to maternity work and di- seuses of women Two years' post graduate experience. Office and resi- nee 167 Simcoe St. N., (cor. Brock) phone 303. (119-tf) DR McKAY, PHYSICIAN, SUR eon, Accoucher. Office and resi- aig King St. East, corner Victoria St, Oshawa. Phone 94. DR GRANT BERRY, PHYSICIAN, Surgeon, Obstetrician, discases of infants and children. Office and residence, 97 Bond East. Phone 1155. DR. B. J. HAZLEWOOD, PHYSI- cian and Surgeon, special attention given to X-ray work and Electro- theopy. Office, Disney Block, Phone 50, Office open 9 am. to 9 p. m. King East. Phone t DR. ALVIE E. STEWART, SPEC- falist in Surgery, Office 142 Sim- coe street north, residence 166 Simcoe street north Phone 3020. (Dec 20-Jan., 20) DR. MACLEOD PHYSICIAN AND Surgeon, recent post gradua:.e course in medicine, surgery and gynecology at Montreal General Hospital. Office 74 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3174, residence 3296M. (Dec. 4.-Jan 4) Fy = - g Ear, Nose, Throat Specialist DR. F. T. BRYANS OF 160 BLOOR Street West, Toronto, will be at his office over Jury & Lovells Drug Store each Saturday, from 1 till 4 p.m. for consultation and treatment of diseases of ear, nose 2 trout only. Appointments may be made a Ay Phone 97. (49-tf) DL -- Dental S. J. PHILLIPS. DENTIST, DE 13 Bassetts' Phone 959; esidence 4-1 yr. DR. FRED A. FLORA, DENTISI, 27 King street east. Alzer building. Phone 2560. Evenings by appoint ment. (48t0) DR. H. M. COOKE, 9 SIMCOE ST north, over Mitchell's Drug Store. Gas 20. Residence 161 2% for extraction. Phone DR. L. E HUBBELL, DENTIST. Nitrous oxid oxygen gas for extrac- tions. Office, Royal Bank Bldg Phone 948. residence. 1378M . DR. J. ¥ BROCK, DENTIST, 15 Simcoe St. N., cver Dewland's Phone 1957 Evenings by appoint ment. (July 9th) R. W H. GIFFORD, OFFICE BE Theatre Bldg. Phone 1730. Residence 669 ; 66-1f ARTHUR LYNDE, VOCAL TEA. cher (Hambourg Conservatory, To- ronto) pupils prepared for all exams. Oshawa, Wednesday. 92 Simcoe St, North. Phone 2754F. (129-11) HERBERT C. TRENEER ORGAN- ist and chcirmaster of King street United Church will accept pupils in plana, organ and vocal music. Voices tested free 63 Drew St. Phone 498W, JOHN H. RENWICK, ORGAN- ist and choirmaster Simcoe United Church Teacher of piano, organ, vo- cal. Studio at the church and 11 Connaught St. Phone 2609W (57tf) HARRIS MUSIC 'STORE, CHRIST. mas special for month of Decem- ber. 6 FREE LESSONS 6, With the purchase of any Guitar. [lkuiele, I'ke Banjo and Tenor Banjo If it's music we have it H Wagner, teacher, Harris Music Store. 11 Simcoe St. S. Phone 1490. (Dec. 6 Jan. 6) Violin, Mandolin and Spanish Guit- ar. Private lessons if desired. Stud- fo 71 Simcoe St, North Phone 2388, (Dec. 7 Jan 7) Insurance DAVIS AND SON, INSURANCE, 19 King St. west, Oshawa. The old- est Fire Agency in Oshawa 30 Re- putable Fire Companies. (118tf) WHEN PLACIN'; [INSURANCE consult R. N. Johns, 80 Simcoe north. Your insurance wants attended to and your interests protected. (Oct. 11-1 yr.) C. E. HEPBURN, 77 ONTARIO St., District Representative for the Great West Life Assurance Company. Phone 1365). (Feb. 1-1yr.) INSUURANCE--OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Local agents for one of the best English companies. Of- fice 38 Simcoe St. N. (86-tf) Money to Loan SERVICE TAXI -- DAY AND night service, 199 William St. E. Phone 3114, (Dec, 24-Jan, 24) CARTAGE, MOVING, GRAVEL sand auq cinders. local and long distance hauling, Phone 8048 and 2092F, Smith and Cox, 44 Bond St. Ww. COLEMAN CARTAGE and STOR- age. 85 Bond St. West. Phone 82. 6 trucks for prompt service. Moving van and storuge warehouse equip- ment. Baggage transferred to and from all trains. (641) PERRY'S TRANSPORT. AND Cartage, local and long distance mov- ing. 91 Ritson Rd. N. Phone Be t Beauty Parlors BETTY LOU PERMANENT Wave Shop Permanent wave, special $6.00. Marceling, finger waving. 86 Simcoe street north. Phone 2908. (97tf) PERMANENT WAVING (DORS not need Finger Waving), $7.60. Kvalyne Branch, 111 Colborne St. East. Fhone 608J. (69-tr) EXPERT MARCELLING BY BET- ty Ward at Betty Lou Permanent Wave Shop. Marcel and shampoo $1. Phone 2968. (Dec. 5-Jan. 6) DURING CHRIST- Llewellyn 8, MARCELLING man season, 650 cents. Beauty Shoppe, 82 Simcoe §St, Phone 3213W. (Dec, 12 1 Mon) THE POWDER PUFF--7 BOND St. east, Expert operator on hands, face, scalp, marcelling a specially Phone 3051, (Dec 20-Jan, 20) SATISFACTORY MARCELLING done by Eileen Merrill, 247 Quebec St, 50 cents, Phore 1573F, (146b) Yeiormry Surgeon ig AUTOMOBILE LOANS AND CARS re-financed, Louis 8S, Hyman, Bar- rister, 16 Simcoe St. N, Phone $47. (148tf) DR. SHIRLEY, VETERINARIAN, Specialist diseases domestic animals, Cat and Dog Hospital, 203° King west. Phone 629 (5611) CITY AND FARM LOANS, PRO- gress loans arranged. Parkhill & Field, Barristers, ete, Alger Bldg. Phone 1614 (49tf) Building Supplies Work Wanted RE-UPHOLSTERING, CHESTER- fields made to order. We save you money Estimates free. G. A. Con- stable. 74 Mechanic street. Phone 1595) S61) FOR SALE---CEMENT BLOCKS, sand and gravel Quality guaranteed. Good loam for lawns W Borrow- dale Phone 1618 (89th) CEMENT BLOCKS FOR SALE -- North Oshawa Concrete Works. Phone 1575J. (Dee. 5-Jan 6) fa Pr SA Painting and Decora..ng R. GUTSOLE, PAINTING, PAPER- hanging, graining, etc. Twenty years' experience. Prices right Work guar- anteed. 151 Huron street. Phone 2067W. (45-tf) HILL, DECORATING painting, Work Estimates given. 136 Broce east. (148ef) DAN FENTON--PAINTING, DEC- orating, paper hanging, 164 Celina St. Phone 1366J. (146tf) F C. paperhanging. guaranteed. Phone 942W. BATTERIES CHARGED, CALLED for and delivered 76c, if rental supplied $1. S. Bligdon, 20 Mil] St. Phone 1885W (Nov. 29-Dec. 29) RADIO SETS, ALL MAKES, RE- pared, cleaned and overhauled. All work guaranteed. Phone 382ril. Address 595 Kingston Rd, W. (Dec. 18-Jan, 18) Rates for First insertion--13§ cents Ld word, Minimum charge--30e. Each subsequent insertion le per word Three consecutive inser. tions for the price of two first insertions (three cents a word), Minimum charge for three insertions, 60 cents. Box number 0c additional Professional or Business Cards, $2.50 per month for 20 words or less; 10 cents a word per month for each additional word TIMES CLASSIFIED Classified Ads. ADS COST LITTLE; AC. COMPLISH MUCH TELEPHONE 35 Ask for Classified Ad De. partment , Articles For Sale FOR SALE -- STRICTLY NEW laid eggs in any quantity, Deliver- ed anywhere in city. Phone $96, Dec, 24-1 mo) MIXED HARD AND SOF1 slabs. $3.50 per load. Also bone dry body wood. Waterous Meek Limited, Phone 1288. (Apr, 20tf) For Rent THE GBORGR 804 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH Beautiful spacious apartments, four rooms and bath, All conveni- ences In exclusive resiaential dis- t let Electric re.rizeration, kitchen maid cabinets Beach stoves, elece tre laundry, storage rooms, shades, curtain rods, janitor. New, clean and without doubt Oshawa's best constructed apartment. Telephone 1560 or call at 29 King St. Hast. Opposte Post Office. L, V, Disney, (861) Building Material BUY AT MAGIC PRICES DURING January: QGalvanized Corrugated Roofing $5.15; Fir doors $2.85; Glazed Sash 99c¢; Storm Windows $1.56 up Building Paper 49c; Oak Flooring 5%c; Slate Roofing $2.85; Asphalt Shingles $4.65; Wallboard, Paint, Steel Pipe, Rope, Nails, Mouldings and Hotbed Sash at bar- gain rates, Write today for January circular giving delivered prices, Ad- dress Halliday Company 14 Halli- day Bulldings, Hamilton, (149a) MODERN APARTMENTS North Simcoe St., Simcoe Manor and Buckingham Manor. South Simcoe St. Victoria Apts. Four and five rooms all latest conveniences including, Electric refrigeration, stoves, and fixtures, laundry rooms, with Electric Dryers, incinerator, and shower baths. For further par- ticulars, Apply Your Local Agent or Janitor on Premises. The Trusts and Guarantee Co., Ltd., Manager for Owner, Toronto. (111¢tf) HOUSE TO RENT -- SEVEN rooms, Apply 172 -Bruce St, (148¢c) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS WITH stove for light housekeeping. 300 (148c) FOR RENT--THREE ROOMED new dwelling, on Miller avenue off Gibbons St, Water and light, Phone 706 evenings, Apply 349 Leslie avenue during day. (147¢) TO RENT--NEW SIX ROOMED brick house, St, All con- veniences, Pos , Jan, 1, Will rent cheaply to good tenant, Apply 281% Simcoe S. (1471) Montrave Avenue, OAK KITCHEN CABINET---ROLL top porcelain tray for sale $20. 533 Masson St, (143tf) 150 PAIR SECOND HAND skates and boots for sale, Must be sold. Cheap. Call at Shoe Repair Shop, 426 Simcoe St. S. (1461) FIVE TUBE RADIO SET SPLEN- did receiver, $45. 315 Celina St., after 6 p.m. (148D) Pets and Live Stock FOR SALE--REGISTERED AIRE- dale dog, 11 months, Phone 2177TW. (147c) LAYING ROCK PULLETS FOR sale. Mrs. Delong, Whitby." Phoue 319W Whitby. CANARIES FOR SALE -- FOR your Christmas gift, we suggest' a Canary. We have the best and our Singers are guaranteed. Special prices on birds, cages and stands' for Christmas selling. A, E. Hen- ning. 41 Fairbanks St. Phone 3118j§ 1 (142tf) BELGIAN POLICE DOG, NINE months, pedigreed--Reasonable -- Phone 35. Advertising Dept. for address, (149¢) Drezsmeking OF DRESSMAKING Apply ALL KINDS done at reasonable prices. 21 Rowe St. Phone 1347M. (47t0) EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER and tailoress. 33% Simcoe St. N. Apt 1. Mrs. O'Donnell. Phone 3089W, (Dec. 10-Jan, 10) FOR SALE--YOUNG PIGS APPLY Archie Hopkins, Phone 1088 r 11. , (149¢) Conant Street, (149¢) {THREE for rent. THREE er No. 32 Simeoe St. {and DESIRABLE OFFICE SPACE FOI rent, new building, heat, light and janitor service, about one thousand square feet, Box "I" Oshawa Dally Times, (124tf) FOR .RENT SEVEN ROOM house and garage. 50 Westmore- land Avenue. Apply Jerry Hallow- ell, 70 Albert St. (1441) FOR RENT--7 ROOM HOUSE ON All conveniences, Phone 1025J evenings. (138tf) TWO FURNISHED ROOMS TO rent for light housekeeping. Every convenience, Phone 1473J. (130tf) THREE ROOM BATHROOM FLAT to rent. Phone 3073, (148b) UNFURNISHED ROOMS 551 Albert Street. (149b) ROOMS AND TOILET OV- S. Apply Dr. (149¢) Belt. {SMALL HOUSE TO RENT, LIGHT water free, $20 per month. Apply 263 Haig St. (149¢) FOR RENT, SMALL HOUSE 94 Buckingham Ave, Phone 2220J. (149¢) TO RENT-- TWO FURNISHED light housekeeping rooms. All con- veniences. Phone 2784, (149¢) Real Estate or Sale REAL ESTATE, OSHAWA HOUSE and Land Co. Lots on Oshawa Park, Victoria Park and Peace Park. [erms to suit you Office 38 Simcoe St. N. (86th) Wanted to Buy Auctioneer PHONE 1716), W J. SULLEY, auctioneer, 346 Simcoe St . 8 We can sell your odd pieces of furni ture and other articles a! our yards 41 Kipg St. W., Oshawa Ontario. 20th) SECOND HAND DEALER. FUR niture bought and so!d. 186 Bloor St. East Phone 1617M. Dec. 24-Jan 24) MR. 8. JACOB, DEALER IN RAGS and all kinds of metals. Buying scrap batteries, old cars and poul- try. Goods called for. Phone 206m Resid 99 Mill St. (134eL) E. J. POMERY, AUCTIONEER 18 1-2 King St. E. Phone 1013M. (Dec. 6 Jan. 6.) Undertaking DR. LANGMAID, DR. DAV.ES. Dentists, 27 King St E Special at- tention to gas extraction and X gay work. Nurse in arendauce Phones 1243 and 231. (958) -- ng and Surveying Engineeri --r-- DONEVAN AND SMITH, ONTAR io Land Surveyors and Civil Engin eers, sub-divisions. town planning municipal engineers 365 or 411 King St E. Phones 2532) or 2544 (8916) (3 - Window Cleaning OSHAWA WINDOW. CLEANERS ~House cleaning, woodwork and floors polished. screen and storm windows put on and removed Phone Transportation Ll] LOCK'S TAXI--PHONE 249. ALL Buick cars. Heated Day and Night Service. Near Bus Stations. 19 Prince St (Dec. 1-Jan. '2) _-------------- Watch R : F A VON GUNTEN, EXPERT Swiss watchmaker, repair shep at #4; King Street West. Your pat- sonage is solicited (29) = Tire Repairing ALL KINDS OF TIRE REPAIRING at deal Tire Shop Tires for sale Jamieson Bros Phone 438 (tf) Motos Cars FOR SALE--1927 CHEVROLET LUKE BURIAL CO, 67 KING 51 WANTED TO BUY----FOR CASH, Phonograph, in good condition, with or without records. Reason- able. Preston Timmins, Box 526, Oshawa. (148¢c) LIST YOUR HOUSE OR VACANT lot with Barrow for quick sale. Phone 3165W. (1491) FOR SALE--- NEW ROOM Louse on paved street. Chestnut teim, concrete foundation, extend- €d sun room. Every convenience. Fhone 2106W. (120tf) FOR SALE--NEW EIGHT ROOM Louse on paved street. Gumwood trim Hardwooa floors up ana down, 3 piece bath pedestal basin. | Frederick and Grooms viciaity. Phone 2106W. (120tf) 6 or bus chassis, abouts or with van or closed body. TWO FURNISHED ROOMS TO rent. Single or double, 185 Simcoe St. N. Phone 3176W. (149a) WARM FURNISHED SINGLE BED- room to rent. 152 Colborne S:, E. (149h) TO RENT--SMALL HOUSE FUR- nished, very central, also one fur- nished bedroom suitable for light housekeeping, Cheap. Apply 12 Athol St. W, (149¢) For Exchange GOOD LOTS IN OSHAWA. WANT trade for first rate truck om bus 2 tons or there- High class vehicle wanted. Apply Box "B" Oshawa Daily Times. (149¢) For Sale or Rent Lost and Found East, Ambulance, Resid , 542 Simcve street north. Phones 210) and 210W. DISNEY -COTT FUNERAL HOM. 87 Celina street, Oshawa. Corner Bruce street. Ambulance Phone 1082. 19641) CONCRETE MIXER WITH OPER- ator for hire. Reasonable prices. W. L. Borrowdaje Phone 1618. (110tf) CARPENTER WORK--NEW, RE- pairs or alterations. Window screens and storm doors made and fitted. M. Davis, 353 Mary St. (Dee. 11 Jan. 11) LOST--BLACK BILL FOLD, CON- taining large sum of money and important papers. Liberal reward. Phone 291J. (145tf) SIX ROOMED HOUSE FOR SALE or rent, furnace, electric lights and garage. Apply A. J. Hunt, Box 129. Oshawa P. 0. (1491) Help Wanted --Female LOST--BAG CONTAINING CHILD- ren's clothing between Oshawa and Bowmanville Finder please leave at Police Station, c-0 Constable Terry. . (148¢c) LOST--ROSE SILK BED SPREAD off delivery wagon, Monday even- ing. Finder please leave at Luke Furniture Company, 63 King St. E. Reward. (148c) LOST--SUM OF MONEY MONDAY Simeoe St. between Bond and Chris- tie Sts. Phone 2858M. Reward. (149a) Architects C. C. STENHOUSE -- GENERAL architectural work. Second floor, Royal Bank Building. Phone 1496. Res. phone 909). (8-tf) THOMSON AND JOHNSON, AS- sociate architects, Simcoe St. 8. Over Felt Bros. 46685) STEPHENSON BROS. GARAGE 18 Church, St. Repairs all kinds cars. Special attention to bumping and welding Snappy Battery service charging and repairing. (107¢1) Room and Board ROOM AND BOARD. ALL CON- veniences. 110 Albert street. (148¢c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR TWO ladies or gentlemen. Every con- benience. Use of phone. Phone 3047W or apply 306 Division St. (148¢c) ROOM AND BOARD FOR ONE OR two gentlemen. Close to Motors. North end. Phone 1452M. A148¢c) Books J. G. ASHMORE, GARAGE, RE- pairs all makes of cars. Work guaranteed. Reasonable prices. 138 poach. Good condition Cheap. | Apply Apt. No. 1; Beaton's Dairy. Cibbon St. Phone 3186W. (Dec. 24-Jan. 24); JOIN OUR NEW LENDING LIB- rary. New Fall books are just com- ing in. We keep it up to date. Rob- ertshaw's Book Store. (T.T8., Dec. 29) WANTED -- COOK, GENERAL, references. highest wages paid to suitable party. 289 Simcoe St. N. (148¢c) WANTED--COOK GENERAL TO take full charge. Phone 166. Times. Room and buard Wanted Work Wanted WIDOW WITH CHILD AGED 6 wishes household position hy the month, Apply Mrs, Walter Smith, 283 Albert St. (149b) Notice of Application for Divorce Notice is hereby given that Soph- ia Love, of the Village of Brooks lin, in the County of Ontario, in the Province of Ontario, House- keeper, will apply to the Parlia- ment of Canada at the next session thereof, for a Bill of Divorce from her husband, Herbert Edear Love, formerly of the said Village of Brooklin, and of the City of Tor- onto, in the County of York, in the sald Province of Ontario. Electrical Engineer, at present residing in England, on the grounds of adult. ery and desertion, Dated at the City of Toronto in the County of York, and Province of Ontario, this twenty-seventy day of November, 1928. Cassels, Brock and Kelley, 255 Bay street, Toronto, Solicitors for the Applicant, (Thurs, Dee. 27) -- ee SANGUINARY FOES FIGHT EACH OTHER Disease Germs in Body Pre- fer White Meat to Dark Berkeley, Cal, Dee, 27--The low- ly streptococcus prefers the white meat to the dark. This characteristic of mankind's most sanguinary foe has been estab- lished by Professor Samuel J. Holmes of the Department of Zoology of the University of California, and indi- cates, says the professor, that the black skinned man is less liable to diseases which enter the body through the skin, than is his white brother, Through study of mortality tables, Professor Holmes has found that against diseases which normally gain entrance to the body through the extoderm, or outer skin, black persons have more resistance than whites. "There are several diseases against which the negro is more or less pro- tected. These include such diverse ailments as skin cancer, boils, erysi- pelag, diphtheria, scarlet fever, and to a lesser degree, measles." Concerning the reasons for this protective characteristic of dark skin, Professor Holmes states that it may be the result of the same power that leads to the production of pig- ment. Pigment, he adds, may not be a protective agent, except against light, but its production is not im- probably an index of a power of vital resistance both to infection and to malignant growths. RACE TO BE DARK Chicago, Ills, Dec. 27--The pre- diction that the white race eventu- ally will turn brown is made by Dr. Morris Fishbein, editor of the Jour- nal of the American Medical Associa- tion. "Exposure to ultra-violet rays in- creases resistance to disease," he said. "Exposure over prolonged per- iods will tan the skin to such a de- gree that in the course of ages the pigment will be inherited and we will become a brown-skinned race." WANTED--SINGLE ROOM AND board in private family, near Tex- tiles, Apply Box "E" Oshawa Daily (148¢c) GENTLEMAN WISHES BOARD and room private family, North end preferred. Apply Box "A" Oshawa Daily Times. (149¢) WANTED--SINGLE ROOM AND board in private family. Apply Box "I" Oshawa Daily Times. (149¢) (1481) Corsetiere MRS. PENTLAND, SPIRELLA Managing Corsetiere, Sprrella Shop 58 Elgin St. E. Phone 936. (86¢f) Hospitals REGISTERED NURSE BOARDS patients requiring special care, cheerful surroundings. Special diets $2 daily up. Phone Whitby 350. (Dec. 7 Jan. 7) EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Author of: The Eyes in Modern Life Feature Service 'our Eyes and Health Eye Care and Eye Strain Disney Blocks: eral C HARDWOOD FLOOBS LAID BY EXPERT MECHANICS 01d floors finished like mew. Storm windows, combination doors. Geu- Contractors, B. W. HAYNES A6l King St. W. Phone asl, COAL COKE wWoOoD Waterous- Meck UPTOWN OFFICE so . Phones St. W, and 660 W.A. HARE 2 OPTOMETRIST 8 KING STREET WEST Hundi-eds of pec le wear with utmost comfort Hare's Fa "tic : Lenses JEWELLERS On Oshawa's Iain Curner FLORIDA GIRL HAS GOOD CHANCE IN MATRIMONY Chances Better Than Her Sister in Chilly Wisconsin Madison, Mis, Dec. 27--The sin- gle girl living in the warm breezes of Florida 18 more apt to get mar- ried than her sister in chilly Wis. consin, it was indicated by a survey announced by the School of Com- merce at the University of Wisconsin. Girls hetween 156 and 24 years of age were included in the correlation of temperatuyes and wedding bells, which revealed that warm climate, especially in non-industrial centers, goes hand in hand with a high per- INQUEST AT ST, THOMAS AFTER PEDESTRIAN KILLED St. Thomas, Dec, 27 -- An _in- quest way opened Sunday by Cor- oner D, L. Ewin ino the death of Walter Parks, aged about 60, of Shedden, who died last evening from injuries received Monday noon when he was hit while cross. ing Talbot Street by a car driven by Arlo Welter. After preliminar- ies the inquest was adjourned until Friday evening, Mr, Pais sustain. ed a severe fracture of the skull and never recovered consciousness, No charge has been laid against the driver, who reported to the po ice immediately after the accl- dent, Growing Organization Needs More Salesmen Salary and Bonus Last January Purina Mills, a 35 year old, Fleven Million dollar corporation, opened its first Canadian plant in 'oodstock; Ont, Already this plant has been enlarged and our Canadian organization has grown from centage of married women, Only 27 per cent of the native white women were found single in 12 southern cities of 10,000 or more, while in a dozen northern cities, where the thermometer averages 15 or 20 degrees lower, 83 per cent were found unmarried, In Tampa, Fla.,, with a mean aver- age temperature of 72 degrees, single girls included only 20.4 per cent of the native white women. Superior, Wis., having 38 degrees for its aver- age, listed 37.3 per cent of its native girls unmarried. A difference of 16.9 per cent thus was found between the warmest and coldest city canvassed. Industrial cities, such a Milwau- kee, were found to have a larger pro- portion of single women than non- industrial communities, like Madison, although both cities have approxi- mately the same temperature, ANTLALCOHOLIC WEEK FOR BRAZIL Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Dec, 27-- Brazil has launched a movement for liquor control and has just celebrat- ed an anti-alcoholic week, with con- siderable vigor. During the week conferences and lectures were held in the federal capital, and also in several of the states. This city and the famous beach at Copachabana were bom- barded from the air with handbills promoting the cause of temperance, Army planes were used 'for this bombardment, and one of the hand- bills scattered from the air read: "Aviators do not drink aleohol, Ath- letes do mot drink alcohol, To be strong--shun alcohol." At the opening of the anti-aleoholie week in one state capital the gover- nor said that steps would be taken to increase considerably the taxes on alcoholic drinks, thus, he hoped, bringing about less drinking through the English method of high prices. PILOT SETS RECORD WITH HOLIDAY MAIL Quebec, Dec, 27--A New record for acroplane mail delivery in the Proy- ince of Quebec was made on Satur- day when Pilot Romeo Vachon of the Canada Transcontinental Airways made a trip from Quebec to Seven Islands with Christmas mail. Mail was dropped at eight intermediate points, and the round trip, a distance of 690 miles, was covered in 6 hours and 40 minutes. This was an aver- age of more than 100 miles an hour, nothing to 30 salesmen and 150 carload dealers, Additional ofier a few men an unusual oppartinity to grow with a large, progressive and Ste growing organization, territories now being opened To qualify you must have unquestioned character and industry, previous sales ex. perience and an Agricultural College edu- cation or its equivalent, Age 25 to 35, Give age, previous record of employment and 'enclose a recent photo or snapshot in first letter. A personal interview will shortly be granted to those possessing above qualifications, Address: L. I. Shirey, Manager, Purina Mills, Ont, District Sales Ltd., Woodstock (149-150-151) For Sale or Exchange 100 acre farm, rich loam, § acres bush, good bank barn, stone foundation, fair stabling, 7 room frame house. Price $4,500. Will take Oshawa property in exchange. LYCETT 25 King St, E, Phone 205 ------ JURY & LOVELL'S EXCLUSIVE OPTICAL PARLORS Scientific Examination of the eyes by experienced Eyesight Specialists. Phone 28 or 29 LOANS ON AUTOMOBILES and TRUCKS ALL MAKES Quickest Service and Lowest Rates Avail- able. Solye your ready cash problem. including stops. Mail was dropped and picked up at Bersimis;, Gadbout, Shelter Bay, Baie des Cedres, Seven Islands, Clark City and two smaller places. Vachon was accompanied by Pilot Bradfield. Vachon was flying the same plane that he piloted to Greenley Island last spring on a rescue trip to the scene.of the landing of the German trans-atlantic plane Bremen and its crew. Baron von Huencfeld, Major J. C. Fitzmaurice and Captain Koehl. 11 King Street East, Oshews Above CPX. Offies DESIRABLE Office Space T0 RENT About 1,200 Square Feet Heat, Light andJanitor Apply Bex "N"

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