Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Dec 1928, p. 8

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Suburban and District N ews Gathered By Times Staff Reporters and Correspondents, HARMONY Dec, 20 Mrs, Chas A , 20, == Mrs, 3 Mackie and Mr, Harold Mackie visit: ed with Mr, and ig Don Ferguson t Hamilton recently, i Miss R, Bates and Mr, G, Lubius of the city visited with Mr, and Mrs, R. Terwillegar on Sunday, Mr, B, Wilson of Perrytown visited Mr, and Mrs, H, Wilson on Tuesday, «Mrs, Wenn of Bowmanville spent Tuesday and Wednesday with Mr, and Mrs, K, Fletcher, Misses Blanch gind Luella Goyne, from the lake, visited Mr, and Mrs, 7, Goyne on Wednesday, The children are all eagerly wait- ing for school to close and Santa Claus to come, Great excitement ong the smaller ones, ans Fice Sr, and Miss Vernar Fice of North Oshawa are. visiting with Mr. and Mrs, R. Terwillegar for a days, oy Jaye number of children are out of school ill with the "flu," We hope it soon abates and that all those ill with it now will soon be out n, aga. P, Campbell of the city spent Thursday with Mr, and Mrs, A. Holl- an, . tS Wednesday night Mr, T, Goyne received word that his mother in To- vonto was dying. This word came to him when he was at the school con- ert, id The Christmas tree and concert on Wednesday was a wonderful success, The auditorium was filled to the doors and it was beautifully decorat- ed with evergreens and Christmas colors, A great deal of credit is due Mr, Johnson for the work he did and the time spent on the decorating. The Christmas tree was heavily la- den with presents and looked lovely with its Christmas trimmings. The children took their parts well in all the exercises and a great deal of credit goes to the teachers in the time and patience used in training them. The proceeds which are to be used for buying a phonograph and records for the school amounted to $56.75. The teachers wish to thank all who in any way helped to make the concert a success, The following program was enjoyed by all present. Opening chorus, "Everybody Smil- ing;" chairman's address, "Address of Welcome," George Hunking; reci- tation, "Save a Little Christmas," Edith Bdwards; dialogue, "Christ- mas Dolls," girls of Junior room; part song, "Sleigh Bells," girls of In- termediate and Junior rooms; mono- logue, "A Present for Aunt Jane," Ross Edwards; recitation, Jessie Newton. Acrostic for little boys of TIME TABLES CPR, TIME TABLE, Schedule taking effect 1201 am. SRLEEER REEREEE shoes Bizstnee ® if Big Boel: BRL al i BERRIES HT ] kESBLEh ERERRED a Junior room; recitation, Tommy Hart; musical novelties, Senior room; recitation, Edward Saunders; recitation, Cameron Smith; recita- tion, Joyce Powell; motion song, "Christmas Time is Near," girls of Junior vobm; recitation, "A Boy's Complaint," Donald Sugden; motion song, "Holy Night," little girls of Junior room; recitation, Ruth Teo- ley; dialogue, "Doctor and Patient," two boys of Intermediate room; drill, "March of Christmas Boxes," twelve boys of Senior room; reading, "Christmas Songs," Ethel Petre; song, "Little Sir Hcho," girls (of school; recitation, Eileen Luke; dia- logue, "Living the Christmas Spirit," six girls of Senior room; recitation, "Christmas Presents," Raymond Goyne; "Train Song," boys of Junior room; recitation, "Giving and Get. ting," Gladys Wenn; recitation, Wal- lace Henderson; acrostic, six girls of Intermediate room; dialogue, "Good- bye," two girls of senior room; "The Gloomy Gloops," boys of Intermedi- dte room; recitation, "The Best Tree of All," Gerdon Trim; violin solo, Catharine Lander; monologue, "Mak- ing Christmas Presents," Grills; chorus, "Christmas is a Happy Day;"" dialogue, "A Farm for Sale," three pupils of Intermediate room; drill, girls of Senior room; chorus, "Santa Claus," boys of Inter. mediate and Senior rooms; His Ex- cellency, Santa Claus, "God Save the King." School at Harmony closed Thurs- day, Dee, 20, owing to kindness of the school board, and will re-open Thursday, Jan. 8, 1929, The correspondent wishes to take this opportunity of thanking all who have contributed items to this col- umn and wishes each and every one a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Prosperous New Year, PICKERING Pickering, Dec. 20, -- Miss M. Rob- ertson spent the week-end with friends in Little Britain, Mr. G. Baxter is visiting with his mother, Mrs, J. Baxter, of St. Paul's, Miss G., Topliffe, teacher of the primary department of the public school, has been off duty this week owing to illness. Myr. and Mrs. J. Dunn spent a few days last week with their daughter, Mrs. 0. Denny and family, of Brook- lin. H. J. Clark and C., M. Marquis, of Toronto, were visitors at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W, J. Clark, on Sun- If You Take Cold Easily You Are Vitamin-starved-- Take SCOTT'S EMULSION It Protects The Body with Cod- liver Oil Vitamins Scott & Bowne, Toronto, Ont. =. For Your Drug Needs THO MPSON'S 10 Simcoe St. S.~We Deliver W. J. SARGANT Yard--89 Bloor Street, E. | Orders Promptly Delivered Baked Good Grace | THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1928 day, ofan £ Lawson, representative t Day Alliance, oceupied the pulpits of St. Paul's and St, An- drew's in the morning and evening Tespacively on Sunday and presents ed the work done by the association in a very interesting manner, Mr, Lyndon Cronk of the Picker: ing College, returned to his home here on Wednesday for the Christ. mas recess, We are sorry to report that he is now confined to his bed with the "fin," While the influenza, as yet, has touched the village rather lightly, it has made inroads into the younger generation to such an extent that some of the Christmas activities have had to be postponed until health has bi 8 & Bete, a> Fill Up for Winter The wise man never waits till is driven by necessity Becure your CONGER COAL now while best services are available, Concer Lemen CoarCo. LiMrren J. H. R. LUKE Manager Phones 871 -- 931 -- 687.-W been restored, To show that the vil- lage folks ave armi themselves against the epidemic, the local drug- gist was quite unable to fill the large number of orders he received for a certain remedy, immediately after it had been suggested in one of the To- ronto morning papers, Christmas concerts are in full swing this®week, On Tuesday night, St. Andrew's Sunday school held their entertainment in the church, and on Wednesday evening, St. George's Sunday school made merry in the town hall, At both concerts the children performed in a credit: able, manner and even though at times the artists displayed spasms of- temperament the audiences greatly enjoyed the programs. Of course the Jolly saint dear to the childish hearts appeared at both places and dis- pensed gifts from the loaded trees awaiting him, The Christmas entertainment of St, Paul's Sunday school, which had to be postponed on account of illness will he held on Wednesday evening, Dec. 26, in the church, Miss E, Richardson is confined to her home this week with an attack of the "flu." SOLINA . Solina, Dec. 18--0n Tuesday even- ing Dec. 18th at the home of Mr, and Mrs. J. D. Hogarth some 75 neighbors and friends met to hid good-bye to the family ere their re- moval to the near neighborhood of Hampton, At nine o'clock Mr, B. G. Stevens called the company to order and in a few well chosen words ex- plained the reason of the gathering jidren's Colds Checked without "dosing." Rub on Money to loan at 6% first mortgages. J. H.R, LUKE Phones: 371 931; 687TW, Rh -.. D ll i per cent, He called on Mr, Charles Shortridge who read an nicely 'worded address which stressed the sorrow of the company at losing the family from the community. At the proper time Misses Ruby Dewell and Evelyn Tink presented Misses Jean and Jessie and Master Bruce with Ever- sharp pencils and Master Ralph Wil- bur presented Master Stuart with a mouth organ while Messrs J. R. Kivell and Roy Langmaid presented Mr, and Mrs. Hogarth with a beau- tiful walnut buffet. Mr, Steven- then" called on several of the com- pany for speeches and all responded with the same thought of the suffi- ciency of saying good-bye to these residents. Dancing was then enjoy- ed till lunch time and resumed im- mediately afterward, The Sons of Temperance met at the hall with some thirty members in attendance. Usual business was dealt with and three new members initiated. Tt was thought advisable to study at each meeting a book written by Miss McCorkindale on scientific Temperance, Messrs A, L. PHONE 716) | W. J. SULLEY. Auctionee: Loans, Insurance Collection and Real Estate 46 Simcoe St. 8,, Oshawa REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Tutler & Preston 64 King St. West Telephones 572. 238 Night Calls 610, 15060, n--r LETT, NICHOLLS AND HALLITT Real Estate Insurance and Loans Phone 3254 11 King §t, East, Oshawa : an 4 Prince ST) Oshawa, Ont, Pascoe and B. G. Stevens were ap- pointed delegates to Grand Division at Toronto during January. Elec- tion of officers took place resulting in the following list: W.P, McKessock; W.A,, Ruby Dewell; R. Scribe, Ruth McKessock; AR.S. Sidney Wright; F, Scribe, B. G, Stevens; treasurer, S. E, Werry; chaplin, J. R. Bick, conductor Hilton Tink; Ass. Con, Edna Reynolds; inside sentinel, Evelyn Tink; O.S,, Percy Dewell, organist, G. I. Werry; D.GW.P,, John Baker; PW.P, A. L. Pascoe. Candy was served, The meeting adjourncd, The Miseed Adult Bible Class met A, PIN in Eldad on Sunday and clected their officers as follows: President, Mr, W. T. Tayler; vice-pres,, Mrs, James Smales; Secc.-treas, Miss Edna Reynolds; lookout committee, Mr, Norman Yellowlees with the option of naming his own committee of five; k committee, Mrs, Jo Yellowlec Irs. W, T. Taylor, in W. T. Baker; flower committee, Mr, W. T, Taylor, Mr, R. J. McKessock, Mr. B. G. Stevens, Mrs. Smales, Miss Reynolds; teacher, Mr. R, J. Mes Kessock with Mr, B. G. Stevens as assistant, In the S.5. session Mr. R. J. McKessock told the story of the lesson in place of the usual reading of lesson. ELLA CINDERS--The Critics Concur HUH m a alll es, ne i | WELL: | THOUGHT IF YOU SEAT ME UP FER ASKIN TO GO- VD BE WELL IN TIME TO GO ANYWAY - THE SITUATION. ME MADE OVER HIS weTEl ABW] BURY] HAT] FREREE TB 1691, Er STEVENSON Wits LIVING I SAMOA, ONE OF MIS ITHMATE FRIENDS IS MEWRY CLAY 9K. --_---- 115 COMMISIONER 1h SAMOA {DE CHANCED TO TELL STEVENSON THAT HIS DAUGHTER ANNE ON SALE IDE, rfHO AS A SCHODGIRL 1 ST. JOHISBURY, YERMONY.AGST OUT Of BIRTHDAY PARTIES Bf Sto10o'dock | ¥ a CAUSE SHE 'ikS BORN OM DECEMBER 25%. Customers are -assured of ~ Fresh Goods Daily. 5 Orit BIRTHDAY, NOV. 13, 70 AMMIE IDE, i A WHIMSICAL DEED THAT HAS SINCE BE- COME A LITERARY CUAGSIC. IME THE MAIL MA DELIVERED THE DEED TD ANRIE SHE WROTE STEVENSON ASSURING Hit OF WER APPRECINTION © 1908. by King Fontuses Syndicate. las, Corona Beitain rights ressreed. Hpi fit i - Fuskil Grate A Eves BER we BD Pl BEEN Bmw MN Heh ; by besuBEEREEEELD BRERERBRERERLE fEBsesuasitee s JEESRRERRELES 4 ShhEE GARR RRRRRERRES i N| i fig ft Be 14 HT AN 5 3 EEoERES £ : SRERRES i] ie aL 111111 Fl Se GEEE Cons EE Sh MAT jastint fEssee 8 |

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