Oshawa Daily Times, 24 Dec 1928, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA DAILY. TIMES, MONDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1928 A ---- Sr De re a h 6,20 Pron; Wy Scheme iad pram, 12.0 WGN "Chi, a0 Tign Mar Faulist fo po, Holy Nome Cathedral 4] Ni WE. AP) Sasonylan Sketches, mphony, inci, Cincinngti 9,00 w JG Ws a ay Hour pristmas ay we Bhow al, "Night immon's 9,30 he" in ne ster Mi 1000 We Cie ben x a ngirels KDKA e Voice o Columbia," 1.00 KDKA oN 5. Broadenst Far North, 8, ght ar North Deny arine Eng. 12.00 Corea Lonturs D Kavagian; 0 WEY TAR 24 OGRAMS 6,30 Revered Candle 7.00 hy or, 5) Chicago, Trinity Luth. fran ryices, 7.30 K 50. (AD=Clarinda, Christmas Carols 9,00 Wha (492)~Kansas City, Bible les. WhDM (39)--Chicago, © wi wf" -- Phila, Shopper Talks bad 87) Milwaukee, wir © 492) Phila, Menu, Wi )=Cleveland, Carrollers, t, Paul, Crippled 17) Worcester, Women's Miwa. Milwaukee Churel WHK QI)--Cleveland, Christmas Tree BAL (283)~Baltimore, Old St. Paul "" Easy-to-Find "' RADIO PROGRAM Tonight's Hest Features 7.90 N (WJZ)~Roxy and Gang 8,00 Columbia: Ten Dancin Foci AY Eves 830 WRVA' Richmond, "Christmas In Ol 8.45 oni" Ottawa, Oratorio "The Mes: wo i, Phila, Christmas Eve in France, eco Mpls, St. Paul, Concertina or» 9.30 Nike Ethel Folk 6.45 6.50 7.00 WMAQ frye 1 ical 7% Overture biog WGR 9) ] re economic West re)=Teferson City, Markets; wei? (405)= Atlanta, Weather; Mark. ¥ MJ (487)=Milwaukee, News; ore gan, NBC Sruemt, goed Taal od Het wil on, yo weak WCA ing yak, vol Can nes, Meth vig =~Omaha, Market opening. ton GNM = Monreal Music period ues,» WCAE HEL Piste, Music Si Wek (545)=Duffalo, Weather; Mark. Won (416)=Chicago. Mornisg musi Wias (232)=Pitts. Bt, Patrick's rch. Wik (216)=~Cleveland. Noon music, hdl WIR Rn Detroit, Kunchenn, otis. nei, Music, Markets. Wako (03) --Chicagor Home * econo nics, wor J) Davenport. Opening Mark: Men. ets; Mus Music; wos 76) ~ Jeflerson City. Markets. WRC (sz) Wash Farm Flashes, Up. WTAG (517)~ Worcester. Organ; Mar usic. ion to BAY, WRC. kets. Ww e328) Petron Weather; bunch- KSTP (205)=5t. Paul. Musicale; Set. Wha 0m Richmond, Aunt Sammy Wei (309)~Chicago. Early Risers {Mon )- ke Housewives wi wi Ay ;20)-~-Lines. Setting Up; De: I (ex. 15 Varey, Coty AL phone PG Atlantic City, Chri mns Eve n the Farm, ia: Dicken's Christmas Carol, 10.30 NBC (WEAF)--Noel Agtique, 11,00 NBC 214 Christmas Carols; Dr, Cadm 11,45 WSE tanta, Cantata, 25 voice choir. 12,00 Columbia; The Carolers, WLW Mass-- New York, Midnight Paulist Choristers. Regular Daytime Programs ---- Dally 'Except Sunday and Christmas Day Bystem: panel Lxercises to 648 Moar Wink, 00 WOR (422) ~ i a 10,00 ny 9,% i A (337) Shenandoah WAL (347 Sym Cicago, Bett ICARO. BW ha Ames. Markets: S Morning Devot 11.00 / YWRE WREM (39)--Chicago, Studio program 11.30 CKNC Be Studio program ol (487)~Milwaukee. Organ. 12,00 WCAE (242)~Pitts, Luncheon concert HIAS (232)=Pitts, St, Patrick's Chui WLW (428)~Cinci. Organ WMAg, 403) 9)~Chichao. ny usical pro- Wie oars ington. Concert pro. ix rac (517) ~Worcester. Organ. WSUN (383)-Sp: Petersburg. Popular Music; Talks WECO (370)~Mpls-St. Paul. Stock re- . MAS (405) ~Chicago. Morning Ex, (eS -New York Markets; shy heon 0.00 WDAF (492)~Ransas City. Bible les. wrau (280)=Cleveland. Dinner mu- R (400) Detrost Homemakers hour Wir (492)~ Phila, Luncheon music, BM (389) --Chicago. (rgan. WRVA (220) Richmond Sunshine WHO (300) ~-Des Moines. Records, pro Hour (Mon., Wed, Fn.) Ll) A in (ty UZY-Cines. Women's Hour. 1245 WIR (400)= Detroit. Musical Matines. 0.15 WOW (5)- p Voie gd iid Alaa WIR, wis (385) Ciucago. Dinnetbell pro Market 10 KTHS (U5)-Hor Springs tures (ex. Wed. WCFL. (30) - Ao Organ. WEBEBM (389) -Chago. Farm pro. 050 WEAO (468.5) ~Columbus. Educational Ean alks; Music. 'Fl (535) - Phaladeiptia ).uncheon Muy 900 KFNF (337) Shenandoah. Varied pro- sic, Markets (ex. Bat) Nic System. Farm MBC (316)~Kansas City. Columbia KY WDAF, CCD (370)-Mpls-St Paul Hamline ww, wow, ws, t.) , Program WHO (300)-Des Moines. NBC System Ih. L wiz, W WRC, i. Gibson orchestra. Dinner music P _(492)~Phila., Christmas concert, KTHS (375)~Hot Springs. Noon com. WEA (465.3)~New York. Pennsylvan- concert. WHBM (389) ~Chicago. Concert orches. WRAL (283) -- Baltimore. Organ; Christmas Recital. wWCCco (370) Mpls, St. Paul. Down Home WAY @5)~Phila. Columbia © Net- work. WGN (U9 ~Chicsga. High Mass: Pavlist Chorms (i fy WOWO (256)--Ft. Wayne. Christmas WIZ (94.5)-New York. Park Central Orchestra. dog (A87)--Milwaukee. String guar 1.30 WOV (379.5)--Sch 4: Televisi 1.45 WSM (461)--Nashyille. Homemakers IW (420)~Cini. Matinee Plavers. 200 CKNC (517)~Toronto. Brunswick Hour A (361)--~Denver. Organ. WREM (3#9)--Chicago. lance music. Weal (283)--Baltimore. Orchestral wo (am. 3)---=Schenectady. Organ: bo (394. $H-New York, Weather, WSUN (338)--St. Petersburgh. Moses' Pudi d (461) Nashville. Luncheon con WING 40) --Milwaukee. Scheooder orchestra 2.30 WGN pr Lamcheon concert 245 WHAM (261)--Rochester. Eastman WIZ (394.5) New York. Band concent cid wo (28% 2 ~Baltimone. Contato: nn er Womens mpro- Shar (492)--Kansas City. Record am. Wir (92) Phila. WIP orchestra. wrmy [)-- Mamaia. Special pro: ram a ax what (28) --Raktimore. Vi 000 (370)--Mpls. N . 230 WW) (326)-Detroit, Tonight's Dinner: oon ea #45 KDKA (306)-Pitts. Markets, Home Hour "Wo WsM, KDKA (ex Markets Luncheon Melodies . Luncheon Markets; Talk: Music WPG (272) - Addantie City Music (ex Sat. WhAQ (#7.5) Chicago Talks. ther. WIZ (945)-Dew York WOS (476) leflerson City. Music to WRC. Bulletins. wos we)- JeBlerson City nn Wol (535)=Ames, la Markets: Wea: Flashes, Muse L10 EMRBC (316)~Kansas City. Dinner bell Wiis an- =Worcester Program 1050 WeEo 0 dts: St. Paul. Stock res LIS WOI (5%) -Ames Talk now iN (416)~Chicago. ome manage- iL» CNRA (06)~Moncton. Music: Mark- ment. WADC @23)~Akron. Musical program Woy 379) Schenectady. [I hats. Fn.) Ven" " (416) mua #] WAR (2) ~Kansas City. Country. iw La ~Uincs Mates P rogram a od. and Sar) 200 KOA (361)~Denwer Weather: Mark- Shas Gi7)~Toronte. Musical pro SE Sn a WGHES (250)--New York. latks: Muse poy (37.5) ) Schenectady. Matinee WT Ga rt = brs Timid Aecuaon se Ms bee (A8)--Milwaukee. Musical pro- i] { 61) --Nashrile. Luncheon Con- 20 Wc (P0)-Mgle-St. Paul. Meath. Markets (ox Hour to .» KDKA, WRFN Wor Markets : Markets, Fam il er ag Aes Le s Os ww (428)--Cincl. "Miniatures of the stens." ADD WRAL (R)~Raltimere. Salon music. WICAE (M42)--Pitts. Electeala Period. WDAF (M2)--Kansas City. Pt Time asic. atinee. WGN (M6) --~Chicago. Tea WIZ (MS)--New York. US Nawy WW (430)-Cinci. Ant Ranson. Wua0, A447 5)~Chicago. Ms gam (2 hours). Ean IADGIAND S00 WADC (223)--Akvon. Dinner oomoer 5.30 NRC System: Bill and Jane to WEAF, arches. We extend to all our pat- rons and friends our Best Wishes for a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS --and a -- BRICHT and HAPPY NEW YEAR E. EF. CAWKER 46 Simcoe Street North Phone 1520 WOC (300)---Davenport. Closing mark. 8% ons; dex. ) 200 CNRO (#345)~Omtawa. Music; Mark. WBBM (35)-Chicage. Housewives ol 2.30 245 Happy New Year BOWRA ELECTRIC SHOP Phone 1075 £ -- Opery. 900 CNRA (3224)--Montton. 2080 CN < WISN Miwa, Organ; String Te Gin Milwankes, Seckatary Hawk wee "soy Mpls, St. Paul, News; Uncle - Quin; Market win" (416)=Chicago, Hamp's orches, arkets, KYW (a , KFARB ' (HY Dinner congert, KDKA (306)=Pitts, Address; acred wef (205)=8t, Paul, Dinner music, Wh (283)~ Baltimore, pro: Wen U (256)=Phila, Orchestra, weed 370) Mpls, St, Paul, Musical ro) il ( 309)~Chicago, Organ; Trio, Whar (192=Kansss City, Trianon en- n Nhe System: onlays ab ngers to WEA F, Wear JAR, WTA Wi (258,5)--Rochester, Musica! WHAM purneys. (400) Detroit, Derain's orches, i I, 5)=New York, Smalle and ns Ho) ~Chicago, Markets; Music; MAD (447,5)~Cliicago, Concert Dance Music (1 hour WNAC (244)~Boston, News; Amos 'n' Andy, WRNY (297)=New York, News; Song Contest, WOR (422)~Newark. Entertainers, WS _(405)--Atlanta, Pomar's JDrehes, WTAM (280)~Cleveland. > (500)--~Hartiord, Entertainers. (326)--Detroit, Orchestra; Trio. (384.4)--Winnipeg. Dinner music weco G0~Mpls, St. Paul, rio* and Book Man Wead (56)~Phila, Snellenburg con: cert, WCAE (242)~Pitts, Address; Uncle Gimbee. » FI. (309)~Chicago. Popular pro: ram: Ensemble. War (492)~Kansas City. Meyer's Orchestra. NBC System: Soconyland t WEAF, WIAR, WEEI WIIG, WOR, wey, WAG, WCSH. WGN (o)--Lhicago, Nighthawks; Al- Why (297)=New York, Oaklands Cha Wik (216) Cleveland, Radio Repair Man; Music, NLC System: Memory's Garden to Wiz, 'HAM, WBZ, WBZA, KWk. K (40)=Detroit. Talk. Wi W (428)--Cinci. Sobio Musicians also WTAM WNAC (244)--Boston. Tent orchestra WOW (508)~Omaba. Studio program WRYA (Z0)~Richmond. Mosque or che Wie (315.6)--~Washingion. Lotus WRNY (97)-New York. Musical Comedy. WSM (461)--Nashwille. Studio orches. WSHEB (405)--Adlanta, Biltmore orches. CNRA (322.4)--Moncton. Instrumentai Onuintet, STP (205)--8t. Paul. Musical Gems St. Paul. Southern WO) (370)--~Mpls. Sunshine. . WCAU (256)--Phila. Reed Birds. WDAF (#92)--Kansas City. Dance pro- fic System : ors WGES (320)~Chicago, Hyman (; 3 ! d SEN dccin Mut, ® Wit hl LTB Musicale, =Milwaukee, feature, Krue. 0 Ly R oh trolt, Red Apple Club, WLW (4 nei, Cossacks, NO io tio =Davenport, Musician's WRVA (270)=Richmond, Christmas ta, WAG (447,8)=Chicago. Musical pro: VRNY (297)=New York, Weekly Art: ts, 10.30 KYW gin Book Man; or- pro: ( hy Wiz (303)~Springfield, --- cons Fi System: Cassinelli and Sevillanos to WEAV 'WJ, WTM. Ww, WMC, | yea (356)=Phila, ~~ Golden Dragon 0 tra, WAY" (#92)~Kansas City, Cool Pa wer' "(sr mua. Sh Shas Studio, J H orchestra, WGES (220)=Chicago, Dance music, WHAS (366)--Louisville, Musical pro. hin (297)~New York, Brodway Un- limited, WRC (315.6)--~Washington, WSM (461)--Nashville, Sooriess Orchestra, (500)~--Hartford, Orga wr aM (280)=-Cleveland, Singers; Dance Music, 10.45 WISN (268)=Milwaukee, Silver Slipper lub. KOX (361)=~Denver, 2nd U.S. Eng. Rika (306)=Pitts, Far North Broad- t, KMOX (275)~8t, Louis, WBBM (389)~Chicago. Lr CAU. (256)~Phila. Cathay orchestra, : Bernies Orchestra to 5, WWJ, WTMJ. 'GN (416)--Chicago, 'Tomorrows Trib., Hungry Five. WOGHP (246) Detroit. WHK (216) Cleveland, Amos 'n' dy: Day's Orchestra. Wit (297)~New wih (526)=Chicago. Dance orchestra ¢ Orchestra. Songs and l, i Cleveland 11.00 Dance music Feature pro- Dance prograri An York. Bohemian hours). NRC System: Slumber Music to WJZ, Singing Schoo. ' An. "KI. 7 Club WRC WLW (428) and. WM (447.5) Chicago. Amos dy od WDAF, KPRC, KSTP, Ww NAC (244)--Boston. News; Kam WOR. XE) Newark. Heigh-ho orches. Wp 087 )--Miwaukee, Dance music 1n.1s Fyre iar. 5)=Chicago. Concert or chestra D.X. Club. 11.30 Pacific Network: Maize program. WGN (416)--Chicago. ette's ches'ra: Dream Ship. WKBW (204) Buffalo. Dance music. WLW (428)--Cinci. Quintile Trio. WOR (422)--Newark, Paramount Or- chestra. 5S WSB (405)--Atlanta. Weldou's orches. CNRY (291)--Vancouver. Strand Thea KYW (294)--Chicagy. Fiorito's orches KMBC (315)--Kansas City. Dance mu- KSTP (205)=St. Paul. Dance feature: On uk? Network: Lombardo's or- The WIAF, WCAE, WTIC, WI WAC, Ks WFI, WRC, WO! 3 (545) Buffalo. di Bros. WGY (379.5) --Schenectady. Travelog. WGN (M6)~Chicago. Floorwalker. WHAS (365) --~Lowmsville, Studio com- cert. WHK (216)~Clereland. Bohemian Hr. WISN (268) Milwaukee. Studio pro gram, NBC Svstem: Sealy Air WIZ, WBZ, WhZA, WBAL, WHAM, KOA, KDEKA, WIR, WLW, KYW, WREN, KVOO, WFAA, KPRC. WOAIL WIS (315)--Chicago. Scrar Rook. WMAQ (#7.5)~Chicago. U. of Chicage Lecture. Moc 30)--Davenport. Book Man ews. WRAY (39) --New York. Edison Hour wm RY LR (20)--Richwmond. Violinist: io; wes. 0) Atlanta. Fire Works mro- C L60)~Nad dhwille. Craig's Ogches- "ni (387) -- Milwaukee. Woodwind CFCA A237) Tovonto. Silent Christmas KOA (31) P pil Sato: Michelin Hour to WIZ, » WIR. WRZ, WRZA, WHAM, . KDEA. KWK, KVOO, A K WOAL L (256)-- Phila. Concent Hour. wis (345)~Chicago. Don 3 pop mlar. WMAQ (#M7.5)~Chicage. Know Chica- ANAC (240)--Boston. ; Wap Soutien. Guan. Weavers to onc. WIAG (S517)--Waorcester. Musicale. AWIIC (500) --Hartiord. Ensemble. wimg (487) --Mitwaukee. Barnyard The Four S (75)--Mot Springs. Specialties: : 3 Simmons. Show Boat to WW, WEAN, WNAC. WIAS, WADC, WKRC, WGHF WBDN, WOWG, RMOX' WMAL a SPL, I) i J A256) Phila. Musical program iE to ROA, a WMC, >. "WFAA, ENOO, 5 © i, Christmas Readings to IR (400)--Deteoit. Mannel Girls. WLW RE Musical program. WMAQ AW75)--Chicago. Christmas To Varied program WRNY (7)~-New York. Old Town AG (317)~Worcester. Courtesy pro- Sram. AWKH (332)--Shreveport. Studio pro- Evan. NBC 2 Dutch Minstuels PX WAZ REA, RAL, Nia WLW, KYW, KWEK, AWREN, JrRYa A270)--Richinond. Sandwiche | a <aa--asiond. i Schoo! PON @N-New York. WRNY so (324)~Moncton. Little Concert AKA oie Pacitic route Beko. 2 fk: Xnice of Columbia ao WARC, TRAC, WEAN, wen! WEAN, WaNRC, WERC, WRRM WCHP, X, AVOWE. RMAC. oo 1p UY WRBW, WSPD, WHE, WAL (SU-Baltimore. The Tatter- | WRAP Pus 875s. Worth. Cluissmas | 3 WOAU (236)~Phila. Mawaiians: dance a. ] bi of 10am. NBC System (WIZ)--br. Copeland nas NEC "System (WEAF)--Household fn. Columbi C to WARC, WFAN. WEAN. Wan'? WOHF, | KMBC, KOI. WOOO, WKB W. KFI (468)~Los Concert or: orchestra. Angeles. Rik (009)=Se tle. Salon at WHY 99) New York. Studio pro- HK (2160) ~Cleveland. Club Madrid. WIW (428)--Canci. Dance music. WMAQ (#7.5)--Chicago. son Or: chests, woe (300)--Davenport. 0'Heam's con- oe (205)=8+, Paul. Dance feature. WGN (M6)--Chicamo. Goldkettes or- chestra; Nighthawks. WDAF (492)--Kansas City. 1215 12.48 Nighthawk olic. 1.00 ONRY (91) -Nancouver. Concert. KIR (309)--Seattle. Mevers orches'ra. KSTP (205-8t. Paul. Midnight Club Kyw 238) --Chicana. Anoomela Club. Pacific Network: Trocaderans to KF, KPO. KMRC (M5)--Kansas City. The Mid- National mightens. : 200 OXRY (291)--Yancouver. Melodians. ------ W'S BEST FEATURES ABC Syatem (WEAF) National Home "Social Amenities." (Central)--Faom and 2 SN pe BC System (Cont ime Maw Luncheon 1 {xR E> York. US. Avy Pand al- S00 WANC (223)--4kron. Ihnner concert, 5.30 NRC System: Bill and Jane to WEAF, 2 Whi 5 NBC (244)=~Boaston, News; U.S, Trio; Nordin's Orchestra, WSEB (405)=Atlanta, 'Pomar's orchestra Wan ul, Nashville Studi Btudio orches, reester, ners, WELW Omar of Cinemas X 16)~Cleveland, Health Talk; CNRW * (84,4)=Winaipeg, Dinner mu. Wiz Zi Springhe field, Nature League WCAU (256)=Ph OAR Kansas City, we lio cuicago Nighthawks; Al. NBC. % toms, Ls Tourain Tableaux to WEAF, Wel Wear Weel, Wiic, WIAK, WHAM (258,5)--Rochester, U, I! WE" er i Hig Tok by ew York, eX re ar, Dergin's © orches, ih orchestra, . WNAC Trianon of w Ww WNAC os on, Oracle, WRVA (270)=Richmond, Gillette Hr, WSB (0 tianis Biltmore orches, WSM (461)~Nashville, Craigs orches, WM] (487)~Milwaukee, of an, talks, Sram "Washing! Politics" to ALR 4 KDA," Wiw, WBZ, ¢ Kc A bid {lasers "(361)=Denver, Palace Orchestra, {PRC (545)~Houston, Studio, ATP (205)~5t, Paul, Golden Hour, WBAL (283)--Baltimore, Recital, WBAP (374.8)=Ft, Worth, Orchestra; Soloists, WCFL (309)=Chicago, Health Talk; American Magazine Concert ensemble, NBC System: Hour to WEAF, WAL, KD, AA WCSH, WRC, 'WG GY, WOR, wi win, WEEI, WDAY, WHC, WIAR wip (492) Phila. Christmas Party, WON (416)---Chicago. Floorwelker, WHAM (258.5)--Rochester, "On Wings of Song." WIR (400)~Detroit, Sonora Melodons, NBC System: May Breen and de Rose tw WIZ, KDKA, WLS (345)~Chicago. Scrap Book; The Round Up. WLW (428)~Cinci, WOC (300)--Davenport, News. Columbia Network: Music Room; Col- Sc to WABC, WNAC, KOIL., WLBW, WIAS, WEA! WKRC, CO Ww MAO, WEAN WFBL. WMAL, KEMOX, WMAK, Wri (272)-- Atlantic City, Concert or- chestra. WSM (#61)=Nashville. Fireside Hour. WSEB (405)--Atlanta. Concert, WTAM (405)--Atlanta. Concert. Win (280)~Cleveland. Black Face eam, Waic (300)=Davenport, Pianist; we AU (256)--Phila. Studio program, NBC System: Sylvamia Foresters WIZ, WBZ, WBZA, KDKA, KWK, Wer, WIR, WBAL, WHAM, WREN, WHK (216)~Cleveland. Rabbi Brickner WSB (405)--Atlanta. Entertainers. WRVA (2720)--Richmond. Church hour. w TAM (280)~Cleveland, Pure Air Boy Ww be (272) City. H ies; ey (357)=Toronto. Shea's Hippo- drome, ddd (389)--Chicago. Duo; Tr: Ww FLA (333) ~Clearwater. Open House NBC System: lpana Troubadours to WEAF, WEEI, WTIC, WGR, WGY, WTAG, WC SH, WRC, WCAE, WTAM, WWJ, WGN, W MJ, KSTP, WMC, KSD, Wow, 'w DAF, WRAP, KPRC, WOAIL, WHAS, W SM, WsB, WBT, KOA. WIBO (526)--Chicago. Beecher's or- chestra. NBC System: Smith Bros. to WJZ, WBAL, KYW, WIR, WBZ, WBZA. WLW, WHAM, KDKA, KWK, WREN. Columbia Network: NR. Millicmaces W Peerless Repro. Markets; Brown Lucille and Mary. Book Man; Bari- Atlanti Vocal WEAN, W LBW, WMAL, WMAK. WRVA (270)--Richmond. Variety pro- gram. 5 WIBO (526) Chicago. Songs and Jokes »hG 4 (272)--Adantic City. KWKH (352)--Shreveport. Studio pro Tam. YW (294)--~Chicago. Concent arches. NBC System: Palmolive Hour WEAF, "WEE, WTC, Ww JAR, W TAG, A 3 WRC, WGR, WCAE, i. aN, WTMJ. KS, F, KNOO, Ww: FAA, Concert or- WM V i Ww ye AFA. "a)~Ft. Worth, Gypsy Serenaders. NBC System: ine Danube Nights to WIZ, KWK, WIR. WiBo £526) Chicago. Concert Columbia Network La Palina WCAU, WMAK, y WERC, WONG, KMOX, rogTAm 10,20 10.3 11.05 11.30 chestra, ) WOOO (370) --Mnis. Wie WLBW, WCCO, KOIL, w $ " (345)=Chicago, Musical pro- Tam, fos 476)~JeRerson City, Tenor; iii be d 4)~Chicago, Studio program Wh 6 Fey Springs, Arlington rche WOES *ti20.4)Chicago, Hyman pro. Wii (297)=New York, Roseland or: (oa Phila, Adelphia orchestra, (268)--Milwaukee, Feature; Dy Band (1 NBC Spaeth; Ghiaae cin Civic Opera. a to Wiz whit i i, WhaL, AL, Wi) Koka, Wik, wK, (0) Nia, Male quartet; Frost ble, Columbia Network: Kolster Hour U, WN. Ww WOR WGHP, WSPD, WLIW, Ww EAN, WCCO, KOIL, WPG "(272)-- Atlantic City, Recital, WPG (272)~Atlantic City, Casino Dance Orchestra, KPRC (545) Houston. Studio, Pacific Network: Cab Gayeties, KOA (361)=Denver, Nat'l Bank pro. ram, BC Syateax pitalny's Music WEAF, WCAE, WGY WTIC, (385) Chicago, Lombardo's Canadian: WDAF D192) Kansas City, Katz Boye WFLA (333)--Clearwater, Varied pro. gram, WGN (416)~Chicago, Goldkette's chestra, WGR (545) ~Buffalo, Cotton Pickers, WGES + Ning Dance pro ram Colymbia Network: to to or. g WCAD, Wik s, RC) WGHP, = WMAD, WSM (461)~Nashville. Orchestra, Wio (526)~Chicago, Dance program; WA WOWO, Popular, ew (312)~Toronto, Orchestra; news KFI (468)--Los Angeles. Concert ors chestra, KGO (379.5)=~Oakland, Parisian Quin. tet, KOA (361)~Denver. Novelty Shop. ESTP (205.4)--5t. Paul. Entertawers; Dance Music. KTHS (375)--Hot Springs, News; Ma- jestic Trio, KYW (294)--Chicago, News; Orchestra, WBZ (303)--Springheld. News; Ne- combs orchestra. WCAU (256)--Phila. chestra. NBC System: Kemp's orchestra WEAF, Ks, Wow, WGHP (246)--Detroit. Arcadians. WGR (545)--Suffalo. Statler orchestra. WGN (416)--Chicago, Tomorrows Trib, Hungry Five. wk (216)~Cleveland. Brigode's or: WHO 00~Des Moines. Dance band. Ritz Carlton or. to 43) Cinci Variety Hour. System: Slumber Music to WJZ 447, 5)--Chicago. Musicale. a A )--Boston. News; Steven's re Te 270) --Richmond. Richmond or- WOR (422)--Newark. Dance orchestra. WPG (272)--Adantic City. Dance chestra. WSM (#61)--Nashville. WSM Minatrels WTMJ (487)--Milwaukee. Dance music WTAM (280)--Cleveland. Singing or- chestra. woo 70) = Mpa. St. Paul. Erick. orchest KOA | G61) Denver. "Over the Garden WGN (416)--Chicago. Concert and Dance orchestras. WISN (268) Milwaukee. Organ. WLW (428)~Cinci. Dance music: or- Kan. For £422)--Newark. Wi NThM (280)--~Cleveland. 5 WSB (405)--Atlanta. Peerless Eater. tainess. KIR R 30) Seattle, Salon orchestra al- so KYW (280) Chicago. Fiorito's orches KMOX (275)--5t. Louis. Dance music. KOA (361)--Denver. Mixed cunantet. Pacific Network: Roads to Romance. WGN (6)--Chicago. Dream Ship: Dance Music. WGHP (206)--Detroit. Secenaders. WHK (216) Cleveland. Willian's chester WIR Ongar. or- Hour. ies or- a. (400)--Tetrnit, WMAQ (447.5)~Chicago. Benson or- chestra, WOC (300)--Daveaport. St. Paul. Organ. sx 268) Milwaukee. Kruegers and. WDAF (492)--Kansas City. Nighthawk ic. KYW (2)--Chicage. Insomnia Club. KSTP 200)--5t. Paul. Midnight Club. Pacific Network: The Trocaderans. KIR (305)--~Seattle. Meyers Ovchestra. ANRY (291) --\ancouver. Harmony Sone. KEX 258) Portland. O'Hearn"s or- Dance frolic. » (Copyright 1928 by Audio Service, Chicago) CONTEST IN OWEN SOUND (By Canadian Press) Owen, Sound, Dee, D, A, Christie, the mayoralty of Owen Sound, Cheer up, there may yet snow and jingle bells for Christe mas--58t, Catharines Standard, 22,--~Mayor Alderman W, 8, Clendenning and Ex-Alderman Me- Robert were today nominated for MAY YOU RADIATE GOOD WILL AND HAPPINESS THIS CHRISTMAS SEASON, AND TUNE IN ON WEALTH AND PROSPERITY DURING 4 Rex Harper x. 1929 Simcoe St, Phone 1050 Limited ; UPTOWN OFFICE 80 King Street, W.' Phones 1288 and 660 SEBS HFS Ralei Sand W ; £90 WRAL. (283) Ciz~ x BC System: Waldorf Astoria Music o WEAF. W WIAG, WRC, WCAE, Nu Chicago. Labor Federa- WON ()--Schenectads. Magkets; or- Simin. oer Rabbit, SF on ABA) -Chicats. Qogan. s Archestta 10 RAY A28)~Cinci. Dinner Music. ANAC Ee a Dinner Music. Cigb. WRVA 270)--Richmond. News; Play- £35 WGR A345) --Buffalo. Hotl's orchestra. AMAQ AM7.5)~Chicage. Topsy Tuowy £3 ORCA A357) ~Tovonto. Musical KXW (20) ~Chicage. Uncle a WERAL « ¥ Dinner or Archestra. 8 Mr . MWCAU (256)--Phila. Entertainers. WEAK WHAT. Xork. Fox Far A Chit -Chicags. Via A pie: ede Bg Tine music. 700 BOW Rc Cn action Hamp o Ss - A RMRC ASH)--Ransas City. Musics) CFAR (389)--Lincaln. Yaar poy Worth. Organ: Age Pig EDM: St: Pan Civiod WeA Br. CoS RCAE 0 tts. ts Sg Sones. AEAF A438) ~New Mork, Synagogue Services. WGN HH) =-Chicago. onde AWGR 545) oni WGY (303) ge Skits ao WHAM, WMAK. Ra (@16)~Cleveland. Williams AVISN (268) --Milwarikee. 492) Phila. Uncle oy Wir 4 WIR (480)--Detroit, Musical » Program. N Highlanders 10 Or. 4 music 2 System: Tedde WIZ. WREZ. WRZA. WMAD (447 icago. Christmas 1&7 Fluiamas bing a the happias and somifi D. J. BROWN King Street West you and

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