Oshawa Daily Times, 22 Dec 1928, p. 2

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Representative-- AMES HOLDEN Phone. 'House 15--0ffice 434 3 GHREN BING SPIO GTS FOR NEEDY ORE splendid Program. at Enter. tainment, United Church L) ------ (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Dec. 22.--A splendid and varied program of dialogues, *ecitations and choruses featured he 'annual 'Christmas entertain- nent of the United Church Sunday School, held in the church audi- orilum last night before a large wudience, Much credit is due to the superintendent, Johp McClelland, ind bis faithful staff of teachers 'or the fine showing made by the scholars Mention must also be made of G, P, Lynd who led the school in several splendid carols. A four-piece orchestra, with Miss Orydep at (he piano rendered a wumper of pleasing selections and vdded much to (he program, The pastor, Rev, A. L. Richards, made a suitable chairman and spoke highly of the work of the school, Gifts For Needy He was particularly pleased to note: the number of chi.dren and young people who brought gif.s for the poor families of the town, thei rcontributions being p.aced beneath a special Christmas tree. The chairman explained that this was known as the "White Gift" and stated that Wm, Ayres would sup- ervise the distribution of the pres- ents to the needy, The evening was brought to conclusion wich the most. important event of all--the arrival of Santa Claus, The Jovial saint was right at home and enjoy- ed distributing presents which were hung from a gayly decorated tree. Program The program was as follows: io Harper's class, 'Animated y ymes"'; p Clase. dial ne Mrs, Harrison's 1 "True Charity'; #0i9, Ruby Allin; Mrs. Best' y playlet' "Santa os Siam, and Son" carol; Miss Bascom's class, dialogue, "Christmas Bells"; Miss " tlass, carol by the class; mers Jack Kean, John Borchuk and " Chester Thomas; piano solo, Miss Osborne; Mrs, Fowler's and Miss Correll's classes, playlet "The Red- dies"; Miss McClellan's class, reci- tations, Dick Stuart and Clauge Underwood; Mr, Michaud's class piano solo by Alex Jeffrie; Miss Hudooe "Christmas y shes"; . Bturgess's class, Living the Christmas Spirit." ------ GHRISTMAS TREE . WAS FEATURE AT ANGLICAN CHURCH Fine Program in All Saints Given By Sunday School Scholars ---- 4 (By Staff Reporter) 'Whitby, Dec. 22--~The spirit of Christmas was manifest at All Saints' Angiican Church, last night, when the annual entertainment of the Sunday school was held in the par- ish hall. The spacious room was gayly decorated, the crowning at- traction being a stately Christmas tree fiom which were hung 2 num- ber of giits for young dnd old. . A laige audience was present including both parents, scolars and friends, Santa Claus . The rector, Rev. J. M. Crisall, act- ed as chairman assisted by the super- iniendent, Mr. Russell Bell. uch talent was displayed by those who ook part in the various dialogues, pretty drills and so forth, One fea- ture of the evening was a cleverly exccuted mouth organ trio by three boys who showed that they were Masters of their favorite instrument, Great excitement prevailed among Qe younger children when Santa Clius arrived and, with many whoops aud hurrahs, assisted in the distribu- tion of presents. The entertainment was brought to a close with the sing- ing of the National Anthem, this be- img performed with marked rever- ence on account of the present ill- fess of the 5% : ~ Program The program was as follows: Dia- fogue Mrs Bell's class; carol by the fehool, recitation by Howard Toms, ky Loo" by nine little girls, cho.us by Miss Unice Sleightholm's class, recitation by Helen Deverell, i120 solo by Vivian Rice, Christmas rere for "Mother Goose" by Miss Ruddy's lass, piano solo, Margaret Haz<l; mouth organ trio, Donald Bell, Howard Hazel and Billy Ruddy, Miss Cronkright's «lass, piano solo, Billy | aff ; carol by the school, Miss ivood's class, carol by the school. SYKES REMANDED (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Dec. 22. -- Jesse Sykes oo rile, charred with a serious © © nce agzinst'two small boys, ap- fF od in police court yesterday £04 was further remanded until i -~mber 27. DL Copadian cattle are jumping the Li. ». Tariff barrier, and finding a good market. The law of supply and Femnd fakes little account of tar- iff walls.--Lethbridge Herald. EXPRESS REGRET "AT RESIGNATION POPULAR TEACHER John Blow Presented With a Handsome Bust of Prince of Wales " (By' Staff Reporter' Whitby, 4 Dec. Ppa Add Blow, a popular member of the staff of Cen- tre St. Public School, Oshawa, leav- ing to accept a position with Upper Canada College, Toronto, was afford- ed a delightful surprise last night when members of his class at Centre street school gathered at his home to present him with a handsome bust of the Prince of Wales. The presentation was made by William Godfrey and Wilford Murray while Mr. Blow's parents were also re membered by the pupils. They ex- pressed great regret at losing him as teacher but were sincere in wishing him a Merry Christmas and success in his new field, Following the serving of tasty re- freshments the evening was brought to a close when all joined in sing: ing Christmas carols, The school children returned to Oshawa by means of a special bus. SANTA CLAS PAYS SHORT VISIT 10 PRESBITERIANS St. Andrew's Church, Whit- by, Has Fine Ent:crtainment for the Children (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Dec, 22.--Santa Claus was given a rousing reception at St. Andrew's Presbyteran Church when he paid his annual visit Fri- day night on the occasion of the Christmas entertainment held by the children of the Sunday School. St, Nicholas arrived after a very fine program of recitations, dio- logues, choruses, drills, etc., had been presented. The minis er, Rev, John Lindsay, presided, and, for the entertainment, the Sunday School was packed to the doors. Over in one corner stood a giant Christmas tree, gay with decora- tions and laden down with gifs for young and old, which were given out by Santa, assisted by of- ficers of the church and Sunday School. Teacher Honored A feature of the program was the presentation of an address and beautiful plant by the School to Mrs. John Thomson, a fai.hful teacher for many years, The ad- dress, which expressed appreciation of long and faithful service, coupled with the hope that Mrs. Thomson would remain with the school for many years yet, was read by Miss Doris Reid. Another feature of the program was the presenta.ion by superin- tendent F. H, M, Irwin of prizes to scholars who had been very faith- ful in. their attendance during the year, Several scholars, it was re- vealed, had not missed one Sunday' in 52, while other bad almost an' equal record. Program The various numbers on the pro- gram were as fol.ows: Two chor- uses by ihe School; recitation, Wil- liam Byers; dialogue, "Famous People," by the classes of Misses Jean and Ruth Robertson; recita- tion, Winnifred Sheiton; dialogue, "A Christmas Lesson", Miss Ethel Robertson's class; recitation, Ken- neth Forbes; solo, Ellen Muir; chorus, by the School; drill, by the classes of Misses Davey and Me- Guire; Christmas class, Mrs. Sel- don's class; reci.ation, Agnes An- derson; drill, Miss Brawley's class; duet, Ellen Muir and Helen Ander- son; duet, Misses Margaret Mowat and Isabell Brawley; dialogue, "Uncle Josiah's Will," Superinten- dent Irwin's class, The final num- ber on the program was the pres- entation of prizes and the unload- ing of the tree. The Sunday Schoo! room was gaily decorated for the concert. HOUSE OF REFUGE 1S GLADDENED BY CHRISTAS CHEER Women's Institute Visit Old People and Distribute . «ple at the House of Refuge yester- en to childhood with its eager ex- day afternoon when the ladles of the Women's Institute provided their annual Christmas treat. fine big Christmas tree had bee: erected und mo doubt many : mind was carried back through long years in pleasant memories of happy family gatherings or ev- A Moderately priced gifts are to be found in abundance in Felt Bros. Upstairs GIFT ROOM Entrance through Main Store FIR NC. It 'was a merry event and the aged people joined heartily in the sp.rit of the occasion. Mrs, John *rrv, who for twenty years has been assoclated with the work of the Institute, presided, while Mrs, Geo. A. Ross took charge of the musical part of the program. Ad- hdresses were made by Rev, T. PF. Best, Rev. A, L. Richards, Rev, J, M. Crisall, and Captain and Mrs. MacMillan, all representing the Whitby Ministerial Association, Special Supper The presentation of the gifts brought much joy and each old lady received a pretty handkerchief with bag, while each old gentle- man received a pipe and tobacco, The Institute also provided a box of chocolates for every one of the old folk and each also received an orange, the gift of Reeve Jackson. This was followed by a special Christmas supper, the tables be- ing generously loaded with cakes, pies and other dainties, The resi- dents at the House of Refuge were very grateful for this treat and their appreciation was conveyed to the ladies of the Institute and others through the superintendent, Dr. Lavery. QUITE LONG ENOUGH (Border Cities Star) In England Christmas holidays extend over three weeks. Here most folks wili be glad to get bark to work after being shut up with their [ers they are old friends.--Kitchen- families for 24 hours. ITALY IN MOURNING FOR ITS WAR LEADER -- Bordighera, Italy, Dec. 22,--The death ygsterday of Count Luigl Cadorna, Commander-in-Chief of the Italian Army during much of the Great War, has plunged all Italy into sorrow, although it had been known for several days that his condition was hopeless, The 78-year-old Marshall was stricken last Monday night by a cerebral blood elot, Blamed for Failure Cadorna organized the Italian forces for the great struggle, but after was blamed for the terrible defeat at Caporetto in October, 1917, which was one of the worst setbacks the Allies suffered during the war. General Armando Diaz succeeded him as Generalissimo and won the victories which later critics ack- nowledged were based on the pr parations made by his former chief, Marshall Cadorna, The newspapers today emphas- ized that both great Italian lead- ers in the war have died this year. General Diaz died on February 29, The Roman newspaper Impero points out that the Fascist Govern- ment restored Cadorna to his right- ful place, and conferred upon him the high rank of Marshal, Old Jokes are deservedly popu- lar. They are new to some, to oth- er Record. 120th when the TRAINING SCHOOL BOYS GUESTS OF ANGLICAN YP.A Splendid Program at St. John's Parish Hall and All Receive Gifts Bowmanville, Dec. 21.--8t. John's Parish Hall, looking very festive with evergreens and tinsel, was the scene of a happy Christ mas party on Tuesday, December Anglican Young People's Association had as their guests the Church of England boys from the Training School, The program opened with the hymn "Hark, the Herald Angels Sing" after which the following numbers were given: Plano solo, James McVeigh; reading, Doris Taylor; vocal solo, Mrs, F, C. Palmer; mandolin and plano, Tony Calegoire and J. Mc: Veigh; charieston, A.bert Sanders; plano duet, Mrs, Senkler and Mrs. J. Gunn; vocal solo, Mr. Keel; reci- tation, Doris Taylor, Santa Claus Santa Claus then appeared and Jfts were distri. uted to each one sresent, from a well loaded, pret- diy decorated tree. After a comic sketch put on by a few of the A. Y, members, rve- freshments were announced in a novel manner, The tables were ar- ranged down stairs and every one did ample justice to the good things provided, including a Christ- mas cake, Dancing brought the very pleas- ant evening to a close. ROT RY CLUB "0ST () CHIL PPEN AT BOWMA" VALE Co-operates With Th atre " Manager for Party on Monday Bowmanvi'le, Dee, 21.--" 7. Ross, manager of the Royal Theatre, is giving his annual treat to the children on Monday, Decem- [| Club, as in the past, wiil co-opera ber 24th when there will be a tree matinee at 1.30 p.m. The Bothry with Mr, Ross by giving each child an orange and a bag of candy. Touch of Winter The fall of smow which came last night and the clear, cold weather make one feel much more in the Christmas spirit and business is much more brisk. The stores are gay with bright decorations and Christmas wares pleasingly display- ed and people, realizing that the time is getting short, are getting down to real Christmas buying. If the present weather prevails for the remaining shopping days fit wil mean much to the merchants, Send We will be glad to have the names of holiday visitors sent in, also the names of those who may be going away for Christmas Those away from home like to read the "personals" and keep in touch with what is going on in the home town, Just phone 687. INQUIRY ORDERED GAS EXPLOSIONS $1,000,000 Damage as a Result of Explosions in London Streets London, Dec, 22, -- While the flaring gas main continues to rage | in the devastated Holborn area fol+: lowing Thursday's expolsion, the | Gas company and property owners are trying to check up on the dam- TRICKS COAL COMICS O IS FOR ORDER -WE y URGE YOU TO SEND IT. |S FOR USING THE BEST- THAT'S OUR COAL | FOR RELIABLE COAL -LISTEN FRIEND, IT IS MOST DEPENDABLE, TOO CHUNK OR WHOLE 7 'Ss FOR 'THE COMFORY YOU GET FROM THE NUGGETS - H, WE. ARE. SURE WHEN You ONCE FEEL IT'S NEAT - LL OF THE FAMILY WILL SAY, §' ONCE YOUVE TRIEDIT, ys - IVING IS BET{ER AND LIFE IS MORE SWEET WHAT MOPE CAN BE SAID ? USE: OUR COAL7 OUR COAL GIVES HEATING SATISFACTION. WHY EXPERIMENT? W.J. TRICK COMPANY, Lid. 25 AUSERT ST. PHONES 230-157 the admission of women to the nract'ece of Jaw in this province 1» to be taken to the floor of the Quebec Legislature during the coming session. Elicee Theriault, M.P.P, for I'ls- let, has made known his intention age and determine responsib'lity, There was a series of muffled ex- bs in Li urs vy this after- noon, and a quarter mile of shops | were clsed because of damages or threatened danger. It is estimat- ed that damage was done to 2,400 feet of roadway and pavement as well as nineteen buildings, twelve street lamps, water mains, cables and subway. The London Gas Light and Coke company denies all responsibility, | blaming the post office for the al- | leged explosion of a cable duct, | which extends the entire length of the torn-up road. The Board of Trade announced this afternoon that there undoubtedly wuld be a Government public inquiry. Meanwhile firemen wearing masks were still trying to sc the mains thirty hours after the o iginal explosion, while flames con- tinue to rage in St. Giles Church- yard, In the danger sone, which has been roped off, pedestrians and subway passengers are forbid- den to smoke, It was announced yesterday that the British cabinet has de- cided to appoint a commission to inquire into the circumstances of the explosion. NEW F TORT PLANNED FOR QUEBEC WOMEN Montreal, Que., Dec. 23, -- The long-standing campaigns seeking to sponsor a bill alming at the admission of women to the Bar, Mrs, Pierre PF. Casgrain declared at a meetirg here today of the Provincial Franchise Committee. Quehec women have long been admitted to the study of law at the | universities and have been grant- ed degrees by those institutions, but they are forbidden to practise , their profession under the present , law, Many are employed In ad- visory capacities by law firms, but it is not permissible for them to appear as counsel in court. : It was also reported at today's ; meeting that as a preliminary to a renewed campaign aiming at the . introduction of a provincial meas- ure to give the franchise to the . women of Quebec , LAST CHANCE FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS TREE Works from an ordinary electric light socket and transforms your Christmas tree spectacle of with Chimes." JURY & LOVELL King E. Pone 28 To secure one of these WONDERFUI ELECTRIC CHIMES into. a dazzling light accompanied the music of "Angel (Approved by Hydro) Simcoe 8. 4d 2 Toys Dolls Games Ea 2 a a » 3 2 08 eid Fry & ih CH E) Se A 7 \ SPECIAL INA At SIMPSON"S LEN, 2 £4 / Here you will be certain to find the right s:lection for every unsolved problem on your Christmas gift list, moreover you will be pleasantly surprised at the low prices prevailing throughout A Few Toy Specials from i Simpson's Toy Room on Sa'e in the Basement STURDY BUILT "OH BOY" PULL TOYS A fortunate purchase brings about a substantial saving on these big 'Oh Boy' pull toys including Trucks and Busses--all well constructed of heavy metal and finished in bright colors. These are toys certain to please the boy. Reg. $1.25. Each .......oocmems TOY LAUNDRY SETS BOYS' TOOL SETS 18 in to 21 in long. .. 98¢ For dolly's wash day. Set includes a collapsible Eight practical tools- --such as hammer, saw, awl, clothes reel, a metal tub, wash board and 6 clothes pins. Complete ..........c000sn000000s T5¢ ruler, etc., packed in a heavy cardboard bok. A splendid gift for any boy ....... T5¢ Lovely 17-inch dolls with BEAUTIFUL DRESSED DOLLS head, sleeping eyes, curly arms and legs. Dressed in colorful felt frocks with big picture hat to match, felt shoes and white socks. Extra special. Phone orders filled. Each bobbed wig and movable $198 069¢ strong en sticks NESTED PICTURE BLOCKS FOR WEE TOTS Hollow wood blocks, covered with brightly lithographed animal pictures, etc., on five sides. Very amusing to the kiddies. These Blocks are made in graduated sizes and may be nested or built up in pyramids. In our Christmas Sale. Sets of eight blocks............ 15 Piece TEA SETS All complete for the tea party--China tea set with dainty decoration. In the set are 6 plates, 6 cups, sugar bowl, cream MILIT. 25¢ 9c CL La TS DA TY i es 4 The 0h g oh 40h goioapiedivesshrgebopapbroiny got 2 S Eherharhesh CHEN Rab RY 5 Re pectation of Christmas and Sebia | Claus. 4 Rbert Simpson , 41-43 SIMCOE STREET NORTH, BRN I Bowmanville Phone 524 5 awd sad Vand

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