Oshawa Daily Times, 21 Dec 1928, p. 2

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| ORPESIDROCS KEES MIO INNER IRR IRONED _t, a J LUHERETRNPESINNRES PRES SIRODE RODE DARE ENS BIRO R00 RODE D000 © er - ~ 'ow » oe > a © eam HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 21,1928 -- Mayor. of Whitby and Mys. Bateman Prove ¢ } Officials and Friends Are "Guests at Banquet in the Service of Retiring Mayor --Presentation Made on Occasion of Anniversary of 40 Years of Wedded Life . (By Staff Reporter) ¢ Whitby, Dee. 21.--Mayor John Bateman, who for three years has ! been Whitby's chief magistrate, but who recently announced his de- i ginite retirement from municipal + office, entertained the members of i' the council, town officials, repre- » sentatives of the press and others ; sit a banquet held at his home last ' night, Mayor Bateman and Mrs. Bateman proved themselves most gracious hosts and a sumptuous four-course dinner was served * which would do credit to the best ¢ euisine, Two long tables were spread in the dining room which ' had been tastefully decorated ! migeest the Christmas season while each table bore a tiny imita- ' tion Christmas tree, * Guests Welcomed * On behalf of himself and wife, His Worship extended a warm wel- "come to the guests. He told the "ecoun-il that it had been a great pleasure to work with it during the year, and was convinced that every 'member had attempted to serve eonsrientiously and well, To his 'mind there had been some progress * made and much work had been completed, The mayor had also & ¢ Most Gracious Hosts Members of Council, Town Jackson to take charge of. proceed. | ings, ' 40 Years Married At this juncture, the reeve point- ed out that the council had been pleased and surprised to learn that on December 24 Mayor Bateman and Mrs, Bateman would celebrate the 40th anniversary of their mar- viage, He then read an address in which the members of the council and 'officials offered their felicita- s tions and good wishes for continue ed years of happines while Deputy Reeve R, J. Underwood presented them with a handsome mantel clock on behalf of the council. A beau- tiful bouquet of flowers was also presented to Mrs, Bateman. gi Mayor Bateman, although taken by surprise, made fitting reply and admitted that it was true that he and Mrs, Bateman would presently celebrate + 40th wedding versary, He ssid that he could hardly find words to express his appreciation but assured his guests that this token of good wishes would always be treasured, Mrs, Bateman also made: gracious reply. Reeve's Tribute As senior member of the counell, Reeve Jackson was first to speak, It was with great regret, he stated, that he had heard of Mayor Bate- man's decision to retire. He had known him before and during his ileivic career and had always held MAYOR J. W. BATEMAN Who, after three terms as mayor of Whitby, has announced his retire- ment from public life, Mayor Bate- man and Mrs. Bateman entertains ed members of the town council and civic officials at a banquet last night. - w! good word to say for the town's of- ficlals and déscribed them as effi. cient, faithful and willing, Out of Politics With reference to his retiremen from municipal affairs, Mayor Bateman stated that he thought that he bad served long enough snd that possibly the community might be tiring of hinr. He sald a num- ber of splendid citizens might make zood candidates for the position, He had been pleased to serve the town as best he could but there was a second reason which influ- enced him in his decision to retire, namely that he could devote more time to private affairs. Mayor Bateman then requested Reeve him in high esteem, The reeve spoke strongly againsp the "carp- ing criticism" of the council's activ- ities which one heard outside the council chamber, often from per- sons who never attempted to serve the municipality in any way, It was possibly characteristic of most towns, but he felt that if it were not for this sort of, thing, Mayor Bateman would be content to re- main in office, Reeve Jackson de- clared that municipal service should not be regarded lightly as it was something which should require the worthiest of men. Will Be Candidate It ever, he stated, a strong coun- cH. was needed in Whitby, it would be needed in the coming year for be declared the town to be on the verge of a period of growth and expansion, After serving four con- tinuous years as reeve, four years previous in council, two years as mayor and six years on the school board, Reeve Jackson was prepared to state that he would be a can- didate for the reevship at the next elections. If elected he would at- Dam a ae a) Special 8 $1.28 pair In Christmas Boxes. MAIN FLOOR SATURDAY Final Clearance of LADIES' TOILET SETS AT HALF PRICE Sets of Comb, Brush and Mirror ..... Reg. $10.90, for $5.45 Set Sets of Comb, Brush and Mirror ..... Reg. $5.95, for $2.98 Set Manicure Set .. .. .............. Reg Comb, Brush, Mirror Set in Case .... Reg. Baby Toilet Set .. ...000424....:. Rog BASEMENT GIFT SHOPPE. $4.95, for $2.48 Set $10.50, for $5.25 Set $3.95, for $1.98 Set A Christmas Gift Suggestion SILK HOSE 73 An All Silk Hose, Reg. $1.48 Quality. © , be Fy TOWEL SETS--from 59¢ to $3.50 Set. HANDKERCHIEFS (Boxed) 39¢ to $1.50 Box. SCARFS--from $1.00 to $4.50 (Boxed) UMBRELLAS--$1.49 to $11.50 » GLOVES, HOSIERY --all kinds, all requirements of any Pocket Book. sizes, to meet the bat et CHRISTMAS } | was the second speaker to be call- ¢ : E § EEE} E1°ELE 2 111 Gilts Moderately pricéd gifts are to be ~ found in abundance in Felt Bros. Upstairs GIFT ROOM Entrance through Main Store tempt to serve the town to the best 'garded his retire ent from »-hlie of his abilily and if defeated he iife as a loss to the community, would be content and retire defin- Win, rin. itely from public life. | Town Engineer Wm. Prinsle Deputy Reeve spoke of the pleasant relations that Deputy Reeve Underwood also had existed in the municipal office regretted that Mayor Bateman was Li ob the - i sure which hod retiring from the municipal arena, , 7° Elven to his department, He During his term in council he had forecasted the 1 assess: nt > d received much assistance from the ,° 'Bereas.d next year by $50.000 mayor and reeve. It had been an through new buildings and addl- honor for him to sit in the ceunty I ons, Although the town would council with Reeve Jackson who iave to face Ereater expenditures he declared, was always champion on stseets, further revenue could ' be expe ted. of t t a oe S28 Tights snd Sud on Expression of appreciation of the county and town council saved the | growing pains, assistance which had been lent him by the mayor and reeve, was mau. by Town Clerk John R, Frost. He also wished to thank the ow statf and Mr, Every of the public utilities commission. The town clerk attributed - the ovérdraft to ; 'own's Employes . In paying tribute to the town's employes, Reeve Jackson, also in. cluded the police department and Chief Gunson replied saying that it had been a pleasure to work un. der Mayor Bateman as chief magis. trate, He thanked the council for the confidence which had been placed in his department and could only say that he would work faith fully during the coming year. Con. stable John Thomas also replied and stated that he would attempt to protect the town to the best of his ability, : Tribute to Ladies Many complimentary remarks were made concerning the ability of the lady members of the muni- cipal staff, including Miss Marjorie Ross, of the public utility depart. ment, and Miss Helena Richardson of the town clerk's department, The ladies when called upon made charming acknowledgement and ex- pressed their appreciation to Mayor Eateman and the council, Many Courtesies Jas. Holden, representing The Oshawa Daily Times, was also call ed upon and thanked the host for his hospitality, while he conveyed to the mayor and council appre-ia- tion for the many courtesies which had been extepded to the press. Before conclusion of the banquet the guests with host and hostess, joined hands and sang heartily, "Auld Lang Syne," This was fol- lowed by the Nationa] Anthem and two minutes of silent prayer for the restoration of health and strength to the King, i -- MANY ENTERTAINMENTS (By Staff Re porter) Whitby, Dec. 21.--Three Sunday chool entertainments are being giv- en in town tonight, The schools in- clude All Saints' Anglican church, St. Andrew's Presbyterian church and the United church, Events of this Agnew- Experienced Help Wanted SHOE STORES 23 1-2 Simcoe St. 8. Surpass nature are always anticipated with keen interest by the scholars and al- so their parents, Many a mighty orator, great actor or gifted singer made his first public appearance on the Sunday school platform, CHRISTMAS SPIRIT (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Dee, 21, ~The bright, cold weather and last night's fall of snow have combined to create an atmos- phere of Christmas, This has been heightened locally by the shops which are displaying such a variety of Christmas ite suggestions, The merchants are enjoying a brisk holi; | day trade and if store windows are any indication there should be no | need of Santa Claus shopping out of Whitby SERIOUS CHARGE (By Staff Reporter) Whitby, Dec, 21.--Jesse Pyke, of Myrtle, who was remanded by Mag- istrate Willis last Monday on a seri- ous offense against two small boys, will appear before Magistrate Willis in police court today, Pyke is being defended by D, A. J. Swanson, of Oshawa, FOREST CONSERVATION Regina Leader (Lib,) . While there are pessimists who believe that Canada's timber supe ply will eventually be exhausted, the opinion of experts seems to be that it can be made perpetual by simple and practical forestry, There are indications of a ship- building boom in Great Britain, A vast there for the always buoyant John Bull.--Stratford Expositor, The Original Phone £5 TAXI 7 Passenger Cars Stand Middleton's Garage 11 Church St. Prop. Mrs. F, Middleion corporation money, The deputy reeve did not wish to commit him- self but intimated that he would be a candidate for office in 1929, F. H, Annis Municipal service should be re- garded in the light of an honorable duty, stated F. Howard Annis, a former member of the council, who Bon RET bo Wd a XE i 3% d CL TEL LTE T ETT 1 TY Te »d upon, It was with keen regret -hat he had learned of Mayor Bate- man's decision to retire and he vould urge that he reconsider this 'ecision, Wm. Pringle Although he would not be a can- date for the chief magistracy, une, Wm. Pringle, chairman e finance committee, who has 2en often mentioned in this re- ard, admitted that he would again »e a candidate for council. He paid tribute to Mayor Bateman and spoke of his splendid personality and even temper. Ed. Bowman That he might be a candidate for any one of the positions in the council or that he might not run at all was the admission of Council. lor Ed. Bowman, who stated that he had not yet made up his mind. Councillor Bowman referred to his host as a perfect gentleman, and referred to his patience and fair- ness, while presiding over the coun- cil's sessions, C. A. Bryans C. A. Bryans, manager of the lo- =. E.On Bank, was also a guest night's banquet and referred to the fact that the bank greatly appreci- ated the town's account. He wish- to compliment the town's cleri- staff upon its accuracy and in transacting the town's business with the bank. J. H. Ormiston uneilior J. i Ormiston, chair- it Hl [itp feebeEaiet Bowmanvil'e rom» ore EVE L New Years. DEL JAF A $ ¢ Pay $1.00 Down Santa and $2.00 a Week, No Interest This puts the Beatty Washer under the dollars and make Mother feel that way, See Us Right $1.00 down does the trick (= BEATTY WASHER STORES & DALE OSHAWA Dealers 86 Simcoe St. N. Deliveries Will Be Made in Oshawa, Bowmanville and Whithy. "WAS 2 ER fis RY SANTA CLAUS SPECIAL Say the word, Santa, and we'll deliver as late as 10:30 Chrismes Eve, a Beatty Electric Washer with Four FREE Gifts to any part of the city. Mother can have a Free demonstration of the Washer between Christmas and PR . H-DAY PREFERRED A. TU

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