PAGE | WELVE HE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1928 Bh AY RETAILERS SEND LARGEST NUMBER T0 UNIVERSITY "Sons of Ontario Merchants Form Largest Brigade in Toronto Toronto Ont, Dec, 20.--The re- tail merchants of Ontario send the largest number of students to the University of Toronto, according to the President's Report just issued. .Of 1,418 students entering the Uni. versity in the First Year, 148 were the sons of retail merchants, Farms» ers come next in order; they sent 189; Artisans sent 138 and clerks and salesmen, 131, It would seem therefore, that higher education in this province is very democratic, Manufacturers are not far ber find, Their sons and /daughters, to the number of 81, entered the first year, The clergymen of Ontario are represented hy 76 entrants; physie~ fans and surgeons, 60; teachers, B53; business managers, 51; trans- portation men, 48; lawyers, 44; insurance and real estate men, 40; wholesale merchants 30; financial men, 29; engineers, 28; journal- ste, 21; dentists 16, and so on, Commenting on these figures, Sir Robert Falconer, says, "It is ob vious that far more students pro- portionately nome to the Upiver. sity from professional homes than from those whose heads are in busi- ness or the industries including av- riculture, the University reflects the changing social conditions of the Province." i 0, WRIGHT REVISITS N. CARDLINA TOWN First Aviator Returns to Scene of First Airplane Flight Kitty Hawk, N, C,, Dee, 20 -- prville Wright came back Monday jo the sand hills beyond this small village to the spot where he creat- ed history 25 years ago, being the first to fly a heavier than afr ma- chine. He stood bare headed on a crude platform on the top of the walking sands of Kill Devil Hill, Before him stretched the Dun- ' TIME TABLES | L CPR, TIME TABLE, New Schedule taking effect |; am. Sunday, April 2, 1926 © ad Going West fy ly. 8.40 a.m. Daily except Sunde 4.5 p.m on. of 7. . Daily Sunday, i at ial he y except » Daily except Sunday. Dasly. . Daily. All times shown abo times trains Bt rom Oy Aoors Te Chk. TIME TABLES Effective dept. 30, 1928, £23 a.m. Dail, Sunday, £.58 a.m. oi Bg 4 4 9.59 am Daily. L117 pm. Daily except Sunday, 2.32 pm. Daily exeept Sunday, 6.47 pm. Daily except Sunday. 9.42 p.m. Daily. 1109 p.m. Daily except Saturday. 22.09 a.m. Daily. 32.25 a.m. Daily. 4.44 a.m. Daily. 528 am. Daily. 5.45 am. Daily except Sunday, $9 Sm Daily except Sunday AW a.m. ly except a 2.06 pm. Daily except Sunday, 4.37 pan. ily. Whitby, Oshawa, Bowmanville BUS LINE WEEK DAY SCHEDULE (Eficctive on and aftes Nov. 4 Going West Leave Leave Arrive Arrive Oshawa Hospital 7.10 a.m, Eig i 7.20 am. am. x945 a.m. am, pm. BBe sid pan. =330 pm. 4.40 p.m. pam. FRRRERERRRRERS § ¥ 333388 sth iL 33 es; behind him the Atlantic rolled restlessly, hundred yards from its present section ideal for the early aviativu experiments of the Wright broth. ers, On top of the hill Orville Wright witnessed the laying of a cornerstone which will mark the site of a memorial tower to coms memorate the first flight by man, Stretched along the steep sides of the hill were hundreds who had journeyed to pay tribute to the Wrights, » Among them were many of the distinguisied foreign delegates fo the recent International Civil Aeros nautical conference which closed in Washington last Friday, . On the platform with Wright were Senators Bingham, Black and McMaster, Governor Angus McLean of North Carolina, Representatives Warren, Fitzgerald, Haas ang Frear, Secretary of War Davis, as. sistant Secretary of Navy Warne, asst. Secretary of Commerce Mae- Cracken, and three of the coast guardsmen of 25 years ago who aid- ed the Wrights in their first flight, Memorial Erected After the laying of the corner- stone Wright and the crowd walk- ed through the loose sands to a granite boulder where the first flight actually started, There Sen- ator Bingham drew aside the can- vas and dedicated the memorial erected by the National Aeronauti- cal Association, Wright said nothing during the entire ceremonies, He smiled at old acquaintances shook hands with Captain Bill Tate, at whose house he stayed during his early experi- ments, and Captain John T. Daniels who was caught in the wires of the early machine and received the first aviation injuries, It was the first time in 17 years that Wright had revisited the scene of the first conauests of himself and his brother Wilbur, After the eerec- monies were over and O, Wright was asked of his reaction to hon- ors which had been paid him, he answered in a sentence character- istic of the modesty and the simpli- city of the man: "I wish Wilbur could have been here." An old fashioned barbecue was prepared by the natives of Kitty Hawk. Many of the sons and daugh- ters of men who knew the Wrights in the early days were crowded around the wharf and the barbecue stand to welcome the first aviator, Immediately after the ceremonies, the party ferried back to the main- land and proceeded to Norfolk. A man who thinks an education is not needed is wrong, and the man who imagines nothing else is need- ed--well, he's wrong, too.--Strat- ford Beacon-Herald. For Your Drug Needs THOMPSON'S 10 Simcoe St, 8,~We Deliver Phone 193 W. J. SARGANT FRERRERRERERS ERRRFREREEES The hill once stood & good four ; location, The steady wind made this | Crop Report With few exceptions roads and fields are bare of snow in all parts of the Province, according to the resentative branch, 'Plowing is still proceeding in a number of counties and cattle are still being turned out for a portion of the day, This should relieve to som extent the feed situation which is decidedly short in some eastern On- \ I'r TT | LOUNTS | hr Stage | IVING VY WHERE HIGH GRADE EQUIP: MENT KEPT IN PER FECT CONDITION. MEANS RELIABLE SERVICE COLEMAN CARTAGE AND ISTANCE LOCAL ONG [ weekly report of agricultural rep-' ¥v! cattle went into the stable in rath- tario counties, Cheese factories are practically all closed, Howeves, the demand for whole milk is equal and at some points greater than the supply, With high feed prices existing there is a general feeling in both western and eastern On- tario that milk prices should be higher, Hssex -- Reports are coming in daily of corn yields which are very encouraging. The latest and best to date 18 110 bushel baskets per acre, The weather continues to be quite mild, Glengarry -- Generally speaking, er a thin condition, considering the fact that the pasure was good all season, Leaving the livestock out too late due to scarcity of feed was largely responsible for this, Leeds--Approximately 135 tons of poultry were sold at the four poultry fairs held in Leeds county last week, Total cash, $00,081. 00, Pullets on th whole were lay ing early and at present are produc- ing heavily, Lennox and Addington--0Onp high ands it has been possible to plow right up to December 15th, The. majority of farmers, however, were finished plowing some time ago, Lincoln--This industry (poultry) continues to demand the attention of many of the best farmers in the district. Many are at the present time making early preparations for a big increase in production of hatching eggs and chicky for the cowing year. A great deal of blood testing work is being done and sup- ervision is being given to all flocks which are producing eggs for the hatching at the community hatcher- ies by the Ioultry division of the Dominion government Peterborough -- One effect of the low price for hogs has heen noticed the last few weeks on the local market. A great deal more than the normal amount of dressed pork is being offered. At the live hogs would prices, Prescott and Russell--Roads are still opened to automobile traffic, We have abot four inches of snow with snow banks of two or three feet high, The winter conditions have been prevailing during the last two weeks, The next snow 'will definitely block the roads to: automobiles, Simcoe South--Although a spirit of optimism prevails, this has been a rather trying season on account at current of seeds, climaxed with low prices for cash crops, such as potatoew, Welland -- Farmers are still plowing in some sections of the county and it has heen a very fave orable year to get fall work coms pleted, b wt BROKERS BOOST NEW FORD SHARES Price Quoted at $17.50 to Be Investigated by U. S. Attorney General New York, Dee, 20.--Shares of the new Ford Motor Company, Ltd., have become a national specula- tive pet in the last few days, and efforts are already being made by some promoters to cash in on the magic of the Ford name at the expense of the puble, it was learn- ed today. The stock is being traded in on the New York Curb market on a "when {issued" basis, interim re- ceipts for it closing today at $8.50 after selling .as high as $10. Although anyone could have purchased through a reputable broker within this price range, the of slightly poorer guality and yield" Do You Own Your Own (7) ee HO 4 fo FEY HH - Money to loan at 6% per cent, first mortgages. J. H. R. LUKE Phones; »/1 931; 687TW, Nr tk SS Sri te rl ts PPS SS opportunity of buying the stock at $17.60 a share in circular letters sent out as first-class mail and bearing the name "Von Bayer and Company, Grand Central Palace, 247 Park Avenue, New York, N. YY." The letter was brought to the attention of Deputy Attorney-Gen- eral W, H, Millsholland, of the securities bureau of the 'Attorney- General's office, He ordered that the officers and books of the com- pany be subpoenaed, and promised an immediate investigation, A man introducing himself as "Mr, Von Bayer," explained by telephone that the letter bad heen sent out December 15, and that at that time it was not known what price the new stock would com: mand in the market, A "We protected ourselves by nam- ing a price of $17.50," he seid. "With the original issue for over- subscribed, there was nothing to 16 cents and 18 cents this pork brings in considerably more than public is being offered the unique prevent the stock advancing to $25 a share in the market" PHONE 716) W. J). SULLEY, Auctionee) Loans, Insurance Collection and Real Estate REAL ESTATE, INSURANCE Cutler & Preston 64 King St. West Telephones 578, 228 Night Calls 510, 1560, ee eee LETT, NICHOLLS AND HALLITT Real Estate Insurance and Loans Phone 8254 11 King 8t, East, Oshawa PHONE PHONE YOUNG 4% Prince St. Oshawa, Ont. History of the common people: Sixteenth century, held down; twentieth century, held up.--King- ston Whig-Standard. w---- The DISNEY Real Estate ow wiv $1800--4 room cottage, cen tral, paved street, Lights and water, Garage. Chicken house, Easy terms, $8600--6 rooms, Modern, Burk St. Good condition, $8753 rooms, Garage home Nice high lot, Only $25 down and $25 per month. No Interest or taxes while paying for it, Phone 1550 for inspection. tee Ct lH ll Gal LL er In the next week or two, there will be convincing evidence that the campaign against Christmas gift giving has not very far,-- ELLA CINDERS--Dishing the Dirt LSTEN T% Shi BRINGING UP FATHER-- ICI: JERRY - HIDE IND THE PIANO - COMES MAGGIE IF SHE FINDS YOU HERE SHELL HERE IT ALL DEPENDS ® 1928. by lot'] Feature Service. lnc BEEN A TIME OF FEASTING ARE QUITE A NUMBER OF WELL AS CHRISTMAS HAS ALVAYS THERE ow SUPERSTITIONS CONCERNING FOOD AT CHRISTMAS TIME, TOMMY. | » > V. A. WY | ill rT fH gn i THE YEAR. T3115 SMD THAT IF YOu REFUSE A PIECE OF MINCE PIE AT CHRISTMAS DINMER IT MEANS BAD LUCK FOR B70 av APPLES AT MiDHIGHT ON CHRISTMAS EVE 15 TO ENJOY 6000 HEALTH DURING THE YEAR. 13 A Loaf TO REMAIN ON THE TABLE AFTER: THE CHRISTMAS EVE CELEBRATION THERE WILL BE NO LACK OF BREAD IN THE HOUSE FOR 12 MONTHS. | HAVE YOU OF BREAD 15 ALLOVIED | Your CHRisTMAS {f Insurance & Loans TILUE THE TOILER--Her Lost Chance £8ke Time marked "x" Whitby Hosta! fe 2 sass LE] FH 1 LOVE THA ITH 2 LEY SPEAK y CERIA RELLO, IS THs SIMPKANS AND TET mm | GOOD HEAVENS : ME ll S21 - DONT « , MISS Tones FAINTED ~ GET THIR © WHT 1 DID WITH THAT BEEN ROYCE HAD Seen Mel iN THAT FROCK , WOULD SURE HAVE ITs ALL So FUNNY Mow - [TILLIES DIARY A DUMB iN FAINTING BUT AHEM 4 AT AND BALL PELTON GIRL A FADE -0oVT.}| Toad Me Mop AAS Bal Be eon MT ed ped sO. OOO MAR WHER CHW EPA A ener 3 BEES ES hae TY BS pee le Neal mm owe mat A