Oshawa Daily Times, 15 Dec 1928, p. 6

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PAGE Slay oT --. \ THE OSHAWA DAILY |IMES, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1928 -- Woman's Daily Interest SOCIAL and PERSONAL The Times invites the co of its readers in eontributing items to this column, Send in a postcard or phone 86. Mr, and Mrs, J, V, Hill and son, Jonnie, left yesterday for Flori~ 8, Ho »* * Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Whattam re on a motor pleasure and busi. trip to New York, Philadelphia d Washington. Mrs, R. H. Hall of Montreal is {siting her parents, Mr, and Mrs, , H, Everson, 171 King streev east, \ * * * Mr, and Mrs, E, A. Thompson, Mary street , are spending the week-end with the former's broth- er in Flint, Michigan, who {is {ll with pneumonia, ' CRE Warden G, M, Forsythe of Pick- ering and Deputy Reeve Luther Middleton of Pickering attended the meeting of the Children's Ald ocfety held here Thursday evens ng. * ¥ » Mrs. H., Lobb, Queen street, has returned from spending a few weeks in Windsor, the guest of er daughter, Mrs, L. Nott. Mrs, Ros accompanied her mother ome and will remain in the city for the Chistmas holidays. * * * Mr. and Mrs, E, G. Sandercock, whose marriage took place in Hast- ings on Wednesday, December 12, pre spending their honeymoon with friends in the city and district, at- ter which they will return to the groom's farm in Halimand town- ship. ¥ + . In the account sent in of the names of the officers of the Wom- en's Missionary Society of Knox Presbyterian church the names of Mrs. C. Brown,, supeintendent of the Mission Band, and Mrs, N. Douglas, assistant superintendent of the Mission Band were omitted. The allocation was reached and exceded. * * * An enjoyable evening was spent at the home of Mrs, M. Livesey, 203 King street east, on Wednesday evening on the occasion of the en- nouncement of the engagement and the twenty-first birthday or Miss M. Smith, Among the yuests were: Mr, and Mrs. F. Swithen- bank, Mrs. Holt, Mr. C. Lord, Mrs. Pickup. * * * Miss Eleanor McLaughlin, "Park- wood," was a guest at the dance jast evening given in the King Ed- ward Hotel, Toronto, by Mr. and Mrs. William B. Taylor in honor of thei debutante daughter, Miss Adele Taylor. Miss MeLaughlin MAKE AND 17 CORRECT STYLE OF SECURELY. _ EX A ION FREE» AUTHORS (elo) YN J HURCH ST. TORONTO will spend the week-end in Toron- to the guest of Mrs, Harry Alwyn Scott, Russell Hill 10d, The Sons of England held their weekly whist drive last evening in the 8.0.B, hall, There were 16 tables n play, _ The lades' przes were won by Miss B, Judd, Miss M, Thomas and Mrs, F, Brown, while Messrs, W, Evans, J, Orford and J, H, Brooker were awarded the gentlemen's prizes, The spec fal prize was won by Mr, H, Pow- er, Next week at the special Christmas whist drive prizes of a goose to the lady and a hox of ci- gars to the gentleman are being offered, OFFICERS ELECTED AT WM.S. MEETING Mrs. F. J. Maxwell is New President of St. Andrew's Organization The Women's Missionary Society of St. Andrew's United Church held their annual meeting on Thursday, December 13, in the Sunday school room of the church, with the presi- dent, Mrs, F, J. Maxwell, presid- ing. The various reports, given by the officers, were of an encouraging nature, particularly that, of the Mission Band who have raised nearly $100 in the past year. The treasurer's report showed the al- location not only reached but ex- ceeded, Two new life members have been enrolled in the Society, Mrs, Wannan and Miss Jessie Dil- lon, The missionary envelopes, which are received by each mem- ber of the congregation, are to be mailed early in the new year, The election of officers took place with the following results: honor- ary president, Miss Jessie Panton and Mrs, G. Yule; president, Mrs, i a : ple, three new members entered {into the mysteries of our Order. It also being our ninth birthday a tempting lunch with birthday cake and candles were served by the social committee,. NO CAUSE FOR - ALARM IS REPORT "Flu" Outbreaks Little More Than Severe Colds, Says Deputy Ottawa, Dec, 15,--There is no cause for alarm in regard to 'influenza, Dr, i A. Amyot, Deputy Minister of] ealth, declared yesterday. . "There is some influenza about,' Dr. Amyot said, "but reports of an epidemic are exaggerated. Many cases amount to nothing more than bad colds, "It should be remembered that no one ever dies of influenza alone, It is only 'when there are complications that there is danger. Reports re- ceived by the department do not in- dicate that any complichtions are pre- sent now." It was wise, however, to take pre- cautions, "When sympton.s appear one should go to bed," he advised, "and stay there until ten days after they disappear." In that way spread- ing of the infection would be sub- stantially reduced. BARGLAY' BANK SEEKS CHARTER British Concern to Apply to Parliament for Canadian Rights of Operation Montreal, Dec, 15.--An interest ing announcement appeared in yes- terday's issue in The Official Gaz- ette, It appears that at the mext ion of parliament an application F. I. Maxwell; first vice president, Mrs," F. Hare; second vice presi- dent; Mrs, C. E, Ewing; treasurer, Mies J. Dillon; recording secre- tary. Mrs. Stewart Storie; corres- ponding secretary, Mrs, P. Beattie; press secretary; Mrs. J. C. Young; literature secretary, Mrs. Cox; sup- ply secretary, Miss A. Scott; mis- sionary monthly secretary, Mrs. Barrett; condolence secretary, Miss J. Panton; Mission Band, Mrs. 3, Yule and Mrs. 8S. H. Buckler; C.G, , Mrs. Waugh. PYTHIAN SISTERS ELECT OFFICERS Ontario Temple No. 1 Hold Annual Election-- Ninth Birthday Ontario Temple No. 1, Pythian Sisters, held their annual election of officers last Thursday evening in the K. of P, Hall. The officer elected for the coming year are: M. E, C., Sister Iva Cliff; E. C, Sister Emma Larke; E. J., Sister Sarah Loger- man; Manager, Sister Annie Lee; M. of F. Sister Mabel Cunning- pam; M. of R. & C., Sister Ethel Northey; Protector, Sister Alice Northey; Guard, Sister. Nina Bid- dell; Psoss Correspondent, Sister Marie Swartz; Grand Lodge Rep- resentative, Sister Mabel Disney: will be made to form a bank, nn- der the Canadian Bank Act, to be known as Barclay's Bank (Cana- da). . Barclay's Bank of London Is one of the "big five" with resources as shown in the balance sheet as ar June 30 of approximately $1,800,- 000,000 For some time past the bank has been represented in Montreal by a subsidiary company, under the ti- tle of "Barclay (Canada) Limit. ed," which however, owing to Can. adian banking laws, has been able to render .only very limited ser- vices, and has not been im a pos: tion to offer the facilities of an an agency or a branch bank repre- senting the "Barclay Group." The proposed bank will have an authorized and paid up capital of $500,000 with a reserve fund of a like amount, the majority of the capital being subscribed by Baré lay's Bank, Limited, and Barclay's Bank (Dominion, Colonial and Ov- erseas), This latter institution it will be recalled, was formed in February, 1926, by the amalgama- tion of the National Bank of South Africa, the Anglo-Egyptian Bank and the Colonial Bank; with the ob- ject of furthering the interests of Imperial trade, and has branches at most of the important centres of the Empire. It is understood that Sir Robert Borden will accept the office of President of the new Bank, A scientist says that he can con- vert wood into food. After this ey- en more people will be looking for cheap board. --Ottawa Journal. Christmas Recipes FRIED CHICKEN AND PINEAPPLE 6 slices pineapple, bread clumbs, 2 tablespoons cooking oil, 6 ounce can chicken, Put slices of pineap- ple under a heavy weight and let stand until/ quite dry, Cut in pieces and dip in crumbs, Saute in oll, When brown, add chicken in small pleces, Heat thoroughly before serving, Servings, 4. ---- CORN CHOWDER 14 pound fat salt pork, 1 onion sstieed), 4 cups sliced potatoes, 1 ean corn, 1 quart scalded milk, salt, pepper, 8 common crackers or squares of toast, Cut pork in small pieces and try out add onions and cook five minutes, stirring of- ten that onion may not burn, Par- boil potatoes five minutes in boil- ing water to cover, and drain. Add potatoes to fat, cook until potatoes are soft, add corn ana milk, and heat to the boiling point, Season with salt and pepper, add the crackers or toast soaked In enough milk to moisten, Remove crackers, turn chowder into a tur- een and put crackers on top Servings b, SCOTCH PLUM PUDDING 1 pound grated carrots, 1 pound flour, 3% pound chopped suet, 1 cup molasses, 1 pound raisins, % cup brown sugar, % pound each chppped figs, dates and candied peels, mixed, % pound chopped nut meats, 4 eggs, J teaspoon each cloves and mace, 3; teaspoon each cinnamon, and salt, 3% cup orange juice or any of the other flavorings, Combine thoroughly the carrots, nuts and fruits, Add the suet, chopped as fine as meal and mixed with the flour, which has been sifted wilh the spices and salt, Moisten with the molasses, stirred into the sugar, add the fruit juices and the well-beaten eggs. Let this pudding stand overnight and then steam six hours. ---------------------- TWO-MANUAL PIANO MAKES SENSATION Critic Highly Pleased With Performance on Instru- ment at London, Eng. London, Eng. Dec. 15. -- In con- nection with a recent recital given by Miss Winnifred Christie on a two-manual piano at Queen's Hall here A. Kalisch, music critic for the Daily News and Westminster Ga- zette, says: "The two-manual piano has been accepted as a great improvement by many of the leading pianists of the day, some of whom predict that it fore-shadows a complete revolution in piano playing. Without going quite so far it is safe to say that it has many advantages and makes much musie playable by the average performer which at present is pos- sible only for a virtuoso--and it gives a virtuoso the opportunity of attend- ing more to interpretation. "Miss Christie is certainly an ar- tistic pianist. She developed an im- posing volume of tone, and her oe- tave playing was remarkable. The two manuals enabled her to bring out melodies with extraordinary clearness, and her. basses were re- markably sonorous, while the upper register of the piano had a beautiful quality." Auditors, Sister Cliff, Swartz and Hall. During the business of the Tem- BUROWSKI WILL PROBABLY HANG Inquiry Following Story Fails to Bring Contradictory Evidence Toronto, Dee, 16,~John Burow- ski, sentenced to. death for the murder of Thomas Jackson, Waba- mic farmer, probably will pay thé supreme penalty on December 21, the date of the expiry of the short reprieve recently granted him, It is learnéd that Edward Bayly, K.C., Deputy Attorney-General, during the present week telephon- ed to M, F, Gallagher, legal officer in the Department' of Justice at Ot- tawa, reporting with finality that the information supplied by Burow- ski, upon which the short reprieve was granted, led to nothing, Inquiry Leads Nowhere The stay, granted by Mr. Justice McEvoy, after consulting with oth- er judges and with the attorney. general's representative, was con- ceded 'In order that new informa- tion might be laid before the Min- ister of Justice." That 'new in- formation," it is understood, con- cerned two other men alleged to have been implicated in- the mail train robbery which preceded the roadside encounter in which Jack- son was shot, This has been investigated by a provincial police officer epecially assigned to the task, with the re. sult that nothing new is before the Minister of Justice, because the investigation led nowhere. At the time the reprieve was granted --on the very day that the Federal cabinet had decided against clem- ency--the Department of Justice mide clear that unless new mater- fal facts became available, there would be no change in that de- cision, Hangman Released All of which means that Burow- gki's Interrupted sentence will in all probability be carried out one week hence, Ellis, official hang- Buy Your Christmas Gifts Now A wonderful selection to pick from. 84 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa FASHION SHOPPE man, having been released by come mutation of a death sentence else- where, will be available for the Parey FOUN execution on Decem« er 21, ll eire-------- Nature doubtless is grand, but it wasn't a very brilliant scheme to put most of the vitamines in things you don't like--San Francisco Chronicle, ing Chevrolet Outs Che ifr = "Economioal Tr of Chevrolet History was introduced -- but already i - with Marvelous New Bodies by Fisher / Only a short time has elapsed since the Outstand. . #665 . $665 . » #760 . » #870 The Sport Cabriolet . . #885 The Convertible Landau #925 Iw tanding Chevrolet iY chef ihe Light Delivery Chassis (¥; ton) #510 Above prices at Factory, Oshawa end secure complete and detniled informe. Wave Shop Give Her a Permanent Wave for Christmas $5.00 and $7.50 What would she appreciate more? 86 Simcoe St. N. GIFTS THAT |& IAST PK Ah -a Six in the price range of the four / (Over Orange FS WWW TW WW L A emis cachet iadbus iain D. J. BROWN 10 KING STREET WEST .te PHONE 189 | DollyDimples and Bobby ~~ -: Ontario Motor Sales, Ltd. Oshawa, Ontario For Your Christmas Tree! By Special arrangement with the manufacturer, we offer this Beautiful, Electric Angel-Chime A modern musical orna- ment for the top of the Christmas tree. Used with standard 110- 120 wolt Christmas tree light set. ' Glistening "Star of Beth- lehem," or any Christmas tree light bulb revolves at top of tree with musical chiming of three toned bells. GUARANTEED SAFE Approved by Ontario Hydro Power Commission Send them to your friends. $1.69 Cut. this ont as a reminder to got Sour Chimes they've JURY & LOVELL King E. THE REXALL STORES By Grace Drayton {DodT war vp, MAMAWE HAVE To Go 76 TAKE AGT To Tony. HE JUST LosTA ToT AND TS UNDER sis Simcoe S. Phone 68

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