wo wo ¥ THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1928 PAGE THIRTEEN PLUM PUDDING FIRST GAINED FANE "IN OLD ENGLAND Was Once Denounced As Mere Popery--Has Since Lost Claim to Christmas _ All' the. world loves plum pud- ding at Christmas time, but the credit for htis popular Yuletide des- © gert seems rightfully to belong to the English, Once indeed there was a time when these English folks became soenthralled with their plum pudding that it was de- nounced through all the land as mere popery, and even the modest wince ple became the object of {i persecution, Weil, those good old days are past, and we are free to enjoy our dinners as we will, although the fashionable mandate has gone forth that they must be far more simple than of yore; but a simple dinner preceding the dessert on Christmas Day leaves the appetite for plum pudding even more keen --80 what boots it? # A genuine ola ¥nglish plum pud- ding was made several weoks in ad- vance of the great feast ana boiled in a stout cloth for hours upon hours, Now we generally steam it in a well-oiled mold, Fill the latter two-thirds full and cover tightly or siretch over the top a plece of cheesecloth dipped in flouru and rover that a plece of waxed paper, tying the"whole securely in place with string, Place in a steamer, under which the water must be rapidly bofling continuously, and cover tightly with a well-fitting lid, When done, merely wrap the precious pudding in a clean fresh towel and keep it in a cold dry place until it is wanted and then reheat in steam. ---- He had got the "sack" and was protesting about it, "What am I sacked for?" he sald. "I haven't done anything," "That's what it's for," said the manager, Fr _ v ( Tabiote Toga! rapidly "where other failed. stomach, Clinically approved Rheumatism Gout Grippe dissolves and eliminates the Uric Acid, this dangerous the human body, thus killing the evil at the root, Toga has given en! remedies Guaranteed not to affect the and endorsed by more than 5000 druggists or direct from Togal Canadian Branch, 520 Empire Bidg., To | RA 80¢ a package. To be and quick remedy in cases of 1) Lumbago Colds Neuritis poison in tire heart medical CHARLES H. MARLOWE IS CALLED BY DEATH Charles Wesley Marlowe, well known resident of this city dled at his home 256 Bruce street yes- terday afternoon following & lengthy illness, He was in his 53rd vear and was the second son of George Marlowe and the late Mrs, Marlowe of Nestleton, Bora in Cartwright, Ontario, in 1876, Mr Marlowe spent his boy- hood days in Nestleton, recejving his education at Port Perry High School and the Canada Business College at Chatham, In 1901 he married Lula May Power of Cad- mus and resided in Blackstock un- til he moved to Oshawa in 1917 and has since successfully carried on the well known painting and decorating business known as C. W Marlowe and Sons, Mr. Marlowe was a highly esteem- ed citizen, and while unassuming and retiring in disposition, he was well known for his extreme gener- osity and 'his willingness to help those who sought his aid or ad- vice, Surviving are his widow also one daughter, Mrs, Lorne Baker and four sons, Jack and Archie who were associated with their father in the business, also Harold and Billy, all of Oshawa, Two sisters and four brothers also survive, namely, Mrs, FF, Thompson of Bur- ton, Mrs, H, Hunking of Harmony, and John, George, Reginald and Nelson, all of Nestleton, The funeral will be held Friday at 12 o'clock noon, Services will be conducted by Rev, Mr. Cragg of King St. United Church, assisted by Rev, Mr, Irwin. The remains will be conveyed to the Nestleton HUGE DAM WILL ESTABLISH LAKE 12 MILES LONG New England Power Assn. To Spend Forty Million «Dollars Littleton, N.H.,, Dec, 13.--~Work on the huge upper dam of the New Eng- land Power Association, which will impound 73 million gallons of water and create a lake 12 miles long and will - cost approximately $40,000,000, will be started early next summer, according to 8, C, Moore, vice presi- dent and general manages of the as- sociation, Many were of 'the opinion that the upper dam would not be started until the lower dam at Mon- roe and Barnet was completed, The dam at the so-called upper de- velopment will be 175 feet in height and the length of the crest will be 3,300 feet, It will be 820 feet above sea level. The water at the power house will be conducted through pen- stocks 21 feet in diameter and about 150,000 horsepower will be turned out. Rapid progress is noted at the lower development, Coffer dams are now being put in and over 800 men are now employed. This number will be increased as soon as possible to 4,000 who will be employed for sev- eral years on both the lower and upper project, In about two weeks the five miles of railroad will be completed. This runs from Inwood on the C.P.R. to the lower dam site at Monroe and Barnet. The road will be extended further up the valley to Littleton and Waterford and will make a permanent standard guage railroad of about 20 miles, It will be cemetery for interment, OSHAWA FOLKS NAME THE COUNTRY'S SREATEST MAN 9 % 1 MEAN SoME( weLL PoP NATIONAL HERO JOWNN SAYS ANY MAN THAT STAYS MARRIED TEN DESERV Ye \ 2) " 4 3, . fio + Fan Z| WHY JOHNNY ONLY LAST NIGHT | AND THEY SEEMED HAPPY AS COULD BE/ OU see Pop had just bought Mom a box of "Smiles 'n Chuckles" and she showed it. 60c worth of cheerfulness. KARN THE DRUGGIST FOR SERVICE PHONE 378. NEXT THE POST OFFI» i ~ By W. H. Karn one of the longest stretches built in New England for some time, A large village, which will be the sixth in size in Vermont, is now being built at Barnet. In addition to bar- racks, there is a hospital, stores, jail, heating plants, etc. Lester V, Branch, who put in the Conowingo project, is the resident manager, BULL RING WILL BE TURNED INTO A BOAING RING Mexican Aimost As Interest- ed in Human Fighting As Bull Fighting Mexico City, Mex., Dec. 13---Mex- ico City's bull ring bids well to be- come as famous for its boxing mat- ches as for the classic "corridas de toros" which for many years have thrilled immense audiences assemb- led in its ample grandstands. Several noteworthy pugilistic en- counters have been staged in the arena, and the crowds attracted by the fistic sport are scarcely inferior Ss to those attending the LAMBLE'S GIFT SHOP For Ladies and Babies Woods Lavender Line Silk Undies Vests .........5L75 Bloomers ......$2.75 Nightgowns ....$4.50 All in soft shades. Perrin's Kid Gloves $2.50 to $4.00 OOOO 000000000000000 Crepe & Georgette Scarfs $1.75 to $6.00 Jaeger All Wool * Hose $1.50 to $4.25 Jaeger Sweaters $6.00 to $10.00 Jaeger Gloves Ladies' $1.50 to $2.00 Children's 50c, 75, $1 Ladies' Heavy Bath Robes $5.50 1, $18.00 Dainty Vest Kayser Pure Silk Hose We pride ourselves stocks of this hose in town. All shades. $1.50 $165 $1.95 $2.50 Kayser Silk Underwear Chamoisette Gloves 50c to $1.50 DON'T FORGET THE NEW LOCATION 9 Simcoe Street, South ON, DOOL OC DOOOOOOOOO000000000000 7 in bull fights, The Mexican works himself into as great a frenzy over a prize fight as he does over the slaying of a bull and his shouts of "pegale!" and "matale hombre!" leave no doubt as to his enthusiasm. The women have become almost as interested in boxing as have the men. They are to be found sprink- led plentifully through the audiences and they applaud or express disap- proval of the fighters nearly as heart- ily as do the male fans. The bull ring on the occasion of a prize fight presents A scene pot umn- like that of an especially construc- ted boxing arena in the United States. It forms a complete circle with the seats rising in tiers from the center or pit. The prize ring is set up in the middle of the pit which is large enough to afford room for many ringside seats. Thirty persons can be seated com- fortably in the bull ring and a good boxing programme usually finds it well filled. The boxers have their dressing rooms below the stands and are led into the pit through the same en- trance used by the "toreros" when they sally forth with their scarlet capes to do battle with the beasts. CONFEDERATION Canadian National Railway Of- ficlals are being congratulated on having continued the popular "'Con- federation" in operation between 'Toronto and Edmonton. This innovation has eliminated most of the delays experienced by travelers crossing the Prairies in the Winter time as it provides a fast through, comfortable service to Edmonton, via Winnipeg, Bramn- don, Regina and Saskatoon. By this route good connections are made to all important points by lines radiating from these cities. .The splendid equipment and courteous service -- always a fea- ture of tlie "Confederation"--en- sures a pleasant journey without the discomforts of Winter travel. Full information and reserva- tions from apy Canadian National Railway's Agent. : SCHOLARS ENTERTAINED Bowmanville, Dec. 12--Owing to St. Paul's Bazaar coming so close to Christmas this year, instead of having th: usual Christmas Tree and cdncert fn connection with the Sunday School, the scholars, with the exception of the primary depart- ments, were taken as guests to the entertainment given by the choir of the Boys' Training School on Tues- day night. There will be a Christ- mas Treat for the primary depart- ments one evening mext week and possibly later on in the season there will be 2 School entertainment. BLACK CATS RARE IN COUNTY OF YORK Bone of Boiled Feline Plays Big Part in Witch. Craft York, Pa., Dec. 13.--There are no black cats in York County, where 150,000 people live as pros- perous farmers or as residents of this bustling modern city, which retan with all its vigor some of the dignity of colonial days, There are mo black cats for a reason that will be touched upon later, and then none to fully, In York County, also, it is nol well to be a he-goat, Bearded billy goats have died in York County and the disposition of their remains has in some cases not provided dinner-table conversa- tion, Nor has the alert A. I, Rees, whose colored advertisement offer- ing to turn dead animals into money through their hides, bones, grease and tallow forms the chief embellishment of the local tele- phone directory, ever been notified of the death of some of these goats, Just at present, it is not well to be a witch-doctor in York County. But that is a passing phase, an in- direct result of the death of Nelson D, Rehmeyer, who was burned bound in his farm kitchen, as the witches of Salem were burned at the stake. Rehmeyer's death, con- fessedly at the hands of a rival practitioner in the black arts, has stirred up a sensation leading to a general investigation of pow-wow- ism, hexing, voodooism, necro- mancy and witchcraft, At least three previous deaths of adults are being investigated as a result. County Coroner L. U, Zech has charged that five cases of infant mortality within the last two years are directly traceable to the black The local practices are a strange mixture of medieval magic, which some German pioneers brought over when the country was. first settled, of pow-wowism, an embellishment gained from Indian medicine-men, and voodooism, imparted by the Arfican slaves of nearby Maryland, Pow-wowism pretends, at any rate, to be benevolent, healing the sick, warding off ill-luck, The other two are usually malevolent and sinister, Once Hexed, there 1s nothing to do but seek a more powerful charm, or else perish in & miserable manner, A good way to sell oneself to the devil and obtain the power of be- hexing for fun or profit, is to boil a live black cat until only the boues remain, Repeating the proper in- cdntation, one then drops the boues into a clear running spring, All of them will sink but one, One seizes that bone and keeps it forever. The left hind foot of a grave-yard rab- bit is less than nothing in com- parison, There is just a trifle more to this formula which it would not be well to repeat. An affidavit sworn by the patient attests to one instance of the power of Charles Rice, the "York miracle man," Always the Best Never Equalled ror 50 Years re whose pow-wowism process is known throughout five counties, Merely by rubbing the grease of a fish over the blind eyes of a woman, and doing certain other things not set forth in the affida- vit, he restored her sight, It is not pleasant, if one under- stands what they mean ,to discover two crossed burnt sticks bound to-| gether on one's door-sill, But a Broad street resident, a short time before national attention was fo- cused locally, went to bed a very sick man because be found a lesser something on his porch, (It was merely a human skull with a very short candle end burning within it. In police coust yesterday:for the 26th time, Charles B. *Dude" Whare followed the prevailing mode and held his right band be- fore the Mayor's face as the latter was about to sentence him, Mayor Jacob E, Weaver saw the dreaded sign--the index and middle finger crossed, Buf for once, magic failed, Whare received a week in jail to sober up. arts. Charles N. Fry, a special in- vestigator for Col. James Duffy, chief of the Bureau of Field Inspec- | tion of the Pennsylvania State De- partment of Health, has been in York for several days incognito, | checking up for projected action by | the state authorities the amazing | instances of active witchcraft in this section. These are taken by the most in- | telligent class of local residents | with a shrug, a partial denial and in some cases with the frank de- fense that no magic is practiced in York that is not practiced in other places in the United States. Bly- myre and his two neophites, young John Curry and Wilbert Hess, re- main in jail almost forgotten in the o'her matters that have arisen snce. They will have their chance after the January grand jury acts to convince a jury that they killed old Rehmeyer by trying to obtain his witch-Jlock, as they say, and not while trying to get his few hoard- ed dol'ars, as the police scoffingly maintain. It is not denied, however, that Rehmeyer believed in and practiced | black magic, even as Blymyre did. "The fact fis, there isn't an old family in "York County that hasn't resorted to pow-wowism or some- thing similar in at least one of its last three generations," one of the best informed residents of York told the United Press yesterday "How widespread it is at this moment would be hard to say. People deny it, especially when they are in good health. But when you are sick, what you want it re- lief, not false pride." It is significan. in this connee- tion that almost all York county residents are mative born. The for- eign population is only three per cent. Most of the others can trace their local ancestry back to the per- fod just before and just after the Revolutionary war, Not only in York, but in the nearby counties of Berks, Dauphin, Bucks and Adams is pow-wowism as live an issue as Rotary, and "hexing" as meaning- ful a terms as Kiwanis. ANN EVERYTHING FOR THE HOLIDAY SEASON The bountifully stocked shelves of your A. & P. Stores will supply all the materials for ° your successful holiday meals. The finest of all foods at the very lowest. possible prices. Thursday, Friday and Saturday Specials HIGHEST QUALITY GREEN MOUNTAIN STOCK POTATOES Prince Edward Island Winter Keepers 18 2 17e MONARCH PASTRY 3% 1b. Bag 7 1b. Bag 14 1b, Bag FLOUR SALE 1%7¢ 31¢c 24 1b. Sc Bag *1.03 EAGLE BRAND MILK Condensed 2 QUICK or REGULAR QUAKER OATS - Large Pkg. 23¢ SHIRRIFF'S MARMALADE ORANGE 5.0.5. Cleanser 2 tins 25¢ Crispo Fig Bars 2 lbs. 29¢ Guest Size Ivory Soap 4 Cakes 15¢ Currants - 2 lbs. 31c Post Toasties 3 Pkgs. 27¢ Free Running or lodized Salt 3 Pkgs. 25¢ Standard No. 5 Sieve Peas 2 No. 2 Tins 19¢ AYLMER'S Halves Peaches 2 No. 2 Tins 43¢ EXTRA SPECIAL Bed Emperor GRAPES, 2-lbs.19¢ COOK'S FRIEND Baking Powder 19¢ 8-0z. Tin 3 Kraft CHEESE Ib. 36¢ C. & B. Branston Pickles Pt. Jar 29¢c Brazil Nuts Ib. 29¢ Good Size Floridas ORANGES Doz. 21c Cal. Navels--Large Size ORANGES Doz. 48¢c Messina LEMONS Doz. 25¢ Iceberg Lettuce 2 Heads 21c DELICIOUS--Medium Size APPLES Doz. 23¢ DELICIOUS--Large Size APPLES Doz 28¢c FIRM, CRISP Celery Hearts bunch 15¢ JUICY FLORIDA . Grapefruit 3 for 21c WEEK - END SPECIALS Highest Grade Choice BEEF Porterhouse ROAST Ib. PRIME ROAS Ib. 33c RIB ROAST Ib. 24c 24c Sliced BACON Ib. 38¢ PURE PORK Sansage Link Large Cambridge Style or Little Pork Small Link Your Choice Ib 25¢ YOUNG SPRING LAMB LEGS Ib. 30c LOINS Ib. 25¢ FRONTS Ib. 18¢ Best Boiled Ham Sliced 1b. 45¢ Extra Week-End Loin Roast Ib. 24¢ Fancy Trimmed BUTT ROAST Lean Ib. 22¢ Shoulder ROAST Ib. 15¢ BACON Ib. 28¢ Sliced Old-Fashioned Smoked BACK BACON 1-2 Ib. Pkg. 25¢ IN OUR FISH DEPARTMENT Flounders Oysters Glass Jar Finnan Haddie Smoked Ib 14c¢ Haddie Fillets Fresh Cod Steaks Fresh Haddock Fresh Ib. 16¢c Ib. 15¢ Ib. 10c 2 lbs. 25¢ Jar 35¢ i». 1ISc == ATLANTIC: PACIFIC > LIMITED. OF CANADS LS