Oshawa Daily Times, 12 Dec 1928, p. 23

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'THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, WEDNESDAY;DECEMBER 12,1928 ; | MY PRESENT LIST This is the time of year in which to do. our Christmas shopping. At least we may browse, as it were, among the wares that are already so temptingly displayed, and it we don't actually buy our Christmas ik just at present- we shall 'probably find a ost of ideas that we can "crib" with- out 'the slightest compunction, '1 have 'lately seen some lovely specimens of handmade "jewelry." It is composed -of "fruit" and very «con- ventional flowers, modeled in a kind of clay, on a thin \cardboard founda- tion. + The design is then varnished in various colors and. touched here and there with a little gold paint. There are earrings, pendants and other feminine ornaments made in this manner, and although the fin- ished work ds not at all expensive, it may be made at home by the nimble- fingered girl for considerably less money, Moreover, one's friends al- ways appreciate gifts made by one- self, provided they look professional, far more than ready-made articles. Raffia work has been enjoying a good deal of popularity .and here again are many ideas ready to be | made use of by the most amateurish of would-be craftsmen or rather craftswomen, SMART POCHETTES. Many smart pochettes are trimmed with colored raffia, which is some- times treated with a colorless varnish after it is finished, This emphasizes the colors. All these pochettes are ridiculously easy to make. Some of them are made of a strip of canyes covered with a geometrical design carried out in various shades of raf- fia. And nowadays this 'commodity is dyed in such lovely colors that the finished pochette can be most artistic, Other flat, hand bags are made of chintz, printed in a floral design, the lowers and leaves being worked over in colored raffia. Or you may prefer 4 suitably bold transfer design stamp- ed upon hession, or coarse, natural- colored linen or crash, and worked in faffia. * ; «These pochettes are interlined with canvas, if necessary, lined with silk, folded in three and bound with galon or oversewn all the way around with taffia. No fastenings are necessary. Odd lengths of tinsel brocade, in golors or'in black and silver or gold, are easily made up into charming flat envelope: hand bags. CUTE VANITY CASES, Then vanity cases are to be con- 'sidered. Some of the most popular of thése are three-cornered with a tas- sel at the end, {n which a slender lip- stick may be concealed. There is a three-cornered flap, which may be turned back to reveal a mirror and a pocket for a flat puff. They may be made of brocade, lined with silk and interlined with buckram, to stiffen them. ar I have seen lovely flat puff cases made of brilliantly colored interlaced leather or suede. Outstanding among these were some of plain leather, stamped and painted by hand with a certain kind of dye, Sets of dinner mats are always ac- ceptable to the housewife or the bride-to-be, who is fond of beautiful things, . If you are clever you ' can casily make them, but they are ob tainable at prices to suit everybody's purse. The latest are rectangular in shape, a single mat to each person and a runner for the centre of the table, The loveliest mats are of homemade filet lace, or of the finest embroidered linen lawn, trimmed with inlets of real lace. Less expensive are the sets of colored 'linen, hemstitched and trimmed with drawn-thread work, Some of these, although they are entirely made by hand, may be ob- tained at surpriSingly low prices. Mats made of small rectangles of pale green, yellow, orange or blue lawn, trimmed with four or five-inch wide coffee-colored lace, arc very popular, These are made fairly quickly, too. FOR THE BRIDE.ELECT. Tea cloths of white or natural fine linen, trimmed with narrow appliques of colored linen, are'smart. The bands of color are tacked upon the cloth and then hemstitched in place. Here again is another gift that would de- light the .bride-to-be. Tray cloths and napkins are made to match and guest towels are sometimes trimmed in a similar manner, Other tea cloths are made of fine colored linen, trimmed with filet lace. Green linen, trimmed with a narrow natural colored real filet lace edging, and further adorned with inlets of the same lace, in rectangular or triangs ular pieces, is charming. Dressing tablecloths are again in fashion and they may be made of strips of gorgeous brocade, bound with galon, or gold braid, and trims med at the corners with tassels, of they may be of colored or white ems broidered and hemstitched linen. If you contemplate a gift of this de= scription it is necessary to take into consideration the personal tastes of your friend and the color scheme of her room. As it is necessary that the cover should be the exact size of the table, you will have to measure it days. Aw that 'were 'not so- neatly ver cause every correctly. With a' little manoeuver- [ing this may, e ¢ pt be done. Y little difficulty in choos- his women friends nowa- .uses so many | adopted even. 10 years ago that makes his task the easier. It is no longer a but of "which to. choose." A . To discuss the matter of 'genuine jewelry would be waste of: time, be- { -girl hag. her'own, pa ular tastes and therefore. she should be consulted personally.by the would- be donon Li i - The range of synthetic jewelry, however, is a 'wide 'one, and, 'be i very fashionable one, should not be scorned by the old-f > servative male. There ate flat Lg ette. cases of:a metal that resembles beaten; gold, studded ~ with brilliant [J en. or blue' or: crimson "gems," hese are. very attractive an too expensive. Some' of :them are very tiny and made to carry. the smaller sizes of cigarettes. ; There are gold or amber or en- ameled powder boxes, with a lipstick to match, attached to each by a slender gold chain. = This. is avery useful arrangement, ty who trinkets is aware. . Or he may. give 'her a lipstick in a dinky little case with a.screw top:and a silk tassel at the end.. These arp made in all colors 'and of synthetic "gold," adorned with imitation gems or amber or gréen milk composition. FOR THE SMOKER. . There are small cases * to . match, with. tops : that inscrew..to, reveal a little phial of one's favorite scent. . , Another gift that is sure to please is that of a dainty jade match, cigar- ette case and .a cigarette holder to match. These are packed in a' neat little case made of kid, lined with atin, A pair of shingle brushes is a very useful gift. But see that the bristles are stiff enough to. give that sleek look to one's hair that is so adorable. The newest variety 'are round or oc- tagonal and 'are' usually * packed. in pretty little 'boxes. Some of the acks are plain silver; others of tor- toiseshell, imitation: amber. or jade. Again, they may be more elaborate, either enameled in various shades or made of gold, studded = with semi- precious stones. Whole toilet sets are made of imi- tation gold, worked in a very elabor- ate design and covered with multo- colored synthetic gems. Of the more "sensible" order is a toothbrush stand made. of china, in the form of a blue hen, with an open- ng at the top for the brushes. Gold and = colored soap = dishes, brightly. varnished, are a boon to the l SUPERIOR estion, of "what to buy," [Hi a ashioned, con- "not |} ©. Woman, is wont to lose her small toilet traveler; 80 also are shoe poliskiers, consi of a velvet pad with a col- ored back, or a pocket shoe brush, made in sections, each suction being The Famous Stool With. The Folding Step Handsome, strong as | steel, sanitary, compact. Handily convenient for | housecleaning and reach- ing high shelves. Stan- dard height. Allows a | 'woman to rest at the iron- | ing board or peeling veg- etables and preparing meals. In thousands of homes, offices and stores. Finished in all colors to match kitchens. Makes an ideal gift. : Priced from $3.75 up Phone your order to OSHAWA PHONE 2692f NOT SOLD IN STORES used for a differeat colored shoe. Other tra cases of 'blue, green or crimson suede, hold a tube of shoe foam, 2 brush and duster, FOR TRAVELERS. A box of hangers, with tops that unscrew for: packing, "and folding 1] metal coat hangers would be just the thing for your friends who are fond ff] of traveling. Bath salts have given away to bath essences. These are packed in quite small bottles, because only a very small quantity is necessary to scent the bath. ; For the housewife there are {eather dusters that appear to be growing out of the head of a long, thin, flat wood- en "maid." Other feather dusters are: dyed red or green or any cheerful color. Or you may choose a wooden "maid" whose skirts consist of a dish. mop. Harly morning tea sets show an endless variety. Some are made of a ware that resembles alabaster. The are crimson, orange. or jade, wit black and gray markings. Beaded garters are fashionable gifts, So also are silk stockings, cleverly twisted to resemble roses, and packed in little baskets trimmed with holly. There is a great variety of hand. kerchiefs, too, The most amusing have tiny pockets, into which a di- minutive puff' is lipped. THE MAN PROBLEM. In choosing gifts for men one wants to know rather what to avoid than what to choose. If you have trained your men folks properly almost any gift from you will be acceptable, so long as it is not one of the utterly forbidden things. ; So many stale jokes are still re- tailed about Christmas cigars and neckties that no women will need to be told to avoid them. It is well to be careful concerning anything in the smoking line. I'was present this year at a conference at which the two sec- retaries, both men of mature years, were each presented with a handsome cigarette tase--and neither smoked! But a woman should know her men folks better than that. A most important point in pur- chasing anything for a man's pocket is to remember that nowadays most men are very discriminating about their clothes and hate bulging pock- ets. If, then you choose a diary, a note case, a wallet, a cigarette case or a tobacco pouch, see that it is the slimmest and most compact that you can buy. CRESTS AND COLORS. Articles showing school, university or regimental colors are.always ap- recited by men, no matter how ong it may be since they left their schools or gegiments. ey are al- ways sentimental about these associ- ations. It is needless to say of the utmost importance to get the correct colors ar crests, and since even sh assistants make mistakes in Bu matters, it is well to make sure in advance of having the right informa~ on. A very attractive present I saw the other day was a walking stick, on the gold band of which actual signatuse had been engraved. Il you:do is to supply the shopman with 'your friend's signature, torn from a letter, and. the result is an exact reproduction of.it on the metal band. The same delightful touch can be provided on cigarette. cases. ; _In almost everything which men use sifnplicity is very desirable. Articles 'with: masses of engraved silver and ornate gold may look imposing, but the younger men, at all events, hate them. hey Jigier things that are slender, and, if they are adorned with silver or gold, there should be little of it and it -should be tastefully treated. 7 Filey OFFICE GIFTS. } Small things for the dressing-room and wardrobe are always appreciated by. men and you need not be worried by the fear that they may have such things already. For example, every man has a pair of hairbrushes, but another pair may be acceptable, to keep at the office or to use only when traveling. Similarity with tie presses. Most men haye far more ties than they can get into one press. Men who work in offices often ap- preciate little things for their desks, ash trays, perpetual calendars, paper knives and pages weights, And if you want a gift for a man who has a private office take note whether he possesses these, a. water bottle and glass, A set of clothesbrushes for an office is often most acceptable, Such men are realizing now that they spend the greater part of their wak- ing hours in an office and they might as well make it as comfortable as a shidy, And here is a new field for gifts, WORLD'S LONGEST CANAL OPENS IN NORTH INDIA London, Dec. 11.--~The world's longest canal system will be com- pleted by tomorrow in Mothers In- dis, wren Sir Malcolm Hailey, Gov- eno of the United ovinces, formally opens the Sarda Canal, About fou trousand miles of capal and distributing crannels are included in the great scheme, com- manding an aea of more tran sev. en million acres, as Irge as all tre fertile lands of Egypt. Even in a dry yea 1,600,000 aces of land will be watered by it. The country which will receive the water s already higrly cultivat- ed, but tre introduction of the'can~ al will enable 8 better class of crops to be grown. e owner's | { 60c Buys 1 Ib. fancy box of our Delicious Chocolates We have a large range of Japanese Boxes, Cedar Hope Chests and many other fancy boxes of Chocolates for Christmas Gifts. Prices from 40c to $8.00, Our stock of English Candy Novelties is worth your consideration. Come and see. Christmas Crackers, Stockings, Snowballs, Snow Men, Smoker Sets and a host of other things. The SAVOY 26 Simcoe St. 5. Phone 379 Special prices to teachers and Sunday Schools for Christmas Mixtures and Candy Canes. , aaa tar iE PREVENT IIMTIINRIIIITONES ons SUCCESSES 'A REMARKABLE COLLECTION! Fur-Trimmed Coats A smart collection of shawl - collared Winter Coats with deep cuff. B e autifully #19 50 . lined. Worth $30.00. For Sample Coats A choice group of Misses' and Women's Fur-trimmed Coats -in extensive sh of new an stvies and colors, On $25.00 New styles in all wool fabrics, richly trimmed fur collars and cuffs. Every new shade. From $7.95 7 BROS. XMAS SALE Shawl Collars collars in selected fur. EXTRA GOOD WEARING o.. 918-50 Xmas Gifts EEA RLTONE TOILET Gm tad 96.95 'Styles for Ladies and Gents in many smart styles, in every BB arracnssss | of pants. vests, 2 pairs Youths': 2.Pant Suits PUBLIC NOTICE This sale is open to all householders and every paid-off customer either in or out of Toronte, ONE DOLLAR DOWN on any article advertised today, Come in early and mse your credit in this bargain-giving Christmas Sale. Men's Blue Coats Hundreds of Navy Blue Chinchills and Melton Coats Men, for in all fash- fonable styles. Beauti- 00 fully tailored. On sale $25. GOOD VALUE ... Boys' Overcoats In every , new shade of good-Wwearing 0 sssssnssssssnseness Tweeds and Navy Chin- ¥ /J 50 Just Sav Youths' Overcoats {iit hidls/ Heavy CHINCHILLA and all-wool Melton Coais in Youths'ssizes. Cloth English Sho of 'estrs. quality $9.00 "sess snce $16.50 Hundreds of pairs of pe us ert $95 284a YONGE ST. 2847 DUNDAS W. Near Keelo Street 1998 DANFORTH Near Woodbine Avenue

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