Oshawa Daily Times, 11 Dec 1928, p. 12

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PAGE TWELVE EASTERN ONTARIO NEWS | AUCTION SALE OF FINE 'CATTLE NEAR Sesouns _ Cobourg, Dec, 11--At Harvey Gray's auction sale ing Manvers Township, ar ha Jegently, rows sold from ung tattle brought fom 5 to $80 each, ind calves sold for $36 'each. WHOLESALE THEFT O a FOWL NEAR SoBouRG "'Cobourg, Dec. 11--Reports that ie come to the Provincial Police re of recent recent chicken steal- ing, indicate that a wholesale theft of fowl is going on in Northumber- land, Durham and Ontario Counties, Every effort is being made to bring the offenders to justice, ESSES NEED FOR ae GREATER CO-OPERATION Cobourg, Dee, Neda dressing the Cobourg Rota ub at its regu- far weekly Tint 4 at the British Hotel here, M. E. Maybee, Wooler, M.P. for Northumberland County, stressed the need of greater co- operation between rural and urban municipalities in order to obtain the best results for both, Mr, Maybee referred also to Northumberland County's high standing in agricul- tural and fruit products . NEW STUDENT'S UNION OPEN IN NEW YEAR Kingston, Dec, 11--Announcement is made at Queen's University that the new Student's Union will be open after the Christmas holidays. Pro- fessor W. P. Wilgar, Chairman of the Student Memorial Union Com- mittee, states that when the students returned from their vacation the Union doors will be open and every- thing in full swing. The Memorail Room will not be open for some time after the r inder of the build but the cafeteria, the lounge room and other features will be furnish- ed and ready for yse. MINE SUPERINTENDENT NAMED TO BOARD OF QUEEN'S * Kingston, Dec, 11--Fraser D., Reid, graduate of ueen's school of min- ing, of 1904, has been appointed by the trustees of the University as a member of the board to succeed the late Col. R. E. Kent, as representa- tive of the school of ining Mr. Reid, whose father is James E. Reid, of Kingston, has, since the time of his graduation, resided at Cobalt, having been assayer for the Canada Corundum Company, mill superinten- dent for the Corundum Company, and later for the Coniagas mines, with whom he has been employed for 21 years being now general manager. CORNWALL LADS CHARGED WITH THEFT, VANDALISM Cornwall, Dec. 10--~Two young fads, arrested by local police today, are charged with the theft of a $200 diamond ring and other valuable jewelry from the residenée of Miss E. Senacal, Cornwall The boys, 1] ROYAL GIFT APE RFUMIZER You will find at your Rexall Store a fascinating assemb- Iy of toilet requisites, intro- ducing ultra-modern finesse in the use of perfumes and toilet waters, lice say, entered Miss Senacal's ome, ransacked cabinets and cup- boards, tore pictures from the walls poured kerosene upon the koors an rugs and finally emptied the contents of bags of flour, sugar and salt, which they found in the kitchen, about the house, The boys will ap- pear in Juvenile Court Friday. Police recovered stolen articles, ENGLISH"RESIDENT LEAVES $115,000 Kingston, Dec. 11,--The Ontario estate of the late James Mortleck Forsythe, a former resident in the latter years of the last century, to- talled about $116,000, and is now in process of winding up. Deceased possessed' a large am- ount of personal property and real estate, including the"Brock Street. Wharf and buildings adjacent, He lived in London, England, and was a frequent visitor in the city until age prevented his annual trips, His estate, which also included property in England, goes to rela- tives and employes, His father lived here for some time, occupy- ing the-stone residence which he built on the gore at the rear of tha Golden Lion Block, The place now stands in disrepair. DROPS DEAD WHILE MAKING SOCIAL CALL Port Hope, Dec, 11,--While call- ing on friends Sunday afternoon, Mrs. Franklin Ough, of Port Hope, suffered a paralytic stroke from which she died a few hours later. The late Mrs. Ough was about to call on Mr, and Mrs. George Austin, Bramley street, Port Hope, and was waiting at the door, .after ringing the bell. "When the door was opened Mrs, Ough collapsed. An ambulance was immediately summoned and she was rushed w the Port Hope Hospital, where it was found that she had suffered a stroke. Everything that medical science could do was done, but she passed away at 10 o'clock that night. Her death came as a great shock to the entire community ms the deceased was a well known and popular citizen, and was apparent- ly in good health prior to this sud- den attack. COUNTY CLERK DIES BEFORE COUNCIL MEETS Cobourg, Dec. 11--Neil F. Mac- Nachtan, county clerk and treasurer, dropped dead in his office in the Town Hall two hours before the opening of the United Counties Council of Durham and Northumber- land. His son, Edward, who acts as assistant to his father, was the only one in the office at the time. Death was due to apoplexy. Mr. MacNachten had been asso- ciated with the council for 60 years. His father, E. A. MacNachtan held the office before him from 1873 to 1891. He was appointed to fill that office following his father's death and has held it for the past 40 years, He was born in Newcastle, Ont, 81.years ago, but moved to Cobourg in his early youth, and had since re- sided here. n early life he was ac- tive in military organizations. His first command was with the Heavy Battery of Cobourg. Later he or- ganized the 14th Field Battery and retired with the rank of colonel. Warden Davidson called a meeting of the council at 3 o'clock and ad- journed the session for one week. PRB. C. B. COUG DIES IN MOTOR CAR Belleville, Dec. 11.--Dr. C. B. Coughlin, superintendent of the Ontario School for the Deaf, died suddenly of a heart attack at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon. He had started on a motor drive with his wife, After proceeding a mile he complained he was not feeling well. Just as they reached home he suddenly slumped down in the car and died within a few seconds. Dr. Coughlin was one of the leading educationists of the Prov- ince, and had acted as superintend- ent of the school for 22 years. At the time of his appointment he was practicing medicine in Pe- terboro, and had previously been a defeated candidate for the Ontario House at the time of Sir James Whitney's regime. He had prac- ticed at Arthur, Ont., previous to moving to Peterboro. Dr. Coughlin was a member of St. Michael's Church of this city. He was a member of the Belleville "A STATEMENT OF FACT" TELEPHONE 262 Four Direct Lines to Central THE OSHAWA DAILY TIMES, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1928 KELLOGG TREATY --------,,: 0 tary Club as well as the Bay of inte Country Club, and was an ardent golfer. His wife survives, He was a prominent Conserva- tive, and took an active part in political circles previous to his se- lection as superintendent of the On- tario School for the Deaf, He was a graduate of the University of Toronto, The funeral arrangements are as yet incomplete, STEAMERS TIED UP FOR . WINTER IN KINGSTON Kingston, Dee, 11--Steamers ng tied up at Kingston for the wintef i City of indsor, T, 8, Hamilton, Ponaka, Rosemounty Aryida, Chand- ler, Chatsworth, Kipawa, Thunder Bay, Mapleton, Dundas, Knowlton, Waterloo, Edmonton, Camrose, Roy- an, Kenora, Wahcondah, Brookton, Northton, Waterton, Arlington, Brichton, Easton," Cedarton, Coalfax, Tur ape, Jnmes B. Foote, George Donovan, illiam Schupp, Aube, Turret. Court, Oakbay, Pinebay, Mablebay, Poplarbay, « Willowbay, Cedarbay, Sprucebay, Beechbay, Keynor, Keywest, Kewvive, Keystate, Keybar," Kewport,| Keybell, Trevisa, Trenora, ? y There will be only one more stcamer owned by the Canada Steamship Lines tied up at Kingston this winter, This will be the steamer Collier, a soak-carrying vessel. The steamer D, B, Hanna at pres- ent in drydock will remain at King- ston for the winter and will tie up on the north side of the La Salle Causeway. A small fire - broke out on the steamer Willow Bay yesterday morn- ing caused by rubbing grease on the stove, which was quickly extinguish- ed, however, when the fire depart- ment answered the call, TWO FRENCH YOUTHS CHARGED WITH THEFT Port Hope, Dec. 11.--Charged with breaking into'a house at New- castle owned by Mrs, .E Hunter, and stealing a quantity of house- hold effects, two French youths, Raoul De Mers and Antoine La- lande appeared in Port Hope Po- were remanded into custody. They will appear in court at Cobourg on December 13th. Both youths were without coun- gel and Crown Attorney W, F, Kerr, K.C., of Cobourg acted for the Crown. As only one of the accused could speak a little Eng- lish, Mrs. M, Haynes of Cobourg was engaged as interpreter. They pleaded, guilty of the charges of steaing a quantity of household effects and stated that they did not break 4nto the build- ing as the doorway was not barri- caded. It is stated that the youths hail- ed from Hawkesbury, and inquir- ies were made at that place. It was ascertained that both boys had been committed to St. John's Industrial lice Court Saturday afternoon and |. School last October and escaped ( Royal Yeast with a little sugar in a quarter of a glass of tepid water over night, Stir well, strain and drink the liquid. Many people prefer to take. it in orange juice, - ROYAL YEAST CAKES from that institution two or three weeks ago owing to lack of food. IT'S LIKE SUMMERTIME IN CALIFORNIA A Glorious place to Spend the =i Winter In Sunny California you will find wonderful places to spend a month or two this Winter, It is a land of unequalled climate of high moun- tains, of colorful deserts and fas- cinating cities. . Sumptuous Hotels at the many resort centres along the Pacific Coast will make your stay a plea- sant one, Many visitors to California plan their itinerary via the North Pac- ific coast. The beauty and cosmo- politan character of Vancouver and Victoria -- Canada's famous far western cities make the journey enjoyable and interesting. Complete information regarding California--~fares accommodation and literature gladly supplied by any Canadian National Railways Agent, DETECTIVES SAY MURDER WAS DONE BEFORE CAPTURE Northcott Alleged to Have Disposed of Fifteen-Year Old Boy + -- + Seattle, Wash,, Dec, 11.--~Afte: announcing that they had uncov- ered evidence indicating that Gor. don Stewart Northcott killed at least one boy in British Columbia while being sought by California officers, Lewis H, Daugherty a H, M, Ogden; Los Angeles detec- tive, left for California last night, The two detectives sald their evidence indicated the existence of a "Northern annex to the murder: farm' at Riverside, California, While refusing to divulge any names, the detectives sald Canadi- an officials were searching for the grave of a 16-year old' boy who dropped from sight after being in the company of Northcott, Northcott and the boy were traced from California to Seattle and then to Vancouver, where the boy disappeared, the Los Angeles men said, Northcott and the boy were said to have stopped at two hotels in Seattle and also two ho- tels in Vancouver, The detectives added that after this supposed murder, a second lad was supposed to have been picked fap by Northcott, but the identity .and whereabouts of this second lad are unknown, 'Daugherty and Ogden said they had been investighting the case for three weeks around Seattle and Vancouver, and have evidence to show Northcott received money from Los Angeles while he was in Seattle on his way north from Cali- fornia. B.C, Police Not Advised Vancouver, Dec. 11,--W, H, Ow: en, superintendent of British Cus umbia Provincial police, said to- day he had heard nothing of any search in British Columbia for boys seen in the company of Gordon Stewart Northcott in Vancouver be- fore the latter's arrest in connec- tion with alleged chicken ranch crimes at Riverside, California. HON, R, B. BENNETT MAY SPEND HOLIDAY IN BRITAIN Ottawa, Dec. 11.--Hon, R, B. Bennett will be in Montreal tomor- row, returning to Ottawa on Wed- nesday, and will leave for a holi- day on Thursday, It is probable Mr Bennett may spend his holiday in England, but the West Lambton by-election on January 21 may dis- arrange his plans as did the Vie- toria contest, "CASTLE INTHE AIR 'MAUDONALD SAYS Former Labor Premier Says No Solid Foundation for the Pact Paris, Dec. 11,--Former British Premier Ramsay MacDonald in an interview here today, said: "No agreement of any group or powers is worth anything without the support and co-operation of the United States, America must have security against a blockade in time of war in which she is not a bellig- rent, "Settle all questions of maritime law, and you take away most of the arguments in favor of arma- ments."" Mr, MacDonald intimated that any, effective, disarmament pact must be mutually acceptable first to America, then to Japan, France, Great Britain and taly, Questioned about the Kellogg Treaty, he whimsically, though nov ironically, compared it to castles in the air, "Afr is the proper place for pacts," he said, "up to which solid foundations must be built with such solid material as arbitration, eon- ciliatifon and mutual security." The former Labor Premier sald he refused to consider the Kellogg treaty as America's last word. "The United States will speak again with an increasing amonnt of wisdom," S00 DIPHTHERIA EPIDEMIC BELIEVED UNDER CONTROL Saulte Ste, Marie, Ont., Dec, 11. --Dr, A, 8. McCaig, M.O.H., said today that only, one new case of diphtheria had developed in tbe Soo since Saturday, and that was a case discovered on James Street yesterday, "We are exercising every pre- caution and I am confident that we have the epidemic under control," Dr. McCaig said. "The school in Korah in which diphtheria has been discovered, will not be closed, and it will not be necessary to cluse the Edith Cavell school, where apparently most of the cases ip the city originated." Some 25. cases have developed in the Soo, Dr, Nel- son Graham, of the Provincial lab- oratory, expressed the opinion that the authorities were getting the epidemic pretty well in hand ROUMANIAN AGED 100 BOOSTER FOR CANADA Halifax, Dec, 11.--Prepared to tell his friends of the opportunities Canada offers, Vasila Nahariak, -------- The ARCADE Ltd. 'Special For the Holiday | Shoppers Special Ladies' Silk Kimonas Of beautiful guality silk, neatly padded, Color black, red, mauve. $1500 Women's Eiderdown $4.50 to $9.50 Kimonas Lovely Soft Eiderdown Kimonas Of pretty contrasting colors, neatly trimmed with satin and cord and tassel, The ARCADE Ltd. m----. aged 100, Nahariak has fifth of his life in Canada, at Lim- He erick, Sask. money to take him back for the year-end festivities, He before sailing a former Roumanian, sailed today on the 8.8, Lapland for his birthplace to spend Christ- that he was now 8 British subject and would talk on Canada's advantages when be spent just one-|the boat, saved enough declared Miss Snap: arrived among his own people in Czernowitz, Roumania, Other "New Canadians" en route home for the holidays, sailed on Miss Sharp: "Perhaps you won't believe it, but a strange man tried to kiss me once." "Really! Well, he'd have been a strange man if he had tried to kiss you twice." ' £ ¢ 8 '<4 4 s 3 x | 1 AT 10-30 A.M. TO-KORR I WILL SELL AN OVERLAND TOURING _e = ts Bue Eo) p= o £5 I WILL SELL A CHEVROLET TOURING CAR, AND IT'S RIGHT ARP SALES LIMITED 88 SIMCOE ST. I OSHAWA o'clock TO-M LOOK-AT I WILL SELL A 1923 OLDS. MOBILE 4-PASS. COUPE FOR JUST wisi GYe Renewed, Conditioned, Used | 9a.m. l o-morrow IEEE ER EER ERR REE EERE ERE EEE RENEE EEE EEE NEEN HERE IT IS! It Starts At Cars to Choose From BUICKS PONTIACS CHEVROLETS FORDS SEDANS, COUPES, COACHES. TOURING CARS TRUCKS A CAR OF ANY STYLE TO FIT ANY POCKETBOUK. Look Them Over Tonite EIEN ENN NEN NNN NN RENE RF ENE RN NN NNN RR ENN REN NNN il \ EFI RR ERE EEE RIN REN REERIERNONNENEONONOOR REESE EEEEE

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