al = » @ FF ' " Easy-to-Find"" * RADIO PROGRAM Tonight's Best Best Features Regular Daytime Programs Dally Except pa otherwise ph 7.00 3 447, Set ys i Ag ystem ¢ raing Devotion to i) eo KSTP | (205)=~St, Paul, Musicale; Set. in| WEFL (35)~Chicago. Early Risers WIW (428)~Cinci, Settin 3 W Nm. 3 g Up: :On L% uaa (447.5)=Chicago. Mormny 9.00 pg 7 (9)= Kansas City. Bible les. et olt. H Homemakers hour ig )--Des Moines, ecords, pro. Hour, LW § , Women's 9.15 WOW (508 aha, Correct . Time; ts, 9.30 WW] (326)=Detroit. Tonight's 9.45 KDKA (306)--Pitts, Mprket: 4 Ba / %5)-Col Col > Fog Educational 1000 KFNY E97) Shenandoah. Varied pro- KMBC (316)-Kansas City, Columbia We ao $30) Mpls: St. Paul, fine , Dr, land Hour to We wi wiz, HAY, KDKA C, W WR W, KWK, id wb WoI (535 YoAmes. Fass Wea. ther, yes (476)~Tefterson City, Markets; TO 55)~Ames, Ia, Markets; Wea. Ww ; AG. GiD~Worcester, Women's 10.50 WCCO (370)~Mpls-St, Paul, Stock re. 11.00 Wen Te kts Home manage Te WiC Mik Men, Music: Th Dinner; ron, Musical program 0, Overture hr, me economics; witag 5h Rs) Buta, Wos 76)--TeRerson City. 8, se (405)~Atlanta, Weather; Mark. 8, WTMJ (487)~Milwaukee, News; nis five Householo Ma titute WEAR "WEE WAG, WCSH, WLIT, WCAE, WTAM, W 11.30 CKNC Toronto, Studio woI -Ames, Markets; A wow gr iy Market opening. 12,00 CNRM (41 {41)=Montred], Music period wes, - CAE 42) Pitts, Music Si yon (545)=~Buffalo, Weather; Mark. WGN (416)~Chicago, Mornifig musi. wras (232)~Pitts, St. Patricks WHK incl veang, Noon music. R (400)=~Detroit, Luncheon songs. WLW or Cinet. Wiiko (447.5)~Chicago, Woe (300)=Davenport, Opening Mark. ets; Mus WOS (476 476).=3 flerson City, Markets, WRC 4 6) Ay Farm Flashes. WTAG (517)~Worcester, Organ; Mar. ww (326)=Detroit, Weather; Lunch. WRVA (2f0)~R A é 7: jehmond, unt Sammy MJ (487)=Milwaukee, Housewives Program, 12.30 WCCO (370)~Mpls-St. Paul. Stock re- Wear (465.5)~New York. Markets; usic, WTAM (280)~Cleveland, Diner mu- sie. WIP (#92)~Phila. Luncheon music. WRVA (20)=Richmond, Sunshine Hou ( , Wi Markets; or. ed., Fri.) R (400)~Detroit. Musical Matinee. (345)=Chicago, Dinnerbell pro- 1.00 KTHS (Ro Springs, Noon fear tures (ex. Wed.) WCFL i , Organ, 1245 W) 10.00 Wis 216)--Cleveland, LBS.A Wo 10.30 Wen 0S) --Attanta: WBBM (389)=-Chicago, Farm pro. is Luncheon Mu. A yh Moines, Vere Ta yo, wiz (4 P=New York. os {ir ehoron City, 110 KMBC (316) ansas City, Dinner bel 1.15 wol'"G (535) ~Ames, Markets; Fam 1.30 CARA (476)=Moncton. Music; Mark. Wey (379)=Sckh dy. Televisi 0 WER (id) Lhicase. Luncheon music WAL $D~Ransas City, - Country. Wew 4%) ~Cincl, Matines Program 2.00 KB ody "Beaver. Weather; Mark. ERNE) Toronto, Musical pro: Wei L, VR! Yn so ovision. oh JW bird WGBS New York, Talks; Music WGY (379.5)--Schenectady, Matinee Pro, , (ex, Sat.) A! 400)~Detroit, Recreation Hour, WOS (476)~Jefferson City, Grain Mas. kota} ulletins, WTMJ (467) Milwaukes, Musical pro- fen (461)~Nashville. Luncheon Con- cert (ex. Sat), WCCO (370)--~Mpls- St, Paul. Weath- WOR (45 --awark" Music; T NCW, HH WOI (535) Ames, Clogi me Ld Yow 508 )=Omaha, Markets Receipts Woc G "Go0)--Davenport Closing mark- ENko ast 5 Ottaws, Music; Mark. Winu (389)~Chicago, Housewives WPT (339)--Phils, Concert (ex. Sat.) wos (176)~Jeflerson City, Closing Market WIP 2)--Phita, Musicale, WEAF (454.3)=New York, Studio pro- Wis ne oy Homemakers Wak (416; Women's Subs WGR Ferri Sor N.Y. Stoc! waao (447,5)~Chicago, Artist i tah WBAL (283)~Baltimore. Sa music, KDKA (306)~Pitts. Markets, hii Chirag, Orchestra con. Worl E305) --Chie Matinee dance wWCX (400) ~ Detroit. News Bulletins, WDAF (42)~Kansas City, Musical Matinee, A, «= Davenvon, Homemakers wcCCco (370) =] pls-St, Paul. Stock res (ex Vos (476)~Jeffesson City, Thea heidi Je City, trical 20 wi bB) STM) ae) Milwaukee, Buddies wwj A20y~Detivit, Gypsy etd 8.00 NBC System "WIZ)~Godirey Ludlow, Violinist, Concert 8.25 Waa Chicago, Photolog "Mesopota- 9.00 NBC System (WEAF)-The National Orchestra, NBC System SWIZ)--Phileo Operetta 3 9.30 wit Fie. Phila, Women's Symphony 10.00 we 5 tom NBC $ WEAF)~Lucky Strike 10.15 wie "New York, Play veng *Fools "Bunday Programs Re. MORNING PROGRAMS 9.00 wiz (394.5)~New York, Children's 9.30 were (242)~Pitts, M. E. Services, (428)--~Cinci. Sunday WLW School. bold (487)--Milwaukee, Serine Q@ WIBO (526)--Chicago. Swedish services pro- ik R Linton Baptist 508)--Omaha. Ch , apd services, First arkets; 11.45 WLS "(345 we J SES, 0 pc Wav! dnd pid VT eng. nec lle, Be oreerian (268)~Milwaukee, English ser WRC (316)--Washington, Church' ser- 11,30 WJ (389)--Chicago, Gospel Taber- WTM) ST Milwaukes,, Or, pn, u, cago (447,5)~Chicago, Peoples Serv po GE pls.St. Paul. Services, 11.50 10.54 wsh ( Harty Presbyterian ser- 12.00 KFAB Fe Lincoln, Services WCEL )~Chicago, Rev, Copeland AFTERNOON PROGRAMS 12, WADC (224)--Akron, Organ, NBC § Pystem; Sylvestre Hour ik ¢ (400 Detroit. estion Box, 1,00 KOA (361)--Denver, rvices, WEEL. (508)--Boston, Radio Chat. 416)--Chicago, Painist; Comics NBC System: String Quartet to WJZ, WHK aes evela: Orchestra, WHT )--~Chicago, Organ, 1.15 KMA & 4)--Shenandoah, Musical pro. NT AU (256)--Phila, Radio service, 1,30 NBC System: Wh ile House Dinner Music To WJZ, WBZ, WBZA, WLW, WBAL, W. AM, KORA, WJR, KWK, WREN, NBC System: Peerless Hour to EEI EAF, WJAR, WTAG, WTIC," WCSH, WLIT, WRC, WGY, WCAE, WOW D, KPRC, WOAI, WBAP, WMAQ (447.5)--Chicago, Organ, Biblical ~~ Drama to to CAE. NEEL "5 Boston, Sager Hour to WGN (416)--Chicago. Concert (2 hrs.) WHT (202)--Chicago, Musical program WHK (216)--Cleveland. Forum, hs Symphony to WBZ, WBZA, BT, WRC, WEB: G TW Xat, WREN WSM, ws SES thiniie. WLS Singers; Org WAMAQ (447.5)--Chicago, Artist recital - WTAM (280)--Cleveland, Concert. 2,15 WCAU (256)--Phila, Studio program; Fur Trappers. 2,30 WLS (345)--Chicago. * Sunday School. 3.00 KFKX (294)--Chicago. Matinee pro- Kae System: Dr, wor S. Wise to WEAF, WJAR, IC, etwork: VHAN (2 (258.5) Rochester. Eastman WIR (400) Detroit. Shrine of the Lit- tle Flower, NBC System: Young Pi Con- ference to WJZ, WL KWK, WBAL, WBZ, WBZA, WET, WCCO Pro, Football-- les 3.15 WGN (416)--Chicago, Bears vs, Green Bay. 3% Woy on 5)--Schenectady, Organ, BO (526)--Chicago, Music That Ne- bs Grows ww (326)--Detroit. phony, NBC Syste: Dr, Parkes Cadman to EAF, - WEE] WTIC, WJAR, WTAG, WCSH, ur, WGR, WCAE, wow, AS wWSM, WSB, KOA, WGY, Detroit Sym- WEAA, WBT, KSTP (205)--St, Paul, Symphony or- chestra, NBC System: The Continentals WIZ BAL, KWK. Columbia Network: Cathedral Hourlo ABC, WN WEAN, WiAR, WCAU, WJAS, MAQ, KMBC, WAIU, wens: KOIL, WCAO, KMOX, WSPD, WICC, WLBW, WHAM (258)--Rochester. Back to WCFL, (309)--Chicago, Musical Pot- WE « (428)--Cinci. Organ; Instrumen- WTMJ (487)--Milwaul Tur Little Symphon: 4100WCCO yay. St. Paul. Musicale. 415 WIR (400)--Detroit, Ast Talk; Michi- eal 4.30 Bre « 8 Atlantic " City. ' Wik" (268)--Milwaukee. Church prog. Pacific Network: Peerless Reproducers (294)--Chicago, Hawaiian Ser- to Concert REMARKABLE NEW -RADIO-DISCOVERY 2% SPARTON EQUASONNE. SPARTON RADIO "Tis Pathfinder of the bor"; LUKE FURNITURE CO. RADIO DEPARTMENT --Phones 76-79 H. E- ARMSTRONG, Sub-Agent--Phone 377 KMBC (316)--Kansas City. Male quar- tet. NBC System: So Sea Islanders v Zu --Phila. Jubilee Singers. WiiAQ a Bo or dr "Whitney 10 Weco (370)--Mpls-St. Paul. Services 15 WPG (273)--Atlantic City. Services, 30 Columbia a yee teria, , WCAU: MBC, WORE, KMOX, to S. 5. 5. K, WJIAS, WADC, WAIU, WLBW, WCAO, WOWO, wsPD, WICC. NBC System: Violinist to WEEL, WAR, WTIC, WGY, WOR, WCAE, KSD, KYW. WGN (416)~Chicago. Arabian Nights. NBC Flom, Dr. Harry E. Fosdick to HA WBAL, WLW, KWK, WZ. BZA, WREN. io (526)~Chicago. pro- ik (400)~Detroit. Hymn Sing. 6.00 KYW (294)--Chicago. Musicale, KDKA (306)--Pitts. Orchest WCAU (256) --Phila. Grete, orchestra NBC System: Stetson am to ra i wha, WEE Warr, CWiaE WAG: os, WOAT, SM," WMC. music. WEAF, WFi, WRC, wWwj, Wik --Detroit. HE (216)--Cleveland. B (405) Atlanta n Church, Dells, WAG (447.5)--Chicago. Pil- €00, 1.0 KNOX Br KPO ( 6.45 I: SICA 7.00 CFCA (357)--Toronto. Services. KYW (294)--Chicago. Merrymakers. KOA ny ) wer. Palizzis Aces; Koka a ~ KFNF (337)--Shenandoah. Golden Rule Services. KSTP (205)--St. Paul. Organ. WBAL (283)--Baltimore. Concert chestra. WCAE (241)~Pitts. Music Hour. U (256)~Phila. Booth Family. Guyon Noe Svstem: or- Chicago Symphony to WGN. WTMJ, WOW, WDAF, KSD, NBC System: Old Companys program to WEAF. WTIC. WIAR, WEF1, P WTAG, WCSH, WRC, WGY, WHAM (258 5)--Rochester. Travelog. Ad (400) --Detroit. sil, Dies WHT (202)~Chicago. Concert (1 hour). WNAC ou Orpheum WDAF, WCCO, Crows. Special Programs for Sunday 3.830 WWJ Detroit. Detroit Syinphony. 7.00 WGN Chicago. Chicago 7.30 NBC System (WEAF) --Acousticon Hour, 8.156 NBC System (WJZ)--Colliers Hour. 8.830 Columbia Network: La Palina Hour; Two Black 9.15 NBC System (WEAF)--Atwater Kent Hour. J-Bos Thea. yiau ( Cleveland, Statler or- ag (447.5)--Chicago. Topsy Turvy 6.3 3 (340 La Soleil News, oi ous a ch 's Concert, music CA WAV & Furriers LR i Dee, 3 To WSM, 'W. "wit! ALY Yi KPR Wie" 3 : RS WTM wou ¥ Sek. Ske Pan NC Wik Ae cteveinnd, 'Ble Flash 3 ra, WISN (208)--Milwaukee, Organ; String {rug guastet 428)~Cinci, Dynacone Diners, wm (394.5)~New York, Sporting Page Po bios Symphony orchestra to a RW Wea SDAF NBC Sys wer om WHK (316)--Cleveland, LB.S.A, pro fac: tem: F ts In F s Bien be 7 bit wen he 05)--Atlanta, Orchestra Siw (428)--Cinci. Orchestea; Wea (20 -Atlantic Cit WOW (508)--Omaha, WTAM rr ei A Orchestra, 7.30 NBC M2 Major Bowes CRA WEAF, AR, KOA, SM, WCAE, WWJ, WHAS,. whe WOW, KSD, WGY," WTIC, M. WADC (224)--Akron. Fellowship Hour, 4 (333)--Springfield, Blue and Gold Hou WCFL (309)--Chicago, Concert ensem- WCAU (25) Phila, Central Pioneers, WOR . (422)--Newark, WTAG (517)--Worcester, Shiidio pro- gram, 7.45 WGR (545)--Buffalo, Services, 8.00 KSTP (205)--St, Paul, Composers hr, od NF (337)--Shenandoah, Musical pro- fea (256)--Phila, Fashion Corner, WEEIL (508)--Boston, Musicale, WGES (220)--Chicago, Spike. Hamil. ton's Dance ncert, Wisy (268)--Milwaukee, German ser- Wiko (526)--Chicago, News; Musicale NBC System: Enna ettick Melodies "Brown pro Ser. ii Comer Bible study, WTMJ, A WSB, Want, WRHM,' KVO0O0, WF WOAL WMAQ (447. 5)--~Chicago. Sunday Eve. ning Club, WAG (517)--Worcester. Concert, WGN (416)--Chicago, Pat Concert Ensemble. 8.15 ae System: Colliers Hour to WJZ, Mad Lg KDE, KOA, K KWK, WLW, WBAL, Bares; 8.30 CFCA (357)--Toronto, Waterloo Musi- cal Society Band. KWKH (353)--Shreveport. gram, Columbia Network: La Palina Smoker ac, WEAN, WFBL, Studio pro- WICC, WHK, (416)--Chicago. Nighthawks, % KTP (205)--St, Paul, Dusk in Dixie. NBC System "Our Government" to WEAF, WTIC, WIAR, WFAA, WMC, Ss, KV0O SB, WTAG, WTAG, WCSH, WCAE, WSAI, AlU, PD, . 178 WLBW., WISN (268)--Milwaukee., English Ser- vices, weg (273)--Atlantic City. News; Con- 9.15 ow (294)--Chicago. Father Pemin, id (303)--Springfield. Symphonic Hou WIBO (526)--Chicago. Chuckle Time. NBC System: Atwater Kent Hour to WEAF, WRC, WCAE, WWJ, KOA, N, WGR, WEEL = WGY, FI, TAM, WOW, WDAF, KVOO, / ' WMC, WSB, WBT, Jrco, WOAI, KPRC, (0) Dieteit, Orchestra, Wiw (428)--Cinci. pacer Hour, NBC System: ingers to WIZ, WBAL, KDA WREN, KWK, 9.30 KYW (294)--Chicago. Orchestra Con: t. . Kris (375)--Hot Springs. Music Loy- Wa Oti2)--Chicago, Bible Talk; mu- 9.45 WRAL (283)--Baltimore. Reveries, NBC Svs : El Tango Romantico to WIZ, KDKA, KWK, WREN, WHAM 10.00 KSTP (205)--St. Paul, Old Fashioned Tavern Columbia Network: De Forest Audions Ww WFBL, WADC, WBBM, WGHP, WCAG, WOWO, KMOX, He 92)--Phil WIP (492)--Phila. WIR (400)-- Detroit. Happy Half Org: PG (272 -- Atlantic Gity. Musicale. whe ry Miwa Studio en- emble; orchestra. 10.15 KYW (5) ~Chicago. Week End Par- Wi "GMs St. Paul. Symphony Wi co Orchests City. (Concert ' "The WDAF %492)--Kansas a Crimson Te 8 WTAM," KVOO, WSB, KOA, W. Ay Chicag: REL Colymn- Televisi WON Woy (@9.5)-5 Aden tis)--Cinci. Swiss Gardens or- Singers; Or- icago. Auld Sandy. Rythym Sym- 2» Lol at. "Come to the | Fas clubs N Aa 3 WEAN, WMAK, ~WCAU," WIJAS, KMBC, WAIU, Wors (220)--Chicago. Wibr (389.4)--Chicago. Gospel Taber- WMAQ Ue Sekar Concert or- chestra Anglo Persians. 10.45 DAF owe Ay City. Amos and WGN (416)--Chicago. Pullman Port- Louis. Dance music. fan Francisco. Organ; Concert a KNX 285 5 Hollywood. Concert or- Kite Kian Gt) City. Studio Ser- KIR (0)-Seattle. KGO (379.5)--Oakland. isons i WON (416)--Chicago. Tomorrows Trib., Cr 1 a Orchestra. 526)--Chicago. 'The Circus. (dr Detroit Amos and Andy; Andy also KSTP, KPRC. a5 Wiis t-Cloneland, Dance music un ortland. program. 12.00 CNRY (291)--Vancouver, Winter's Cap- itolians. X (2855)--Hollywood. Recital. KGA (209)--Spok Salon Pacific Network: Atwater Kent Hour. WHK (216)--Cleveland. Club Madrid 1245 WGN (416) ~Chicago. Goldkette's and Niehthawks' Orchestras. 1.00 KFI (468)--T.0s Angeles. Dance or- chestra. WBBM (389)--Chicago. Nutty Club. S y Little ymphooy. SSI arta ed bs bh KFAB | iL rian; rehes. 2 hou KnBe Fieri City, Concert Se (Bo-cn ago. Hamp's orches. 3) Chie hei, Lowe's orches, Weo® 703i s-St, Paul, Sports; WERE Gib" Fliubaren, Vocal; Talk; nel WCAU (256)--~Phila, Picadilly orches, WCFL (309)--Chicago, Difiner Music, WDAF (492)--Kansas City, Air School." NBC Systems Bank Hour to WEAF, Yok WTIC, WJAR, WTAG, CSH, ia WGN '(416)--Chicago, Uncle Quin; Nighthawks, WiEs (220,4)~Chicago, Dinner con- Wii (400)--Detroit, Min. trels, wiih (400)--Mooseheart, "Petite Sym. C died Svstem: Cook's Travelog to WIZ, KDKA, ws (345)--Chicago., Markets; Music, NOs. (447.5)--Chicago, Concert, -WMAQ Dance Orchestras (1 hour), Riviera Theatre. Markets; Monday Progr: 100 mt NBC System hit) ATOR land hou: 11.18 Nec Sysiem (WEAF)--Household In- 11.3 NBC System WIZ)~Amer, urea on, 12.45 p.m, WIR Musical Matinee 1,00 BC System Hom our, 3.30 wis Chicago, Homemakers Hour, 4.00 WM Chicago, Bridge Game, we, ew York, U, S. Marine Band also NRC, ENING PROGRAMS 5.00 wae. (223)--~Akron, Dinner Concert; NBC System: Fallon's Orchestra 5.30 NBC System: Bill WEAF, WRC. WBBM A389) Chicage. Concert Po KDKA (306)--Pitts, News; Book Man, Neg System: Waldorf Astoria Mun EAF, WRC, WCAE, ww, WTA, WCAU (256)-Phila, Entertainers, WHK (216)--Cleveland, Allerton Trio. YHas (366)--Louisville, Children's Frogram, ns System: Palais d'or Orchestra to WIP (492)--Phila, Orchestra concert, WIBT (389)--Chicago, Organ, WIZ, WHAM, WBZA,' Farm, WOW YRVA ell, WVIAC 7.45 K 8.00 CNRO ( KDK venti troit, (Central)~Farm and WeAY WCFL Popular WDAF Oi tra, to and Jane to Lingeman WOW (508)--Omaha, WSM (461)--Nashville, News; Ensemble, ? WSDB (405)--Atlanta, Pomar's orchestra Talks! a Santa Claus; 7.25 KYW "a0 -Cicsgo, Book Man; or. 7.9 amo 5 £52, (306)~Pitts, One Minute Dem. rs, WHE @16)~Cieveland. oh nl (21 th Talk; Finks System: (508)~Omaha, St roy Richmonde A (59) --Chicago. Almani A (306)--Pitts, Charles Hamp, RTP (205)--~St, Paul, Melody Muske- » WRVA, wLs' Gy Chieago, iw (428)--Cinci, Eolambia Network: Choral Singers to (Continued on Page 13) tinned (re ay Talks; H Sroavan ,5)--~Ottas ina De, Dick. pro dais Dinner mu- Phila. Male quartet, K; )~Kansas Trianon 2k Tso. G, J to wt hanks WJR, KYW, WSB, WSM, Wishing (517)~Worcester. Studio pro- 294)~Chicago, Playlet, he ack, 434,5)--Ottawa, 256)--Phila, Court progr yc hic 280, ba, +S (1 hou G92) rss City, Meyers' Sc Log Th or. Soiled for | long $2.00 each At your nearest dealer Mv Economical Transportation Qhe of Chevrolet Hi Since the announcement of the Out- standing Chevrolet of Chevrolet His- tory, thousands of people have already placed their orders fot this sensational new car! Never before has any new Chevrolet ever won such tremendous public sescptance in so short a period time Climaxing 16 years of continuous de- in a low-priced automobile. : ; i i k Motors Research staff . . and proved by millions of miles of testing on the General Motors Proving Ground-- ~this sensational automobile has brought within the means of everybody, everywhere an order of beasty, style and performance that hitherto Sd yerionnes tat ba lisaw dreds of dollars more! a > fo | | 4 H : Ley LH] By PRODUCT OF GENERAL MOTORS story - a Jix in the price range of the four] degree of comfort and handling Place your order Now- - utstanding Chevrolet OF CANADA, See Your Chevrolet Dealer for cons Information Ontario Motor Sales, Limited OSHAWA, ONT. "LIMITED.