Ontario Reformer, 26 Dec 1873, p. 1

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KTAL PRIZE A A EENBACKS, "ASH PRIZE > 4 EENBACKS. azh Prigect ver Hus Ww 010 S30 Cath 14, 'Salid and owelry, de, ete, 0. Tickets bmi p00, Ww 3 FE will og pat Tickets $10, T enty-fivg 840. -§ BRL prociam ViNG--- nost Wonderful Ine staiged g bones ae not de- poison ar ether ns wasted beyond ent and Inter cli are sp preva { our great rivers | States, enpecially, iy pi, Olio, Missouri, nberland, Arkans (it 1zos, Rio Grande, io; Savannah, Ro-2d / any effiers, with ¥ oth Jf Ah ha ot pe the Sammer ily Bo during 868k it and ness, a or te a oot mach and lier, seem "Ii their ; EXCILNG 3 POW, he Fiflous. or oe ry. There purplose.equal worl EeAR BixTers, 1 cuapye the dark- ©. with whieli the" EL tle same time Ko thioke ? s, and' Biter ~ 5 + 2 Sm 8 h in ch in Green 2 > as now open, and offers to the travellers 'the Best of to ESTES LIVERY STABLE. jo fil ons of flie ligonai (9 z thé healthy @ Organs. 1zainst disease 1s with VINEGAR Ie lig bo oun tanp bold 3 izestion, Head- wilders, Bon , Dizziness, Sour Bad Taste ticks, er = gmation of thes pion of the Kid- 'er painful symp- 26 of Dyspepsia Hc othy &dve t's Evil, ineraley such ate' ld-beaters, i cla Bo g | WALKERS VIN. ye 'Skin, Hummers whatever e : % up tial her Worms, 1 any thoussnds, | removed. Ne nnifuges, BO thn ilntg, in sung v 1: LIVERY STA BX a MC WV 3 3 TE Binge Eige, Omni- | Cheap us The Onimin@Reforuan, on A to and from 3 Re 4 A & sums and manner to suit borrowers. g early instalments, En sreny'FRIDS Y MORNING, . $4 Oifirio Reformer Pihotidg nad Publishing Company, - : AT THEIR CPFICE--SINCOR ST., OSMAWA. TERMS 1 231 50 per annum, in aot Fiidwithin six A Sereltil® . and ond arrears if the : WW. COBURN, M.D, PF. L., HYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR, King Street, Oshawa. nny dence and OM. Nbbrly opposite Iidbbe WH. FREDERICK NeBRIAN, B. B., M.R. C. 8 CN VAR, L. D.8&. Lf pork IRSERTRD ON ALL THE atest principles as SSE ee "Re spin by preduci Joenf go ATR Drug Store, King Con Tove wa. 24 . PERG TON, 1 JSENTIATEW DENTAL SURGERY. Office over the of Messrs. Rimpeon Boos, King St, mys. 21 OH All sperations preformed Residenee . Ia) in a skilful manner. in the same [ mid ARRISTER, "ATTORNEY 8O- RA SR I Rh Wachee oF MONEY to Lend. Mortgages boit dad - 1] R. McGry. E. FAREWELL, LL. B., CROWN A Pihaw. Selicitors-in-Chancery, Notaries 3 Yai. Counveyancers, &c., Whithy. 'Money to J. Hamer GeesNwoon. A.0. McMms | RPSFRCTITY S/W SEC gp RCHITECT, PATENT, INSUR. A ance 8d General Agent, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. Ag for the Inman of Steamers | Stem. Gibbs Broa. F. W. Glen, Fon BNCE Esa, . . 2% : da ™ J Ii of MATE SKIRTS. Best Kew Yusk Mu- used trade supplied on , erty hoy: Avira ager "a BRITISH iE ROBS ROTEL. ATS, LATE BSON HOUSE, a » 3 F eur, and Coroner. King St. Oshawa, 12 POISE Stes 6 19.8% wanted spare moments, or all the time han at anything else. Part free. Address G. STINSON & CO., Portland, Maine. Bor pasa the | 5 Tw se the fines . BUTOHER, | KING STREET OSHAWA. USTOMERS CAN BE SUPPLIED opposite albalr mwa wh th beet of Rosie, fresh and san. vish, Fowl, &c.,always oa THOMAS HOPPER, Oshawa, Sept. ith, 1973 nay, OSHAWA PACKING CASE FACTORY HE SUBRCRIBER IS PREPARED Seth en ae. ne, MATCHING. MOULDING. and SAWING ing, MA ING. done to order on the shortest not . CHARLES H. HONEY. ly. ek OBE AWA «| Sewing Machine Factory. HE "MODEL"SEWING MACHINE will be found the most perfect mechine ever introduced to the Canadian public. Some of its points of excellence are, & Sitent Motion, » the operator, no screw driver required to adjust its parts, and 10 PUR OVOr A Seal. - finest cambrie without fray it and the heaviest without strain- the machine. + received will be filled in two or three weeks without fail. FR * GEORGE Y OUNG, nw/acturer, Oshawa, Sept. 1, 157%: pL A Newcastle Nussries. HE SUBSCRIBERS, DESTROUS OF supplying good and healthy ; FRUIT TREES - OF VIGOROUS GROWTH, And ot the various nA Fruit roquifed fot exportation and consumption, beg to hat they now in position toifer the folio for d Spring planting :-- Apple Trees, Standard & Dwarfs, leading kinds, Bin fo & a m o. ny do, do. do. They have also on hund every variety of RHBUR, SEARGDR AMETAL, . aad P that all d by them have a written SERIAL ROTEL, JAS QUIGLEY hy SPLENDID KEW HOTEL 1S ak Seactment In post is now over $4 interest will be Office Hours--From 10 o'clock a.m., to3o'clock m,, except the Bank will4 wlohe. py JIAT dey ONTARIO BANK T_T CAPITAL $2,500,000. OSHAWA BRANCH. OFFICE--SINCOE STREET serys FRR Money to Lend AT security of Good or Pruductive Town Property. at the Lowest Possible: Rates of Interest, yy 1 ng BLE"S buses, 'aygons for Excursion Parties, de, BEST STYLES, and ss Ha fitted up & Eo cng a the consistent with a modest profit. agents 4 authority jo praduct.4a that orders require to on their printed blank J. P. LOVEKIN & Newcastle Neweastle, July 3rd. 1873, urserios 81 R. V. CHUBB 'Corner of King and Chuich Streets, Opposite Hobbs' Hotel o1 ses to hire at all hours of the Day or Night. Drigggy Furnishod'if Required. RATES MODERATE. Special sivantages to Otsamaraial : i REMOVAL MEAT MARKET G.W. GARTH, BUTCHER FASTER SMT 00, BLACK'S COMMERCIAL HOTEL, KING 8T. Meat Ye Hopes bf having season, She best of eranta of the an, A aha wa In his ine. EVERY DAY, so thet, SRL eX at their own doors.snd in left as the Stuur'; hisaded to. rey AND P. P. RAILWAY. | Barrels of Silver Ware, Tea Setts, Goblets, Caps, Spoons, ge ---------- Important to Farmes, 0: HA| HA!l HAI again bri Here again bringing joy -and gladness to e Household, with my faithfal gg fog a) oh Go, Silver, and Precious 1 rich and new. Cases of et Guinea Gold, Keeper, aad Geom Rings | Boxes of Chas'd Gold Watches, piles fffine Gold Ladies' Setts Stacks of rich Gold Chains, and in fact A REAL GOLD MINE! --ALSO--' Gold Pins, and Pencils, and Jet Goods, without connts--there is no time to lose in making your selections--so hurry up your cakes and go as soon asyou can to Hopinstall's Jowsliry Store King 'Street, East, Oshawa. Where I have left the above Goods tobe called for at the éon- venience of the public. . ' Yours, faithfully, a SANTA CLAUS SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. EE Bag RE J. Higginbotham & Son beg respectfully to intimate to the inhabitants of Oshawa, and vicinity, that they have com- menced business in the above naméd premises as " PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMISTS and hope by strict personal attention to business, and offering nothing but the purest arti:les, at the most moderate prices, to merit a share of Public patronage. . A carefully selected stock of the following articles kept con- stautly on hand. Pure English Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Perfamery, and Toilet Articles, Dye Stuffs, Brushes, Combs, Shoulder es Supporters, Chest and Lung Protectors, etc., ete, Oils. Paints, Colors, Varnishes, White Lead, all of the best quality, and at the lowest market prices. Pure Wines and Brandies Strictly for Medicinal use, Oshawa, Dec. 12th, 1873, 85-1. 4 SACRIFICE SALE! a -- (oor, : BEING ABOUT TO " . DISSOLVE PARTNERSHIP, And désising to facilitate an early setiloment of Business, ave: determined to close FIRST day of OCTOBER And all their accounts will be made up $0 that date, after which, the whole of their immense stack, $20,000 I GOODS will be Sold out at Cost FOR CASH ONLY. As the whole must be cleared out by the Ist January The stock has been filled 3p and asorted this fall in all departments with entirely Dress Goods from 10cts., upwards a for 12}cts., worth 17ch. Coteons "" " " My " $00 AND EVERYTHING IN PROPORTION. bag. > * Gonsi o Sale, and borers oui depand'on SAVING 20 FER g Gg fo ry Bc" Thisisho b during the Sale. All are : Soe fur Shomasived are requested to call and settle accounts at early d NB. All portion indebted 10 ho fra re % R. & A. SMITH. LOOK AT THIS! ---- 0 sign of the BIG TEAPOT, » large assortment of Somer ab he STOVES &) oll of the Newest Patterns and Latestimprovements, = BOTH COAL AND WOOD | which will be sold very CHEAP for GASH. minh ju 1 th Aqsa IGAMBPIROUGEL TT 0, ' Bie" dhe Tweeds, NEW DRUG STORE R&A.SMITH| {FALL AND WINTER. a LS OLD SANTA CLAUSNew Store AT THR East End! The Subscriber has sneceededtin purchas- / ing a: Btogk of iii 1 Dry Goods! AS auch prices sa..must neared Sale: As the sewson iv Inte sad must be sold, CREAT BARCAINS! Will be given. Now is the time to buy Blankets, Flannels, Merinoes, Dress Goods, Yarns, &ec., &c. Cail and so for Yourselves, Goods only Sold for Cash NO CREDIT. : One Door West of the Post Office, SAMUEBL WOOD. OSHAWA, Nov. Gth, 1873. 3.30.dy CASH! CASH! FOR WHEAT, PEAS, BARLEY, RYE, OATS, Pork, HIDES, SKINS AND. FURS. A large stock of well assorted Goods for . Dry Goods, Crockery, - Furs, Clothing, 1 ee Groceries, x Jaa: yidtsl OfATAD A E---------- i fogs fog - fas ipnd of on J on OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26 1878. Fi | £2 i ] : § fd iif i i] i ¥ i i I | Ee if ge 7 i 3 = 8 Sondithuinnes -- % oot | . A hod ph --_ HE § i it | } i i | ir if beigt I 4 i boven To Todua yl wae il i g iA i i . I! il f tr | Fat Hi i : £ ¥ ! £ : | § 3 3 i it p & : f i. pt | i i! i f } iL | gifs {i I i $67 - I ETI ES TINT Fe i : go §t if : £ ¥ THR i bis: TE dps iil £1400 i Ad. 3 § wing Runnin "nee athe ¥ 5 en B.and 8, TY atk asd ny oul rings Bani Vieors oved | 0 ------ 1 ~& i Castelar and Belmmpon, «| wit ui poo i o Re = . - a long Jetter ge bye 26 ¢ plat he a. SF y 8 ani ga "re plait '& " ' + bra evan PE a aT 1 ow will, fa ever ft £8] iia i : . i wy Ty haa > cd TR 5 y y . at, pith : % teas a re woud iy Ya Et hs ait wyit iar s blips Hon. Col. Kaw; Uniosd Bligh Conac Tabest W. Suith; Bagis YL

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