racer l he nurie ff eisraer, HEAD Mf : sik bina oi es : : 00711 Ano 1 Ch of ' CASH | ol. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, | vi : eb A : : a | Oleiss; amd + pe i FOR aah dat sr. a : re AS : : hile 13 bk oil oo Ads The! Ortarib Roformbr Britffing land : : : I Fons A Will finde the, futur aunt mn 4 --Publishing Company. | 3+ : ly if aot more ehserful. Wo have nom. <4 J 1) | : ; { A ] 4 3 AT THEIR CFFICE-SIMCOE ST., OSHAWA, . \ ; » TH TERMS :- $1 50 per annum, in advance--$1 13 : : |! « LEY, or itv gl RI | ees. arrears are paid, except at the of the g publisher, and parties refusi 'witho ¥ ; A S E 3 paying up will be held respo the sul - jad ad - me 3 Setiption until they comply with the rule. {- . - cr ------ __. - a --------_ me . : hh oF ef CAE -------- All lotters addressod to the Editor must Be 'd 3 nya pre-paid, - : S-- i BT og WE HP OR LO YE, OATS, acl] 1 ww) DAY, DECEMBER 19 ,1 : wrket Price in Cash for pf} CR ee sis iad RENE . oo 3 Le td edie So : : a aid, ' - lm --_-- . rowxm, @ WHI I. Importgétita Karner 8, : : wh ghibativ Jf Bowmanville Advertisement : Sastimony Sf the Apouthes hat the Chareh abil} PN a =F |P[WE, JOSEPH HALL ESTERLY Furniture! Furniture pa shodld be sprees [and Sli > HYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND rian Manos iag, Co » Ont, ' y od | % |] y . ; + . "| Written for the Ontario i ACCOUCHEU Rt, yaw east, Oshawa. | | hay : 0 : ak M. MA 4 ER. was their duty having { Residence and Office Nearly opposite Ho a, 3k Beek Where the land 4 ON THE . it abroad to those wlio have it not. In 8 Hotel, : 1. lo the F man and one team Sp ; : : BOWMANY ILL BY ELLIE N. , worldly affiirs, when we lave an thject WR FREDERICK NeBRIAY, M.B., M. B.C] 8 foie actes per day. / a. Dark > a pth PE wr ho En aa i Ls GUAR Eh NKE BIrOtROTS Hom ano won| mim. [Cr Sams e \ of all who are desirous of hav | **™e Lait ns movi til the ubject was attained We should , 1 a a ng their BURS Shik look td it that 'wo do not withold the ; J ald. Cabinet Factory--Athol and Albert Street, Oshawa. } Sad deep the waters flow, same in belalf of the eause of God. Proprietor, formerly of ; w ; i | . To the bay, D the : : "or to refresh find invigreate. fos § Changed or Repaired |" SSE th yuh broad the Semptares with Che sammants | of 1 rok and Fhvarer We Pil pvomis" by, Wa 8 % . . - Ges ¢ for 4 : PY WwW y a : | ness that we ought !are we as zealous and | of yur future success in the almost incred- * ACHE | EETH INSERTED ON ALL T | Ba. BRrerooms King St., Oshawa. and that he will be pleased to he Varn sincere 4s we ought to be in thit great | bly abd , E 3 oy 4 . slender child, ork 1 He feared that not. If tistribution in the Covey, Tlic princi Fe El FE. HO PPE R Having imported direct from English and Markets, the finest { have their orders earlp, so that air and brave, in Out bounded duty, a te light of |; SINE'S 7. with Gold and Silver. Teeth extracted withqut : / » | quali of Plush and Reps of the Best M and Latest= Styles, wei no delay thay occur. He would | 00\d aa" gale het face is raised, triith in ouf homee', and spread a'road TENTIET 4 pc ) y bo : ual Distribution ; Atkinson's Drug Flore, King St., Oshawa. 2-4 | KING STREET OSHA WA. In reps equal to the best imported Furniture. of might o the wark laid but for us in the plan pm + Ee . . n : Tren YOM ) : -- te i Flash nations, and he trusted that these be saw : © 4 ICENTIATEGrDENTALSURGERY. | (WSTOMERS CAN BE SUPPLIED Latest and most Siylish designs in wy white, Dental Rooms in Cowan's New Block, ove to turn out Parlor Suits, Sofas, Leal attention to his large stock ors fash, among our own Reels to see that we arsday, Jan. Tat 1804, Fear and admiration deep, befure him, and those the sudience saw 3 co ove i | his 8 , opposite Hawthorne's Store, NM I In them lie. | oefore th mt, would be ut al a \ i oO oO oO d 4 id Office ver thie Grocery of Mesttdé- Simpson Bb J at his Shop, ov oe Ny the ror PARLOR FURNITURE. / N BX Wonders at the lightaings play, ply thowladivad mere Heartily, 1s nA of 1iféf who" étn enlculate' ' oO oe All operations-preformed in a skilful manner. | Jreel: sid salt. ¥ish, Fowl, &c.,always on hand n : --AND-- Through the sky, ! more of their means to this canse than | 9,04 exercised by the ABLE GIFTS Residewe in he sume ildipg, | : romas Hopper, | B€droom Suits, Sideboards, Tables, etc, of the Startiug go the angry waves, they had done in the past. W.a cnuld not | to the glorification of our AE . a I oshawa, Sept. ith, 1873. 21-1. Bes . - : : AS U S ? td be missionaries, bet wa ould all do | gn. It is our great pri CAL ITAL PRIZE : B: REISTEL 41TORNEY, 8 nner t Material, at prices to suit the buye 1s AL KA b R Wikyy throiethe Hitle vam; something to aid the canse, by suprorting | fasare. What docs that GREENBACKS. SITOR, * Conveyancer and . Notatie |. : a \ : op . : : Faintly comes the longing ery, and strongthiéning the hands of the Bible | wo haces \D CASH PRIZE ' Pans hava South Ea Corieror King apd OSHAWA Window Cornaces, Picture Frames, etc., a choice collection Buffalo Robes, &c. "Mother dear." | Society, and their agents, tod we. shatld | shall kn His testimouy that every 3 mt; imcoe Streets, : > \ i hall know His nae; dud it i the misstsd "Do : Pictures Framed to order. Sole agents for Whiteside's Cold the tiny hands that doit with euergy and determination. | if this Suciet . i GREEN BACKS. Es SZ VOXEY to Lend. Mortgages bought apd PACKING CASE FACTORY Celebrated S rin Mattrass 3s all of which* will be found ex- " On the oar, pron: . God designed to make use of usas his in- op Society to Samy. the G 24 Cash Prize of of a rR ec ¢ Spring Me Ses. cellent. value. Oer the sands her feet will danc o; sirnmentay $o fulfil the great design of fhe society he will enrry ont his | ' fortintog Es i -------- = A § ER 18 PREPA z . ospel, and if we. cannot emter in the ' GREENBACKS, ir ramrwann i | in apy at sesonatle Prien aati LUKE & BROTHER : : <n | Anestor io mets and day, - De ab rely a dan UO | yr a th p > YUNTY CROWN = ATPORNEY, | or quality of Lumber, Shingles, Lath, Plekets ' Guard the child, part in holding up the hands of those who | ¢, ug inthe Hi : Ahi 00 cach in Grostibacks, Dressed Stdet 4 Flooring: ste. Bill Lum Though the rain in torrents fall, s in-tte Hible to reveal himself to us; 0 in & Barrister, Atiorney, Solicitor, Notary Publ Cs' ber pro to ps eigfeen re Mardy « Dvered, Pla o- Kin Street East Oshawa Mad sod wilds are striving to fulfil His work: and uot to hide himself, and as the Bible sin ; each j= Groenbacks! a Ae By dately acehpicd bY 1 ing, MATCHING, MOULDING. and SAWING 8 ' . in cash for Down beneath the dark ses, The Report was carried is trarsleted into different tongues, as cach Greendacks Yl 7 at . * | dome to order on the shoftest notice. greeft N r Leaver Hunting 1S Outazle, i a ET Ob CHARLES H. HONEY. t Wile th is oe Bir grave, On me tion of Rev, B. L. Hattori, it | People become more and more --_-- le Sgt \Dotle. 5 are a Fou i R A Ww F | R Na oan andgreon rT an Sonulverd that the following be office- | With i Seutit, the vier, pli wil Chains, ISolid and' ; CREENWOOD AND McMILLEY I rt of the Society for the ensuing | Pear to us. are X are, Je # TITERS y a i M ; Fina dl puilRHCIWE MIR | osm AWA pe NL MRS ER. | gre. ore a ey Sema ie, 4 100,000 1 i Public. Conveyancers, &c., Whitby. Money to S . M h ' Fi t - Ne - ® In your white arms tenderly, President. --Rev. Dr. Thornton. rd - o Sell Tickets, to whem | Loan. 3 1} ewing acnine rac ory. = 3.98.1 One 30 fair, Vice- Presidents. --A. Farewell, MPP. 11 as seen as tt gH a mitums will be paid. 2 J. BidEm GREEXWOOD, | + [dy Gu MeMLL | i = -=0-1m ; Gibbs, 1 ly" by the Jews, and as the of: * NRE Hon. T.N. Gibbs, M.P., W. H. Gibbs, | i 1: : . Six Tickets $10 welve -- HE "MODEL" SEWING MACHINE var | Ste Tad al tiiugs cleats 30.a heliared 0, Twenty-five A : h ; CW. sare: |} A will be found the most perfect machine ever | L2F i : * British and- Foreign Bible Society. Fo Dr. McGill, and Jas. Carmicliacl, | that in the fature as we & a fut list of dees gs ARCH ITECT, PA TENT, INSUR- | introduced to _the-Canadian public. Some of its : > =f Ng . y J re -- HAS ! knowledge-of the Word, and avthe pre iner of drawin other ance and Genera} Xgent, Simcoe Street, points of excellance re, Annual Mesting of the Oshawa Branch.| Secretary.--Jno. Steele, Esq. ecies of the testimony became erence to the 1 ribution, 8 Oshawa. Agent for the Inman Line of Steamers | z > ] re ; H at 2 Perfect Elasticity of Stitch, i T Well « by fulfillment, all that now one orderi from New York and Liv ol. REFER- S io . of reasurer. --R. Wellington, Faq. i r ist be addressed to i en Messrs. Gibbs Bros., F. W. Glen, Esq. pod Tmplick of nat uction; ' scure or contradictory would be . L. BD. SINF, Bex - aa A self ug peedle, Fairbanks, Esq. 12|y | ge Light Ld rrom and rapid in operation, ADDRESS BY REV. MR, MANLEY. : : . ; Committee.-- Messrs. 8am'l Wood, John | to us. The Biole is the school CINCTANATT o } C--O - 2&" No under gearing to perplex the operator, : Noy i Si bf de ¢ i " a ---- Gould, Andrew Annis, Andrew Smith; | Gnd whith ve. cannot all ; under: ars, and other partigulars, «oJ SHERIN & £ | oj Rogerew driver tequired to adJdst its pasts, and ; a. 5 e annual meeting of the Osha¥a | W. Doidge, B. Tuttle, W. J.. Gibson, | stand. ible instructs the Oliristied IR JANE SHD Wend MN Flom Sie' Dt oan bri without fray | 3 on es x OPENED ouT Brasich, of the British snd Foreign Bible | 0¢o. Edwards, Thos. Eck, W. Lander, | a little In the fuith but the Master RJ AME HORN 3 HR Tse Best Arie Ma- ing ii and the heaviest material without strain- | - ; il | 0 met i . : in. W. Ki 4 # . | us onuntil erial used. The trade supplied on best teru ing the machine. Sogjety, took place on Friday eveniug Moses Martin King, Jas. Roberts, J nil we become the lights of Factory-- King Street, East. Bowmanville. Orders received will be fifled in two or three weeks without fail. A Vm. is. "shini more and more ' : --]N-- last. in the Ba : 0. Henry, and Wm. Annis, shining " 1 i { y ptist Church, King Si After a h s A dct day." As' with. the M-- ee ;EORGE YOUNG i : i ymn by the choir, beautifully | P® . 5 exper Sammon 8 am oR yovxe, ~N oO a Dickies N yur Bl ock. Owing to the inclement weather, and the rendered, the Prusident callé@'on the Rev. tence of ASD individual g ANS. hath: BOLSON io EE:s oh T1150 a, 1 disagreeable condition of the streets, the | yo ar 0 5 T ety, to sd with the Charch. The Ohureh: would * R ity, Ontario. Hauke 1 rated | re rr -- Fp attendance was not as large as would : J» 28 4 grow in the knowledge of His Trath; is: and furnished throughout, antl put in /first-claps furnished throughout, Sud first-clabs | 1 ¢ ko . LE Opposite Lockhart Houve, otherwise have been the case, aud did druss tha feeling. Poser and girsngth.. uatil svatyatgor Ewa om ai traine as Sn wt "Fire | Newcastle Nurseris. REMOVAL OF THE BEE HIVE : : . : judice should be swept swa WITH AN ENTIRELY not at all represent in point of numbers Bev Mr. Manley, #1 coming forgard Bete should be but one a | NE the body of peopleia this vi who | ™ warmly received. Ile said the meet- religion ~ throughout ~~ the - HE SUBSCRIBERS, DESIROUS OF | f i bing hod interest in bin, the | 178 Was not assembled to-night to prove | yutil thete be n teligiod, but GY. SMITH L. LB. | | supplying good ahd healthy Ww | . of th det Th prow 8g the Divine origin of the Bibles, all were | faith of Josns Christ, 'the y+] - ABK1ST ER, 81 By ay . FRUIT TREE S | | J . B A R N AR D : Sus Sui . Ng mem® | 4 reed on that, Nor where they to dis- H tne world, snd until every k all bow Doidky MEE AMD's Wioaks: *] 4 i : : cuss the value of the word of Truth to the | $0 Him, and every tungue Brodk sf Wut Sry OF VIGOROUS GROWTH Fy --O Pe 3 however, making a fair representation of mame. This is the futnre i 1 » Wf SL . bers of all the congregations were present, § = the diff sit L christian people nor the inestimable privi- | which the work of the ARCA ie d Reidus ¥ : | . | eh . . . . ifferent denominatiuns. p + . ; 8 | Ani abe side pore if Poss sconist [| Fas removed ¥o- the splendid New Block erected by J. 0) 13 (4 Np Rev. Dr. Thornton, Present of the | 260 00 LN UM 0 HOt | dilation, the may be in spiritaal progress, and the aliment of | cess, thank God, is certain. : FRANCIS RAE M, D., { hey are now in a position to offer the followin ne 2h | KC: TRO Fo : " | bs " HYSICTAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCH | Stolk for fall and Spring planting | Henry, Esq., Kiiig Street West, the spot for so many years Branch, occupied the chair, On the Grrr eur, and Coroper, King Sty Oshfva. 12) Apple Trees, Standard & Dwarfs, leading kinds. | occupied Mr.James Carmichael. The premises are commod- : platform with him were Rev. R. B. | their spiritual lis. They were all agreed | to sce thé growing interest A og . =F Rm a. Ve Cd dor iously fitted, and give greatly increased facilities fer doing Montgomery, Rev. B. 'L. Hutton, | on these things, and thie object for which | work in this Provizics, snd ; $5 to $20 per day, Agents wantid | Cherry do. do. do. do. - J : na ANBEE . { : : W.H. Gibbs, Esq, M. P., and A. |they were gathered together was, how that renewed efforts would pom . 5 DOD PLL) All classcsof working peotlle | iizy Tava aleo a hand every variety of (business. He begs to assure his customers and the public | , Esq, ) fy ie: | : ) they could best spread abroad the know- | this section to advatice the cn the most wonderful Ina © at work fur usin their spare moments or al SHRUB, SHADE, OR AMETAL, generally, of prompt attention being given to their wishes. Fursuel Bad MP. P. 2 by wing ledge of the truth and ize 14 tehiels shat pope BEd some jr er sustained the sing Side GAR 6; : ee AND EYRRGREEN THEES Nt The best class of goods are kept and offered at popular prices, | by the choir, and treading from tlie scrip | he eould nat better fuether that ty | Ontario, duripg'the past an take these Bitters sR ns smalosed by them haye a. writes | J. Barnard tenders his sincere thanks for past favors, and tures, and prayer. than to astupy his time ge Siplataing Ww i sluded ak atin speach by rectiohis, and remain ong CENTRAL HOTEL, |i Bu mated pase oo | at the same time solicits a continuance of the same. The Secretary, John Steels, Ea, read | prob GS NOU 00 gos eal re {and eniares thett . judishes a, De SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA J.P. LOVEKIN A Co. = the annusl report of the years operations | their ayaspathy and support. - In the first universal dissemination of LEY, i ntiatle.. Jury Sed. 18 { the society, of which the following is | pls of the most i ks | God organs wasted beyond riod ADB Te 2 Rewetutic. July Sot. td" ir | J. BAR N A RD. wf the/Sosivty Fell wing is mkt Arion y wor 2 ce : Brith Forcigy Bible | Rev. Mr. Scott sluo "brief i : of-accomoda - 1 " Society was the making of t ibls a | the meeting: 0 i ed be NNUAL REPORT. mittent and Inter Roncvion and Toronto. House fitted up with | LIVERY STABLE ANNUAL REPORT rs, which are so preva- all the modern improvements, "Best brands of | = - ; Wines and Liguors always on hand. Extensive | a X Hx ch book, net only a bock in that a Bee Hiv e, Oshawa, Sept, 25th, 1873. Hats, Caps, e *¢ Having only entered u his duties a bt a alle H A oflection was thon oration of - MERE ES SE pei Ro A ---- : Parties wishing to club for after the annual meeting of the Branch | making its pages accessible to the vhole which the Choir sang an ssippi, OBT0, Mi 71 R.M.CHUBB "GLOBE " for 1874, will pl held on the 25th January last, the Secre- | world. In ¢ to realize the great Rev. Mr. Montgomery then : mina an v : pd A tary finds bet Kittle mattor upon which to | value of the cheapening of the bible they | the Benediction, when the x ¢, Cumberland, Arkan- DOM IN io N "BANK! Corner of King and Church Streets, : : blo, Brazes, Rio Gratilts : Opposite Hobbs' Hotel. base a f | report, It is, however, to | had but to remember that only 69 years persed. Hoi ses to hire at all hour be noted "ht on the dcoasion referred to, | years ago, at thie fime of tie estublish- WwW there wus a batter attendance of towns. | ment of this Society, there were it might : so duringrses ' N : Boia . : Ey ap J of the Day or Nih t. }i 1 dryness, are - Nowy pe x co -- i cxien ed on deposiie. Drafts issued on ns rif Ls I urns hed i Reéquired?| people, giving indication of 4 more gene: | almost be said no Bibles in Eogland, 1re- dias Tucn' Jui gaimathe't ral interest in the vperations of the society | land and Scotland. Even he could re- Covvusus, Dee. 3, 1873. fai Ne : i extensive de~ | Gibos 4 Brothe: mach and liver, A y ed a or : scpra. In their I a ts Thank depacimont is Row S MODERATE.: , exerting a pow- bs epen. On all deposits over $4 imterest will be z and ay the hope not be indulged in, | member in England 'when people had to | The Council wet --members all present. .. #s.now showing a y with the gospel faithfully proglaimed from | 17 miles to procure 8 copy of the Book, +" Te Report of the Reeves rn inl oh { our pulpits, and 'other instrumeiitalities at | and then at such dear prices that but few Inspector, respecting Cuion Sch a LARGE 'TOG | rorkior the religious nd intellectual | could éfford to buy. Now thanks to this | tious, botvisen this Nad tha * these various of Oftice Hours--From 100'clock a.m., to3 o'clock pecial advantages Rg Commercial | SATY. There hm. except oh Bavaidaye, when the Bank will den ! 4 purpose equal to + Be MCLELLAN, i Raa ER AN) 1 iter with which the cultura of the community, that vital re- | Society the Bible was to be found in every | Township of Whitby, wis leid' the * + EGAR BITTERS, JAH 1 1 AF "TR E MOV I 3 the. same time ONTARIO BANK. : ened F : 3 ligien shall AuctSate 2e, thereb; individual home, ad is 80 Sheap xs 36 ba witifia the | Council. % ar has Arndt i} responsibility w Poe t ; | reach jot ' Seasonable Cloths will on countenance will be re print biblen rb money pe 3 them On motion, Mr, R.-Beath addrebsed the .- 4 F A A CAPITAL $2,500,000. | MEAT MARKET OSHAWA BRANCH. 2 to the work of Bible distribution, and to | What the paper and ink and binding ost ili | Tr tA : OF FIL Ef LM s wr fy ob G. W we G ART H, o3' 10..X 3 IED H OSHAWA AGENCY. NO Japu) meog p= ONIHOTIVL $e 1sin] 'Apperveds wv Jurgew we | 'soaoln PY F OL GEAOWEY ONIAV nd oq uwd Jug) Yop 19g 30 amd ® puv 'sy00q] Jed pu SpUSLY) puny Auvi sig Bulaey id _foR---- § the Agency of he Rotiety, whose opata: the Society, that was what the bible cust tions were now being before our consider- | You cun a testament for 4 ceuts, a FALL AND WINTER ! oe SRE i "Peon pe aticn. With reference to the funds rais- | little better one for 9 cents, and thie whole ed last season, it would be remembered | bible, even with gilt edges; for 23 cents. i that a large wtion, vis., $05 was voted | Was not that a marvel of cheapness !| Ask , A FULL ASSORTMNT OF to the U. C. Bible Society, leaving in the | a binder to bind ene book for the money ! rd , ET 1 nevh 3 A hands of the Treasurer, about at the | and wot only that, thosé who were not | - 'On motion, the time. fot the seturn of Gents Furnishings time of last report, which sum has only | able to buy "even st that price could get | the Collectors Roll was to the been supplemented by about $60; -as yet | them for nothing: If the Bitle Socivty | 33th inst. : ie Baul 1 OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. owing to the lady tors having only | had done nothiug else than tirs; they | - On motion, the sum of $28.00 was ope"! * recently started upon the rounds. Where | would have deserved the thnks of the | dered to bé ny John Rowden; this sem + « - '$)R00I0A() 'SIO VaY $31 [Iv ul YA 3M SUOI0eUN0d A 'SESINEHd MAN SIH 'spy Sua 'Ajoriua ssajpue ut TeasqI) Lisa BY, dof UOT | pr . : # | " ; " FFICH HOB i Me gestion, Head- OF 3 o'clock p.m. On Saturday, from 10 a.m. | i BUTCHER . Stouldt, oughte ! Gon ios business of all kinds transacted on | 'best, Dizziness, inking business ! BMOVED HIS MEAT MAR-: nach, Bad Taste 3 the usual terms. Drafts issued on all poigts in | HALF, Fy directly opposit Canada, United States, and Great Britain. A _- Pap - CE Talloped Om i Akpepita. BLACK'S COMMERCIAL HOTEL, KING ST. | I the Kid ve able without notice; * Yflaving fitted up & Large aucy Meat Market, : C. HOLLAND, Manager. | second to none in Ontario, he hopes Dy having ! vi k hes meats Shaws, July 1th. 1873, Sidr ert: the Le the wants of the | vants of the Citizens of Oshawa in his line. | -- the districts shall have been thoroughly | christian world. But look at the vast of $6.66 to { Aci Ri canvassed, it is ho that the subscrip- | extent of their work. There are in the fot D , Hats and Caps tions will exceed $135, the sum of last | world 900 different languages époken, and | ki p a years report considerably, and thenit will | and three hundred written. = The bible d In every Style, Quality, and Latest dissolve upon the Committee to muke such | must be printed not only in the English Fashions dispor#l of fhe amount as the meeting | language but in every tongre: The prin- arrange the to ; might dé Ine." ciple is that those' whoshave the us | tions, and Union A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF "With régard to the active work of the Word to enlighten them shall supply those - was ni q 'sory, 'saefjop sede pue usury 8 *010J0q 1049 uy} wus aro) Sddne 0) peredord aeyioq st of wy Jawog 1 a120 SONIININITL 'SAND p00 aod 30 MP0 pow euueyy 'soajossanod 10] 29% puw [v0 of ed ® Anq put Suponpoajul we | 'SSLPVUUTRY O[EOL0 cirGilation of the Bible cunnected with | Who have it mot. The 130,000,000 of : . this Branch, it had been resolved to co- | People on the globe must have the Bible, BOOTS AND SHOES, opetate with the Y.M.C.A., snd $20 had and all must have it in their own tongue. beer placed to the credit of the levter or- If wé wait for the Chinese, the Japanese RURBERS, &C., &C isati the Depositoty; fo furnish or the Hindoos to print their own hible . ht . idé¥; who may lack copies of they would never hate it, and it was the Give him a Call before deciding tpon Scriptures; gratit of other. | ntission of d Foreign Bible * | wise: your Winter Outfit. ps aa THER : v The Depdsitary's statontant was tead as What # Vast hy A sak ing as First-Olass Workman Employed ! | ander © g i | this, what enotinous outlay of time and The Bible Depositary in Account with | yhor and The Bible society not Oshawa, Sept. 24th, 1873. Oshawa Branch, Bible Society. rite tie bible for all nations but it dgents to distribute them, not ovly prints the bible in the heathe tongue FIRE! FIRE! x : info te oe oe Boy Brac & = 5 thens hand. = 1t helps the mission- 3 saw og; 3304dns WOAT ve a better guarantes ; TWO PEDDLING WAGONS on the road | n a lengthy advertise + 3 EVERY DAY, that his customers can be Money to Ti.end | supplied at \Rilr own doors.and in good time | >a a ee | for the oven. All orders left at the Market King's Evil, White ' --AT--~ | Punctually atiended to. clas, Swelied Neck, REDUCED RATES. so St PMR ID . N N . P. RAILWAY. I-55 0%] A) fi ANDP. P. R ALIIVAD ISANIA JHL 0 STATML 91 99s pue [[e) 'UEdHaWYy 9Y) pared euryoe SUIMag PelRIqR[R) AY} JQ mojuIwoq ay} Joy juady 910s R191dBA T8BOID) UI SPOOr) UI[00AA Kouey : '029 SEH TELS ISHAMAEN HEL JO SONILTVOOTHAO orp 'sdup) puv WER 'sjreo§ q[! puw uSooA 'SHIJY URIOOA\ PUT PIN 'smo ALHOddO STHL INAV 'SHOHS ANV SLOO0d. 'OIFOI WBIIIM Farm or 8 ve 7, 8% pd Lowdst Posmicle of Interest, -- cnll'é *« borrowers. Principa fan be a ins. iaenta, or in one sum, | - ; ado in Debemires, Mortages, | od ee ,xp| THROUGH LINE FROM TORONTO BILYER AND GREESBACKS BOUGHT AND | oh : nr I2T PERRY, . LINDSAY, *9[q¥I0JWOd 8 put '$33 wa jo Mm op 'sBeg Bur[eaBL], 'SOSI[BA 'syund], Np RI | 'opeu-Apuey] #8) pus Rug 'swo) aepupy wos 'ywd of) ul Wy torIgnd SEL OF qIYALI0 VIAN SANIHOVI DNIMAS ISTE THL 40 LOT V ANVH RO TAVH I oy) Jo owos uvipeue)) Les Py MNVHL Ok ALIN Ls id ---- Oshawa Coal. : WOOD YARD! TH ) ronnects with the, gent ais fi op the anh w . . 4 LIVERY (gr Lesa or LOM Bh. | J rived at the sign of the BIG TEAPOT, a large assortment of HAVE ON HAND AND FOR SALE A 9d, Garb en- For further particulars apy to TGEON & FENELONW FALLS. ¢ AMES HOLDEN, 4 . : Minerals, much 28 Official Assignee, Money Broker, &e. FESTE AMER rl ONTARIG" win! 0 0 BK dl T H I 8 1 a fa subject : Office MeMillan's Block, Frock, 8. Whitby | T leave Port Perry every Monday, Wednes- | A ; y 3 , Ta E <u : : i --i0 Apr 13 , at 11 o'clock, &.m,, ON ¢ ] x : {i | Ary the moinin train from Whitby, which Bobcaygeon, at 5 p.m; Fene a Bor RETURNING. -- Leaps Fenclpn Falls on Tues- large quan sarTE & MGA W) STEIN FR STOVES | est, Haye always on hand to camtrgt ih hed ori greeny T1l of the H East, Horses to suit Travellers. oi sd Exper ef0E FE gs in. by the nee Single Rigs, Dowdle Rigs, Carriages, Omni- ai in Tipe TEN lof by. Newest Patterns and Latest improvements, 'and other Worms, buses, Waygons for E recursion Parties, de, i im Sek JHobcavgeon re in. a 'D . ritut A RASTENIaNOR ThPBENT STYLE, ail a Coop a FE Er ota can : ue! a BOTH COAL AN D WOO ed apd remmared. Lo} yoamidtent with s modest profit. i (gar Through v es Ye fom worms . SMITH & McGAW. | tems, &e., spol io : Lurt tine Scranton 5 ich wi BAP for CASH, E oals. information can be obtained by applying which will be sold very CH for i B ge and Stove ¥, : ints, in 4 Oshawa. August 12th, 1578. 18 | AY ; BT ET O " MITH AND ou 4 Complain young =o AV ROUGH : Lacks NT to » 4 Lo MMe comand aan motown, 3 EE DA at the daw of ZL, 2 i - Re-- o -- NCY Septem Do rd Pima of every description ory shes, STQVEPIPES, Plain ind fancy Tinware, a an te hon a We dried states 8 8 PY CHOMANCY, nen [CORO 80, shui te Sob LL kino | main gender sat mre Crp we mn perceptibie. . «JA "ny por 1 re - - . ie oF in : i when-. % "1° Lumber & Shingles F9Casn sheep : Vitiated Boo rongh #1 BOF Tn ORAS LuxS. ba tall . Remember tha place ; 4 All coals weighed om town scales; Weight bursting How either sex may ' HAND Fl snd measures guaranteed, { : Say, pers they, choose. 1 | PVE SUBSCRIBER BALDY, IGN OF THE BIG TEAPOT, KING STRE nd uma : sine fr nit) Tot gs 2 ci rb | SIG D. FITC A. Alexander. Tur He arf the 1 regan, Hints io Ladies ste, 3 Seer Tih : December, 17th; 1873: : | Oshawa. Sept , 1008 1078: supplied his Church Bealth mga ; book ooh eld (Ai "WILE Li 7 DOFALD & ©0% gis. San Franoiees, sad Chariton E85 sts and De vo 4 oe; will