a bE ES al El 1 i » i. : : x r v 8 ip . y h v i i - CE, ble (if no, ure, sod or quick Epa el 1 w | Plough whi th na wer ONTAKIA KEIFOKRMILK, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1878. ~The Household. : WORKING BAD MILK. An old cheese maker, Mr¥ William C. Wadson, of Bangor, Van Buren Co, Mich- i ing floating curds, their ing them Hi ir £eaE to be without suf- water in hot weatlior oo or causi to po The milk thus be- it is drawn and by rennet, than . The curds from are long-in ing and readily take on that acidity so ws- i cheese when the i 4 ger Bi to the treatment of floati . Hudson says :--' When a cu i Sat of ible. is is pot in the sour you can taste a sharp i hey. is cuts the curd so that it becomes tender, takes away nearly all the rancid taste and smell, and the cheese will press as solid as the best, and it will take a close buyer to detect any im- perfection. Again hesays: 'I ume you have noticed curds that do not float having the same smell that a floating curd has. Such curds need to be cooked the same as though they floated, and they will make a good solid cheese, but if treated otherwise --that is not aliowed to cook and develo, sufficient acidity--the cheese will huff, grow at r, emitting a disagreeable a loss to know what kind of a curd to ex- pect if he will be particularly to notice the smell of each can of milk as it is emptied at the factory. ere are some kinds of milk, he says, which ought not to be taken to the fac- tory, and one kind is described in partic- ular as follows :--* When & cow refuses to give her usual mess of milk for a day and on the next milking gives more than her usual quantity, there will be milk in this mess twenty-four hours old. GOOD COOKIES. One enp white Sagas vue outer, ons , half teaspoon ac a pinch of grou os ; mix soft, roll thin, bake quick. Wil keep well if left alone. TO PRESERVE STEAKS AND ROASTS FRESH ALL WINER! For 64 Ibs of beef take 56 pounds of water and three pints molasses. Try it, + farmers. SOFT JUMBLES, Two of sugar, one cap butter, one cup i ro half teaspoon soda 3 use flour enough to to make it little thicker "than pound cake ; bake in deep tins, an inch thick ; bake in quick oven ; when eold cut in three-inch squares. MINT CHOW-CHOW FIR ROAST LAMB. Take one-third onions to two-thirds eu- cumbere ; add mint, green pepper, and mustard , chop all together, finely ; put into a jar.and add strong vinegar and salt ; work it up, and in a few days it will be fit for use. VARIETY OF THE FOOD. The Scientific American is of the opin- ion that we require variety in our food. 1t says experience nas proved that, for some known to sci variety is essential to health after reaching the age when we are {ree to choose our food. The perpetual recurrence of the same edibles, even though. their number be considerable, becomes in; all periods of life, except infancy, not only wearisome, but positively injorious.' Salt pork, salt fish and potatoes, with pies, poor bread and Japan tea, are thie staples of food of thousands of families during our long win- ters. It should be understood how need- ful a change of diet is from time to time. Fresh vegetables, particularly in the country, are readily obtained and preser- ' ved, and should be unsparingly used. The edible roots, as turnips, carrots, on-: ions, and beets, and cabbagrs, are as well worth preserving as the omnipresent po- tatoe. All vegetables need thorough boiling, and more than they generally get. The Farm and Garden. IHS FARMER'S CLUB OF THE AMERICAS IN- Co STITUTE. . Kt the last session, on Tuesday the th of October, the chairman, N. C. , commenced proceedings by reading the following letter from W. L. Heusen on the subject of ploughing : WHY FARMERS PLOUGH. Having heard the views of some of the most eminent man on this subject, which may be considered as one, if not the most important of farm labors, allow me Mr. Chairman, to give a few of my ideas on this subj having had the opportunity t2 see ghing in this and other coun- tries in a right way and on different soils We plough the lands for the purpose of giving access to ' air, warmth and humid- ity.' These three agents are necessary for chemical action on the scil, they alone can dissolve the inorganic or miner sub- stances, they alone can decompose the jn organic matters, they give us by thefr action warmth and the gases so essential to the plant nitrogen aud carbonic 'acid gas. Liebig first remarked that the FERTILITY OF A soIL. - depended on the quantity of read t food derived from the al ay Slant But these are not in a state agreeable to the plant, but must be formed so by cur Agents. As ploughing is the first of farm 10 help our ds work, snd as the ACIED UPD ( ins di y by "air, wath and 5 & ore we should plough the soils in a differént way, always ing to help nature as usuch as practica- Wo should never--First, "plough a 80il while wet or while it will clog. Se- cond, we should plough as early as pos' ; of course only when not too wet. sil Third, plough narrow "furrows. Fourth, THE #0IL DOES NOT CRUMBLE, tses being much down the soil, and eight, the furrows rain, leaving no we of surface f | Philip Taylor HAS RETURNED FromEUROPE AFTER{PURCHASING NEW STOCK --QF -- WATCHES & JEWELERY, LOOK O u T FOR_THE * FINEST LOT EVER-BROUGHT INTO OSHAWA. -- i a EAS -- TO HIS-- New Store! King Street, WITH AN ENTIRELY NEW STOCK! Dry Goods, Dress Goods, 'Boots & Shoes, - etc. etc. OSHAWA, Nov. 6th, 1873. 30-1y ATEINSONS' Drug Store, Neat door to Wightman's ** Golden Lion." ee rench an 18 Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brushes, and a general assortment of YE STUFFS. EVERYTHING or rus BEST QUALITY And Strictly Genuine. mm EN | OPENING. WE ARE SHOWING | A Tot of French Merinoes, wide width, at 50cts per yard A very fine lot of Madagascar Cloths, at 20 cents. Something new in Striped Suit Clots, at 20 cents. Handsome New Polkg Spats, 22 cents. Heavy Striped Vienna Serges at 30 cents. Very Rich Figured Serges at 25 cents. The correct thing in Satin Striped Sergas, at 35 cents. Lovely new Striped Sateens, at 40 cents. Very Heavy Oriental Twills, at 40 cents. Quite New, the Bohemian Crape Cloth, at 45 cents. The Newest Out--the Satin Striped Serges, navy blue ground, at 50 cents Beautiful Diagonal and Figured Sateen Cloths, at 50 & 56c¢. Be Sure and See our Fancy Skirting Flannels, which for value stand unequalled. No one should pass without seeing our Heavy White Blankets at $2 25 and $2 50. Fust reecived another lot of those famed Felt Hats for Ladies and Children, in The Corsican, The Maderia, The Stromness, The Ferdinand, The Olio &c., all the new colors. + CALL AND EXAMINE. ALEXANDER & BRYCE Near Post Office, Oshawa. W. WIGG & SON, Cabinetmakers and Undertakers, SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA. 100 Sideboards, Sofas, Stands, Bookcases, Bureaus, Cupboards, Bedstead Washstands, Chairs, Mattrasses, "® Looking Glasses, and FURNITURE Of all kinds and qualifies kept constantly on hand. Also Agent in Oshawa for the Dominion Noieless Patent Steel Spring Bed Bottom, Clean, healthy, comfortable and durable, approved of before all others by those who have had them, and sure to give satisfaction. Also sole Agent fir Lounges, Desks, Tables, PALLING'S PATENT BALANCE WINDOW BLIND ROLLER, A first-rate article, Pictures in great vartety. Frames made with neat- ness and despatch. Children's Carriages and Perambulators always on HoH Wm. Dickie UNDERTAKING Special attention paid to Undertaking. Funerals attended to on the shortest notice. A splendid Hearse furnished when required. Coffins ept on hand and made to order. Terms reasonable. Hurrah, for Old No. 1 on the O cxmer te () sec J. WW. ; FO WEXKDEH, Corner of King apd Simcoe Streets IS NOW CLEARING OUT SUMMER STOCK AT AN ALARMING SACRIFICE TO MAKE ROOM FOR : NEW FALL GOODS! Dress Goods, Plain and Fancy Silks and Lustres, BOOTS AND SHOES, GENTS FURNISHINGS, GROCERIES &C, &C, : THE BEST BARGAINS IN TOWN r J. W. FOWKE, Oshawa, ne THE MOST . STYLISH RIGS ON THE ROADS, ARE KNOWN AS BAMBRIDGES = THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR DBALBR IN : A. & 8. NORDHEIMER, Piancs and Musica. Instrument |; FALL CLOTHING. -- AND BEST QUALITY. CALL AT AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR He has just received his NEW STOCK Which will be found complete. the: shortest notice. A CAEL SOLICITED. WINTER LATEST STYES. GURLEY'S SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING- 3eautiful Vest and Pant Patterns. Clothing of alls kinds made to order on FREDERICK NEALE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in GROCERIES, WINES : AND 3 . : LIQUORS SIMCOE ST, OSHAWA. Agent for Davies & Bro's Celebrated XXX Cream Ale and Porter *| Choice Brands of Cigars and Tobaccos always in toek. a 15-1y THE TRADE SUPPLIED. NEW FALL GOODS. akyand fyol | ri "J . pl 5 nd ble for the Work and Mate Go to HAWTHORN, King Street West, Oshawa. nsi You should buy your BOOTS and SHOES from the Shoe. IND, then you can hold him respo = FRI maker; will save money on Repairs 10} 10% -- S. TREWIN BEGS TO ANNOUNCE THE RECEIPT OF LARGE SUPPLIES OF NEW COODS, --COMPRISING-- ~ . FANCY DRESS GOOD In great variety. Newest Styles and Shades, + A Really Beautiful Goods and Splendid Value. SPECIAL.-- full range in prices of the pretty celebrated SILVER SHIELD DOUBLE WARP BLACK LUSTRES, Best and Cheapest in the Market ALSO NEW MANTLES, SHAWLS, DRESS SKIRTS, CORSETS, CRINO- LINES, BUTTONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, COLLARS, TIES, ete. ete. We have also received new styles and patterns of Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, ete, ete. ORDERS SOLICITED, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Special attention to the getting np of FAMILY MOURNING. NICE DAIRY BUTTER 18 CENTS PER POUND. S. TREWIN. BOWMANVILLE ORGAN FACTORY IMPROVED CABINET ORGAN S. Fall Millinery Cheapest ! GRAND COMBINATION ORGAN Encourage Home Manufacture. en 30 3 The Bowmanville Organ Factory i& now Manufacturing Instruments equal to the best imported, and at much less cost. ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS! FALL MILLINERY large and well selected stock of MILLINERY Call and examine it at Brook' Simcoe Street, 3 doors North of the AOVERTISER ' LONDON, ONT., The Great Family Newspaper has attained the largest circulation in Ontario outside of ONLY ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR. tie of the present year FREE. From now Janu for One Doll . ble STRICTLY TH ADV snc" ry 1" 18, KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. WE HAVE NOW ON HAND A LADIES FURNISHINGS nery Store ew Build- "Sold out at Cost Our celebrated * Vox Celeste," " Louis Patent," ** Vox Humana," * Wileox Patent" "" Octave Coupler," the charming, 'Cello " or * Claricnet" Stops, and ity and Volume of Tome U . i Quality olume oe Ho ule The Best Material and DARLEY & OHARA. Bowmanville; August 20th, 1873, b. SACRIFICE SALE! rr -- () | -- BEING ABOUT TO DISSCLVE PARTNERSHIP, And desiring to facilitate an early settlement of Business, kave determined to close Ea ner Boake of Bu And all their accounts will be made to that date, after which the whole of their Ji py Fo Bg y : $20,000 IN GOODS will be FOR CASH ONLY. The stock ha Been filled up and assorted Sea Goods from Lcts., upwards "| P ' ! . AND EVER : re hm YTHING IN PROPORTION. T, these £ iy S hose Gunde during the Sele N.B.--All parties indebted to the frm are requested to call and settle scconnts at -~ an . -| Ono Prize $3,000 cach in | treatment, a p R&A. SMITH? tA&the whole must be cleared out bythe Ist January : , but a Genuine Sale, and buyers can depend on SAVING 20 PER | + Sale. All are PEAS, RYE, OAT Kind of Grain, puig: Trio in Ch fur Only reliable Gift Distribution in the ¢ L D.SINE® TWENTIETH Grand Annual Distribyfl To be drawn Thursday, Jan. ve. $200,000 0p IN VALUABLE Girfs GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE: | $20,000 IN GREENBACKS O 'E GRAND CASH PRIZE $10,000 IN GREENBA(] Ozio Grand Cash Prise of $5,000 IN GREENBAQ Ga Six Prizes $1,000 each in Grombaskat Ten Prizes $500 cach in 6: Number of Gifts 25 ,000, to 100,000. A ineral Premiums wil oe Single Tickets $2; Six Tickets Tickets $20, Twenty-five $4 # Circulars containing a ful! list of o on of the manner of drawing, { nf in reference to the Difisilh will be sent to any one thems. | Letters must be - ed y SY J Rel VINEGAR BITTE] urateiu i ~ EGAR BITTERS the most ul vigorant that ever sustained the sinh 1] according to directions, and ni unwell, provided their bones are nos: stroyed by mineral poison or ¢ means, and vital organs wasted 0 repair. pag {lious, Remittent and Tal mittent Fevers, which are so pres lent in tho valleys of our great ris throughout the United States, ecial those of the Mississippi, ON out Illinois; Tennessee, Cumber Arks sas, Red, Colorado, Brazos, Rio Gran Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Sa. B anoke, James, and ma rit their vast tribytaries, th 'hout our entire country during the Summer 4 Autumn, and remarkably so duringses sons of unusual heat and d Th invariably accompanied by e3 vede- IB rangements of op stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. 'In erful influence u theso ious gus, ja taunt] necessary. no cathartic for purpose al Dr. J. WarLker's Vixgcan Bir as they will s; remove the di bn v matter with which th bowels are loaded, at the, same Ume stimulating the secretions of Ape iver, and restoring A functions oA digestive 0 ape : ye i 0 epidemie c: hold of a system thus fi m $5 Dyspepsia or digest! " ation of the He bo regione th t h neys, and a hundred other pti 30s, are the offsprings of D tlo will prove a better, of its merits than a ldngth) oe Jatin are Jietally up: ia sisten ees time by -- and other { day, : L "Re & ASMITH. 1