-- 4 ner ROSERIES, Jf hubb! "IVED, EXP way Trade, an HOICE ay Season, i ERIES i W FRUIT! T SUGARS 1 VINEGARS, &0. t 40 cents per Ib, | Glassware; ENGLISH .CHINS PRESENTS RS, ~ SALMON, &¢., &C. tise one articls below" xtra charge others, »d First Class, and oderate. A CALL. R. V. CHUBB, ary's Old Stand.) bn Bank lg rE Pa i ry I SEE RSIR Sb es en a adi EA ke oR 'EBY GIVEN THE 3% n the alloted Stock k, have been made 1 the same are pay- Touse in Toronto, as nium of 5 per cent 10 x do'lst Aug. 1873, - 1st Sept, " 2ud Oct. ** '3rd Nov. "4thDec. = "5th Jan 1874 "" 5th Feb. e 3 ----** 9th March ** * 9ch April "7 Board) A: {-~ BETHUNE. & * Cashier. ATION. OF CAN. = '] Teachers School rill be held (D. VJ) (tass. . indidates for FirstClass at the same * 26th, December, at hat Candidates should or not later than the a riizntention to m. JAS. McB LP.S. SEMEMT. D ZVERYWEERE L OUR MAP! of Canada % % -- per month. Permanent ment, ' t & C., Street East, Toronto. ORE! ATTA. ys 4 E y intimate to hey have com- as ISTS" s, and offering crate prices, tO ¥ Es icles kept con= Perfumery, and woulder Braces = hite Lead, = = cet prices. edicinal use. 35-1y. \ "BE. OR.:" STREET e.) § the public gener- by Nr. 'hant Tailors Call st Fashions. . AA) bi - the shop unless: 55 - « EToliday Presents? ONTAKID KEFOKMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1873. J T GEIBSON°S, SIMCOE STREET OSHAWA, / NEXT TO THE DOMINION BANK. 4 Y) o ge = Be = 5] $2 RD 2 <q LQ < = Pre 7 ost a el X] GO TO ---- --- J. & G. MACKIE Beg to announce to the inhabitants of Oshawa and vicinity, that they have just returned from Montreal, having purchased an excellent stock of Groceries, Crockery and Glassware, complete in every department, which will be opened in a few days, and solicit an inspection before purchasing elsewhere, J. & &. MACKIE. Gshawa, Dec. 10th,1873. Canadian -made, Mitts, Woolen and Felt Read | 1, ® am introducing some of the Mufflers, Kid and Woolen oursselves, and buy a pair of warm Collars, Ties, Silk Scarfs, Mats and Caps, &c. BOOTS AND SHOES. oats, Pants snd Vests Men's Plaids, Scarf, Felt Overshees, and be comfortable. H NEWEST STYLHS. FURS. TRIMMINGS, &C. OVEHRCOATINGS OF THE Overcoats, Under C jons with Wholesale Manufacturies, I Call and see for y iam Dick VING REMOVED TO HIS NEW PREMISES, WOULD TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO THANK ndless variety, Linen apd Paper and patrons for the very liberal sapport they have given him in the past, would say to supply their wants than ever before. "TWEEDS OF THE FINEST QUALITY. its branches, 11 called the Ameyjcan. Call and see it. having conmect: 1 1 Woolen Goods in' Great Variety ! and a pair of Flannel lined Rubbers or Trunks, Valises, Travelling Bags, &c., &ec. I HAVE ON HAND A LOT OF THE BEST SEWING MACHINES EVER OFFERED-TO THE PUBLIC. Sole Agent for the Dominion for the Celebrated Sewing Machine" t can be produced. friends Kid Gloves, his many kind prepared class TAILORING in Clothing Best Work tha Boots, A I am making a speciality, that he is better and Scotch Under H New Store ] AT THE East End! ------ The Subscriber has succeeded in purchas- ing a Stock of Dry Goods! At such prices as must ensurea quick Sale. As the season is late and Goods must be sold, GREAT BARCAINS! Will be given. Now is the time to buy Blankets, Flannels, Merinoes, Tweeds, Dress Goods, Yarns, &e., &c. > (J) of oF fx, "NEW STORE. NEW GCODS on () | ee thank his friends for the the WILLOX given centre crowds can be he meet a success in the past. J. F. 'WILLOX. Aldus t AND NEW PRICES. Call and see for Yourselves. .| Goods only Sold for Cash NO CREDIT. One Door West of the Post | Office. SAMUEL WOOD. OSHAWA, Nov. 6th, 1873. ° 3-30-1y @.HODDER wm HAS --IN-- Dickie's New Block. Opposite Lockhart Houce, WITH AN ENTIRELY New Stoek ! -- QF ee BOYS' AND MENS Ready-made Clothing / Gents' Furnishings, Hats, Caps, etc. Parties wishing #0 club for the weekly "GLOBE " far 1874, will please leave thei rorders at once Bowmanville Advertisement M. MAYER: BOWMANVILLE respectfully calls the attention of all who are desirous of hav ng their FURS Changed or Repaired and that he will be pleased to have their orders ear B so that no delay may occur. He would call attention to his large stock of MINK ! --AND-- ALASKA FURS Buffalo Robes, &¢C, all of which will be found ex- cellent value. Ea ais He oh fn RAW FURS OPENED OUT | Blamey & Briggs Have now completed their immense stock of i; Ty | TT GROCERIES pS Ro aed = uh ld Selected especially for the Christmas Holidays, which will be found on inspection, equal to any. The Goods have been selected with the greatest care, and at prices which will enable them to sell to great advantage, consisting in parts of 2 "MEAS Young Hyson, Japan, uncolored, Japan in 10lb Catties, English Breakfast Souchong, extra fine, English 66 Cozgoun 1 - Orange Pekoe, Pekoe Souchong. COFFEES Maracaibo. Mocha, © Java, Chocolates ard Cocoas. Epps, Maravilla Cocoa Nibs. SUGARS. Broken Loaf, Graaulated, Extra Ground, Crushed White, . Yellow Refined, Cuba, &e. Spices, whole and Ground ! MUSTARDS ASSORTED. Cross and Blackwell's Mixed Pickles, Currie Pow. ders, Jams, Jellies, etc., etc. Taylor's, ~~ Vinegars, Capers, Sauces, Salad- Oils, Canned Fruits assorted. MARMATADES. PRESERVED GINGER IN BOTTLES AND POTS DESERT FRUITS. Tripple Crown Raisins, BE : Double Crown do., Black Basket do., Almeria Grapes, (very fine) Cooking Raisins, Sultana and Seedless ditto, Ouzrants best in the Market. POTTED MEATS AND FISH. Christie's celebrated Buscuits in great variety. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF CHRISTMAS TOYS | Mottoe Cups and Saucers, Moustache Cups, Mottoe Mugs. TRIPLE PLATED CRUET STANDS | HAND SLEIGHS, HAND MADE. --BEST IN TOWN-- New assortment of Lamps and Glass Preserve Dishes. A CAR No. 1 EXPORT COAL OIL, ONLY 30cts PER GALLON. gAny quantity of Ducks, Chickens, Geese, &c., taken in ex change for goods at highest prices. M. MAYER. 3-28-1m, be Is now showing a LARGE STOGK Seasomable Cloths --r OR -- FALL AND WINTER WEAR! yr A FULL ASSORTMNT OF Gents' Furnishings Hats and Caps dn every Style, Quality, and Latest Fashions, A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF BOOTS AND SHOES, RURBERS, &C., &0. Give him a Call before deciding upon your Winter Outfit. First-Olass Workman Employed | Oshawa, Sept. 24th, 1873. Now on the way ENGLAND 100 Packages VERY CHOICE Young Hyson GUNPOWDER --AND-- ALL OF . This Seasons Crop LS One of the Firm BLAMEY & BRIGGS. Wm. Lang, Black Teas London Market Furniture! Furniture! Luke Brothers! Cabinet Factory--Adthol and Albert Street, Oshawa. Warerooms--King St., Oshawa, Having im direct fro ish and German Mark qualities pened and Reps of English aq Gets and ry ~~ ft are now prepared to turn out Parlor Suits, Solas, Easy &e, in reps equal to the best imported Furniture. Latest and mest Stylish designs in PARLOR FURNITURE. Bedroom Suits, Sideboards, Tables, etc., of the Best Material, at prices to suit the buyers. Window Cornaces, Picture Frames, etc., a choice collection Pictures Framed to order. Sole agents for Whiteside's Celebrated Spring Mattrasses. : LUKE & BROTHER, : - King Street East, Oshawa. BT REMOVAL OF THE BEE HIVE "J. BARNARD Has removed to the splendid New Block erected by J. O Henry, Esq., King Street Wast, the spot for so many years - occupied Mr. James Carmichael. The premises are commod- iously fitted, and. give greatly increased facilities for doing business. He begs to assure his customers and the public nerally, of prompt attention being given to their wishes, he best class of goods are kept and offered at popular prices, J. Barnard tenders his sincere thanks for past favors, and at the same time solicits a continuance of the same. J. BARNARD. Bee Hive, Oshawa, Sept. 25th, 1873. WIGHTMANS | GOLDEN LION. | A BARGAIN. : 22 pieces Factory Flannels, Home-made, yard wide, will be sold at 25¢ per yard, these goods are weil worth from 45¢ to 50¢ One Case Ladies' Underclothing English Made ! A BARGAIN. : Dents Silk Striped Ottoman and Tasmania Shawls, Goods, worth from $18 to $22 will be sold at $7. $8.50. 20 Dozen Canadian White Ribbed Woolen Stock- ings, will besold at 25cts. : 10 dozen Children's Woolen Clouds, in white Grey and Fancy Colors at 12}cts. s, Tartan Plaids, plain Serges, and plain fine and 30 pieces Dress ( Winceys at 12}cts. . t WIGHTMAN'S, Golden Lion, Oshawa. TAMBLYN & DAY WILL OPEN THEIR VEN NEW GROCERY § CENTRE OF THE NEW BLOCK. OSHAWA : ; | Ne : ' MONDAY, 8TH, When all will do well to examine their goods before buying elsewhere. Special inducements offered in all kinds of fruit for Christmas. A N. B.--Also a fine assortment of 'ancy Chinaware, Lamps ; Glassware, Bey: ~ Rone: Lois tonchant is HTP