Ontario Reformer, 12 Dec 1873, p. 1

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B0cks per yard, ) cents, 0 eents. at 35 cents, 45 cents, Tges; navy bigs ths, a 50 & Be. | ch for alu 00DS ( "Lustres, HIN GS, oe, NTOWN KE, Oshaw a, TE MER, Yi. thents D NTO, Rn ertakers, HAWA. "Lounge | Desks, 'Tables, Chairs, and TRE | on hand, Also : L ed Bottom, broved of before sure to hr Ontario Reformer, PURLISHED EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, fo Ontario Reformer Printing and Publishing Company, AT THEIR CFFICE--SINCOR ST., OANAWA. kd 'a except at the option of the bref fg i parties refusi re without bagi up will be held the sub ripon woth they cou comply with the rdle. A AL bre: Addriited to the Editor must be 50 annu Yank padi 0 yer num, Io adv paid t sud 5 4 Ji i theyear, No paper discontinued wft ay HH. Editor and Publisher. Vol. 3 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, DAY, DECEMBER 12 1878. Oulavin Feform Lusiness Divectory. W. CORURN, "n., ri, HYSICIAN, SURGEON, AND - ACCOUCHEUR, K Street, Oshawa. etiduncs and Office--Nearly opposite Jette wa FREDERICK MeBRIAY, M.D, M.R.C. 8 UY'S HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG- LAND. Residence 0 te W. I. Gibbs' esidence, Simcoe Street, Wa. ROBSON HOUSE, ING ERRERD WEST, HAMILTON, Feo. Rol Proprietor; formerly of the obson House, Whitby: CN VAR, LDS. rNEETH INSERTED ON ALL THE latest princi of the art, as ch sheapest, and as pies as the Teeth filed --with Gold and Silver. "feeth extracted without apin by pi local Dental Rooms--in Cowan's New Block; ove Atkinson's Drug Store, King St., Oshawa. 24 . FERG VON. I ICENTIATEorDENTAL SURGERY. wg the Sracery of Messrs. Simpson All operations preformed in a skilful tanner. Residence in the same building, mer pirusrek NAT TTORNEY, 80- LICITOR, Conveyancer and Notarie Public, Oshawa; South-East Corner of Rare and Simcoe Streets. Jr MONEY to Lend. Mortgages bought and y @ R. McGEE. WELL, LL. B., Cs NTE TEROWN ATTORNEY, ister, Attorne Sie ately Notary Public, and Conveyancer. 8. H. Cochrane, deceased, Brock hitby, Ontario. 2-45 GREENWOOD AN Es a - y'S- AT-LAW Solicitors in Chancery Notaries blic. Uonveyancers, &eo., "Money to J. HAMER GREENWOOD, sMITH A RCHITECT, 'PATENT, INSUR- snce and Gemeral Agen Oshawa. Agent for the nmian Line of Seamer | to sad from New York and REFER: -- Messrs. Gibbs Bros, 4 . Glen, Kou. sirbanks, Esa. 2y Whoicor SALE LE MANUF. FACTURERS of HOOP SKIRTs. Best New York Ma- he trade ie Jealle supplied on best term Foal wed br ery Bowmanville. 3s BEIT: S11 AMERICAN ROTEL. AY'S, LATE ROBSON HOUSE, Whitby, Ontario. House newly renovated and furnished throughout, and put in first-class order for the receptiyn of guests, en omnibus to and from all trains east and west. First-class Sample rooms. 3-20-1y. -- CG ¥. SMITH, L. LB. ARRISTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitdr in Chancery and Insolvency, Notary Public, de. ©Qifice--McMillan's Block, Brock Street, Whitby. 3-14-1y. RANCES RAE, HYSICTAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCH eur, snd Coroner. King St. Oshawa. 1-2 r day, Agents wanted $5 to $20 1 classes of working people of either sex, young or old, make more money at work for us in their spare moments,or all the time,t han at anything ole. Particulars fee. Address G. STINSON & CO. Maine. CENTRAL HOTEL, SIMCOE SY JORTH, OSHAWA HIS SPLENDID NE EW H( HOTEL 1S now open, and offers to the travellers the of accomodation to be d between K and Toronto, House led Sp ith all modern improvements, Wines and Liquors always on Ty und: o tabling and an attentive hoster. 13-1y : DOMINION BANK! OSHAWA AGENCY. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Dominion Bank has opened an agency for the transaction business in Pagwelle ¢ New Brick Block; Opposite the office of Messrs. Gibos 4" Brother, Sithee Street. Interest will be allowed on deposi Drafts issued on all ints in Canada, United States and Great ritain; The Savings Bank department 1g Sow over lowed. Office Hours--From 10 o'clock a.m., to3 o'clock p.m., except on Saturdays; when the Bank w will eiose at 1 o'clock, p.m. JH MCLELLAN, Agent, "ONTARIO BANK. CAPITAL $2,500,000. OSHAWA BRANCH. OFFICE-SIMCOE STREET SOUTH FFICE HOURS--FROM.10 A.M. to 3o'clock p.m. On Saturday, from 10 a.m. 1 o'clock p.m. Banking bls business of all kinds transacted on the us Drafts on J all lL goints + Ci Conder Cited | States, af a thie bh. oe a a | ut no over $4 00, repay ithey 5: . shawa, July 16th: i Sly Money to Lend REDUCED. RATES. AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND any amount of money, on the security of Good Farm or Productive Town Property. at Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, n sums and manner to suit borrowers. Principa an be ro-paid by yearly instalments, or in one vestments made in Debentures, Mortages,- securities, SILVER AND GREENBACKS BOUGHT AD SOLD. particulars apply to x: JAMES HOLDEN, Ng Official Assignee, Money Broker, &e. Office. Me Millan's Block, Brockt., 8. Whitby April 13th. 1571 For fu LIVERY STABLES SMITH & MG AW; Have always on hand Horses to suit Travellers. Single Rigs, Double Rigs, Carriages, Omni- buses, Waygons for Excursion Parties, dc, The BEST STYLES, and as Cheap us consistent with a modest profit. SMITH & McGAW. Oshawa, Auzust 12th, 1578. 184 " PSYCHOMANCY, ely occupied b by | ing, MATCHING, A. G. McMiL ) IN PRESS To be published in November, tish America, containin, most Authentic Seseti tions of sand Cities, Town: ces of Qnutario, fete. Nova Scoti Pranswick, New foundiand, Prince d, Manitoba, British Colgmbia, tiofi, drawn fr Vil ,in the several Provinces. in C hid $2.50 ; Agents wanted to canvas for the werk. NLWLOV Elk or Montreal, Aug. Sth71. sty 1873 OVELL'S GAZETTEER O® BRI- the latest and over six thou- Villages in the Provin- New ward and the Lo h West Territories : and general informa- rom oficial sources, as to the names, locality, extent, &e., of over fifteen hun- dred Lakes and Rivers --with a Table of Routes showin the Bluxmity.s Railroad Stations, and o and River 1'urts, lo the Cities, Towns, Price Price in wull Calf, $3.75, HATCH & MEARNS ---------- CALL and SEER BUTCHER, ir ewn Residences, w ith the best of Meat and salt: THOMAS HOPPER, oshawa, Sept. ith, 1873. 21-1y. OSHAWA to Supply a} tea reasonable Prices, any or quality th! of r, Shingles, Laths, Dressed sideing pink Floorin ber cut to order, and ULDING, and SAWIN done to order on shortest notice. CHARLES H. HONEY. ~19-1y. ------ OSH AWA | introduced to the Canadian public. | points of excellence are, A Silent Motion, Perfect Elasticity of Stitch, | rea Simul of Construction, 24 A self adjusting needle, &# Light running and rapid in operation, no helpin, aa Itw the Machine to ran over a seam. sew the finest cambric without fra weeks without fail. GEORGE YOUNG, Manufacturer. Oshawa, Sept. 1, 1873. 21-1. T. HOPPER, KING STREET OSHAWA. ish, Fowl, &c.,always on hand PACKING CASE FACTORY HE SUBSCRIBER IS PREPARED nantity tekets , de. Bill Lum- remptly delivered. Plane- Sewing Machine Factory. HE "MODEL" SEWING MACHINE will be found the most perfect achive ever \ = Hepins a #4 No under gearing to perplex the operator, no screw driver required to adjust its parts, and Urders Fr Mp) will be filled in two or three : OUR Cte cia nawomen saree | The best and largest assortment in Ohawa. fresh 3 HATCH & MEARNS, KING STREET, OSHAWA, Handware Merchants; and dealers in Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails, Iron, Chandeliers, Lamps, Coal Oil, &c., &c. ; Eavetroughing and Jobbing Promptly Attended to G y E t ing it and the heaviest material without strain- | £ Tere 8 ore ing the machine. | . - Newcastle Nurseries. THE SUBSCRIBER: s sup good and healthy OF VIGOROU S GROWTH, they are now in a tion to offer the followin stock for fall and spring planting :-- ar Pium do. do. do. do. Cherry do. do, do. do. They have also on hand every variety of AHRUB, SHADE,.OR AMETAL, AND EVERGREEN TREES They caution parties purchasing, that al agents employed by them have a writte: guthority to made on their printed blanks. J. P. LOVEKIN & Co. Neweastle, July 3rd, 1873. LIVERY § STABLE. R. V, CHUBB 151y Opposite Hobbs' Hotel. of the Day or Niht. RATES MODERATE. MEAT MARKET. BUTCHER. | HA REMOVED HIS MEAT MAR- | Ruildi KET to the =, DESTROUS OF FRUIT TREES! And of th ri rts of Fruit uired for oration and consumption, bex to say that | {3an't be beat in Town or out, quality and design considered. Lg Apple Trees, Standard & Dwarfs, leading'kinds. Pe: do. do. do. do, yroduce, and that orders require to | Newcastle Nurseries. | What we say it is, every time. Corner of King and Church Streets, Houses to hire at all ort Drivers Furnished if Required. Special advantages to Commercial REMOVAL G.W.GARTH, Is the place to buy WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY At the T.owest remunerative prices, That can possibly be afforded, and which Having now in Stock to select from a Superior Lot of English, French and 4merican Gold Watches, Silver Watches, Double Timers, Self-winders, RAILWAY TIME-KEEPERS, & Quarter Stop Seconds--exactly on the mark. ALSO wm | Jet and Fine Gold Jewelry, Latest Styles, Every article warranted to be just language can express. ] Especially our Guinea Gold Ring, which includes hw pd Leading patterns in Gem Rings, Ainethyst & Sapphire Rings, Regard Ring, and a host of other Goods,to all of which Your personal inspection is respectfully solicited. W: HEPINST ALL, Watchmaker, etc., King St., Oshawa B.--Watch repairing a speciality, which we guarantee to be done up scientifically and warranted correct. LOOK AT THIS! Just aurived at the sign of the BIG TEAPOT, a large assortment of STOV HS t 11 of the Newest Patterhs and Latest Improvements, BOTH COAL AND WOOD which will be sold very CHEAP for CASH. EAVETROUGH of every description very cheap. COAL OIL, &c., cheap as usual. 29-Caan paid for sheep skins. "8g STOVEPIPES, Plain and fancy Tinware, directly P Hav it well stocked with the best of meats in the fitted up a Large Airy Meat Marke! vants of the Citizens of Oshawa in his line. supplied at their own doors.and for the oven. punctually atiended to. PRT PERRT, leave Puft Perry evéry Monday, We y and Friday, at 11 o'clock, a.m connects with the ocal train from the east the express from Toronto, Railway, | Bobcaygeon, at 5 p.m. ; Fenelon Falls, at7, pi Thursday, and Saturday at 6, day. deny at § adn', and at Port - conn! 'With the train con Grand Trunk Railway mixed gotig Jocal and Express going East. From Toronto to Bobcaygeon to Lindsay ' wi "hitby to y fey enh, a8 nts, nin ts at low rates. e Agents, Trunk sa Through A, &o., Soir wot BAL JAS. HOLDEN; "p. R. KIME La season, to merit a share of the wants of th TWO PEDDLING WAGONS on the road EVERY DAY, so that his customers can be d in good time All orders left at the Market | SPECIAL NOTICE Wa AND P. P. RAILWAY. | THROUGH LINE FROM TORONTO ~TO- va T BOBCATGEON & yENELON FALLS. TE STEAMER * ONTARIO" WILL 33 rival of the morhing train from W hitby, which i 3? on the Grand Trunk arriving in Lindsay at 3 o'clock, pm; RETURNING. -- -- Leaves Fenelon Falls on Tes in tine erry fn the snd Tickets can {a LO the Grand For > information can be obtained By applying Remember tha place | BLACKS COMMERCIAL ROTEL KING 1. 1 SIGN OF THE BIG TEAPOT, KING STREET, OSHA WA to none in Ontatio, he hopes by having + DD. FRETOHETT. © ember, 17th, 1873. Bashy. HE GATE OF DEATH. It is a baby's hand Knocks at the gate of death, And we who love him, stand Weeping with bated breath, Waiting to see it open For the little feet to pass Th through the gate of hope, To the throne on the sea of glass. Alas, the death mists close Arourid the frail life's gaol, Else should wb see what glory glows Aroutid the entering soul Nor salat, nof seraphim; But the one who loves him best; From his mother's arms receiveth him, And lifts him to His breast. How safe the baby soul God's fair world enteréth; To dwell while happy ages roll, Beyond the gate of death. Lord epen though our eyes To see their blest estate, 'Who live with thee in Paradise, The other side death's gate, =a Selections. all her own. ! How kind he is," she whispered to 'And 80 handsome ; 0 mo- herself. ble' » Altred Leigh's face was handseme enough, butt it was not & strong face. fects. On the morrow Libey came. A tall, graceful girl, with & handsome face, snd] easy stylish mahtiéf: She was sttractive; and, what was more, sie wis fully con: A girl evidently fond of show, and used to having ler own way ; scious of it. selfish and exacting, and yet pl -------------- Everything else had to be shared with others, or glse given up en- tirely. Her lover they could not expect to claim to, and yet--they might. Stran- ger things had happened than that; she their de- er. J "No. 38 / -- probably: Chios vat Yeu ot the other I ask you to do this for Lucy's sake. This suspense and uncertainty is too much for her.' Mes: Vins hid hinted of this before, but Margaret had tried to believe that Dr. Leigh still loved her, that Lucy's brilliance dazzled him, and that by snd by he would grow fired of the sparkle and flash of her superficialities, and come back to his al. It | legance. But now it was put before her lacked firmness td detition, There were weak lines of irresoliitioh dbuiit the mouth that marred its béaiity to the observant reader. But Margaret had not studied faces with a view to reading character. She loved him, and the things we love are | always beautiful in spite of in » mamer so plain that she could not hesitate to look the matter squarely in the face, "7 Fory Lucy's gike ! Always 'hist plea. 18 waatonly tne more sacrifice dud what did i watter if it was the greatest she cou 1 She Had found his love so sweet---s0 restful, now she must give jit up for anothér's sake: Give up the sweet dreams atid feiider Hopes which tiad made her life bright and beautiful for a little while. It was hard to do so, but perhaps it: was her duty to. = She did not t | loved another enough to outward appearances, when leased her to be. Tha: evening Dr. In the restful aistol the June even- ing, Margaret Vane and young Dr. Leigh stood under the blossoming sweetbriar by the gate and talked together: His words were low and full of tehder accents, and Margaret smiled to hear the pretty things he was raying, and let him hold her hand as lovers like to do: For they were lov- ers.. Dr. Leigh had come to Danforth six months before, and almost the first young young woman whose . acquaintance he formed was Margaret Vane. From the first she attracted him: There was some- thing out of the common about her--some- thing more refined and womanly than about most young: women he knew. From the first insight he got into her home, life he knew she was not happy. Her father was dead, and her stepmother was a fretfil, indoler t woman, who shift- ed the care of the four headstrong, un- ruly children upon her stepdauglitet's shoulders. After his first call at Margaret's home, young Dr. Leigh came often, and Mar: garet learned to look for his coming with pleasure which she could not conceal. Her life was so narrow, so hedged in by cares and perplexities, and so destitute of the things which she most coveted, that | Dr. Leigh's visits were the pleasantest, | hours she knew, and she looked forward to shem with a sense of rest and relief. When he asked her to be his wife she did not hesitate long in giving him her an- swer. Her present life was so barren of | beauty and brightness that any other seemed welcome in comparison with it. And then she loved Dr. Leigh. 1f she had not she would never have covsented to become his wife. She had tod strict ideas of truth and honor to become the unloving wife of any man. ¢ Lucy is coming here to-morrow,' she #aid, as they stood thare at the gate.| ¢ You have never seen her: Come and get acquainted.' ¢[ will do so," he answered. 'From what I have heard of her, I expect to see a paragon of female beauty and actom- plishments ' ¢ Lucyfis pretty,' she replied. 'You have not any idea how plain I appear be- side her.' * You are precty enough for me,' Dr. Leigh said, gallantly, bredking off a branch of half-blown buds and winding them in among hér brown hair. She was not unattractive, and yet she was what most people would have called plain. The only real handsome feature which her face possessed was her eyes. They were brewn and deep, and full of thoughtful shadows, which shifted and became luminous when she was pleased and interested. ¢ It was worth a grest deal, just for the sake of seeing your eyes smile," Dr. Leigh said running his fingers through her hair in a tender, caressing way. 'You havn't sny idea how beautifully they light up. I have seen little pools of water in the woods shaded by ferns and bushes ; by and by the wind would blow the ferns aside, and the sunshine would dive down into the little pools, and they would flash and sparkle, and fairly seem to' laugh and talk. Your eyes are like Sho, my. Mar- A LOT OF 'JUST RECEIVED Which are selling cheap at "BLAMEY & BRIGGS {Qf et WANTED. NEW FRUITS " That was lis pét name for her--Mar- guerite. Perhaps it was not wholly inap- propriate; There was a kind of daisy grace about ber, and her life was some- thing like the daisies, lonely and unat- tractive, and full of harsh experiences. #* I expect you won't find time to talk to me a'ter Lucy comes,' she said, with her eyes.on the far-away hills, wrapped in white mists of moonlight. ' You are not jealous already, are your' he asked. ' No, not exactly jealous; but----,' she hesitated, and then, with a sudden shadow coming in her face, she added-- 'I've always had to give up the good things of life to Lucy, and I don't want her to steal my lover away ; and if she snould happen to take a fancy to you, she would want me to put aside my claim. I don't know what put the idea into my head, but it came there just them that Lucy would try to win you away from me.' 'What a foolish girl' he eried. 'What do I care for anyone but you! Hawn't I promised to be your own true loverall my life, little Daisy? And, after loving you; should I love anyone else P~ Dr. Lisigh laiighed softly, as he put his iand under her chin; and lifted her face Leigh called. Lucy was in the parlor playing when he came in. She had on dress of some airy fabric which became her well; of a soft; peatral tint. Her hair had a tlhster of pink roses in it, and d the lace at her There was a sort of careless grace about her and her toilet which Dr. Leigh thought very thathiing as Mar- garet introduced them. Margaret saw the look of admiration in his eyes, and sighed: Bhe never had time to get up Life was acl of buds fast throat. these little tricks of the toilet. teo busy with her for that: She had few fine dresses ; Lucy must have them instead. And with fine dresses Lucy must have the chances for education which Margaret would have given yedrs of her 1t was always so. Lucy had the best of everything;and Mar- life to have possessed. gatet Had what was left, if anything: there was nothing left, she must go with- Lugy evidently did her best to be attractive'to Dr: Leigh that evening, and succeeded. There was a vivacity dbout her which Margaret wl olly lacked; a dash and sparkle which was rather captivating Apd then she out. to a susceptible person. had an outside show of (TR it | That night he came. She was slone in the parlor when lie entered. ¢ I want to talk with you,' she aid, 'I a| wish to know If yod Want your freedom back again. Yesor no? * Are you getting tired of your fetters I" he said lightly, but with a swift excite- ment perceptible under the lightness of his words. ' Please answer my question.' she suid Yery pale; but calm. 'I do nub want to keep you if you want to go.' ¢ Perhaps you have. gfown tired of thie engagement, and want me to assume the ibility of breaking it? Is that it? s he asked with a little flush of dnger at the unfaithfulness her words implied, though sae had not intended to put such a mean- ing in them, ¢1 asked you a simple question,' she answered. "I do not wish to keep you to any promises you have made, if sines If | making them, you haVe seen that you were mistaken in yourself. Here is your ring, if you want it back again, and I give you freedom with 'it if you choose to take it' 'Sints you wish it; 1 will take it,' he said with a carious mixture of anger and wi Sig He knew that le ltad proved which might pass for the genuine thing with a person not used to judging the ar- She sang and played with consid- | erable tasie, and Margaret ticle. and talkative: ¢* Do come again;' she said; when Dr: ' Come often, please: Leigh rose to go. I expect to be dull here ; this is such hum drum neighborhood. blue.' And Dr: Leigh pfomised to come again, Margaret's meet: ings with her lover were few and far be- tween after that. It was not long before she bgan to see that Lucy's attractions were winning him more and awsy from and kept his promise: her. «Can I have nothing of my own ¥* she * Must my life always be made up of sacrifices; and go on like this to'the end? Why can't she let itie have the man 1 love, the man whe has wooed me for his wite; without trying to win him fhe has lsd all the can't she give me cried bitterly. away from me. pleasant things of life, one chance for happiness 7' 'I don't see what Dr: Iwigh could see in you fo make him want to marrv you,' Lucy said to her one day, 'you are not all alike. suited to each other. "1f he loved me, there is no mystery about it," answered Margaret. ¢ Ah, no, if he loved you, that explains ¢ Still I can't Now I'm not at all egostical, but really think I'm better suited to Dr. Leigh's taste than you are. Dr. Leigh has seen something of the world and so Have I, and we are better fitted by education fof each othet's society than you and he are. 'You should have it. I suppose," said Lucy, quite understand it. some quiet, odd person, like yourself.' ' Perhaps you would like to have me give up Dr. Leigh to. you, since li¢ is well suited for you I' Margaret said with flushed cheeks. ' Don't take the trouble to get dngry," ' If I wanted him per- hr 1 should not ask you to give him Lncy said cooly. od 80 the summer days went by; and Margaret knew by and by that Luey was doing hér best to get her luver away from And Dr: Leigh did not seem to be He still had pleassat, loving words fot Margaret whieh they chanced to be alone, but: somehow she fancied that his heart was not in them. She thought the band began to fret and chafe him, but he made no sign by which her. opposed to it. she could be sure of it. Ome day her stepmother said to her; ' For Lucy's sake, I must ask you to do ome or two things. If you are resolved marry Dr. Leigh, knowing the gircum- stances, I must insist upon it being done | at once. If you do wot intend to marry him---and I should hardly suppose yon would, as the case stands--give him buck his freedom; and let him do as he pleases You must have seen before this that Lacy really likes him; and it is evident that he has » strong regard for her. As the matter stands now, you are between them snd happiness. If you do not intend to let him be free to act ascotding to his own inclinations, for Lucy's sake marry him at once, that she may not waste her affec. could do neither ; and, while Margaret was quiet snd reservod; she was brilliant and witty, I shall want lots of company to keep me from getting He is so lively, and you are so quiet, that I should mot eomsider you , and yet he wanted to throw the blame on lier: He hated to have ler mec: cuse him of unfaithfulness, dnd he knew that he had been guilty of it. But re- miember; I @id not ask you ferit," he said This is your doing Margaret.' She had a faint hope all long that When it came to the final choice; he would not take the ring; but would conte back to her. Now that lupe was gone; and she a | turned away and left the room with some, thing of that feeling at heart that eomes to us when we see our dear ones die. Had she not lost the sweetest thing of life--- love! It had died, and now it was to her buts memory. Before a month had gone by Dr. Leigh and Lucy were engay- ed, and in October they were miarried. After that evening, wheu she gave him back his ring and his freedom, a change came to Margdret. She began td see Dr: Leigh in some thing of his true character-- weak, changeable, irresolute, and she asked herself, after the first bitterness of giving up her drésmss dnd lidpes wdre away, if it had not happend for the all. She wanted some one who would be true and faithful, stedfast and unchangs- able. Wad Leigh sich s man? Had he the stedfast and strength of will which slie required in ber husband | Perhaps not ; but she had loved him: at | - It was not long before Dr: Leigh found out the true character of thé wife hw had married. She was ike her mother--a selfish; i t , without opt of chaser of dade of parpone = a showy t for the p y wore. And 'when her fretful faul:-find- ings sounded in his ear, and her wesk complainings wearied him, he thought of Margaret, and knew what he had lost. Years have gone by since then, Mar- garet is Margaret Vane still. For Dr. Leigh; as she knows him now, she has ne fond aud liugering love; but fof the ideal lover as she knew years ago, whose name was Dr. Leigh, and whom she thought true, and teuder, and stedfast, she has a so | Sweet and pleasaat memory. The ideal lover died, and was hidden away with other dead things long ago. For the Dr. Leigh who comes to see her uften now she has a sincere friendship, beesuse she pities him; His life is o failare: His home is s honte in nothing but tlie name, It has not Jue Pivuant Sucsisticn, ion con- nected with it for him. Sitting in his study he thinks, of the pleasant Hearth where Margaret lives her life alone, her books, her pictures, and flowers, Margaret. Ah! lost things are sweet-=s0 sweet ! to A gteen grocer--ore who trusts, To all whom it may coneern--1Is kissing | _ a pretty girl a capital offense ! Putting up a stove in Denbury is po- litely termed 'attending a black erook matinee.' - Why is 8 lovely cigar --Because both lips of a gentleman. The obituary notice of a Kentucky lady includes the fact that her heir was six feet eight inches long. lady like a fine so well the want him to keep his promise to her it he pleasant things for her, he calls her Saint * short' financially. The Mdvent of a wild cat broke wedding itt Missoitsi the oflieF ev The cat wanted to introduce a new claws in the marrisgo ceremony. - An active bachelor ini Maine, claims to tne hundred ahd two years old, makes his own bed, according to a paper; * #0 mist hé lie.' Mr. Smith is bound to have his joke, road train the other day, and she gone a step farther his children would have had a stepmother. A Troy policeman swore as follows against & prisonef, "The prisoner set upon file, calling mé an ass, & . dolt, scarecrow, a ragamuflin and idiot-- all of which I certify td be true.' An Trishmiari hids defined nothing to be « Well; 1 dlway. my wife Brown. 'Oh 'my deas fellow; nothing: 1tell my wife lots of 'that never Happened at alli* ~ * Six foet in his boots I" exclaimed Beeswai. ' What will the this world. come to; I windes ? they mighas well toll i that § maxi nd six heads in his hat.' Two undertakers miodting the other Any; cus of thous seusthafial Sha vept ine orcas of mortality. ool; vapid, tm Br othef, ¢ your luckiet than I, for J have not buried a ' living soul' for thres weeks. ; At noted table cus besider fomarked 0 his neighbor : * This mast be » hedithy place for chickens." * Why I asked the other. Because I never see sny dead ones heresbouts.' Dasiiel Purcell," the famous puinistery being desired one hight. in company, to make a pun extempore, asked, 'Upon what subject The king," was the an- swer. '0, sir,' king is riot 4 sdbject. od where my hat wer,"snd it war on head all the while.' roped" Duna ete 1 tions on a man who cannot reciprocate them, as he evidently would do were he free to doso. At heart, I think Dr. Leigh fully returns the regard Lucy has for him; but he cannot say 80, because he is bound to you by a promise made be fore he knew the pr of hir ownitind A man who is edlogized as an ' energetic citizen," was run over by a funeral in Providence, R. I., last week. A boy at Niagara Falls has treated 200 cats for cataracts of the The majority of them went over in bag Any quantity of | Turkeys, ickens, L /Butter and Eggs. to meet his kiss. And then he went away and left her standing there at the gate. She watched him until he was lost in tne shadows; with a tender stir of glad- ness at her y only thing Dueks; Geese, jo b

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