Ontario Reformer, 5 Dec 1873, p. 2

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ONTANID REFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1873. | Taxes. Taxes. -------------------------------- NOTICE. % honorable, sincere, patriotic -- -- 1] Yo HE TIME ALLOWED FOR THE E PARTY WHO BORROWED of grounds, .and not the mere instrumerts |. 2 According toour constitution, members payment of T. havi of aun able, but unscrupuloms p-litical of Paclisment ontoring the Government tal dorures trom he dark room of Taxes must be brought in ron Tk Ru Itect ail ve rowing Wm. GLENNEY, Collector. mounteback, convicted of the most infam- . Aes al ous political crimes ever athibuted ta oF Vip Wuniey die for a Suan a le Oshawa, Nov. 11. I873. N41 any leader in any country. in the world, : : : conduct in so doing. The govers- . Those Conservatives who will no support | Hee of Mr. He Sie' ATG NOV ACCOM- FALL MILLINERY . Lite. the Government of honesty and purity In { that ordeal, with the most -- p.m | public affairs, have at least %0 courses | gratifying Its. Of all the Ministers E HAVE NOW ON HAND A apes to | aL iy ean gv Into °PF who have to go to their constitaents but { large and well selected stock of tion, assuming the high functiors which two romain'tc soceive the verdict of the MILLINERY AND LADIES FURNISHINGS eave. at Bracks M Grand Trunk Time Table. CLHAWA STATION.~ MONTREAL TIME, OSHAWA MANUFACTURES. THE STOVE | FOUNDRY. Sucosssful Home Enterprise. ing in is moiseless, easy motion, the per. fect trinmph of art and industry over the elements, Here too is the | Jawer, 10 iron apparatus, in which & fan revolving at velocity of 2,400 revolutions » minute, sends a jet of air with lightning like velocity through a long tube--svme 60 feet--ints the furnace, whieh wo next visit, Of the many monuments of industry and enterprise, which the energy of wur citi- zens have reared about the ** manufactur- ing village of Canada," whose tall chim- neys and curling smoke attest that we possess the most stable and palpable earn- oats of prosperity, among the most im- portant, though of the youngest, 48 that recently set in operation by thé inaugurs- tion of work in the " Stove Foundry." It should not be lost sight of, that in a place in the situation of Oshawa, sur- rounded by a very limited agricultural country, whose benefits are keenly com- peted for by many rival towns, that there is but one outlet to prosperity--but one means by which we can "attain rank among the centres of industry of the country, and that is by fostering manu- facturing enterprise. Upou its attendant train of advantages, substantial and real, of population, trade, cir of money, and all the impulses of vitality which it fives to a comunity, nearly all branches of trade and commerce which go to contribute to prosperity, mainly depend, and therefore every por- tion of the community is to a certain ex- tont as deeply interested, indirectly, in| the success of - these institutions as the promoters of them are directly.. The fact THE FURNACE, We enter the furnace from an inclined platform, on which are piled large bars of he in pig-ivon, and ou which a man with a heavy sledge is epgaged in breaking the bars | into pieces of about twelve itches in |length, to make ready for the loading of the furnace for to-morrow. Eutering the room containmg the furnace, which on the other side opens on the moulding shep, and ry ring Ad 9 the mouth of the monster, the sensation is as of suddenly gazing into the mouth of Hell. There is nothing bat a great white | heat, livid and awful, and roaring as if a demon confined were raging for prey. It | gives tho impression of an irresistible, | Bark cunsuming devouring power. From below ionally jets of red fire, stars of iron, dart lightning-like in zigzag directions like malignant fiery serpents, and disap- pear. If any ome wishes to comprehend the ordesl. from which Divine Power |; brought forth unscathed His Prophets | C: from Nebachudnezsar's wrath, let him | C but gaze for one minute into that fornace. The furnace is *' loaded" so to speak, with alternate layers of coal and iron and that our citizens recognize these condi: | when the fire is applied it is developed by 0 ow i i tions by energy and enterprise in the | ¢he stream of air from the powerful blower Wood Peter : Ais viding to club for they right direction is not a little creditdble | aug in six minutes the whole mass is a thels dor Jans, will poses | to thote who invest their money, we | glowing, secthing mass from which th: orders . 33 WHITBY STATION. Cralha going Bast leave Whithy Station ten {utes , and those going West fifteen pg Tey ned - The @utario Beform shiva Friday, Door 6th. 1873 nt 1 eagle Saplrrhe ig Pauple., -Iu-dhauily orteth G Nish Yhe cing the measures of their opponents. Charkeraction Jars yedvaind | crue Tiay wen, it Vheg ae hove 4nd apright onda js hd Suspivis i wien in their course, serve country as Ly " oy well on the Left side of the Speaker, as on was a crushing defoat of the corruptionist, i 823 being the majority in a strictly Con- the Right ; but they must cut themselves i Rt adrift from the iniquity and unprincipled 4 Tiding . Meuse Mest ry courses of the Traitor whom it is said they have still chosen for their leader. If they and McDonald have: been elected by " . acclamation. There 'is mo promise of do while we caniiot agree with them i ition to M and we can at least respect them. But if they J Fonte: ers. Colin an still continue to fullow the lead uf Sir in Nova Sevtia, and a fow days will ae Te villay' snd bis undoubtedly show every Minister trium- : let them depond upon it, the | PRARHY elected. How different this to To ive will sgon o a | the reception bf the lété Government in : Mra . the recent general elections! No wild thing to stink in the nostrils. of the peo- use-from icy i ple, and from which all men of honorable nS India's . Greatiand RI oun i constituency of Indians or Chinese ignorant enough to embrace a Hincks or a Cartier. | Verily, the House that Jack (A. Macdonald) Built, was built upon the | sand, and the wind came and the storm beat, and where is it! PI ------------------ Store New Build. USBANDS, LOVE YOUR WIVES; UNCLAIMED LETTERS " remaining at the Oshawa Post Office. DECEMBER 1st, 1873. MORAL OF THE LENNOX ELECTION. {The result of the Lennox election which ve give in er column, gratifving as i* must be to the party with which Mr. sSrtwright has allied himself, bas a ! gher and a more important significance. 1* isthe first opportunity on which the 1 ple ab the polls Lave had an oppor- vonity of expressing the opinion which uk Joun's resignation denied to Parlia- wnt, and that opinion, emphatic and de- * ¢ lod, speaks well for the moral recitade |, "7 the people of Canada, and shows that + ¢ disgrace aiid shame which the per «nd whoitt they entrusted with their con- lente had endeavored to bring on the wwautry, is repudiated by them: 'It wasa varrstand-up fight, eye to eye ard fuut to ¥vtigiich a conflict as Sak Jonx himself «+14 he courted, in order to be supported <. W*the pedple. THe Chlef of the Char- ME! Ready-made Ci hig Gents' I avid wv Hats, Caps, eta lati | | I CE] LN In an article under this heading, the Oshawa organ of the Charter-sellers in its | issue this week, fally justifies its title to successfully hopeless imibecility. It en- deavors fivih a few quotations from speeches of the iiembers of the new Gov- ernment, to prove that Mr. Mackeuzie is going to be guiltyof what it acknow- ledges Sir John's government actually POLITICAL NOTES. The city of St. John, N. B., which in 1872 returned the Hon. Mr. TiLiey, a member of the Corruptivnist Cabinet by a hed been guilty, EE aa ae Te we a FE t-caallors, withijhis pliadt tool and good af Friday, Hon. Mr. Campbell, went i whale, prepdted to make the contest' ther one x3 Detwoer the ledders of the {¥ugitig parties than between the two ¢ iMidates. Exvépt the sense of right Vv. load all the odds in his favor. Both - Nhatelf dnd his ledtenant in corruption fd spent theif yolith in the county; they %-d '8f their friends of fotmer times ¥ wre ; dnd they made rot a slight appeal "* those old asvdoistions of friendship. THF cindidate wid tho Strdngest maa +..t bduld Be selected to oppose the Fin- « co Minletér. An old resident, holding i. 1¢h property; 4 County official; ad ove whose family hid alreddy won legislative wmors in the adjdining codoty, Mx dm into the Udussrvative county rn, John A. Macdonald's villaany, why It says "If Mr. Mac * kenzie only accepts office to arry out rejoice at the ied change of villains 1" We cordially acknowledge its right to | speak on behalf of Sir Jchn Macdonald's villainy, and we are glad to see that even | it acknowledges that he has been a villain. |; As to Mr. Mackenzie's character and in- tentions however, it has no claim to speak except as it has always spoken, viz, as dn unprintipled ahd inendacious detractor, and the sande character which assures the public that it will always speak the best of 8ir Jolin, has also given thew to know that it cunot be expected to speak the truth in any way regarding My. Macken- zie's actions and motives. It quotes the fullowing from the five columns of Me. large majority, has now, since the perfidy of the John A. crew has Boen exposed, retutned Mr. Dzveszz, an oct.and-out supporter of Mr. Macxeszix, and by ac- clamation. The Charter-Scllers couldn't even got a figure-head ti-setup! Alas poord: hn A. ! Notwithstatiding the outcry sought to be raised by * Pers" Mircusiy, against the Hon. Isaac Buxres, that gen. tleman Nas been éfected by abclumation." While Mr. DuAxz was absent in Eng- land, Sir John's organ stated that the Chief of the Charter-Sellers received a requisition from a majority of the electors | of South Bruce to contest that Riding. Meeting 81a Jomx A. at Napanee, Hon. | Mr. Buaxs publicly challenged him to might say for the common benelit, and | mot &¢ little prdfitable to all who reap Shares in the general prosperity. The hard iron runs forth like water. POURING THE ** FLASKS." stove foundry owes its existence to | enterprise of Mr. James Caruiichael, and | other gentlemen associated with him, who | first conceived thy idea of establishing in | Oshawa & midnulactory of this kind, and | who, a few weeks ago, after a consider- | able expenilitdre of time and labor, and | industry in the shape of their first] "Batch " of stoves, sent from the fin- | ishing shop td thé store room. sally pronounced to be the most perfect | in Buish, the best in= quality, and the THE FINISHING sHOP In the finishing shop, theso pieces are The re- | cleaned, fitted, polished, ground, and put sult of the experiment was in every way | together, until the chaotic mass of rude most successful. The stoves are univer- | ore which 'wo see outside the farnsce be- | comes an elegant stove, an ornament to a Entering the moulding shop again, we find the men all busy in the completion of their work. Some receiving the mol- ten iron in their ladles, others running with their share of the liqmd over to the flasks, others powring the seething 'fluid into them, others again knocking from A Jarge pectiniary outlay, had the sat- the loots sand the already cold ron in infaction of seeitiy the first. fruits of their | th shape of various sections of the stoves. letters and oblige D. SMITH, P. M. The Splendid assortment WORK BOXES, DESKS, BOXES, FOLIOS LADIES COMPANION, &e, NEW MAP OF CANADA. New Books and Fancy Goods in great variety at r Parties will please ask for advertised WRITING SECRETARIES, GLOVE AND HANDKERCHIEF At the hour ef 12 o'clock, noon, of w! Coroners, Justices cerned will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. NELSON G. REYNOLDS, Sheriff. C. 0. Sheriff's office, Whitby, Nov. 12, 1873. of the Peace, and others hich all con- Nd » AT THE Ce. East End ~~ £3 1 New Stone] drawing-room, and an indispensable auxil. ary to the public comfort. A. large num- ber of stoves were ready for shipment, consisting of the coal Argsnds and Tri- umphs, which Lave already become such | favorites, and covking stoves for coal and wood. R- WELLINGTONS: ; Sign of the Book. ~ RE-OPENING- HE BIBLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH been renovated and en- Mackeniia's speech at Sarnia : the contest, but the ** right honorable" geuth declined with thanks. Brident- {ly Bas no désire t0 be Deunoxed more { than once this Fall. We dre ploased to learn that a large | number of respectable Conservatives of | 11. orex went into thé contést hopeful, if "Vig lat in poh that 5 " eneral ras our vt assared, of victory. The good oi policy will be the catrying out in Office Conservative county of Letivox, Sex | what we advocated vut of office." + X's orgasi (no longer a Cabiust organ) | . png thie fullowing from a speech of Mr. 7,4 us, would repudiate the "'tfouliery" | D, -* orion : »" Mr. Cartwright, and vindiczte thé fe- | "In the main, the general policy of the mdst satisfactory in use, of any wanufac- tured in Canada, aud fully equal to the best cflorts of the celebrated Troy and Albany stové foundries. The ready sale with which they have wet, prove not only their good ualities, Lut that the people CASH! CASH! WHEAT; a = liar morality of Sir John's pure patroit. | ne v Governuucut is the sani¢ as that of i 4. The people werefo rise in their | theold. = ww ht and " answer " the "slanders It wold be impossible to follow in- ..vinst the *"heaven-burn statesman." | telligibly the disconnnected, disjwinted, West Toronto lave pledged themselves to vute condemnation of Sir John's can- didate; Mr. Bicxrowp. They desire to take rank among the *' honest people of | of the Province are tady to appreciate enterprise and support home wmanufac- and commercial enterprise of the gentle- ture, and promises that the public spirit | 8) accurately and carcfully is every stoves of this wmanufactoory ate pro branch of the work performed that the ed. nounced to be equal to any made. at the | ¥ h BARLEY, S and disingCuitods ravings which we pro- : Sun. Jona Jad the tur nl vos Jonnie, | sume are meant [ir argamenit, but it in- Mz: Canrwrienr, the mew . erbaiors them. He recounted to | tonds, we imaging, to lead its read to | Fi Minister, has evidently a genius ; Phat ald bs said hu Ios justificn. the "villainous" conclusion which we | for financing, as was evidenced by the A fow lays since, we tovk a run . 0 and be conjured thew by overy! have quoted, and to show By at apparent | Lennox election. With a keea eye to ul- | tarough the new stove fomilry, the im- Tiiealend personal tie, to give him a | difference between the two paragraphs | timate results, he paid Jomx A's expenses | Pression gathered from which we shall x nn of "not puilt 5 Through his | quoted above that the new 'Government | t go to Lenuoxand work against hit, and | briefly lay before the reader. 'The build- Pd he Mail, gi them * Jf the have " no common policy." Perhaps if [was rewarded for his tact by a majority | ing itself is situated to thé east of the 3 rd Siz Joux MACDONALDS Soutse, | it had given its readers the whole of Hon. | of 823. Whenever any of our Reform village, down Broce Street, and is ap- 1 bg Lik vote for Mr. Hooper ; but if | Mr. Mackenzie's speech from which it | friendf™fuel doubt about an election, fut | proached by a sidewalk which Jeads to its 5 aod, they licen) hin wuilly | quotes so gingerly, they might have seen | them fee Sin Jory fo work sgainst them, | door. It is a large three story and a half Fad Becht allged sgeinat "ian they | the absurdity of its reasoning much more | and success will be assured. building, 175263, perfectly plain, and i te for. Mr. . Carr easily. Mr. Dorion says the new Govern- overloyked by the itiebitalle tall brick Ar Surtainly Yo decidad that | ment wiil carry out in office, in the main, chimney. Its appeatancé is grim and amr." The dang = ro ~~) the policy of the old Government; that is, anillviting enough; #8 bocouies a place + dnd, ined it to bo placed. aad the | CONSFuction of the Pacific Railway, en- where the pursnit of industry is a tireless, ty that» § of han anh ad | largement of 'the canals, proweiion of grimy, fiery, otipation, unrelieved with- nt 330 a Jury : Syn, | agrienlture and immigration, a pure clec- ail 'the Tories wore and | in those walls by anything more inviting ings i anything, & Bieaily lint 002 | ion Taw, dc. dc, Mr. Mackensio. says | reaper, tho Tories 7re ye. who | than the whire of the flying wheels, the r++ Mian ave plowounced hog SIC they will eatry vot the principles enunela: | gia te 0 ui oo rt --because he had none | Pat Glank of falling iron, the ceaseless | Fea. aged 33 years. a majority ot az gat. of b ---. ted while in opposition, that is, tliat the to eat, and the Lo of * a fale trial, * buifs of the great ** blower," and the hor- | I Maine Ih Nov, i eres J hcnsinin svusd hove, anf cific Railway should be built sconoai- | io wer out iy can't help it: rible roar of the seething furnace. En- | yours. J? Akin, Siu, mp yale "| ally, and in accordance with the ability | 3 5 fia even the Conservatives of Can- the Dominion." Hox. men interested, will meet with the peen- niary reward which they 3v well deserve. A VISIT 10 THE WORKS, most celebrated factories, and give stich satisfaction as promises already a certain g ry of 184 4, MARRIAGES, At the Realdance of We. x. Dituicts Oshawa, nu the 2d Inst, v. J. K +, Mr, John Gregory, to Miss Eliza Kec, Tr BIRTHS, . In East Whitby, on the 20th ult., the wife of Mr. t of "Robert Scott, of a daughter. | a Ny vice hele to our In Hi . on the Ist inst. the wife of My' | *YSWPSthy by coming aid. Tatts Drow, of toiiom son wad Satimery ME 34d. J. KENNER. FOR SALE. ORSE, HARNESS, CUTTER AND avy BUGEY, cither seperately or together. Oshawa, Nov. 3th, 1573. To Rent. FIRST CLASS DWELLING 10 Rooms and other Ros quire of Mr. ~ | At such prices as must ensures As the season is late and PEAS, RYE, OATS, &C| acta 8 GREAT BARC INS! Will be given. SE Blankets, oy ---- S R coe, toberts, J. J. Rice, and othe osether with the ministers of the town may expected to be present. The choir will enchance the interest of the ighestDarket Price in Cash foral | Grain, paid. ! El x ! ; ' ! n 8 : RK : In Oshawa, on the 26th ult, the wife of Mr: Wiiliam Weeks, of a son. Some of the Scandal organs, among | them the Oshawa rag, pretend a desire to | give the mew Government ** fair play." | The dodge is too thin. We rever heard | anything about fair play to the Reform In Oshawa, on the 25th ult, the Wife of Mr. Thomas Morrison, of a daughter. 9g In East Whithy, onthe 25th ult., the wife of Mr* John Ross, of » son. At Whitby, on the 2xth ult, Joseph J. Harper, aged 33 years. At Whithy or Friday, 28th November; T Howard, widow of the late et Flannels, Merinoes, joo 8 CNW THOMAS ECK, LONDON, ONT. Baw The Great Family Newspaper has atta'ned | Chelan sot] tion io O. tario outside of | phena ward, Marv, the ince Ateert aged 8 cH | » aT) | EERE XT owe wn wn gr ML SEN x ) 4 » a €vadone the base trea to his conn: | . .»honor of which Six Jury Macpox- | we was guilty. The Tory prints may v« .gavor to belittle the importance of . - \ of the public rse, that tho charter! a4 mot su lost so\senss of hovoras | 5 0 Fs old es pobtion partizan | in ideration of Lis p iary contri- | bution to a party, that grauts of money | should not be bestowed on political cou The Reform party require mo favors of them. 3 3 The Britith Columbia Colonist announ" i ces that the people of that Province are | favorably dispused towards the Liberal Government, and will give it a firm sup- toring the pattern room we found Mr. Carmichael, the President, engaged in showing the foundry wares to several gen- Commercial, tlomen, among them, Judge Partnell and Capt. O'Donovan, of Whitby; uid so well ploased did these gentlemen séem with 55 ii _ | ut_* sternal vigilance is the. price of ~_sarby," and that vigilance is to Le exer- +: 3 vole, so crushing to their hopes and « .Lition, but facts and stubborn things. A: the last election, but 513 votes were cist for the Reform candidate im that wiry, Oa the of the t tion, those 513 vote were supplement ¢ » Uy the votesof 1018 Conservatives, who « lared that they would support a collea- wer of Hon. Mr. Mackenzie. These ies cannot be denied, unapilatable as ty may be to the remnant who still rally r und Sir John's political iniquities. 'The moral to be gathered from these cir- + uatances, is evident and palpable, and "+44 ommend it to those of our Conserva- " 5 friends, who still, blinded by the "! "nor of personal attachment, or misled i= A mistaken idea of party loyalty, re- waa willing to acknowledge Sir Jobn Mcdonald, with all his crimes, as their niowl and leader. Wa believe there are wany such, honest and honorable men, iw +» decsived by a false sunse of honor rinse to desert thir fallen chief i the i1y of his disaster. Let such reflect that + «aey have auy true regard for the houor 10 party name in which t'iey have such de, if they have any respect for the tical flag which they have so Jong and 'thfully folloved, if they would not vwyuselves assist in dragging that flag "~ugh the dirt and mire of dishonor, 'iey would not themselves give force to ' hand of the assassia whose weapon s of "chery and corruption, threaten their "tical existence, lot them cast ont the -sah from their midst, who has been the + wo of their reverses and obloquy. Like + Old Man of the Mountaius on the % of Sinbad, the iniquities of Siz 1% are too wuch for them to bear, and "they do mot speedily shake off the Abus, they may depeud that, as a poli- | party, they will soon reach that -hatycucall'em from which no thingum- + comes back." We say this ia no spirit «nfairness, ur oppositioa to ths interests Jat party. We believe the party in " * ver; the men who have preserved from «| traction the safeguards of our liberties, «+ have fought the battle of the people's .¢earusd the right 10 rule this country ave earned the gratitude and respact heiriconntrymen, and will live in his. # aa the saviours of the national hovor. +d 8s much by thuse ia opposition, as 4 those who bold the governwent of the satry. As we must in the nature of sage hive su Opposition we would desire | tractors, in excass of tieir agreemsata, | that pablic works should be coustructed ! when and where the necessities of the country demand, and not be doled out to | political pariizans as the price of their support. Ina word, that public affairs should be admiuistered to the best inter. es's of the country, snd not made sub- | servient to the personal and polities | exigencies of party as Sir Jonn made them. That was the Refcrm policy in ppositi in tradistinetion to Sir John's policy of intrigue and corruption, | and that is the policy which they will car- | ry out honestly and faithfully, as a Gov' | erumeut. For twenty years the peuple of { Canada have waited for the fruition of Sir | John's promises, and recived nothing but Dead Bea Fruit in retum. - Will | not the Vindicator wait until the new | Government mee:s the House and an- | nounces its policy in detail, before it com- | mences the miserable earping of which { the article from which we quote is a fair | specimen. It is just as well not to whis- tle till you are out of the woods, and when the House mects at its next ses- sion, we venture to prophecy that the Vindicator will not have the courage to raise a t~ne, even with its mouth already kered by disappointment ¥ THE AUDITOES' LEFORT. The report of the Auditors cf Oshawa for 1872, shows that nearly one quarter] of the revenues'of the village appear in the Treasurcs Report under the head of " Sundries." As these *' sundries" fout up to several thousand dollars, would it not be well to throw a little light on the details which go to make wp ro large a sum ? There may have been illegal ex- penditures in that amoun: which it is ex pedient to keep from the knowledge of the taxpayers, or there may not. "Mean- while the matter will remain under ame- | picion until somebody or other conde- scends to throw a light on it. We should also like to know what the nature of "Gises Buos. acct. $117" wmans. Why not specify, as in the case of othet voration. The Rerummes's t of British Columbia, to find him a seat. That persons who have dealings with the Cor- Od port if they get justice at its hands. Hox Mz. DsCosuos, is ssid to be agi: tating agaiost 'the Reform Governmeni because they didu't give British Colum: bia a representative in ihe Cabinet. We remember when the Hon. gentleman tain- ly endeavored to force Jomx A: te give British Columbia representation in the Cabinet, that all the uther members fram that Province united in s eart, published in the Times of Ottawa; to the effect that British Columbia didn't want a member in the Cabinet at all. And yet all these gentlemen were thick and thin support- ers of the Charter Sellers. When Sir Fravcis Hixcxs could find no resting place for the soles of his feet in his native Province of Outario, Sir John telegraphed to Governor Trurcm, of worthy by a promise to Mr. Waitacs which has since been paid, and one te Mr. Buxstsh, which has not been carried from contest and allow Hincks to be put iv for Vancouver. The law we believe states that the qualification for a voter in that Province, shall be one year's 1esi- dence for any white wan, and the gualif- cation for a wiember shall bo the same as for a vider. Admitting Siz Francis to be a * white man," he has never even seen the constituency not the Province which he is allowed to rey t, and it app to us has wo legal claim to sit in the House of Commons at Ottawa. The case is wotth looking intv. LENNOX. The Correct Election Returns. CARTWRIGHTS MAJORITY 82. The following are the eorfect returns at the close of the pots 1 . Naraxee, Dec. 1 Cartwright; Hooper Adalphnsfown © Island Amberst san Haven . Storms' Cornexs - Switzerville - Wilton - essa - . Fre ale ™ : - 75 cents was worth particular description. Why not do equal honor to * Gina' Bros." East Wurrsy Couxenn. -- The East Whitby Council wet on Mouday, at Coluwbus, a largs number of ratepayers present. The vexed quesiion of the School Sections ocvupied most of the time, and it was tinally decided to take off 200 acres from No, 6 aud udd to Neo, 7, EN a 2 opens ut Whitby ou Tuesday next. of publie school teachers fur the County '» school house El Bosse szfons: il EgeuuBelurrsy Majority for Cartwright 85. County Covrr, -- The County Court Senovt Teacmess. -- The examination 3 opposition, and vig: rer id rived and 200 from No. 4 to add to No 3, 0 a8 tw give thos scctivns compliance of Ontario begins on Monday, for 2ud and out, induced those gentlemen to withdraw | -| retaining the various delicate shapes, with the cleganee and pertett finish of the stove that ere than one purchase was made before Mr. Carmichael kad time to give us his attention. THE PATTERN suob: ' We visited first the paltten shop, whete a number of workméu were en- gaged at their work, the results of which were strewn in every direction about the room. Great care is taken in this depart- ment the work being under the most careful supervision, and none Lut first- class workmen employed, in drder that the beastiful y of the casting which marks the- work of; this foundry may be brought ott. THE MOULDING SHOP. From 'this place we enter the large room known as the ' moulding shop." Here we sce in one comer &n immense pile of & peculiar soft of sand, imported from Albany, and the balance of the space being . occupied by Liisy work- amen, each putting up the "flasks " in Which the melted iron is poured. The operatidy; with which we ate not faniillar enough ts describe accur- ately, is one worthy of attention. Each casting is formed in two boxes, which are first filled with the sand finely, sifted and dampenad, so as to be rendered plostic and cuhesive. The pattern is placed in this sand, pressed down s0 as to give a perfect impression, and then withdrawn, the opposite side undergoing the same process, when the twu buses are clused and fastened, leaving & smail hole in the Pop through which the melted iron is poured, which filling up the space left vacant by the impression of the pattern cools, is take out; & perfect part of one piece or other of the stove: The moulders are skilled and experienced work- men, and working by the *" piece," per- form their work with great fapidity and with stich steady nerve and skillful care as seems to be uninitiated almost marvel- ous; the sand witerally a brittlé structure as much perfection as it it wero plaster of paris; Leaving the moulding shop we go round H] i Fink Jad of fe £ i Hi | _ © 88.588 UERERRSTIEN | Baoeoo J. HIGINGBOTHIM. a4 Bowmanville, Ontario Bank ! DIVIDEND NO. 33. = ONLY ONE DOLLAR Tweeds, <a i I able STRICTLY IN ADVANGE . ga3s8sy be closed from Monday, 1st day Dec'r. next, 1p fie Be Rover S000 asi "te D. FISHER, On, Bavx. y ---- 0} -- "Fresh Oysters of M. several local tions, ete. For further ws Pleasaut Evenings. HE FIRST SERIES OF PLEAS. ant_evenl Osh: Yi be hold fn W Ch under the h of t ation will Stand directly opposite Rerorata Office. Give me a call. a3 322m be in, en's Christian . when the t! F gor holt nf he iculars see bills; JORN E. WILSON; Secretaly, Associ 's Music Hall, on the Svening Recits. HAVING RECEIVED stock I am prepared to su VIOTORIA LODGE 0. Y. B. NO 14, HE NEXT REGULAR MERT : TT the above Lodee will aR tka dnp 2 for the ensu to be presen HOSE HAVING n Igstitate. These ha are ollineed Jing same at onoe. Sanctioned the M. IL L. "Rie irk i on We lnes- the night for the of officers ing year, every member is requested W. MAXWELL, b. a. NOTICE, a fine with the rules of " lost book: with will bag J: Bi. Holts tor pics "by the President and officers of si-in. J; EB. HOITT, to the engine room, a separate buildizg on the eastside. Here is & great boiler with a yawning fiery mouth, uto which a con- s'antly passing flow of black diamonds does its part in transforming the harmless water into the raging demon of Fteam subdued by art into the groatest suxi of the echanical power es auNuy industry. The engine itself, (from the Temperance Social, (OQ WING TO DISAPPOINTMENT IN some the announced to be WELL DIveioN, on been whose terrible stremgth is éoutrulled and Masihas Leen AT, rea Eea e POSTPONEMENT, PTH nat. when opared for the occasion. Spee entertain. dist best quality of HE UNDERSIGNED HAS © T hand the very best of Kdnds of hr On hand SRDS: DF the cab or Tn Tui 4nd vil be Fresh Salmon, Fresh Lobsters, Sardines: OSHAWA COAL DEPOT | NY row Scranton Ngg, Sieve and Chesnut MASSILON Snarites, well screened dnd delivered without §i i f Only reliable Gift Distribution in the Country. L. DDSINE'S! ENTIETH Oshawa Coal. ! AND J EAVES Beech & Maple, ever offered n Oshawa. Also any quantity of Lackawanna Ls Lehigh Scranton | Egg and Stove Coals. BLACKSMITH AND MOUNT MORRIS' SOFT COALS, delivered to any part of the town at lowes vd . and while ee Tn Ns ATE Sa pe All coals - weighed on town scales, Weight the FIRE! FIRE! WOOD YARD! HAVE ON H AND AND FOR SALE To be drawn Thursday, Jan. 1st, 1874. $200,000 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS, GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE $20,000 IN GREENBACKS. ONE GRAND CASH PRIZE $10,000 IN GREENBACKS. One Grand Cash Prize of $5,000 IN GREENBACKS- Silver Lea: Watches, Single $2, Six Tickets $10, Twelve $20, Twenty-five $40. containing a ful! ' r Cogn of thcniniad 8 ful Us of prises, & des. wil mh Ma @rand Annual Distribution | - Fi Dress Go OC , * &c., &o: aa Call 'and see for Yourselves. @oods only Sold for Tne NO CREDIT. Yarns, OSHAWA, Nor. 6th, 1873, 230ly ix ¢ % hel ' BEGS TO ANNOUNCE T4141 fiE HAS His Old Stand! bb 3 Fd A MR. WM, DICKIE, EI? Discount of 20 per. cent. Stationery; J. F. Willer REMOVED, $Y = a " el New Goods! | - i Books, : ol i ¥ rd Er Fr % . 2rd er + ] Hifi EE Le i 3 Fix wa : n pd a '8rd class cortifientes, und Friday, 26th, Rieter vid Ww at 1st class, | ¥ CoLEMAN; Hall Works) in the nest roum is a besu- with the requirements of the Law, tifui piece of powerful mechanicsm, show- § a hn su ™ SUE Se _; sioal priogiples whieh they doem best, only 15m othe patients, 2 A. Alexander. Oshawa, Sept , 10th 1623. TIGHT BINDING

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