Ontario Reformer, 28 Nov 1873, p. 2

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sc Sued ie ARLE on fie hs apd i Bm aur a dn ac Gas gma OE Li el a : ' : | t J d | » L r , u ; K I r poe +t, a0 actual addition of the fi "+1udries. Did the auditors see any de. | Office | { 1 So far the success of the new Ministry ho undotbted, and the proofs of it are | every day more and more apparent. On | Tuesday last, the lon. Mr. Mackenzie | wus olected by acclamation at Sarma, and ! on Wednesday, Mr. D. A. Macdonald was Grand Truk Time Table. CSUAWA STATION. MUNTREAL TINK. IING Whar, ® cova Ragen wager... am. | Express. ... f.40a.m | es... Bam. A pebiil 3.00pm + 455 pun, | Passenger . .. 7.20p. LelTO88 o .. OS oa. | WHITBY STATION. * sins goln 21 des em: 3 'on | elected irr the same hearty manner for Kast leave Whitby Station ten | . and those going West fitoen | . than the above, | task in every y other direction, the gentle mes --e---- | uen who follow Sir John's ardorous®pre- M sence, are aiming the whole force of their Ontario Beformer debian - = | decree of fate nas been irrevocably fixed | for the perfect disintegration of the John A. party, and one of the most certain sign hom, secing the hopelessness of their Lie | venom an i spite, ¢ hawa Friday, Nov'r 28th, 1878 [of this in the unity and growing strength | «f the party of Reform. | A telegram received this morning states "he Tory organs are laying great strees | 4), election Ly acclamation of Hon. * now on the fact that out of the fif | Mcsars. Dorion and Fournier. + Reformers in the new Ministry, two ! ---------------- « been during their careers indentified | THE WORKINGMAN PREMIER. + the Conservative party, and hence | iy wish, by erying out against the Mac- -zie government as a coalition to con- unit for what during the past six ts they have exalted as a public vir avd a. sign of political liberality. IS IT A COALITION ? We know every workingman who is not | ashamed of his honest labor, will read the { following extract from the Hon. Mr. | Mackenzie's recent speech at Saruia, with | just pride, while the true gentlemen will "en: we come to examine into the mat- | recognize in the spirit of it, the ring of - however, we fied that like Tupper's | the tiv .metal of which nature's noble tin there is the * voice, and notling | mien are made. +" There isto sizn to show that | elevate their eyebrows, ler Mr, Cartwright and Mr. Scoit are | t to-day as good members of the Re- | » mi party, as they were of the oppesite ity in other dayn. Each of those gen- | men has foryears past been a consistent | yonent of Sir John Macdonald's po- 'cal course. Thay have on public oc- 'ions boll by voice and vote expressed vaselves thoroughly in accord with the +-ral perty, and both had deliberately + vered their connection with their for- r associates. How is it possille, to im consistently with reason, that Mr. it continues to be a Conservative or formally leaving that party and uing the Reform partp 7 We occasion- .* hear of certain clergymen, who 6nd- : the tenets of another sect than that » whieh they belong more in accord with "ir own conscience, leave their old aa- ations and join the new, nor have we \ Let aristocratic Normans and suobs howl with agony : ** The Prime Miaister started a paper to enable him to carry out his policy wore effectually, and the AM wl was used to de grade the abilities and was very comemptible indeed. It 1s sin- sularly inconsistent that! i 1 was so weak aud useless, for them to Bilso anxious to wroclaim this to the worl: 1 1 p | Sir, Faw not like you, a very hand wan (loud laughter' and clieers), but | not tank it was fair to Sold ane responsi. (Langhter.) 1 sce a friend of mine kere who 1s accused of not making 'my hahili- » monts as well as they should be.(Laughter.) He is responsible for that, and 1 in- tend to hold him responsible, Lut there was avother shocking thing about we--1 wi only a v orking man, and my appe p workwen upon strike. (Laughter) luis | quite true I have rever becn but a work- wg men, and I am afraid; I shall have to be : a workingman till I die." (Cheers.) Sir, 1 tr hedrd of any amouat of opprobrium was never ashamed, and J never will be ug attached to such an action. If the Jhamed of having to work. (Loud cheers.) out Wesleyan, after more minute ex- ¥iy hands, indeed, have beca soiled, but « ination of his' Guide becomes convig. | #7 it was by Lonest labor, and not by « i tlat complete immersion 'is the vther yeuple's oid. reect thing, and acting according | + his concience, joins, the Bap- | Hesxpox's Orzra House. --This really society, will anyone say that | first-class entertainment opened in Oshaws has mot a perfect night to do so, or | on Monday evening last, to a "fair Louse, { anyone be insane encugh to assert and is continued every evening tis t by so.doing, he brings about a coa- | week. Space will not permit us to no- a of those two religicus denwaina- | t'ce the sl ser of wickedness, when he ceases to | were first-class in cliaracter, and sustain- evil, and learns to do right, makes | ed throughout in a manner that would do ition between the powers of light and no riness. When Mr. Scott went Jast to | theatres. Mr. Herndon, hiuiself, has few constituents at Ottawa for election, ke equals as a comedian, adiated the idea of a cualition, and | Leing real crted most distinctly that there was apprasich to valyarity, lilference between the views of Hon, | Mr. Johuny Ward, - Blake and himself. Since that time | will readily acknovledg jai lias worked faihiully with the Reform deserving of the high reputation which iy, and to say that le is a Conserva- he has ac quired as ap actorof a s, or that the union of men undivided facetious teu perament. IIr. Mu any political differeyees, is a coalition, | the leading characters takes an is 'oulish and absurd. 2 BL EE ------ TEE TURY 1372 POT. There is smd to be a certain period n history of all men at which ¢ oy ire +10 the whole of their future lives, ande + + in polities thers are periods at which at parties, pregnant with ifluence t the history of the co intry, are "ulded from out the discords and strifes political life. Such a crisis is that ich now seemsto draw attention away wm the old issv:s of volitics, and direct + athe new parties who are arraying to nselves on either side of' the dividing re which has Lgen drawp, on onc side which rally man of > minds and nest impulses, and on thaother, . those 2 connnive at dishonor and uphold de- | ga to it--which'is saying a good deal, but ted corruption. On the one side are | nothing mere than they are entitled to, ered the relics of the leaders of the i vt tremuous public crimes and wisde- | 'anors, onthe other those who have inated corruption from their midst, | o aspire to be true lovers of {ho SEVEN MEN SNOTRERED TO DEATH IN THE intry, and to respect the honor of the | ASHsER ors. n. And it is the duty of every man | - well as of every member'of Parliament ! t tu look idly on this-changing complex- + of our public affairs. Let cve ry ucst man, who respeets the right and rons dishonor, add Lis mite to the + of good healthy Tieling which has in hroughout the Dominion, and so + his part in giving a decided voice to + whole Dominion, pronouncing un- ; : wiakeably the vindication of the liber- | the nver toa Jumber 4} iy ome tue i or ». # of the peuple and the self-respect of three miles above the mill. | Mn Sunday + country. | the men unloaded the oats, about 1,800 { bushels, and piled them in 'the shanty. rm Night comming on, the vietims, seven in Curiosities of the Auditors Report. number, concluded to sleep in the shanty various performances in discredit to the best effurts of the city y fanny, wit as ; part and was well regeirell. is a trazedian of exeglibat ability, anc sus- tains his roles - with "gbility. Mrs. Herndon, as "a ghanuing and tal- elited actress, is too well make it do than say that she has lost noth 1g of the piquante grace and consummate ability Of course, known to nexvssary to more with which she renders every part assign ed ty her, and we will only say of the other ladies 'hat Mrs, Healy, Miss Wal loee, anid Miss Lagrange are worthy to second.ably Mrs. He radon. = This even. ing, the company" will play bne of their strongest picces,-- the celebrated play of Bulwer Lytton, --East Lynne, when ad- | mirers of the histrionic art in 2 Oshawa will have an opportunity of seeing a tra gedy of the highest order readercd by a | eompany whe are fully: equal to do jus- DREADFUL T AGEDY. ing, by Mr. Williams and array, ers of a large saw mill ou the Black River, lin the following manner: Jt appears that the firm had sent upa lot of oats to woods, Theoats were taken direct up It is a very curions thing that the | where they had piled the oats, Th:y ac- wuneil should hold this no-one but the { cordingly laid out their bedding aside the ders of the Vindicatadore entitled to | "M3 and went to sleep for the night. But «1 the suditors report. : : 15495 8 curions thing that the able | The next morning (Monday) their 1etarn the year 1872 shonld not have been | was looked fur at the mill, one of the straightened up" before this time | firm, being then at the mill; went up to tis a curious thing that the Conneil | the shanty to look for them. Oi enter. "Wd wish to withold all information | i" Te noticed that the oats which had sat the accounts of. 1873 until after the | been piled up iy bags, had slipped down Lwvtions. ---- | during the night; %ompletuly covering the i- is a curious tning that while the debt poor men, Mt. Murray, upon lowking "+L oredit side of the Treasurer's account | "POPS the bags, noticed a hand sticking published, appear to be equal, viz, | up. He commenced to mnve the bags, : {and discovered the whole seven + 4,188.90 received and $14,188.90 paid | a quits dead. gures shows | Four of the men were from the . | Glengany. There is no longer a doubt | | ax to the success of Mr. Cartwright, at | powers of the, member for Lambton as-sowmething that] ue do | ble for that, for | canned inyselfii 1 tried. | UKMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1878. THE GOOD WORK QOES ON. | DESTRUCTIVE FIRE IN WHITBY | {The Moachanics Institute and Library | Destroyed. | Suspscted cad of Incendiasism. (From our own Correspondent.) Waray, Nov. 27. About five o'clock this morning, an alti of fie) was mals fa this town, and { upon turning olit it was discovered that | the building on Byron Street, the first cor- | ner north of Ray's Hotel, was in flames. ! Shortly afterwards the Fire Brigade, with their Merryweather engine were on the | ground, and speedily at work, but for some time with little'efléct. The bailding | being a large oue, of vood and dry as tinder, end the' flames "having grined = | very strong head way before the alarm was 4 given, it was atone seen a usaless task to | endeavor to save it, and attention was | given to the adjoining buildings, which | were already caught," Oa tho South side, | on Byron street, the dwelling of Mr { Barrett was soon in flames, and on account {of its close proximity t> the burning | building, it was soon bevond the salvation of the Fire Brigade. A stromg wind | from the east had set in, and a volume of | smoke, | bles, from which at the first outset, the | horses liad been removed. It was at first | thought that it would be useless to at- | tempt to save it, but by the pluck and | gallant. exertions of the fire brigade, | a stream of water was kept playing on it, drowning out the flamos as often as they were awakened, and this was continued until the oppo-ite building was entirely consumed, and the danger pretty well over. A second branch had in the mean j time brought on the building known as immediately fo the cast of the lustitute building, but not- | the piano factory, sparks and flames was driven | across the road, over Ray's livery sta- | NEW GOVERIWILENT. (From the St. John Telegraph.) The return, by acclamation of the elec- tors, as is likely tobe the case of Mr. Smith in Westmoreland, and Mr. Barpee in St. John, with the steady support of these gentlemen by the New Brunswick Libarals, who ccenpy seats in the Com- mons, will give New Drunawick a com- manding position in the new Govein- ment. It will strengthen the hands of our representatives, and will convince Quebec, 53 well as Ontario, that *he Lib- eralism of the Maritime Provilces is sowething more than a name or a personal following. The Liberals hers have so long siapported the coalition Government which, for many years, so ably directed the destinies of the Confederated Provin- cos, that it might be surmised, in some | quarters, that in the event of a separa- tion taking place, we should just be as ready to foliow one wing of the party as another. Bat such is not the caso. Even ut the banquet given to tlie ex-Premier, one of his late colleagues folt it due to himself to say that he was a liberal, and that he could not permit bimself to be merged in the great Conservative party, even when led, as it lias resolved to" be led, by the ex-Premier. This statment showed a thorough appreciation of the situation, but so far as our leading men | hers, are concerned, such as well-known | exponents of liberal principles and friends | of progress, do not require to take coun- |sel of any man. They had reasons | for supporting the eoalition Govera- | ment which carried Confederation and | consolidated the provinces, and they have: equally good reasons for ratifying the verdict of the House of Commons in | regard to the recent crimes and blunders of one or two of the leaders of the late | Government and for rallying to the sup- ¥EW BAUNSWIX veome 753) MUSIC TALI 6 NIGHTS ONLY. 6 Commencing Monday, Dec. 1st MARTIN THE WIZARD. 100 ! Presents given away nightly. Admission 25cts, (one envelope.) Reserved Scats G0cts. (two onvelopes.) Grand Family Matinee Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Admis- sion 20 cents to all parts of the house. Every Child receives a Prize. J. D. Sullivan, GENERAL AGENT. E HAVE NOW ON HAND A FALL MILLINERY V lar; c a 11 well selected stock of MILLINERY LADIES FURNISHINGS Call and examine it at Brook's Milinery Store Simcoe Street, 3 doors North of the New Build- nigs. Ontario Bank! -- DIVIDEND NO. 33. rp Pd N OTICE IS HEREBY GINEN, THAT - a Dividond of FOUR PER CENT. upon the Capital Stock of this institution, for the cur- rent half year, has this day been deviared, and | that the same will be payable at the Bank and | is branches, on and after | | Monday, Ist day Dec'r. next, resembled that of the leader of a gang of | As well might they say that the detril, but we way siniply say that, they | withstanding the most strenuous efforts | port of the No new Liberal Government. of the firem in, and on account' of the oil ! man will blame the Liberals of St. John and cther inflammable material with | for wishing to get the best and most in- { which = thd building was saturated, it fuential standard bearer they ean find, [soon . became a hopeless task, and | but t : i all attention was diverted to the | work of preveuting any ferther spread of ihe conflagration, and by: good manage- | mezt and hearty work, into a position entirely at variance with | their traditions and their principles. the fire was ul- { No one can fail to see that the Maritime timately confined to the properties before | Provinces no mentioned, which, however, were totally position in the House of Commons. They destroyed. The Mechanic's Institute may not be able to improvise men who buildidg was valued at about £2,000, and could at a moment's notice take the place | was with its contents insured for $2,000. Tle contents included a magaificent libra- ry of some 1,400 volumes, which were totally consumed, with every thing else iu The house of Mr. Barret, with its contents were insured for $200 | and Mr. Barret will lose upwards addivivual, w occupy a very intluential of veteran leaders of other days, but they ean, in all cases, supply men of good sense ani honesty of purpose, who are capable of doing good administrative work and in some cases, and perhaps in our » | province as well as in many of the others of £500 they can be represented by wen who will +A good deal of his furniture | (gke o very influential place in the Coun- was broken and destroyed. The building ci A dissolution of Par owned 'by Mrs: Ham, and ocenpied by | linment might add to the numerical and the building, .s of the country. hey would be blamed if, by any mis- i calculation, they were to put themselves | The Transfer Books will be closed from the 15th to the 20th Xovember, Both days inclusive. By Order of the Board, D. FISHER, ONTARIO BANK. "ashier, Bowmanville, Oct. 21st, 1573, 292m. NEW GOOD! ADIES' WORK-BOXES, WRITING n DESKS, BOHEMIAN VASES, &C. Bark Com)s, Belts, Satchels, Purses, Cards ard Card Cases, Family Bibles, Pocket Bibles, Hymn Books, Prayer Books, Church Services, and Albums: general assortment of Stationery' and School Books, Music Books,and Sheet Music, Maguifying Glasses, Mi- oroscopes, Stereoscopes and { Views, cte., ete. Parlor Croquet Sets, be used on any orcin- ary table. Call and »ce thew, at R. WELLINGTON'S, Wilson's Blok THE WESTERN ADVERTISER "Tal ig al BC) a re -- Mr. Gortzig, as a piauo factory, was total- political strength of the Goverment to an | ly destroyed ; loss $2,000, insured for increased extent in the Upper Provinces $700. All the tcols, two piancs, and a but so lon LONDON, ONT., wapaper has now a'ta'ned ' I Th Great Family 3 st cin nin Ontario outside ot | g as a dissolution does not be: the las clre come a necessity of State, the Government | News was received, on Tuesday even- | OF] - | { on the Georgian Bay, that seven of the | men in their employment had been killed | their mill for winter use in the lower | | none of the poor fellows ever rose again, | quastity of waterial were saved by the \ 1, to whose exertions the town owes 1al a large area was not laid waste by tire, as if 'he flames had tiot been pre- | veuted from spreading beyond to Ray's livery stable; a row of dwellings occupied by Messrs. Alexander, Gibson, and others would assuredly Lave been reduced #o ashes, As it is the loss is sufticieutly serious, aud will probably eripple if not extinguish the existence of the Mechanic's Lasticute, vue of the ust flourishing in the Prosiace. Special mention shovld be made of Clef J. Santon, Mr. Wh. Blair, Mr. 3. Rae, Capt./0' Donovan, Mr. Geo. Haw, Mr. Alixanddy, and others for the splei.- | did work done by thew ia subduing the | tive, we have seldom better. seen firemen out it is supposed to bs the work of an iucenidary. © Had the alarm been prompt. ly given- much fore auight have hoch | saved, but by sose-extraordinary stupid- ity, the Council hase located the alerm | { bell in the sonth part of the town on a | flow ground, and where it is all but per- | | fectly useless. We trust they will place a | central alarm Dell in some more suitable | | place, as their neglect is respousible for a | large share.of the disaster. | -------- MARINE DISASTER | | Wreck of the Cable Steamer Rsbert, { Lowe. | -- TWENTY LIVES LOST: STATEMINT OF "THE SURVIVORS. The origin of the ire is nuknown | will find a very large proportion of thir | majority in these stance that will enable them to carry ont TOVINCes, y the liberal views which they profess, and which we have not the slightest -doubt | they eutertain towards the Muaritiwe Provinces, is one which it would be am everlasting 1 Provinces were they to sttempt or desire to abuse, but it wonld be like a blunder and a crime were they wantonly to throw away the vantage ground which they now $0 hon rably occupy. Advertisements, Strayed. | gROM THE PREMISES I subscriber, Int No. 2, Ist con. of East VE hithy, two cols, one a grey, rising two far old, and one bay mare coting two year old. Any | one farnishing Information to Jead to the recov. ery of the auluais will be suitably rowarded, 23-3in." A. F. HUDSON, CARD FO THANKS. HE UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO return his sincere thanks to the Agriletural Insurance Company, of Wa'ertown, through their Agent. Jno. Boyd, Esq.. for the prompt and full settlement of the insurance on his housc re- cently destroyed by fire in Oshawa, JAMES HORN. 33-lin. { Whitby, Noy. 2th. St. Patrick's Benevolent Society. S:icxvinre, N. B., Nov. 22.--The cable +steamship, Robert Lows, is reported lost | on the coast of Nova Scotia during{the storm of the 17th and I8th. and a part of the crew were drowned. PracexTtia, Nfld. Nov, 23.--The follow- { ix a correct acconnt of the Robert ing Lowe disaster gleaned from ths surviving | officer. | V The Anglo American steamer Robert | Lrwe, after connecting Lamanche and | { Placentia town by cable, left the latter | port at four p.m., on the 19th inst; bouna | | to St. Johns. At four a.m., on the 20th | | the weather being thick wind southwest | | and high, the ship strack heavily near St. | John's, and ina very few minutes filled and | settled down so fast that it wes found im- | | possible to get the life;boats afloat. Three | other boats, containing twentysfliree peo- | ple, succeeded in getting 'clear of the | wreck, and remained by it till 'daylight | Capt. Tidmarsh was on the bridge at the time of the disaste~. He was perfectly cool and took. in the whele situation at a glance. He ordered the boats to be cleared away, &c., and perishod by stick. | | | _tuat the paid out" acevunt is one thon. | Township of Ashfield. in Huron, the other 5:41 dollars short of the total put at the | were Frenchmen. They had only gore item of the anditors' yc port. i up a few days previous to the accident to | itisa curious thing that while every | work in the woods for the winter. Mr. i w but one is distinctly spesified, that | Mr Wiilinws, who was in (i3derich when wis should be as follows Gibbs Bros, | he heard of the accident, immediately left unt $117.04," What wes that 117.04 | fortae mitt 0 ! | CORRECTION. -- We omitted to state last | ; it is a curious thing that $3,048.66 of ! week: that the paragraph + . + whole amount expended by the Treas- | s.ut from a Simcoe Street office to the #; = should be placed under the ambig. | Mail, re flecting on the Refcrm dinner was ws and not very distinct heading of | not sent from the Dominion Telegraph | disreputable vd secount of that $3,000, and if so, ! ; did they not lay it before the public, i on the bith of December, -- is a curious thing that the electors of | Brother Bowell weeps with Beaty over + wa should be expectcd to pass an in- of Ir *. v3ab verlict on the conduct of the no revvesentative i Hon, E. Blake is to speak at Kincardine { the sed fate h Cat hav ny kevdi: M: oe 1 the { have saved all hands. | Heat's Coutent staff, and Mr. Day, se- | | in the thirty-Aifth year of Her Majesty's Reign | and cheptered fifty-six. ho A wiving the Company ing to his vessel till the last. Five min. | ntes after ~striking the ship's poop was | | under water. Had five minutes been | vouchsafed him he would, doubtless, | McKinden, ¢f the cond steward, were drowned in the cab- in. The boy Wagstaff perished in his | bunk. The rest were swept off the decks { | by heavy seas, which, in a few hours, re- | duced the steamer to atoms. Oa Frid ay, five bodies were picked up and buried. A --es | A dispatch received fom London, Eng- | land, at an early hour this morning an- | nounces the death of Charles Livingstone brother of the African explorer. The London Advertiser says: And noy Batt] M. P. for Kint-- the Battle of the Bayne | quested to attend, The captein | | served from five till all are accomodated, after | ner,and tea 80cts, also that said Coinpany may be empowered to | ts NNUAL MEETING FOR THE election of oMoers on Wednesday evening December 3rd. Every member is urgently re- Py order. D. 2 "RMOYLE, Secretary. RE-OPENING- HE BIBLE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Oshawa, having been renovated and en larred will be dedicated tor divine worship (1) ".) on Sunday and Monday, Dee. 7th and Sth' prox. On Svnlay, three sorinunafwill be Jrench- ed. At half past ten and six, y the Rev, C. Barker, and at half pasttwo by the Rev, J Ken. ner. On Monday at 12 o'clock a dinner will be provided in the basement of the Church, to which all are cordially invited. At half past two, a public meeting will be held, to be presid- ed over by Jus. Carmichael, Esq. Tea will be which the meeting will he resumed, presided over by A. Farewell, Fay. M. I. P. Rev, C. Barker, W. 8, Pascoe, ¥. Roberts, J. J. Rice, and others, to:cther wih the ministers of the town may be expecied to be present, The choir will enchance the (nterest of the proceedings by the rendering of cholee music syecally prepare ed. Tickets to the dinner, 50cts ; toa 25cts ; din- A collection will bo taken up vy the close of cach serv. ce, in aid of the Trustee undy tis hoped friends distant and near of our own and other denom nations will evince their sympathy by coming to oar aid. J. KENNER. HE PORT WHITBY AND PORT Peery Railway Company will apply to the Legislature of Ontario, at its next Sessfon, for an Act amending the Act of Incorporation of said Company, passed in the thirty-second, thirty-third, thirty-fourth and thirty-fith years of Her Majesty's Reign, hy changing by chang. ing-the name of the Coinpany, and reviving sections numbered too and four of the Aet pasa- ed in the thirtyeeccond year of Her Majesty's Reign and chaprered sixty, also sections num- bered one, toro, three and four of Act passed pewer to extend their Raliway to Lake Simcoe at or near lleaverton, and to build a branch to Uxbridge, and a branch from Port Perry to Lindsay, ana thence to Fenelon Falls, with an extension of timo for the commencement and completion thereof with power totake additional lands at Lindsay, Fenelon Falls and Uxbridge, extend their Railway from present terminus by way of Ueaverion and Gravenhurst to the Goorgian Bay, with ransing powers over the parts of any railways on the line of the proposed extension, also with power to said Company to build two or more branches from some point or points on tie Company's Raltway, within the Corporation of the Town of Whithy, at or near its southerly terminus, to some other points in sald Corporation near tie walter of Ontario, and out to high Water, with wer to take additional lands'to the extent « twenty a circum | The position which we ocenpy | disgrace to the Liberals of the Maritime | OF THE | deli vered to any part of the town at lowes on, Send in your orders and get your Coal in while the weather and roads are good. Call for price and saniple, * and measures guaran Lake | ~ FER YEAR, Balance of the present voar FREE, From now to Ist Janaary, 1475, for One Dollar, Pay- able SIRICILY IN ADVANCE. Sparkling Bdttorials, Spley Sews lems, Co respon dence from the Counties, Neice | Familiy Roading, Steries, Wit and | Humor, Cartons Nelentitle, Je. | "Short and sweet" 13 our motto, and we claim y rive Te news in less space than any other i Canadians journal, | -- RY Ap Fer | OUR PRINCITLES, { In polities, Raform: in Tone, strictly moral: in Spirit, moderate ; iu eviticisin, fearichs and in- dependent, AGENTS WANTED, | We offer great inducomonts to Canvassers, {| Sond for a prize list or read it in the chlomns of ¥ RK, and then go right to werk at | one hs may be-formed from any namber of post ofilces, and at uny time of the year, but now 18 the most favorabie tine, as wo give tho bat | ance of this year gratis to new subse: bores. Bend | "names as fast ag you can get the m. Prepa and register your money letters, and they will come at our risk. A&I no agent calls on yon and you want the ADVERTISER, Jo nok ait bat send in yourname and address with one doar snd t) paper at once be forwarded. yi we Address all communications to JOMN CAMERON, & OC. " Advertiser Office," London, Ont, Fresh Oysters. ----0 fe Now on the way ENGLAND 100 Packages VERY CHOICE Young Hyson GUNPOWDER --AND---- Black Teas This Seasons Crop AND SELECTED BY One of the Firm HE UNDERSIGNED 'HAS ON hand the very Lest of kands of fruit in sedson. Fresh Oysters are now being received every 'day, and will be on hand either by the can bit Ry butk during the mn. Fresh Salmon, Fresh Lobsters, Sardines. Stand directly oppoeite REFouMeEs Office, Give mea call, 2 +JOHN GIBSON, 3-223m OSHAWA COAL DEPOT WAVING RECEIVED MY FULL stock I am prepared to supply Seranton Hyg, Stov) and Chesnut also best quality of MASSILON for Grates, well screened and delivered without clay. . I desire to return thanks to my thanks to my wistomers for past patronage, and hope to re- celve a continuance of their trade, Oi ders, until office is completed loft at Keddie & Rices, or with D. Drew, will be promptly illled. J.0.GUY. Oshawa, Sent. 15 1883, 3-2, FIRE | FIRE | Oshawa Coal. AND & WOOD YARD! HAVE ON HAND AND FOR SALE a large quantity of Best i Beech & Maple, ever offered n Oshawa. Also any quantity of screened Lackawanna Lehigh Scranton : Egg and Stove Coals. BLACKSMITH AND MOUNT MORRIS' SOFT COALS, All con's weighel on town teed, scales, Weight A. Alexander. wil daring 1873, cinee that body have | ¢ » wlored avy idormstiva as tc what has {3 4 duao aud wiat bas not been doe | 4 webs the people's taxes dming the year. is'ry, snd O'Connor has but One regret eft--that Sir Joh never thonght ft'to ake au [rish Oranzoman inte. his Adi. ! straticn, Ye i scres, at or near such brwsches, also by giving the tail way power to ledse any or any pacts of | may ralway conneccied with the Comjany's Railway - awd for power to the shareholders {tu fic by by-daw the number, quaiiticaiions an » ' nanwe is Rufus--insists that he wold sooner sv even the Ur ngemen im- Oshawa, Sept, 10th 1873, teeter tn sme ie ---------- OUND. AST WEEK, A CARRIAGE CUSP- ION. The owner ean lave the same cn Fosed on than Lis dear friends (with aa), tuoram of deci, and lor oiler purposes, 'ated at \V Wr, tue Vasholics, * this Bh Cay of O.tober, 1573. 37-2in (alling at thin office, identify ng the ana ant London Market --SPECIALLY FOR-- Ow Own Trade STEELE BROS, CELEBRATED FOR GOOD TEA. Taya, for this Juve tigen", Riv FOR SALE. ORSE. HARNESS, CUTTER AND y Naoy. either seperately or together. Oshawa, Nov, 29th, 1873. He ia " ADVERTISEMEMT. AGENTS WANTED EVIRYWEERE TO SELL OUR NEW MAP! - - OF THE ; Dominion of Canada Profits from $200 to $390 per month. Permanent employment, TR & CO, 32 King Street East, Toronto, 324in Only reliable Gift Distribution in the Country. L. D.SIN E'S! TWENTIETH Grand Annual Distribution To be drawn Thursday, Jan. 1st, 1874. $200,000 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS, GRAND CAPITAL PRIZE $20,000 IN GREENBACKS. ONE GRAND CASH PRIZE $10,000 IN GREENBACKS. One Grand Cash Prize of $5,000 IN GREENBACKS. One Prize $3,000 cach in Groenbacks. Six Prizes $1,000 each in Greenbacks! Ton Prizes $500 cach in Greenbacks! 2300 Gold and Silver 1 eaver Hunting Watches, (in all,) worth frowu $20 to §3% each, Coin Silver Vest Chains, 'Solid and Double- p Silver-ware, Jewelry, etc. ete., Number of Gifts 25 ,000.. Tickets limited J to 100,000. Agents wanted te Sell Tickets, to. whom Liberal Premiums will be paid. Single Tickets $2, Six Tickets $10.Twelve Tickets $20, Twenty-five $40. Circulars containing a ful' list of prizes, a des- cription of the manner of drawing, and other information in reference to the mHbution, ill be sent to any one ordering them. - Letters Must be addrensed to MAIN OFFICE, L. D. SINE, Box 8¢ AT OW. Fic St. CINCINNATI 0. For Hekets, ci Sulars, and other particulars, a to agent, nly MR. JAME EH)RNE, Whitby, Ont. Taxes. Taxes, YHE TIME ALLOWED FOR THE payment of Taxes having expired, all Taxes must be brought in immediately to save costs. Wm. GLENNEY, Collector. ' Oshawa, Nov. 11. 1573. A 1 [4 LOST. B ETWEEN WHITBY AND Oshawa, a MINKE MUFF." If the finder would return it to BR, & A. Smith they will be suitably rewarded. R. SMITH, , : Oshawa, Nov. 11, 1833, NTO THE PREMISES OF THE Subscriber on Lot. 7, 7th Concession of East Whithy, THREE WHITE CALVES, two heifers and one steer, The owner is requested to call and pay expenses and take them away. AN3w ALEX. MACKENZIE. To Rent. 4 FIRST CLASS DWELLING 10 A Rooms and other offlves, Hard and Soft water, every convenience over Mr. Trewin's New Store, Simcoe Street, rent moderate, En- ¢ MF. Trewin. quife 6 ew J. MIGINGROTHIM. Bowmanville, NOTICE. County of Ontario, 1 Is hereby given that the * TO WIT: + County Court and Gehernl Ressicn will be holden in and for the County of Ontario, in the Court Ilouse, iu the Town of Whitby, on J » TUESDAY, DEC'R th, 1873. At the hour ef 12 o'clock, noon, of which all Coroners, Justices of the Peace, and others con- cerned will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. 4 NELSON @. REYNO : Sheriff ¢.. 0. Sheriffs office, Whitby, Nov. 12, 1873. 314d USBANDS, LOVE YOUR WIVES; Fathers, take care of your children ; Housekeepers, do not abuse your servants, Lut get one of Bunnell's Patent Washing Machines, and satisfy ives that they are the best Machine of the kind ever introduced, and will save the cost of themselves in a Yery time. Call and see them at J. W. Archer's rniture Store, King Street, and read some of the testi. inls from I drymen up to bers of the Canadian Senate. or wanted, Agents ied © JOHN 8, MIX; Oshawa. STRAYED. N TO THE PREMISES OF THE Whiby, October 20th, 1873. NOTICE. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT ication will be made at the Pog Ses of the t of the Jominion for an Act to amend the Act Parl t in t Gene=al tg de AA upon, to order the removal of the be d ed " sh phy oh oriod hen the "| ly x the Ww al thereof shall take place, and Also foe i! Purposes D. FISHER, Cashier. Ontario Bank, Bowmanville, 4 October ist, 1873, 042 CASH! CASH! (0) WHEAT, BARLEY, PEAS, RYE, OATS, &C The hi Market Price in Cash for al kinds of paid. ne HAS ee : OPENED OU: Dickies New 3106 Opposite Lockhart House, WITH AN ENTIRELY © New § ek --OF-- BOYS' Ready-made Clothing Gents' Furnishings Hats, Caps, otc Parties wishing to club for the «LOBE " for 1874, will Please eir rders at once. : has pure Smith, i mingway, The Subscriber has ing a Stock of Dry Goods { At such prices as must ensure a Sale. As the season is late must be sold, os Tweeds, 8 23 Dress Goods, Goods only Sold for Cash | J. ¥. Willex | BEGS TO ANNOUNCE THAT HE HAS HIS PLACE OF BUSINESS ~T0- Where he will open out a very large ; his present stock ata Discount of 20 per cent. a Rooks, Stationery, ; Room Paper, &C. WII find [t to their advantage to emhrace tis opportunity of getting Bargains. . DISCOUNT SALE FOR TWO WEEKS oxLY J. W. FOWEKI. |. OLHAWA, Nov. ith 1573 NO CREDIT" 7 REMOVED His Old Stand! OITA MR. WM. DICKIE, New Goods! That for quality and cheapness wil def of

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