PX TIRELY tock ! de Clothing | aps, etc. succeeded in purchase Stuck uf 00ds! nust ensure a gwick wm is hic asd Gowds Pe sold, ARCAINS | w is the time to buy Sy nels, # lerinoes, : Goods, arns, &e., &e. or Yourselves. 0 d for Cash EDIT. of the Test . WOOD. kh, 1873. 3.20-1y illox VED Stand ! that oat 24 DICKIE, ery largé and varie tof 0 per cent. nil CARH Purchases LAL aud wpwander ring y Papér, &e. age ter ohn ce LEIS boi ba paises. 0 WEEKS ONLY Hd a tt I ---------------- ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, ONT., ¥1uDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1873. L. oO C A IL, : A Musicat Tueai--We Lave much pl in ing that the Creat as EER ---- Musi : "VY N + - Cuowvkp Ovr:--The publication uf an | Nui) ig Ne . Yoteliua Sate wl origwal is dulersod till wens wok. (30% (Wi Wil give 3 cuncurt inte Jao 18 7 Music Hall, to-morrow evening. These Sectxr: Asseusiy.--Remember the So. | Gifted ladivs who do fully sustained their cial Assendly of the St. Patricks Bone | Feputation wheh itt Ushawa, in June last, - me a ene Philip Taylor HAS RETURNED volent Society, in Hobbs" Hall, this even- ing. | | have consented to give one more enter- taifiment hove before leaving for Europe, next mouth to fill engagements there. bu Tuesday evening last. The Port Hope * service in the M. E. Church next Sunday. | vertisement that tliis Musical treat is Tue Larest Sryves---Gonts who vish All who enjoy music of a high order, tluthing of the best material and in the: should ue sure to attend. The Chicago taust vecent styles are advised to go to the | Evening Post, says, the concert on Tuesdey Golden Lion. Order work in tailoring is | last, was a great suecess. The music was & speciality at Wightmaus just now. | pronounced the finest heard for a long } Ne -- i ---------------- time. The Musical Trio, the Misses Lecronz.--Rov. R. B. Montgomers, | voucetine deli YE had 3 my ' s, delight every one with their ex- lectured to a large audienee in Port Hope; quisite Musie, the clear soprano, the swect ; 3 | mezzo, and the rich, powerful comtratto, papers speak highly of his address. | forming a union that vue hears but once Reuicovs ~The regularly quarterly ! m a lifetime. It will be seen by the ad- Loe feast in the morning at had-past | within reach of all mine. Rov. J. Carts, P. E. will preach ! EN wmdruing and evening, FEARfUS AccipEsT.--On Wednesday ---- ------biiion morning an accident of a most terrible _ Comistmas va. Comine.--We have | nature occurred at the Cedardale Works, just received a select lot of material for | South Oshawa. It seems that on Tuesday the printing of the usual holidey work. | evening. the foreman had order- Those wanting cards, billheads, posters, | ed one of the workmen named Michael 0". Girculars, &c., willdo well to give us =» | Connel, to put in a new stone, the latter 4 objecting at the same time jestingly to put- -- ting in the stume, as it was net in good {order. On Wednesday thorning a short Just Receives. -- Blamey & Briggs have just received a large Stuck of mow FromEUROPE AFTER PURCHASING NEW STOCK = --OF-- WATCHES & JEWELERY, LOOK oUT FOR THE FINEST I.OT EVER BROUGHT INTO | time afte : fruits, selling cheap. They want any! ine ater commencing work, the stune quantity of ducks, turkeys, ehickous, | geese, butter and eggs. See advertise- | went next week. | burst, the fragments flying with fearful velocity, OcConncl wiio was se'ting - over the stone at his work, Fringiby hoes, was throign by the violence of /the flying Driv Siz Prur.-- Some mischievous | Stones to the ceiling, and fell ou the floor little boys a few days since decorated the | * bleeding and all but shapeless mass. trees on the grounds of Ellesmere Castle His legs and armis are' literally torn to OSHAWA. OPENING. stith mburi érape and badges. This | picces, and though faiut hopes are enter- 8 nok yight, or it huteteres wilh tained for 'his recovery, it seems almost | «speaker, and an able lectarer on the tem- | ny. 1:0, Llock, next door to Mr: Dickie's _ for them a successful few in Oshawa. the business of the legitimate undertaker. FURNITURE POR NEXT TO Norarve.] W. Wigy & Son, have greatly reduced the | price of their furniture, and as they have | a large and well assorted stock on hand | are now offering it at the lowest eash price. | Give them a call before purchasing else- Suxpay ArrErsoox.--The Rev. Jas. Courts, Presiding Elder, To:onto district, M. E. Church, will address fhe temper- | ance meeting, next Sunday afternoon. | This Rov. gentleman addressed the meet- | ing unce last winter. He is a Pleasing | perance question. We bespeak an extra full house. | Texrezavce Lecrore.--A Jecture on this subject will be delivered in the Sons' Hall, iu this village, on Monday evening, | wuext, by Rev. Mr. Parrott, lecturer of the | Good Templars. The chair will be vecu. | pied by Mr. A. Farewell, Esq, M. P. P. The lecturer has the reputation of emg a | first-class speaker, and we hope he will be listenad to by a large audience. Hzrxpox's Orera House --The favor- f ite and popular Herndon's Troupe will re- open it Oshawa for a season of six nights | The troupe is first-class iv every respect, : and this winter is more choice than usaal | having added to its brilliant staff seve=al | star actors and actresses from the New | York and Boston stages. We buspeak | Tue "Bazaar."--Philip Taylor will | commence to move into his new aud hand- | some store this week, and as it will take | sone tizue to get his gouds arranged, we | will give you all particulars next week. | " His place of business will be known here- | ufter as Tavron's Bazaar; one door nerth | of the Dominion Bank, Siwmcve Street, Oshawa. 18 cases more goods expected daily. : { ------------ a 2 Bazaar asv Coveny--The ladies in i tounection with the Bible Christian Church of Duffin's Creek, on Tvesday and Wednesday, the 23rd and ZHh Decéw- ber, to conclude on the last day (Chriss | inas Eve) with a Grand Sacred Concert, the proceeds to go to aid in defraying the | cost of the handsome new Church, lately | étected by that cpbgregation a: Duffiu's Creck. We wish them all swecess. Disarrorxyvep. --Among the mble-admy of office-seckers who left Ottawa with the blasted hopes and blighted prospects was a proniinent supporter of the ex-Min- ister of Inland Rivenue in Oshawa, who by this time to 'have been: a full-pledged postmaster. Unfortunately, he still remaius an official in embroyo, and is likely to continue so. Sach is life. Lyrgrestive Lecrure.-- Rev. Mr. Bolt will deliver a lecture this evening. in the Music Hall, en'itled; ** My late travels to and through the British Isles, and rc- tarn." The proceeds of the lecture will be devoted to the Protestaut Orphan Home. Mr. Belt's ability as a Wetirer, will make | Hodis the subject interesting, and his app on the platform will afford an opportunity to many to hear-hifii; who are desirous of duing so. 'We hope to see a good turn out. Axornex orp LaxpMarx Goxe.-- We | have Lo chronicle the dzath of Mr, James Brewer, of this village, at the sdvancad | uge of 89 years and 7 months. Fhe late | Mr. Brewer was one of the oldest resi | dents of this sectivn, and was a man Kéld in universal respect and: esteem by ali who | kuew him. He was we beliuve the first | Bible Christian Midister in this country, | and preached the doctrines of that denom- | "nation before the first Wesleyan congre- sation 'was estsblisned "in Canada, Hb | 'funeral' sermon will be preached by tlie | "Rev. "J. Keunér, on Sunday morning | next. | Gor His Rewarp.--We "sce thut the | Assessor of the village of Oshawa, whose successful manipulation of the voter's roll | in that place, by adding fraudulent Con- ! servative votes, and omitting from the list many Reformers, gave Mr Gibbs his | 300 majority, has got Nis rewwrd He | has beens apbointed landing wiiter inthe | _Customs uftice at Oshawa, and it is stated | that he fias a further promise: of being | wade collector shordly, as' it was: intended: | to supers. vate Mr Welch. Nothing else | #oulil Ly.arinducement to" a aan off Mr. | Glennie's wealth, nor would less be a suf- k ficient reward for lus political'prostitation. © | The greatest indignation exists among the peuple of Ouliawa--even the Clisciva- | {ives are angered at this glaringly ontrage- ous appuintaent. - A petition for his re- moval is talked of Gee | | impossible. | will shortly open a new drug store in | *Wheat, Spring. ¥ bushel, A young man named Hunt, | was injured by a severe wound, laying |! bare the scalp, but will recover. BUSINESS NOTE=s. Hoovrr wae the first to opén cut in the uew block on King street. He has a splendid new steck comptising the fintst | lot of fur caps ever brought into town. W,Dickie hasmoved into his splendid new store; and is showing a fine stock of godds Now that he has got " elbow room," he intends to push business, Mr. Witrox will in a few days remove into the new store fitted up for him in store. & Dr. Copovny will occupy one of the stoves in Henry's block as an office and dispensary. : Mz. S. TREwiN has just complited his | handsome store on King street, and will | in a fow days remove into it. It is x double frout, and titted wp with grewt taste and elegance. J. Bar~aiin, of the Bee Hive will in a Wm. Dickie REMOVED +i-- TO HIS---- New Store ! King Street, WITH AN ENTIRELY wt QF rn few weeks thrive that symbol of industry iu Henry's new block, where one of the | bandsowest stores in town is fitted up for. him. | ALEXANDE® & Bryer st the new storé continue to drive a flourishing trade | snl protits and quick sales" is their | wotto, and it operates well. Mp. Huscixporuam, of Bowinauvile, Trewin's block, on Simcoe street, and in- | tends to keep a lirst-elass establishment. Man. SovrncoMsr will occopy the stand i now msed by Mr. Barnard, as a merchant | tailors store. i McCuessey's block will soon be com.- | plete. He will dispense the staff of life | in one of the stores. TaxpLyx & Day ave about opening out | a large grocesy business in Hyland's new | block. . f James Mackie & Bao. will ocenpy the i | stand just vacated by W. Dickie, asa | grovery store, and will move im with a | lagge stock in a few days. Juwiws H. Johnston, Esq., Montreal, wiute is August, as follows : Iv affords me great pleasure to bear testimony to the benefits received from using Fellows' Com- pound Syrup of Hypophosphites. I found it a nervous toni" from GENERAL DIsILItY and XERVOUSNESgp and I have become robust and. vigorous under its inffaence. ig gained' considerable in weight with al. '2 : : 3a 3 Commersial. me = OSHAWA MARKETS ¥ " Flour, $ewt.., .... iva. Wheat, Fall, ¥ bushel... 3 1 2 -" COBOC HO, - e sR Oats, ¥ *ashel,........... Barley...» sve» Penis, ¥ bushel, Blue Peas .... Black-eyed Marrow-fat Peas Potatoes, ¥ bushel,. Butter, ¥ 0... Lard, ¥B,......:: Eggs, ¥ dozen, Heans, ¥ bush = Clover Seed... Timothy seed, Srosbaiias devant £3.8988 5 HRESATHS £2. UITTHCHLESS ccovag~as Pecos] 8BINERY Hay, Vton,..oovees Advertisements, ee ee Seni NEW GOODS! ADIES' WORK-BOXES, WRITING | PESKS: BOITEMIAN VASES, &C. Beth Combos, Tielta, Satchels, Purses, Cards | - aud Card Cases. n 3 3g Family TiUleal ooigcet Bibles, Lymn Backs, A general assortment of Stationery and School Books, Musie Books;and Sheet Music, Magnifying y if Croscy) Ste an Views, cte., ete. Parlor Craguet Sets, can be used on any ordin- arviable. Call and see them, at Suh futuhufutafniutfth Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Boots & Shoes, ete. jetc.| OSHAWA, Nov. 6th, 1873. 30-1y CHEAP GROCERIES! DEPOT RV.CHUBB (SUCCESSOR TO G. HENRY) ~~ {8 STILL SELLING Groceries, & Crockery, Glassware, t I ke.) &e., AT A SACRIFICE! --te CH EA P TEAS SPECIALTY. REMEMBER thePLACE Henry's Old Stand, oppusite Black R. WELLINGTON'S, Wilson's Block Hotel; Simeoe Street. First-Class Investment | | XY. M. C A HE CORPORATION OF OSHAWA |MVHERE 18 A PRAYER MEETING to tl offer, for sale, Village Debgnbrmes ho he | Sows Liail. Att are cordially viteds amount. $7,000, terest held on Sabbath Morning from 9 to 10 inthe , payable semi-anuually at the rate of § Osawa, Ont 7th, 1873. per oft. por stun may offef. fos the whole or #nf | -- R POT 1 the above amoyut. Address n ol Ie a e " Wo B.C i an ml BuO og, | LIVERY STABLE'S & "FALE WILLINERY, | | S25 8 3G Aw gE HAVE NOW ON HAND A Ww large and well selected stock of MILLINERY LADIES Shmooe Sie, 3 Goeis ven Ll FURNISHINGS « A 1 examine it at Brook's Millvery Store | : Hee Sie uns WE a0 vt Buse | Qulawa, August 12th, 1713. 154 ' | Horses to suit Travellers. Single Rigs, Double Rigs, Carriages, Omni- busgs, W aygons for Exonrsion Parties,dc, The BEST STYLES, and as Cheap us -. tout with a modest profit SMITH & McGAW. NEW STOCK 1 DIVIDEND NO. 33: "F rent half fear, h The Oshawa We make the followi as smooth castings and as well fitted fit well Int évery point -- Junipiy the as* ~s and coal, and it the gas generated--none Sucaping into mica lights showing the the top it cheaper than any stove of its size to match. The Argand, the leading Parlor S less grate, the gas ring, the same d following from the Cireular of 1872, "For 7 years the New York State awarded it the First PREMIUM, and mont State Fair, the Illinois State State Fair, and she New England 8,000 ; 1872, 10,000." coal or wood. a great advantage. Oshawa, Nov. 11th, 1873. ce - re opposite the ights, making it look very cheerlul, and "we sell control, ind has' in addition a return flue carrying { heat around and under the whole bottom of the Stove. The New American Cooking Stove is warranted to be the first-class made in the United States. We quote thy were sold ¢fiit in the States in 1870, 7,000; This year it has been improved by adding an anti- clinker grate and mica lightsin front. We sell it with or without the copper reservoir and the cast iron warming closet behind the stove and stove pipe, and it will bun § Parties buying fromus can at any tim. § replace any portions of our stoves that may get broken- J. CARMICHAEL, Steve Manufacturing Co'y Stoves and sell them wholesale : and retail at our Works in Oshawa, and we warrant them as the best American Stoves. No Stove will be turned out Lut isuch as will The Triumph is the prettiest direct draft Parlor Coal Stove tuade in the Dominion of Canada,and wealonehave the right to make it. It has such a draft as will give a geod fire dbout as fast as 8 Wood stove, and at the same time is so controlled by dsmipers that it needs only be fed once inf 24 hours if necessity. Ithas a clinkerless will allow the clitkers to be removed e te which ly without lias at the mouth of 'a holtow iron ring which cutisuines all the noxioas the room. It has as well as in Canada, that we know of. We give with it'a cast iron elbow and damper, tove of the United States has precisely the same improvementsas t e Triumph, the beauty of form, the double row of lights, the clinker- raft under Mhetough he _ & hw LL --- Agriceltaral Soriety ---- -- last year it took the VT Silver Medal over all the best Stoves in the country at the Fair of all NEw ENGLAND. It took during the last two years no less than 107 First Premiums ag various ex Libitions, among them the New Yotk State Fair, the Vers Fair, the Michigast States Fait, Thére in 1871, : = Fen == -- revere h-- ARR a ---- i pr 1 fincas PRESIDENT. * * NOTICE. Ontario Reformer Printing Company. AR A MEETING OF THE PROVIS- IONAL 1 tora, this 78a day of October, 1873, DANIEL INKSON, ESQ. of Oshaw was appointed Treasurer, and it was orde that all Collections be Made, and all accounts id by him. ov) Aeon indebted tothe Office will please to be prompt in paying the same, and those having ccoounts against the Company will lease to farnisfi particulars thereof lo the Treasurer without delay. 26. J. W. FOWKE, Secretary Ontario Bank ! } i t Novice ISBEREDY GINEN, TIIAT 8 § a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT, upon i the Capital Stock of this institution, for fhe cur- 4 this day been declared, and | that the, seme WAI Pe pryadie at tie Bank and its branches, on and ater Monday, lst day Dec'r. next, The Transfer Rooks will be closed from the 15th to the 209th Nove mber, both days inclesive. } . By Onder of the Board, a Y Tp: FERE: Caslijer; 82m. | NOTICE. HE PORT WHITBY AND PORT Peery Railway Company will apply to the Legislature of Ontario, at ite next Session, for an Act amending the Act of Incorporation of { said Company, pas in the thirty-second, | thivty-third, thirty-fourth and thirty-fifth years | ONTARIO BANK, | Bowmanville, Oct. 21st, ism of Her Majesty's Reiign, by changing by chang ting the name of the Company, and reviving Ugertiofns rumdersd tor and ry the Act pass Led in the thirty-second year of He® Majesty's Reign and chap'ered sixty, also sectigns pum- | bered ong, twp, three and. foar of At passed | in the thirty-ifth year of Fle Majesty's Reign | and chaptered fifty-six. by giving the Company power 10 extend their Railway to Lake Simcoe at or near Beaverton, and to build a branch to Uxbridge, and a branch from Port Perry to Lindsay, ana thence to Fenclon Falls, with an extension of time for the commencement and completion thereof yith power totake gdditional Jands at Lindsay, Venelon Falle ang U also that said Cienpany may t¥® empédwered to extend their Réilway from its present terminus j way of Bewverion and Gravenhufst to the Georgian Bay, with running powers over the parts of any railways on the line of, the proprsed extension, also with power to sai® Company to build twa or more branches oun some point or pafiifs of. ti.e Company's Railway, within n said Corporation near. the watter of Lake Ontario, sind out fo high Water, with po take additional lands to the extent wer to twenty acres, at or near such branches, alsoby giving the Railway power to lease sny or any parts of any railway connected with thé Comyany's Railway and for power to the sharcholders to fix by by-law he vifabior, du cations and quorum of directore, and for other purposes, Dated at Whitby, this 9th day of Oelober, 1873. 373in. NOTICE: PPLICATION WILL BE MADE to the Legislature of Ontario, at its next Session for the of ah Act confirmi and declaring legal birding the Sale a Souverance of certain Lands by the Trustees of the Oshawa ongregat on of the Canada Pres- byteriad Church? formeriy constituting the United Presbyterian Church, of Whithy, to the Reverand Robert Hill Thornton, of the Township of East Whitby, in the County of Ontario B.D. Clerk, such lands being part of Lot Number Sixteen, irthe Scbond Codcession of t said Township of Fast Witby described as' foffows : Commetieing on the Western limit of the said | Lotoat the ance of Tex Chaine and Sixty six Links from the South-west angle ti.ereof thence North Sixteen degrees, West Fourteen chains and Thirty four links more or less, to the centre of the Soutly half of the said Lat. thence North Seventy-four dégrees, East Four chains and Thirty-nine and one-half links, thence South Sixteen deg , Kast Twenty chains more or Sonihern 'bomndary tof the aE Tot thére Sonthern ry ol e le ence South Seventy-four dagrees, West Twelve links, thence South Sixteen A ve chains, more or less, to the said Southern ery thence South Seventy-four , West Thirty-nine and one half links, thence North Sixteen degrees, West Ten chains and Sixty -six links, thence South Seventy-four rees, West ree chaims and Eighty eight more or less, to the place of beginning. Oetober Sth 1573, Wn. Lang | Is now showing a LARGE STOGK Seasonable Cloths! FALL AND WINTER WEAR! MATa Vem A FULL ASSORTMNT oF : Gents' Furnishings: OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. 'Hats and Caps In every Style, Quality, and Latest Fashions. A SPLENDID ASSORTME®T Of BOOTS AND SHOES, RUBBERS, &0., &C. Give him a Call before deciding upon your Winter Outfit. First-Class Workman Employed ! the Ce jon of the Town of Whithy, at or | nea ita a herty terininiis, to some other points WE ARE SHOWING! . . wm 4 OF; eid A lot of Frenh Merfnoes, Wide width, at 50 cts: PBF jard. A very fine lot of Madagascar Cloths, at 20 cents: Something new in Striped Suit Cloths, at 20 éents. Handsome New Polka Spats, 22 cents. Heavy Striped Vienna Serges at 30 cents. Very Rich Figured Serges at 25 cents. The correct thing in Satin Striped Serg3s, at 35 cents. Lovely tiew Striped Sateens, 1 40 cents. Very Heavy Oriental Twills, at 40 cents. Quite New, the Bohemian Crape Cloth, at 45 cents. The Newest Out--the Satin Striped Serges, navy blue ground, at 50 cents Beautiful Diagonal and Figured Sateen Cloths, at 50 & 55c. "| Be Sure and Se du# Yancy Shirting Flannel, whick for value stand unequalled. at 82 25 and 82 50. Children, in The Corsican, The Maderia, The Stromness, The ' Ferdinand, The Olio, &e., all the néw colors. CALL AND BEX AMINE. 'ALEXANDER & BRYC Near Post Office, Oshawa. THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR A. & §. NORDHEIMER, DHATLER IN [+ J Pianos aiid Musica: Instruments 15, KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. 4 Hurrah, for Old No. 1 on the Corner. J. WwW. FOWKH, Corner of King and Simcoe Streets meet} NOW ees AT AN--= ALARMING SACRIFICE TO MAKE ROOM FOR by | Dress Goods, Plain and Faney Sills and Lustres; | BOOTS AND SHOES, GENTS FURNISHINGS, GROCERIES &C., &C. Osha wa, Sept. 24th, 1873. © J: W. FOWKE, Oshawa, .| have their orders No one should pass without seeing our Heavy White Blankets Just received another lot of those famed Felt Hats for Ladies and CLEARING OUT SUMMER STOCK NEW FALL GOODS! THE BEST BARGAINS IN TOWN BownMANvVILLE respectfully calls thi attention of all who are desirous ¥f hav ing their FURS ~ Changed or Repaired and that he will be plea i te ur. De aed cal stein o his large stock ey ALASKA FURS Buffalo Robes, &c¢. all of which will be found ex- éellent value, a sip RAW FURS : M. 'MAYER. §.28-1m, Particular Notice. Steele Brothers, in order to accomodate their ih- creased trade are now ENLRGOING asp REFITTING Their store and premises, and with very large additions to their Stock now coming forward, will have on exhibition and sale in & few days, The richest designs in NEW GINA. The most varied display of NEW CHOOKERY. The handsomiest LAMPS and GLASSWARE. The finest Currants, new érop 1873 The finest Valencia Raisins, new crop, 1873. The flifést Green and Japan Teas. : new crop, 1873. Hhds of NEW SUGARS: and all lines of their business : with goods quité beyond an they have heittofore offered to the §& Full lists will be given on the completion of importations. In the meantime call ad test lind Grocers atid Seedetmes: Ostiawa: Oct. 16th. 1873. ATEINSONS' Drug Store, Next door to Wightman's ** Goldén Lion." Jie s , PATERY MEDICINES, ry So fon: French. Baglish a rh DYE STUFFS. And Strietly Genin Oshirws; Sept. 28UN, TVS. PROCLAMATION Renioval of Business. 3. A.GIBSON}| 5 hkl wi RE Ripa Where he wil be prepared ax shih} to receive Ere Ley Srvaght J | Ci STEELE BROS. EVERYTHING or rux BEST QUALITY | GROOBRI from oie of thi Largest Wholesale H r--------r