ba UITSS Ba "ROOMS M SUITES. n Price 00 cach. TITS BETTS, 2 Mazatucta re: BROTHER. Say ARNS i - 4° BS Paints, Oils, Lamps, {ttended to. tall' Store + bp to buy ELRY considered, ot of ¥ "an express, more than phire Rings, 'hich 3t., Oshawa antee to be it. Is! tment of i " - The Ontario Reformer, rod ' nD EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, The Ontario Reformer Printing and Publishing Company, AT THEIR CEFICE--SIMCOR ST., OSHAWA. | TERMS :4-21 50 per annum, in advance_$1 7 ttnot paidwithin six montha-$2if not pa till the end of theyear. No paper discontin until all arrears are paid, except ot the option of the publisher, and parties refusi: Jinkers without paying up will be held responsible for the sub. aeription until they comply with the rule. 1 Al h letters adds $ to the Editor must be nvariably pre-paid. . I, H. BROCK, Editor and Publisher, ~iis - T= fie - Bnsiness Directory, W. CORURN, M.D, FP, L,, PH YSIGIAN, SURGEON, AND ACCOUCHEUR, King Street, Oshawa. Residence and Office--Nearly opposite Hobbs Hotel. A 141, WH. FREPERICK MeBRIAN, M.D. M. B.C. § ( UY'S HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG- LAND. Residence of ite W, H. Gibbs' esidence, Simcoe Street, wa. ROBSON HOUSE, : ING STREET WEST, HAMILTON, Geo. Robson, Proprietor, formerly of the Robson House, Whitby, C.N. VARS, LD. §. . FPEETH INSERTED ON ALL THE _L latest principles of the art, as cheap as the msheapest, as as the best, Teeth filled 'with Gold and er. Teeth extractéd without apin by producing local anaesthesia. Dental Rooms in Cowan's New Block, ove Atkinson's brug Store, King St,, Oshawa. 3-4 . J. FERGUSON, ICENTIATEorDENTAL SURGERY. Office over the Grocery of Messrs. Simpson Bros., King St, Oshawa. All operations preformed in a skilful nanner. Residence in the same buidding. % R. McGEE, - ARRISTEE, ATTORNEY, S0- LICITOR, Conveyancer and Notarie Public, Oshawa, South-East Corner of King and Simcoe Streets, . Sar MoNEY to Lend. Mortgages bought and @ R. McGee. 3. E. FAREWELL, LL. B. UNTY CROWN ATTORNEY, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor, Notary Public, and Conveyancer. Office. Lately eaipied by ®. H. Cochrane;deceased, Brock Street hitby, Untario. 2 GREENWOOD AND McMILLEN ARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS. AT-LAW, Selicitors-in-Chancery, Notaries Puatie, Conveyancers, &c., Whitby. Money to I. J. op GREENWOOD. A. G. McMiLL ) C. WwW, SMITH, x RCHITECT, PATENT, INSUR- A ance and General Agent, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. Arent for the Inman Line of Steamers to and from Nev York and Liverpool, REFER ENCE -- Messrs Gibbs Bros, F. W. Glen, E Fairbanks, Esa q., 12y B. SHERIN & Co., HOLESALE MANUFACTURERS of HOOP SKIRTS. Best New York Ma- erial used. The trade supplied on best term Factory--King Street, East. Bowmanville. = 3s ROT IN BRITISH AMERICAN EL. AY'S, LATE ROBS( HOUSE, Whitby, Ontario. House newly renovated and furnished throughout, and put in first-class order for the receptiyn of guests, An omnibys to and from all trains east and west, First-class Sample rooms. 3-20-1y. 6 ¥, SMITH, L. LB, ARRISTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chancery and Jnsolvency, Notary Public, de. Office McMillan's Block. Brock Street, Whitby. 3-14-1y. FRANCIS RAE, W, D., i POHYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCH eur, and Coroner. King St., Oshawa. | { 4 per day, Agents wanted $5 to $20 All classes of working people | of either sex, young or old, make nore money | at work for us in their spare moments,or all the time,t ban at anything else. Particulars free. Address G. STINSON & CO., Portland, Maine. CENTRAL HOTEL, SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA JAS. QUIGLEY, Prepricior. HIS SPLENDID NEW HOTEL IS A now open, and. offers to the travellers the best of accomodation to be procured between | Kingston and Toronto, House fitted up with all the modern improvements, Best brands of Wines and Liquors always on hand. Extensive Stabling and an attentive hostler, 13-1y DOMINION BANK! OSHAWA AGENCY. JT OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 4X the Dominion Bank has opened an agency for the transaction of business in Farewells New Brick Block, opposite the office of Messrs, Gibns &* Brother, Simcoe Sfreet. Interest will be allowed on deposits. Drafts issued on all ints in Canada, United States and Great ritain. The Savings Bank department is now open. On all deposits over. $4 interest will be allowed. Office Hours---From 1¢ o'clock a.m., to3 o'clock p.m., except on Saturdays, when the Bank will ! t 1 o'clock, p.m., elose atl oc P. Tes LM N. Agent. ONTARIO BANK. CAPITAL $2,500,000. OSHAWA BRANCH. OFFIC E-SEMCOE STREET SOLTH | {FICE HOURS--FROM_ 10 A.M. h 10 3ufclock p.m. On Saturday] from 10 a.m. Jel JI. . Bark iF tasiness of all. kinds transacted on the nsoal terms. | issued on all points in Canada, United States, and Great Britain, A | Savings Bank Department in connection with | this Branch. Snterent allowed on all deposi p y' without notice, * over $1 0, repay i. HOLLAND, Manager. thawa, July 16th, 1873, 314-1y., Money to Lend --AT-- | REDUCED RATES. AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND | any amount of money, on the security of Good Farm or Productive Town Property, at the Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, » sums and manner to suit borrowers, Principa can be re-paid by yearly instalments, or in one sum. Investments made in Debentures, Mortages, and other securities, SILVER AND GREENBACKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. For further particulars apply to . JAMES HOLDEN, Oficial Assignee, Money Broker, &e. OfMce- MgMillan's Block, Brockt., 8. Whitby April 13th, 1571 For Sale L SINCE THE SOUTH RIDING oF 3 Ontario is ns m for A.) the County of Ore. individual properties | herein ought 10 be sold as well, ~ FOR SALE. f'WO FUGGIES, AND A NUMBER of Wagons, for sale, on terms. Army wixe, ad Oshawa, Sept. 2, 1873. i" PSYCHOMANCY, E0TUL CEARMING." How cither sex mag fascinate and gain the love and affection of auy person they choose, in | santly, This simple mental sequirenent all | ean possess, free, by mail, for 25 cents, together With a Murriage Guide, Jgyptisn Oriele, Ireatas, Mints Lo Ladies ete, A. queer, exciting | WILLIAM & | . Pa : ' ok, WL sold. Address J Lo. Souk Eschita Bt, { [ To be published in November, 12 |} Oufarin ~ Heformer, Vol. 8 OSHAWA, ONTARIO, FRIDAY, NOVEM BER T-- A, 21, 1878. No. : 32 IN PRESS 1873 | OVELL'S GAZETTEER O® BRI. tish America, contain the most authentic descri sand Cities, Towns and Villages in the Provin. ses of Ontario, Quebec, Neva Scotia, New Brunsw New Foundland, Prince ward Island, » anitobs, British Columbia, and the North West Territories ; and informa- tion, 'deawn from official sources, as to the Rojes, locality, extent, &o dot over fifteen hun- Lakes and Rivers, with a Table of Routes showing the proxmity o Railroad Stations, and Sea, Lake and River 1'ors to the Cities, Towns; Vill dc. in the reveral Provinces. Price in C 50; ice in rull Calf, $3.75. Agents wanted to canvas for the werk. NLOVELL, and of over thot- Montreal, Aug. 8th Baty T. HOPPE R, BUTCHER, KING STREET OSHAWA. ---- USTOMERS CAN BE SUPPLIED / at his Shop, opposite Hawthorne's Store, or at their awn Residences, with the best of Meat fresh and salt. rish, Fowl, &c.,always on hand in season. THOMAS HOPPER, oshawa, Sept. ith, 1873. 21-1y. OSHAWA PACKING CASE FACTORY HE SUBSCRIBER 1S PREPARED to supply at reasonable Prices, any quantity or quality of Fd me Shingles, Laths, Pickets Dressed Sideing and Flooring, &e. Bill Lum- ber cut to order, and promptly delivered. Plane: ing, MATCHING, MOULDING, and SAWING done to order ou the shortest notice. CHARLES H. HONEY. 319-1y. os EH AWA Sewing Machine Factory. HE "MODEL" SEWING MACHINE will be found the most perfect machine ever introduged to the Canadian public. Sowe of its points of excellence are, 4 Silent Motion, 5 24" Perfect Elasticity of Stitch, && Simplicity of Construction, 24 A self adjusting peedle, && Light running and rapid in operation, a4 No under gearing to perplex the operator, no screw driver required to adjust its parts, a no helping the Machine tg run over a seam, - a It will sew the finest cgmbric without fray ing it and the beaviest material without strain- ing the machine. Orders received will be filled in two or three weeks without fail. rw GEORGE YOUNG, Manwfact er a Newcastle Nureries. i HE SUBSCRIBERS, DESIROUS OF supplying good and healthy FRUIT TREES! OF VIGOROUS GROWTH, And of the various sorts of Fruit required for exportation and consumption, beg to say that they are now in a position to offer the following stock for fall and spring planting :-- Apple Trees, Standard & Dwarfs, leading kinds, 'ear do. do; do. do, Plum do, do. do, | do, Cherry do. do, do. do. They have slso on hand every variety of SHRUB, SHADE, ORNAME TAL, / AXD EVERGREEN TREES They caution parties purchasing, that all agepts employed by A hive a written authority to produce, and that orders require to bemade on their printed blanks. J. P. LOVEKIN & Co, Newcastle Nurseries. Neweastle, July 3rd, 1873. 18-1y Oshawa, Sept. 1, 1873, HALE AL) NEE LIVERY STABLE. R. V,. CHUBB Comer of King and Chuieh Streets, Opposite Hobbs' Hotel. Houses to hire at all hours of the Day or Night. Drivers Furnished if Required, RATES MODERATE. Special advantages to Commercial REMOVAL MEAT MARKET. G.W.GARTH, BUTCHER. HAS REMOVED HIS MEAT MAR- KET to the Building directly opposite ts | BLACK'S COMMERCIAL HOTEL, KING ST. Having fitted up a Large sury Meat Market, second te neme in Ontario, he hopes by having it well stocked with the best of ineats in their season, 10 merit a share of the wants of the wants of the Citizens of Oshawa in his line. TWO PEDDLING WAGONS on the road EVERY DAY, that Irie Eantopwere OA, be supplied at their own. doors.a ortho oven. All orders left at the Market punctually attended to. m-- --e ---------- AY, "Abid AND P. P. RAILWAY. THROUGH LINE FROM TORONTO T PERRY, LINDSAY, POBCATGEON & FENELON FALLS. JIE STEAMER ' ONTARIO" WILL T leave Port Perry every Monday, Wednes day and Friday, at 11 o'clock, ma on the ar rival of the morning train from Whitby, which connects with the local train from the cant. and the express frum Tornid, 284% o'clock, me v n 2 , Pm. Hal ay rm. Fenelon Falls, 1, on. Bobcaygeon, d pry Pht ab 5am. and gt to connect with the tesin Grand Trunk Rallway mixed going Jocal and Express going East. Toronto to Bobcaygeon From to Lindsay - » r i H Whitby to binds, Through Tickets can Trunk Agents, Toronto. gar Through Freights at low rates. For terms, &c., apply to the Agents, Any information can be obtained by applying to Ni | , KIMBALL JAS. HOLDEN, B. RB. KIIRY M Director. % ang k Soptem optan ma Eh {omber & Shingles for Sale 4 No SUBSCRIBER HAS ON HAND LL t his mill pear Utica, (ite hd for hale_ot of Jutnber _gnd shingles. sawn to order.' 3 ful A. B. CAMPBELLS Currio's), Ail lumber ot NEW LIGHT. dUST RECEIVED A LOT OF NEW LAMPS] FIXTURES, AT BLAMEY & BRIGGS. pL A Try Our Extra Refined COAL OIL. NEW DRESSES, NEW SHAWLS, NEW TIES, (Ladies) "NEW COLLARS and CUFFS. NEW FANCY FLANNELS, NEW CORSETS, : NEW BLANKETS. In fact, every Department is well Stocked with New Goods, which, for Style, Variety and value, cannot be surpassed. J. BARNARD. Bee Hive, Oshawa, Sept. 25th, 1873. WwW. WIGG & SON, . Cabinetmakers and Undertakers, SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA. -- 0} Sideboards, Sofas, Stands, Bookcases; Bureaus, Cupboards; Bedstead Washstands, Chairs, Mattrasses, Looking Glasses, and FURNITURE Of all kinds and qualities kept constantly on hand. Also Agent in Oshawa for the 'Dominion Noieless Patent Steel Spring Bed Bottom, comfortable and durable, approved of ' before by those who have had them, and sure to Also sole Agent fcr PALLING'S PATENT BALANCE WINDOW BLIND ROLLER, Lounges, Desks; Tables; Clean, healthy, all others give satisfaction. A first-rate article, Pictures in great, variety. Frames made with neat- ness and despatch. Children's Caftiages and Perambulators always on and, " 0 i UNDERTAKING Special atfintion paid to Undertaking. Funerals attended to on the shortest notice. A ® Jlendid Hearse furnished when required. 'Coffing ept on hand and made to order. Terms reasonalfe. THE MOST STYLISH RIGS ON THE ROADS, \| over-flowing heart, while with the amulet Horley, | on - Re careful, ye, whose wedded hearts Are lovingly united ; Be heedful, lest an enemy Steal on you uninvited ! A little, wily, serpent form, With graceful, luring poses-- | Or, coming in a different guise, A thors among the roses ! Be careful, ye, whose marriage bells Now merrily are ringing ; Ba hepdful of the bitter word, The answer keen and stinging -- The sharp retort, the angry eye Its vivid lightning flashing -- The rock on which so many hopes Are daily, hourly, dashing. "Bear and forbear," the only way To tread life's paths together, Then come and welcome shining sun, Or come dark clondy weather Two wedded Hearts conjoined in ove, That cannot live asunder, Have put love's armor pn-- O world look on and Wonder ! Selections, BY 5. READE, BROCETOS, The lovely Princess Ermengarde #at, musing and sorrowful at her chamber window. A murmur of subdued activity rose from the lower part of the palace, A great fete was in' prophration, for on the morrow the fair printess Ermengarde was to be espoused with all the customary ceremonials; to the noble Francis of Bava- ria, Congratulations had flowed in, when, on the reception of his Royal Highness's embassadors, the purpose of their syjt had been Made known. It was an alli- ance in every way desirable to 'he govern- ment, and Ermengarde. was considered a most fortunate princes, to liave found favor in the cygs of so, handsome; young, and distinguished a consort, Flattering accounts came to her of the elegance of his persor, his nobleness of heart, his generosity, his valor, his wvis- dom aud the magnificence of his court; bat thongh he might be the princeliest of men, Ermengrade could scarce repress a shrinking of the heart, at the thought of the betrothed husband whom she had never seen. His sister, the Princess Cordelia, was already a guest in the palace. They had met with all the ceremony dne court eti- quette and ; Ermengarde, casting) a furtive, stolen, side glance at the proud, bland face and cold, blue eyes, lost herself in surmises, whether she where like her noble brother. It is going against court rnle to ack- nowledge the fact ; but princesses think very much like other young ladies. and BErmengrade was no exception to the gen- eral rule ! She wondered why lier bright sister Isabella, or the studious Mathilde, had not been chosen in preference to herself. Both were eavying her happy fortune, in the vague uncertainty of there own future. They might be given to husbands--of noble birth to be sure--but old, ugly, peevish or dissipated ! 'Ohl the cryel fotters of royalty I' sighed poor Ermengard«, piteously. 'The hapry peasant girl may choose and wed her lover ; but 4 princess has no right to any heart Leaning back against thes jcasement she drey from her bosom a slsnder chain; to which was attached a small amdlet: Upon the amulet, in minute text, were inscrib- od the words: ' Tienstafui.' [Keép the faith, Holding it caressingly in her hand, Ermengarde bowed her face upon it; a passion of weeping cotivulsed Her slight : Then 2 all Pos oh figitre. 4 yg 8 y only 4 #6b burst at intervals (rom her | still pressed against her cheek, her thoughts drifted into the past. It was the time of a grand tournament at Frankfort. How well she recalled the soft, beatiful dawn of that morning of the joust; the gay and ithposing spéctacle ! Thousands of tents dotted the extensive plain which was to become the theatre of tne chivalric sports, In the centre extended the lists for the combatants; preserved from the encroachment of the multitude, by strong palisades. ORtside these were erected galleries for the accommodation of - ladies and other distinguished guests. At either extremity of the lists, were the handsome pavalions of the knights, who were to display their prowess and valor at the tournament ; each pavil ion surmounted by appropriste and heraldie banners. When the trumpet of the herald sounded, and the lists were thrown open, a burst of warlike music, followed by the sound of trampling hoofs, ushered in fifty good knights, all clad in magnificent armor,and mounted upon pewerful aid richly com- parisoned steeds. The signal was given god the opening combat begun. Deeds of moble and Seroic #alor were everywhere performed ; for the bravest knights in all Germany,as well as representatives from "other coun- tries, were numbered among the bat noblest warriors to combat. From her baleony, the Princess Ermien- garde lad noted from his entrance, this stringer kuight. He was tall, yet light and active ; and his finely-proportioned form was sheathed in a scale-like afmor of the finest Milan steel; Highly wrought and polished to a dazzling lustre. On breast-plate and shield were blazoned a golden lion, while his banner bore the same device, in heavy embroideries of gold. He was mounted upon a powerful grey charger, fully barbed, with saddle- cloth of bright blue, ornamented with golden lions: The beaiity, as well ds the superiority, of this noble animal, was ap- parent--like that of his rider--from the moment of the first onset ; for while his adversaries in the tilt were speedily un- horsed, or both horse and rider rolled to- gother in the dust, the knight still kept 4 firm seat, and his gallant steed seemed scarce to feel the shock. Throughout the day, from her high position had the young prineess followed every mov t of the stranger-knight with an interest absorbing, almost painful. At each new course, as he rode to the ex- tremity of the lists, to prepare for tle dangerous encounter, her very breath to pause, and her heart stand still ; and as his lance bore down, or unhelmed a foe, a thrill of strange; subtle joy pervad- ed her whole being. Trite, they were strangers, but Ermengatrde; in hef inno- cence, felt no wonder at this sudden; ab- ---- The knight grew impassioned as He bent over the soft; fair hand resting on his arm: ¢ Geritlo, aiid most deat lady;' Me Eried a tremor of deep feeling quivering throngh the sarnestness of his voice; * although I risk the charge of unknightly o by the act, I cannot part from thee lesv- ing unspoken what is in my heart ! Short as has been our acquairitance, 1 love you, lady, as I never loved before, mor think that a mystery as I am to you, I cannot boast a rank and lineage equal to your own. Grant me but one more.-boon, dear lady, Ido beseeth you; and by miy faith, my honor and my knighthoofl; you shall in ndught find reason to repent of your indulgence. If I may think; what I pre- sume to hope; that in your gentlé heart 1 may have found a dedrer place than one whois bered for a t and then forgotten; will you for my sake, remain unwedded and unwon for the space of two years? : The violetice of her emotion held Er- mengarde for the moment speechless. Then laying her hand frankly in that of the young knight, she replied : 'I will wait ! My foolish licart may plead unwisely, but while it pleads so strongly for you, I can believe you only noble, true and worthy. 1love you and will faishfully abide your absence two years.' One blissful moment she was clasped to the knights bosom, then téleaging her, ho sorbing interest and int admiration ! Once when he raised his visor, clear-cut, aristocratic features, replete with noble, manly beauty, curling locks of chesnut hair, and a bright blue eye, sparkling with animation and intelligence met her earnest gaze. Asrthough drawn by some magnetic attraction," the eyes of the knight were raised to hers, and in the trausient ex- change of glances, dwelt a silent but dan- gerous commupion. They might never be more than strangers; yet in the memory of that glance the face of the world was changed forever to those two hedrts: At length the day vas closed, and the stranger kuight, pronounced the champion of the tournament, was summoned to re- ceive the prise awarded to the victot. With proud and easy grace he passed the crowded galleries, .and, approaching the throne, knelt at its foot. The emperor, rising, presented him with a coronet of laurel and gold, repeating the words : ¢ Brave knight, we salute you lord of this day's honor ! Choose from the beauty represented here, a Queen of Love and Beau'y to fill your vacant throne, as lady of the sports which now ensue.' Bowing respectfully, the stranger knight accepted the coromet, and involuntarily his eyes wandering, sought those of the Princess Ermengarde,and kneeling beneath her balcony he offered the crown for her acceptance. ; Blushing with timidity, the young prin- cess was conducted in state to a vacant throne, handsomely decorated, oppésite that of the emperor. { ¢ Now; gracious queen,' cried the emper- or, turning to Ermengarde, * it is your turn to erown this noble warrior, whose choice and valor raised you to the throne.' Io obedience to her command, removing the helmet from his brow, tte unknown knight again beut kneeling before her. Gracefully presenting the baldric, she pronounced in a faltering voice the words : ¢ Noble knight, and brave ! Receive the prize assigned to this day's victor, which your valor has so ably 'won ; and may you ever be alike successful with your harnessed opp t and the gentl lady of your love.' He touched with his lips the fait hand whiéh pressed the baldric on his shoul- dur: "I recelve the belt," he replied, * less honored by the gift, than by the fair hand which bestows it.' As his lips met her hand, a lovely bloom suffused Ermengarde"s, cheek, a tremor seized her frame,and half involan- tarily she suffered her silken emibroidered scarf to fall at his feet: In an instant he held it in his hand and turned with s low reverence to its owner. ¢ Graciops Queen," he said with re- spectful courtliness, *'Ipray thee grant me for thy beauty's sake a boon. Dare 1 twine this beautiful snd precious token with the plume of my helmet? In the strife of battle, as well as the joyous ecom- bat of the tourney, it would add new vigor to my arm, and fresh courage to my heart.' Ermengarde's heart sprang to her lips, but words were choked in utterance. With a brighter flush than before, she bowed a graceful assent, and the knight with a proud smule, twisting tho scarf in the agure pl of his helmet, D od his steed, and rode slowly 'from the lists amid the acclamations of the crowd. In the evening a high festival was held at the Imperial castle of Frankfort, to the knights who had shared in the day's pas- sage-at-arms, and all the noble families for leagues around were invited. Among the noblest of the guests were Prince Leopold and bis sisters the Princesses Mathilde, Ermengarde and Isabella. Again the unknown knight and Ermen- garde were thrown side by side, and the ants; but skilful as were all, one g flying moments passed unbeeded by, in their number by virtue of hls superior achievements commended universal at. tention: He was a stranger, unknown to all; and under ples of being bound by a vow, declining even to give his name. This caused little surprise, for Germany having long been in a disordered state, many foreign knights kad been attracted thither, some to achieve a name, some to restore shattered fortunes, and yot others led by the wild adventurous spirit of the times ; and any kmght, - whatsoever his rank, nation or condition, who could pre- sent an untarnished escutcheon, might ae- | cording to the rules of the tunrnawent, be adwitted tu the lusts, aud challenge the tual exchange of thought and feeling. If Ermengarde had been captivated by the victor's prowess in the lists, how. much was her admiration increased as she noted the eloquence; refinement and intellect displayed in his conversation ; the grace and courtliness of his manner ; and more than all, tlic matchless nobility Ld soul, speaking through his clear ey». Ermengarde spoke but little, though there rested in her dark eyes an answet- ing elugnence deeper than words. They had withdrawn to an aleave look- ing out upon the lighted grounds. The svening was far spent, the time for de- partire was drawing near. and already sowe of the guests were paying their last Es b d a fond, proud smile on the beauti- ful countenance upheld to his. : ¢ At the expiration of that space," he continued, ' when [ return $0 thee, J will show honorable cause for all this mystery-- You will hear of me no more until my re- turn. Preserve our secret faithfully in that pure heart, and be my name dishon- ored and stricken from the rell of knight- hood, if I prove not loyal and true. Here in the plumed crest of my helmet, your silken scarf, my gentle lady; shall remain while life beats beneath my srmour, a magietalisman to urge mie on td worthy deeds. In return, wear this amulet always about your neck, and let it remind thee, lady-love, of thine absent, but true and loyal knight.' : He threw over Hef nick a tiny chain to which was attached the let, then Wiiat ¢sa | do '$o become stout 1 seventoeii years of age; stand-six inch in my stockings; bit | pounds. Work st a carpenter's bemeh saw wood, chop down trees; swing the In: dian clubs, work at a % play at mowing or cradling, make stone walls, hoe corn, Carrying brick and mortar with a hod the top of » high building is excellent; Mining coal is not bad. Herald of Health: cos The lap of lixury--A cat enjoying he# Why is a prosy preacher like the middle of a wheel Because the fellows around him are tired: Rusrzcr ror Aor. --Diggory days he always respects old age, except when he gets stuck with a pair of old chickens. An Irishman giving his testimony i'. J nine of our courts, a few days sines; in & riot case; said : ' The fifst man I saw som. ing at me, when 1 gob yp; was tw brickbats.' ; in An unstamped letter was a the post office at Marshall, IIL, week, clasping hea again in his arms, sealed upsu her lips the earnest of his faith 'Iwill be true,' sighed Ermengarde ¢ I shall be blest for two short years: in waiting thee, but if thou then shouldst not retorn----' i ¢ Believe this Heart Hag Sédsed to best, if jn two years | dunot come or pend for thes. Aye ! and claim thee of thy royal family in such good sobth that they shall be rejoiced to entértain my suit.' A hurried faréwell, one long, lingering look, aud the utknown disappeared ; while prince Leopold sotighit kis young sister tv lead her from the castle hall. From the beginning of this new world, two years passed lightly over the head of Ernietigarde ; two years, and he came not. - The ferét of appreliéndion merged into the chill of despair, and the poor prin cess, so confident of her lover's loyalty, felt Awsured that he was indeed dead. At this time came information of the sign of Francis of Bavaria, and without previous consultation the princess was in- and she was advised to meet him; on bis coming, as her future liege and ' hdsband: In vain the princess detnurred: ~ Her guar- disns would listen to no repeal ; and like acaplive bird, beating its "delicaté wings in unavailing strife against the pitiless bars, Ermengarde had folded her hands despairingly, snd awaited what the future might bring: : To-night- as hie lield the dmilet to her cheek; 'Tiensta foi' seemed the repeating burden of her mind. It haunted her like a ghost from the dead past, until, at last, she rose up with an exceeding bitter cry. ¢ I will be true to thee ! If cannot be for long, until I shall be with thee.' She stood before her mirror and smiled at sight of her wasting bloom. She held up one delicate hand, to nee how thin-- lnoat pare t it had b ) One purpose seemed $o have taken jos session of her mind, end nerved her to » certain decision and calm cherfnlnéts of demeanor. Early the énditing moruing; the arrival of the bridegroom at the pul- ace, was announced by a salute from the National guards, followed bya burst of trinmphant welcome from the Iinperial The princess Enterigarde; from ler own apartment, listened with beating heary to the joyous tumult. Almost like an sito: maton she had passed through the hands of her dressing-maidens; only when they would have arranged her luxuriant tresses in a veil of ringlets; she hed sharp ly bidden them to fasten them Smuothly sud plainly beck under the drooping, snowy plumes, . At the summons of & pags, slié repilred to a private partment where the prin: cossos Mathilde and Isabella, splondidly attired; awaited her. Motionirg her maidens in attendance, without pansing to listen to the execlamations of the as- tonished princesses, Ermengarde led the way to the Imperial reception room; where sho was to await the poming of her liege expéctant. At the siversl extremes of the spacions apartment knots of courtiers, intimates of the palace, snd invited guests gathered to witness the coming ceremon. ils. Ermengarde's losks; as she passed the gauntlet of eyes, were fastened intent. ly upon a group approaching thevugh the opposite eutrance, Foreutost she recog- nized the stately Cordelia; and by her side a tall form clad in handsome uniform. With down-cast eyes; and hand presed bpon Her wildly throbbing heart, the | princess stood, prle and trembling, await. | ing the coming of hier destiny. 4 Advancing astep, pale but resolute, still without raising lor eycs, she lifted ono IA 4: formed that his suit had been accepted ; | ; |' Bifrida I" bo exclaimed in d t/ Got her pan.; she's olf hugk ; inside sir one then post-hole keerds.' in company with a knockkneed clariones - and superannualed fiddle, from tes-time . till suurise ; while a soldier; grown weary with Gnietness, will no sconer hear & bugle give fluarish than he 'will give one him¢ 4 self; " : 'T wa 4 sdgae plariteF omos, but | dida's mdké anything by it,' ssid s Yanked It the rust's of a dress in & gloduty i | tones, | what "Miding? What doing, pretty one? * * 4 reg mistakeably came from Elfrida's brofh hig weary head dn thé window sill wept until Bifrida dante in with & lamp. A ciiridis cade ié bois t6 be pla 5 f J) $ i turs of the bill: The misssenger rep that it-ws payible st sight. 'In case;' said the debitdr; ' { cannot pay it uns tll my eyed get Batter, for I do mot sed it! The halder of the bill, vot being sgt: isied with this view of the quéstiod, for the first time; he exclyimed; * what's that Norse painted for' Whe told that it wad its natural Selor, it was &' plebald, be ssid, * O; pisbil; piebal, pie: bel f "The apple dumplings,' be seid; ¢ ery nice, but how the mischief did they get the inside 1 No seam, no sen; a ----------.