Ontario Reformer, 7 Nov 1873, p. 4

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coi sagas =~ t SR hal Luis en LJ] REEL x a pit Co a Ye PERL cv aun oh AE preps iemnesny -- ad EE al ' to bring in a bill to altar the time of the F' time out of mind. LAUGHING STOCK. Never kick a man when he's down un'ess | you are sure he can't got up. " T. Nast is registered on the alphabet fcal list of arrivals at Boston, as * Nast T.' An Indian squaw has just died at Lan- | caster, Mich., aged 115. She has Lad thirty squawlérs, A postmistress in Pe naylva ania employs ber hushand as head clerk., Womens | rights at last. « No Gunen Alond Here," is a sign in- | tended for the information of sportsmen | Rios x down in Maine. ¢ Seven Ages of Man' warri-age, Shakespeare's Mens age, Ingg-ngejg sans age, parent-age, and dot-age. The socialists in Spain are ve!l They never marder lesa than {Gur people at atime-- This is sociability. named, ' His pill grimage is over,' | as the drug | gists widow said when she ordered au | epitaph for his tombstone. g * Heroism is cheap,' seid a man the other day. What the world * common sense.' A bachelor editor, who had a pretty un- married sister, lately wrote to one similar- ly circumstanced, ' Please exchange.' Seven young women have entered the University of Vermont, much to the de- light of the boys belonging to that insti. tution. A Danbury boy wants toknow if it is right for his folks' to pay five hundred dollars for a piano for his s , and-make Fim pick berries for circus money An ignorant old dady was asked by &} minister visiting her if she 'nad religion. She replied, occasionally.' Two young ladles of La Cros standing by-the side of 1 feet wide, which they didn't kno when their ¢ t €ross, and they clear ed it ata | When a burglar gets hw through the scut the charitable i him tenderly, fully, and when he gets well, tuci away tidily in the fal unates take make out the papers care penitentiary Travellers on a western railroad are in- formed that ' no gentleman will occupy more than one seat at a time, uiless ho be twins,' 3 wants is | | '1 have light touches. of it | | | Fuss says, Josh Biilings works hard all | day, and don't do enny thing, goes to bed | tired at night, then gots up next worring ad begins whare he left oph. Kirsty and Jenny, two country lasses, | were discussing [their new minister ken what he puts me in mind o' 7' ©' akiss fra a body ye dinaa like.' A Nebraska man, on his dyirg bed, re. membered that his wife was smoking some | hams, and he said, ' Now, Maristta, my | dear, don't go suuffling around and forget | them hams.' 3 A lady in rapid pursyit of health at Sa. | 'Juat | b Dye } ratoga, boasted to her physician, whe »m | she met as she was leaving the Spring, '1 have just drank five glasses of Congress' * Then don't let me detain you," was the quiet reply. A Kentucky paper says that a member of the Legislature of that State sent np the following to the clerk, 'T.eeve is asked Legislater to meet. Cemuty of Religen.' A young lady had coquetted until the victim was completely exhausted. He rose to go away. She whispered, as she ac- contpanied him to the door, * I shall be at home next Sunday evening.' 'So shall | 1,' he replied. : The proprietor of a young ladies' acad- Ref urred to the emy in lliinvis has utterly ruined his business by causing to be inserted in a large number of papérs a picture of the building, with two girls! standing on the | baleony with last year's hats on thei ir} Leads. An Fssex street man bought a pig on ! Batarday, says the Danbury News. * What | do you feed your pig I" asked a neighbor, ¢ Corn,' he said. * De you feed it in the } ear I" asked the friend. Do you think I aw a fool 1 said the Essex street man sar- | castically. tells this: * During an address by Mr. , iu Allon County, a few days ago, a gentleman in the sudience arose partly to his feet, aud with pathetic tenderness re- marked, ' Ouch ! » wasp, aud the wasp had just noticed it. | A man who believed in dreams was re~ | cowmerdid by Eis physician going to bed to eal two pigs feet and a { cold apple pie. In less than an hour he | saw a sucke larger than a hawser, devour. | ing light blue just escaped from a monster with haired childrdn which had sorrel "eyes and a red-hot overcoat A clergyman in Cotimbia, Pa ieacy of pray ucing to Li ation '0, Lord § Jam in th necktie, an tho maids pin in the blue bonnet aud grey shawl, are profaning the sanctuary by kissin vie another in pew number 68, an have ewinent authority for the assert el WE. EAT, that the kissing immediately stopped A vist that should be doubled ~The! harvest. The man who wrote * I am saddbst when 1 sing," was foolish if he sang wach, Who is the oldest lunatic on record 7 | 1 | ¢ Pilot you needn't wait any longer; it | is starlight over head.' 'Yes, but we ain't goin' that way.' an Whew a wife is detected showing un. | usual affection for her Jusband, it may fairly be expected that/che will appecr before long in a new bonnet. A condemned murderer at Meridian, Mississippi, considerately requested to be hung on the 4th of July, so a& te increase -the attraction of the celebration. A peasant girl, on arriving for the first ime at the turnp ike gate nearest Glasgow and inqaired, ¢ ls this Glasgow 1' { - jos Rheumatism, Scalds, Lameness, Neuralgia, Burns, Soreness, | Soro Throat, Boils, Wounds, Hoarseness, Ulcers, Bruises, | Headache, Piles, Sprains, | Toothache, Colie, Old Sores, All Hemorrhages, Diarrhea, ote. * A mof£ £nq pmoys nox 'CCN HIT.T Yq uo Louowx 6A®S [[ POY UBD NOL uey) 'Ie3jew - 'srrede VH 03 0D isuodsolr wig 5 A [ A (47) hip gS pu® 8100€ oO tJ Z [2 2 0 (02) cP -- (©) (0) ot n tt oO 177) 4 g ® nok pue '[BLIO)BIN PUR IO O73} IOI oq eos oy} woly SHOH Fie ! FIRE ! Oshawa Coal. AND WOOD YARD! HAVE ON HAND AND FOR SALE a large guantity of Dest Beech & Maple, It is the Bowling Green Democrat which |. | aver offered in Oshawa. Also any quantity of | Lackawanna Lehigh ie had been sicing on LF Seranton Egg and Stove Coals. just before | BLACKSMITH AND MCUNT | DresdGoods f MoRrRs' SOFT COALS, delivered to ay part of the town at lowes rates, Bond in your ardors and get y our & ont in w) fle the weather and Foul $s are good, ior price ample All conls "we 4 4 and 1 yy Oshawa, Sei! 10th 1578, ' CASH! CASH! FOR m town scales, Weight A Tomar ai 4 ods BARLEY, PEAS, RYE, OATS, &C The highestMarket Price in Cash for al kinds of ly rain, | aid, J. W.FOWKE. OSHAWA COAL DEPOT AVING RECEIVED MY stock 1 am prepaied to supply . Ecranton Beg, Stove wud Chosnut, also best quality of MASSILON FULL | and being answered affirmative, | asked, cls Posey Mac, in 1 Auburn, loyelicst village of - | : plain, a wailost a package of money. a sensible malipand at once put an | ment in the pa for Grates, well screened and delivered without 1 desire to return thanks to my thanks te customers my past patronage, snd hope to re' ceive a > of their trade. 4 a fdas, 6 is completed left at & Rice's, Mex will be pe J.O.GUY. 38, Re - . liege he found it in_his boot. | Oshawa, ser 15, 198. ORTAKIO SILI ATIEH, ONSIHA WA, FRIDAY, N( WWEMBER 7, 18 BOWMANVILLE URGAN FACTORY IMPROVED C ABINET ORGANS TILE BEST! GRAND COMBIN A'l PION N ORGAN] Encourage Home Manufacture. HODDER King Street. GENTS' CLOTHING wie AND mes Outfitting Establihment. SPLENDID STOCK 0" HATS ne AN Doss we - ) - Iustruments equal to the best imported, and at much less ¢ | ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS! ost, | | | Our celebrated * Vox Celeste," Wilcox Patent" | "Louis Patent," ** Vox Hamana,™ ** thie charming, * Cello " or Quality and Volume of Toa Unerualled. a Workmanship. DARLEY & OHARA. 1873. *" Octave Coupler," *. Clarionet™ Stops, and The Best Material and | August 20h, ' NEW FAL Y; GOODS. sp (me) file Rl A277 i nde Vb td VV O00 ps} Really J 5) SPECIAL. ctty celebrated | |. .ISILVER SHIELD DOUBLE WARP BLACK LUSTRES, | Best" and 'Cheapest in the Market! | 3 ALSO NEW MANTLES, SHAWLS, DRESS SKIRTS, CORSETS, CRINO o.| i LINES, BUTTONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, COLLARS, | | Jue, . u Vi TOR Is 1 1 utiiul Goods aud Sp { A-fuil range in prices of the | + | | | | | | | 3 TIES; ete., ete | We have also received new styles and patterns i i _ SU) I Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, ate. ete. ORDERS SOLICITED, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Special attention to the getting np of FAMILY MOURNING. NICE DAIRY BUTTER 18 CENTS TER POUND. SACRIFIC 5 R&A. DISSOLVE Et RT N And desirin of Fall Mil illinery | 4] SALE! [ITH RRSHIP, ly sett] 1sines ave determined to close thei ks on oh ) FIRST day of OCTOBER la ra sw!'l be 1% a, re) nN AY g to facilitate an car made up to that date, after which, the whele of their Jwmgnse stock, - $20,000 IX GOODS will be Sold out at Cost FOR CASH ONLY. | the whole musi be cleared out by the Ist January The stock bas been tilled up and assorted this fall in all departments with entirely now goods, Prints for 12}cts., worth 17cts Tons 80 " $1.00 )RTION. 1 buyers « Mos n SAVING 20 PER 1s during the Sale, All are sco for themselves, m 10cts,, upwards rib heli lr dai > AND EVERYTHING IN PRO This is no hambne i CENT, but a Genuine Sale, ar by buying th invited to call and The Bowmanville Organ Factory is now Manufacturing | ! sven EVER CAPS, CERraAP BE SURE AND CALL AT HODDERYSY Os hawa, Jnly20sh, 1873, 16. Just Arrived --AND -- BEDROON SUITS. WE HAVE NOW IN OUR SMOW ROOMS To elect from, Ranging in Price From $25 to $200 each. PARLOR SUITS DINING ROOM SETTS, And other Btrnitury, in great varity, all of First-class Manufacture. LUKE & BROTHER. 3 3-14-1y H | Ostiaws, July 15th, 187 1 AT 0 NAIL A Now Being Opened | LAT. F. Wi 'RAE, & CU'S. THE | LARGEST ASSORTMENT > elOF IMPORTED GOODS JROUGHT INTO OFIAWA. | Latest Parisan -- IN DRESS GOODS AND MILLINERY, THE LATEST FASHIONS IN English & American GOODS. The Newest Shades HY aes] N-.e . Fall Flowers The Latest Patterns SIN Kid Gloves. -- AT F. MCRAE & CO. indebted to the 1 are requested to call and sottl b B TN AR Mm ) 3 BLP Ei Ed Be | Bi | 7A : dd EA ay ed i Wholesale and, Retail GROCERIES, 5 WINES LIQUORS il SIMCOE ST, OSHAWA. em ( ) -- Agent for Davies & Bro's Celebrated XXX Cream Als and Porter Cho! ce Brands of! Cigars*andgTobaccos als ' in Sleek, : ; GURLEY'S SPRING AND SUMM ER CLOTHING- NEW STOCK, Beautiful Vest and Pant Patterns, Olothing of all kinds made to order on AND VINTER)| Ee LATEST STYES. AND BEST QUALITY. CALL AT AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR He has just received his | i Which will be found complete. the shortest notice. CALL SOLICITED, * 3 Y Styles| "of every description very cheap. CALL and SEE - ad p OUR SH OWIESY The best and largest assortment in Chewa 0- -- | MEARNS, | KING STREET, OSHAWA. | ema PRATT eh chalona aa Naf chida Hardware Merchants, and dealers in Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails, Iron, Chandeliers, Lamps, Coal Oil, &c., &c. Eavetroughing and Jobbing Promptly Attended to. Hepinstall"s | Towelry Store t Is the place to buy WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY ~ At the Lowest remunerative rices, hat can possibly be afforded, and "which n't-be beat in Town or out, quality and design considered. aving now in Stock to sefcet from a Superior Lot of | English, French and American Gold W atclies, Sih rer Watches, Double Timers, Self-winders, RAILWAY TIME-KELPERS, & Quarter Stop Seconds ex actly on the mark, et and Fine Gold Jewelry, Latest Styles, very article warranted to be Just | bat we say it is, Every time, Especially our Guinea Gold Ring, whieh includes more than | i eading patterns in Gem Rings, Amethyst & Sapphire Rings, | 135: gard Ring, and a host of other Goods ,to all of Which Your personal i inspection is respectfully solicited. Ww. HEPINS STALL, Watchmaker, ete., King St., Oshawa N.B,--Watch repairing a speciality, which we guarantee to} done up scie ntifically and warranted correct. LOOK AT TET Just arrived at the sign of the BIG Maton a large assortment of . all of the * Newest Patterns and ti provemens BOTH COAL AND WOOD. which will be sold very CHEAP for CASH. EAVETROU GHS STOVEP YER al as NY ; COAL OIL, fc. chesp as usual. EPIPES, Plain and fancy Tiwary, 2€ Cash paid f i Remember tha place Pd for sheup skins, gy SIGN OF THE BIG TEAPOT, KING STREET, OSHA WA 50 SETS OF BEDROOM SUITES (language can express. | = Grateful Tho sands proct aim Vy. EOAR BreTenrs the most wonderful In. viguraut that ever sustainod the Hsking: Bye ten. No Person ean take these Bitlers | according to directions, and remain ng unwell, provided their bones are nog stroyed by mineral poison or Re means, and vital organs wasted beyond repa ir. | Bilion 19, Remi ttent and Inter mittent Fevers, which are so preva. lent in tho valleys of our great rivery- throughout tho ted St: ites, es those of the Mississippi, Ohio, yb Llin.is, Tennessee, Cumberland, Akan. eas, Red, Colors wl, Braz os, Rio Grande, ¢ Pearl, Ala wbama, Mobile, Savannab, Ro. anole, James, and many others, vey their vast tribytaries, entire country during oy Summer me Sr and remarkably so duriug seg. of unusi at ard dryness, are aie wd by extensive des ach and liver, LCTTIDG & pos. CC VArious ore ry. There Ack to ELGAR TIE © the d wo, d viscid n ater wit ih wiffeh the 1s are loaded at the same tine tin} ting tl us of he liver, ; {the » healthy ligestive organs, Dodds ngainst disease B with VINEGAR can take hold |. co | bow: ! &t lic at, , Dizzioss Sour 5 chy Ba { Tasto ruptions of t! iin, Sore Eyes, ete. In these, 84 in all other cunstitutiohal Diss oi shown their great curative powers in the most obstinate and intractable casas, Rheumatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit tent and Intermittent Forers, Discases of the ad, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, thes titers have no equal. Such ere cilised by Vitiated Blood, Mechanica 21 Diseases, --hersohs en: grge 1t Plum} t uge in life, are suljeet paral) yais F's the Dowels. To gnand against, th talo a dose of Warsow! AL ; Beurf and Diseases of th 3 ur natuie, are litualy dug up and out of the system in a short tine by the of these Ditters. Pin, Tape, and other Wormagé lurking in the system of go many thousands, aro effoctuaily destroyed and removed. No sy ae m of medicine, uo vernifugtes, no an- thelminitie: SW ill free the eystediirom worms * like these Ditters. For Female io ue inyoong + or old, married or single, at the down of woe manhood, or the of life, these Tonio Ditters disp! &y ro decided an influence that fpr verent is soen porceptilile, i Cleanse the Vitlade d Blood w ercr you find its impuritiesbursting thip ho skinfin Pimple a, Bewg prions, or 3 cleanse it when you find it obeiineted sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is foul ; Lote feelings wifl tell you when. Keap. the bivod pure, aad the be th of the system" will follow, ¢ R. H. MeDOVALD & €0,, Denggiote wid Gon, Agta, Ban I! aud oor, of Wiabingta n and C Sold by wii Draggh tte mt 4 ea te ot et a sontet Fresh Oysters. -- og , o% wl a THE UNDERSIGNED «HAS ON and the very Lest of kands of fruitis ° Fresh Oysters are now being roceived every day, and will he on Laud either by the can or in bulk dul S08308, Fre\h Salmon, Frosh Lobsters, Sardines Brand directly opposite Ieroxuxr Office. Give me a cell, 322m, JOHN GIBSON,' C157 ENTEPHISE a 00 IN VALUABLE GIFTS, TO UE DISTRIBUTED IN 1. D. SINE'S!: 104Tu REGULAR MONTHLY GIFT ENTERPRIZE. To be drawn Monday, Nov. 24th, 1873, Grand Cash Prize of $85,000 IN GOLD, A Graal Cash Prize of $5,000 IN SILVER. Two Prizes $1, 000 each in Greenbacks. Six Prizes $500 each in Groembacks Ten Prizes $100 cach in Groonbacks! 1000 Gold and Silver Leaver Husting Watches, (in all,) worth from $20 to $38¢ each, Coin. Silver Vest Chains, fSolid and Double- «plated Silver-ware, Jewelry, ete. ote, Number of Gifts 10,000, Tickets limited to TH.000. i Agents wanted to Feil Tickets, to whom Liberal Preminms will be paid. | sine Tickets $1. Six Tickets 83. Twelve Tickets 10, Twenty-five $20. [e irculars containing a ful! list of prizes, a dese j Sauipe of the manner of drawing, and other Inforination in reference to the 1istribul wiil be sent 0 any one ordering : them. Letters woust be addres to MAIN OFFICE, Lo 0. eR, Dex September, 17th, 1673. . FETOHR=ETY, AR oi V Fi sr, axe Rita In lar. 8 eases, WALKER'S VINEGAR Dirrzes have 4 For Inflammatory and Chronie lf Wi Che EVE The On AT mm TERMS 1f not paid end of the arrears a publisher, paying up scription n All lette {nvariably UY'S LAND. ence, Si ING Geo. | Robson Hou Dental R Arkinsoy (3) ICENT All operatic Residence in ARRIL Bimcoe Streo sar MONE old. J. Cost it Barrister and Conveyn ®. H, Cochrs Ontario, / arn ___GREN ARRIN AT-LA 2 Puolie. Cony Loan. J. Hauer G RCHI erial used. Factory --Kiv BR AY'S, Whitby, and furnished shawa, July Mon RE I 2a Prod: arm or Lowest Po n sums and oan be re-paid sum. Investments and other sect BILVER ANI For further p © Office Me April 13th, F INCE the County ale fa Lump, herein ought How gither se and allection » ®antly. Ta 4 san. pod with a

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