Ontario Reformer, 7 Nov 1873, p. 3

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IF THE | End! seceded in Stock of ioods !. 1st ensiire a s wn 18 fate ESE rich be sold, Prirchag: ¥ S ' for Yourselves---- old for Cash Ta Di I i ISS oV. ONTR10 REFORMER, OSHAWA, ONT., r1iDAY.,OCEOBHRR 7, 1873. "LOCAL. ness meeting of the Presbyterian Church was held yestérday. SN | Rervryen, -- Rev, Mr: Belt has retorn- | edfrom Europe, and seems much improved in health by las trip. ; A SvaaesTion.--We trust that in the excitement of the times some one will not forget to ** carry the news to Normandy." Let the Findicater attend to it. = Eis - Barr axp Surrer.--The third annual Baitand Supper of the. St. Patricks Be- nevolent Association, will take place at Hobbs' Hall on Friday evening, Nov. 21:t, when a grand success is looked forward to, 1 BrastLY OvTRAGE. --On Saturday night last, some rascals perpetrated a wanton | and filthy trick on a merchant's sign on King Swreet. Should the author of the | act be discovered, he will be tanght a" severe lesson, - - - 1 "TeMrERANCE ADDRESS. --Reév. Dr. Thorn- | ton delivered an excellent address on the | subject in the Sons' Hall last Sabbath | Kfternoon. - On Sunday next, Mr. Young | is expected to address the meeting. | Bazaar Anmap.--The of ladies' who have been arranging for a Razxar in aid of the building fund of St. | Gregery's Presbytery, find their prepara. tions so far advanced that they intend | lLiing it about Christiuas. committee TemrERANCE TURN-0UT.-- The Futher Mathew and Cadets attended church in a body on Sunday lust and re- | ceived Communion. They were all dress- ed in regalia, and looked = exceedingly | well. i 2% Society ister Fasnioxs.--There is nothing so becoming to a lady during the cold 'sea- son, as a handsome set of "furs, but the oxpetse is generally a drawback. That | difficulty @ now obviated, as handsome | 1 be had at Wightman's ** Golden at prices to suit all pockets, sets c Lion, REMEMBER, Reeuser, THE OTH oF Noveurer. --The Anniversary of the Gay | Fawkes plot was celebrated in Whitby by the Orange Societies of Oshawa-and Whit- by, by a dinner. There was no dewon- stration in the village beyond an infernal little boy raising an infernal noise, vn an infernal crack-voiced trnmpet. Att Haviowzex. -- This popular c-'e bration. was rather a fiizle this year. The oy i down. Two were successfully ! adrift, the | cold | fonrteen i supposed to Chatham, the ctHief Engineer, Mr. W. Fin- | neane and the steward, Mr Spence. The Appalling Calamity, NEWS OF THE WEEK Axyxvar Meeting. --The annual busi- | Burning of the Steamer Bavarian, FOURTEEN LIVES LOST. DISTRESSING D 8 ASRER. RR ih " » * On Wednesday as the steamer Ban a east, about eight miles midway, between this por #8 o'clock | aga i [ton port port, the crew were horrified at loud ré I followod by the bursting forth from below of a devse voliime of fanics andl Sthoke. The appalling fact that { THE VESSEL WAS ON PIRE, was at once realized, ahd a scene of the! most indescribable confusion followed, the | pitiable condition of those on board being | intensified by the distange fre the piercing cold, Four lifet were on board, and a rufk was made to metthen nched: one was broken and the fourth went adrift, and was lost. The passcaggrs were | hore and | PANIC-STRUCKEN © | and crowded inte the boat, and put off | for shore, with, however, ouly twenty- | two the leaving fourteen | agonized human beings on boagd, among whom were threeladies. Had they gene | after and got back the boat which went on boats, whole would undoubtedly | have been saved, and great blame at- taches to, those who left the vessel in the mannér in 'which they did, LEAVING THE WOMEN TO The with fearful ra- pidity, and it was evident that no hope existed for those board. The cap- tain who remained, was last seem on a board, but is supposed to have perishe CERTAIN DEATH. vessel barned on A few perished miserably in the Hames, but the most of those on board TOOK.REFUGE IN THE WATER with a life-preservers, boards, &e. quickly 'benrumbed them all found persens in have distressing death, THE Loar, Among those left to perish were | Miss Ireland, of Kingson ; Mrs. Sidbald | S | avid her" daughter. of Brockville ; Capt. Carmichael, Mr, Mr. Hillard Weir, of names of the others are not vet ascertained The vessel burned to the waters edges, | 17% inst. | The Jesuits have left Rome, many of |ttem forthe United States and Lower | was buried yesterday at Albany. | had his arm crushed to pieces in a pea- | crusher on Friday. | wf unmigrants have arrived at St. Cath- + arines from England, mostly laborers. | ed. | immigrants' going to that | | liams, of Drummond, about three miles | i from Perth, wefe burned to the grouud on | | NOTICE. -- Condensed from Tel graphic Despatches. - Sarumpay, NovEMBER IST. The Tichborne trial is adjourned till the Canada. * Stokes is "said te be dissatisfied with his sentence to States Prison, aud wants to appeal. Tamblyn & Day ] Beg to notify the citizens of There is no hope for him. The situation in the yellow fever dis- tricts 1s much wore hopeful. - The fearful | mortality rate is decreasing. The body of Heenan, the prize fighter, Oshawa and public generally, Donald Hayden and his wife. keeper of that they intend to open busi- Gall Riek Lighthouse, near Halifax, wets drowned off the Rock yesterday. Archbishop Lynch, of Toronto, left Que bec to-day for Rome. ; ness as GROCERS AND PROVISION MERCHANTS in a week or two, in the centre Suow fell to-day in various parts of Canada. Peter Harrison, of Innisfil township, Moxpay, November 3rd. A despatch te London reports Mt. Awa Volcano in a terrible state of erup tion. The crater has fallen in. A $50,000 fire took place ycsterday in Now Orleans. of the New Block, in Hyland's Pittabarg iron works are. to be down until business becomes better. Numerous marine disasters on Lake Erie are reported, shut Building, King Street, Oshawa tercolanial, was run over and killed on the | track yesterday. Juno, Dowling, a conductor en the In- | Having bought their stock of GROCERIES An cxtensive fire occurred on Vallier entire street] Quebec, last night. Rochelle, a tamer, the sufferer, loses $20,000. . Tuvespay, November 4th, The Spanish insurgents have arrested a Prussian subject »s a spy, aud a serious difficulty with Germany is 'apprehend- from, one of the Largest Wholesale Houses New Zealand offers free passages to all country from SR in Canada, and at the time ngian4d, Real South Sea Seal Sets, (sold out, more to arrive in a day or 'Hurrah, for Old No. 1 on tho Corner. The barns and stables of Thos. Wil. 3 : y..4 when everything is new in Friday night. ' Loss, 82,000. sorr's harvest was consumed. All the ses- George Bachan, aesiding on the Guelph "PAY UPEF~ LL INDEBTED TO THE UNDER- signed by (NOTE OR ROOK ACCOUNT, or otherwise, are (NOTIFIED To SETTLE such indebt edness, on or before the IST OCTOBER, PROX IMO as he has determirfél to do business fer eash after a 3. W. FOWKE. Ontario Bank! DIVIDEND NO. 33. N° TCE IS HEREBY GINEN, THAT a Dividend of FOUR PER CENT. upon the Capital Siock of this institution, for the cur- rent hali year, has this day been declared, and that the same will be payable at the Bank and its branchies, on and afer Monday, 1st day Dec'r. next, The Transfer Books will be closed from the 15th to the 20th November, both days Inclusive. By Order of the Board, os D. FISHER, Cash hier. -3em. v amis KT ees WIGHTMAN'S GOLDEN LION. Ladies' Musquash Muffs, at 75 cents ONTARIO BANK. Bowmanvilie, Oct. 21st, 1373. Ladies' River Mink Muffs, full size, at $1 00: Ladies' Rivet Mink Muffs (Lined with heavy Sitin same as $45 Mink Sets), at $1 75 Fine German Mink Bets, at §4 50. 1 Notice to Squattors PUBLIC LANDS. HE ATTENTION OF SQUATTERS A on the Public Lands is specially called te the regulations contained in the Order fn Counu- cil on the 19th January, 1759, wherein squatting on Crown Lands is strictly forbidden. No claim to purchase land by right of accupa- will be entertained, unless such occupants was a bona fide settjer on the land with subsiantial improvements at the time of inspection, and so reported by the Inspector. Improvements made on any Crown Lands since the time of such iu- spection, will be Jost to the occupaut, unless such vccupation has been authorized by the Depart. ment. i THOS. H. JOHNSON, x Assistant Commissioner. Department of Crown LanJs, Toronto, April 1st, 2873. Fine Grebe Sets, at $3 00, 83 50, $4 50. Real Mink Sects, at $12 00, $17 00, $24 00,830 00, $35 00, $45. Black Astracan Dog Skin Sets, very fine, at $6 75. : Persian Lamb Sets, at $9 50: Imitation Ermine Setts, $2 50, real trimmed, 85 75. Imitation South Sea Seal Sets, $6 75, two), Chenille trimmed, very fine, at $26 00. J At WIGHTMAN'S Golden Lion, Oshawa. / N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT 3 the lands in the Township of Neebing and | Pai-poenge, in the district of Thunder Bar, sold subject to settlement, under the Order in Council of 5th April, 1861, will shortly be inspect- ed. and the sales of such lots shall be found on { such inspection to be unoccupied and paim- proved will be cancelled and the lands resumed and offered for sale under the General Mining Act, at $1 per acre cash, THOS. H. JOHNSON, J. W. FOWKZE, Corner of King and Simcoe Streets, IS NOW-------cc Department of Cr wn Lands, Toronto, 23rd May. 1573 C11, | ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE FPYHE CREDITORS OF PHOEBE SHEBA HALL, late of the Township ef Whitby, in the County of Ontatio, widow, who died on or about the Fourth dag of September last, pot are on or before the EIGHT | JANT ARY, A D. 1574, to send by post, prepaid, | to JOAN EDWIN FAREWELL, of the Towa of Whithy, in the County of Ou.ario, Soliciter William Farley, Haldimand Kelly, and Bowmanville Advertisement: M. MAYER: BOWMANVILLE, respectfully calls the attention of all who are desirous: of har ing their FURS Changed or Repaired and that he will be pleased to have their orders earlp, so that no delay may occur. Yio would call attention to his large stock of . MINK ALASKA FURS, Buffalo Robes,, &c. all of which will be found ex- cellent value. Highest price paid in cash for RAW FURS _M. MAYER. 8.98-1ixi. dey of | Particular Notice. Assi-tgnt Commissioner. | | } | i creased trade are now Steele Brothers, in order to accomodate their in- ENLRGING axp REFITTING Their store and premises, and with ~ . road, near Elo, committed suicide 'by and bafled all night every effort 4 suther Calvin Hall, administrators of tha per. | very large additions to their Stock al Estate and Effects, Rights and Credise of " snow rather dampened the order of the! made | youthful dports. The frost fastened down | 'the cabbage and, mast of the buys' went to | bed in disgust; but ome demonstrated "the | (he Said Poche Sheba Hall, their Christian god | now coming forward, will have on Surnavies, Addr s and description, the full | hit H x particulars of th aims, a statement of the'r i exhibition and tale ma few days, | aceonnt«and the nature of the securities (if any) | , : . oi | beld by them, and immediately aiter the said | Tlie richest desirns i Eighth day of Januaty, the assets of tha Estate | od FOREIGN CLEARING OUT SUMMER STOCK --------AT AN shooting losi evening. Deceased was la- to get hold of har. The hull was finally : towed to Oshawa Harbor boring under temporary insanity. + di : ' 3 AND 4 | Wepnesoay, Nov. bth. THE SURVIVORS, | L EDIT. : t of the Post , WOOD. th, 1873. 3-30-14 Willox E. THAT HE WILL OVE JF BUSINESS 15th 'November, > Stand ! { that iy recy 152 DICKIE, very large and varied ent of, s the bal: ockats P0 per cent. ance of and upwards, p Paper, &cC. base to embrace thins ing Bargains, WO WEEKS ONLY a 3» 1y DER 0 UT w Block, en art - Hou e, NOV. 15, TIRELY 3 ock! / playfulness of 'their feelings by smashing in the penela of a few doors with stones, | Site or Farum Srocx.<-Attention is called te the sale of farm stuck by Mr. Mackie, which takes place at hisiplace on Monday the 17th inst., on lot 33, 20d con. | of Darlington. "Mr. Mackie will shortly open business in the stand now occupied | by Mr. Dickie. | Vesszr Lost: --On Thursday last, the Schooner Anna Bellchambery belonging to Mf, Wm. Belichambers, near Dunbar ton, struck # rock and was.lost within sight of Toronto. Two lives were lost. Mr. Bellchambers has ony sympathy in his loss. } We believe the vessel was insnred. Rerorxep To His Ono Love --The Great. Mogul has we understand decided" to agdin change his residence, this time from Ottawa to Oshawa, the climatic influence of the former place int agrecing with his health. In fact the panicky con- dition of the atmnsphere at Ottaws ren | He will, it "is rumored, shortly publish a work entitl- ed * Memoirs of a clergyman, or Three | Months a Minister ; by Hon. Mr. Biggs " | dered the change imperative. Tur Brove Fovspry. -- The Stove 118, and is| turning out stoves every day. Their work | is excellent, and their manufacture of | Foundry is now in full stoves is fully equal to any made. They | have introduced an improvement in their | <oal atures in the shape of a flue for con- | suming gas, and they offer an ment to buyers in-the Yicinity, .in the | induce Tact that in ease of breakage new cast- ings can be proewred at any time from | the foundry. They are new retailing their stoves at the foundry, and are pre- pared to supply all demands. Travkssrvine Social. -- The social | given by the Y. M. C. A. Jast evening, in Wiens Hall, was very 1irzely attend d, and was a brilliant success After justice | had been done to the good things pro vided By the ladies, the chair was taken by Jas. Carmichael, Esq , President, and short given by Rev and addresses Moser Yhormion, Hutton, Mon'gomery, | 7 Belt, Scott, and Demill. The choirs of | the Methouist Episcopal, Baptist, and | W. M. Methodist Churches were present, and 'contributed to the evenings euter- tainment, | Council Meeting. All'the meiubers present except Mr. Gibbs, y The taxes of Dorinds Goodehild were on motion remitted. The sum of 882 wis granted to Maple | Leaf Fire Company ; 820 to Maple Leaf Hose Company, and $40 to Hook and Ladder Company, being $2 for cach man and $75 to steward for services ending Ist | Oct., 2873. The fwilowing accounts were ordered to be paid : - i Work en roads, $474.15 ; Joseph Black, reception of Imungration C nnittee, $10, J. Ewing, iron work on grates; 6.46; G. Gurley, for indigeuts, 81.50; K ldie and "Rice, supplies to Fire Brigadd, $21.65 ; H. Nowa, work on scwers, $1.50 ; J. Sykes, fire gnards, $50; Cameren.and Ed wards, water lime, $45.50; D. Shanks, work on tank, 817.50; J. & J. Ros, work on side line, $40 ; tion, 84; B. Carpenter, ser ices special constable, 8), re occ ipants of the new block pre- | sented a petition praying th be allowed to | pat up a-verandah for the protection of their goods. It was supported by nearly all the petitioners mn person. Ou motion of Mr. Thorut:n, seconded by Mr. Glen, the prayer of the petition vue granted, provided that no signs be | attached thereto ur project from the buildings. wy Uouneil adjourned. = Vindicdtor. Gen. Loms,the Republican commander, wes defoatod yoo! x lay by the Carlists. | opening prayer was offered by Rev. R. B. | 1 read by Rev. Dr.; Thornton. G. Hodder, ex-| peusés on Fitzmanrice's Fire Investiga-i after alpainfat exnosnre of over four honts sucesedlod in reaching this port alpat | twelve o'clic!: vosterday, and were recciy ed by Mr. J. O. Guy, and cared for: Mr | tony deserves great credit for his off rts and kindness to the sufferers. who ex rags: ed themselves as deenly grateful to him: The steamer Circassian called yesterday afternoon, and took the survivors oun their jonmey. No oaésecems to be able to give | any account of the | ORICIN oF THE FIRE, and the only theory is th: the fire mnst have been: conmmufficated from the engine room, and heen oyerlonked till it. had opened too far to he checked. Carelos. | n=ss on the part of the crow is manifest. The steamer had a valuable earzo, and {3, we believe insured to a considerable The FAMILIES OF THR LOST are plunged in the deencst affliction, at the nnexpocted and distressing calamity and.will have the sincorest sympathy of the pnbhe-in ernel misfortune. Many families have last thair only means of support in this tervible affair. y their THANKSGIVING SERVICES, Yesterday, the BMetholist, Pfeshyta- rian and Baptist Churches held a nnion thanksgiving service inthe Bantist Charch, We were pleased to chserve that the Bap tist Church ehoir was assisted in the ser- | vice of song hy Mr. J as. Linke, londer of the Wesleyan, and Mr leader of the Methodist Episcopal, and | Thomas. Lavis, | also by many members of the Presbyte- rian and Bible Christian choirs. The | Montgomery, and the Scripture lossons | | The Rev. W. Scott delivered the ser. | He tock for the production of his the cxvii Psalin. He dwelt at length on , God's Truth and the duty not only of theoreti- | mon disconrse eons derable merdy, cal, hat practisal praise. A eollection was taken up in behalf of the Boys' and Girls' Home of the the services were concluded with a brief pray- er by Rev. Mr, Hutton The attendance was fair, thongh eon- City of Toronto, and sidering the number of churches that took part in the servieos, shonld have | been 'much larcer. The people of this | Provinee have cause for thanksgivilg. Elsewhere God's footsteps have been shak- ing the people ; there Jove been tominlts, revolutions, pestilence, tfarkness and gudg- ment ; but the protecting arm of the Governor of the Universe has been aronud this fair land, and like a bulwark proved. | | Our land is crowned with prosperity and | peace, Ewe ought gratefully To remember | the Delicerer and the Giver. Who would net heartily adept the prayer of the | psalmist : ** Let the people praise thee, | 0 God 1 Let all the people praise thee, | then shall the earth yield her increase and God, even our (God shall hess us." I A ---- I'he attempt to secure a union between the Orleans and Bourbon France have failed, and the Royalists have ahandoned the hope of obtaining a monarchy now said ta be tae programe. A letter from Boraseo says Dr. Diving: has the agnin wild African stone, the Explorer; a prisoner of une of tribes, and that a large ransow is demand- ed for him. At the quarterly meeting of the New Connection || Church, Feld at Hespeler, yesterday, a resolution in fayor of uwion 'with the Wesleyan Body was passed, |" Tie Spanish Ship Murillo, which it | will be remembered, ran into and sunk ' the bomigraut vessel, Northfleer, with GOO persons ou board, has been coudewn- ed to bésuld. : At & numeronusly attended meeting of the Wesleyan Methodist Quarterly Board | of the Boilewille Circuit, the question of the upon of the Wesleyin Methodist | Church, sud lay represcutalion in the | General Conference, was, after being fully | discussed, earned in the cfirantive. ' | burned. | M.gphis to aid yellow fever sutfurers. | Maryland, Iilineis and Wisconsin by large | 8100,0000. [ tend President McMahon's term of office | to ten vears, and to establish the existinz | form of Government was carried by a ma- | Canadian Senate. factions in| A Conservative Republic is | become | |» | Midland R.R., England, by which 20 per | A collision occurred last evening on the D + T™ it sons were inpired, some fatally. { i The Ship Tungare has arriv ed at Lon- don with £139,000in gold, for shipment : to : | hope to be able to offer special America. Coiretantinople was last night visited with another heavy tire ; 40 houses were The Prussian jsubject arrested by the inducements to the public at! Carlist iasurgeuts has been released. "A famine is raging in India. Philadelphia is afflicted with a serious panic. dismissing employees and shuttting dewn large in that department of ou | commercial Manafacturers are works. : An attempt was made last night by in-| line of business. bgrn Lobanon City, Pa. 2135,000 worth of property was destroy: cendaries to ed. The State elections throuzhont th off All fal show sweeping Democratic gains, ~ ALSO DEALERS IN vesterday. returns ~ i A boy named Strong, committed an in- decent assault mn a little girl 11 years of Ilour, age, yesterday, at Kingston. 2 Wesleyan Methodist Quarterly Official Board, Belleville Circuit, have decided ve in favor of union with the New Conneac. Oat and tion body. The propeller Indiaii is ashore and on fire at Sonth Bay. i Harviston Oddfellows have sent $25 to » Tuvesp ay, Nov. 6th. Brooklyn, N.Y.; has sent £200,000 to the Memphis sufferers. Cracked Wheat, The elestion retiir ns show that the De- moerats have carried New York, Virginia, majorities. Harris- Loss y A printing establishment in bmg, Pa., was burned last night Graham Flour, Nine men were drawned yesterday in a boat, off Simcoe Island, St. Lawrenee river, while collectizig fish, spawn. The Moisic powder mill at: Hyde Park, Stranton, Pa. exploded last night. Three men, Master Abbott and Hannolly were instanily killed. &e., &e. The National Assembly was convened vesterday at Versailles. A motion to ex- Crockery. jority of 362 to 348. A motion was made to appeal th the people to decide the form of Government, but was lost, Glassware, China, Lamps and £125,000 in specie was shipped from London, yesterday, for Canada. USBANDS, LOVE YOUR WIVES; Fathers, take care of your children ; Housekeepers, do not abuse your servants, but Ket one of Bunnell's Patent Washing Machines, and satisfy yourselves that they are the best Machine of the kind ever introduced, and will save the cost of themselves in a very short time. Call and see them at' J. W, Archer's Furniture Store, King Street, and read some of the testi- . monials from Laundry men up to members of the Lam Fixtures : P y Sr Agents wiknte 1. Apply to i JOHN 8, MIX, Oshawa, NOTICE. PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY given that at a meeting of the Council of the Corporation of the Towpship of Fast Whitby, to be held on MONDAY the 3rd day | of NOVEMBER NEXT, a By-law will be passed | te nd arrange the limits of the several | : fons and Union School Seetions of the said Township of Kast Whitby, of which | all Bchool Trustees and other persons interes | will take notice; and govern themselves ac- '| WANTED! a Any quantity of Butter, Eggs By order of thé Conneil, 1 | 5 WM. BEALL, Tp. Cl Clerk's Office, Columbus, Oct. 64h, 1873, 264i8 ------ An' Farm for Sale| . prices. OR TO RENT. - | (YONSISTING OF 100 ACRES 80! Goods Delivered to all pate of the J Cleared and in good state preservation, being Lot Number 17, Sil con. East Whitby witlun five miles of Oshawa. There pubic inge ihgsaon, o Chiming of Rive house, cious barn, and other out-buil { FOUL: bons, grin house, ele, herons. yeh PHINEAS HENRY, on the property, or'by letter to Oshawa Post Chee, 4 Zi-h pd Coal 0il, &e. and Poultry at the very highest Town: ~ NEW FALL GOODS! 'THE BEST BARGAINS IN TOWN Tamhiys § Diy SE ERE 1 fins BE $ E dl ty ry w ALARMING SACRIFICE TO MAKE ROOM FOR of the said Phoebe Sheba Hall, will be distribut- | ed amdug the persons entitled theretn, baviag | referente only to the claims of which notice | shall hava been have "be Administrators, or either of thew, shail liable far the assets or any part thereof to any been received by them or their said Solicitor, at the time of distribution, {| All persons indebted to the sald Estate sre required to arrange the same forthwith, either Dress Goods; Plain and Fancy Silks and Lustres, BOOTS AND SHOES, GENTS FURNISHINGS, GROCERIES &C, &C. | the said Administrators, JOIIN E. FAREWELL, Eolicitor for the Adminis rators Dated at VW Lith , Uetcler 8th AD. 187 . 26-5. to the Legislature of Ontario, at its next Session for the passing of an Act confirmine and declaring legal and binding the Sale avd couvefance of certain Lands by the Trusises of | ibe Oshawa Congregation of the Canada Pres- byterian Church, formerly constituting the | United Preshyterian Church, of Whitby, to the Reverand Robert Hill Thornton,of £ 1e Township of Fast Whitby, in the: County of Ontario, D.D., Clerk, such lands being part of Lot Number Hixteen, in the Second Concession of the said Township of East Whitby described as follows : J. W. FOWKE, Oshawa, Commencing on the Western limit of the said Linke from the South-west angle tiereof thence | North Sixiesn degrees, West Fourteen chains | of the South half of the said Lot, thence North LS Seventy-four degrees, Four chains and ' Sixteen degrees, Kast Twenty chains move or less, to a poi. situate Five chains from the R IN BAGS GR IN B GS I Seuth Seventy-four d es, Weal Twelve links, | Lot, ai the distance of Ten Chains and Sixty-six and Thirty-four links more or less, to the centre y East | Thirty-uine and one-half links, thence South Southern boundary of the said Lot, thence Shence Seuth Bixteon degrees, Fast Five clalms, more or less, to the sald Southern bouulery thence Sputh Seventy-four degrees, esi Thirty-nine and one half links, thence North Sixteen degrees, West Tou chains and Sixty-six links, thence South Seveuty-four degrees, West Si 20% Three chnins and Eighty-eight liuks more or wg less, to the-plaes of begluniag. $6-8in, Oetober 8a 1879, "Estate of James Malyon deconsed, EXEOUTORS NOTICE. N PURSUAKCE OF THESTATUTE of the late Provinos of Canada 29 Viet. Cap. 28 Sec. 27, notice is hereby given that all credit. ors add other sous having any debt or claim upon or affecting the Estate of James Malyon late of the township of East Whitby. in Province of deceased We are offering a large lot of PERCY MILLS SEAMLESS BAGS at $4.25, usual price, $5. An immense pile of Shirts and Drawers (all wool) from 85c up- Hundreds of pairs of Home-made Socks at 40c and 45c¢ a pair. 4,000 yds of good Wincies at 10cts, 124cts, 16cts: t y snd oa or balore the 12th day of October, Lame distely after which day, the said Ton Manes aad Lis co-executor, was Vi will preo- eed Lo distribute the assets of the deceased among the persons entitled t ha gard Lo tke debte and claims, ouly of which Al SO shall then have had notice, and the said Execu- NL DU-- tors will net be liable for the aseets so distribut- : od 1s any parial u hos debt or claim t . , " A : . Fos 5» | shall not have had notice at th A Splendid asso tment of first-clu ts goed im every dey arimeni uhic) ditribution. AD rice" hereby. Slo" given 9 0 aye pariies indebte to the ato, that we are offering at prices that defy competition. | Taymens must Le forthwith made to the sid ? Tecutors, Dated this nd day of September, 1873, --R. MoGER, iwi Selisitor for the Nresutors I:sclvent Act of 1860 re #2 The largest assortment of New and Fashionable MILLINZERY] Call and secure scme of the Genuine Bargainstha; are being offered. One price and plain Figures ALEXANDER & BRYCE Near Post Office, Oshawa. An Insolfent, THE UNDERSIGNED EDWARD Major, of the township of Usbridge in the County of Outdrie have been «ppoihied assignes in this matter. Creditors are requested to file thelr claims bhe- fore me within one inoath, and they aré hereby notified to meet me at the Law office of Messrs. (ireen wond & McMillar, in the Town of Whitby | in the said county of Ontario, on Wednesday, the TWENTY SIXTH day of November, 1573, ut three o'clock, pm.. for the purpose of examining the In®ivent and orde. ing 'of the affairs of the | estat: generally. THIS SPACERESEFR\ED FCR |=iomit A. & S. NORDEEIMER, "=. == MOREL LS EDWARD MAJOR Assignee. DEALER IN 17-1y --_---- . i TRE CORPORATION OF OSHAWA te offer for sale Village Debentures to the | » FALL MILLINERY, |E5i | Legislature of Oniario, at its next Session, for | an Act amending 'he Act of Incorporation of n | sections numbered 100 and four of the Act od in the thirty second year of Her Majesty's and chap'ered fifty-#ix, by gi the : 0 extend their ltallway to Take Simcoe SEMITH & MGAW Have always on hand unt $7,000, with coupons attached for in- | extension of time for the con men +009, N or the com cement and t, payable semi-annually at the rate of 6 | comnletion 1 f wath wer 1. -enti., per annus, | Tain at ih) shiny F oe ol To take ditional Oshawa, Augnst %ith, 1473. The BEST STYLES, and as Cheap us - chnsistent with a modest profit. | SMITH & McGAW, | . . | said d in the thirty-second | Ahirty-thivd, thiety hand th . Pianos and Musical Instruments fii mm tad hu his 15, KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. . Reign and chaptered sixty, also sections num. bered one, ur of Act passed xhridge, nna a brahih Dud a brunch ts Horses to suit Travellers. | . Purchasers may offer for the who's or any * may be Emrowered to Single Rigs, Double Riga, Carriages, Omui- | portion ofthe abuvesiiount, Address as Oshawa, Augnst 18th, 1573. 'I s--------rid inz the name of the Company, and doviving LIVERY STABLE'S | First-Class Investment | | si ins Sikhs' ite Lindsar, ara thence to Fenalon Falls, with an buses, Waygons for Ex'trsion Parties, de, 2 sd proposed or more branches from some point on tue Comvany's Railway, within on of the Town of Whitty, at or Jean] go term'fius, (o some other prints n said Co pear the watter 'of Lake Ontarip, and to bign Water, with er to take wliaioma Yona. to tbe eitent acres, at or near such branches, also hy the Rall way power to lease any or any any railway eonnected wih the ( po ver tn the number, qi and TE HAVE NOW ON HAND A "M1 wen shlecthl stock of ILLINERY Ottis; Ooi Tilly 1873, ui (se Nov Build' | >" ced en furnished to, the ! Administrators as above required, and the/ssid | not be | person of whose claim notice shall not have | PPLICATION WILL BE MADE | Iso with power to sald Company to | NEW CHINA The most varied display of NEW CROCKERY | The handsomest LAMTS with the said JOHN EDWIN FAREWELL, or | and GLASSWAR | The finest Currants, new crop 1873 NOTICE: | The finest Valeficia Raisiris, tiew crop, 1873 The finest Green and Japan Tess. new crop, 1873 Hhds of NEW SUGARS, and all lines of their business replete with goods quite beyond Aaything they have heretofore offered to the public. §& Tull lists will be given on ths completion of importations. In the meantime please call ard test qualities and prizes, STEELE BROS Grocers and Seedeme'™ Oshawa, Oect. 16th. 1873. | ATEINSONS' Drug Store, Next door to Wighiman's " Golden Lion." RUGS, PATENT MBPICINES, nted Soaps, Frenel and English t Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth ushes, and a geneial assortment of Br DYE STUFFS. EVERYTHING or tux BEST QUALITY Aud Strictly Genuixe. oi | Oshawa, Sept. 28th, 1°73. IN TIE MATTER OF J. J. BALL,| 'PROCLAMATION Removal of Business, J. A.GIBSON Brea TO INFORM HIS FRIENDS d cust that A Bb tn lomers he Las REMOVED w Iluk, xt 0 [ iN? to ths Dominden Where he will be prepared as wus to receive heir orders, Having now elegant and commegl i es at its disposal, he W ai Pam . and botidr ate ck of ry Tan . LN nd '4 he wes e brought "into Ushawa, he. '. ote ators J. A.GIBSON. Oshawa, July 30th, 1873 »iy Dominion Bank Ne 1S HEREBY GIVEN Till AN following edlls oni the alloted Si of the Dominion Bank, have Weer wads by the Directors, and the sgmis are pay. sble at the Danking House in Toronto, x: follows © -. | 10 pet cent: and premim of § | on the lst July, 1873, per cgut do et Ang. 1473 he 1k Sept. "" "20d Oct

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