D HAS ON 'hinds of trait ta sters - + and 8. 8. The Outnrio Reformer. PUBLISBRED EVERY FRIDAY MO} ING, The Ontario Reformer Printing and "© 7" Publishing Company, = AT THEIR CFFICE-SIMOOR ST,, OAMAWA, TRERMS : $1 5 por annum; in advance 81 73 not puidwichin six months--82if not paid till the ind of theyear. No paper discanfinued until all erroars are paid, except at the option of the publisher, and parties refusing, wpers without baring up will be held respons for the sud . sotipt on until they comply with the rule, All letters addeessed to the Editor must be avariably pre-paid. r ind . I. H. BROCK, Editor and Publisher. "Directory Ld Pas CIAN, SURGEON, AND A JCHEUR, King Strect, Oshawa. Residence and Office Nearly opposite Hobbs Motel. te, WH. FREDERICK McBRIAN, M.D. MN: R.C.§ UY'S HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG-, LAND. Residence oppesite W. H. Gibbs" Jeideace, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. : ROBNON 'mouse, Ki STREET WEST, HAMILTON, Geo. Robson, Proprietor, formerly of the a House, Whitby, C.N. VARS L D.6. EETH INSERTED ON ALL THE JA latest principles of the art. as cheap as the eheapest, and as e best. Teeth filled with Geld and. Silver. edth extracted without apin by producing localianaesthesia. Deata! Rooms-<in Cowan's Néw Block, over ( Atkinson's Drug Stere, King St.. Oshawa. 2-42 | J. FERGUSON. ICENTIATEorDENTAL SURGERY. oO over the Grocery of Messrs. Simpson Bres., Kihg St., Oshawa. all epstations preformed in a skilful manner. n the same building. =. MeGsE, / ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SO- LICITOR, Conveyanc¢r and Notarie Pablic, Oshawa, South-East Cerner of King and Siaeae Streets. { So moxEY to Lond. Mortgages bought and @ R. McGee, : 4. E. FAREWELL, LL. B., OUNTY. CROWN ATTORNEY, Barrister; Attorney, Solicitor, Notary Public, Leon veyanocer. ce. Lately joonpied by . Cochrane, deceased Brock Street Whitby, 2:45 GREENWOOD AND McMILLEN ARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS ; AT-LAW. Solicitors-in-Chancery, Notaries Public. Conveyancers, &c., Whitby. Money to n. er J. Haver GREEXWOOD. A. G. McMiLn c. w. smn, RCHITECT, PATENT, INSUR- sace and General Agent, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. Agent forthe Inman Line of Steamers te aad from New York and Liv pool REFER- 508 Messrs. Gibbs Bros, F. W. Glen, a B. SHERIN & Co... Fairbanks, Esq. y YHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS 4 of opr prei Hest Now York Ma- srial 3 piu ol gl Bet rove Be Ear Bowman te. - Ie BRITISH AMERICAN ROTEL. AY'S, LATE ROBSON HOUSE, Wiithy, Ontario. House newly renovated sad furnished throughout, and put in¥first-class or for the receptiva of guests. An omnibus tesad from all trains east and west. First-class Sample roows, 3-20-1y. 6. Y. SMITH, L LB JB AERISTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, Solicitor in Chancery =n Insolvency, Netary Public, , -Office--McMillan's Block, Broek Street. Whitby. 314-1y. FRANCIS RAE, M, D., HYSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCH eur, and Coroner. King St.;'Oshawa. 1-2 day, -Agents d 85 to $20 A clas of ss eo of either sex, young or old, make more money at work for us in their spare moments,or all the 'sime,t han at anything else. Particulars free. 'Address G. STINSON & CO., Portland, Maine. CENTRAL HOTEL, SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHWA . - JAS. QUIGLEY, Preprictor. 18 SPLENDID NEW HOTEL IS Saw open, and offers to the travellers the | accomodation to be precured between x and Torento, House fitied up with all modern improvements. Best brands of Wines and Liquors always on hand. Extensive tabling and aa attentive hostler. 13-1y DOMINION BANK! OSHAWA AGENCY. OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT SP umtce tn be bes & Brother, Sirscoe Street. Interest will ua on al Sn department is now | n sn. on ali de over $4 interest will be hd Ofies Hours From 1¢ o'clock a.m., to3o'cleck 9.m., e1c0pt om Saturdays, when the Bank will close ative , p.m. J. H. MCLELLAN, Agent. ONTARIO BANK. CAPITAL $2,500,000. OSHAWA BRANCH. . OFVICE-SINCOE STREET SOUTH FFICE HOURS_FROM 10 A.M. to 3 o'clock p.m. -On Saturday, from 10 s.m. 1 eclock p.m. Banking business of all kinds transacted on the usualterms. Drafts issued on all points in A a, United States, and Great Britain. A Savings Bank Department in connection with this Branch. Interest allowed on all deposits over $4 00, repayable without notice. C. HOLLAND, Manager. shawa, July 16th. 1873, Su-ly ~~ - Money to Lend --AT REDUCED RATES. AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND any amount of money, on the security of Good Farm or Productive Town Property, at the Lowest Possible -Rates of Interest, B sums and manmer to suit borrowers. Principa can be re-paid by yearly instalments, or in one sum, Investments made in Debentures, Mortages, ad other securities. SILVER AND GREEXBACKS BOUGHT AND SOLD. For furthest parteulars apply to JAMES HOLDEN, Official Assignee, Money Broker, &e. O fice XN Millan's Block, Brockt., £. Whitty A pril 13th, 1871. For Sale! INCE THE SOUTH RIDING OF the County _of Ontario is, and has been for als in Lump, I think the individual properties herein ought to be sold as well. FOR SALE. WO BUGGIES, AND A NUMBER of Wagons, for sale, on say term, Ah . EWING, FILA Oshawa, Sept: 2, 1873. Stolen or Strayed. eh Se ( N OR ABOUT THE 6TH OF this month 25 white Ewes, (without niark) any person giving informal ion that wil lead to heir recovery, will be suitably rewurded § James Bunss. E FE N I n, Pp, 0, 5» Sept. 10th 1873. add Onta ° WH Vol. 8 SEE IEE -. -- OSHAWA, ONTARI 0, FRIDA Y, OCTOBER 31, 1873. Y. M. C. A. Anniversary and Social Tea. HE FIRST ANNIVERSARY WILL . be held under the anéplices of the ladies of Oshawa, in WILSONS'S MUSIC HALL, Thanksgiving Day, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 6th 1573. Tew will be served at 6.30 pw, Short adresses will be delivered by the local Minist % Choral and instrumental musié by the village choirs, $ Admission 25 cents. Funds to beappropriated J. CARMICHAEL, towards furnishing the reoms. President. Btw T HOPPER BUTCHER KING STREET OSHAWA. WUSTOMERS CAN BE SUPPLIED / at his Shop, opposite Hawthorne's Store, or at their ewn Residences, with the best of Meats, fresh and salt. rish, Fowl, &c., always on hand in season. THOMAS HOPPER, oshawa, Sept. ith, 1873. 21-1y. © OSHAWA PACKING CASE FACTORY HE SUBSCRIBER IS PREPARED to supply at reasonable Prices, any quantity or quality of Lumber, Shingles, Laths, Pickets » Nidelng and Fluoring. &e. Bill Lum- ber cut to order, and promptly delivered. Plane- ing, MATCHING, MOULDING, and SAWING dune to order on the shortest notice. CHARLES H. HONEY. _ 3-19-1y. OSH AWA Sewing Machine Factory. HE "MODEL" SEWING MACHINE 2 will be found the most perfect machine ever introduced to the Canadiay public. Some of its points of excellence are, Oshawa, July 15th, 1873. 10: We HAVE NOW IN OUR SHOW ROOMS _ To elect from, Ranging in Price ee (Jr BEDROOM SUITS. A 60 SETS OF BEDROOM SUITES From $20 to $200 each.[:" PARLOR SUITS DINING ROOM SETTS, LUKE & BROT And other Furniture, in great variety, all of First-class Manufacture. 3-14-1y 4% Silent Motion, && Perfect Elasticity of Stitch, LF Simplicity of Construction, AE A self adjusting needle, a+ && Light running and rupid'in' operation, &4& No under gearing to perplex the operator, no screw driver required to adjust Its parts, an no helping the Machine to run over a seam. 4% 1t will sew the finest cambric' without fray ing it and the heaviest material without strain- ing the machine. Orders received will be filled in two or three weeks without fail. GEORGE YOUNG, anwSacturer. Oshawa, Sept. 1, 1873. 21-1. Newcastle Nurseries. HE SUBSCRIBERS, DESIROUS OF supplying good and healthy FRUIT TREES! OF VIGOROUS GROWTH, And of the various sorts of Fruit required for exportation and consumption, beg to say that they are now in a position to offer the following stock for fall and spring planting : Apple Trees, Standard & Dwarfs, lea Pear do. do. do. Plum do. de, Cherry do. do. They have also on hand every variety of fHRUB, SHADE, ORNAMENTAL, AND EVERGREEN TREES. They caution part HY TH Lhat agents employed fa vg written authority to produce. and that orders require to bemade on their printed blanks, J. P. LOVEKIN ¥ Co.. " Newcastle Nurseries, Ncweastle, July Srd, 1873. 18-1y SE LIVERY STABLE. R. V. CHUBB, ling kinds. do, Corner of King and Chuich Streets, Opposite Hobbs' Hotel, 0-- f CALL and SEE OUR TRE KING STREET, OSHAWA, HATCH & MEARNS ST OWVIES?T The best and largest assortment in Oshawa, HATCH & MEARNS, Hardware Merchants, and dealers in Paints, Oils, Glass, Nails, Iron, Chandeliers, Lamps, ~Coal Oil, &c., &c. Eavetroughing and Jobbing Promptly Attended to. Horses to hire at all hours of the Day or Night. Drivers Furnished if Requited. RATES MODERATE. Special svantigen * Commercial REMOVAL MEAT MARKET. G.W.GARTH, BUTCHER. AS REMOVED HIS MEAT MAR- KET to the Building directly opposite BLACKS COMMERCIAL IOTEL, KING ST. ving fitted up a Large acy Meat Market, Bai none i Ontaiio, he hopes by having it well stocked with the best of meats in their season, to merit a share of the wants of the vants of the Citizens of Oshawa in his dine. - { WO PEDDLING WAGONS on the road | EVERY DAY, so that his customers can be | supplied at their own doors,and in good time for the oven. Al orders jeft st the Market punctually atiended to. - | | | ¥ hat yy Busy AND P. P. RAILWAY. Silve 1 Jet a THROUGH LINE FROM TORONTO PORT PERRY. LIND (T- BOBCTOEZON & FENTLON F ALLS. HE STEAMER + ONTARIO" WILL f TT leave Port Perry every Monday, Wednes- day and Friday, at 11 o'clock, a.m, onthe ar- rival of the morning train Espe Lead from Whitby, which p ith the local train from the east, an a from 'Toronto, on the Grand Trunk Railway, arriving in Lindsay at 3 o'clock, p.m. Bobcaygeon, at 5 pam. ; Fenelon Falls, at?, p.m. TURNING. -- Leaves Fenelon Falls on Tues- Ph bei et and Saturday at 6, a.m.; arriving at Lindsay at 8a.m., and at Port Perry in time to connect with the train cornecting with the Grand Trunk Railway mixed gotng West, and local and Express going East. From Toronto to Bobecayzeen 2d to Lindsay "1 hitby to Lindsay - Whitby Bobeay, . $2.50. 2.00. . 1.25, n - - 1.75. fe hoa of the Grand Hepinstall's 13 Jewelry Store ~~ Is the place to can possibly be afforded, and which r Watches, Double Timers, Self-winders, RAILWAY TIME-KEEPERS, & Quarter Stop Seconds--exactly on the mark. - ALSO nd Fine Gold Jewelry, Latest Styles, Every article warranted to be just What we say it is, every time. buy . WATCHES, CLOCKS & JEWELRY At the Lowest remunerative prices, Can't be beat in Town or out, quality and design considered. -$4aving now in Stock to select from a Superior Lot of English, French and American Gold Watches, [iangusge can express. cially our Guinea Gold Ring, whieh includes more than ing patterns in Gem Rings, Amethyst & Sapphire Rings, done up scientifically and warranted correct. Regard Ring, and a host of other Goods, to all of which Your personal inspection is respectfully solicited. W. HEPINSTALL, Watchmaker, etc., King St, Oshawa N.B.--Watch repairing a speciality, which we guarantee to be Through Tickets can Trunk Agents, Toronto. sr Through Freights at low rates. For terms, &c., apply to the Agents. Any information can be obtained by applying a, R. KIMBALL, JAS. HOLDEN, Supt. Man'g Director, September 12th, 1573. tiv. Lumber & Shingles for Sale H# SUBSCRIBER HAS ON HAND Je at his mill near Utica, (late | Shand for 208 ia of lumber and shingles. sawn to order, Bull luinber A. B. CAMPDELL. 1 DEALER IN 15, KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. A. & §. NORDHEIMER, Pianos and Musical Instruments. 17-ly 'THE SCOTT MURDER. The Examination of Lepingat Winnipeg Cemploto Testimony ef an Eye-Witzess i of tha Assissination. Riel Orde™ the Peath Seatence to be Car ried lute Effect -Loplue ln command gives the sigual for the Fatal Volley, Manitoba papers just arrived contain the following full report of the testimony given st-the examinativn of Lepive, and upon which the prisensr was committed for trial : REV. GeO. YOUNG'S BVIDENCE. My name is George Young ; reside in Winnipeg ; am & minister ; resided in Win- mipeg in "69 '70; ia 1870 & visited F professionally : wade soli" latter part of "69 ; made ethers in Junnary February and March, 1870; I had ecca- sion to 'visit certain prisoners confined in Fort Garry ; some of them were taken prisoners in Dr. Schultz's building, in De- cember, "69 by Riel : others were taken on the 17th February, on the prairie near the town ; after February I was in the habit of visiting prisoners named Sergeant Powers, Parker, McLeod, Thomas Scott and others, a larg. number -- thirty or furty I visited them generally Sabbath mern- ine and during the week when I was per- mitted to do 20 ; I was obliged to obtain PERMISSION FROM RIEL ; at first I lad to see him personally ; Riel was evidently in command of a farce holding Fort Garry at that time and keeping these parties in prisin ; he had what he called a council of war from his own statement, he also spoke te me of his officers--Adjutunt-General sud Cap- tains ; oa the evening of the 3rd March, 1 met a messenger, one ef the guards, usmed Turner, who informed me that 1 was required at the Fort ; asked him who required me and for what ; he, replied: that Riel had sent for me to visit a pri- soner condemned to be shot next day at 12 o'clock ; I mccompanied hin to the Fort ; I attempted to see Riel at once, but was informed that he was wot in; I I went at once to sce Scott, who was the prisoner in question ; he was alone at the time ; guards at the door, just out- side ; when I had seen Scott a few days before he was HANDCUFFED AND SHACKLED ; this time he was net ; he informed me that he had had what wascalled p trial, as it was cond ucted;in a langauge he did not understand ; tha! Riel told him that it did not matter, as he was a bad man and must die; I was with Scott be- tween two and three hours that evening; the question in his mind seemed to be whether they would dare to shoot him ; he thought they were bad enough to do 20 ; he had made his arrangements in o view of the probable carcying out of the sentences ; early next morning 1 went te see the late Mr. Ross, who was then known as Chief Justice in connection with the Riel adminisiration, for the purpose of pleading with him in the.interest of Seott; but he was not at home 3 I then called on Mr. Bannatyne and spprised him eof what had taken place ; ke had not heard of it, and did not credit it ;. he theught it was an attcuapt to frighten ; I then cal- led on McKenny, who was sheriff, who told me he had not heard of it, mor did he believe it would be done; Isaw Mr. Robt. Tait at the same time, with the same result ; I then came to the Fort, and after seeing the prisover fcr a fow minutes, I called on the Hon. Donald A. Smith, then commissioner for the Domin- ion Government, snd informed him of what had taken place, and asked his as- sistance in appealing te Riel: he had not heard of it ; seemed very much dis- tressed st the information, and assured me he would use his influence to prevent the execution ; at the same time he ad. vised me to go first, thinking that I would succeed without any trouble ; and in case of a failure notify him, and he would pro- ceed immediately ; at that moment. PERE LESTANG, A ROMAS CATHOLIC PRIEST, who was said te be acting in absence of the Bishop, came in, to whom I at unce appealed in regard to this matter, he said he had heard it already and would inter- cede, I then went to sce Riel, asked him if this mav had been rentenced to be shot and if it was their intention to carry the sentence into effect ; he seid he was sen_ tenced, and it was their intention to ex. ecute him ; asked him if The prisoner had been plotting mischief against him or seeking to take his life ; 'he said no: he said he must impress the Canada Govern- ment and the Canadians here with the fact that We was in earnest, that he had selected Scott because he was the worst ene ; I asked Riel to spare Scott's life, and said it was a fearful thing to send a man so suddenly iute another world ; I said that the prisoner had very little time to prepare for death, aud could scarcely realize that he was te die; Riel reemed quite vexed that the prisoner did mot credit him with being in earnest ; Fe said G0 AND TELL HIM HE MU'T DIE WITHIN 9 TWo HOURS." He urged me to take a cross and hold it up before him, that that would impress more thau anything I could say; I told him we did not nse the cross that way, but that we had no time for argument. I then urged that the execution be pust- poned for twenty four hours, ho said he would call in the Adjntant-General and the proposition would be submitted to him. He further said that the prisonerf had been sentenced by the decision o the Council, who with one exception had decided that Scott must dis, but that he would submit it to the Adjutant-General who I understood him to say was the pre- siding officer of the Council. He called the Adjutant-Geperal into the room. The Adjutant-General is here prezent. LEPINE 13 THE MAN, Lepine came iu; tovk a scat and enter- said that my réquest was refused ; ous, when the guard 'entered the deer, Scott seswed very much startled, he said, vom, This fm BLOCDEDNUEPRE Iyer I urged him #0 abstain from any such re- marks, and give his attestion to some- thing eise ; one of them proceeded to tie his arms , snother put a piece of cot- ton around his head to blind his eyes; I asked them to retire a few moments from the room ; aud during this absence Scott and I had prayer together ; I thea heard the voice of Riel calling loud and angrily to the guard, and urging them to proeeed at once ; I told him 1t was my fault ; Scott asked permission to bid the boys geod-bye, which was granted, and I went with him to the different doors, and as they came to the door, he spoke to them in a low tone, saying, "GooD-BYE, BOYS ;" Riel was present ; saw also the late Mr. Goulet, and another ealled Nault; there were others beside the guard ; - I might have known thew if I had looked at them, but I was pre.occupied ; we then proceed- ed ; I assisted Scott down stairs, and he and I walked together ; we passed out at the gate, where we saw quite a number of perfons waiting, and were directed by the offiéera to halt at a place seme, two rods from the gate, in the sleigh track near the wall of the Fort. I then requested a fow minutes with the prisoner for prayer, at the close of which he bade me goed -bye, and asked me to, place the cloth closely about his eyes before I left him; he asked me if he should stand or remain on his"knees ; I advised him to remain kneeling. Just then they dis- covered that there was a house in range, and they romoved hia 30 or 40 feet from the track to WHERE THE sNOW WAS QUITE DEEP, where he again knelt down ; as this was being done, I saw 0'Donohus standing near by, and urged him te use his influene to prevent the execution, and hid him I knew he had influence to previ it ; he said it had gone very far, and admitted that it was a terrible thing, but did noth- ing too prevent it. 1 also urged the late Mr, th execution should be post for twen- ty-four heurs ; he wished to kuow why ; I stated the time for preparation was very short ; he replied that the time had come that he must die ; while I was re- monstrating with O'Donohoe the firing party had moved up in front of the prison- er; afew moments I heard THE REPURT OF THE GUNS I had turned my face away at the instant, I returned near the bedy ; the body was lying upon ene side of the face ; the coat was pierced in three places through the shoulders, as if from front to reas, Scott did not speak, there was a twitching of the right shoulder, I did not at that moment see blocd, but did afterwards ; somebody said, "ror she OUT OF HIS MISERY," and one of the firing party took a revolver from the pocket of another of the firing party, and placing it just by Scott's hesd fired; 1 recollect meeting Mr. Devlin's second son guing in at the gate ; he must have seen the execution also, two large men from across the river, named Emilien John McTavish informed me that he had w d the tiom, I understood that Mr. James And also wit d is ; after the shooting, Riel came out near the body and ordered the firing party togo into the fort, did met notice Lepine, in fact noticed very few unless I came face toface with them, after Riel had called in the firing party. 1 ASKED RIM PCR THE BODY that I might inter it ; he at first said I could have it, but afterwards seemed to withdraw the promise ; I then went into the fort and into Governor McTavishs residence, and reported all to Commis- sioner Smith ; 1 do not know of any other but Mr. Smith had inférceded with Riel before this; II wes not present when he interceded ; it' was understood that Mr. Smith was representing 'the Dominion Government here; when I returned from Mr. Smith the body was iu a long, narrow box, Goulet said to me, ** if you are going to bury this body you had better get a horse and sleigh and take it at once ;" 1 said I would go at ones ; IT WAS AFTERWARDS REFUSED ; 1 saw no more ef the body ; 1 was told in the evening that if the Bisnop of Ru- pert's Land and myself would come in the morning-and guarantee that the 'burial would take place quietly, I could have it ; saw the Bishop that evening, and we came up next morning to Ricl and asked for the body, assuring him that the burial would be quiet ; he said he was sorry to disappoint us, but that the Adjutant. Fort, which we saw ; understood to be the] grave, never was the grave ; wasabout to write to the body had had Christian burial ; request 3 requested that Scott's life should be spared or at least that twenty four heurs should be added to it ; Riel spoke to Le- pine and the immediate result was .a re. fusal ; Lepine shook his bead very decid- edly, and got up and left the room ; Riel I left Riel, seut a messenger to Mr. Smith and went back to. see Scott ; found him slone and 'told him of the refusal, and there was reasen to fear that the execution would take place ; we had devotional ex- ercises until we were interrupted by the coming of & guard who came to stake him Is HORRIBLE ; THIS 18 OOLD- General had insisted upon his right te dispose of the body, and that men were then digging the grave inside of the that is, what was but which I urged that as 1 THE MOTHER OF THE UNFORTUNATE MAX, it wonld.greatlyjrelieve her to know that he (Riel) said he could not comply with my 1 have no doubt upin my mind ;| that the death of Scott resulted from tlhe shooting referred to ; ho was placed in a BISHOP UN RUPERT'S LAND'S EVIDENCE. Was among the prisoners at Fort Gar- ry who were in the hands of French half-breeds ; asked Rigl for tie libera- tion of prisoners taken from Dr. Schultz's house ; was) refused ; in company with Mr. Young went sud saw Riel on 5th of' March ; asked thatthe body should be given up ; the reply was, that as far as he himaelf was concerned, he was willling, but the matter was in the hands of the Adjutant-General and tha the latter would not hear of it. I felt "that there was a determination not to give the body up, and I did not insist upon ity I re. coguize the Adjutant-General in this room; Isaw him at the Fort during the thie 'of "Yh imprison in question. WR it A Jocal paper déends largely on a re- cord of the accidents, offences and events occurring in the neighborhood of publica- tion and yet the business of such a news- paper does not yield prefit sufficient to ents in the villages around for their ser- vices. We are, therefore, largely depend- ent on our friends for sueh matters of interest, and copy the following from an exchange as containing suggestions that may be useful :-- ! Many of our readers are frequently aware of occurrences iu their immediate localities that escape on observation, and which by the expenditure of very little trouble and time on their part, m:ght be rescued frum oblivien. Now we want to report everything of a local nature that will interest our readers or any portion of them, and we ask yeu to write whenever you have anything reliable to write about. If you know the particulars of any acci- dent, write or call at the office and let us know if you or your neighbors have any grievance that you want redressed, write tous; and if it is right we will help you, in short, if you know of anything that ought to be published, lose mo titye, but inform us at ouce. We only ask you te observe the following rules as far as pos- sible : Tell the truth as near as you can. Write only on one side of the paper. It is more convenient for us. Use any signature you like, but always seud your own name as a guarantee of goud faith, Avoid personalities of an offensive na- ture. By leaving the envelope unsealed and putting the words ' printer's copy' vn the corner it will pass through the mail for one cent, 1f not exceeding an vunce in weight. Ifintended for the same week's paper, the letter must reach us not later than Nodneaday, oo -- Minera! Wealth of Canada. IRON ORE IN SNODON, NEAR BOBCAYGEON. Whe clip the follewing account of the newly discovered iron mine in the town. ship of Snowdon from the Bobcaygeon Independent. Mr. Campbell has made the most importaut discovery of minerals that has ever taken place fa this section 'of the Provinee,--a discovery that will probably have a material influence on the prospuri- ty of the whole of the vast terri.ory ly- ing to the north of Bobcaygeon between the Ottawa snd Lake Huron. The de- posit is in the first comcession of Smow- dom, about five miles from the village of K t, and ist ofan i bed 4 enable the proprietor to pay correspond- |. | State lection, NEWS OF THE WEEK. fl SATURDAY, 20TH. - Emperor of 6 Yi ertuaty had gone to : The trial of Basained still continues, The Marshall is alarmingly ill. ; Twenty-two deaths oecurred in Colum bus, Texas, in the last +¢ hours, from Cholera. Ty Coal mine operations in Penaylvania are suffering from the floods. Manufacturing in Connecticut is i o panicky condition, 20,000 operatives are out of employment. Secretary Rebeson says it is now eer- tain that Capt. Holl died & natural death. : A prize fight between Madden and Tay- lot; Chicago, yesterday, was dpoied by the rest of the sports by the pulice. There are three inches of snow at Ne- gaunee, Wis., and seven inches at Fort Garry, Manitoba. An immense demonstration is 10 be held in Dublin, Ireland, on the 23rd of No- vember, in favor of amnesty to the Fen ian prisoners. : . The nail mills of Bay State Irom Works, ations, A Washington despatch says the Span. ish legation has been raised to the rank of an Embassay, vid The schooner Nicholas, sank en the night of the 21st, in three fathoms of water, about tes miles down from Leam- ington. The Tory organs have already announ- ced thas the mayorality election in Lom- don will be fought eut from a political stand-point. The Mailman murdertrial, st Lanen- berg, closed last night. The jury' found the prisoner guilty after three-quarters of an hours del beration. Sentence reser ved until the last day of the Ccu=; . = A sad accident vccurrediat Omemen, on Thursday evening, the 23rd Willlam Powers, while drunk, fell off a wagon and broke his neck. : A young farmer named Nelson J Wood, of the second con. of Deleware, near Londen, is missing, and is supposed to have met with foul play. He sid » load of grain in the market on Monday and got on a spree, since which time he has not been heard of. * wonpay 97TH. A Fenian amnesty meeting was held ob Blackheath, London, to-day. A French newspaper has been conflseat. ed fur opposing Court de Chambord. Deputies from Alsace and Loraine have petitioned for the Republic. The U. 8. Government have decided to authorize par value for American silver, 81,637,000 in specie were received as New York to-dey, and $251,000 shipped to Europe. A couple were married in San Fran. cisco yesterday, in a balloon. Heenan the prize fighter is dead. Yellow fever is raging throughout the sfate of Leorgia. x R bli have carried the G i } Woodbridge is to have a new paper. As Wm. Wood, of Harvey; was driving to Putechoft Feuteriag, his horses ram away, ing him from his carriage, fatally injuring him. John McCabe, 8 moulder, from Water- town, N. Y., was run-over and killed on the G.T. R., at Napanee, yesterday. Mailman has been sentenced 10 be hang. od at Luneuburg, No matter how objectionable & measure may be which a Minister inte Pare of yon ore ef an gly rich Mr. Campbell, on making the discovery some time since, took samples with him to Toronto, and s full investigation hav- ing besa mnde, 'he was so fortunate as te secure as partners in the eaterprise two gentlemen largely engaged in operations at the iron mines in Lake Superior, pos- ing capital, exp and » thorough knowledge of the subject. The property having been secured, a still more search- ing investigation took place, aad it was revedled that the depqpit was ninety yards wide and between 300 aud 400 yards long, being exposed at intervals over that and is abeut one hundred feet above the level of Burnt River, from which it is dis- tant only a ouarter of.a mile. This &f- fords great tacilities for working, as mo shaft will be req d, and gall ean be run into the miue, and the ore loaded at once un to the tremwa . 2 It is needless to say that Mr. Camp- bell Lad the ore tested in every possible way. Prof. Croft's analysis shows that the deposit containe §S4§ per cent. of mgnetic iron ore, which would yield on smelting 61 per eat. of fine metalic iron. This is an extraordinary yield, and ren- ders the mine one of great value, espe- cially as the ore is free from all objection- able substances. The mine has now been thoroughly opened, the rock has been blasted out in large quantities, a gallery has been com- meuced, and a wall of ten foot high has been exposed. The further ths blastisg is carried the richer becomes the ore, and it in found that the iron stone is so soft that it can be drilled and worked at a» very small expense. It is not yet decided whether 40 smelt on t=e ground, or to convey it te Cleve- land in Ohio, or Lake Erie, othewise to smelt at one of the lake perts on Ontarie. This question is dependent on the action taken by the Toronto and Nipissing Rail- way Company whe have already been con- sulted on the matter, who have entertain- od most favorably the proposal to extend their live from Cobuconk te the mine. The distance wonld be under twenty miles, and as the Govermmont wonld, no doubt, give the maxim 1m bouns of $4,020 ver mile, the undertaking is quite feasible. n the meantime Mr. Campbell is bringing the ore down to to Bobcaygeon in wagons, whence it is shi per Port Perry Rail. way to Toronto for smelting. The first consignment of ore arrived in on Thursday, and excited great curiosity AE those who were aware of its ar- rival, * area. It occupies an elevated position, | t, the members Whom th : Just described obliged to for it 1--Ingers ii Chromicle. be JOHN A. IN LEAGUE WITH THS MURDERSE., It now appears that while the eeusiry | not Jobn A. knowing that be had full pardon, kept the pesple #8 to the trath for over organs have dared to deny. --Chatham Banner. TEN GOLDEN RULES, ever leave of wearing & eoat vnless 701% have another te take its place. ten cents in your Never buy » watch if you can get some ame to give it to you, Never ask your principal creditor the hes way to through the Bankruptey Court. Nover attempt to est sonp with a teeth pick when there is a spoon heady. Never take your boots to be mended by i cobbler whom vou have offended. Never wear your old hat if you esw borrow a new ome. ot Never order a steak at a plans where veur crodit is bal and the walter wears strong boots. | Nover pay o bill wales Junie 2 you Norm aly We wr you have suf. "icieut money tu spare,