Ontario Reformer, 24 Oct 1873, p. 2

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ST i Si en ETTENITDN 1873. Thausted; iti is , making ad havee with the pour negroes. "Pleare to write agsin on receipt of this. Oh, it is such a comsolation to know that there are some friends in the outside world who think of us in our afflic- a i" \ MURDERER gon ~ THECAVE oF J ADULLAM. mm the Kingston Whig.) s have hitherto prided them- MEETING OF THE MAGL.| ~ Reruaxive.--Rev, Mr. Belt is a expect: Lord Dufferin's Speech, | #4 homest an early day. Dissolution of of Fartverehipl, : There as romerols "new departure" HE PARTNERSHIP EXISTING in the fold of , Politics at Ottawa. The Ty : death of Sr ot 38 bers are reported to the busi have held a caucus, and decided to forma tinuance « py isa Er _-- holders, while that personal property which is really entitled tobeara share Flamer. | of the public burdens, is allowed to Grand Trunk Time Table. go Scot free. We trust that when ---- --t+the Local Parliameut meets, some MONTREAL TIME. --cr pe roa -------- TT Canadi Spite, for ° OSHAWA STATION.-- BF oN = oi ranst gr TAREE rea ELEEYE PLL ASE EL be HERESIEN RY nl or a i ! 8 ¢ ® a 4 E Bo WA We re er» ~ a hati ve ul S ade a TS hua $ ---- really succeeded in inducing the Im- of i Oabawa Friday, Oct. 17th, 1673 middle course will be adopted that | GOING EAST. Sita m. | will tend to a fairer 16 and moreoquit-| S111 another Delay ~ Tap | able system of assessing personal property . JOINS WEST. % oa Passenger . "10.08 oom. WHITBY STATION. Traine golax Kast leave Whitby € Station ten Nic nies iy and 'hose going W Fest fifteen | Miuw ns later than the above. | | The "appointments" still go on The Ontaris Peformer Onc by one the hungry office-seek- ____3 | ers are being provided for. The last | one is that of Anthony Lacourse to be junior judge of this County, Mr. Ortawa, O Oct. 23rd, 7, p.m. Lacourse was one of the men Who | The House of Cummens met this afternoon helped Mr. Dormer to get elected for | at's o'clock, amidst the greatest excite Victoria, and it is.alleged that he was | ment among arr immense crowd, gathered 1 a judgeship for that consid- from all parts of the country. The house promised a judy I waa thronged in every gallery, and lobby eration. Sir John attempted to foist | nedinions. him upon Prince Edward County | 'There was a very full attendance of few months ago, but the people of | members including all the leaders. that County would none of him. On- | Riel did not file an appearance, and it tarioCounty wasa conv enient scape- is now doubted if he is in the city. He goat ; and so receiy yed this last proof is thought to be hiding in Montreal. of the Gibbses influence and affection About- half-past three the Commons for 'their constituents. The scores were summoned io the Senate, whether "3 | Lord Dufferin had proceeded in State of able lawyers throughout this County must be highly flattered by Lady Dufferin among other ladies, oc- the compliment paid them in the se- cupied a seat on tle floor. "His Excellency read the speech, lection of a second-rate lawyer from | which he said that he had summoned the Lindsay, to pres'de over them. We shouldn't be surprised to see Riel House according to his promise at the earliest period possible after the Roya) " berthed" down here one of these days. Joun A. AFraID TO FAce ; The Music. | THE HOUSE ADJOURNED TILL MONDAY (By Special telegram, per Montreal line, Sram our own reporter.) FEEDING TEE EUNGRT. / The Riel | Diftculty. The Sins of the Government of Sir John Macdonald are come home to roost with a vengeance. Every week brings new evidence showing how surely Inirigte and corruption has over reach:d its mark---how easily the " engineer "is " boist with his own petard" Riel, the murder- er of Scott, isin Ottawa to-day claim- ing his seat as one of the People's representatives, sheltering himself from just punishment behind a par: don granted by Sir John Macdonald: What course the Parliament may take in the matter is not yet ap- parent, but the country will look with deep interest upon the result. 1f, as is 'alleged by Riel, Sir John has Commission had concluded its labors. Cepies of the Commissioners' reports led beeh sent to the Speakers of bota Houses, and he hoped the House would investigate MO, FOR A RESIDENT MEMBER. | thoronghly their contents. After further aesty for the rebellion of 72, Parlia- unimportant remarks he dismissed the r-nt will have nothing to do but to | When Mr. Brown and Mr. Gibbs Parliament to its labors. .o that the honor of Yes Majesty is contested this County in 1867, Mr.| Aftge: returning to the House of Com- o od, and faith kept with the | Gibbs' strongest carl (money ex- | Bomb ly elected members for Prirce Bs ah ted) was the howl for a " resident | B4 nd were introduced and took people of Manitoba interested. The | ceptec) was the b ) : Shale spats. They were greeted with ap- question will then arise, however. | | candidate." The honorable gentle- ac how far that amnesty can be made man has just given his constitnents Lg ulie weual formal motions, respecting tostretch. While granting immunity | ® proof of his devotion to the resident | Committees were introduced by Sir John to subjects in rebellion to Her Ma. | candidate platform by removing from | Macdonald and carried. jesty's laws, can it be also held to Oshawa to Ottawa. Of course it was| A Weasngs eas ; recei ed from the Sor. 3 a nie _ | ernor- > toh rom <helter the wilful, deliberate unpro- purely for Rn Soirvetiens ot his Sul the Imperial Government, approving of voked brutal murder of one of Her tituents. Outsidersseekingappoint- |. 0g 00 in inting a Royal Majesty's loyal subjects---not while | Ftunities in this County, would no Sissi ry ih arms inst the so-called Provi- Jou, Sus » Beawe franzagt their A message was also received enclosing sional Government, but while a help- | ittie business in wa as here. the report of the Commission, Hon. Sir John Macdonald then moved | Jess prisonef, utterly incapable of | that the address in reply to the Speech. be of either resistance or disturbance, taken into consideration on Monday next. We believe very many of the mem- | | This gentleman continues to be subject- Hon. Mr. McKenzie opposed the delay bers from Ontario maintain that the | ed to the vilest abuse of the Government amnesty cannot be beld to cover this |«rgans. Hon. Mr. Young has coinmitted AS Unnecessary. Hon. Sir John Macdonald said the de- {two offences. Firstly, he is wr. Se.|lay was due to the members on account foul crime, and we trust that bad as | ily ih il lines RE | of the lint of fii documents sud She th character which the second Par- | Johu Macdonald. The Government have | variety of subjects to be consi lered. liawent has earned, it will not be | veuted their spleen at' the Hon. The motion wal carried without a vote further sullied by association with a! gentleman by depriving him of an oflice convicted murderer. | in no way political,'and on which he relied and the House then adjourned. A caucus of the Opposition will be Feld | to procure a maintenance for his family. EIS To recount the circumstances of the case, | to-morrow, when the course to be pursued THE ASSESSMENT LAW. | 80 maliciously misrepresented by Hon. will be finally decided upon. It is thomght. parties will be very evenly ors in| { Mr. Gibbs organ here may not be amiss. balanced on the first vote. At the convention of Mayors T to on Tuesday and Monday, | The Hon. Mr. Young some twenty-five cron a A how to secure] | years 2go embarked a large fortune in the vex problem o i building up a trade with the Western a satisfactory system "of assessment | giuieq which has helped very much to | received a pretty thorough ventila- | wake Montreal what it is to-day, but un® tion, and was ably discussed by | fortunately ruineu its originator : while the many of the delegates present. of | piace of Jngpostar 90love ir in the coarse, the meeting has po power to | anda the city ol Yuntrea She Wer. 4 hi tical | chants, not only secured the office to Mr, legislate, or to do anything practical | yo as his just due. but on account of in the matter, but there is no doubt | his peculiar fitsiess for the position. Last the conclusions arrived at by the | session, in order to secure a uniformity of representatives of so many munici- | system throughout the Dominion, a mea- palities will be duly considered, and | A E-------------- "perial Government to declare an am- HON. JOHN YOUNG. AN OPINION OF RIEL 'We have been requested to publish the following resolution, passed last ev:uing, and we c ommend it to the attention of the Hon. Mr. Gibbs: Osnawa, Oct. 23rd, 1873. At an Emergency Meeting of L.O. Lodge, No 686, held at Oshawa, it was unanimously resvlved, that we regret to learn, that I.ouis Riel has been elected as a Representat.ve to the House of Com- mons, of the Dominion of Canada, and, that we, as a Budy, feel that his presence | sure wo make all such appointments by the | as a Representative in your Honorable " od to House, would be a seandg) and Jisgrace to will have much weight with the er wd was causitited tn, awd Mx. Young or --y and utter Siotastolnl to the ill | himself supported - the measure, on a Members of our Lo Orange Associa- metubérs of the local house, and Will | 40, being given by the Government A ) assist them i in the work of Jegislat- | tion, as well as to a large portion of the through Mr. Tilley, that as the emolu- | inhabitants of our County, and we hum- ing in the matter. It would be sup- ertlous to vecupy space with all the ments derived from the office did mot by wos Shik Whensurey ~y be taken 2 ' will prevent him from tal ing & seat in ° come from the Crown, he, Mr. Young, | Parliament of the Dominion, and to bring arguments 'pro and con that were would not be asked to resign it. When | him speedily to t for the murder of andl ely. ive the the time for ths change in the | Thomas Scott in Manitoba, and that Aba, = A BIVe LAC | ppointment arrived, Mr. Young 'wrotd' Sopy of Shisisenclutivn be Ht jo ne Se- effect © 'principal discussion, In | yy Giubs reminding him of the pledge oft STSH7¥ y Veraor{s ne. the resu't of which we think all pre- | the Government, and was answered in a ral of fhe Duminiod of Canady, _ sent agreed, with exception of some who it appeared to us, were influenc- ed in their opinions by reasons per- sonal to themselves." The subject of manner that caused him to believe that the new fliedged Minister intended to break faith with him. Mr. Young then wrote to Sir John a letter markad private, ex- assessment of personal property. was probably the most important of any brought up, and it ended in a reso- jatjen' hat all personal property NEWS OF THE WEEK. John B. Gough, the temperance l.c- turer, has been secured for a night at Hamilton. Mr. W. Grimelaw, of Wolfe Island, has 8 potato which grew upon his farm woigh- ing 3 Ibs. and 2 va. Sadi has returned from his visit to the West, and will occupy his pulpit next Sabbath. Trureranck.--Rev. Mr. Kenner is ox- pected to address the Temperance Meet- ing in the Bons Hall, Sunday afternoon, at a quarter.to 4 o'clock. Prosrzrovs.--The Treasurer of the oug' ing Society reports a balance in hand, | fter paying all the expenses of the recent match, of over $1.000. Tue Coxvextioy or Mayors. --Whitby was represented at the Convention of Mayers held in Toronto this week by Mr. J. H. Greenwood its chief magistrate. If you want to see the large.t, best and most varied stock of Shirt Studds, Cuff and Collar Buttons, suitable for either Ladies and Gentlemen, go to P. Taylor's. PRESENTATION. -- Mies Kate Wall was last Thursday ted with a valuable and handsome ying by the mem- bers of the Father Mathew Temperance Association. A Go to P. Taylor's if you want to get the latest styles of every descriptions of Watches, Clocks and Jewellry, Vases, Toilet Sets and all kinds of Faney Goods; all new importtiaons. CoxTRACT.--Messrs. May Bros. and William May have the contracts for erec- tion of the new brick buildings to be erect- od on Simcoe Street by Messrs J. W. Fowke and Arthur Farewell -------------------- ca. Haep ox rue Cow.--Rumor saith that an Oshawa buther killed a cow the other day, belonging to another man. It wasa case of mistaken identity, of course, but a sad mistake for the cow. Evvcariox Ix Owranto.--The lligh Schools of this County take high rank smong the schools of this Province, as judged from the results the recent Exami- nation this speaks highly for the "itidiamey of the teachers. BowmaxviLLe.--This town 1s disturbed by rumers of a crimcon. The injured party is alleged to be'a teacher, unce employed in Whitby, and the guilty parties his wife, and an wolf in sheeps clothing-- a propounder of the gospel. Dizp Ix Gaon.--An old man named Lauman died suddenly in Whitby gaol on Tuesday morning last. An inquest was held on the body and a verdict returned to the effect that death resulted from ex- haustion previous to being confined. Sate or Macazives.--The Yeung first monthly sale ¢f magazines and per odicals on Tuesday evening next, at their Rooms over Blamey & Driggs' store. Those wanting cheav literature should not fail to attend. AccipENT.--On Monday last a little boy, a son of Mr. Jolin Barnard, merchant, met with a painful accident while playing on the verandsh of his father's house. By some mischance he fell, breaking the outer bone of the small part of the right leg. Under care of Dr. Cobura he is pro- gressing faverably. Tus Sewina Macnixg Facrory.--On invitation of Mr. Young, several gemtle- men visited the Sewing Machine Factory on Saturday last, and examined some of the new machines just finished. All'speak highly of their elegance, of design and its good qualities as a machi Space com- pels us to defer a more extended notice. Arznzsr.--The Chief of Police, St. Cath- arines, yesterday, passed through Oshawa from Bowmanville, where he secured from the local authorities, one Alf Wilson, whe had been arrested in Bowmanville on a charge of laresncy of property, to the amount of $120, on information furnished from St. Catharines. : Tre Aoxes Wautace Trours.--This troupe played to full houses here on Fri. day and Saturday evenings last, notwith- standing adverse weather on the latter night, They created a mast favorable im- pression, and proved themselves worthy of the reputation they have earned as one of the best troupes travelling. They will receive a cordial- welcome if they should return aga:n. Provenmixe Marcu.--A number of East Whitby Plough men competed in the Do- minion Match at Port Hope, on Wednes- day, tat wh tv ful. J Stocks tack 1st prize in theseccond class of boys and Robert Angus fourth in first class men. We have not learned the names of other prize takers, of whom there jwhere veveral from this section, Samsara Scuoor Coxvearion. --The an- nnal meeting of this convention was held in Shaftesbury Hall, Toronto, beginning on Tuesday last. Among those present from this County we mneticed' Rev. Mr. Todd, of Port Perry, who was appointed oné of the Secretaries, and Rev. Mr. Scott, of Oshawa. There was an unus- ually large attendance, and a profitable discussion. I. Oranar Societies thronghout the country are holding indignation meetings and pas- sing stron resolutions calling upon the Dominion Government to execute justice vpen Riel if he a'tempte to enter the Pro- vince. The Orange Association has been for years a faithful ally of Sir John" Mac. donald, and no doubt he will show his gratitude to the order--as he always does. A few days will show. Hien Scuoor ExamiNation.--At the tion for ad into the Osh. awa High School 23 candidates were plaining that if the Government were de- termined that he should not hold the office while a member of the House, he would have no alternative but resignation, adding "'a wife and ten children at howe, Shi £ oil £ P lea hoice." This i ipments of oil from Petrolia hou. to aks No doch the | rene" se The he le | hE he To nC primeiple is good enough, but. we | meanness to publish, as the Vindicator distilled, 742 barrels. Yann; 49 ;. god think it was a mistake to have en- | says, in self-defence ! It should be said, | There are eight Refuim journals pub- dorséd it so unreservedly as was however, that Mr. Young subsequently, | lished in the County of Wo done by the convention. It would ad yefare a Juste Stn Jp bees cio hss opi rae ; : = i r, anno roug! hav e been much ale Just to have the Press that hehad resolved to maintain A ple who got requainted in South qualified the resolution in some man- | Lis seat at all hazards Having by Mr. Senn ionn ve Priyy, ware ied Su uer4o have made its effect more re- | Young's letter learned' his position, Sir will be diffeosnors of pinion ato whether asonable. Ald. Tuer, of Toronto, | Sulla sudérvymnd by means of the plot | Friday is an unlucky day. i _ | which has been exposed, and with which tob i 4 ue . » us > have the pea So all are familiar, to force Mr. Young out of Thain rs ings She hs rect ppreciation of the true Way |, poyse, by taking advantage of his | Ottaws ere they commence operati..ng on out. of the difficulty. To bear evenly | poverty, and being foiled in this design, | the public buildings. Waiting "for in- on all parties, wé do not see how it | Mr. Gibbs has finally appointed his lat, | Siructions seems to be he rie ul the can be consider to assess all persona deputy, Mr. Hutchinson, to the office. CRY, M0 "They ought bai have ind propefty, AM. Turner argued that The organs now endeavor to make the pub- | built and occupied by this time, or, at all personal property, which was a lic believe that "for years" Mr. Young | least, great progress made in their con- os of dn has been ** nominal Inspector," receiving | struction. ry bu ean A Its owners | 0 nay while Mr. Hutchinson did all the of Engh that McDonell, jhe Bank ould be taxable, but that taxation | work. That this slander is baseless, we Songer; gave the. Hew Yop "= - : h detect ,000 to get h ¢ Shoid fo be levied on such person- | have only to state that when the appoiut- Jerestives 300, now hod hg Bll hs al property as is not a'so.rce of pro- | ment was d, the merchants of | wishes to investigate the charge. fit. For instance, the merchant Montreal resolved to continue Mr. Young, The reported prize fight near Roberts- if not in the official position, yet as the | dale, 1IL, yosterday, between Madden of ahold be atetsed pon His ack, practical inspector, and have. requested | Now York, and Hawkins of Chicago, was becat g of it he expects | Lim to continue to keep hi : roken up while the 65th round was be- . 5 p his office n in i to create a profit to himself, and his | order to a date their i _ thus hg fought. The bo ics ey 2d. Sots the busiuess and income therefrom, re- expressing in the most practical manner Zon Wednesda AA affai ceive a direct, benefit from the pros- ghcie contidehes in his Sen for the po- | tdok place pon No. 6 Express trou, oy of the coun at ) 5 on, en want of confidence in the | ning between Detroit and the Bridge. poy try P " gentleman whom the Government, in their | An Awerican lady who was travelling Vv property, such as househo d | desire to spite Mr. Young, chose to ap. | [om Detroit to Preston, N.J., while the goods, may almost be considered of | point. -In Montreal there is but one feel- a. RC Womack the on y th ed the necessaries of life, and from such ing on the matter, and that is Tat the | her carefully removed to 'a hotel. A property the owner drives no profit overnment have acted in the most gross< number of ladies on ole the car did ha . everythis ble for thei 2 morn la value him fled by | S27 3eie mane ft cml SL ue nls fr fe " td nur ity condition that ought to render | (hy; city, in making an api iY | The Township Council of re, i it fiable to taxation. In great Bri- | which they have such a deep interest, and §roming hd arin submitted 8 fair rs ismo taxation of person whatever prejudice they may succeed in | Bowmanville and Georgian Bay Railway. creating against Mr. Yovng, that gentle- 18th man has the satisfaction of koowing "that those who are mu: t intimately interested iu the matter, encors+ his conduct and condema that of the Government in the The vote is' to be taken on the November, An e3plotion of dualin occurred at the Windsor Mills near Montreal, on Monday afternoon; by which two of the workmen employed in'its manufacture, were killed. The Cunard Steamshij mhd to withdraw heir y the West India service at an iran and will ulti- TARY Ye to 0 sii. As the ful. They rank as follows : 1, Emma Tatton ; 2, Effie Beath ; 3, Robert of | Law ; 4, Jos. Warner ; 5, Thos. Hepburn , 6, Elisa French ; 7, Mary Cornish ; 8, W. Park ; 9& 10, W. Hodder and D. Grierson ; 11&12, B. Reid and A. Smith ; 13, A. Garrow ; 14, J. Hodder ; 15 & 16, A. Kirkpatrick and W. Glenney; 17, D. Scott ; 18, F. Camwell ; 19, J. Home Again.--Rev. Mr. Montgomery | selves on have for Men's Christian gssociation will hold its | oir respect to the Law, as they purity of their public men. But, as ..s Pacific Scandal rovelations have shown Canada to be the hot-bed of political corruption beside which an Al- bany lobby was pure, so has the election of the murderer Riel, as a member of the House of Commons, demonstrated that we have momentarily lost all respect for Law and Justice. The horrible history of 8éott's murder is fresh in remembrance, and prints Riel a blood-thirsty scoun drel who scarce deserves a formal trial, with so short a shrift did he hurry his victim to eternity. That he should for years have escaped: punishment for his brutal crime was in all conscience disgraceful encugh, but that he should now be elected to take his seat among law-makers of the land, a red-handed violator of the laws ot God and man, and at the very time that his secomplice is undergoi g his trial for mur- der; is a scandal which even the lawless people of the American 'Western Fron- tier would not tamely tolerate. When the particulars of Scott's butchery were heard in this province, a feeling of warm and honest indignation pulsed shroughout the whole province : and it is to be hoped that the people of Ontario have not since grown so callous as to permit the rascal the liberties of the streets of Ottawa. He isnow said to be on his way thither, where we hope to see him peering through prison bars rather than turning our Le- gislative proceeding into a farce by ae. suming to make laws for the nation. This disgrace has been brought upon the éountry by the blundering policy of the Government, who throughout the basiness have sheltered the felon. Last snmmer he retired from the contest in Provencher him a letter thanking him for his "* patri- otism," though Sir John Macdonald had said a short time previously that * he wished to God he could catch Riel I' We will see how sincere was the pious || entreaty, and whethé¥ the Frenier will make good his pretension by putting the criminal law in motion against the '"'mem- ber" for Provencher. That he must not be allowed to defile the house by his pre- sence, but be summarily ejected, as was O'Donovan Rossa from the English Com- mons, must be the demand of every oy- al man. If the Governmant further at- tempt to shield him, it will be time for in favor of Sir George Cartier, who wrote] tion." The schooner Cecelis Jeffrey, | Aad new party of Adullamites, to take action inde yendently of either Tory or Reform party. J this should be su, we may see with 10,000, bushels of wheat from Toron- io sunk on Saturday at Tower Shoal, near Kingston. The cargo is & total loss, but icsurad. The Orangemen of Montreal have pass- ed resolutions calling on the Government to secure Riel's arrest if he shows htmself ot Ottawa. La Minerve says it is true that the Gov- ernment pledged itself to.give Riel and his friends an amnesty. Perhaps that's why Sir John kept on wishing to God he could catch him Cool Borgess anpeared before the police magistrate in Montrea!, on Monday, charged with threats by a former member of his tronpe. a youth named Williams, whom he brought from New York, and discharged, he alleges, for drunk queer develop posed * inl- dependents" are nearly wholly from the Government side of the House, and if they be good Conservatives, they will probably be fouhd » stride tle fence, labelled ** for sale to the highest bidder ; you pays your money and yew takes your choice." TrousLe AMONG THE Lawyers.-- Prof- essors of the '"'hucus pocus science" in Whitby are much disgusted with the eon- duct of the Hon. Mr, (ibbs in appointing a non-resident to the office of junior judge of Ontario. They think that all the lega acnmen which was brought to bear to se" cure Mr. Gibbs' election by t Cool gave bail, and declared he would at- tach young Williams' baggage for » debt Snow eight inches deep has fallen in the western part of Wyoming. John Bright was re-elected on Saturday to his seat in the Imperial Parliament without opposition. Notwithstanding the Abyseian war, and a Geneva award, the public debt of Eng- land has teen reduced by $328,722,775 within the last fifteen years. The Ontario British Templars Grand Lodge began their annual mesting in the Morrill Temple Hall, London, on Tuesday last. The report showed that sixty-seven lodges had 'been established' during the year, an increase of 1,600 members, and $260 on hand. Interesting speeches were delivered. The Duke of Manchester departed "y the steamer Scandinavian from Quebec. Fort Garry, Man., Oct. 21.--The first detachment of the mounted police arrived hére this afternoon by the Dawson route under Inspector Walsh, They will pro- eeed to-morrow morning by water to the Stone Fort, where all needful preparations {have been made for their reception. The irest of the force are between Lere and Thunder Bay with stores and clothing. The arrival of the mounted police in the country gives great satislaction and an increased feeling of security. The Chatham Planet says :--*"We have received sn ear of white Dent corn grown by Mr. Jos. Blackburn, township of Chatham, which contains mo less than 1,018 grains, without counting the small ones at the point; and this is an average sample of the field." people to consider whether life is safe un- approbates murder by elevating its per- petrator to the higher rank of legislator. Ttis crowning disgrace can only be avert- | ed by the summary arrest of the rascal | and his return to Manitoba for trial for murder, instead of his insulting the loyalty ! of Canadirns by daring to sit in their | Commons. |. EFEVER AT THE SQUTH. The New Orleans Times publishes the following pictures of the distress from yellgw fever at Shreveport :--The fallow- | ing extract from a private letter received | by a Iady"of this city from a young lady | friend, now residing at Shreveport, will be read with interest. Of course the let- ter was only intended for private perus. ual, but it so touchingly portrays the con- ditien of affairs in the plagne-stricken city, that the liberty of publishing a few passages has been taken : -- " Sueeverort, La., Sept. 29, 1873.-- "I have mianaged to snatch s minute's time to write just a line or two, for it_is s physicalimpossibility to do more. We der our present rulers, and whether a! country can be truly called civilized which MoxTtresL, Oct. 21.--Hon. John Young bas issued a cirenlar to the floor trade containing the certificates he has received from the examiners vnanimously, Labelle | having added his after McDougall con- | sented to give o-e to Hutchinson, and | stating that in accordance with the re- uest of many of the large receives of ee he has detorniined to keep his office op»n, not an inspector, but as examiner. A committe of merchants have selected the samples which are the same as those chosen by the Dominion Byard of Esaminers. Mr. Toung retains all his old staff of sxil- led men, with the exception of Hutchison. A Miss Sturge .is a candidate of the Birmingham (England ) Liberal Associa tion for member of the school board. The London Advertiser says. Rykert is mentioned among those who are likely to be nominated in the Government inter- esis for West Toronto, in case Crawford retires with the Govemorship. Little Charley thinks he's too big a wan to be left prancing around among the spittoons in Teronta Fexewox Fars, Oct. 18.--At a railway eating held here on Thursday evening by Mr. Fowler. the following resolution was :--Moved by Robt, Webster, and Be onied by John Neveson that after hearing the explanations of Mr. Fawler, respecting the ennstruction of the Bow- wunville, Lindsay and Bobeaygeon Rail- way tu Fenelon Falls, this meeting is of the opinion that it would be great benefit to this township, and that the C - titiad keep well as yet, butare exhausted from 16ss of rest and hard work. Last night was my first night in bed for a week, bad I conld mot sleep even then; the her rors through which I have paised, and am passing, are burned in my brain, and I never can furget them. From the first breaking out of the fever, we were called upon to nurse sick friends, and have not been able to take much rest since , fo crown dil, our servants ave sick, there is the cooking, etc., to he done. No one outside of Shrevepert can imagine the terror and desolation here ; there are mot half enough nurses, jor coffins, nor grave- diggers ; every hight corpses are left un- buried in the graveysrd, because they come too late, and the diggsrs are too ex hausted to raise their bands. ""1 have just seen a-dear young die. She was so good afid beantiful ; her be submitting o By-law for $40.00 10 be voted on by he | ratepayers. Carri Cawszay, Oct. 18th.--A large and in- flnential meeting was held bere last night, eslled by Mr. Fowler, ushing for a forty thousand dollar bouus to the: Bowman. ville and Georgian Bay Railway. After listening for two hours to Mr. Fowler's explanations respecting the benefit of "1 iluays to the country generally and to Fenelon icular, a resolution was passed to the bonus, and a peti- tion was signed By all the ratepayers pre- sent, asking the Council to submit a by-law to be on by the ratepayers. a2 a stated Shat Gould's ky in Lon- nk, wit! 00,000 profits made in Erie which he (Gould) was relying open to gr IA losses made here sings' the panic 'commenced. It is also d that broker has car- ried off the finds of several ther New Yatk apscuintars whase agents sailed for death was one of agony, and you can ima- gine what my feelings were when I tell you that I was alone with her, and she was dying frem eight at night until seven in the morning ; there was other sickness in the house, and I was obliged to elose the door to stifle her dying cries. "She was delirious, in convulsions, and the black vomit lasted a full hour. It was too much forme, and 1 feel crushed this morning: 1 have been with seven differ- eht families during their sickness, bat most of them recovered ; and this was hard indeed. "I wonder at myself (now that, sitting down alone, thought must come), that 1 could witness so much horror and live. I have laid out the dead, waited on gentle- men who were dependent on the charity of strangers ; have gone without sleep for days, until I feel if-it lasts much longer, my mind cannot support its burden." Another writer says:--You ean form no conception of the terrible distress through which our poor distracted people are pas. sing. In many cases whole families are down with the terrible disease, and noth- ing but some inexperienced person to ad- ister ther medici Many, who have died for want of attention. Every one that could get away from town left, and, out of the remaining, over five hundred have been swept away since the lst of September. There are not actually enough well ones to take care of the sick and bury the dead. 1 learn that poor C's. corpse laid on the ground #11 night ani the next day awaiting its turn Tor inter- ment. know of several instances where whole families have been swept away, and not a child left to tell the tale. And the end is not yet. 'Many who were conval- escing and supposed to be well, who had been in the streets from eight to ten days suddenly took a relapre, and died within Hote | Field ; 20, W. Munroe ; 21, J. B. War- Three. less than six hours. Consequently mo | Poss on _Satirday to investigate the matter. Naraxee, Oct. 20.-- The new Methodist Episcopal Church here was dedicated on Fridsy last Ly the venerable Bishop Rich- ardson, the services continuing over Sun- day. The church is 'a very handsome brick structure, with stone dressings, and has a spire runnirg to's height of 165 feet. It will accommodate about 1,000 le, and cost upwards of $17,000. The wre: ceeds at the above services, by ollie and subseri ted to about &. 500, which added to the sam previous. ly subscribed makes a total of $15,760. Of this total the ladies of the congregation have provided $2,200, and the young pecple, $1,250. The proceeds of the din- ner and tea amounted to $450, Bowxvnvinie, Oct, 21.--DMiss M. A. Fairweather, one of the lady missionaries who responded to the call of the Carada Preshyterian Church to go to the mission field, was this afternoon waited on by Mrs. J. Emiith and Miss Murdoch, of the Canada Presbyterian Church, and pre- sented in the name of the congregation with a handsome watch and chain as an ex jon of their good wishes tow- ards her in p of her new duties. She sails for India in a few days, along with Miss Rogers from near Montreal, whose services were accepted for the same field of labor. Commercial, OSMAWA NARK 4 Flour, a can tell when he is safe, POEP- 4 jsazacys | lation is deserving of a judgeship to amy the least of it. a'tached to the Eastern express on the G.T.R., on Wednesday evening. A large | of number of Members of Parliament and others on their way to Ottawa Was the cause. Among others we noticed Hon. Messrs. McPherson, Blake, Reesor, Wood, and Messrs. Landerkin, Cook, Young, Gillies, M. C.Cameron, Rymial and other M. P.s, with Mesérs. Diamond, Ohren, Watson, and Burgess of the Globe, Bel- ford and Patterson of the Mail. PRESENTATION TO A LATY Missionary. A presentation under rather unusnal cir cuwistances took place a few days since at Bowmanville, Miss M. A. Fairweather, one of the lady missionaries who respond. ed toa call of 'the Canada Presbyterian Church to go'to the mission field, was, yesterday afternoon, waited on by Mrs. J. Smith and Miss Murdoch, of the Canada Preshyterian Caurch, and presented in the nsme of the congregation with a hand- some gold watch and chain, as an expres- sion of their good wishes towards her in prospect of her new duties. She sails for India in a few days, along with Miss R-- gers from near Montreal,;. whase services were accepted for the same field of labor. Fox Orrawa.--Three Pulman cars were | | a continuance of the tended to the late firm. Oshawa, Sept., 30th, 1873. JAS, SHEA. HERE IS A PRAYER MEETING SiS ton Sabbath h Morning from Je Winthe Osnawa, Oct. Tth, 1873, Exezutors Notice. . JAMES SHEA BEGS TO NOTL. ha iedna e 10 the late firms of of r to close the estate. b a shi Mh, 1873, IE +3 ADMINISTRATORS NOTICE Rott oe Whitby, in the Count died on or oe the Four WIN FAA vor [| the County of oP Catrin Hall, administrators sonal a} Enso and Effects, by Shei Hall ther Chetan 2 of their claims, Loam id by, She he nd i crn y them, ai m ae NR Fighth du of January Siiagely assets of the he suid Phoe *heba Hall, will be reference prs to the clai of which shall have or have oy Administrators as above requir painiaihior, OF efter ot then, Sha not for t! any rt EE TS Soe he vi og 3 A m or ir said All } ucrsans a: to the id Estate the TT SATO TOWTS oy ry Qotaunta EDWIN FAME phe on FARBW. ELL, Solicitor for the Adminis non' Dated at Whitby, October 8th, A.D, 187, = INSOLVENT ACT UF 186), and amendments therete. AND INSOLVENT ACT OF 10. N THE CO rommineetararte cout of ng Cont LL INDEBTED TO THE tol MB Sk dneas, on or before the Tor SEIILE tne BIRTHS. In Oshawa, on the 39th inst. the wife of Mr. a son. In enawa, on the Ie 15ty inst, the wife of Mr Patterson, of a In Oshawa, on the 30th inst., the wife of Ed- w Jomes, of a son. s In Darlington,' oa the 16th inst., the wife of Mr. L. Cronk, of a , In Cedrdale, of the 17th inst., the wife of Mr, . Shearn of a danghtor, In East Whitby, on the 19th inst, the wife of Mr. A. Terwilliger, ot a son. In Harmony, on t the Eh inst. the wife of Mr J. Crancy,of a soi In Oshaw i ot She 18 oh inst., the wife of Mr. E. Tweak. ofa In Ohno, on the 20th inst., the wife of Mir. J. Kwing, of's daughte AED, In Darli , 22nd inst, Mary, beloved wife of Cronk, aged 17 years, 3 months and Luther 13 Lda, -- _ hr ---- Pew 'Advertisements. Y. mM. C. A. Annivermry 'and Social Tea. be held under the PL of the ladies of hy in WILEONS'S ITUSIC HALL, » Thanksgiving Day, THU RSDAY.! NOVEMBER ot 1573. Tew will be served at 6.39 p.m, Short resses will be delivered by hw local Ministers, Chiotal 0 nd instrumental music by the village Admission 25 cents. Funds to be appropriated ards furnishing t tow rooms, J. CARM.CHAEL, Prevident. SERMONS BEHALF OF THE BIBLE CHRIS. Lu he BC Charen gute Yoh? 4 NEXT SABBATH. Er Kennan, from Ham il werd 8-3w, Esolvent Act of 1869: IN THE MATTER OF J. J. HALL, An Insolvent, JHE JNDERSIGR ED EDWARD Don are Fike LS, 1 rn hi Sle in this matter. Bowmanville Advertisement. M. MAYER: BOWMANVILLE, respectfully calls the attention of all who are desirous of hav- ing their FURS Changed or Repaired and that he will be logsel 10 to have their orders no delay may occur. fe fo tia gal attention to his large stock 0 MINK --AND-- ALASKA FURS, Buffalo Robes, &c. all of which will be found ex: cellent value. kest price aid Syn ade RAW FURS A CALL SOLICITED. | ox ' M. MAYER. HE FIRST ANNIVERSARY WILL | « : JOHN & MIX.'* Oshawa, Oct. 10th, 1873, VE eae Steele Broth thers, in order to accomodate their is- creased trade are mow | ENLRGING asp Their store and very large additions to now eomi forward, will "exhibition and sale in 8 fe® | The richest designs in eg NEW CHIN, ¢ The most varied display of * * %. NEW CROCKERY. | The handsomest LAMTI'S © und GLASSWARRY The finest Currants, ne E Es The finest Valencia Raising,' Hhds of NEW SUGARS, and all lines of their business with goods quite beyond they have heretofore offered to public. Full lists will be given aa iN completion of portation, In ¢ the meantime and test qualities sl . STEELE BROS "Grocers and Seedsmes: Oshawa, Oct. 16th. 1873. ~ ATEINSONS | Drug Store, Next door to Wigivare odoin RUGS, PATENT Scented 'Soaps, & Purfumury: Bue i Bur Reheat DYE ER EVERYTHING or tas BEST QU. And Susiely Genta, Ohana, £ Particular Notion te | | ad open, ger." Half a bor'zg ae pard passen not tri boaide of her. ofl swerin| had b was sh) tag jus! there a rapid hackm : of Lak of Phil escape in wh found, , odo m a8] -gier J would pro profession ~ sively deg odar pro a cause, ad pher, sul

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