Ontario Reformer, 3 Oct 1873, p. 4

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#1 REET) ; be gv oy PEE TETAS 1 LE 7 VR way LL 8 goo Ld " EEE Ee BRRRRLLEEEY hE VO ---- ENE RT ae Ton Ei BL RR ea a MER WA cana oy - pi L La INGE ea ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, ONT. rriDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1878. 'REMOVAL MEAT MAR KET. | G.W.GARTH, BUTCHER. AS REMOVED HIS MEAT MAR- KET to the Building directly opposite BLACKS COMMERCIAL HOTEL, KING ST. Having fitted up a Large Airy Meat Market, second to none in Ontatio, he by hav! | it well stocked with the best of meats In their | season, to merit a share of the wants of the vants of the Citizens of Oshawa in his line. | TWO PEDDLING WAGONS on | EVERY DAY, so that his customers can bo | supplied at their own doors,and in good thne | for the oven. Ali orders left as the Market tended to, | Punctually at BOWMANVILLE ORGAN FACTORY IMPROVED CABINET ORGANS. BEST! Encourage Home Manufacture. The Bowmanville Organ Factory is now Manufacturing Instruments equal to the best imported, and at much less cost. ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS! Our celebrated * Vox Celeste," * Louis Patent," *" Vox Humana," ** Wilcox Patent" ** Octave Coupler," the charming, "" Cello " or * Claricnet " Stops, and Quality and Volume of To pe aaled. The Best Material and DARLEY & OHARA. Bowmanville, August 2th, 1873. .. em ------ ---- "FREDERICK NEALE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in GROCERIES, WINES, AND SIMCOE ST, OSHAWA. Agent for Davies & Bro's Celebrated XXX Oream Ale and Porter. Choice Brands of Cigars and Tobaccos always ; inStock. ©; - 51y THE TRADE SUPPLIED. ATEINSONS' DRUG STORE - REMOVED TO NEW AND LARGER PREMISES Next Door to COWAN'S. -~--n Drugs, Patent Medicines, Scented Soaps, French and English Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brushes, and a General assortment of Dye Stuffs. Everything of the best Quality and Strictly Genuin THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR A. & S. NORDHEIMER, DEALER IN Pianos and Musical Instruments. 17-1y 15, KING ST. ES, TORONTO. THE MOST STYLISH RIGS ON THE ROADS, | * " ARE KNOWN AS 'BAMBRIDGES = INATION ORGAN! et a as er Res TO LET FIRST-CLASS TENEMENT, WITH ny number of Rooms that may be requir- ply Mit 's Block, 1340 od. Aw rooms habe, for rosamak establishmen KKLLOGG, over McRae's Store, LIVERY STABLE. R. V. CHUBB, Corner of King antl Chmch Streets, Opposite Hobbs' Hotel. Horses to hire at all hours of the Day or Night. Drivers Furnished if Required. RATES MODERATE. Special advantages to Commercial en 1 FOR SALE. HE VALUABLE PROPERTY lately owned by Mr. Robert Gott, corner 0 Simcoe and Pine streets, consisting of one quarter acre, on which there are two houses with water kc. Also some good lots for sale on the Karr Prop erty, the best in Oshawa, Apply to sat. JAMES WOOD, HOUSES TO RENT. 0 RENT, ON THE CORNER OF Mary and Agnes streets, a new eommodi- ous house, Also, two rough cast houses on Albert street, 'our rooms each. Apply to PFAMEs HORN, Whitby, or to JOHN BOYD, | ate Insurance J gent, Oshawa. : - Stolen or Strayed. N OR ABOUT THE 6TH OF this month 25 while Ewes, (without mark) any person giving information that will lead to their recovery, will be suitably rewarded by James Burxs. Raglan, P. O. Bept. 10th 1873 324m. SPRING SUMMER CLOTHING. LATEST STYES. AND BEST QUALITY. CALL AT CURLEY'S AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR | SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING- He has just received his NEW STOCK, Which will be found complete. Jeautiful Vest and Pant Patterns. the shortest notice. A CALL SOLICITED. FRUIT & OYSTERS. re 1 HE UNDERSIGNED HAS 'ON hand the very best of all kinds of fruit in are now being received every day, and will be on hand either by the ean or in bulk during the scason. bE ; fice Cream, Soda Water, '&e., &e Stand directly opposite Reroruza Office. Give me acall JOHN GIBSON. 3229m. IN PRESS. To be published in November, 1873 1, ELLE GAZETTEER OW BRI tish America, Containing the latest and most authentic descriptions over six thou. sand Cites, Towns and Villages in the Provin- ees of Ontarlo, uebes, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, New Foundland, Prince Edward Island, Manitobs, British Columbia, and the North West Territories ; and general informa- tion, drawn from official sources, as to the names, locality, extent, &c., of over fifteen hun. dred Lakes and Rivers, with a Table of Routes showing the proxmity of Raftroad Statious, and Sea, [3 bh and River Ports,to the Cities, Towns, Vill dc. in the several Provinces. Price $2.50; Pi rull Calf, $3.35. Agents wanted to canvas for the werk. JOHN LOVELL, Publisher, Mont real, 9th Aug.. 1873, FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR VILLAGE PROPERTY. 1,915. 4 IN THE STH CON. cession of the Township of Wollaston County of Hastings, containing 100 ACRES, of which 50 acres are under cultivation. Hemain- der wood, Apply to R. McGoe. Dated 30 August 873. 194 SOUL CEARMING." How cither sex may fascinate and gain the love and a t of. any parton they choose, in stantly. This simple mental acquirec.nent all can possess, free, by mail, for 25 cents, together with a Marriage Guide, Egyptian Oriele, Dreams, Hints to Ladies, ete. A queer, exciti book, 100,000 sold. Address T. WILLIAM Co... South Eighth St. Philadelphia, Pa. OSHAWA Sewing Machine Factory. HE "MODEL" SEWING MACHINE will be found the most perfect machine ever introduced to the Canadian public. Some of ie points of excellence are, Aa Silent Motion, de Perfect Elasticity of Stitch, 4&2 Simplicity of Construction, £4" A self adjusting needle, 4 Light running and rapid in o ration, 4° No under gearing to ne the operator, no screw driver required to adjust its parts, and no helping the Machine to run over a seam. - && It will sew the finest cambric without fray ing it and the heavicst material without sirain- I mers maces will be filed three # receiv in tw weeks without fail. © oor GEORGE, YOUNG, lanufrcburer, Cshawa, Sept, 1, 1853, <a, Jlothing of all kinds made to order on ~ Fresh Oysters' " PSYCHOMANCY, | ed NEW LIGHT. nn () | -- JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF' NEW LAMPS! AND. FIXTURES, : A Qptnie Iry Our Extra Refined COAL OIL. BLAMEY & BRIGGS. W. WIGG & SON, Cabinetmakers and Undertakers SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA. HR Lounges, Desks, Tables, Bookcases, Bureaus, Cupboards, | Bedstead Washstands, Chairs, Mattrasses, Looking Glasses, and FURNITURE Of all kinds and qualities kept constantly on hand. Also Agent in Oshawa for the Dominion Noiseless Patent Steel Spring Bed Bottom, Clean, healthy, comfortable and durable, approved of before all others by those who have had them, and sure to give satisfaction. Also sole Agent fcr PALLING'S PATENT BALANCE WINDOW BLIND ROLLER, A first-rate article, Pictures in great variety. Frames made with neat- ness and despatch. Children's Carriages and Perambulators always on hand. 0: UNDERTAKING Special attention paid to Undertaking. Funerals attended to on the short Bet A PF lendid Hearse furnished when required. Coffins kept on hand and made to order. Terms reasonable. Sideboards, Sofas, Stands, 30 peo! u A 0% WITIMIP "HINVINHOLYM AALOALSTEY a1n0 IPRIOU0S 030)0q poo3 sry eee puv [Ivo v uy 01d of, i 'eourd oy Isquowaz owwo[ °[[08 Oy PUDOQ 61% PUN SUING weew om [rey seowd puw enva pool! deep wm Fw ug ov jo pus owto sorviasnd £uw Burp MAN #1 A00I8 MY ov 'arouse TIVISNIdAH 'M TUOLS AWTAMAC MIN HHL oq [[14 '9390LIUY JO SWOOP HOY JOM OIWO Of) SHO0TO ANV SIHOLVM NI MOM TIV uy Iw oym Suv fuans sopico pros pre sseupnd sop peusdo mou "VAAVYHSQ 'ISYH IIIULS ONIY MD01g SNOSTIAN SIH LVHL SONQONNY OL IAVIT 928 ATI 'PRIUBIIBAA puB padieday A[njade) or 8 i 'so1oe30edg 0 'eyRII-ToATIS 'ArroMop 'SOOO 'WOTOIEM 'LVIN ° Hurrah for Old No. 1 on the Corner ! J. WW. FOWKZE, Corner of King and Simcoe Streets IS NOW CLEARIRG OUT SUMMER STOCK AT AN---- ALARMING SACRIFICE. TO MAKE ROOM FOR NEW FALL GOODS! Dress Goods, Plain and Fancy Silks and Lustres, BOOTS AND SHOES, , GENTS FURNISHINGS, GROCERIES, &C., &C. THE BEST BARGAINS IN TOWN 'After the Fire! | JO&RH HENRY, Have Resumed Business in the Gallery lately ocoupied by J. E. Hott In the Building en the Corner of King and Simcoe Streets, , Where they are once more prepare' te Take Photographs, And other Styles of Pictures, in all the Latest t Styles, Entrance on King Street Between Gilletts' and Dickies Store, Special attention given to enlarging and Coloring. Photographs taken om Pictures, and enla to any Size. Oshawa, December 24th, 1872, FOR Good Bread GO TO McCHESNEYS BAKERY. August 12th, 1873 CHEAP GROCERIES DEPOT RV.CHUBB (SUCCESSOR TO G. HENRY) 1S STILL SELLING Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, &e., &e. AT 'A SACRIFICE | CHEAP TEAS SPECIALTY. REMEMBER the PLACE Henry's Old Stand, oppusite Black's Hotel, Simcoe Street. Consistieg of Ashtan's best Dark Prints A full range of White Quilts, 'Wilson's Block, King Strect, Oshawa. BEDROOM SU] 0. wi, NTO ---- WE HAVE NOW IN OUR SHOW ROOMB : To Select from, Raging in Price ad 4 From $25 to $200 effi Topo | 51 2 PARTOR SUI : a. A24 other Furniture, in great varity, all of First-class any 8 : | LUKE & BROTF fey i p RB Oshawa, July 15th, 1873. NEW FALL GOO ---- 00: S. TREWIN = begs to announce the receipt --OF-- 3 LARCE SUPPLIES OF NEW --COMPRISING-- FANCY DRESS GOGB - In great variety. 3 Newest Styles and Shades, we Really Beautiful Goods and Splendid Value : SPECTAL.--A full range in prices of the pretty SILVER SHIELD DOUBLE WARP HLA LUSTRES, Best and Cheapest in the Markel 3 ALSO NEW MANTLES, SHAWLS, DRESS SKIRTS, CORSETS; CRI LINES, UTTONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, COLLA TIES, ete., etc. ! We have also received new styles and patterns of Fall "Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, ete. ete. he, ORDERS SOLICITED, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED Special attention to the getting np of # i FAMILY MOURNI NICE DAIRY BUTTER 18 CENTS PER ue tm () | = -- TE > WE ARE SHOWING A LARGE ror on! 1] FIGURED CAMLET CLOT# Suitable for Fall Dresses, ich are bei offered at a at aero ) A regular price '45 cts, Selling them tin a G " Lik Ee 3000 yds Steam Looms; veiy' : bet | | A full range of Colored A beautiful lot of Wool Table Covers, . 20 pieces of Scarlet and White F "+ ALEXANDER & BRYCE - AR iz + » pul preparation, made chiefly from the na- tive herbs found on the lower ranges of tke Sierra Nevada mountains of Califor- nia, the medicinal rties of which are extracted the without the use of Aleohol. The question is afmost daily asked, " What is the eause of the unparalleled success of ViNecar Bry- TERS?' Our answer is, that they remove the cause of disease, and the patient re- They ave the grea blood Juvstos and a life-giving principle, & perfect Renovator and Mvigorator of the system. Never before in history of the world Las a medicine been pounded . p ing the remarkable qualities of Vixkoar Bitters in healing the of avery disease wan is heir to, a are gontl Purgative as well as a Tone, 8 2 or of the Liver and Visceral Oi , in Bi b rgaus, in Bilions The properties of Dr. WALKERS VINEGAR BiTTERS are Apericut, Dinpburetie, Oarm r inative, Nutritious, Laxative, nretie, ive, C - Trek yBudorific, Alters tive, and Anti-Bilious, SS The best and largest assortment in Oshawa £3 KING STREET, OSHAWA, Hardware Merchants, and dealers in Paints,0ilSs , Nails, Iron, Chandeliers, Lamps, Glass, Nai Coal Oil, &c., &c. i. HW, McDONALD & CO, J. W, FOWEKE, Oshawa, Sold by ull Druggists und Dealers, | MES rps h es SE | Eqvetroughing and Jobbing Promptly Attended § 60 SETS OF BEDROOM SU Bo 8 ; dl) = DINING ROOM SETTS) E w. prison ACCOUCHEUH! Residence and Off " Ta a § «CAPITA : OSHAW. OFFICE-SINC * wa. July 16th. Money i REDU{ AM NOW P any amount of m or Productive | "Lowest Possib "Um sums and manner 5 Tan be re-paid by Jo i BILVER AND GRE 7 For further h Official Offfce- McMillan' April 13th, 1871. Fo INCE THE plein Lamp 1 thin - FOR WAR Oars Sot. 1, Stolen

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