Ontario Reformer, 26 Sep 1873, p. 3

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Tr ~ showing a * STOCK OF le Clothst~ FOR ~------ WINTER WEAR | ASSORTMENT OF Y DESCRIPTION. an) nd Caps Quality, and Labia Tommy : lat ) ASSORTMENT or AND SHOES, RS, &C-&C, 1 before deciding upon Vinter Outfit.' 'orkman Employed { th, 1873. gi" L C A. PRAYER MEETING h Morning from Ste cordially vives Win the Wanted. .UMBER FROM MY ® Yshawa. A.B. Cawrssia. £ ts. for Sale. :S AND LOTS. FOr cn Mary Street, lot No.18. nieces a ; well of water. inp an choice fruit trees lars apply to 8 P. Webster George Webster near the 0 bh 1573, Y UP! dinpd. al TE OR ROOK ACCOUNT) or - FIED TO SETTLE such ihe IsT OCTOBER, PROXINOG, d to do business for cash J. W.FOWKE. or To Let. ELE BRICK HOUSE, The a scven roome ade known on E. MususL 3 anted. {AKERS, CONSTANT steady men. Apply to" R. R. SOUTHC E, Merchout 7 ailor, Oshawa, SALE. iS, AND A NUMBER = ED TO. THE UNDER- > * aud is sven expected to be out again, damages against Whitby township, for OSHAWA MANUFACTURES The Cedardale Works. The Ostivio Reforuer, i} | BEST PAPER AN THE COUNTY | 4 ANDTHE -- Only Profitable Advertising Medium | 208s] Works of the A. 8. Whiting OSHAWA, | Ms tersy Suv, | | FRIDAY, SEPT. 26. Oshawa has justly acquired the reputa- tion of being parfexcellence, the manufactur- ing town of Candida, a fact perhaps more | acknowledged and appreciated by out- Battalion Band give ancther concert on | siders than by her own citizsns, who havé Tuesday wight. * ~ | shown nevertheless, by théir public spirit- Faout EvciaNo. Mr Ww. H. Thomas | ed liberality and by a keen desire to foster | all legitimate public enterprises, that they are fully alive to the advantages conferred upon the place,as a town, by the establish- ment and maintenance of manufaeturing institutions. And not only is this laud- able feeling general among our people, Taz WINTER. --There seems to be quite but it is a& fact highly creditable to capital- a mania just now for coal stoves, people | ists in this vicinity that they are at all times fancying that fuel will be cheaper than | ready to embark in public undartakings .weod-this=winter: =Time will fell. the means with which they have been t Sewvosrw.--bud Adbaain. wis Bed favored by their own industry. It is the $150 at the Whitby assizés, for seduction Shilef drawback Yo the prosperity of wow of Tssbulls Wilson, & servant of defand. Canadian towns that men of wealth are AH ptop: ps too much disposed to lock up their means - in the strong boxes of the banks, or to : Narrowine Tak" Guaor.--The opera- | of miserly profit from a kind of *' inves' tion of reducing the guage of the Grand ment" which preys upon the farmer and Trunk will be commenced to-morrow | roperty holder, and results in loss to the evening, and' fs" expected to occupy about ! public, and in an advantage not creditable three days. a . °| tothe Toney lender. , Here, however, the Oexpreasim --At_ the Fall Assizes spirit of enterprise is a characteristic of there being no criminal cases, His Lord- bn éus, and we do not bolieve there ship, Judge Wilson was pres:nted with a canBasfgund in Oshawa a single man of pair of white glores--soveral sizes too | capifaland means who is not in some way sinall for use. | or other concerned in the various manu- PLovGHING Maro. --TheXwionPloagh- | factaring interests of the place, thus com- ing Match of East and West Whitby, open | bining personal profit with public benefit. to the Dominion, §380.in prizes, will take | The manufactories of the placa offer so | place on Tuesday, $he 14th of October. | many phases of interest and infoematior, Next week, we will publish the list of | that we think our pen can find no better Hor.-- No. 2 Hose Cu'y give a hop this | evening in Gillet's hall, 5 Concert. --Wa understand that the arrived home from Eagland, on Tuesday | last, maeh improved in health. Gerriva Rouxp. --Mr. Chubb, under care of Dr. Ras; ismew rapidly recovering | in the same way as the fork. prizes. ~ | service than in endeavoring to set before "Rusuxas PEASE. Me. J. Ferguson, the public, however imperfectly, a slight dentist, who has been absent from town sketch ot the busy interiors of the various for some time for hisheaith, has returned, factories. No one, however, can fully ap- and resumed the practice of iis profossion, preiate the character of such works and may be found by all desirous of con- | without Jpersonial observation, and even salting him, at his office, King Street. ! then it 'is difficalt to understand | the | Dankacs Awansso,- Samael Tvmiat | various methods by which industry and: | mig ; 2" | economy of labor are directed to transform | the Whitby Assiags, recovered $2,000 |, products of the bowels of the earth : : deg _ | and the growth of our forests into arti- damages sustained by his wife in 1870, | |. indispensable use in the farm, the frosi" being thtown from su¥improperly 3 . | rnanled cibank sont in one of the public | fant ory or the wo shap. | roads near Brooklin: - A e begin a series of sketches of these establishments, by endeavoring to trans- Practical Joxz.--~Two young men | it to paper the impressions gathered whom Ye will not mention, last evening, | from a walk through the Cedardale Works smused themiselyes by carrying a pair of | fhe AS Whiting Manufacturing Com- steps from a house om Simcoe street. | ,.,\\ situated on Warren's Creek, a few | Unfortunately for them, the proprietor of moments walk from the Grand Trunk the place teh a the 3 He | Station, (where the Company have a large has laid information against them and |. ohouge, situated on the edge of the | they will probably appear befors Mr. Cowan to-morrow. Micrrarv.--Eieut. Col. Warren has re- ceived an intimation that she Brigade Major of this district will iuspect the arms and accoutrements under charge of the former at an early day. Col. Wallace also intimates that all officers of the Battalion are expected to attend the Concert of the Battalion Baad on Tuesdsy evening in uniform. i Coxcert -- We hope intending visitors to the E.-& W. Whithy-fair, which takes place on Tharsday next, will raake arrange- ments to stop and see the dramatic enter- tainment of the VictoriaLodge, O. Y. B. of the works themselves. The buildings A first-class troupe from the Royal Lyceum | occupied by these works, are one story, | Toronto, hify been sectted, and we can | built of'white brick, and soms threo hun- | guarantee the best performance of the dred and fifty feet in length, divided into kind ever given in Oshawa. J vre. track, for the convenience of shipping the '| preducts of their workshops), and which, | though not the most extensive manufac- tory of the place, is entitled by the ex: | cellence of its work, the economy of its arrangements, and the extent of its oper- ations, to rank as a model establishment | of its kind, perhaps without a peer in the Domiuion. \ The Cedardale Works, are surrounded { by meat houses, oécupied ' by the em-! ployees of the factory, and forming quite .a& village in themselves, eviacing in their | aspect of cleanliness and neatness, the same careful thrift which is characteristic | Mr. | several departments, each occupied by its Mrs.. Taunehill, of the. Royal Lyceum, separate branch of werk. There are also | will sustain the leading parts.. | two separate shops adjoining, one of | a . which is used for painting, and the other | TeuprraNCE PROCESSION. --The various | ¢. 'toiypering forks. femperance organizatiang'of the town held : ' : 4 torchlight prodsssiowadd public meeting | We should have premised that the arti | in a year, being altogether for fork and | hoe handles. | than a minute to take from the rough usr" | finished. = Each of the various processes, | while in almost every department a num- | use of machinery is also judiciously em- | should be remembered | power to advantage than in any other, | we may remark by way of illustratioff ONTAKIU KEFORMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, SE that purpose, and are reddy" for "#18 or" exportation to all parts of she world. Thusis an almost incredibly' short space of time the raw uncouth bar of iron passes from one end of the building, through the various processes, out of ! othery~ glittering and shapely blade, sn article $n" dispensible to the fariner and ready work, i In making forks, the process is some- what similar, the iron being first taken in small bars. It is then cit into two or three strips, which are " drawn out" under a trip hammer tothe requiste size snd length, and when ready for-finishing, is passed into a building adjoining the pant shop, where it is heatel, aud laid on a sort of case, when the finisher with a large iron, resembling a smoothing 'ron with one blow " sets" it. to its - proper shape, He thea sets it in another machine and closing ou it a heavy sort of lid gives it the curve necessary. It is then hardeued by being thrown into a vat of oil. It is thea taken back to the main room where i} polished by a b.lt dressed with emerr, the workman by rapid movement prevent- ing the friction from king out the temper: for v2 It is then ready for the handle, for the |' making of which there is a separate room, when it is labelled, and packed in dozens and half dozens for exportation. passed through workmen were packing a | lot of 500 domen to fill an order from Ger 1» the making of ths Hiedk, the process is somewhat different. In the first place theiron is cut into small pieccs, and then roughly beaten out. lt is then "'plated" and passed through a sort of a press, whidh gives it the proper shape and thickness, when by means of a die the thin plate is |' given the exact size. The hoe is polished After passing through the finishing shop, | : Ar RES Fo we ¢ome iuto the repsiting shopy a branch of the-business which is rapidly growing, and which more and more requires atten- tion from the establishment, though not, perhaps, so profita- ble as ° thé first' mankfacture. The woodwork of the establishment, is all done in the building, and for this par- pose some 300,000 feet of ash are consumed In making the handles, the log is brought into the factory, and by a peciiliar saw, or rather two saws, cutting at right angles, each motion brings out a handle entire, The turning of the square pieces thus sawn is dune by an ingenio ga machine, in an almost fingredible spate of time. In fact, it does not oceupy more log a fork handle perfectly and admirably which we have rather alluded to than de- scribed, occupies workmen requiring great skill in the several branches of their work? ber of men ard employed on each stage of the work. The economy of labor is very. nicely arranged, a scythe passing through six different hands before being finished, and each che having but one kind of work' to perform being as nearly perfect as pos- sible in his owa particalar work. Tre ployed, and while in this kindof werk it | that it is more difficult to introduce mechanical that one man, Mr. Porter, who, when he first started work made 20 forks in a day by the hand précess, is now able with the trip hemmer, to turn out 50 dozen in the same time, ofa much improved quality and finish. No one whohas not yet seen these works should fail to visit thew, as- no adequate idea cah be formed by any de- scription of the toul ensemble presented by As wp | OSE AWA Sewing Machine Factory. E "MODEL" SEWING MACHINE It fog i and the heaviest material without the machine. received will be filled in two or three weeks without fail. Ostia, Sept. 1, 1873. or the Machine to run over a seam. - finest cambric without fray sew the GEORGE YOUNG, Manwfact er. t strain- NEW DRESSES, NEW SHAWLS, NEW TIES, (Ladies') NEW COLLARS and CUFFS. NEW FANCY FLANNELS, NEW CORSETS, H MASSILON for Grates, well screened and delivered without NEW BLANKETS. In fact, every Department is well Stocked with New Goods, which, for . Style, Variety and 'value, cannot be surpassed. un! & Rice's, or filled. Oshawa, Sept. 15, 1383, "of their trade. wane tl is com left at Keddie cot e nat J.0.GUY. 3, OSHAWA COAL DEPOT AVING RECEIVED MY FULL stock 1 am prepared to supply SCRANTON, BGG, STOVE AND ' CEESNUT J. BARNARD, Bee Hive, Osliaws, Sept. 25th, 1873. MN + TRADE SALE --AT F.. MCRAE & CO. THN GOODS MUST BH SOLD The balance of Chisholm's Bank- Estate of James Malyon deceased. EXECUTORS NOTION. arr, N PURSUANCE OF THE STATUTE Province of C: JUST OPENED OUT i tera --AT-- STEELE BROTEERS, NEW LOTS OF ~ STONE AND GLASS FRUIT JARS SPECIAL NOTICE. --We invite our patrons to test & new | FIFTY CENT Young Hyson TEA, just in. For freshness and | fine flavor it is by far the best value for the price we have been able to afford. Le Oshawa, Sept. 18th, 1873." STEELE BROS. R. MCGEE, #olisl.or for the Bxecuters. ~rupt Stock will be offered at a large discount on the cost, compris- ing Summer Dress and Fancy Goods, also a large variety of Fall Goods of every description. We cannot enumerate prices of so large 'a List. Purchasers will do well to call and examine Goods and Prices. 7 HATCH & MEARNS Tt SE CALL and SEH CASH! CASH! FOR WHEAT, BARLEY, PEAS, RYE, OATS, &C, The highestMarket Price in Cash forall kinds of Grain, paid. J. W.FOWKE. OUR STOWVIESY The best and largest assortment in Oshawa. Philip Taylor NEW FALL GOODS. KH EO S. TREWIN begs to announce the receipt ' --OF-- LARCE SUPPLIES : OF NEW (GOODS, FANCY DRESS GOODS In great variety. Newest Styles and Shades, Really Beautiful Goods and Splendid Value. SPECIAL. --A full raiige in prices of the pretty celebrat.d SILVER SHIELD DOUBLE WARP BEACK LUSTRES, 3 Best and Cheapest in -the Warket! i ALSO NEW MANTLES, SHAWLS, DRESS SKIRTS, CORSETS, ORINO - " 'LINES,"BUTTONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, COLLARS, TIES, ete., ete. 1 have also received mew styles and patterns of Millinery ha Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, ote, ete. : ORDERS SOLICITED, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Special attention to the getting np of : FAMILY MOURNING! NICE DAIRY BUTTEY 18 CENTS PER POUND. NEW LIGH rh p-- Sr JUST RECEIVED A LOT OF i | 4 i IS NOW oo. IN EUROPE NH SRT LAMPS] PURCHASING in W ni i | cles of manufacture by this Company, con- | ,,¢ of these shops. The deafening clat- Bo | an ri et a jolt of ssythey, forks of all descyiptiona, | ter of the numerous ponderous. trip ham- Wilson's Hill, the chaif being sccupied by | Bos, hay knives, reaping buoks, Ji mers, the fustiladé Gb the anvils on which Mr. J. 8>Tarke. Able addresses wero | and their goods are not only >ellkgows and | the skillful smiths peform work in which § delivered by A. Farewsl), Esq., M. P. P. | highly esteomed in Canada and the United | i iinery has yet failed to take the place j : : | States, but have a largo and favorite sale | of the intelligence of the workman, | Hardware Merchants, and dealers in Paints, Oils, » Thornton, , Montgomery | ; Sonti i : : SN mon, Reqs os Mtg ry | injboth the English and Continental Buro- | ;}o w1.irr of the flying wheels, the shrill Glass; Nails, Iron, Chandeliers, Lamps, latior ' Coal Oil, &c., &c. lations condémptory of the liquor trafic | P°*" markets, a fact alike creditable 10 | ory of the steel under the emery fangs, Eavetroughing and Jobbing Promptly Attended to. HATCH & MEARNS, KING STREET, OSHAWA. THE CORNER oF . cd streets, a Bew commedi- st honsesom Albers street, A 0 ES HORN. : Whithy, BOY ' i 3 the com and to the town. 'D, were cartied uw pany, rsurance Agent, Oshaws. Y yy Bh | the rattle of constantly falling iron, the y. Our first visit was to the office, a small | red heated furnaces, th Joti Faces of the brick building to the west of the factory, | men lit up by the arid High # the mol- " A NEW STOCK Missionary Meerive. -- Missionary LOR, | or Strayed. OUT THE 6TH OF hite Ewes, (without mark] RT anly rewarded by. JaMes BURNS. P.O Raglan, ¥. UO. NATION. JON TO THE HIGH held in the School House on v. 13th and 14th October. All August, 1572, will be re- for examination are those fourth class om the ith the ex Kingdom, DBetsay Ww) Taupo MM, Sister, 1873. iL "Bags. of su perior qual- IEAP & A. SMITHS. aia ------ Mannfacturing Com= anv. MEETING OF THIS %e held at the office of the a, on Tuesiay the 30th Ca¥ . wk, Pak. for the elec! transaction of general \ srder, ' R.McGEE Sec. pro lew. ce ---- ress Goods. , latest fashions. ant of something id elegant should & A. SMITHS ILLINERY, 'OW ON HAND- A 1 selected stock of INERY AND x Ee Up NISHINO' roe, 'es Milimery i Toroie's he New Build - will lead 0 - on the Mission cause, and Missionary Qabiaws' oo, weeting ig the M. E. Church next Mon- day evening. The Rev, A. S. Ferguson, of Port Perfy, snd Rev. C. A. Simpson, of Darlington, will deliver "addresses The choir have prepared. music specially for the: occasion. On.Sabbath, the Rev. Mr. Hutton, will piepeh special sermons where we found Mr. Hiram C | Whiting, Sec'y of the Company and brother of Mr. A. 8. Whiting, Esq., the President and principal stockholder. | Having acquainted him with our ebject, | he very courteously conducted us through | the establishment, explaining the. various | processes undergone by the iron in its tran- sition from the raw material to 'the~man- | ufactured article. The first visit was to duty. We would - remind our readers, when Mr. Hutton promises a discourse or lecture, *" special," he never fails in bring- | 1}. coal house, on the east side of the ing out of his treasury; facts and senti- | main building, where is stored the product | ments excellent and rich, hence we bespeak | ¢ 1, Nova Scotia mines, a very | a large attend Arrang ta_extra large quantity of which is used in the | Have beqn made to make the meeting on | gr oiory. Adjoining is a very large shed | Monday evening unusually interesting. | y},cre is stored the raw material --Swedish | rp -- Iron, imported from Boston, and steel THE ROYAL COMMISSION. from England and Germnay. It is in the | -- form of large strips, and in that state is | English Parliamentary Opinion of the | about as useless an article as may well be | Possibility of & Guilty Minister | imagined. From this place the iron is Chicsing Eis Own Judges... brought into the first shop, where with ' : -- | large powertul shears it is cut into pieces 4 Suppose aw sib Minister should appre- | yhout 36 inches in length, when it is run hend an impeachment in Parliament, what | through rolling machinery, and rolled out manner of way roudd he hope better to come | 4, the requisite length. The stee! is then | j; off by than Lip-being TRIED BEF ORE | pat inand welded, and the article, intend- PARLIAMENT 'SITS, 4 hen hi } ed for = scythe, is passed io She hutndy of | JUDGES MAY BE C SEN SO i the plater in the adjoining department, in TIALLY that Fe shall of ; awd Shen | which are a number of furnaces oi trip it shall I% sid to Parliament, no man shalle | pammers, with which latter article--an legally undergo two trials for the same of- | immense hammer worked by machinery-- fence." --Managers for the Lords in a Con- | the plater beats out the uncouth ference of 1693. | looking embryo scythes to the necessary ** They thought it A STRANGE AND | thickness and shape. The scythe is pumed FOKEIGN SUPPOSITION that a great | to the 'fimsher, who first passes it hea and' guilty Minister. finding himself liabel | through a machine by which it is brought to an impeachment in the next session of | gill more accurately to the proper shape, Parliament, should by his power procure | and what is known as the *"back," for himself to be tried and and acquitted BY | the purpose of giving it due strength, AN INQUEST OF PERSONS 'AP-| yorked on it. The fiiishor then with POINTED ON PURPOSE ; and then by | 4 hammer on ananvilstraightens and brings a plex of autrefois acquit (formerly tried | to its exact shape the ~ scythe, which is and acquitted for the same offence), prevent | then ready for the process of hardening a second and true examin ition of his ciimes | in the next room. This is done by heat- in Parliament. THERE 18 NO EX- | ing to a certain degres, called "straw col- AMPLE OF THIS KIND ; and if such | or," when it is inmerged in water, and en UNHEARD OF PROCEEDING | assumes the requisite degree of consist- should happen, it is left to consideration | gency. The scythe is then passed in the |, ¢,rcibly entered and about $50 whether a Parliament would not vindicate | hands of the the polisher, who applies it the kingdom aginst -80 GROSS AND | ty a wheel dressed with emery, and in a FRAUDULENT A CONTRIVANCE." | few minutes it obtains that glittering Magers for the Commons, same Cun" | brightness which marks it in the store of ference. the hardware merchant. 1t is then passed RR Ye of ithe main building into the ad- The Lindsay Water Works by-law was | joining Wilding x thao west aiile, Dulore carried on. Weduesday last by a: majority mentioned, into the paint shop, where it is dressed in a suit of blue or gold, cov- Tin Quebec last| oping all the parts not "'polished." They "1 on the | 10 then sorted in dozens and packed in | g-raw ropes, which are spun in a roow for ( ten coal, all bespeak, the bu iy tide of "Ta- i dustry, and suggest to the ob- pervers a picture- which the pen is powerless to describe, and which must be seen in order to be realized. As the work required in the facforyisof § the best, the workmen must-be of the most skillful, and as a consequence they are well paid for their labor; and the result is seen in the comfortable homes which they occupy in the vicinity--some of which would rather sugges: the juan of leisure than the artizan. "On suggestiug to Mr. Whiting that it was rather anomalous for an American factory of this class.where re much manual skill is required, to be ab! to profitably ship goods to the: European markets, where that class of labor is so much cheaper, that gentleman explaimed- that the difference is owing to the superior intelligende of the Canadidli Workmen, and that while w Ware highcr here, the workman more than compensated fer the difference by the better guality and the greater quantity of work which his intel- ligence, assisting mere mech: | labor, enabled him to perform, Mr. Whiting is justly proud of lis thrifty agd intelli: gmt colony st adxrdale, while the manner in which he was received on his return from Europe, ' recently, aud which we had occasion $0 moticey testifies that the confidence and esteem is mutual.' Altogether these works are a very credi- table specimen of Canadian enteprise and inlustry, and reflect that eredit on the proprietors and the town. Our best thanks are due to Mr. Hiram "Whiting for the trouble and courtesy; which he dis- played in the endeavor to make us com: prehend what we fear we have done im- perfect justice to. : Next week 'we may have occazion to take up a description of some other of our fi ing ------------------------------ [---- Burorary ix WHiraY.--last Sunday evening the store of Mr. Wallace, in Whit. of pipes stolen therefrom. z Rairway Mesring--The] promoters of the Rowmanville and Georgian Bay Rail- way scheme, hold a public 1neeting this evening in Whitby. Prasoxar.--B . McRae, left om Monday for Montreal, forthe purchase of his Fall Stock. He expects also to receive a cargo of Superior English goods, direct from Liverpouh-which will be opened out next week, 2 st "LARGE ARRIVALS NEW GOODS AT THE WATCHES &JEWELLERY RE LOOK OUT FOR TRE FINEST LOT EVER BROUGHT INTO OSHAWA. GOLDEN LION. New Dress Géods, New Prints, New Fancy Shirts, : New Shawls, New English & Scotch Tweeds, New Lace Curtains, New Boots and Shoes. New Goods in each department being received per Steamer from Great Britain every day, at WIGHTM ANS, The Golden Lion, Oshawa. THE MOST d NW { DRA A -- STYLISH RIGS ON-THE ROADS, &¢. HODDER King Street. CENTS' CLOTHING ee AND Outfitting Establihment. 00 SPLENDID STOCK OF HATS er AND GAPS, CHEAP BE SURE AND CALL AT" FIXTURES, AT BLAMEY & BRIGGS. ------ Try Our Extra Refined OOAL OIL WE ARE SHOWING A LARGE LOT OF FIGURED CAMLET CLOTHS Suitable for Fall Dresses, which are being offered at about half-price regular price 45 cts, selling them off at 25cts per yard, CALL AND SEE THHM. ' -- } S-- OPENEED THIS DAY THE FIRST CONSIGNMENT CF OUR FALL IMPORTATIONS (Ex S. S. Sarmatian) Consistieg of Ashtan's best Dark Prints 8000 yds Steam Looms, very cheap, A full range of White Quilts, | er | ~ A full range of Colored Quilts, A beautiful lot of Wool Table Covers, g © 20 picces of Scarlet and White Flannels, ~~ ALEXANDER & BRYCE. ¥ i Wilson's Block, King Street, Oshawa, fire id 1 £ The New Store. |

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