EPTiXMBER 12, 1878. ------ » al advantage, Henee | A Case or Persoxarion,--Tho Paris | These instruc. | correspondent of the London Daily News writes ;--" A rare if not unprecedented case of personation has been tried by the | Assize Court of Quimper, in Brittany, | Workman, Mme, Gault, the wife of a well-to-do wine- | . ata : > mixing to snpport the Government which { shop keeper of Bre giving way to bad | iy on Sai ( HEAI | For Style in Millinery, . ! committed assault and battery | i ' 2ud--That the im- | temper, R&A SMITIT'S Go to Brooks', x Torpcto shold | U0, & howale ugh, for tick she} at R. & A. SMITHS. | por. Cheap Goods, }, Bntilall competitors were ont In France a * traverser,' the wishes of the condemned for a light offence, is not, as PIC-NIC. ( 10 to Brooks' wonld ONLY be I? En gland, carvied off » raiyhtway from | 1 1 tl 1d the dock to a prison. He 1s allowed to | abded on condition that they wonid fo 'do Lis prisow' within any reasonable | £ the time convenient to himselfs © There is no 'TARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, ONT., 1r1uDAY, THE FOPE--~LIACDONALD LETTER, | British nation depended upon the self de- | securing some phlitic AMERICAN NEWS. |The Ontario h Ochawa Friday, Sept. 12th, 1873. the publication of the letter, & copy which appears in auother colmmn with the | not only our rights ol circumstances attending its publication. | fisheries, but our rights to compensation The Mail at once tills its inspirations with | for injuries recvived, in order that Im ary, and proceeds to denounce the liom. | perial interests might be ounger ve 1. We Raa Messrs. Dorion, Holton and | made a wae | nat be A articipants ina plot for robbing the Post ritice which reverence for the blood of the ; thist is dishanest oft | Grain Bags. A large stock of superior qua!- rand that with these | his instructions_to Pope, The On BEST PA . Only Profit | nial of this county, .. t d'smay at patriotie considerations set before us, it | tionsiembody Niree corrupt propositions ; agro, to yield | 1st--The sale of a seat in the Senate to | to onr | Mr. his pro Millinery! Millinery | reformer oe ur! = I The Tory organs ar of | wits our duty as loyal subjects possession conditional on : | A DANGEROUS ENEXY. Cugcaao, Sept. B.--Under-S! eriff Nie- elson of Oitasw, Canada, arrived here 10- It is an old truism that twenty enemies | ¥ ay with a sapboena for Gea. W. Me | are fullen to attend as a a witness before the Roval Commission, now in session in Ot wa iivest gating the affairs of the Cana ! ap Pacific Raircad. The ofliter pro Very Latest by Telegrap p15 OSHAWA, ~ ar Coa | a specialty of cellent article poftant oilie \ i f f 1: and w Yonng, aa ! wore toid too that while we imprisonment, etter than one false fnend ; and © the 7 dant in pH ne t ule applies to : ; . | ' may Pa. $hat the 1 Up = lice, ainl everythis martyrs who fell at Ridgeway wade re- | merchants of Montreal things as well as to men, and to the cir dice, wind yt I f y the whole nMr.H rdon's heantiful Grove, opposite and by inference the whole in Mr. H. f and by inferen \ the railway station, Duffins Creek on lishoy Lilo which govern life as | dishonorabis 8 votting to our sense of right and honor, | reg public the ¢nmstances turn a candidate' to support Cavern. BAER RBS £8 CELT VERT TLE oid | x3 -- 18 "oN TEETER iT my Fg PEEESERS Ee FE theki HEE n 'g the Christian J McMulleu's expenses, but he and will pay--to agten Sept. 8 the Springlield ck this mor 4 feat, by dccisive onveation abso Ave ance of 1he wilita fifteen fe halt-d, and a led to leok out for the J Van Dyke was fatally others more « uriy-iave person of the cras! een + balcony at the ume Twenty-four - young 1 arrived | » Tea we Tre ) 1,0f which t ripiion Act of lar wereby ecrtified that mid thousand « ted with the paya 2 A. Richardson, ! has the figures £1 eupyer richt and | 1 about the 61 ell Cretary of dt mn, H. B. M. Min- 13, H. B. M. Consul ray to erder of Hon F 8 ary of the Treasury, Hamilton Fisl t Upon receivit was--swon | was won ly ~ stat seven 4 Pais, So; party of M ve Just arrived here on thar to J viea, ha notitied by the | at if they tonpt > | JIglous exercises in public they will be expelied the ty. rmon ve been from Mapp, SBopt. 8 -~Twenty several gen- erul officers have thus far left the Gov. ernment service bocause the military laws nce pot enforced. General Gonzales, Ceballos, and Pavia have been prowmeted to the rank of Licut.-General, _ Havaxa, Sept. 9. The fire of Batarday night, by which the Plaza Vapor we » de stroved, was a very disastrops one. Th total loss is variously estimated at from three to. eight millions. The 'insurance alone mmonuts to $524,000, nearly sli in | English Companies, Notices hate been promptly given that all insurances will be 13th inst. Owing to the rapidity vith which the flavies spread very little property was saved. 1a less than three ho from tle time the fire bryke out the entire square was a ines of pains, Upwards of 2,600 people, who ocupied - b ld ard hb uid nearly all have t everything. Creat ( f them and nuiner am i been arted for their velicl," A large awounut has already can raised, paid on homeless well as private, sv total Of all the beneficent in- | ss the péuple of this | | many, it must be | | the d Hh . is one of ng far and wide, lo in every directs eo by any other rough every cia une nscions aper ex t! mind st to be es rolses a and hol of its nw ile i, - he day, re doubted tht it possesses | | arty in Op . r etors of the Mail, are set down as a! fis vty of rognes pickpockets. DBan- | f Disloyal | Rabe | fp Mail and all | pe ang tdke itil | Annexatio rs! Thi ' its the fe Railway os would | On our sition to the virtucus pro- |, we were really guining somet hery elansy have i! and m ited St M would wa wera to h oil exported into the 1 so of duty, and while that nsate in 10 measure for t led on ) | were fis! v Wil " oti have shown Ww oeomj t nrenmstances exoner n attacksd, from ' "" and we l ar i » the 1 the matt NRO wil i ¢ Ia, I uts of this een pia ble Ly the | such awa) make hi titl 3 v great na len of power How Ar Wik ; the confidence characterize A venal press is the | tals young country ind valess the evil be cured, must end iu serious injury to our best interests, -- 6 THE COMIMI $3I0N FARCE. Loyal Commission" has entered | nits labors, and the farcical nator the whole transaction has beconie so a parent that it excites listlo interest and sume disgust, It is quité evident that the | whole case will have to be tried | again in Parliament. The aim of | witnesses aid the Judge who the pnts | questions to them in the suggestive form, and never cross-examines, seems to be the | little {about the ease. extract how In spite of this, hw ever, it las [developed that Sip Allan did spend nore $70,000 in the Moy give Mu supported Lie another treal election ; did Pa, { claims $7,000, and ! named, $1,000, moned to attend whose evidence of importamee will be 8 nator Foster, wii | is probably the only one of the lot who is | likely to give ths-'"a hole truth." one of the M. who person mot The ouly Witness sum will be | ------ AP -- _-- { Mes, Partington has been reading the | nd thinks winligniant health officer's weekly reports, must be »u awfully disense, sinew as many the rest put together, over | the | each witness kuows | Tugh | Beaubien, | die of It as of all | to enguire is wus indignation » commited in res erates | Tory journals gloriel 2s a shop piece of elec- rev iLst dices alter cases in Blake, receivel by him, rents be Parlivine jacent ad) s-toes." 1 the fragments k them or, to ry party in Ontario, pasted t And 10 had then wed in the Mail, of these nas nse that are nu iv iid s0 expose ms in horror : ula furnishes nothi st twenty-five years, in & hotel was published mm the J b whet Perhaps that journal will tell its read who McIn or 6 come nearer home, who ers why stole "speak-now™ note- robbed the Grey Post office of the vre letter Lricated a false charge of murder against ancidat t + in a South Outario election, id forged at the bottom of it the name of wan who could net write 1 THE HIGH JOINT ARRANGEMENT. Lb It will be noticed by anr tetegraphic ws that the fiftecn-million five hundred thensand dollars awarded by the Heva Awerican G | ment, has been paid into the | States Tre Commissioners to the vert sury. This brings to mind the citenmmstances affecting this country con nected with the recent tiations be een the Imperial and Canadian Gi ments, and the part which Canada played tl in diplomats of the two nations, Jt will be remembered that the American Premier, Sir. John Macdonald constituted one of | the celebrated Joint High Cornmissioners, Ly whose decision Canada gave up her | fisheries to the United States, and through | whose imbecile conduct, Cana la was cheat ed out of restitution for the loss of blood | aud tressury caused by American filibist- We re- men ber also the victory which went up rs under the names of Feniaus, load aud deep, from one end- of the lard to the other, agaiust the sanction by Cana. dian's Premier, of terms 20 injurious un- fir and unjust to this country ; and equally well we remember, how when | Parliament wet shortly afterwards, the in- { dignation and the were alike wde to snceumb before the appeal by Sir injustice John to the loyalty of the Confederate | Commons, We were told that the sacri. ficea were dewnnded by high Luperial in- | tereats, That the pence aid honor of the fi _ 1 the F isaery el lds wo dd in worth by giving vl blame | ket having have in their irmness on the United | ern. | ie humiliating encounter between the vastly 4 2 us tho Awerican mar- | 4 free of duty. Time proves all things 12 Yankees have ¢ heir $15,590,000, hey have part " oner wonld have eure a seat 3 h made John vr. PIC INIY WORK LRN: m to any early This 1s the oreat of his I don't think 3 take the appiifitment Neral we should * OUT ena @ rea it of the field iy in getting A A. Steven. , but I suppose it can will send in wh not we w In order ie nember Montreal West, and on to strong OPPOSE Previous to hi tion of ¢ f com is easily nuderstond. John Macdonald, () for Montreal West in view) this inspector recent legislation of Sir robably with the seat thip became a Government appointment, and it became a question Jrhether Hon Mr. Young as a member of Parliame hold the office becoming known, feould he this fact chants of witreal, on both sides of poli | tics, pressed upon Hon, Mr, Young to retain the Inspectorship and rasign his ty widered of the g m 'that a posit it was ¢ mportance by th 1 BO | lmportant to tho mercantile interest should be doubtedly the best qualified to ll it, and filled by one who was un | that they shonld nul snflsr by an incom Hon. Mr, Young waited on Sir John Mcdonald and Hon, Mr. Pope, to ascertain if it was petent politieal appo'utment, really necessary for him to resign his po sition in Parliament to retain the other, | and was told by the Government that it He then told "the gentlemen that the merchants of the city were very auxious that he should continue to be Flour Iuspector, and that in de. | ference to their wishes and inte rests, we had concluded to do so. was, two. honorable Of conrse, he did not intend to Teeign his seat in Parlia -ment or any other ground, and Le gave | the Goverment to understand that in case | he-were assured of being re-appointed to the Iuspectorship, he would resign his { sent. Sir John apparently apparently ac- quisced to yield to the desire of Montreal merchants, that he the matter favorably, the and consider But he saw that the Government would gain nothing in promised would the transaction were West Montreal to re. | turn another opponent to the Government, [and %e wns not the wan to yield to wny pablic interest, a public ollie; without AS A IRR MINS, IES 'ints intorests, end the | it] atest | mt wit Thatif Hon r. Yeung di icld to these « a. Vout opposition, Srd ndi r would be appoint ya. t " The Gor ent naturally desired tht there she lected the consti tter » the ome most likely to carry tuency." ne Sir John says: ** All" rs must bo out of the field before we fill the ap pointment." The difference. between | tual fact, and the Viadicid obvious, mpts to justify the con s f Hows . "If it is wrong to take | 1 to be the ( whhish t measures to se vacant, why then 1 ha £4 lowir orning it co "secure" a want "in the other, n a riding tool steps to Tur local org of the Hon. Mr. Yom hin's, letter, is tion to Sir 1 ¢ punisha with five ars niprisonment in the Provincial Pen- roment are uling Sent. 0 own Hal} in the fonnd wo flames, burned to r was owned hy ied by Sous of Tew it was t, and as wriide by the | TO fnrniture, ban was d Cu, sty murder in the vil was lve n 2 wile of the ol the mur twenty, of a wi I is Edward of age, thee tthe Church Since the d Years ago. for is u two siding at farm, wth of has father, But has ther. about two managed the farm For more than a year he his addresses to a young girl named a Phipps, who resided with her brother, Mr. mas Phip) s W* the West-end farm, in the same vil lowed him to visit ier ont occasionally, Mis e the warm feel Ltertamed tow ards her. Is Letween Pree: t th Tr J ny last was what is known rhood as "'Arligham Feast" nds from a distangs pad the They were joined in t! by Bat, who Phi accompanied house be clijek in the friends le goud-hye, o her brother's nd nine « rsecing the even ave wie and biddi Jutt tanding on them g and the young 1 remained the lawn in front of her brother's He asked her to go to Glocester next day, but she de house. with him ined, alleging as reason that she had promised to pany her brother-in-law, He again ask ed her to accompany him, but she again efused in more decided henv of passion Butt threatened to her, © The girl, frightened, wr-in-law, MN Merritt, mt upon the lawn aud ren » + the stab terms; In bro who trated with : As he walked away Miss Phipps 1 Butt she would never go out with H again, A minute afterwards Merritt stertled. by the report of a gun close it hand, and on running np to the spot where his sietcr dn -taw had} alin was wen standing paw her stretehéd had been shot in vv moment before he npon the grass, She { the neck just below the ear, and a por- | sion of the lower jaw had been | away. Shots were found to have pene- trated the fingers of one of her hands, as though she had raised it to save The girl, who was unable to articulate a word, expired in less than five minutes, { Bearch being made upon the lawn, « sin gle-barrelled gun, iudentitied as belong ing to Butt, was found upon the near the spot where the girl had grass fallen, | gun, and Jus not since been heard of 3 it | 1s supposed that he has" drowned _himself | in the Bavern. An inquest was held . | terday, and the jury returned a verdict of wilful murder against Butt, -- London Times, e-------------- | An aged conple on Wooster street, says [ the Danbury News, are very fond of check- ers, and play quite frequently, When he beats her at the game, she loses her tem- per, and declares that she will not play niin It vexes him to have her act 80, but he controls his irritation, and talks ty | her about it, He tells hor how wrong it 18 for people nt their age in life to be dis- | turbed by such trifles, and shows her so | | clearly the folly of such a course that she | becomes ashamed of her weakness, and returns to the game, and plays it so well that sho beats Bin. Then he throws the { checkers in one lirection, and kicks the { board in another, and say. he will never | play with "anybody why chéats so, and | stalks mnodily to bed, and leaves Lier te | pick up the thing, mnchivery for er ish th soll at the condemn n 0 co itute myself uld be only ore candidate | od away without Guestion, that under these airem with money seutgiced not ve 4) i { Gault and were agteed shar it er | . rversion, | moreover, since for a trivial sma another Thee 1ical orgin again at | woman might be found who t of Bir John | hited to muffer sicariomly. A car} giapapsopes Stereos- woman panarry 'her. "0 Teams Wanted. | Arlingham.*| forty aeeom- | called to her) came | blown | herself. | Butt decamped immediately after firing the | GRAND PICNIC WILL BEHELD | Ladies' Furnishing Store Tuesdan, September Gth, 1873 " wenther abling the jailer to ests A person prose: wif with a paper recording , and says 'ih come i ; ; on Tore ", ® prisoner puerstaant Patrick' ann Ham ; nwa d stow | forty " . 1 only wonder Fie ful e« CL Tick , pan r T and dinner, 30 | | { | | fave identity. unfavorable, has &indly da nd he is receiv ances that § le t cents, Juvenile tick a Howe. er, | Daflin's. Creek, Seot 2 3 2d wr ome. M CER NEW STOCK OF » BIprison mn y otlen get substiintes, bea n religrs of Drost, A be disagrecable | . . lish, Microscopes Magnifying | Glasses, Reading Glasses ie idea appears to his wile, cal woud r Mudaing to go to g« My, Ald Ton would be de with | copic Views, etc. |SCIHHOOL BOOKS, STATIONERY, A good sanply at wl Re WELLINGTON, Wilson's Block. nawed Carrodenr, agreed Ut te do the week noprisvnment for 1 barg 1 n rea de, y handsomely Auction Sale. Tnzolvent Act of 1869. | : | ANCE OF AN. ORDER Judge Burnhan,I am authorized | PUBLIC AUCTION | of h : Ela EROKEN LOAF. PRESERVE SUGARS. VERY CHEAP STEELE. BROS, g St, Oshs wa, on | SATURDAY, SEPTENESR 12th 1873, Wt and no stood a 4 2 lek Wm, cious darling | d accounts of : : Sanit: b hg 1 " e Books t count each of promise suit Hh aw. The Book n be seen at any time by appl An In iana man claim 1 » succeed o I. G. HAWTHORN, Aseionee. | ed in playing 2f-5w upon the p : SE I ¥.0 A The Girl of scend to notioc les y Period does not conde One of the yariety | be to write to her added in t letters Music Hall, Oshawa, eT Tenae divest your lot; 02 FRIDAY, 12th instant, Sind 1. am marricQ. t at 7} o'clock in the evening. 4 T ADLRISEES 2D MURIC! ris called under the authority of | '. M,C. A, lately as- be addressed by , and other pro- | of whole fami- lemme: "oronto and elsewhere. | 1 pins held in the alter. | I 4 y A MASS TING OF ALL IN. £ t t thie welfare of young men will Leld in the had © on Nhe recently mother, ase dire SW ed A schoolboy having to write a eomposi tion on "Pins." produced the "Pins aro saved the liv following : They have . wention of the Y. sof a great any men, » 1 n and children les "How acher. "Why, by replied the bay, ed and useful, woe 80 | the invit UIT & OYSTE J Aw Advertisements, Wanted. INE WANTED TO GO ON n this fal the neighborhood Ile lr a ¥y UL A THE UNDERSIGNED HAS ON hand the ve best of all kinds of fruit in Fresh Oysters ) FROM MY | A.B. CaxreeL: TO TAKE LUM Atl), Utica, to Qzhaw | are now being ved every day, and will be on hand either by the can or in bulk curing the ason, - Ice Cream, € Houses for Sale. a Water, ke. &r. - Give me a call. HO 3 8 FOR) 322.2m, - CASH! CASHT | FOR WHEAT, BARLEY, PEASE, RYE, OATS, &C, JAMES GIBSON. situa Stolen or Strayed. (8 OR ARCUT this month 25 Any person gi z n their recovery, ! i ly rewarded Jamis Durxs, Raglan, P. 0, : THE GTH Sept. 19th 1872, PAY UP! LE INDEBPED TO THE UNDER- 3 ed hy (¥OTE « ROOK ACCOUNT, or are (NoTIFH SETTLE st wre the 1st OCroLE ¢, wined Ww do busin.ss ch indebt PROXIMO, for cas) J. W. FOWKE. The highest Market Prics in Cask for al kinds of Grain, paid. - ICK HOUSE, | The cos, J. W.FOWEKE. FIRE I» RE es® SIT n roome known qn aj FIRE ! Oshawd Coal. WOOD YARD! HAVE ON HAND AND FOR SALE a large quantity of Best Beech & Maple, ever offered in Oshawa. + Also any quantity of eened : call at Lackawanna R. & A. SMITH"S Fancy Dress Goods. new stock, latest fashions. Ladies in want of something fashionable and elegant should Lehigh | Scranton Egg and Stove Coals. | BLACKSMITH AND MOUNT MoRRI1S' SorT COALS, delivered to any part of the town at lowest rates, Sead in your orders and get your Coa! in while the weal! +: aud roads are good. Call for price and sample, All coals weighed on town scales, Weight and meastives guaranteed, Alexander. Oshawa, Sept |, 10th 1873, | W HITBY AND P. 82 Josaph's Convent» NT JOSEP 8S CONVE ms in Music, Vo wd Tnstrivments | were sesumed on Monday, . 1st, 1870 "i 21-3w FOR SALE. . rMWoO BUGGIES, AND A NUMBER | of Wagous, for sale, on easy terms. Apply to I. EWING, 2s, NT OSIIAWA, | P. RAILWAY. Oshawa, Sept, HOUSES T RENT. TS RENT, ON THE CORNER OF | Mary and Agnes streets, a new commodi ous house, 0 rough cast houses on Albert street, is cach, Apply to "JAMES HORN, © Whitby, JOHN BOYD, nsurance Agent, Oshawa, 2, 1873, Ap SHER we. BL rg THROUGH LINE FROM TORONTO : ~T1Q- - | SURT PEARY, LINDSAY Estato of James Malyon deceased. ZOBCATGEION, & TENTLON TF ' ALLS. EXZOUTORS NOTION. N PURSUANCE of the late Provin 2 See. 97, notice is he urs add other persons h upon or alfecting the F HE STEAMER "ONTARIO" WILL leave Port Percy every Monday, Wednes- day and Friday, at 11 o'clock, 'wm, on the are rival of the morning train from Whitby, which ving any debt or claim | connects with the local train from the east and of James Malyon | the express from Toronto, on the Grand Trunk late of the township of Fast W hithy, in the | Railway, arriving in Lindsay at 3 o'clock pan. | County and Provizee of Ontario deceased who | Bobeaygeon, at § p.m. ; Fenelon Falls, at}, p.m. « I on ¢ F abe ut the 2 li day of September, 1872 RETURNING, -Leaves Fenelon Falls on Tues- aro hereby rey dred to send In partenlars of day, Thursday, and Saturday at 6, a. m.; arriving | he ir claims to John Banner, Beookliu Post at Lindsay at 8 a.m., and at Port Perry in time Mice, une of Mo Fixesnt » 8rid deceased | to connect with the train corneetin 'with the ons Hi oh the 1 Grand Trunk Rallway mixed gotng (0 ost, and diately after local and Express going Fast, From Toronto to Bobeaygeon .i- " to Lindsay . - - Whitby to Lindsay =~ « « ey " Hoboaygeon . . L785, Through Tickets ean Lod of the Grand Trunk Agents, 'Toronto. &% Through Freights at low rates. For terms, &o., apply to the Agents, Any information can be obtained by applying B. R. KIMBALL, JAS, HOLDEN, Hun't, Mang Dircetor, OF THOESTATUTE of Canada 29 Viet, Cap. by gi ven that. all cred. sail John Banner | + homas Vipand, will pro- | ie psscts of the sald deceassd among the persons entitled thereto, having re- | gard tothe debts and clabms, oilly of which they ball then have hed notice, und the sald Exeen. | fors will not be liable for the nssets so distribut. ed to any pers of whee debt or claim the y shall nol have had notice at the time of such | distribution, Aud notice is hereby, also, given to all parties indebted to the sald Estate, that jarme must be forthwith wade to the said | Jax 00 : 4 2nd day of September, 1672, 1 va September 10ta, 1872, Eolicitor for the E.coutcrs, 1 2 ' say. THE FAVOWRITE. 'GLASS PRESERVE JARS . --FOR SALE A FEW DOZENS -- AT STEELE BROS. FINE PLUMS. ARIVING DAILY AT a STEELE BROS. OSHAWA. September 2nd 1873. CHEAP Le" GROCERIES '] DEPOT RV.CHUBB LJ (SUCCESSOR TO G) HENRY) © 18 STILL SELLING Groceries, Crockery, Glassware, &e., &e, AT A SACRIFICE | rp CHEAP TEAS A SPECIALTY, REMEMBER the PLACE & t J 3 Henry's Old Stand, oppusite Black¥ = Hotel, Simcoe Street, Brock Fa fall show is t Thursday, 2nd 150 members Hox Acar his lady arrive ced, last Frid welcomed by | 0.Y. B.A ¥ «a Jury : wyC S0€ms more | pated, uad.it is Lis jaw-Bone bd Juvexne 'W ding took place The bridegroo age of between) has seen some f| you're young. Supbex Dea siding between died suddénly evening last, | perfect health She was a lo esteemed amor, * who will regret A Nove. Sc was witnessed o evening last, winders of thi agreeable to Po displayed her art and knock time, if not out Chup Burs Weeks, had a burned to deat] that while play clothes caught appearance of t the child, who ly burned. Recovering. that Mr. McRae illuess rapidly, to Oshawa in a friends and cust his genial face HY presented with P, accompanied ty from the membe Encampment. AGRICULTUR be some miseonc a great many impression that held in Oshawa the Connty show on the 17th and East Whitby sho the second of Oct usually success! pated. Tas Lispsay Lewis Davis of drawn ftom his cided to award Cain. The follo Lewis Davis, $4 84,360 ; John W £5,600; Wm. Cl $6,200; R.M.} Walters, $7,300. Vorusteees G Bowmanville an companies, with band accompanyi morning per the for Peterboro', Although the nan tinal, yet the m ingly creditable a ed through town 1 Earty Crosixc being signed by village, agreeing hour for putting suspending busine day. We trost i as unless it is so, i that one' merch against his custom| rival who chooses une or two individ way of justice w a bens, a class at p worked. Since w that all the mer agreement, but tw and will do so on is as it should be. Streer Nuvisax town have been fi od by visitations fr whose peripateti Mnongst us, seekin out of stivers en from honest toil. 1he streets have be ©f listeners to the those people, and have always noticed] larly enough there stop the operatians their sconndeelism glaring and less or Pockets. There i tp to their operatic Loucerned, and we Put it int practic mock-anction thimb Fested as public nu wherever found en the throughfare, or of the streets with t A fow incarceration and costs," would Oshawa like tae cho found the only wi hand of the law on t} we hope Mr. Gurl Best,