Ontario Reformer, 5 Sep 1873, p. 3

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Miilinery | Millinery, Brooks', Goods. Brooks' nishing Store N LOAF.' SUGARS. oT! 0 G HENRY) &ec., &c. GRIFIGE! pb TEAS 'TALTY, -- The OntmioBeforzer, | 18 THE BEST PAPER IN THE COUNTY } AND THE Only Profitable Advertising Medium OSHAWA, FRIDAY, AUGUST 20. TeLeGRAPR Extension, --Columbus has received Telegraph communication, by means of a line running to Brooklin, thence to Whithy. . Rerurxixg Home. -- Mr. Philip Taylor is expected to reach home to-day or to- worrow from his European tour. St. Josera's Convent, Osnawa.--Les- sons in Music; 'Vocal and Instrumental were resumed om Monday, Sept. last] 1873. Sate Bruis.--Those having Sales to | make this fall will find it to their advar- tage to get their bills, posters, &c.; at the RerorMer office. | Axoruer Dergar.-- Whitty cricketers tried their hand in Grafton last Tuesday, and were again defeated. The Whitby boys may as well give it up. Musicar.-- Whitby exults over the prospect of an "'Ocatorio," to ba given in that town on Tuesday and Wednesday next. Brovonaw vs. CrareMoxt.--The re- turn match between the cricketers of these two villages was played in the place last Saturday, and was won by Claret mont on a score of 97 to 153. former Ar Durrin's Creek. --Father Hay: den will give a picnic at Gordon's Grove; on Tuesday 16th, at which games &ec., will be arranged in which prizes are to be offered. SeeciaL Prize--We aré requested to state that Mr. J. O. Guy, Warden, will give a prize of 83 for the best enllection of small fruit, including pears, to be exhi- bitod at the County show, on the 17th and 18¢h inst. New Ponsa. --Mr. Philip Taylor has something new in the way of a lignmid polish, which will clean the finest plated goods without injuring the plating. Wellington also offers some adwirable piano polish. : Tae Temperance Mssrivc. --The usual Sunday! afternoon Temperance meeting was held on Sabbath afternoon, and was ably addressed hy Rev. J. 8S ~~ Manning Lecturer of the G. D. 8. of T. There was a full attendance, Mr. J. 8. Larke in the chair. : REALLY. --A party of the name of Reel {not Riel) had a real lively time last week: He got too mueh tangle-leg. and wis reel- ing about the streets wlien he was beset by the ever vigilant Chief of police, and reeled off to the leckup. His Worship relieved him of 20 reals, which he reluct- antly relinquished, and was released. ProMENADE CONCERT. -- The Promenade Concert given in the Drill Shed on Tues- day evening, was not a success. Consi- dering the pleasure derived by our citizens {rom their frequent public performances, given cheerfully sud gratis, the Band have a reason to feel that they have not been treated altogether fairly by our peo- fle. Wetrust an effort will be made to give-tiigm-a helping hand. ACCIDENT, -- Mr. Edward Smith, . resid- ing west of Oshawa, received a severe ac- He from a "buck-bvard," on a cident on Hamers Hill last Monday. was thrown waggon, and the wheels unfortunately passed over his head wounds, from which 'Lis recovery is doubtful Mr. Smith is father of Mr. Mosis, Smith, of Daffins' Creek, and an uncil to 'Mr. E. C. Hemn.ingway, of W_ithy, fo m rly of Oshawa. inflicting ugly Y. M. C..A.--At the annual conventicm' of the Young Men's Christian Association of Ontario and Quebec, it was decided to h 1d a series of visitations, wherever local branches of the Sgciety are established. That for Oshawa wil! be held on the 12(h inst., of which further notice will be given. Mr. R. C. Morse, of: New York General Secretary of the Execmtive, Jobn Mac donald and C. J. Wilkie, of Toronto, Thes. Muir, of London, Sheriff Thomay and D. A. Sinclair, Hamilton, Dr. McGuire® - and I. 8. Bates, Guelph, and P. Gray, | Port Hape, are expected to be precent. A "Visitation" rrom ToroNTO.-- On Monday last Oshawa was visited by an excursion . from Toronto, purporting to represent the O. Y. B. of that city. They" Mr 1 Band Cen TOWN COUNCIL. { The Council met on Monday ¢vening. His Worship, the Reeve in the Chair | Present,-- Messrs. Thornton and W all Absent, --Messrs. Glen and (ibbs, The Clerk reported the carrying of the Stove Foundrysand Fire By-laws, when they were read a third time and passed. A number of acdounts were passed, among them, $1063.90 for street laborers for the month of Angnst, and 2476.60 for | Timber, and $48.56 for publishing by-laws in the Whitby Chronicle. An/application for Shop license by Mr. | A and J. Mackie was opposed by M. Thornfon, afid finally laid on the table for MLB consideration, J --. --- <Q---- 'WRITEY RACES. The Whitby races came off on Friday and Saturday last, lint 'were not as well | attended as they should have been, On the first day the trotting pumse of 8125, was won by Varcoe, Henry Clay second. The Province Handicap, 8175, a two mile race, was won easily by Jack Bell. The Hotel Keepers purse, $225, was won by the Toronto Mail's War Cry. On the second day, Jack the Barber won the Hurdle Race and £200, the other | horses being evidently jockeyed and the whole tace a put-up job. . 3 The trotting purse of £55, open to all green horses in the County, was wom by Hood's Long John in three straight heats. There was a good deal of 1 cal betting among Oshawa, boys, between Hawshorn's Fate Goulding and Conant"s Ladybird which was dgeided in favor of the former, | which easily took second place in the race. The Ladies purse, $150 was won by Montreal against Lottie B. and Storm. The Merchants purse of $175 was won easily by Brown's Caledonia Chief. The Sweepstakes was won by Carleton, beating 'the favorite War cry, and Jack Vandal, Kalogram and Frank Ross. f----- r-- © <-- RETURN EOME. A. 8S. Whiting, Esq., arrived home from his European trip on Friday evening last. As annonce l by us in th morains, his return was made the occasion by the employees of the Cedardale Works, and his numerous friends to tender him a pub- lic demonstration. Ou the arrival of the train he was met at the station by a large and enthusiastic crowd, who roceived him with three hearty cheers, and to escorted him his carriage. A procession of torch-bearers was then forwed, which pro- ceeded t> Mr. Whiting's residence, where that gentleman addressed the crowd from the balcony, expressing his thanks for the gratifying display of good feeling which had been made towards himself, and [ trusting that the same amieable relations weuld always be preserved. F. W.C on, and in a few well wan, Esq., was also called up- hosen remarks, ex- pressed the gratification which it afforded him not ouly te welcome home again to but to witness "the additional testimonial ¢f hie Oshawa an enterprising citizen, worth, as exhibited in the esteem evinced The of the Victoria Lodge aud Dat- talion Band enlivened the for Mr. Whiting by his employees. prooceedings E with mnsic, at intervals, and the whole affair passed off very pleasantiy and har moniously, Sach evidences as this of mutual confi- dence and esteem, existing between em- ployer and employed, are as rare as they are admirable, and they speak highly not only for the imtegrity of the employer, bat equally as well foe the intelligence and The Cedar- dale operatives have paid themselves, as worth of those under him. well as Mr. Whiting, a etriking- compli- ment. : PICKERING TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Saturday, Ang. 30th, 1873, The Pickering Council met in the Town Hall. in the chair, Members all present. The-Reeve Minutes of last meeting read and ap proved On the motion of Mr. Green, the By- law to establish the side road between lots Nos. 10 and 11, in the 7th. con,, where it is now traveled and to vest in E. Birrell, Esq , 'part of the original allowance for said side road, was read the second and with met by the Lodges of this village and escerted up towa, and every attention | paid to them. In retorn for this friendly conduct they made themselves conspicuois by the worst of rowdyism. Crowds of drunken littls scamps reeled through the streets making them reek with blasphemy, and endeavoring where possible to get up On their way to and from the boat they entered several erchards, and in une or two of them, we understasd, did not leave fruit enough to pay for the pick- ing. They are an unwholesome crew, and we trust we shall never look wvpon their like again, --We regret that our own local Lodges should have turned out on this occasion, or in ary way countenanced the Toronto people, to which city alone be- longs the doubtful fonor of disgracing a well beliaved and respectable organization. A row, M E CHURCH ANNIVERSARY. The anniversary services t the Metho- dist Episcopal Church on Monday last, past off very pleasantly and successinlly. Practical earnest gospel serin0gs were de- Jivered by Hev. Geo. Abbs of Newmar- ket, nforning and evening ; and by Rev. | J. Kenner in the afternoon. The tea on Monday evening was indeed a feast of good things, and the arrangements were excel mt 'or pleasure and comfort." The pres "ce f the Batallion Band did much to enh he the evening's enjoyment. After tea the .intellectual feast was given in the Charch ; The Rev. Mr. Hat- ton, Pastor, took the chair. Devotional exercises conclnded, he stated his plea sure in seeing so many assembled at their yearly gatherings--during the past pear, God had favered their Society with pros- perity and peace, twenty-three had united in church membership, and firancially they had done better than any previous year. Pithy 'end interesting speeches were then delivered by Revs. Ferguson, Simpson, Denike, Morrison, Abbs and Curts, interprised with good mosic by the ¢huir of the Church. Th * proceedings | were brought to a close by singing "God Save the Queen" and benedictiors © >. L MN third time and passe d. : On the motion of Mr. Gresn a By-law and read three several times and passed to raise Ly 'assessment certain trastees of School sections Nos, 1, 5 and was introduced 12 for School purposes this present year, On motion of Mr. Brown, a hy-law was | intréduced, read three seveaal times and passed, appointing William Hubard, eol "lector of ruts for the present year, On motion of Mr. Brown, the Treasurer G. Reazin the sum of 848.00, being amount expend- ed by kim on Base Line, in frout of Jot No. 9. On metion of Mr. Green, the Treasurer the on the south of Kingston | was ondered to, pay Thomas was ordered to pay to Charles Lee; sum of $20 for work performed Western Town Line, Road, as per report of Thomas Chester, | Cum., and also to pay W. Tate, the sam | of 82.50 for use of the Orange Hall building the Muwicipal election election in Jany. last. in Ou the, mofion of Mr. Green, the coun- cil standsadjonrned till the 18th day of October next. * ----- -- © I --e et 818 will buy that desirable Silver Fun- ting, "inverted Patent Lever Hepinstali's Jewelry Store, Kingz Suifeet, Oshawa, . Taivorive ar Wu. Dickies. A-large assortment of new and fashionable clothes, New Hats, Collars, Ties, &c. Boots amd Shoes, a speciality. French Calf Boots, | very chexp. Call early and leave your ! orders . i Ser. See. --'Tis a positive fact that Russel's celebr ated watch is %old as cheap, and # little cheaper in Oshawa, than To- ronto men advertise to be. Be sure then | bef ~re sending your money from home, 10 see those goods and learn the pricey go- ing at Hepinstall s Jewellery store. Wm. Dickie is offering the balance of | his stock very low, prior to removal to his | pew building. A mew lot of children's { gBhoes and slippers just received. [WHAT THEY ARE SAYING IN amonnts therein mentined for ths | for | | Watch," full Jewelled, and time guaranteed, at | AN UONTAKI ENGLAND. When we last quoted from the English journals on the Pacific Scandal, their re- marks were only on the events that had oceyrrdd _ prior to "prorogation. Since then they have received a brief cable an- nouncewment ofthe extraordinary doings on the 13th, and their comments thereon will hardly prove satisfactory to the super- loyal Tory journals of ICanada, The London Globe says of the act: "Constitutional rights have beén inided by the high-hauded dissinissal of the i | mons, | | Com- They, and they alone, had a right ta sty how the engniry against the Coy. ernment should be prosecuted. Lord Dufferin accepted a seviows responsibility in acting in this manner by the advice of the Ministry." E The Loudon Times, which is not given to express rash opinions on such malters as this, says :-- 'The tele- gram we publish to-day from Canada sng. gests a strange and almost ineredible scene. Lord Dafferin is represented as intervening like William IV. on the eye of the Reform Bill, if not like Charles 1 0 KEFURMER, OSHAWA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 187 rg NEW FALL GOODS. a EL S. TREWIN begs to annourice the receipt --0OF-- 3 LARGE SUPPLIES OF NEW COODS, --COMPRISING-- FANCY DRESS GOODS | In great variety. | Newest Styles and Shades, | Really Beautiful Goods and Splendid Value. | SPECTAL.--A full rang in prices of the pretty celebrated SILVER SHIELD DOUBLE WARP BLACK in the evil days of the grand remonstrance, LU STRES, to stifle fret.discussion by an act of proroga- tive." Agmin the London Tomes says, and we recommend the statement to the at- | tention of those who profess to hold that | Lord Dufferin was bound blindly to just what his Ministers told him : doubt may be expressed whether the Gov- do "A " X { ernor-General should not have waited for | | an address from tlie House of Commons praying for the issue of such a Commis- sion. His Prime Minister no doubs re- commended the course t at has been adopted ; but the Governor-General might | | have met the advice by suggesting that Sir John Macdowald showld first "consult the House of Commons, which had appointed a Committee on his own mwoton. If the House agreed with the Minister, the Com- | mission might haye been issued withont | any cavil against it ; if the House had | insisted upon another course, the Minis- ter must have ccnsented to it or resigned; | but in er*her case the authority 'of the | House would have been recognized as su- | preme. The objection which may now be | taken, and cannot admit of a | answer, 'is that, in acting upon Macdonald's advice, without complete Sir John giving the | House of Commons an cpportunity of ex- pressing an opinion, Lord Dufferin has enabled his Minister to averride the free ac- | ton of Pailiament." | The Morning Post says, that by the { covrse they have "the Govern- | taken, ment and the Governor-General have incurred the odivm of acting with a high- handed authority that was not required, and | no doubt the already dawaged revatation of the Canadian Government will thereby be further injured in the eyes, not only of the Opposition, but algo of the c antry." | The Pall Mall Quzeette holds : "Sir! John Macdonald has certatuly not im- | proved the aspect of his case by declin- ing to encounter a Parliamentary debate on Mr. Huntington's charges, and by | sheltering himself by an extreme exercise of prerogative." The London Daily News says :--"The news which we have received from the Dominion of Canada reads at first a little like une of the scenes we used to hear of in the not distant days when Prince Bis- wark nsed to stop all incoivenient debate by proroguing the Prussian Parliament when anything serious was at issue.' And again : "The Parliament kas leen for a long time trying in svain to get something done, ard now to Le told that the something is to be done by the Gov- ernment without consulting it is naturally rather irritating. It would certainly 'seem 10 us that the course to be taken onght to have been suggested by the House rather than volunteered by the Government." MThese extracts are too plain in their weaning to need any comment. They unanimously and unhesitatingly ¢ ndemn as an unjustifiable and high-! anded use of the prerogative, the act by which Parlia- ment was refused permission te perform its Le githmate cuty in the gravest crisis in l the econntoy's history. They bodly as free British subjects ought to speak. and do not mince roatters either | with Lord Dufferin or lis advisers. It is quite evident that the arr zane and inso I mt contempt shown to Parliament will m et with no sympathy at Home, and that the only effect of the outrage of the 13th will be to more completely damn the re putation of the Government of Canada Condemned on every hand; Jet it be hoped that the Commission farce to a hasty ¢omelusion and instated as lily as po in its rightful jorisdiction over the in the mean time we hope the Tory journal | ists are now fully satiefled ae to what "they say in England" about the otit- rage, of which they: are such boastful | advocates, | i -- <Q -- ee | speak out | will be drawn Parliament re- Spe ssibile case, Tuk Commtsgion. --From the wtterances | of the Ministerial papers we judge it is | the intention of the Execntive to instruot | the Commission to proceed with the in- | { quiry in spite of the refusal of Mr. Hun- | tington to apppear before it. The ubject, | doubtless, is to gain time, We may ex- | pect many delays and munch outlay of | money in bringing witnesses to Ottawa | who will know little or nothing about the | umtter at issue I'he Governor-Geheral, | however, prowised a scasion of Parli®ent | within ten weel s of the time when he met | the Hofise deputation, the 13th of August, | and it naw. romaing ta be seen whether he will break "his pledgs fo the people's re- | presentatives, There is some talk of peti- tioning him to fulfill His @promise, 'but it seems to, as that the people, having inti. mated their wish that the Governor should corranlt Parliament at the earliest possible | moment, and having been promised, ! through their representatives, a session by the middle of October or beginning of November, shonld wait, in patiénes the fulillment of the promise. Tf it is broken, it will be time enongh to get up a fresh petition, but it is evidently not to Lord | Dufterin that it will be presented, but to | the Queen. --Globe, | F avn Assizes, The Fall Assizes for the Coun ty.of Ontario will be opened in the Court House | In Whitby, on Monday Sept. 223hd. |} Best and Cheapest in the Market! | ALSO | NEW MANTLES, SHAWLS, DRESS SKIRTS, CORSETS, CRINO- LINES, BUTTONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, COLLARS, TIES, ete., ote. {We bave also received new styles and patterns of Fall Millinery, | Flowers, Ribbons, Laces, ete, ete." ORDERS SOLICITED, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. Special attention to the getting np of FAMILY MOURNING! NICE DAIRY BUTTEHY 18 CENTS PER POUND. 8S, TREWIN. NEW FALL GOODS! --AT-. WIGHTMAIN'S. DIRECT FROM GREAT BRITAIN; Per Steamer St. Patrick & Scandinatian. New Tapestry Carpess. New Kidderminister Carpets. New Dutch venetian and Hemp Carpets. New Woolen Shawls. New Ottaman Striped Shawls. New Brocha Shawls. | New Mantle Velvets. New White and Colored Sarartans and Striped Laivus. New Embroideries and embroidery Cambrics. New Woolen Polkas and Chest Protectors: New Creakfast Shawls and Handkerchiefs. New Table Linens and Diapers, New White Sheetings Plain and Twilled. New Hollands and Cream Linens. $ New Dress Lining and Jeans. New Black Silk Laces. New White Silk anl Cotton Laces. New Real Maltese and Boniton Lace Collars. New Valencies and Crochet Edgings. New Fancy Flannels and Shirtings New Winceys: 'WILLIAM M. WIGHTMAN, (Late W. F. Cowan,) Oshawa and Prince Albert THE MOST Nil% WI XN Ee ; (4 a 1 fo "i STYLISH RIGS Ny ON THE ROADS, ' ARE KNOWN AS BAMBRIDGES The New Store. + wh ™ : '0: : n Pickering, on Saturday, Ang. Inh, the wife cf Mr. R. 8. Wilson, of a son. In Harmony, on the 13th, insi., the wifeof Henry | Young of a son. | FIGURED CAMLET CLOTHS John Bredin, on th 20th inst., Jomx | 1. MARRIGES, | By tha rev rE, Kae erchant, of Bowmanville, fo Muxsox, of Darlington, At the Western House, Bowmanville, on the 23rd inst, by the Rev. I. Relkie, Mr. J. Cup- sage, Township of Orillia, to MARTHA ANN V+ Low, only daughter of Mr, George Welen, of Darlington. 1 In Milton, on Wednesday. 27:h Ausust, 1873, by the Rov. Mr. Gray, Mr, V. P.-C of Whitby., to Miss Mary danghtef of Lous Moffat, Esq , of Miiton. qu MJ iAn MB iii ed IL A Commercial, ONHAWA MARKETS September 5, Flour. Bowl... as cases vss Wheat, F247, # bushel, Wheat, Spring, ¥ bushel, Oats, #rashel,. .. "is Barley ue - Peas, # bushel, ...... Blue Peas . Black-cyed Mar Potatoes, ¥ bush Butter, ¥ 0, Lard, #0,' .e Eggs, ¥ dozen,....... Heans, ® bushel, Wool, ni Apples. ....... Dried Apples. Clover Seed... Timothy seed,........ cedhiin TORONTO MARKETS. Wheat, ¥ bushel, ..... savant Barley, do wap Peas, do ats, do | Bye. do awesisons | Potatoes, per bag. .. | Hey. ® o S115 tr) 00 ces 000 .. 00 FRIED E coo SoESRTRREIBER EF PEE bb TH cecooemo22a2 coe - ed £ Bassas 8885383 ® Sesccc®a 1873. errr $33.00 @ §3 25 | wT 30 14 888388 WE ARE SHOWING A LARGE LOT OF Suitable for Fall Dresses, which are being offered at about Lalf-price' regular price 47 cts, selling them off at 25cts per yard. | | CALL AND SEE TEEM. ! 4 10: OPENEED TEIS DAY THE FIRST CONSIGNMENT CF OUR FALL IMPORTATIONS ¢Ex S. S. Sarmatian.) : Consistieg of Aslitan's"best Dark Prints 3000 yds Steamr Looms, very cheap, A full range of White Quilts, A full range of Colored Quilts, | A beautiful lot of Wool Table Covers, 20 pieces. of Scarlet and White Flannels. ALEXANDER & BRYCE. Wilson's Block, King Street, Oshawa. hg | FOR -SALE. OUSE AND LOT CORNER OF L'oyd 8d Monk Street. Apply to I. 1011320. TO LET! FIFIRST CLASS TENEMENT, WITH #umber of Roofs that ibe requir. ed. Also rooms suitable for ey nd establishment. Avply w_ MR. , over McRae"s Store, Oi bs Plock: 13-tf Dressmnk KELLOG Oshawa. FOR SALLE. "HORSE, EIGHT YEARS OLD, Bui ble for General Pirrposes, also BUGGY and N , apply to E. FIELDING aot King St. West, Osbiiwi. | FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE FOR, VILLAGE PROPERTY. OT NO. 4 IN THE 8TH 'CON. | Fam of the Township 32 x Bnuton, | County of Hastl contairing > , of Which 30 acres ander cai vation. Remiaihi- der wood, Apply to R. 1%cGee. | Dated 20 August 1872. 194f " PSYCHOMANCY, BOVL CRARNMING." How either sex mag fascinate and gain the lovo and affection of any person they choose, in This simple mental acquirc.nens all 88, free, by mail, for 25 cénts, ther a Marriage Lgyptian cle, eXelting LLIAM stantly. oan posse: with a Philip Taylor IS NOW IN EUROPE PURCHASING A NEW ST OK! ree WATCHES & JEWELLERY ----0 i, LOOK OUT FOR THE FINEST LOT| EVER BROUGHT INTO OSHAWA. Good Bread GO TO McCHESNEY'S BAKERY. Avgust 13th, 1873 G.HODDER King Street. CENTS' CLOTHING eer AND em Outfitting Establishment. ----0 SPLENDID STOCK OF HATS cAaPsS, CHEAP. BE SURE AND CALLA T HODDER' | | Oshawa, July 20th, 1873. 16-1y wdc ---- Rm IS NOW AT AN-=- ALARMING SACRIFICE. T0 MAKE ROOM FOR ; NEW FALL GOODS! : Dress Goods, Plain and Fancy Silks and Lustres BOO 18 ND SHOES, GENTS FURNISHINGS, GROCERIES, &C., &C: THE BEST BARGAINS IN TOW™ : : J. W, FOWKE, Oshawz. BOWMANVILLE ORGAN FACTORY mii IMPROVED GCABINET ORGANS, Cheapest ! GRAND COMBINATION ORGAN Encourage Home Manufacture, - The Bowmanville Organ Factory is now Manufacturin- Instruments equal to the best imported, and at much less cos: ALL THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS! Our celebrated " Vox Celeste," * Liotils Patent," Vox Humana," Wilcox Paten!" ** Octave Coupler," the charming, * Cello " or * Claricnet " Stops, and uality and Vel f Tone U led. ial ar: Quality olume railed The Best Material ard DARLEY & OHARA. 1873. FRUIT SEASON. 1873 TEN TONS! OF THE BEST BRIGHT CRYSTALIZED SUGAR FOR PRESERVING TO BE HAD OF BLAMEY & BRIGGS. a rns China Ted Sets from 84 75, White Granite Tea Sets from $2 60, White Granite Toilet Sets from $2 60, General Crockery and Qlassware equally cheap. The above being bought before the recent advance, intending purelys- sers will do well to call and see them, as we have a large Stock whic.s toast be sold to make room for other shipments now on the way. . ---- nr general Stock of Groceries is now complele, including a new lot those Green and Black Peas, which cannot be sur; Jor quality or price, 2,000 DOZEN EGGS WANT D _-- --------_--_ TRADE SALE -AT ~ F. MCRAE & CO. THE GOODS MUST BE sor ! The balance of Chisholm's Bank- = rupt Stock will be offered at a large discount on the cost, compris- ing Summer Dress and Fane Goods, also a large variety of F Goods of every description. We ' cannot enumerate prices of so large a List. Purchasers will do well to: call and examine Goods and Prices. Hurrah for Old No. 1 ou the. Gorner | \Cornér of King and Simcoe Streets, CLEARIRG OUT.SUMMER STOCK q

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