Ontario Reformer, 29 Aug 1873, p. 4

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PTT LE [3 SHEL OR {1 HI Nu he" 1 PIL ARE 1 LS 2: i H > £1 i SEI ne ES Rede re TIS I, BB NOT AFRAID. Tho tossed with winds and 1 Above the tempest wild and Hark ! hark! m) viour' Ei I, be not afraid. Tis I--who washed th; spirit white ; wy I---who Save th blind SY y ht, --~thy Lord, thy Life, thy 1 "Tis 1, be not afraid, These raging winds, this surging sea, Bear not a breath of wrath to Thee ; That storm has all been spent on me. "Tis 1, be not afraid. When on the other side thy feet Shall rest, 'midst thousand welcomes sweet, One well known voice thy heart shall greet, IL. be uot afraid. -- QO -- WELOOME €oME. There is a realm where Jesus re Ins, A home of grace and love, Where angels wait with sweetest strains, To greet the saints sbove, The scone of earth will join to bless he cious Saviour's name, Clothd fu his perfect righteousness, And saved Tom sin and shame, Yet all, alas ! will not be there, For some will slight his grace, now he they do not care, To turn and seek his face. , {e speaks so kindly, ** Come to me, And JI will give you rest ;" The angels wait their melody, To greet you with the blest. OWNERSHIP IN WOMEN. A man was recently hanged in Masea- chusetts for taking vengeance on one who had practically disputed his property in a girl. The man was a brate, of course, vut he had an opinion that a girl who had given herself to him, in the completest surrender that a woman can make, was in --insome sense his--that her giving herself to apother involved his dishonor--and that his property in her was to be defended to the extremity of death. A prominent newspaper, while recordiig the fucts of the case, takes the occasion to eay that this idea of ownership in women is ths same barbarism out of which grow the evils and wrongs that the * woman move- went" is intended to remove. If we were to respond that ownership in women, only blindly apprehended as it was by our brutal gallows-bird, is the cne thing that saves us from the wildest doctrines and practices of the free lovers, and is one of the strongest conservative furces of society, it iv quite likely that wo should be misnuder- 1tood ; but we shall run the rick and make the assertion. : / hors an istinet in the heart of every woman which tells her that she is his to whom she gives herself, and his alove-- =n instinét which bide her cling to him while she lives or he lives--which 1denti- - fes'her life with his-- which makes of 1 im and her twain, one flesh. When this gift is once made to a true man, he recognizes its significance. He is to provide for her that which sha cannot provide for herself; he is t» protect her to the extent of his oye ; she is to share his howe, and to his closest companion. His ownership in her covers his most sacrel possession, - and devolves upon him the gravest duties. If it were otherwise, why 1s it that a wou an who gives Lers If away unwocthily feels, when she finds herself deceived, that she is lost /--that she lias parted with herself to one who does not recognize the nature of the gift, and that she who ought to be owned, and, by being owned, honored, is: disowned and disionored ! There is no true, pure woman living who when she gives herself away, does not re- joice in the ownership which makes her forever the property of ome man. She is 15t his slave to be tasked aud abused, Lecanse she is the gift of love and not the ) urchase of money ; but she is his, iu a s2nse in which she cannot be another wan's without dishonor to him and damnation to herself. Our gallcws-bird was, in his brutal way, right. If he had beerdiving in sav rociety, without laws, and with the neces- rity of guarding his own treasures, his act would have been locked upon as one of heroisin by all the beauties and braves of las tribe. The weak point in his case vas, that his ownership in what he was 1leased to call "* his girl" was not estub «d according to the laws under which he lived. He was not legally married, and had acquired no rights under the law to be dafended. What he was pleased to consider Lis rights were established con- frary to law, aud he could not appeal to law for their defence, He took the woma to himeelf contrary to law, he defended his property in her by murder, and he was dated. He was served right. Hemp would grow on a rock for such as he any- where in the world. There is no cure for the man who seduces and slays, but a broken neck. ere is nothing more menacing in the aspect of social affairs in this country than the effort among a certain class of reform- ers to break up the identity of interest and feeling among men and women. Men ish- arealluded to with sneers and blame, as | being opposed to the interests of women, as using the power in their hands--a power usurped--to maintiin; their own predominance at the expense/of woman's rights ad woman's well-beir'z. Marriage, under this kind of teaching, becomes a compact of convenience, into which men and women may enter, each party taking along the personal independence enjoyed in a single state, with teparate lLusiness interests and separate pursuits. In ot'. r words, marriage is regarded simply as the legal companionship of two beings of op- posite scxes, who Lave thir uwn ind.- pendent pursuits, with which the bond is -not permitted to interfere. I: ¢coutem- Flutes no identification of life and destiny. e man holds no ownership in woman which gives him a right to a family of children, and a life devoted to the sacred duties of motherhood. The man who expects such a sacrifice at the Liaiids of lus wife is regarded as a tyrant ora brute. Women are to vote, and trade, and prac- tice law, and preach, and go to Congress, and do everything that a man does irre- ive of the b arriage bonds. Women are to be just as free to do anything out- side of their homes as wen are. They are: to choose their carcers and pursue them with just as little reference to the internal administration of their families as their husbands exercise. This is the aim and-logical 'end of all the modern doctrines concerning woman's rights, The i lentifi- cation of woman with man, as the basis of FMRS. THRETWICK IN _SCARA- | MENTC. The following is from Bret Harto's new | story, "An Episode of Fiddleton, "(Sorin xER's for September, ) gives ay account of his heroine's. adventures in Sacramento, | This brief but graphic passage is a story | in itself : Hor slender stock of money was soon exhausted. At Sacramento she found that the composition of verse, although appealing to the highest emotims of hu- wan heart, and compelling the editerial breast to the noblest commendation "in the editorial pages, was singularly ivade- qrate to defray the expenses of he=self and Carrie. Then she tried the stage, but failed signally. Possibly her concep- tion of the passions was different from |- that which obtained with a Sacrament { andience, but it was certain thas her | charming presence. so effective at short | | range, was not sufficiently pronounced for | the footlights. Shé had adinirers (nongh in the green room, but awakened no abid- | ing affection among the andience. In | this strait it occurred to her that she had | | & voice--a contralto of no very great com- | pass. or cultivation, but. singularly sweet and touching, and she finally obtained position in a church" choir. She held it for three minthsy greatly to her peen- | i niary advantage, and, it is said, much to} the satisfaction of the geutlemen in the hack pews who faced toward her dunng the singing of the last hymn. 1 rememb r her gnite distingtly at this time. The light that slanted through the | oriel of St. Dives choir was wont to fall | very tenderly on her beautiful head with | its "stacked masses of deerskin-colored hair, on the iow black arches of her brows, | the preity fringes that shaded Ler eyeswf Genoa velvet. Very pleasowt it wis to watel the op 'ging and shutting of that small straight | month, with-its quick revelation of "litte white | teeth, and to see the foolish blood faintly ven her satin cheek as yon watched. Mrs. Tretherick was very sweetly con- scious of adwdration, and, like most pret- ty women, gathered herself under your eye like a racer under the spur, And then of course there cama trou' le I have it from the soprano --a littl: lady who possessed even wore than the usnal unprejodiced judgement « f her sox --that Mrs. Trethenick's conduct was simply shameful ; that her conceit was unbear- alle ; that if she considered the rest of | the 'choir as slaves, she, .the soprano, would like to know it ; that her conduc on Easter Sunday with the basso had at- tracted the attention of the whole congre- gation, and that she herself had noticed Doctor Cope twice look fp during the | scrrice. That her, the sopranc's friends had objected to her s'nging in the choir with a person who had been on the stage, but she had waived this. Yet she had it from the best authority that Mrs. Tret!- erwick had run away frown her hasband, and. that this red-haired child who some- times came in choir was not her own. The tenor confided to we, behind the organ, that Mrs. Tretherick hal a way of sus- taining a note at the end of a line in or- dor that her voice might linger longer with the cong tion--an act that cou!d be attri: uted only to a defective nature. That as a wman--he was a very popular dry-gow's cierk on week-days, and sang a good deal from apparently be hind his eyebrows on the Sahbath--thae as a man. sir. he woall pat np with it no longer. The hasso alone--: 8 .ort German with a heavy voice, for whica he "seemed reluctantly responsible, and rather griev edeat its p sswsion--stood up for Mrs Iretherick and averred that they were jealons of Ler becanse she was *'pretty." he climax was i.t last reached in au open quarrel, wherein Mrs Tretherick nsed her tongue with such precision of statement and epithet that the soprano burst iito hysterical tears, and had to be snpported from the c! tenor. 1 i and to deepen moral t was warked 1ntentionally to the con tion Ly thé « f the usual sopra Mrs. Tretherick went home flushed with trinmph, but ou reacl- mg her roow frantically gold Carrie that they were | s hencefurward ; shat she ther d just taken the v "y bre:d out of Ler darlp g's month,and end ed by bursting into a flood of peritent tears. They did not come so quickly as wi her old poetical days, but when they came they stung deeply. by a formal visit frow vestryman --oue of the Music Comu.ittee. Mrs. Tretherick dried her long lashes, put on a uvew neck ribbor, and went down to the parlor She stayed there two Lionrs--a fact that wight have «ccasioned some remvnrk but that the vestryman was merried and had a family of grown-up danghters. - When Mrs. Tretherick returned to her room, she sang to Livrself in the glass and scold ed Carrie. But she retained ber place in choir. sea pos naesion « solo ---ieT ni CURE Rheumatism, Scalds, Lameness, Neuralgia, Burns, Soreness, Sorc Throat, Boils, Wouads, Hoarseness, Ulcers, Bruises, Headache, Piles, Sprains, Toothache, @olic, Old Sores, Ail Hemorrhages, Diarrhea, Mins 2 G.HODDER King Street. the institution of the family, is scoffed at. ; Any ownership in' woman, that comes of the gift of harself to him, aud the as. swnption of the possession by him, witl, ita life-long train of obligations aud duties, 1s contemned. It is assumed that inter sts which are, and must forever remain, iden- tical, ure opposed to each other. = Men and women are pitted against cach other in & struggle for power. Well, let i' be -understood, then, that men are oppe to these latter-day doe. trines, and thafthey will remain so. They are determined that the identity of interest men and women shall never be destroyed ; that the sacred owrership in women, bestowed in all true shall never be surrendered ; that the -family shall be maintained, snd that the the world who sympathize with them shall le untold millions of trie women in protected from thefalwe philosophies and destructive policies cf their few mingnided sisters, who seek to turn the world npeide down, Politiesl cmventions aay throw their sops to clamoring reformers, bat they mean nothing by it. redeemed a pledge t) these reformers, and we presume they have never intended to | They expect the matter to blow | do so. over, and, if we do not mistake the signs marriage, | They never have | CENTS' CLOTHING ee AND-- Outfitting Establishment. SPLENDID STOCK OF H ~--AND ---- CAPS, of the times, it is rapidly bivbwing over, | with more or less thrnder and with very | In the meantime, if the dis- | little rain. eamsions tit lve grown out of these estions have tended to open a bioader id (0 woman's' womanly industry, or obliterated unjuat laws from the statute: book, lst every maa rejoice. No good can eom> to woman that d yas not benefit him, and no harm that Coes not hort him, Hananity is oue, a: d man and womwn rvise.or {ull together, CHEAP. | BESURE AND CALL AT | 'HODDER"S | [ i _ Oshawa, July 20th, 1873. 1C."y GROCERIES, WINES, hoir by her husband and the | She was rousec ! ATS] Rr wa go NW | STYLISH RIGS ON THE ROADS, ARE KNOWN AS BAMBRIDGES FREDERICK NEALE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in AND LIQUORS! SIMCOE ST,, OSHAWA. Agent for Davies & Bro's Celebrated XXX Cream Ale and Porter. Choice Brands of Cigars and Tobaccos always | in Stock. 151y THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Hats and Caps. WILLIAM LANG | INVITES INSPECTION TO HIS SPLENDID STOCK OF | NEW SPRING CCODS' WHICH 1S COMPLETE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. | Clothing Made to Order WITH CARE AND DESPATCH. Gents' Furnishings. 'Buiyio|n spew-Apeay Boots and Shoes. ATRINSONS DRUG STORE REMOVED TO NEW AND LARGER PREMISES Next Door to COWAN'S. = A Drugs, Patent Medicines, Scented Soaps, Erench and Englisl Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brushes, and a General assortment of Dye Stuffs. Everything of the best Quality and Strictly Genuine AT WIGHTMANSE 300 Pairs Ladies' Prunella Gaiters at 65 cents a pair. | Harrockes' White Cottons, fine, and yard wide,at York shilling 164) yards Fancy Summer Dress Goods at a York shilling : yard, regular price 20 c. and 25 c. Linen Grénadines and Tasso Linens, plain and striped at a York Shilling a yard. Fine striped silk mixed Poplins at 27¢, regular price 40c. | Fine Back Grenadines at a York shilling a yard. | Fine Chambray Costume Cloths, and plain colored prints ii Pink, Lilac and Drab, at a York shilling a yard. | 16 pieces Heavy Cotton Canton Flannels at a York shilling a yd. 60 pieces Heavy Grey Cottons slightly damaged on voyage o. importation, at 10 c. a yard, Yard wide bleachel Factorys, scoured and shrurtk at a York shilling. . 32 inch bleached Factory, scoured and shrunk, at 10c. 38 pieces marted Poplinettes, good cloth, nice colors, new goods, suitable for the early fall trade, 18¢c a yd., h 30. A few Moire Antique Watered Silk Poplin Dresses in Blue, Black, Dark Gray, Dark Drab and Light Brown, at $5 50 ; regular price &7,50. | & few fine figured Japanese Silks in Black, Drab, Brown and Purple, at 65¢ ; regular price 85¢ and 90c. A few fine Fancy striped Crape Silks, in Blue, Brown and Greeu mixtures, at 75c ; regular price $1 12}. A few Fancy striped Silks in fine qualities, Purple, Green and Browns, at 90c ; regular price $1.35. | A few Plain Colored Silks in Drab, Pink, Slate, Lavendar, Blue and Steel Grey, at $1 a yard ; regular price $1 35. | Fine Black Silks, a full range of qualities and widths, all at greatly reduced prices. | 30 pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains, at 65ic., 81 25, $1 50, $2 and $2 50 a pair. | Table Linens in White, Cream and unbleached. Toilet Covers, Antimacassars, Damasks, Holders, &ec. | A few pieces Fancy Check Flannels, all wool, new goads, just received, at 25c¢. per yard. A few pieces Tapestry Carpets, fine patterns, at 80c. a yard. A few picces Crossley Best Tapestry Carpets, registered pat- terns, at $1 a yard. | 2 Cases Heavy Canadian Tweeds, all wool, just received, at 70. cents a yard. : | 6 Dozen Men's Fancy Jean Shirts, at 55 cents each. Brown Linen Drills for Men's Pants at York Shilling a yard, Gents' Fine White Shirts, broad Plaits, at 85 cents nly Pure Black Silk Chantilly Lace Shawls, 85 quality, will be sold for $3 50 - ww "8490 8575 $775 85 25 $4 00 Table Cloths, Repps, Curtains " £8 "" " $1 0 " Jackets, 88 « " $7 " WILLIAM M. WIGHTMAN, (Late W. F. Cowan,) Oshawa and Prince Alber? | your toes. | 'n the lives of the litile gentlemen--no "HOLD TEE roar. Hold ! my comrades, see the signal Waving in the sky ! Reinforcements now appearing, Victory is nigh. See the mighty host a lvar cing, Satan leading H y. Mighty men ar und us falling, Courage almost gone, Hee the glorious ba nor waving, Hear the bugle blow ; In our Leader's name we'll tilumpls Over every foe. Fierce and long the battle rages, But our Help is near ; Onward comes. our Great Commander, Cheer wy comrades, cheer! TRAVELLING ZOM3. We're travellinz home to heaven above, To heaven so br ght and fair, Where Jes. reigns, and all is 1 we, And wh re bright angels are, We will not fear whate'er oppose, We'll sunder every snare; For Jess leads uaall the way, And waits to crown as there. Car cares we trust on Jesus love, As daily we press.on ; And seek to knw and do his will, With every rising san. We trust to one who knows the way. And all the way has trod This world of sin, this world of teil, To lead us howe 10 Ged. Wha. worthy tribute shall we bring To him who lead« us on To him who guards us all the way, An sweetly whispers "Come" 1 "Come unto ma ye weary ones, With sin and care oppressed, Come unto me ye sin-sick sou's, | And 1 will give you resi." 'To that fair resdin of light ; Come ree the Savi ur on his throne, And all his angels bright, Jesus will gent y lead you on, Thro' this dak wor 4 of woe, And crown you when your journey's done, | | | © come with us, all ye that hear, | And tuue your hai ps anew. re - 1 THE PEOPLE WHO GET UNDER | CTLER FEOFLE'S UMBRELL.S. | The ferry-boat is favorable to the deve- | lopwent of the best specimens of this | class. If you stand on the forward deck, toward the end of the voyage, of a drizziy afternoon, you will, ne doubt, sce several excellent examples of the species, 1 potiged a finé fellow this afternoon. He had two large brown paper bundles m each hand, which, together with his own person, were en'irely protected from woisture by b ing janwed np aginst th: form of a week little gentleman, who was compeiled to hold his blue silk umbrella uncomfortably high in order te aecomuio- date his uni vited yu st, You see that is an invariable feature of the case ;. the calm security, I way say the magnificent repose, of the intruder 1s never more marked a phenomenon than the pathetic air of resignation that en- wraps the always week and always little gentleman thus imposed upon. It wnly unperiectly expresses the situation to say that the gentleman with the brown [aper bundles gives evidence of a cheerful faith i the Providence of his neigh! or's um- hirella ; and that the owner and bearer of the umbrella acevpts his fate in the same religious spirit. It is a very suggestive sight. I often {| wonder what is the right thing for the little gentleman to do--for you to da, sun. posing you to be the little gentleman ; especially when the other wan not ouly is A nuisauce as to odor, and the weariment | of the uplifted arw, aud the incouven ent { pressure upon the body ; but becomes ad- stepoaag upon Are there not moments even ditionally obnozions by watter how meek by nature--when its not only possibile but praiseworthy and safe for tnem to kick ! Ave there not iw- provident, seif-conceited, busybody vaga- | bonds in this world to whom a sharp sur- prise of this kind may be the appointed means of saving grace ! But, ah me ! I fear it is easicr to be "mellow" than to be hard I am afraid you (and I) will weakly suffer the scroug- ing rather than exert ourselves sufficiently '0 be eased of the thousand 1upositions of the life that now is. Would it not Le an odd bit of tragedy | if some day we should find the brows paper bundles in our own hands, instead id the blue silk umbrella -- 0 ~-- ee CAPT, JACE AND EISCREW TO IE EANGID. 'VAAVHS(Q 'LSVE JLIF™ULS SDNIY 'U001g S,NOSTIM WasHINGTON, Aug. 23.--The War De. | -artm nt promulgates general orders, find. tes, and scutence in the ease of tle | Modoc captives, Captain Jack. Schonchin, Mack Jim, Boston Charles » Barnyele vias One Eyed Jin and Slouch alias Cox vho were tried by a military commission or the murder of General Canby and 'ommissioner Thomas, and for assault ith intent to kill the other Peace Com- uwissioners. _ They are funnd guilty, and we to be ha'igad ut Fort Klymath on Octo- er 3rd, New York, Ang 23. --The prwocedings | n the Modoc cases have heen approved by | fe President and by the Secretary of War, nd the sentence will be carried into | feet at Fort Klamath, Oregon, on ths 1 of October. under the direction of the G neral comianding the Department. EE ------------- SK The American Jutton-Hole, Overseamin AND COMPLETE fe Sewing Machine. JL.F. KELLOGG, Gerearl Agent for | the Dominion. The first and only But'on-hole and Sewing Wachine Combined that has made its advent | n thi: or any other conntry, 100 Lhe following reasons are given why this Best Family Machine to Purchase: 1. Because it will do everything that any ma- chi: can do, sewing from the finest to the coarsest material. Lemming, felling, cording, braiding, gathering and sewing on at the same | time, ruffling, quilting, ete,, better than any ! other machine, | 2. Because the tensiwns are 3 re easily adjusted than any other Machin@® ad | 3. Because it can work a beautiful button-hole | making as fine a pear! as by the hand, | 4. Because it will embroider over the edge, | making a neat and beautiful border on any garment. 5. Because it will work a beantirul eyelet hole, | 6. Becanse it can do over-hoded seaming, by which shee's, pillow cases and the like are sewed over and over, | 7. Because yon ean quickly raise or lower the | feed to adapt is to thick or thin cloth, : 8. Because you have a short deep bobbin by which the thread is constantly drawn from the | centre ; the tension is conscquently even, and | does not break the thread 0. Because the presseifoot turns back : that | cloth can be easily removed alter being | sewed. 10. Because the best mechanic pronounce it the best finished ahd made on the best principle of any muchine manufactured. It has ne springs to break {nothing to get out of nrder, 1 BEDROOM SUITS. 108 WE HAVE NOW ZG SHOW RCOMS 50 SETS OF BEDROOM SUITES, To Select from, Raging in Price From $25 to $200 each. DINING ROOM SETTS, And other Furaitur:, in grat varlaty; all of First-class Manufacture. LUKE & BROTHER. > Oshawa, July 15th, 1873. PARLOR SU1ITS, 3-14-1y W. WIGG & SON, Cabinetmakers and Undertakers SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA. Sideboards, Sofas, Stands, Bedstead Mattrasses, FURNITURE Of all kinds and qualities kept comstantly on hand. Also Agent -- -------- Bookcases, Bureaus, Cupboards, Washstands, Looking Glasses, in Oshawa for the Lounges, Desks, Tables, Chairs, and CLOTHING: § LATEST STYLES AY¥D BEST QUALITY, ---- CALL AT GURLEY'S AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS ro SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. He has just received his NEW STOCK, Which will be foufid complete, 3eautiful Vest and Pant Patterns, Jlothing of all kinds made to' onder og the shortest notice, - : A CALL SOLICITED. WOOL! WOOL; WHEAT, WHEAT, | ore CASH FAID FOR any quantity of WOOL, WHEAT AND OATS' Clean, healthy, comfortable and durable, approved of before all others by those who have had them, and sure to give =atisfaction. Ito cic Zgent fir PALLING'S PATENT BALANCE WINDOW BLIND ROLLER, A first-rate article, Pictures 1es> and despatch. in great variety. hand. '0: UNDERTAKING. Special attentiom paid to Undertaking. Funerals attended to on the shortest notice. k*pt on hand and made to order. Terms reasonable. | | "aonpl ay '119 03 punoq ae puv ssaulsng uwew aw ! [Mm woud puv enfea pood ! dea st YM ng pue SATALS me ~My Jo pis oq [1% 'PIPOLIUT 30 MIRO[PP MOY JOU BID Bp 'LVAN 'MIAN # 001g s1y sv 'Groygmonis sosvgoand Le Furpujouoo wioyeq spoof sry eas puv [{wo ug 018 oy, 'PojuBIIBAA puB padivdoy A[njadae) 'SMO0TO ANV SIHOLVM NI MHOM TV nPquawmal oseald 10 peau M SIH LVHIL HONJONNYV OJ FAVAT Dad ATINALOALASHY dT100 of mou "0% '4I1IAMIP 'HIAVIWNHOLYM ul IW om Luv Au] £[WIPI0O PMOM PEP 'Sssaunq Jo) pauddo mou 81 samy Lom 'sooraoedy 20 "JRL I-IOATIS "'AITemep 'SOTO "SONOITM TIVISNIdIH 'M FEOLS AWTIMAC MAN AHL A splendid Hearse furnished when required. Coffins A ) HATCE & MEARNS, Hardware, Tin and Stove Dealers, KING STREET, OSHAWA. Beg leave to return thanks for the liberal patrohage bestowed on them 50 Boxes Pressed and Horse (0 Foxce Glass, "Fler "and * | James', Walker & Parker's, and Brandram's White Leads, English and Ameican Colors, Blundel and Spencer's Boiled and Raw Oil, Fnrniture and Carriage Varnish, | American, English, and' ('anadian Locks, Latches, a1d Knobs, | during the post year, and would solicit a continuance of the same, have on hand the Largest. Best and Cheapest Stock of HARDWARE, and &c,, | Ever offered in this market. Our Stock eom | 500 Kegs Cut, Shingle and Lath Nails, Nails, * Diamond Star," 4 11. _Becduse it is two machines in onc--A Bugs ] Butts, T. and Strap Hinges, Screws &e., {u-tiole, Working and mewing Machine No other Machine can accompli ¢ king of ener stated In Nos 3, 4, rap in the Parties using a family Sewing Machine want | 3 Whale Machine, one with all the improve. It is to last a LIFETIME, and t} ere' wanted that will do the most we rk and do the bea i Jhd this machine can do several sewing not done on any other Macht besides doing every kina that all others pire do. The American or Plain sewing Machine {Without the button-hole parts), dues all that fs one on the Combinatis, excep . at and overseanting, naticn, except button-hole The undersigned has Been appoint Dera agent for the Dominion of Canada, edt go J Agents Wanted in Every County ! | Good Induceinents. Apply to J. EE KELLOGG, OSHAWA, ONT. Or7ice xp Saimsecom Gisss' B Over McRar & 16 20 American Socket Firmer Chisels, Star Company's Bevils, Squares, Dividers, &o., Dawson's and English Planes; Rodgers' and other English English Cutlery, | Plated Forks, Spoons ete, B. M. lea and Coffee Pots, Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Forks ete., Platform and Counter Scales, Guns, Revolvers, Shot, Powder, and Gun Caps, Coal and Wood (Cooking Stoves, Tinware, Lamp and Chimneys, Chandeliers and B. ackets, EVETROUGHING & JOBBINGPROMPTLY ATTENDED TO | We prises part of the fullowing : | Spears and Jackson's and Sorby's Hand, Rip, and Tenon Saws, Chisels, Gouge's, Piane Irons, &e. Cut Nails $5 per Keg, Cash ; other goods at proportionate prices, HATCH & MEARNS, Co's Storr. 1627 | K ing Firc:*, Oshawn, Ap-il 31a, 1873 Frames made with reat- | Children's Carriages and Perambulators always on | | J. W. FOWKE. Grdiedds 'LRousanus procs vis. EGAR BITTERS the most wonderful In vigorant thai ever sustained' the sinking | system. No Person can take these Bitters according to directions, and jemain iong unwell, provided their bones are not de- stroyed by- mineral poison or other means, and vital organs wasted beyond repair. : ilions, Remittent and Inter mittent Fevers, which are so preva. lent in the valleys of oar great rivers throughout the United States, those of the Mississippi, Olio, Miss Lilinois, Tennessee, Cumberland, Arkan- 8:28, Red, Colorado, Brazes, Rio Grande, Pearl, Alabama, Mobile, Savannah, Ro- - anoke, James, and many others, with their vast tribytaries, throughout our entire country during the Summer and Autumn, and remarkably so daring sea- sons of unusual heat and dryness, ar invariably accompanied by extensivede- rangements of the stomach and Jiver, and other abdominal viscera, In their treatment, a purgative, exerting a pow. erful influence pen these various or- gans, is essentially nceessary. is no cathartic for the purpose equal to DR. J. WALKER'S VINEGAR BITTERS, as they will speedily remove the yA colored" viscid matter with whieh bowels are loaded, at the same tine stimulating the secretions of the Jiver, and generally restoring the 1 functions of the digestive organs. Fortify the body against disease by purifying all its fluids with VIXEGAR SITTERS. No epidemic: can take bold: of a system thus fore-semed, Ted : Dys ia er Indigestion, Head- ache "og in the Shoes, Cough Tightness of the Chest, Dizzi ness, Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, ¥ tation of the Ilcart, Inflammation of the, Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kid- neys, and a hundred other painful " toms, are the eflsprings of Dy One bottle will prove a better guarantee of its merits than a lengthy, advertise ment. 13 "Serofula, cr King's Evil, White Swelliugs, Ulcers, Erysipolas, Swelled Neck, Goitre, Scrofulous 1oflamuwations, 1 a Luflammations, Mercurial A foctions, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sure Eyes, ete.' In these, as in all other constitutions eases, WALKERS ViNeoAn Brrrees Dave shown their great curative powers in the uiost obstinate aud iutractable 4 Cheronle For Inflammatory and Rheumatism, Gout, Biliond; Remit-. tent and Intermittent Fevers, Diseases of the Dlood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, theso Ditters have no equal, Such Diseases ace caused by Vitinted Blood. Mechanical Diseases, -- Persons en- gaged in Paints and Minerals, such a8 Flumbers, Type-sotters, @old-beaters, and Miners, as they advance in life, sre to paralysis of "the Bowelx. To azain=t this, take a dose of WALEER'S VIN ESAR Brrrers occasionally, For Skin Diseases, Eruptions, T ter, Salt-Rhenm, Dlotehes, Spots, I Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms Beald head, Bore Eyes, Erysipelas, Beurfs, Discolorations of the Skin, and Diseases of the Stein uf whinge Eh name or nature, are Mterally dug wp si by ont of the system in a short tine bj the use of these Bitcers, : a Pin, Tape, and other Worms, lurking in the system of so piBoy thousands, are effectually destroyed and removed. No system of wedicive, no: venmifuges, no a= thelmivitics will fice fhe syste from w like these Bitters. : ' For Femalc Complaints, in young or old, married or single, at the duwn of w=, manhood, or the turn of life, these Tonio, Bitters display so decided ah ius improvement is soon perceptible, " Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when- ever routind its impurities bursting through the skin in Pimples, Eruptions, or Suef : cleanse it when you find it ob: tracted: i sluggish in the veins; cleanse it whee foul ; your ieelings will will von when, the blood pure, sud the bel will follow. ; = BR. NH. MeBONALD & 00, Drugicists and Gen. A zts, San Fraoe! 9 of or ad Charlion Sis. No ¥e - a hora py gts Wand Dialers 5 alih of the syed ~ he ©: way Tha Ontario ar Tif © H ATC Tesidence any tiotel. WH. FREDER SH D, AN esideaoo, Him: ING ST Geo. Ito Jtobson Hose C eT A rEETH 1 latest priv pa pest, and ith Gold and apin by produ Dantal Roon Atkinson's Dr ICENTI ih Kime 31 ARRIS AT-LAW Trublic. Conve I AR ance a Oshawa. 3 ty and ir NOE M 3 7THOLE AY of HO! erial weed. T Factory -- King ROOKL the Isola of Canada, Te tion. Also, foi jes, capital &£ Aporalser for and Savings 2 atl logmyr . 0d ARRIS » solicitor Notary Publi 0 oct, PHYSIC Posen 8510 % of either sex, - at work for u time,t han at Address G. 51 CEN SIMCOE SAN HIS Si now oper dwst of acco Kingston an.j A DOM 0s J OTICE. Be % the Dow for the tran: New Brick Bi Gibos & Brot be allowed o wints fu Cas tritain, The open. On all allowed, Oflice Haonr pom, exvent of closed at 1 o'e La ONTA CAP ha Er 0s -- errice- ()FFICE 1 o'¢loe ut Banking bu) the usual tore Cannda, Uni Savings Dan this Branch. over $4 0, ve Mon ~ AM N( JA, ANY amaou Farm oy Prod Lowest P¢ n suis and n can be repaid wun. Investment nd other sec SILVER AN For further . 0 "Office MN April 13th, UQINCE the Com n Lum Front, Fist North half | 19 acres: Reasonable Eest Whitt k: ' Fst FUE CO

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