Ontario Reformer, 29 Aug 1873, p. 1

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4 Price 0 cach. 1 - TITS, TTS, BROTHER. 3-14-1y | ertakers HAWA. Lcunges, Desks, Tables, Chairs, . and J RE , on hand. Also : Bed Bottom, -oved of before nd sure to t for LIND ROLLER, es made with neat- ulators always ea a. i ttended to on the required. Coffins A ¥ $ i 3 - i l I"HEOLS XUTIMIC MAN ar Ki ENCY. Mis our duly nd Silent 08. ght of selling oul 7 horized tov ap] o agents have Th the Catharines, Ont. matket, and only ith stand, Agel e cheap. Warran + ad Children's, Per Cent... OCK. DHOM. | suTEes, | & x VN & ONTARIO BANK. The Onimio Reformer, EVERY FRIDAY MORNING, ~ FOR Ths Ontario Reformer Printing and Publishing Company, AT THEIR CFFICE SIMCOE ST., 03HAWA. TERMS : $1 50 per ananm, in advance $1 75 Tho! paid within six months--$2if not paid till the ind of theyear. No paper discontinued natil alt errears are ut 1. except ot theoption of the publisher, anl parties refusing papers without paying up will be held responsible for the sub. soripti vm uatil they comply with the rule. 211 lottars aldrossed to the Editor must be nvariably pre-paid. I. H. BROCK, Editor and Publisher, n ye 1 Val. 3 OSHAWA, ONTA SE ------------ RIO, FRIDAY, AUGUST. 29; 1878, No. 20. Business Divectory, W. CORURYN, M.D. PF. L,, After the Fire! | Lumber & Shivgles for Sale. HYS{CTAN, SURGEON, AND| ACCOUCHEUR, King Street, Oshawa, Resi: Hotel, WH. FREDERICK McEBRIAN, M.D. M.R. C.5 dence and Office--Nearly opposite Hobbs 1-tf. NUYS HOSPITAL, LONDON, ENG. | XN LAND. Residence oppesite W. H. Gibbs' asideace, Si.ncoe Street. Oshawa, )! ING STREET WEST, HAMILTON, Geo. Robson, Progrictor, formerly of the Lobstn House. Whitby; ROBSON HOUSE, CN. VARS, LD. 8, fPEETH INSERTED ON ALL THE latest princip.es of the art. as cheap as the cheapest, and as good as the best. Teeth filled with Gold anl Silver. Teeth oxtracted without apin by producing local anaesthesia. Dental Rooms in Cowan's New Block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King St.. Oshawa. 2-42 "3. FERGUSON, ICENTIATEerDENTAL SURGERY. 7 | Special attention given to enlarging 4 Odlice ovet the Grocery of Messrs. Simpson | Buus, King St, Oshawa. All operations preformed in a skilful wanner. Residence in the same building. E. McGEE, ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SO- LICITOR; Conveyancer and Notarie unic, Oshawa, South-East Corner of King and Siwgoe Strects. 24 MONEY to Lend. Mortgages bought and | old. @ R. McGER. J.E. FAREWELL, LL. B, (uu NT{ CROWN Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor, Notary Public, and Co yancer. 8. H. Cochrane, deceased, Brock Street Ontario. "hitby, 2-45 GREENWOOD AND McMILLEN ARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYS. A DAT-LAW. Solicitors-in-Chancery, Notaries Public. Conveyancers, &c., Whitby. - Mouey to Loan A. G. McMnL : €. WwW. SMITH, URCHITECT, PATENT, INSUR- Wa ance and General Agent, Simcoe Street, | Oshawa. Agent for the Inman Line of Steamers to and {rom Tew York and Liverpool. Reren- NCE -- Messrs. Gibbs Bros., v. Glen, Esq., Fairbanks, Esq. 12 y B. SHERIN & co.. \ THOLESALE MANUFACTURERS ial d, The plied best te erial wie e a ed on rm of HOOP SKIRTs. ng Strec st. Bowmanville. 3s ». seLLIDAY, 4 ROOKLIN, ONT., AGENT FOR the [solated Risk Fire Insurance Company la, Poronto, a purely Canadian Institu- , for Queen's and Lancashire Compan- £2.000,000 éach. Also. Agent and for the Canada, Permanent Building - gs Society, Toronto, for loans of money at low rates of inte: B GC Y.SMITHL L B ATTORNEY, | Oiice.-- Late.y ocenpied by | Dest New York Ma- | Removal | | | | {10 : ARRISTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, | ED Solicitor in Chancery . and Insolvenc) i's FRANCIS EAE, MD, E)HYSICIAN, SURGEON, eur, and Coroner. King Ah -- ee seme & er day, Agents wante d $5 to $20 0 classes ol working people | of either sex. young or old, inake more money | #t work for us in their spare won wsor all the time,t ban at anything else. Particulars free Address G. STINSON & CO., Portland, Main pict soy Wali. Td - tna ., CENTRAL HOTEL, SIMCOE ST, NORTH, OSHAWA. AS QUIGLEY Propricter. HIS SPLENDID NEW HOTEL IS now open, snd offers to the travellers the West of accomodation to be pencared bots ech K it d Fosunto, use fitted up wi all the Er LIRR, Best brands of Wines and Liquors always on hand. Extensive tabling and an attentive hostler. 13-1y DOMINION BANK! OSH AWA AGENCY. NOTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THAT A the Dominion Bank has opened an age'ty for the transaction of basiness tn Farew Fs New Brick Block, opposite the office of Mess™ | Gibos & Brother, =imcoe Street. Interest will | Le allowed on deposits. Diafts issued on all | ints in Canada, United States and Great Britain. Tne Savings Bank department is now open. On all deposits over $4 interest will be lowed. i Oftice Hours--From 10 o'clock a.m., ta3 o'clock p.m., except on Saturdays, when the Bank wil closed at 1 o'clock, p.m. . ' PU iL MCLELLAN a CAPITAL $2,500,000. OSHAWA BRANCH. OFFICE-SINC STREET soUTH ( FFICE HOURS --FROM 10 A.M. J 1030 clock pm. Ou Satueday, from 10 a.m. ¥ o'clock pom. Banking business of all kinds transacted on | the usual terns. Drafts issued on all-points in | "Canada, United States, and Great Britain. A Savings Bank Department in connection with | this Branch. Interest allowed on all deposits | ever $4 00, repiyable without notice. C. HOLLAND, Manager. shawa, July 16th, 1573, Money to Lend] snd Te . REDUCED RATES. _. AM NOW PREPARED TO LEND " 3 jood 3 any amount of money, on the security of Gooc Farm A Productive (own Propesty. at the | --- | anmer to suit borrowers. Principa hiane and ran yearly instalments, or in one sum. pd oAh av pecuritios. . SOLD. Office--Mc Millan's Block, | y. 311-1 ACCOUCH | . Oshawa 2 | QIBBS BLOCK. Lowest Possitle Rates of Interest, | | | Investments made in Debentures, Mortages, SILVER AND GREENBACKE POUGHT AND | For further pardculars apply to es I' uh JAMES HOLDEN, Oficial Assignee, Money Broker, &c. Gfftce-- MMi ans Block, Truk, $M APril 15th. 1871. y . INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, TO AND FROM New York, Queenston and Liverpodl ! City or RICHMOND. CITY OF ANTWERP. Cary pr MONTREAL. Ciry ov BROOKLYN, Crry or Pass. Avy or Bristol. { tH or Jrsitircnr. \E r PBruaseLs, Cry oF DUBLIN, Hr Hh fy City or HALIFAX. ONY or LONDON, Crry oF DURBAM. Cry oF WASHINGTON. + " 8dNing on Thursdays and Sa urdays ! From Pier 45, Nonh Liver. KATES OF PASSAGE nston or C bin Jivernunt, - $2. gold. once, * . a » Paris, - w, 38, le Tiskers cam be bought here at erste b s wishing to send for their friends. Fo foaher Tater on apply to the Cowpan) Agent, Juiv 20, a : To Meorage. $39, currency CR C W. SMITH, Osuawa. CTY or BALTIMORE | | Millinery ! Miitinery | | | | Notice to Squatters PUBLIC LANDS. | theregnla'i ms com' aine { cil on the 1h Jantlary {on Crown Lands is str | will be entertained, un'ess ia | in { on any Cron ; | speciion, wi 0st 10 Lhe cecnna uch | occupation has been authorized by the Depast- | ment. { Department of Crown Lands, sold subject to settlement, Conneil of ed. and the sales of such such inspection to be J0& RELHENRY, FHS Gs and, for sale at bis mill near Utica, (late Have Resumed Business in the | Curries), all kinds of lumber and shingles. Gallery lately occupied by J. E. Hoitt "| PACKING CASE FACTORY 19-41 Bill lumber sawn to orden. In the Buil ling on the | A. B. CAMPBELL. an & *~ a Cornar of Xing ani. Simcoe Streets, | ThE SUBSCRIBER 1S PREPARED Where they are once more prepare" to | to supply at reasonable Prices, any gnantity | | or quality o' Lumber, Shingles, Laths, Plekets | ake Photographs, | Bresed's and Flooring, &e. Bill Lum er ¢vt to or and promrt'y delivered. Plane And other Styles of Pictures, in all +ha Latcst done to order on the shortest notice. | CHARLES H. HONEY. Entrance on King Street| ---- oo 'L'VERY STABLES. SMITE & M'GAW, he 1 ing; MATCHING, MOULDING, and SAWING Styles, Between Gilletts' and Dickies Store. aad Coloring. Photographs taken from Plctutes, and enla Lo any Sig. Have always on hand . | | Horses to suit Travellers. | | Single Rigs, Double Rigs, Carriage , Omni- | buses, W aygoms for Excursion Parcs, de, The BEST STYLES. and as Cheap us | consistent with a modest profit. SMITH & McGAW PROCLAMATION Removal of Business. ih, 1872, ICAL HALL. DR. DEANS ESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE I Public that the MEDICAL HALL is REMOVED to WILSON'S NEW BLOCK. NEAR THE POST OFFICE, Where he has opened out a NEW STOCK of Pure Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Mcdi- cines, Suparior Dye Stufls, Elegant Darfumes, Scented Soaps, Tooth Erushas,Ha.? rushes, Nail Brushes, Coombs, Trus- ss, &¢., &e. And a large stock of Fancy Articler. A® His Surgery is in co! nection with the Shop as usual. Oshawa, Maach 2th, 1872, | J. A.GIBSON! I EGS TO INFORM HIS FRIENDS and customers that he has REMOVED uto his ae | New 3lock, nsxt to the Dominion Baak, Sime Straet, | Where he will be prepared as usual to receive their or oods, Wa aper, brought isto Oshawa. J.-A. GIBSON. { | Oshawa, July 30th, 1873 16-1y Dominion Bank Notice 1S HEREBY GIVEN THE AN following calls on the alloted Stock of the Dominion Bank, _have been mad hy the Directors, and the same are pay- able at the Banking House in Toronto, as follows : Newcastle Nurseries. HE SUBCRIBERS, DESIROUS OF | supplying good and healthy FRUIT TREES! OF VIGOROUS GROWTH, And of the various sor ¥ Fruit i exporiation and cor | they are now ina po stock for fall and spriv y Apple Trees, Standandi& Dwarfs, leading kinds. | Po 1 do. 0. do, | do. . 10. | ~ do, 5 3 They have also on hand every variety of AHRUB, SHADE, ORNAMENTAL, AND EVERGREEN TRI 10 per cent. and premium of DO per cent on the 1st July, 1873. 10 do ow AY | do 1st Aug. 1873. She fui "1st Sept. ** "Od Oct * "3d Nov. ** 4th Dec. " "Hth Jan. * bth Feb, ¢ 9th March i "Oh April (By order of the Board ) Ii. H. BETHVUNE, Taal Cashier 10 " 10 "" " 'i " " 2S, zr, that all | a wiilten | s require to i} J. P. LOVEKIN & Co Nurseries, Newcast Toronto, 28th May, 1873. "REMOVAL MEAT MAR KET | «oF \ G.W.GAR TH, 5 BUTCHER. HE ATTENTION OF SQUAT on the Public Lands is specially call the Qcder in ( wherein squatting ly forbi Iden. No claim to purchase land by rig! 5, TJ AS REMOVED HIS MEAT MAR- | KET to the Building directly opposite | BLACK S COMMERCIAL HOTEL, KING SI Having fi'ted up a Large Airy Meat Market, cond to none in Ontaii , he hopes by having ked with the best of meats in their ea , to merit a share of the wants of the vauts of the Citizens of Oshawa in his line. TWO PEDDLING WAG 3 | EVERY DAY, so that h suppiicd at the wn do Assis'ant Commissioner, i. by . iy ak i 1 io oo Jeit punctually attended to, n fide settler on the | wements at the tim reported by the Ingpestar, Lancs since t) ubstan ia mn, and so itw ps tim nronunie on the road mers can be ind. in good tine at the Market THOS. H. JOHNSON, Toronto, April 1st, 2873 REFORMER.' Coal. | ADVERTISE IN THE ** Oshawa : AND WOOD DEPOT rue SUBSCRIBERS BEG. TO IN FORM the pullic that they have now on hand at tre sbove Yard, large quantily of N O CE! N OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT AN the lands in the Town-hip of Ne bug a ud , the didétriet of vader Bay, Pulte, gH vader the Order in h April, Lael, will rtiy be ir proved will be cancélled a and offered for sale under | LADIES UNDERWEAR | Ladies' FurnishingStore | t, at $1 per acre cash. A Act, at 31 per Ser I. JOHNSON, Assistant Comur artment of Crown Lands, Department 2rd May, 1-73. ME LADIES UNDERWEAR! | A. Alexander. WOOD CUT and SPLIT at EXTRA CHARGE: STEAM BETWEEN LCN DON, QUEBEC, lssioner. ! Georgetown Lime, AND Agricultural Salt! All orders left at the office in the Yad, will be promptly attended to. Having obtained Rooms in | AND STORE | MONTREAL. TEMPERLEY'S LIE omposed of the following First/Class Iron Steamers: MEDWAY, NIAN 8 OVER McRAE AND CO.'S J} have commenced the manufacture of MECTOR RN bis Line are Inteded te sall i Wis Laon vig 1873, from London for Q ¢ and Montreal as Mliows: THAMES - saturday, April 5th. (Via Halifax and St. J NH, . - \ a VEIN th, y, 7th M HAA MEDWAY Ly 17th do , 28th do and Saturday: jor London as | SCOTLAND, DF THAM The Ste luring , IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, WHOLESALE & RETAIL. E are sow ready for inspection their orlers wil have them guaranteed tog od, Db Eaturda . Wednesd (Direct.) - - Saturday, Wedn rnate Wednesday Aud from Qucbec Samy les of wor Ladieg Jeaving prompsly filled, in a oanuer dion are fn vit: 1 10 call, where goods will bé shown, a every Courtesy paid Ly the for woman Kus. CURRIE. oo gg) 10G0. NIANZA SCeTLAND ind every alt thereatier. follov TH th May Lh deo Mud do ted June T aur y, 12th ds | - Tuesday, 2ith do { Tuesday and Thursday passage from Quel 4 x ile Ca JN Stcerage $24. rough ron potns West al Feduoed rates. Cur itficates issued to persons defi ous £ } isBokioren friends, Phe 1zh bids of la ding issued on continent, and in Lond wm for ob. parts of Canada, and in the Uniled Stat 3 io - troll, Milwaukee, Clicagoand other points in | the Weak : For freight or passage, apply to Temnerley™ Carter and Darke, BY eter Stet, Ol daz Moss & Co., Quebec; David Shaw, Montreal, orto C. Ww. SMITIL. | Cskava. ave Fur del, 1873 aa LLTA - MeDway Niasza IWLAND | and every thereafter For Style in Millinery, Go to Brooks', For Cheap Goods, Go to Brooks' | Bismarck had | perfection. | dispirited and worn. rinuning forty nights, and the whole com- | { hody else. | tended to and from | singing 1 Poetry S-------- : E i 0, think of a home over there, By the side of the river of Aght. Where the sain's all immortal and fall, Ale robed in their garments of whites Over there, over there, 0, think of a home over there. O, think of tha friends over there, Who he'ore us the journey nave vod Of the songs that they breathe on the ally Iu the r home in the palace of God. Over there, over there, 0, think of Lue friends over there. My Saviour is now over there, "hers my kindred and riends '~~ at rey ; "hk a away from my sorrow and cure, wet me fly to the land of the blest. Over there, over there, My Saviour: now «are. . I'll soon be at home over there, For the end of iny journey I see; Many dear to my . there, Are watehn z an' Fw a Lue. Over there, over there, ll soon be at Lusse vv el there. RT I A ET Selections. ON THE TRAP. I was only « clown, a painted, grinning clown, attache], on a small salary, to a in the capital (fone of t e nttle duchies into which Getmmany was di- vided before the genias and ambition of effected its consolidation My role was popular be- theatre into the empire. | cause evarybody likes to laugh, and -likes | one who puts thew in a laughing mood. | My make-up was considered & marvel of | My sougs always took, and | my gestures and grivaces never faied to | | elicit the most rapturous applause. | nsed to be said that wy face wust be made | It of India-rubber, it con d be twisted and | distorted into such strange expressions. 3ut I hated the life, and wy success inad« it more and more distasteful. One night IT went home completely worn mt in body and wind. Ada, fifteen years old, and light and sracefnl as a sylph, who was engaged as a dansense at the same theatre, also seemed The play had been pany was heartily sick of it. But it was not this alone which exerted a depress ny influence on my spirits that evening. Fo nany weeks I had been losing my heart to Fraalein Dora, the priveipal of the th atre, who was no less lovely in mind und heart than in ker person. She was the most beautiful woman I hal ever : tall, well formed, gracef |; with a step like a fairy queen ; large, thoughtful eyes ; and a sweet, winuing swile. ween my sister, whow he took ereryiopportuni- ty to befriend and assist in ler profes- «ion. This was the more surprising, be- cause Ada promised to become a danger- ous rival ion, j 1 ption. So 1 lenrued to like Dora, wid then to love her. Bot so did every- All the geatry of the placa fell in love with her, and raved about her heauty and her dancing, in a way that y drove me wild with jealously. J ['was in Jove in the olddfashioned way we | ashamed to | d of in novels --1 am not confess 1t-- eager to kiss the ground on which she trod, and" would not believe that any one else eould love and worship | er with the same devot'on. I mnst not [ omit to sip that Dora, in the midst of all thig adulaziony display d the most discreet and modest behavior. She was always at- the theatre, nother ; and always returned the rich presents which were showered upon her, who paid court to Dura d only one, the youuy, rich, hand- | wie, and accomplished Court Eraest von | Walters, whe pressed his suit with unre- mitting ardor. against this wan {Yet I fancied of s omly ont of the way [ need not lespair of winn ng hor, my sister, and had she not often spoken kindly to me, and praised my acting snd only frow a gentle and friendly feeling f rd the brother of the girl she had learnad tg | love like a sister, aud that she had pro- | mised ta,becowe the wife of Count voa | Walters. What wonder that I went to wy lodgings with despair in my hears ! My little sister exerted herssf to male things cheerful iu our gaiet sitting-roan She suspected nothing of the real cause of | my doanheartodunss, for she, my cmb dant in everything else, had never been intrusted with the secret of wy love for in the hope of drawing me out 3 y silence, pratiled oa about a number of @himportaut matters. She was 1 followed by the entrance of our landlady. The good soul apolirizad for coming in at so late an hour, bat tae postu had bronght a le*ter from me just after we had left for the theatre, and as it bore a | for 1gn postmark, she thought it wight be important I should get it that evening [ thanked her merchanieally, bat a glave- at the postinark cansud ne to tear the let- ter open with eager and trembling fingers; for I had often hard my father speak of an only brother who had settled 1a Bag- land in early youth, aud from whom va- | Le Pepul'ts Civ, fram %ime to tine, of a successful mercantile career, The letter was postwarked London, and the heavy black bor ter lines told the story befme the seal was broke. My nucle was dua He had never married, aad on his « i" wed, remembering his ouly brother, h had never wmarcied, anl ol his dosthebel remembering lus only brother, he had lef cor un moment [ folt stuaned and fas wid Ada, throwing her ars, abot eck, bugged we to tell her what | news was tn my letter tr wike my lox I took her oa my were rich, and in the su strauge aud pale. knee, and told her we would have no more need to act theatre Jd tetown an go to Berlin. To my surprise, Ala agiin put Fer arms | | about wy neck, sad whispered softly, * Need we leave the theatre immediately, | dear brother!" + No, child," ssid I, wandering what she could mean ; ** but eM me why you should want to stay another day, when | you can leave at oace and be free from | this slavery I" My little sister | danseuse | What ! | first drew me to her was her kinduess to ; aut, in the thestoical profess-! msly 1n the rule, and geuernsity | by her | What chauce had the p or | Dud she not love | But this day 1 had learned the | | worst--that her kinduess to me sprang | ntereapted by a knock at the door, | tall his walt to hi or his chil tren, | i | and gantiding, We would luave this miserable | ---- transformation scene in which Ada and Dora were to rise as sea nymphs ina lak. last scene, 1 went into tie roows under- neath the :fag:, where the machinery for raising the car was placed, impelled by a strange foreboding of impending misfortune to nasure myself that everything was in ident hal been neglected. There I fouud the master machinist, & dark and glory visaged man, standing by the car, matter has bewitched her, as Ire dues ail women. A little slit would--" " What are yon muttering to yonrself 1' | I asked him suddenly, ** and what do you weg by these mysterious words J" He faced me, as if struck by an umex- + pected blow. *" I was on'y examining the machinery to see that everything was right," he an- swerel, sulleuly, and turned away. I carefully examined the cords by which the car was raiced. Everything appeared to be secure and in goodiurder, and [ went back to my place, trying to laugh myself out of my apprehensious. that my fears arose mer:ly fron soe ex | plicable disorder of .the brain, I conld not | feel secure. I was pusitive that som the play was over, and every nwive was strsined in the effort to maiotiin a cain exterior. The play progressed. The curtain roce upon the magmticzut transformation scene, | and the plaudits of the audience grew tu wultuous as the splendors unrolled belore them. At length the car began to rise slosly and majestically, to low, sweet straims of music I watehed, with scarcely beating heart and bated breath, the first | appearance of the besutifnl visiou--ior | like a wision it looked, rising and still rising, the car resplendent with all the tinsel wich shon | and diamonds. A sound as of weeny tink- | lelicidps music ; fairy-land | ing uobm the sicht, with ar | and far reaching vistas, and myriads of | eltin forms disporting on the grouad and in the air. Por a moment IT was fascia when Ala and Dora, in all then neauty, rose above the Inke, their stately | car szemingly lifted by invisihle hands. 1 forgt my apprehensions, and once more breathed iree.y. Suddenly there was a dreadful crash, and a wild erv filled the house. The cu had fallen. For a. instant, [ felt rootéd ts the spot where I was standing, aal then recovering my senses, rushed forward to learn the worst. As I wade my way through the narrow the narrow passage under the stage, I heard some one say in {a pitying tone, *' Por thing, she will [ never dauce again!" Which was it | Ada! ' Doral 1 fought my way through the crowd of actors and attecadants, and saw wy Mttle Ads lyrig senscless in Dora's arms. Throwing myself on my knees, I tovk her cold hands in both of mine, ** My dear friend," said Dora, who was weeping silently, ** she is not dead, though dread- fully hart. The surgeon wilt ba directly. Compose yoursell. She viving * My little darling opened h:r eyes, with | a deep sigh, and looked about Ler with a bewildered gaze. ** Hush, litle one," said Dora, softly, as she saw Ada was about to speak. * Lie stl and be patient till sur coiues." | The geatle safferer closed her eyes, aud her little bands pressed wine with a ten- der-grasp. The surg on was toon on the spot. He assured we that Ada had sus- tained no fatal injury, but it was doubtin whether she would be able to walk again | With a piteous. cry, he full back iu Dora's | arms, aud fainied dead away, I had noticed no one but Ada and Dora, | bat at this womsut [ was conscious that the count was knesling beside we, and had clasped Dora's hand. Better she | than you, my love I" he murmured Dora gave hun a quick look of reproof * This is no tie for love-waking," she answered, withdrawing hei hand. *" Have vou uo felling fr the poor girl lying here, whose whole life wust be one of wisery and sorrow {7 ** What is this ballet girl to me?" an- | swered the eount, stung ta the grick, and | for & moment thrown off his guard. © Of { ¢ mrse, [ am sorry for her," he ad led the next moment, ** but--" At this momsnt Ada opened her eyes | again, and a faint blush straggled wich | the paleness in hor cheeks, as her gaze fell upon coant. A beaatifal smile played on her treubling lps, avd she reached her hand toward him. "Oh, my love," she said in a low whisper--a whisper which dvs' sent thg blood mantling into Dora's face and then left it pier than snow-- | ** you ars near and ' Something in the connt's face stopped her words. "The girl is wandering," he said, col lly ++ Sho does not know what she is saving She had fainted again. ** Go, count," | said Dora, hastily, * Your presence is wot wanted here." Her manner was do | cided ang even imperious, and the count 11d not venture to dis bey ; but as he left he cast upo 1 Ad: a lork which eanghy the tly vo eye, and from the expression' that cune iuto her face I knew--kuew even | then, that a» would never more hold » | place in her heart. We carried Xda home, and through the | long illness which followed Dora was hor | emstant nurse and companion, suid was confided with many tears serst of her heart. The count hwl ned opea- 1ng bowers ated, 8 here is re- tae 1 won my couse it to their union, Unsuspecting she knew nothing of his artenticns to Dora, and it wag by his wish hat she had never m ntioaed is name to we. 1 heard afterward, that hie and Dora wwed but once after the accident, and that | ha endeavared to defend his pertidy on | the plea that he was only amusing himself with Ada, and nsver had sermnsly thought | of making her his wife. *' So much the worse for you, econnt," | hearted women, ** I shall never be four wife, and never wait to see your face | again" We are married now, Doraand £. From me, and the sweet and gentle invalid, who never again will walk until she steps npon | the heavenly shove, is happy in our love. shell like car, from the waters of a wiwmic | It so happened that, just hefure. the | ord 1, a1 d that no precaution against ac- | ing to himself in an undertone, ** Jhetber | she should die, than marry the Couns He | But though it | was easy to argne that all was rigat, aud | frightful misadventure wouid ocour before | like gold, and silver, | ling founzaivs mingled with the strains of | To this { hor love, and had promised to ask | said the trae- | loving Ada she learned iw time to Jove | | ant way to say good-bye to the stage." | sister ; and thongh for me it was like | ging into the torture room of the Inqoi- | of the cons by which ths car was secured Bucavse, dear brother," she answered | hesitating and blushing, ** Fraulein Dora | sweet face is never clouded. ¢ told me I was a great deal prottier than | learned her aad story, the smnt's name No murmar ever escapes her lips. Her | she was, aud a better dancer; and that 1 | has never passed my sistet's lips, rh ww 1 1} | dance thuy ave tu put ov the stage next | Dura foand her one day weeping silently aould have the first place in the new | she ever in any way alluded to him. week. Oh, I wonld like to have sich a | over a pictnre which slie put away withrut trivinph once! It would be such a pleas- | its huing seen. : | 1 have not told how the acei lent hap- I could deny her nothing, wy little | pened. The master machinist, himself in love with Dora, had cat several strands sition th enter the theatre and see Count | He onenly avowed his crime, and only re- Erne-t on such familine ters with Dera, | grettel that Dora had not been killed 1 consented for the present to conceal my | "She rojrcted me with scorn," he said on | his trial. "I was resolvel she should never give her hand to another." He The eveutful evening cane at length. was manifest © a maniac. I can never The play was iuterspe with lallet- forgive dancing, and' wis to end with » grand ly after that sncounter under the strg>. } sod fortune from onr friends, and go on just the sane as if nothing had Lappened. Since Dora! myse / for not watching him cloge- | A ---- THE PROGRESS OF CANADA. The clouds and mists that for so many years have obscured this country from the eyes of ignorant Englishmen, seem slowly, but surely passing away. - We are glad to | see the LiverpoolJournal has secured fors travelling correspondent through Can: Ia some common sense. From a long letter dated Toronto, 16th July, 1878, to the Liverpool Journal, we condense the fol- | lowing : 1 find the Canadians intensely loyal t» Eugland, 1 faot, looked at from an Eng- 4 lish point of view, they are nearly all 4 A | Hot Fries. Tdoubt if Mr. Disraeli himself { "the idea of laying a sacreligions hand 'upon the sacred ark of | Buglish Royalty than the average Cana- lian. Jf Mr. Gladstops had ouly Cana- dians to deal with in"that very difficile | ents of enlightened progres he nt last natter of increasing the allowance of the | reached in comparative safety the Chinese Prince of 'Wales, the proposition would | quarters, where his abuse was confined to have been brought forward-long age, and nost satisfactonly disposed of. were to say that the Canadisns were alto- wether satisfied with their treatment by Great Britain, yous readers. dont the 3 nall-mind od discus<ions raised by Sir.Clharies Dilke and others about Canadian guarantees and 50 on. They | |p + man why seems to have some brains «. . | wtoxicared Oaucesion, whiuse' moral na- | | | | Fheing i But if 1 | of the law. I should be misleading | They do not at all care | | his friends toasts him. suow it is simply a matter of grace on the | art of the mother country, and likewise that, if necessary, they could themselves raise ail the money they would want, auly they would have to pay a higher price for | it. Great Britain only backs Canada's | ill in order that it may be negotiated | upon better terme. The name of Baring on a bill is good, but Baring and Roths- | child together ean coumand sill wore favorable . consideration. Nor do the Caladlans feel at all concerned about the die talk of the party which is in favor of | ' hrowing oli all the Colonies. They know, 30 far as Canada is emcerned, that it wises from simple want of Engwledge. We all know what Professor Gollwia Smith's opinions on this salject were Well, Le has been converted during his residence in Toronto, and he is very much AR ED Faso sbbisiia. « uraph is from Pret | The follwing parayrs; Haite's now story, "Au Episvde of Fid- dieton," in Sceiexrr's for September, might be called a prose versivn of ** Tue Henk :n Chines" On the 3 to Ecarametito be »as twice Th! fron the top of the so-conch by an intelligent but ded) ly \| tare was shocked at riding 'with one ad- dicted to opimn smoking. At Hangtown he wae beaten by a passing stranger: Pee ly an act of Christian superervgation. At Dutch Flat be ws robbed by well-known hands from pnktown motives. At sera mento he was arrested on suspicion of be- i : or wiher aud discharged somet and ¥u_del ying the course of justice. At San Francisco te was freely stoned by children «f the public schools, but hy carefully avoiding these wnonu- wi the police and limited by the strong arm HUMOROUS. When is a wat done brown? When A Buston dairyman has been fined $200 | for not patting enough milk in his'water. To make a tall man short--Try to Lor- row five dollars of him. A circait court --The longest way Lome from the singing school. The perfumer of the world --The centre of the warth. When do ladies carry fire? When they have taper fingers. { Bad taste--Pretty young girls kissing widowers children. A woma's pride and sailor's guide-- the needle. Why 1s a very ngly female a wonderful | woman ! Because she is an extra-ordinary | belied here if he would now consent, upon | any terms, t> the separation of the Domi. uion from England. | and lounges about all day. But what the Canadians do very biti rly | resent is the utter and most discreditable | ignorance of the British people of Canada | and her most just. British public know a great deal more about te Lastard S wauish Republics of South America than aljput this magnilicent possession of their own, only ten days Journey from them, and allied to them by historical associations of the most illustri- ous and binding charagter. It seems to we, then, dians are perfectly justified in their re- sentwent, which is, however, not bitter, It is only regretful. They fel that they wae progressing at a rate which anght, at least, to attract some attention-in England [ have seen with my eyes wide open signs vhich are altog ther unmistakable Canada has quite passed the period of its LA doings. Their resentment vigorous manhood. with: a magniticent in- heritance. Uf any Eaglishman, afcer read- ing a work entitled ** Oc:an to « 4 desires to pact with Canada, remembering at the same'time, the condition of hundreds of thousands of his fellow ountryén, my pity for hi is as great as wy anger with him for bling a fool will allow, 1 feel, and feel stith more strongly every is | I do really believe that the | | father's? that the Caua- | that | and that it las entered wpun a | one. A furniture man is said to be the laziest i meer of suciety because lie keeps chiies Why is a sheet of postage sta nps like distant relations | Because they are ouly slightly connected. Who were your grandfather's firs) cousin's sister's son's brother's fore- His aunts sisters. To take down the gridiron from the nail where it is hanging with the left hand is | a sign that there will be a broil in the kitchen. A wag, in what le knews of farming, gives a plan to remove widow's weeds ; he says on wood lovking man has oaly to say * Wilt thou 7" and they wiit. An attorney, said Sterne, is the same to | a barrister that an apothecary 1s to a phy- | sician--with the difference that your at- toruey does not deal in scruples, ! A Wisconsin girl who las saved the | lives of seven Loys year announces that | she is going to relive from the business, | unless those who fall iato the watsr have | * | a perceptible moustache. In the late number of the New York Times, a novel aunouncement ot a lady's | death appears, terminating thas : Friends | will kindly accept this aunnovuucement of | Ler removal. day. that this ignorance is most deploir- | and may be most disastrous. Those : fellows, the-Awericann, are helping hi Ball in every way in his delusion, and are trying to persuade him that in giving up Canada he will be parting with thing of no great value. At the same time they are investing their money large- ly here. As to the commercial position and pros. prcts of Canada 1 have, besides the evi- de of my own senses, the testimony of official figures as to its trade for the last five vears. These tell me that where- as in 1867-68 there were but 13,100,000 letters posted in the Domipion ; in 1871- re $U,600,000---an increase of 66 per he amount of woyey orders creased in the same period by a similar per centage. This means that the juter- nal business of the country will have don bled itself in eight years. 1 should like to know if the conrmercial annals of Great Britain ean show suything like this. I doubt whether fignges from the United States cw be found to egal them. The sa oe evidence is found everywhere, 1 am not in the ieast degree surprised at the Canadisus being proud of all this. They are justified in their pride, and Eng lish:uan would be prond too if they only knew as much about it as they ought. If we ware engaged in a doath strugsde for ludia, we should then be able to appre- inte the value of the Dominion, The loyal men of Cama woald volun- teer in thonsan®s to fight for the prestige of the old country (Home they all call 1t here.) Every wan would feel a patriotic pleasiire in ponring out his substances and if necessary his blood, to help the Mother Country. We conld manmlacture arms ad amunition liere,. Our eotrinand of the Pacitic wonld be secured by ovr Aus- tralian stations ; aud yet, after all this, there are persons who talk about geting rid of the Colouies. _ A Dutchman and an Ishman once met on a lonely hichway, As they wet, each siniled, thinking he knew the other. Pat, wm secing his mistake, romarked, ** faith an I thought it was you, "an you thought it Was wie, 'wn it's uayther of us." "Do you think Fam a fool I" a viddent wan once ask «d the late Rev. Dr. Both une. would not eéuture the assertion ; but new that you ask my opinion, 1 must say that | am not prepared to deny it." AN Epmon's Work. --The editor the Rochiesior, Ind., Spy cieiins that did a bigger day 's work thai any other priiter ia the Bute last Taesday, H was alone in the office till noon, 'wil had to perforin the functions of aslitor] cous positor and devil, at one end the sae time. The following is a whievemsents during the diy : Arose at J A.M. ; ate breakfast ; buried acot ; it sn arwful of wood ; walked four sqiares set a column of primer type ; went down town awl stayed half au hour ; ene back nd wet down tae ser ; took proof of six qulleys ; read and corrected thew ; wade up two forms ; went to dinner, dis- tanien gonig and returning, eight squares ; pried up a board m order to eonviuce our better<half that there was not & dead rat ander the kitchen floor ; returned to the office and read the daily an hour ; got ready for press, washing the roller and rdoin { that | in, "Really," rephed the Doctor, ** 1 | of he | list of his; stune, oiling the press, cleaning off the | tympan and laying a tympan sheet ; dis. tributed a column of brevier type ; work- | ed two hours at press ; went to chapped and split two armfuls of wood ; came back to the office and finished work- ing «fl the papers ; washed the forus, ete | Was in bed 'snd aslesp ar 109 x supper ; | The editor of the Kankakee Gazette | thiyks fishing. as a general rule, don't | pay. "We stood it ail day in the river | last) week," he says, "but caught nothing | ~umtil we got home." What are you eatching my trout for? cried an irascible old geutiensan ta a young | wan whom he found fRking on his place, | and who silenced him by cooly saying : | Whi» wayts to catch your trout { I'm ouly | trying t+ drown this worm. T as se ingenious Mr. Holland annou his forthcoming novelty at Woolwi Garjlens, in Euglaud, a beard and mouse taclie show. A jury of ladies will award | prize medals for the handsowest besrds | aud{moustachss. . | A writ the Danbury gentleman of sixty years es his letters with a lead pencil and | carefully applies a blo ter before | g then up. He says nobody unless as used sand, can uaderstand Ho v | dy the blotters ave, p | ie captain of an' ocean steamér says | on Sundays at sea he always selects | som clergyman to preach who looks as if | he. would get sick very easily" this avoid- ing long sermons, aud sparing the feelings | aud pemper of his hearers. } T oven he han 1 ere is always more or less excitement | some bonsted discovery~ of a, 'new ve power," but after all, it would be | to 'iwprove upon the old style doun- oled No. 10 pegged boot ! e first thing a young man does when | he sées a friend with a new hat on, is te takefit off aud serenely try it do his own | head. When a young lady Sees one of | her gequaintance with & new bonuet, she | lifts {up her nose and serendly wonders *'whpre the thing get that fright." : TI mut! met hare ble T! ey say that when the news of his | or's death renched the Shah at Ber. he sent home lo the Shahesses, and | red that the royal grief should be post- 1 until his retarn to Persia, which | wis one of the Yankee woman whe, npodq being told at dinner of har husband's death, exclaimed, "Just wait until I've donef eating, sad I'll show you some tall crys. A [Meniphis girl was married the other day, [and immediately sold her "piano, it w sewmy machine, and made her ardu ro rem dresses, and wow fourteen young ro sevking the hand of her unwar- Heye ir {he astate reading notice of a life insurance company : "One of the papers, in an obituary notice of an esteem. , aid with no' life 'iusu=ance for wutection, 8 duty often cuntewplac- ed, byt as often postponed." bop of glass an inch long was taken from the head of a R chester man ricmt- iy, in [whose skull it had been imbedded | for tweuty yews Ho had complained vecasivually of a pane in the head. An'exchange says : "When'yon see a bare-hended man following a cuw throngh the front gate, and filling the "air with garden implements and profanity, you may know that Lis cabbage plants have been set out." A Baptist paper in Ohio was sent for nine years to a sabseriber who never paid a cent for it. . The other day the naws. paper was returisd to the mie t and long suffering ju'lis or with theafesting pencil note wi us margin: "Uv. to» hetter world," The nA very pions wan, but it is rep ~tel that his faith is terribly shaken in regard to the accuriay of the information. | was most active in the 1 to aunonncé that a tenn belon, { "the harbor on Saturday | for which he Fu | just now, on account of the low ng pussible was done to relieve the suf- fares: The captain states that he had only ten or twelve cali nnesengers, only' one of whom was 1st, My. Neloog, § piss tuner, fiom New York, years. Owing to the hs. of Wider, he clerk, who was severely burned at the ~hest and throat. it was impossible to oh tain a list of passengers from him, 'snd he hose were all lost. The ™ speak in the highest terms of the conduct of the officials, especially of Captain "Cr ter and the stewsird. Notwithstaudin:: hat the former was severely injured, kL. i work of relieving othéts and extinguishing the fire. The engineer states that the engin. which was on duty at the time of th- exnlusion, wasone of the most reliabl. and compe'ent he ever saw. He can give UO eXpisuntion as to the cause of the ex slosion. Persons un shore who saw th. tnloeinn state that bodies and fragment of timber were blown six'y feet into the air. . px v4 CANADIAN. The last returns show Orillia to have population of 2,842. Tt sceis to be incu. porated as a town. McLennan, of Glengarry, challeng Donald Dinnieto throw the li . hamuier for $2,000. Se fightior hun, A teachers' institute is to be organi at Berliu, the 'county town of Waterl. sviue tine iu October neft. 3 The Napante Town Council has fixe." the rate of assessment this year at oze au. . three-guarter cents on the dollar. " The ornamental iron work of the tow. © of the Parliament Building is beivg pu o. The tower will be sixty feet high. The shipments of vil from Petrolia f.. the week ending Plrursday, 21st insta.' were : crude, 3,027, sod distilled, 2,10. barrels. A Strathroy paper spenka of a stalk of corn brought to thet office from Adelaide: which measured twelve feet three inches Mr. Haris, of Gore's Landing, showe.!' us a towato on Tuesday which weighed Ibs. 6 oz., raised iu his garden, where ca.' be seen several others nearly es large. Who can beat this? . i One of the large rooms in -the thir! story of the Londun City Hall building: isto bs supplied with newspapers awl souie books, and fitted up as a readin : room for the use of the police. +. + « The clork of the township of Biant re taurus 159 births, marriages and deaths f..« the losthalf yesr. The sawe functions: - in Kincardine township returus tou births, three warrlages sud no A St. Catharines paper wonders if it i- a part of a policewan's night duty t. stand at the gates of gentlemen's hous.s entertaining a crowd of servant girls wit! &n account of his trials and troubles as .. peeler bold. We observe that several of our ex hang ¢ ar< noting luxurient pea vives. la onc case as many as G00 peas have been found inone vine, while others are regrle! which vary (rom £3020 53) ea a siugl: vine. ' to av to x J. L. Yeoman, Colborne, was didn mornin b, backing over the wharf. This fh " total of five he has lost in the same wa, at the sae place, 4s te Mr. Fulton, residing near this villag:, had a field of hay pn up the i ip The bay hed been cut, and ready 1° drawing in, when by sume meaus fire wi: set inthe fields. The stubble being ver: dry the fire soon spread, in a shor time the whole field was in flanes, burn ing up about 17 tons of hay. --Harristo, Tribune. A day or two since, while at Niagers Fulle, on the Canada side, J. B. Laude. aud Camplell Symington, of Detroit, wer: The Colborne Ecpress is vi attacked by a huge rattlesnake, but thei readiness prevented a bite. Mr. Laud. hit the reptile with a stout cane, and Mr. Symington, whose avoirdupois does n... all far short of 300 ponnds, fi, | ished tho job by stamping on the a 5 257 on Mr. Houghton, an extensive hors: dealer, of Seaforth village, has purchase! and shipped to the Sates, sincs t,. first of the present year, over 239 horses over ). Most of those ioe ran, and the ndney paid out in Seaforth, M Houghton reports the horses trade dou prie,. Cape" Jrevailing in American' markets, | thinks that prices will not range so hig for the remainder of the year as v durisrg the portion a Jott they hs ' Yousterday as the steamer Magnet was o| her way down the St. Lawrence, an whil at Prescott, two ruftsmen brought on boas « a rough stretcher, on which one «/ their compavions who had heen fearful! wounded that morning. While' workin at the timb rv he fell upon ons of the pin holding a raft together, and a lug rollin apon him, drove im down upon the spike, fairly impaling him as it throug't from his back to the frout of his 'Che pour feliow gradually kept sink the boat de the nver, ut Cortiwall he was teatishipped into & ean whos Yip tw Se 5% wi and fam agony, was lel hue to die. - Otbawa Cision Yin La A strange aud painful cosrerence is ro. ported from the neighborhood of Knob « school-bonse, Mariposa. © A fné > lvatuck belonging to Mr. Thomas Bul near Cambray, were some thine ago drive © to Mr. Joseph Coad's for a fr. Ae and while waiting a swarm of hoes sostl: on the horses. The horses at oues la. down on the ground, quiet i husrhe poe careinlly shing off nnmber, aud hrs Tusy stug tg poor horses ter a pitiable appsarance. medies were Mey rg 'Suey hariemed aud driven bh nan. were bad.y swollen ; aud 0a th Juintig day one of the horses, a fi 1s blast ln at 813), died in great agsuy. Tas othe wae bled frosdv. and "y pow nearly r. ~overad « Lidday® 4 ' RR: were wa

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