Ontario Reformer, 13 Aug 1873, p. 3

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| SPRING WAGON, for cash. APTAIN G. FAREWELL, wird oi SALEl ++ ADB LE HOUSE AND er M a 2 cupied werd ia i Carr. ¢ ©. FAREWELL. -- SALE. >) LOT CORNER OF Tonk Street. Applyte = | E. HFL1LNg © er for Sale, "ANTITY OF SESLOY APPALLING CALAMITY, |AVIUL TEMPERANCE Lasso A LITTLE GIRL BURNED ESCAPE 1s THE BEST PAPER IN THE COUNTY AND THE Profitable Advertising Medium pi 2 OR ; A of fire abont half-past one gna CESDAY, AUGUST 18. Ofhing, & OSHAW A,WEDN pashic i | sloepers in Osh, Ny ins mh pa awa, to the alarming fact Gove 10 Movi. -W ork is now so far a a Te Was raging ini theneighvarhood of i on Trewin's new block, that we | the Cabinet Factory, Op reaching the of honed Be oontemplates moving his busi- | the conflagration, where there was already ness into the mew premises sometime | 8 large crowd. of firemen and others at during the coming month. Sotk, ld which Proved to be the house Wm. Dickie is offering the balance of | ™'* ordan, a painter situated on Victoria any lows prior removal to his | Pret, about half way between King and wow building. A new lot of chiliren's | 50nd strests, we learned that a family had Boots, Shoes, and Slippers just received. | rely Satatied from the burning building Excursion, --The President and Direc- | Se Youn Shak pae Shild was wup- Ragged aid Port" Perey | owes od dying, and it was told around dE ines twriaions Sul a ispers that a little girl was burning he flames. This terrible ! vo denth with excursion from Toronto to Bubeaygeon, to | to death within t TO DEATH --NAnROW UF THE WHOLE waMiLy, { The shouts | o'clock this m. take place to-morrow. Tuz Hon. Mr. McKellar, of the Ontari> | Public Works, has arranged the purchase news proved to be only too true, but hoth- ng could be dons to render any assistance iand all efforts were directed to saving the buildings adjoining That which was Pla cho i CiplTL = » Sale! =a} SOUTH RIDING OF nd has Seen vide propertion sold as well. for Sale the So¢th Pmt Front. East Whitby eS No. 6, Broken Ly, aboat M0 Acres; No. 13, Fst con. Bast Whithyy of payment will be gives, DANIEL CONANT, Cw Jaly, S73 IRST-CLASS _ - chine Operators - TO. MANUFACTURE wear. Steady employment wages piven, 3 Block, over McRae &Cofe 4.7. KELLOGG, + otf 2 remem HOMANGY EARNING." 3 fascinate and gain the ive - uny person they choose, in [ 1873. UABLE v' Mr. Robert Gott, ects, consist ing of one ec are two good houses ts for sale on the Karr Prep Apniy te A i ; JAMES WOOD, from the Dominion Government of a site | being consumed, Notwi a for the Normal Sehool for Kingston out great scarcity of Sian g the of the large tract of ordnance land which | worked"to such good ' e firemen Ras been advertised for sale. | good purpose that the $18, will buy that desirable Silver | was saved, Hunting, ** Inverted Patent Lever Watch,' l tenement w full Jewelled, and time guaranteed, at | tragedy ha Hepinstall's, Jewelry Store King Street, | gradually subsided for want of food, and Oshawa. | long before morning no hing but smoking Mz. A.J. Arex thinks that he will | cinders remained. The efforts of Dr. have 1,500 bushels of early rose potatoes | Cubourn and Rae had in the meantime been to supply the people of Oshawa with-this directed to the child which was supposed fall, equal in quality to the potatoes that [to be dying, and after some attention he supplied last fall,in spite of the ravages | though severely burned, he was revived, of the potatoe bug. and placed in as comfortable condition as Toe Harvest. -- Harvesting progresses. [poms and is doing well. Search was Mr, Dixon, near this village, had spring | Wade for the remains of the little girl, wheat cut a week ago, and barley, oats | Which were found this morning by Messrs. sid wheat are " coming down" now in { Park and Creig, and at once pronounced every direction. We have even heard of | by Dr. Cobourn t5 be human. The seull some thrashing having been done. was burnt off as well as the feet, all that Tarorixe at Win. Lhckis's. A large as- | remained of what was yesterday a bright _ sortment of New and Fashionable Clothes, | interesting little girl of six ycars of age; New Hats, Collars, Ties, &c: Shoes, a specialty, French Calf Boots, very cheap. Call eurly and leave 'your je orders. : seems N Paorass Lancvaot--=A friend sends { time to say 4 word that could add a pang 3 1s A commaurication very severe upon the | and the fire confined to the ithin whose walls the fiuseen d been enactsd. The flames posed of the heart, entrails, &e. will be held to-day. It almost uncharitable at* this to the wretchedmesss in which the unfor- os ; | tunate sufferers have been plunged ; but yo provailig. vies uf profane laaguage. | there can hardly bs a doubt that the are unable to find room for it this | traged the indirout: 1t of i , but we may say that we heartily | Ey wm rhe RUE 'rely I ale with the writer in his opinion on | Pefance, Joan, it 'Geel, een jock. | drinking during the evening, and on being - . { ejected from the tavern, abuut ten o'clock, Bae, 8zx--'Tis a positive fact that Rus- | 1, wag geen to go home. On arriving there | neighboring building about ten fect off | Boots and | P€iPE a charred and blackened mass com- | An ip- | ell's celebrated watch is sold as cheap, and | a little cheaper in Oshawa, than Toronto ment advestise to do. Be¢ sure then | before sending your money from home, to | see thost'goods and learn the prices going | at Hepinstall's Jewellery store. | AccipExT.--A moh named Fred. Gut- | bins, an employee in the Furniture { Factory, met with a painful accident on | Monday last. While working at ove of | the saws, operated by steam, a chip of | wood flew off striking him in the eye, and | inflicting sugh injuries that it is feared he will lose the'apts Something Bubirely new at W. Dicxir's | The Banner Sewing Machine ; The " Webster $35, 1,000 Stitches as minute | without noise, akippthg of stitches, or | breaking of thread. Buy no other withbut first trying these: { Tue Stove Fouxpry.--We sce by the Ontatio Gazelle of Saturday, that His Honor the Lientenant-Governor has been pleased to authorise the issue of Letters Patent, iticorperating ** 90," "the Osha- wa Stove Maanfactuwring Company" with power to earry on business at the Village of Oshawa, in the County of Ontario, and with the nominal capital of $50,000. | Tes: O. Y. B.' Pie-8r¢.--The affair pro- | mises fo be a gfeat success. Nofwith- | standing that the Toronto District "will | not be present, us a district, we learn that | two ot three lodges from that eity will be | here igdependently. Contributors ih provisions, &c., are reminded that they | will be called upon to-morrow for theit he found his family in bed, and on asking what they had retired so early for, was told by his wife that it was time everybody was in bed; and urged to go to bed himself. to do some work. He then asked for the axe, lit a fire, and proceeded to melt some | bees-wax, which he required to use .in work he intended to do to-day. His own story is that he melted the wax, placed it | on the table, shut up the stove and went to bed : but it is more probable that he | | went to sleep leaving 'the melted wax on the stove, and that the gas became ignited, | then causing the terrible results whieh fol. | Mrs. Jordan, and six children | lowed. were wrapped in unconscious ber vp-stairs, little dreaming of the fate | The flames in the meantime crept stealthily and treach- eronsly over the floor licking ity forked tongues over every piece of inflammable material that it came across, gathering strength and volume, until it burst forth upon the sleepers above, wakening them to a frightened sense of the awful peril in which they were situated. The poor woman did nobly, and by the greatest exertions succeeded in rescuing five out of the six children, by putting .them out of the window of the room snd then jumping out herself after them. is probable had become suffocated in the which threatened them. | smoke, and the gother supposed she had | | escaped, or it is prokable thay/she would | have again risked deat ve her little one. Too much sympathy cannot be felt He replied the he'd be d--4 | if he would ; and announced his intention | clum- | The little girl it | TIS] SHOP STREET, WEST, sek of WARE, AP. . ning, NOTICE. workyanlike manner sud tronage:. JODS AND WORK: TCHETT. 3.18-y. S, Poplin Dresses . Oshawa. a os ive contrib Fize.--On Friday evening last a new | hours has been so terrible a sufferer. We brick Homse in course of erection near the | trust that sympathy will take a practical village of Uxbridge was totally destroyed | form and that steps will be taken to pro- by fire. It is sapposed to have been | vide the family with what 'will enable cavsed by some sparks having dropped | them to replace something of what they from the pips of a carpenter who was | have lost. Mr. Charles Homey, of the working in the building. The fire spfead | Sash factoty, deserves special mention for #0 rapidly that in a few minutes the whole | his services during the fire. He entered building was consumed, with its contents. | the burning building when it seemed more The loss is estimated at abou' $500. | fiké a furmace than a house, and although New Scsscripsss THis Wes. ---W, { the smoko was sc dénse that he could not Aglitt, R. Hunter, R. Kenver, W Jewell, | see anything, he providentially stumbled T. Brodie, J. P. Lovekin, F. Martin, Jno. | 718 Shed Senstlon Mody of Sia sul Gillespie, Geo, Eilbeck, Gep. A. Jacobs, | oatec by smote am g Wm. McIntosh, A. Walbridge, W. Foster, {ib thus Preventing Juo, Bellows, H. Hodge, A. Wilmot, Juo. | being a double one. a W. Smith, W. Grier, J. | Since writing the above, we learn that oni Eg Cc om "3 Biolos S Ss | charitable ladies and gentlemen are busy erson, T.-C. Horn, J. , 8. 8. Soper, A. Ross, W. Oaks, J. Perry, Blanchard, IL. Robi , E. Sibley, J. Code, T. Creighton, J. Lawrence. | Tur Uxion Bcmoor.--Classes in this BOWMANVILLE NEWS. school will bs re-opened on Monday next. Under the riew Edueation Act, all scholars 1 family. FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT, for the poof Woman, who ina few short | the horror from | C | fo-day in collecting aid for the unfortunate UNTAKIO REFORMER, . from the States, who put themselves down 43 professionals. No doubt, Mr. Editor, they are professional blackguards ; but as for being base ball players! they have mistaken their®galling. I have seen a great many rough crowds with circuses and other travelling shows, But never saw worse than the crowd who were here on Friday last. May they never return. They beat the Bowmanville boys 25 runs to 12, } The Young Ontarios of this place beat the Port Hope junior base ball club 18 runs, at the match hree on Tuesday of last week. A change has lately been made in the proprietorship of the foundry. Mr. F. Smart, of Brockville has purchased a large share in the business, and being a practi- cal man he will add greatly to the working of the establishment. Mr. H. O'Hara and Mr, Darley, of the Organ factory, have just retarned from the States, where they were on business for the firm. While in New York, Mr. i Smith, manufacturer of the celebrated | Bradbury piano,agreed to become a stock- | holder in our organ factory tothe exteut | of $1,000. The best news we have "heard here for some time is, Capt. Rayner has decided to séll what is left of the Bowman estate, and will soon have the same surveyed and laid out in lots. This 'will put in the market some of the best water powers in | the. Dominiun: Thig property being lock- ed up the way it has been a great draw- back to Bowmanville; and you may be sure the people of this placé are greatly pleased at Capt. Rayner's decision to sell. John Fowler is still here, and, with Mayor Cubitt, is working hard for the contemplated railroad from here to the Georgian Bay. Petitions are being numer- ously signed, and it 's thought that there { will be no difficulty in passing by-laws, | granting large bonuses in this town and | township. So mote it be. Frick. 0. T. B. PI0-NI0. We are sorry to learn, from the letter which will be found below, that the Young { Rritons of Toronto, will not be able to at- | tend in Oshawa, at the grand celebration to be given by the O. Y. B.'s of this Dis- | trict, on that day. No doubt the absence | of the Toronto brethren will be felt hy us {all, bat in view of the large numbers of guests to be present from other counties | and towns, the accident which prevents presence of the Toronto O. Y. B.'s will | not be so much rerretted after all. The procession will of ¢ urse be diminished by the non-presence of the Toronto friends, | but it will still be as large as Oshawa would wish to see, while the sports and games will not lose the slightest from the absence of a few hundreds from the thousands who will be present on that day. We | should not have alluded to the matter, but for the fact that some of our readers might be disappointed by relying upon { the expected visit of the O. Y. B.'s from Toronto. Torénto, Ang. I1, 1873. To Bro. Trewix, Oshawa, Ont. | i | Dear Sir AND BrotHER,--I am sorts] Pe | to inform you that we cannot have our, Excursion to Oshawa on Friday, the 15th | inst. When Bro. Robinsoit gave you to | understand we were coming on that date, ! we expected that our civic holiday wowld | not be until the latter end of Awgudst, and | therefore, not interfere with our excur- our tickets printed for the 15th, and was about to close arrangements wih the | boat; and the committee then changéd the | date to the 18th, because it would nct pay ns to have il on the 15th, and the holiday | ¢ ming on the 18th, but after we changed | the date, the owner of the boat wire not | willing to let us have it. We were to pay him the sum of $590 for the 15th, but he, at last, consented to change for the sum of £880, but the committee thought this 5) piece of imposition, aud concluded to 1 change the date until Monday, Sept. 1st, | when we could get a boat at a more reson- | able price. -We are going to have a grand | | pic-nie at home on the civic holiday. Not | { only'the Committee and Orange Young | Britons of Toronto are disappointed, but | sion on the 15th, but, unfortunately, the 1 council have appuinted Monday, the 18th | ip { of Aug., for the ciric holiday. We got | ® ° J ve our large number of friends, at not being | | able to assist you in your Grand Orange | Demonstration on the 15th inst. We | feel assured that you will forgive ms for | any inconvenience we have caused you, | #8 we will try and make up for it on Sep. 1st. The committee done all in their | power to carry out the arrangement, but | it was impossible without a great loss of | money on our side. We hope | have a good timie on 'he goth, for you have | the good wishes of every ©. 7. B. in To- | ronto. Luo¥ out for our grand excursion | on Sept. 1st. I remain your &ec., And No Barrender, Joseen Capron, Sec. to Com. | 1] | | BIRTHS. Bt Lake View Farm, Pickering on the 7th inst., Sthe wife of Mr. T. G. Holliday, of a son. | | nn : Commercial, OSMAWA MARKETS » . August 13, Flour, Wewt,....io.hiuien +... 8300 @ Wheat, Fall, ¥ bushel, Wheat, Spring, ¥ hushe! | | you will ¥ sdmitted to the High School since Aug. 1872, will have to wnieigo KSpamiti on the 18th of October. r. Tamtlyn, the Priueipal, desires us fo remind those who will thus have to submit to re-exam- ination, of the advantage oi attending on Mjnday nex, so as to get the fullest pore side preparation for the examination in October. : Ee | Oats, ¥ Pushel,...... BowMANVILEE, Auge hith. | Barey.. We rave had little excitefentfhere since | Pius ¥ bushel: . | T wrote you last, with she exception # an | Blackeyed Marw alarm of fire, and the game of base" bafl | Butter, # B,..,... between the Kingston club and the ciub Ltd of thi place. EE ba On Thursday evening, parties passing | Avples. |. res by the block of buildings from Murdoch | C : Bros. up to Higginbothoms, *' schmelt a ce CoOOOm- ~2ENSISSESSRSBI 88. S¥B-SEBSS38SEE PCO SmOC SCOOT OO ~~ TORONTO MARKETS. a schmell of fire, py tam ;" but in which building did the swell come from! That was the question. The stores were all dosed and the proprietors at home, some Wonrkiyc Ur.<Our stbscription has tossived the names of over two pundred Bow subscribers within the last four weeks, Qur papers are now distributed at ovet furty-twp different post offices in South Ontario and West Durham, and we can of them a long way off. A meséenger was despatched for F. Y. Cowle, dry goods merchant, and on that gentlemwn's conBdentiy gnarss : : vo best medium in the iw¢ counties. | 4 We sre not done yet though ; we intend | cellar to § circulati f ther | Scott's, Bassett's, » doutle theo HE fy Py Seu a stores were all searched, ° » ' a advertisers will do well to eall | 354, finally, on opening the door of Mr. H j ition book, and | § Webster's dental room, over McArthur's and examine our subscription y 8. We : vine be satisfied. store, the cause of the alurm was discover- Excursion. --The excur- | od. Mr. Webster had less a ng yg he pr to Rochester, on | coal oil stove, on whish Was & dias wi Tenant, vo cl ae | rm wet spews. Te vs Tuesday, Vas one cesses | SO! consequently, # of the; veasen, in the way ofa gathering in | 2 CL Jy Siig rather » bad odor' arrival at his store it was searched from garret, but no fire discovered. McClungs', McArthur's, | Beccecc®s gst 88s | SO, ccoconeg 232838 Cheap ' Goods for Otte Month. S. TREWIN. \ Balance of Stock must be cleared out before 1st Sept. S. TREWIN. TREWIN offefs Great™ Bar « gains Just Bow, ¢ 1 ive | . Upwards of five | the excitemdnt gush af, place. he Bowmsuville, | The lamp was put out, and the excitemdn Whitby, Oshawa and Port Perry joined sao self-styled champions .of Canada, ' in their excur- | ° ig eB vey are ga | hori Zawtanee Bare Bt Sf 2500 a fo. Ar The trip over was show, 358 She ¥ ond: 3 wre din. i i ic by the Port Hope | Play so 4 I enlivened. With wuals 3 charter, a very | orderly and disagreeable -- nr band, snd on The Cshawa witnessed. 1t-was a con The "Kin yn lly day FB Was suit. fo from beginning to end gs Ja mje bog un y hour boys Neve imported four © Js Ju i. 'four or five roughs "a 'learing Sale until 1st Sept. Clarke S. TREW Boots and Shoes and Groceries Yery Cheap, at ty, BSP 3 TREWINS. | | PROCLAMATION Removal of Business. J. A.GIBSON! EGS TO INFORM HIS FRIENDS caund customers that he has REMOVED Wow Block, next to thé Dominion Bank, Simooe Strect, Where he will be prepared as usual to receive their orders, Having now elegant and commodious premis- es at its disposal, he is now showing a larger aud better assorted stock of Seatienery Faney Wall Paper, fe, than was ever before nto wa, ' J. A.GIBSON. Oshawa, July 30th, 1873 16-1y FOUR HORSES FOR SALE. ONE YOUNG SPAN MATCHED i PUBLIC LANDS. HE ATTENTION OF SQUATTERS . on the Public Lands is specially called to the regulations contained in the Order in Coun- cil on the 10th January, 1759, wherein squatting on Crown Lands is strictly forbidden. No claim to purchase land by right of occupa- will be entertained, unless such occupants was a bona fide settler on the land with substantial improvements at the time of inspection, and so reported By the Inspector. Improvements made on any Crown Lands since the time of such in- spection, will be Jost to the occupant, unless such occu) has been authorized by. the Depart. me! THOS. H. JOHNSON, Assistant Comnrissioner. Department of Crown LanlJs, orouto, April 1st, 2873. brought OSHAWA, WHONESDA Notice to Squatters v, AUGUST 18, isi. si orcan Factorv, 111€ New Store . 10 -- ALEXANDER & BRYCE Will offer special indiicements to Customers FOR THIRTY DAYS, In the' following departments :-- Dress Goods, \ AT COST BAYS, suitable for either Carpiage or eAYY mera! purpose; and One Span ef Braue, Wil sell either ply or by the 48.41. ANDRW ANNIS, Pont NIV 4 AUN BETS S50 ON NOTICE! OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the lands in {he Towbin of Neebing and Pai-poenge, in the district of Thunder Bay, sold subject to settlement, under the Order in Council! of 5th April, 1861, will shortly be inspect- ed. and the sales of such lots shall be found on such inspection to be unoccupied and unim- proved will be cancelled and the lands resumed and offered for sale under the General Mining Act, at 81 per acre cash, THOS. H. JOHNSON, Assistant Commissioner. Department of Crown Lands, Toronto, 23rd May. 1573. 16-tf House and Lot For Sale. Opposite Oshawa Cabinet Factory. HE HOUSE CONTAINS TWELVE rooms, and a good stone cellar, Will ac i four small famili For terms, etc., apply to Capt. George Farewell, or to R. McGEE. TRADE SALE --AT F. MCRAE & CO.. THE GOODS MUST BE SOLD The balance of Chisholm's Bank- rupt Stock will be offered at a large discount on the cost, compris- ing Summer Dress and Fancy Goods, also a large variety of Fall Goods of every description. We cannot enumerate prices of so large a List. Purchasers will do well to call and examine Goods and Prices, THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR DEALERS IIIN Pianos and Musical Instruments. 15, KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. 171y 2 AT WIGHTMANS 300 Pairs Ladies' Prunella Gaiters at 65 cents a pair. Harrockes' White Cottons, fine, and yard wide,at York shilling. | 1640 yards Fancy Summer Dress Goods at a York shilling a yard, regular price 20 c. and 25 c. Linen Grenadines &nd Tasso Linens, plain and striped at a| York Shilling a yard. Fine striped silk mixed Poplins at 27¢, regular price 40c. Fine Black Grenadines at a York shilling a yard. Fine Chambray Costume Cloths, and plain colored prints in! Pink, Lilac and Drab, at a York shilling a yard, 16 pieces Heavy Cotton Canton Flannels at a York shilling a yd. | 60 pieces Heavy Grey Cottons slightly damaged on voyage of | importation, at 10 c. a yard. Yard wide bleache1 Factorys, scoured and shrunk at a York shilling. 32 inch bleached Faetory, scoured and shrunk, at 10c. 38 pieces marted Poplinettes, good cloth, nice colors, new | goods, suitable for the early fall trade, 18¢ a yd., worth 30. | A few Moire Antique Watered Silk Poplin Dresses in Blue, | Black, Dark Gray, Dark Drab and Light Brown, at $5 50 ; | regular price $7,50. A few fine figured Japanese Silks in Black, Drab, Brown and Purple, at 65c ; regular price 85c and 90c. A few fine Fancy striped Crapd "Silks, in Blue, Brown and Green mixtures, at 75c¢ ; regular price $1 12}. A few Fancy striped Silks in fine qualities, Purple, Browns, at 90c ; regular price $1.35. A few Plain Colored Silks in Drab, Fink, Slate, Lavendar, Blue and Steel Grey, at $1 a yard ; regular price $1 35. Fine Black Silks, a full range of qualities and widths, all at | greatly reduced prices. 30 pairs Nottingham Lace Curtains, at 654c., $1 25, $1 50; $2 | Green and The Oshawa Organ FACTORY HAS - RemoveD teen FO ss BOWMANVILLE Special announcement in a Few Days. Look Out for It.| Parasols, : AT COST. Millinery, AT COST. Beautjful Qualities in Black Silks at 81 and §1 20 We are also showing a full assortment of Factory Cottons, Steamlooms, Table Linens, Table Napkins, Towellings, Toilet Covers, Quilts, Tickings, Shirtings, Denims, &c., very much below the usual prices. Call and examine Frices and judge for yourselves. ALEXANDER & BRYCE. Wilson's Block, King Street, Oshawa. BEDROOM SUITS. enimasinmenr SOP WE HAVE NOW IN OUR SHOW ROOMS 50 SETS OF BEDROOM SUITES, To Select from, Raging in Price urateful Thousands proclarn Vix- EGAR BITTERS the most wonderful In- | vigorant that ever fustained the sinking system. No Person can take these Bitters { according to directions, and remain iong | unwell, provided their bones are not de- stroyed by mineral poison or other and vitalorgans wasted beyond Bilious, Remiitent and Inter- | mittent Fevers, which are. so preva- | lent in the wi 8 of our at rivers | throughout the i 3 specially | those of the \ ippi, Ohio, Missouri, Illinois, Tenne 'umberland, Arkan- razos, Rio Grande, le, Savannah, Ro- | anoke, Jami their vast t | bntire cot | Autumn, a v 80 during sea- | sons of unusual id dryness, aro | invariably accompanied by extensive de- | rangements of the stomach and liver, and other abdominal viscera. . In their treatment, i purgative, exerting a pow- erful influence upon these various or- gans, is-essentially nccessary. There 13 no cathartic for the purpose equal td Dr. J. WALKERS VINEGAR BITTERS, as they will speedily remove the dark- colored viseid matter 'with which the bowels are loaded, at the same time stimulating the secretions of the liver, and generally restoring the healthy functions of the digestive organs. ers, shout eur eT and by purifying all its fluids with VINEGAR Lrrrers. No epidemig can take hold | of a system thus fore-armed Fortify the body agaiust disease | Dyspepsia or Indigestion, fMead- ache, Pain in the Shoulders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dizziness, Sour Eructations of the Stomach, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Bilious Attacks, Palplta- tation of the Heart, Inflammation of the Lungs, Pain in the region of the Kid- neys, and a hundred other painful symp- toms, are the oflsprings of Dyspepsia. One bottle will prove a better guarantee | of its merits than a lengthy advertise- ment, Scrofula, or King's Evil, White Sweilings, Ulcers, Erysipelas, Swelled Neck, Goitrey Scrofulouy Inflamwations, Indolent Inflammations, Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin, Sore Eyes, ete. In these, as in all other constivatignal Dis- eases, WALKER'S ViNgoar Birrens bave shown their great curative powers in the most, obstin and intractable Cases | _ For Intlammafory and Chronie | Rhenmatism, Gout, Bilious, Remit- | rt and Intermitten wers, Diselises of hp Blood, Liver, Kidneys and Bladder, Hese Ditters have no equal. Such Discases | ade caused by Vitiated Blowd. | |] | | echanical Diseases, --Persons en- aged in Paints and Minerals, such as Plumbers, Type-setters, Gold-beaters, and Miners, as they advance fu life, are subject to paralysis, of the Bowel, To guard against this, take a dose of WALKLR'S VIN- EGAR BITTERS occasions For Skin Disease ter, Salt-Rheum, Blo rupfions, Tet- and $2 50 a pair. Table Linens in Vhite, Cream and unbleached. Table Cloths; Toilet Covers, Antimacassars, Damasks, Repps, Curtains Holders, &c. : . A few pieces Fancy Check Flannels, all wool, new goods, just received, at 25¢. per yard. A few pieces Tapéstry Carpets, fine patterns, at 80c. a yard. A few pieces Crossley Best Tapestry Carpets, registered pat- terns, at $1 a yard. 70 cemts a yard.. 6 Dozen Men's Fancy Jean Shirts, at 55 cents each. Biown Linen Drills for Mew's Pants af York Shilling 4 yard. Gents Fine 'White Shirts, broad Plaits, at 85 cents each. " $8 « o " $10 Ld " Jackets, $8" " w SF WILLIAM M. WIGHTMAN, y ia (late WF, Cowan) Oshawa ad Prides Avert - > v wssres North of ~=z3 aud trom which point navigation 2 Cases Heavy Canadian Tweeds, all wool, just received, at! Pure Black Silk Chantilly Lace Shawls, $5 quality, will be sold for $3 50 Fs " " $7 o " $ 4 90 85 75 $775 $18 Snemmatcn. ots, Pimples, Pustules, Boils, Carbuncles, Ring-worms, Scald-head, Sore. Eyes, Erysipelas, Itch, Scurfs, Diseolorations of the Skin, Humors ass of the Skin of whateyer name or nature, dre. lit y dug up and carried | out of the system in a short {ne by the use i of these Bitters. . Tape; and other Worms, and Dis lurking jn the system of go many thous ads, | are effectually destroyed end removed, No system of wedicive, no vermilug.s, no an- | thelminitis will free the systew {rom Worms like these Bitters. Fer Female Complaiuts, in young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo- manhood, or the turn «f life, these Tonic Bitters display so decided an influence that finprovement is soGa perceptible, Cleanse the Vitiated Blood when- | ever you find its impurities bursting through | the skin in Phuples, Eruptions, or Sores; cleanse it when yofi find it ebstructed and sluggish in the veins; cleanse it when it is for i feelings will tell yon when. Keep the blood pure, gnd the health of the system will follow. . R. H. McDONALD & CO, Faneiseo, Cilforsia, Sold by all BR. H McDONALD go ov Droggiets 53d Gen. 4~ v + ashineton and -= er J ~ wun voud afforded «wsu 08 the means of hastening that de- velopement, so that the people of this district would be as much benefitted as on San ¥rancigeo, Califor' From $25 to $200 each. PARLOR SUITS, DINING ROOM SETTS; And other Furnitars, in great variety, all of First-class Manufactube. LUKE & BROTHER. 8-14-1y FRUIT SEASON. - 1873. 0: { Oshawa, July 15th, 1873. 1878, OF THE BEST BRIGHT CRYSTLAIZED SUGAR FOR PRESERVING! TO BE HAR OF : . I China Tea Sets from $4 75, White Granite Tea Sets from $2 300 White Granite Toilet Sets from, $2 50, | General Orockery and Glassware equally cheap. | { The above being bought before the recent advance, intending purcha~ | . | sers will do well to call and see them, as we VF ave a large Stock which must be sold to make room for other ship ments now on the 'way. sms -- Our general Stock of Groceries is now somplele, including a new lot of those Green and Black Peas, 1 shich eannot be surpassed Jor quality or price. 2,000 DOZEN £GGS WANTED. 'Hurrak for Old 270. I on the Cormer! Just arrived, a Jarge and well selected Stock, of. CONSISTING OF ® Tweeds, Broad Clc,ths, Doeskins, Dennums, Shirtings, Gray Cotten *. Steamlpoms, Prints, Gifghams, Table Linens: Tab Napkins, Tows.ilings, Tickings, Lace Curtains, Damasks . and Colored Kid Gloves, Ribbons, Velvets, Hoisery, Corsets, Hoop Skirts and Bustles. ALSO A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF Lustres from 20 cts. to $1 10, Black Silks from 75 cts to 88 50. | Cobourgs, Paramallas, Crapes, and every description of Mours. : tug Goods. . Also the Largest and Best Stock of BOOTS and SHO r offered to the Public. A ES ov ok i | Special lines in Ladies Prunellas, Glaze Kids i pairs of Prunellas at 90 cts. to 81 00. A Sickel ong Hd Carpet Begs at all Prices. ALSO A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF - | 'a < " * 4 . o ENTS FURNISH Nas onsisting in of White and and Colorzd i 'and Cuts, Felt, Straw ant Panama ron oil Roca: patitens Hoisery, Braces, Gioves apd Unbrellas, yQollams,, Hating secured the services of 4 First-class Tailor i Ts | arity ws a » prepa wr aet =, Suils of the Shortést Notice, 3 otf | $92 sual stock of Hardware, Crockerv. Groa® Coats and Habeg- I as. 1S, UAIpets - ashe aro stl 4 be found at : i. ed by his as- "3 oem ths ladder and en. | $0 Paiament in not [1ored the room, where I fund the bed | Froprion, of the Cha jt snide readily, and on feeling over -rs | th , found a child in it. Th *" A horse-power cranberry "the | with the child to he window, and in doing | STOR420 oF 8 Wisconsin: sa Io mig ® discovered a boy lying on the floor. ' ingtan "TCT tonied in Wear EN TONS! BLAMEY & BRIGGS. SUMMER GOODS. PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS GOODS |. FOTIA

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