oil at BBE EE EE" == PEFTATREL2NERE 1 TE le or h 4 HH ART be ts I Fife and the vi SIH aE lo ob TIN HR STNG esr ov Rods Tad Bar SABER i RTI np be eT AMAZING STORY. "RECORD OF TERRIBLE SUFFERING. In the regent hurricane passing over the Ohio Riverand down the Miami Valley, a splendid grove of oaks on the " old An- demon farm". of a Mr. Rogers, in the latter locality, was almost wholly prostrat- 'ed, and here an amazing story is derived therefrom, and gravely communicated to the Migmi County Democrat by one J. F. | Clarke. : { ' Upon the morning subsequent to the storm (Saturday) Mr. Rogers, in company | with a hired man, preceeded to inquire into the extent of the damage inflicted upon his premises, and she Erst objective point. was the ruined grove. The centre | tree of -the plat was a noble oak, the king \ of his fellows, and a tree which had stocd the ravages of time seemingly unscathed | for several centuries. The tree had been snapped and felled by the storm. Upon | examining the fallen giant for the purpose of ascertaining its worth as rail timber, Mr. Rogers made a startling discovery. This was nothing less than the fact that the treein falling had disgorged a skeloton. | The bones were disconnected, yellow' as gold with age, and scattered promiscuous- | ly omer several square feet of pasturage. The skull was almost intact ; all the teeth | save two--molars--were still in their places, and there was a sear on the left | parietal bone which looked like the me- | mento of some fierce cavalry charge. The | * humerus of the right arm was shattered, | -- tively moneyless, contained sundry papers | { suitable building for housing the same : s pressed by his savage foes. and save the three defects just mentioned jb the skeletcn, when put together was with- | out blemish. The tree in falling, I should have mentioned, was rent asunder--a task | not difficult of accomplishment, when I refer to the fact that an examination | found that at sume rembdte date the very heart of the oak had been cleft by light- ning. From a spot twenty feet from the ground upwards to the first great fork--a distance of tem feet--a hollow extended, vand from this cavity ihe skeleton had been hurled. Jf we but know who he was, thought my informant; Mr. Rogers, and, strange to say, a few minutes later the twain had discovered that the tree had also disgorged a thrilling history. An old fashioned leather pocket or memorandum book lay in a remarkable state of preser- | vation, which no doubt had been dropped into the rent made by the lightning, and thus been preserved while its master de-'| - eayed. 'A 'few brass Bttons of old and | unique pattern were found near the mem- | -crandam, but it is with the latter that we have todeal. The old leather purse, en- | covered with rude pencillings quite difficult 'written on the backs i consignthents, | ack as 1776. Mr. bones to his house, the memorandum of | But owing to his | goonld decipher but | conglomerate mass of disconnéetions, But'still he read enough | to learn that 'the eyes that once shone in | mow orbless sockets often looked upon Washington in the heat of battle, and amid the snows of Valley Forge; and the skeleton arm when covered with flesh and muscle had struck many _ stalwart blows for 'our country.: The man's name as | gathered from the papers, was Roger | Vanderberg, a native of Lancaster, Pa., | and a captain in the revolutionary army. He was an aide to Washington during the | retreat across the Jerseys, and served a time in Arnold's head qusrtersat Wage Point. In 1791 he marched with, St Clair against: the northwestern Indians, and in the famous outbreak of that Gen- eral on the Wabash, November 3rd of the year jist Written, he was wounded and captused. But while being conveyed to the Indian town at Upper Piqua--a histor- ical plgen well known to your readers--he effected his escape, but found himself hard He saw the hollow jn the oak, and despite the mang- | 1sd arm, 88d with the aid of a beech that grew beside'the giant then, he gained the ! haven and dropped therin. Then came a | fearful discovery. He had miscalculated | the depth of the holiow and there was no escape. Oh, the story told by the diary of the oak's despairing prisoner !| How rather than surrender to the torture of the stake he chose death by starvation ; how he wrote his diary in the uncertain light and the snows! Here is one entry in his diary : " November 16th--Five days without Jood! When I sleep I dream of luscious fruit and flowing streams. The stars laugh * at my misery ! Itis snowing now. I freeze "while I starve. God pity me !" | saturated with and explaining to Mrs. O'Clarence how cheaply they could be made in China, and superior in ingenuity and' industry were the Chinese to all other races. None of them know how it happened, but O'Clarence remembers that there were two | open packs of cannon erackers just under | lum, and thinks Wickford's boy must | have in some way dropped the punk in | among them, and in the general interest forgot that it was afire, At any rate, there was a sudden hise, right under Mr. O'Clarence, followed in the next instant by a tornado of sounds and sparks, and that gentleman at once shot toward the ceiling in a blaze of | various colored lights, while the air be- came thick with sparks, blue lights, blazing balls, 'industrious pin-wheels, insane sky- | rockets, andysereeching crackers. Mrs. O'Clarence fell over a chair that cost $3 | when new, afd struck the back of her head against the stove-hearth with a violence that added materially to the dis- | play of fireworks already going on. Wick- | ford's boy was struck in the mouth with | a skyrocket, and had two-thirds of his | hair taken off by a Roman candle, and | was throwed through a doorway by a | piece of ordnance' just introduced this reason, and which will undoubtedly - be- | coue popular when understood better. | He was afterwards fished out of a rose- bush, and taken home in a tablecloth. O'Clarence remained during the entire exhibition, looking at it from various | positions, and when it was over with, he was put in a sheet by the neighbors then oil, then covered with molasses and flour. We learn that new | | | | | skin is already forming on parts of him, and if no unfavourable symptoms set in he will be out in a fortnight, although it is | not likely thas he will mingle much in society until his hair and evebrows com- | menced to graw. He thinks Wickford's | oy is dead, and they dare not tell him to { the contrary until! he gets stronger. Singu- | larly enongh, Mrs. O'Clarence escaped | injury by burns, but the blow on her head | was so severe that she cannot bear to have her hair drawn up as high as it was before, | and missing her church privileges is a sore | trial to her. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE REFORMER. | ------------ Daniel Webster is not the only. bright | boy borm in New Hampshire. The Boston Globe has heard of another--a youth 'residing in Dover, who refused to | take a pill. His crafty mother thereupon secretly placed the pill in a preserved | pair, and gave it to him. "Presently she | usked, 'Tom, have youn eaten the pear? | He raid, 'Yes, mother, all but the seed.' | BY-LAW No.-- | 4 BY-LAW to raise bg way of loan the | sum of Seven Thousand Dollars for the purchase of a Steam Fire Fugine, and for other purposes therewn mentioned. | Whereas, the Council of the Corporation | of the Village of Oshawa, have determined to purchase a Steam. Fire Engine with a suitable quantity of Hose, and to erect a | And Whereas to carry into effect the said recited object, it will be neeessary | for the said Council to raise by way of loan the sum of Seven Thousand Dollars | in the manner hereinafter mentioned. And Whereas it will require the sum of seven hundred and seventy dollars to be raised annually by special rate for payment of the said loan or debt and iuterest as also hereinafter mentioned. | And Whereas the amount of the whole ! rateable property of the said Municipality, irrespective of any future increase of the same, and also irrespective of any income to be derived from the temporary invest- ment of the sinking fund hereinafter men- tioned or any part thereof according to | the last revised, assessment roll of the said Municipality, being for the year one thou- sand eight bundred and seventy three, was six hundred and twenty-zight thous. and eight hundred and eighty five dol- lars. And Whereas the existing debt of the said Municipality is thirteen thousand dollars, the whole thereof being for princi- pal and np portion thereof for interest. And Whereas for paying the interest and creating an equal yearly sinking fund for paying the said sum of Seven Thousand | Dollars as hereinafter mentioned, it will require an equal annual special rate of 29, 224 one == mills in the dollar in addition to 1009. all other rates to be levied in each year. Be it therefore enacted by the Municipa Council of the Corporation of the Village of Oshawa, as follows :-- 1. That it shall be lawful for the Reeve of the said Municipality to raise by way of loan from any person or persons, body or bodies corporate, who may be willing to advar ce the same upon the credit of the Debentures hereinafter mentioned, a sum of money not exceeding in the whole | the sum ofiSeven Thousand Doilars, and to cause the same to be paid into the hands of the Treasurer for the purposes | and "with the object above recitéd. = of 2. That it shall be lawful for the said | reeve to cause any number of Debentures | | to be made for such sums of money as | { may be required, not less than one | hundred dollars each, and that the said debentures shall be sealed with the Seal of the said Municipal Council, and be | signed by the said Reeve. | 3. That the said Debentures shal?" be | | made payable in twenty ycaggaf furthest | | from the day hereinafter mentioned for | this By-Law, to take effect at the office of | | the Treasurer of this Municipality, and | The italicised words were supplied by | shall have attached to them coupons for | ~ Mr. Rogers, as the trembling hand oft | times refused to indite plainly. Never was srecord of suffering traced by human 'hand before. & period of eleven days, and in disjointed sentences is. 'old the story of St. Clair's defeat. "Mr. Rogers has written to Lan- caster to ascertain if any descendants of the ill-f2ted captain live ; if so, they shall have his bones." 'A GREAT TIME IN DANBURY. THE REASON WHY MR. .0'CLAB=xcE pID HOT APPEAR IN THE FIREMES'S PROCESSION. (From the Danbury News.) Spend Tarde Swe as 8 » EL. O"Clarensé +8 deeply felt, not og ent, but by - the public. ~ His thea >| faithful services at the business par and festivals, and his splendid on parade, have given Mr. OP 8 an enviable position in the heagls of his countrymen. We are sorry present un Saturday. But an Lfor and very painful aceideny ved him and us of a very great The night which preceded the last anni- of our nitional indepepdence, Le took home 825 worth of firewarks for » on the pext night. He calculated with -gratit yer on No in that package to and admiration eve, street, and his wie, © taxpayer on after rfall} |:2amining the lot, was equally t that the neighbors and mouth wide open enjoying the was sitting on his see something that*woeuld " make Shir af bung out," as she pensively ex- The next morning O'Clarence got out the to look ib-overagain and feed anticipation. There were these, crackers -- several packs -- and candles and blue-fre, and pin- and rockets, and the like--a very SP aRtory Day fro. the. nott mae or next house in, and ast on the floor gn a piece of Jifisted pans in island, had . botk The entries covered | the payment of interost. 4. That the said Debentures shall bear | interest at and after the rate of six per | | cent per annum from the date thereof, | which interest shall be payable on the | thirtieth day of the month of June and | the thirty-first day of the month of Decem- | ber in each year, at the office of the | | Treasurer of the said municipality. { 5. That for the purpose of forming a sinking fund for the payment of the said | Debentures and interest at 'the rate | aforesaid to become due thereon, an equal | : 228 i. special rate of one re mills in the dollar shall, in addition to all other rates, be raised, levied, and collected in each year upon all the rateable property in the said municipality during the continuence of the Debentures, or any of them. 6 That this by-law shall 'take effect and come into operation on the first day of September, AD 1873. y 7. That the votes of the electors of the Municipality shall be taken upon the said propoged By-law at the Town Hall, in the said Village of Oshawa, on the vanth day of August, in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy Three, between the hours of Hie. iy Sod J. the forenoon and four SOCK In the afternoon, and that Lyman English shal]. urnin take the Sota Rot S10 to NOTICE. The above is a tres copy of a roposed By-law which will be Da rn con- sideration by the Councit of the Corpora- tion of the Village of Ostawa about one month from the first publication thereof the date of which publication was the ninth day of July, in the year of our Lord. one thousand eight hundied and seventy three, and that fer the purpose of taking the votes of the electors thereon, a poll will be held between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock in the afternoon of Thursday, the seventh of August, in tha year of our Lord ons thousand eight hundred and seventy-three at the Town Hall in the Village of Oshawa. Dated this eighth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy ihree. LYMAN ENGLISH, 16-1w Celebrated XXX Cream Ale and Porter. Choice Brands of Cigars and Tobaccos always REMOVED TO NEW AND LARGER PREMISES FREDERICK NEALE, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in GROCERIES, WINES, AND LIQUORS! SIMCOE ST, OSHAWA. ---- -- Agent for Davies & Bro's in Stock. THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Hats and Caps. 151y | WILLIAM LANG | INVITES INSPECTION TO HIS SPLENDID STOCK OF | 'NEW SPRING GOODS! WHICH 1S COMPLETE IN - ALL ITS BRANCHES. | Clothing Made to Order WITH CARE AND DESPATCH. Gents' Furnishings. 'Buiyjo|p apew-Apeay Boots and Shoes. ATEINSONS DRUG STORE Next Door to COWAN'S. ------- Drugs, Patent Medicines, Scented Soaps, French and English | Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brushes, and a General assortment of Dye Stuffs. | HATCH & MEARNS, Hardware, Tin and Stove Dealers, | KING STREET, OSHAWA. Beg leave to return thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on them during the post year, and would solicit a. continuance of the same, We have on hand the Largest, Best and Cheapest Stock of HARDWARE, and &c,, Ever offered in this market.. Our Stock comprises part of the following : 500 Kegs Cut, Shingle and Lath Nails, > 50 Boxes Pressed and Horse Nails, 3 Eve rything of thebest Quality and trictly Genuine | | 200 Boxes Glass, " Star " and " Diamond Star"! James', Walker & Parker's, and Brandram's White L ads, English and Ameican Colors, : Blundel and Spencer's Boiled and Raw Oil, Fnrniture and Carriage Varnish. American, English, and ('anadian Locks, Latches, and Knobs, Butts, T. and Strap Hinges, Screws &ec., Spears and Jackson's and Sorby's Hand, Rip, and Tenon Saws, Chisels, Gouge's, Plane Irons, &e. : American Socket Firmer Chisels, Star Company's Bevils, Squares, Dividers, &c., Dawson's and English Planes, Rodgers' and other English English Cutlery, Plated Forks, Spoons etc., B. M. Tea and Coffee Pots, Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Forks etc., Platform and Counter Scales, : Guns, Revolvers, Shot, Powder, and Gun Caps, Coal and Wood Cooking Stoves, Tinware, Lamp and Chimneys, Chandeliers and Brackets, EVETROUGHING &AOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDEDTO Cut Nails 85 per Keg, Cash ; other goods at proportionate prices. HATCH & MEARNS, King Street, Oshawa, April 31st, 1873. CHEAP GROCERIES! ig THE BEST PLACE TO BUY YQUR GROCERIES --I8 AT--- CH UBB'SI Opposite Black's Hotel, King Street. GRR SH » CHEAP TEAS, IN 10 LB, CATTIES CROCKERY, ; GLASSWARE, &C. Call and Satisfy. yourself before you squander 3181y your Money elsewhere. Cleck of the Council of Oshawa. BY-LAW A BY-LAW for Granting to William Mec@Qill, James Carmichael William Taylor, Joseph Harris McClelland and Elijah McKenny Glen, the Debentures of the Village of Ushaiva bearing sic | y teres the | per cent. interest, amounting in whole to the sum of Five Thousand Dollar, and payable twenty years after the date thereof as a bonus to assist them in establishing and maintaining « Stove Foundry in the Villdge of Oshawa. ! Whereas the above named parties have associated themselves together and agreed to procure a charter of incorporation for the yurpose of carrying on at the Village of Oshawa, the County of Ontario, the business of Stove Founders, and have purchased a suitable site therefor, and are erecting thereon expensive and suitable buildings, and have applied to this W. WIGG & SON, Cabinetmakers and Undertakers | SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA. 105 Lounges, Desks, Tables, Bookcases, Bureaus, Cupboards, | Eedstead Washstands, Chairs, Mattrasses, Looking Glasses, and ' FURNITURE Sideboards, Sofas, Stands, Corporation for a bonus of Five Thousand Dollars, and the Council of this Municipality have resolved to grant them by way of b.nus to assist them in establishing and carrying on the said business thir Debentures to the said amount, bearing interest at the rate of six per | cent. per annum, and payable twenty years after the date thereo!, ; And Whereas, to carry into effect the said recited object, it will be necessary for the said Council fo issne their Debentures for the said sum of Five Thousand Dollars in manner here- inafter mentioned. And Whereas, it will require the sum, of five hundred and fifty dollars to be raised @nnnally by special rate for the payment of principal and interest of the said Debentures, as also herein- after mentioned. And Whereas, the amount of the whole rateable property of the said Municipality, irrespective of any fature increase of the same, and also irrespective of any increase to he de- rived from the temporary investment, of the sinking fund thereinafter mentioned or ary part thereof, according to the last revised asses- sment roll of the ssid Municipality, being for the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy- three, six hundred and twenty-eight thousand eight hundred and twenty-five dollars. And Whereas the existing debt of the said Municipality Is thirteen thousand dollars, the whole thereof being principal and no portion thereof being for interest, And Whereas, for paying *he intereag,_and creating an equal yearly sinking fund for ind the said sum of Five Thousand Dollars and interest as hereinafter mentioned, it will require an equal, annual special rate of --- 1000 parts of a mill in the dollar in addition to ali other rates to be levied in each year. Be it therefore enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Village of Oshawa, as follows ; 1. That it shall be lawful for the Reeve of said Municipality to cance any number of Deben- tures of said Municipality for sums of money not less than One Hundred Dollars each to be made, but'not exeeeding in the whole the sum of Five Thousand Dollars, and that the said Debentures shall be sealed with the Seal of the said Municipal Council and be signed by the Reeve thereof. 2. That the said Debentures shall ke payable at twenty years at furthest from the day herein- after appointed for this By-Law to take effect at the Office of the Treasurer of this Municipality, and shall have the payment of interest, 3. That the said Debentures shall bear in- terest at and after the rate of six per cent. per annum from the date thereof which interest | shall be payable on the thirteenth pay of the month of July and the thirty-first day of December, in each year at the office of the Treasurer of this Municipality. 4. That for the purpose of forming a sinking fund for the payment of the Debentures and interest Bt the rate aforsaid to become 19 due thereon, an equal special rate of ----- 1000 rts of a mill in the dollar shall, in addition to all other rates, be raised, levied and collected in each year upon all the rateable property in the said Municipality during the continuance of the said: Debentures, or any ot them. 5. That the said Debentures shall not he deliv- ered to the said parties, or to any or either of them, or to any other person or persons until the said foundry buildings shall be completed and security given to the satisfaction of the Council for carrying on the said business for at least the term of ten years, and the continuous employment therein for at least nine months of each year of at least thirty workmen. 6. This By-Law shall take effect and come into Jorce on the first day of September, in the year of our Lord One Thausand Seventy-Ehree, 7. That the votes of the electors of this Muni- cipality shall be taken upon the said proposed By-Law at the Towa Hall, in the said V Oshawa, on the Seventh day of Aungu o year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-Three, between the hours of nine | o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock in the afternoon, &nd that Lyman English shall be | Returning Officer tv take the votes thereat, NOTICE. The above is a true copy of a proposed By-law | which will be taken into consideration by the | Council of thé Corporation of the Vil of Oshawa after one month from the first pr a- | tion thereof, the date of wihch first publication was the ninth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy. | three, and that for the purpose of taking the | votes of the electors thereon, a poll will be held between the hours of nine o'clock in the forenoon and four o'clock in the afternoon of Thursday, the seventh day of Angus, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy- toree, at: the Town Hall in the wllage of Oshawa. Dated this eighth day of July, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-three. LYMAN ENGLISH, Clerk of the Council of Oshawa, The American 16-1w Button-Hole, Overseaming AND COMPLETE Sewing Machine. J.F. KELLOGG Genearl Agent for the Dominion. The first and only Button-hele and Sewing Machine Combined that has made its advent in this or any other country. AF The following reasc i t ie Sie ng ons are. given why this Best Family Machine to Purchase: 1. Because it will do everything that any ma- chine can do, sewing from the finest to the coarsest material. Lemming, felling, cording, braiding, gathering and sewing on at the same time, rufiling, quilting, ete., better than any other machine. 2. Because the tensions are more easi) adjusted than any other Machine. y 3. Because it can work a beautiful button-hole making as fine a pearl as by the hand. 4. Becanse it will embroider over the edge, making a neat and beautiful border on any garment. 5. Because it will work a beautiful eyelet hole. 8. Bfcause it can do over-handed peaming, by which sheets, pillow cases and the like are sewed over and over. 7. Because you can feed to adapt it to thic 8. Because you have a short deep bobbin which the thread is constantly dan from the centre ; the tension is consequently even, and does not break the thread 0. Because the presserfoot turns back : that the cloth can be easily removed after being sewed. » 10. B the best hanic pr it Hie best Suished and as ) the best principle of any machine manufactured. It has no springs to break ; nothing to get out of order. B it is two hines in Gne--A But orking and Sewing Machine uickly raise or lower the or thin cloth. 11. ton-Mole W Combined. 4% No other Machine can accomplish th kind of sewing stated in Nos 3, 4, 5and 6. . Parties using a family Sewing Machine want a Whole Machine. one with all the improve- ments. It is to last a LIFETIME, and therefore one is wanted that will do the most work and do it nar ee acne os sine each wing not done on am; r e besides doing every kinda that all others can ac The American or Plain sowing Machine 4 (Without the button-hol , di 1) t b) bie e parts), daes al] that is one on the Co and overseaming, The undersigned has been appoin agent for the Dominion of Canada. Red genpra) Agents Wanted in Every County! Good Inducements. Apply to J. F. KELLOGG, OSHAWA, ONT. Orrick axp Sarzsroom Grimes' Brock, Over McRae & Co's Store. 16-2y Insolvent Act of 1869. CANADA, ) In the County Court of Ontario, "i a % 5 the Unite Counties ¥ of Northumberlan he United Counties and ham of Nort hu mberland bu and Durham. n, except button-hole I'n the matter of ™ . HENRY ELDRIDGE, An I [9 31 TUESDAY, THE 10rx DAY OF JST next, the unders gned will appl Wo the Sige 3( ihe said Court for a discharge at Bowmanville, this tenth day of July, A.D. 180. f HENRY ELDRIDGE, Wa. H. g R: V.CHUBBE. OWE, od attached thereto coupons for | sight Huudred and Agent in Oshawa for the | | Dominion Noiseless Patent Steel Spring Bed Bottom, Clean, healthy, comfortable and durable, approved of before all others by those who have had them, and sure to give satisfaction. Also sole Agent for PALLINGS PATENT BALANCE WINDOW BLIND 'ROLLER, A first-rate article, Pictures in great variety. Frames made with neat- ness and despatch. Children's Carriages and Perambulators-always on hand. 0: UNDERTAKING. Special attention paid to Undertaking. shortest notice. A splendid Hearse furnished when required. | kept on hand and made to order. Terms reasonable. Coffins Jo pou MN ATINALOALSHY d'100 "0% 'HINAMIM HIANVINHOLYM } | v HE (02) soorad pue en[ea poo ¢ dea a1 yw Ing 'PojuBIIB AA pur padieday] A(njade)d | | « 100 910§0q spoof 81 aes puv [uo © wy 918 ol 'goTovgoody 20 'eye I-T0ATIY 'Aree 'SI00TD 'SOTOITM TIVISNIdIH 'M AHOLS AUTIMAC MAN FHL 'aouyd oy '[[9% 0} PUNOQ BIE PUT SIIUISH( ULOW OM HONAONNY OL FTAVAT DHL pu QUTTALS 190%] ay OVEN 'MAN #1 00g sy 8% 'axotymos(o sasuyound Luw Bury oq [[1& '9JUOLIJUT JO OJUI[AP HOY JOU OIVI Ip 'SMO01D ANV SIHOLVM NI MHOM TV uy 9av oym Lue ojjauy L[[RIPI0O PMOM PUY 'ssaulenq oj paudado mou §] 101g LIPMIL mou SIH LVHL 'VAMAVHS(Q 'LSVI JLIAYLS ODNIY "M0071g S,NOSTIM IPquIwWaX osea| J | | | | | New Just arrived at the Goods, NEW FIGURED BALERNOS, NEW STRIPED SATEENS, NEW STRIPED POPLINS, NEW LUSTRE SERGES, NEW BEACK LUSTRES, NEW PRINTS- at the BEE HIVE. J. BARNARD, BEE HIVE, King Street, Oshawa Osmawa, March 27th, 1873. CERTIFICATE OF AGENCY. authorized Agent, for the sale of f ' a Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch - - - Family Se Machines. This further certifies that Mr. L. Prudhont has the exclusive right of selling our Sewing Machines in the village of Oshawa, and'that he is also authorized to appoint Agents for the sale of our Machines, in said Territery. Such agents have all the rights and privileges of the trade, as though appointed by us.- Signed for the Company, : . J. J. COLLINS, 8¢, Catharines, Out. The above Machine is one of the best Family "Machines in the market, and only needs to be seen to be appreciated. Prices, $23 without stand and $30 with stand. Agents wanted. g& A second-hand Grover & Baker Manufact Mac fi - Wi aed, FEA Bakar Ras using hine for sale cheap. Warranted CONSISTING OF Men's Wear of all Classes, Ladies', Misses' add Children's, of all Classes and Sizes, To be Sold at a Reduction of 20 Per Cent, IN ORDER TO MAKE ROOM FOR SPRING STOCK. A share of public patronage solicited. : 3 - | 9 Of all kinds and qualities kept constantly on hand. Also Funerals attended to on the | We have a splendid stock of Black and Colored Kid Gloves Ls certifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our duly and Silent A LARGE LOT OF BOOTS AND SHOES SPRING. CLOTHING. a BEST QUALITY, CALE AT GURLEY'S SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING. He has just received his : NEW STOCK, Which will be found complete, 4 3eautiful Vest and Pant Patterns, | Slothing of all kinds made the shortest moti A CALL SOLICITED. to order on' & If you waht to get' HORSESHOEING =~OR~ REPAIRING OF ANY a Up to Time | On Time | And in Time | BAMBRIDGES, SIMCQE ST. NORTH. INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, New York, Queenston and v Liverpool | = City or RICHMOND. City or MONTREAL. CITY 0* BROOKLYN, ¥ CITY OF Paris. CITY OF BRUSSELS. City o¥ NEw YORK. Ory or LoNpox, TERT Liverpool, - - oH BSB ets can Fs BE ar "YC Ww. SMITH, Qsmawa. \ LDWELL? YSPEPS!A jel oURES LONDON, QUEBEC; MONTREA TEMPERLEY'S LINE SCOTLAND, DELTA, 3 THAMES, = LE a oD aroly Ets igi 8 season London for Quebec and Montreal as follows: THAMES - - = Saturdag. 4 the {Via Halifax and St John A Doane: «<< Baterdesoan. 3 MEDWAY - "= - Wednesday, 7th NiaNza - = SceTLAND and every alternate Wi thereafter. And from Quebec for follows : THAMES SEVERN SUMMER | By Time | / Le? 5 fnot paid. ind Of tacy errears acy LATEST gree or .. ! . AND WH.FRZID NUY'S § XN LA esideace, Ri Ki = FYEETH A latest pri cheapest, aud with Gold an apin by produ ntal Roo A sou's Dr Oilieg o Bros, © 2 RR Eion . in ARRIS LICITON Pablie, Oshaw. cue Streets JF YONEY Conveynne LX tario. . Coclirane| 0. 2 emzE ARRISTH T-LAW, > ALL H ance gl siawa. Agent) to and from New of HOOP: Friel nid. The aeory -- = ROOKLIN hg the Lsolated of Uanada, Toros & Also, Qi] "les, 0 Appraiser for the) Lo, 8ndiSavings Socie . rites of int GX, ARRISTEH Solicitor in ry he Broek Street, W b : og Fits - i, Prvsia sur, and Card $5 to $20 A an offic --sime FFICE" HOU Q'clock pm. [iE Union & 0, vepapabin shawa, July 16th, } nt of mo ve I] Lowest Possible AR and pooner ya any or