Ontario Reformer, 6 Aug 1873, p. 3

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ODD TH) g Street, CLOT Hix AND --. E stablishmeng, -- -- DID STOCK OF ] ATS AND PS. ETI ATS. AND CALL AT DDERS, 2h, 1873. 181y STOCK OF S, Organs; Stationery étc, Call and examine, _R WELLINGTON. / SUPPLY OF 3 J ' OPES & VIEWS; t received af R. WELLINGTON'S.' ONE Y. M. C. A. ORGANIZATION OF A USEFUL 'SOCIETY FOR OSHAWA, We were not disappointed Inst week in our anticipations of success for the pro- posed enterprise of establishing a Young | Men's Christian Association in Oshawa, | and considering the short notice given, Onlmig RWeforuer, IS THE BEST PAPER IN THE COUNTY AND THE Only Profitable Advertising Medium osn AWA WEDNESDAY, AUGUST ¢, ONTARIO KEFORMEK, OSHAWA, WEDNESDAY, BOWMANVILLE FACTORY. MANDSOME DIVIDEND. SPECIAL TELEGRAM TO REFORMER, * Bowsaxvitee Ang. 5th At a meeting of thy Directors of the | Bawmanville Cabinet Factory, held here | this aftor noon, a dividend of fifteen per | | erodit is duo to Mr. Warren, and "other | officers of the Society, for their success- [ ful efforts to provide enteftainmient for | the publie. The affsir wound up with a | dance in| Hobbs' Hall which was still in progress, when our reporter returned. A ---- A Excursion ano Pre-Nic ox Toh 1st. | According to announcement, the lst of AUGUST 6, 1507w. Chorus, Stewart; Hear the Postilion. Duet, Abt ; Bertic's Schottische, Kinkel ; An Instrumental Piece. Becht; The Reaper's Dasice. Kinkel ; Golden Hours. Morcean de Salen, Wilson; You can se cure the above pieces of New Music by sending 30c. for No. 71 Peters' Musical Monthly ; or the last eight numbers will ASS E JARS! ROW On Sale, ab Brothers. fied Sugar I R-- OLLAR BROS. Stoves --~Preparations for casting are | wow being made in the new Stove Foundry, Hien Scmoon. ~-- The Oshawa Union Schoal will resume work, after the sum- | | the meeting to ascertain tho feeling in | regard to this question, was very largely attended, About one hundred and fifty p'rsons were presont, including some of our most prominent citizens, whe are mer holidays, next week. not altogether young men, and whom we Excursion. -- The Oddfellows excursion | to Rochester will take place on Tuesday | next. Our Waterworks. --The reservoirs for "supplying water. to the fire engines, are being bricked up, and will soon be com- pleted. Commexcep, --The walls of Gibbs Bros. buildiag, corner of Simcoe and King stréets, have been commenced, and are now going up rapidly. Work. --The shafts for the Ottaw wate: - works are now inthe course of construc tion at the Joseph Hall Works in this | town. They weigh about a ton each. Romsox House.--This old stand in Whitby bas been taken by Mr. Rae, and is being refitted and renovated, prepara- | tory to being re-opey d Couxar rte The East Whitby Township cotineil held a regular meeting, at Columbus on Monday evening at which considerable business was transacted. $18, will buy that desirable Silver Hunting, *' Inverted Patent Lever Watch,' full Jewelled, and time guaraut-ed, at Hepinstall's, Jewelry Store King Street, "Oshawa. Seecrat MeetiNe.--A special meeting of the members of Victoria Lodge 0.Y.B's will be held on This (Wednesday) Evening, at Eight o'clock. Every member is re- quested to attend. TarorinG at Wm. Ihckie's. A large as- sortment of New and Fashionable Clothes, New Hats, Collars, Ties, &c. Boots and | French Calf Boafs, ! Shoes, a specialty. very cheap. Call early and leave your orders. Sermon. --The funeral sermon of the deceased infant child of Mr. Isiah Carrol, | will be preached in th: M. E. Church, by the Rev. B. L. Hutton, next Sunday morning. Wm. Dickie is offering the balance of his stock very low, prior to removal to his new building. A- mew Jot of children's Boots, Shoes, and Slippers just received. Tun. --We regret to learn of the illness of two of our most popular merch wuts, Messrs. McRae and Shea. Both gentle- men are recovering, and we hope soon to see them at their posts again, WaNT REPAIRING. --Some of the culverts on the road between Dufiins Creek and | "Brougham are in a very unsrfa'eondition and-wonld be good subjects fur the atten- tion of the overscers of nghways. See, See--"Tis a pasture fact that Rns- ell's celebrated watch is #011 as cheap, amd a little cheaper in Oshawa, than Toronto men. advertise te do. Be sure then before sending your money from home, to see those goods and learn the prices going at Hepinstall's Jewellery store. CoRrRESPONDENTS Wass. --We wish to procure intelligent, active and reliable seorrespondents in every village and town- / ship in South Ontario and West Durham, to whom we are preparel t) offer liberal remuneration. Axormez Removir.--Philip Taylor, | Watchmaker and Jeweller, intend soon to remove into the store recently occupied by J. A. Gibson's book-store and ewnad by him, and the stand is being enlarged and refitted in order to accomodate his busi- ness. : Crmaxriox Base Barn Maren. -- The 'St. Lawrence Base Ball Club, of Kingston and the River Counties, and the Beavers, of Newcastle, will play a match game 'in the latter place, for the championship of Canada, on Tharsday next. Accipext.-- Daring the .tafiing of Mr. Beth Mitchell's barn, gn Monday, an sc- | cident ocoutred which might havg been attended with serious consequenées In. taking down one of the posts, a joice | and which had been entered slipped ont, in falling wtrnck = man on ths fore head, stanaing kim, bat providentally not inflicting a serious wound. Reroruation.--There are a large nnm- ber of vacant lots in the village, whase owners seem to be vying with each other, as to who shall raise the tallest thistles, and the most luxnriamt burdocks, to the great disgust of prudent gardeners whose | well cultivated lots are continually ** seed- | ed down" Reform is loudly needed. Suxpay Tesmperance Meerixe.--The Temperance meeting las: Sabbath, in the | Sons' Hall was wvnusually well attended, the mention of the Rev. Mr. Rice's name, having attracted a good many of that gen- | #leman's old friends, and the services were of a nature to be profitable to all who participated with these pernicious weeds. | | sembly was large, were glad to see taking such an interest in the matter. Among thoss présent' we noticed the Rev. Messrs. Montgomery, Scott, Kenner, of Oshawa, and Moxon, of Toronto, Mr. Wilkia, Secretary of the | Toronto Association, Mr. Grey, Sacretary | of the Port Hope Association, Messrs. W. HL. Gibbs, M.P., Jas. Carmichael, E. K. Glen, John Steele, P. Thornton, Jesse P. Luke, 'and numerous others of our townsmen. W. H. Gibbs, M. P., wss voted into | the chair, and the meeting was opened with prayer by the Rev. Mr. Montgomery. Mr. Wilkie then addressed the wudience | at some length, showing the ubject of the Society and the good that might be accom- | plished by i. Hoa pointed out the fruits | of the labors of the Toronto Branch, ana urged the advisability of establishing one | here, Rev. Mr. Moxon, Church of England | Minster, Toronto, follotred in a brief and eloquent address to "he same end. Mr. Grey, Secretary of the Port Hope | Association, addressed the meeting in favor of the cause, in a very practical aud effective speech. The Chairman then put the motion to | tho meeting, whether or not it was advis-' a le to establish a Yonug Men's Christian Association for the town of Oshawa, and the motion was unanimously decided in the affirmative.* Thirty-two gentlemen expressed their | intention of becoming active members of the Society, and to meet last evening for the purpose of electing officers and and other purposes of | | orgamization, said committee eonsisting of the following gentlemen :--Jas. Carmich- ael, Convener, W. H. Gibbs, E. K. Glen, P. Thdraten, Jho. Luke, R. Dillon, E. Barclay, A. Hen- | derson, Thos. Kirby, D. A. Budge, C. Allen, J. S. Larke and R. Larard. The meeting then adjourned till Tues- | day (yesterday) Evening. large number of others interested, met in the San's Hall, Mr. Jas. Carwichael acting as chairman Aftér some harmonions discussions the following gentlemen were elected office- bearers: -- President - James Carmichael, Vice-Presidents--W. H. Gibbs, M.P., Jno. Steele, Geo. Young, and C. Allen. Cor. Secretary-- Geo. Barclay. Rec. Secretary--A. A. Budge. Treasurer--Samuel Wood. . Joard of Managers--R. Dillon, Theos. | Kirby, C. M. Hurlburt, J. P. Luke, J O. Henry, and R. Larard. | As the general association year dates from October to Octeber, thers will be afiother election on the first Twvesday in month. On motion of Mt. Steele, the following | were appointed honorary members : Hon. T. N. Gibbs. A. Farewell M.P.P., W. F. Cowan, Esq., Dr. McGill and F. W | Glen, Esq. The meeting then adjourned. that DUFFINS OREZE 3. 0. CZUROE. LAYING OF THE CORNER STONE YESTERDAY. The ceremony of Tying the foundation stone for a new B. C- Church, at Duffin's Creek, was performed yesterday. The opening hymn was annonnced by | Rev. J. Keuner, after which Rev. A. Schuster deposited au air tight bottle, con- | aiming the names of Reeve of Township, Pastor of Church, Trustees, Choir, Baild- . | ing Committge, Arciitect, Contractor, a copy of the | Globe, Mail, Observer, in the cavit tho stone. Reeve of Pickering, with a trowel! suitably inseribed, who proceeded-4o lay the stone After trying it with the spirit level, plum- | level, and perpendicular, and pronounced laid in the name of the Trinity, | examined the plans, | proved, and handed them to the Building Committee. He then offered some pertitent resaarks, after which, Rev. J. J. Rice, | from Torouto, offered tae consecration | | prayer. Next came an earnest, outspoken and telling sermon from the Rov. J. | Kenner. This being over, the Assembly Sopaired to Mr. SBevon's grove, and partook o excellent tea, followed by admirable a dresses frem the Reeve of Pickering, Revd's. Pecuy, Ross, Guard, J. J. Rice, and J. Kenner. = Considering the harvesting, the as- the proceédings of a Tue Crors.--We are pleased to lerrn | happy character, and we should think from all quarters, of the continued im- provements of the prospects of a good | crop of spring cereals. The recent rains | have had a wonderfully revivyfying effect, | and it is net inrprobable that the crop of | | proceeds of tea ang subscription satislac- tory. RAILWAY SMASH-UP ON THE GRAND TRUNE. On motion, a Committee was appointed i Steele, J. P..| and | Minutes of the B. C. Conference, for 1873, | - | mit, aud square, he declared it square and He next | declared them ap- | | eont was declared upon the stock. BOWMANVILLE NEWS. | FROM OUR OWN OC /RRESPONDENT. BowMANVILLE, Aug! 4th. colp WATER vs. whiskey. One of our liquor dealers, John Milne, his lately got himself into trouble for | | violation of the license law. It appears | | that he, as well as other liquor dealers, | have been in the Rabit of selling by the | | glass, chnirary to law, and on the 19th | and 20th of last month, Samuel Poland { laid information against Mr. Milne. Summonses were issued, but to the surprise of a great many, no trial tuok place. | People began to talk about *" bribery ™ | and *' corruption ; " and finally, Mr. C. Bounsall took the case in hand and charged Mr. Peter Coleman, the acti ing | constable, with being instruments] in | having the cases withdrawn by Poland, | he (Poland) to receive $10 for so doing. { Mr. Coloman was cailed to the judgment bar on Thursday -ol last week, and pleaded not guilty. taken to Milne's office by Colman ; | to having received £10 from Coleman on | consideration of withdrawing the cases, {and that he was really bought for the | sam of 810. $10 is more, Mr. Elit ir, | than 3 ship load of such creatures are { worth. Mr. €oleman swore that the £10 paid | | by him to Poland was the amount I eosts | on a Division Court case which Milne had { » and that it had nothing against Poland | whatever t5 do with the liquur cases. evidence, but admitted :hat he thought |} by his paying 810, the liquor cases would | be withdrawn. The presiding magistrates, F. Cubitt, and 'W. Thompson, Esqs., disagreed on their decision, but have matter to the Crown Attorney. Judge- | ment is to be given on Wednesday. Shovld Coleman be found guilty he will get three menths in the commbn gaol. | Proceedings will be instituted against Milne for the violation of the liconse law. COAL OIL EXPLUSION--LOSS OF LIFE. | | asi | On Friday last, a most melarcholy ac | Last evening the Committee; with a cident happened to a lad by Edwards, only son of Dr. Edwards, of Montreal. W. C. Edwards, aged 14 | years was in the employ of Messrs. R. & H. O'Hara, photographers, and on above day went down to Mr. O'Hara's | house--the family being absent on a | holliday tour---to { While there, he lit a fire, for what pur- Fuse is unknown. To make the fir up quicker, he took the coal oil can nd poured some of the oil on the ignited to pieces, and scattering the Murning fluid all over the | poor boy. in flan.es, the name of th print plLotdgraphs. » burn fire, when it blowing the car In an instant he was enveloped to kelp The boy rushed out of the house, men passing at the tic knocked hin down and tore the cl off him. Dr with no one near him. and two Poyle was hastily ca , bit his assist- ance proved of no avail, the same might, after suffering agonies. Mis pr to abonf the untold rems were telefraphed sad occurrawce, and his 1 here on the following morninfoc » late to see her dear boy alive. By order of Myx. Bryd gos, a Pullman err mother arrive free of charge, aud on Saturday evening the remains of the poor unfortunate boy were taken to Moutfeal, there to be in- terred. 3 ger ANNUAL MEETING. dividend of 10 per cent. will be declared on the paid up stock of the Company. The affairs of the Company are in a most flourishing condition. PACIFIC RAILWAY PETITIONS. | Petitious to the Governor General, both parties. BASE BALL. ; The Kingston Base Ball Club arc ex | pected here on Fiday, first tv play a game | with the Victorias of this place. THE ¥. M. ©. Ai. Isée by the RerorMer that efforts are being made up there to start 'a Young S | Man's Christian Association. I am glad | to bear of it, and hope it will prove a | | success. The Y. M. C. A. of this place { has lately rented a building and fitted up |® nice hall, where vhey have, in adition | to their regular meetings, a free reading | room, open every night to the public. Frick. rr -- A -- ST. PATRION'S RENOVELENT SOCIETY. THE ANNUAL PI1O- NIC. Benevolent Society came off yesterday, as sunounced in Annis' Grove. Poland swore to having been | to { Mr. Milne corroborated Mr. €oleman's | some pcints of law, and have not yet given | referred the | == us the boy died | was placed at the disposal of Mrs. Evans, | The annnal meeting of the Bowmanville | furniture Manufacturing Company will | be held to-morrow, when it is expected, a | ob | praying that the House of Commons may | He then presented T. P. White, Esq, { not be prorogued till after the Pacific | Scandal investigation takes place, are being | nomerously signed here by lesding men of | The Abnual Pic-nic of the St. Patrick's | The pro- | ceedings were not properly begun till the | be sent you, post-paid, for $2. Address, J. L. Perens, 500 Broadway New York. | Avgunt was duly observed as a public holiday in Whithy and Port Perry, the stores in both places 'being clused, and | business generally suspended for the day. About 7 a. m., a crowded excursivn train { left Whitby f6¢ Port Perfy, on W. & Pt. | P. R. R., and shortly after reaching that | place, in company with the pleasure | seekers of . that village, they embarked on | board the Ida May for Washburn's { I laud, where they were met by the | Lindsay excursion. A pleasant day was | spent, and all retarned home well iatis- | Bf | fied with the results of the holiday. A | game of lacrosse was to be played in Whitby | B ¥ during the afternoon, but did not come off land. % and those who didn'ttake part in that| Qe exergise, " went fishing." | Persss' Mosicar Moxtary, No 72, is | to kand, and contains the following selec- tions uf New Music. Lost and Cast { Away. Song and Chorus, Hays; My | Love Sleeps under the Daisies, Persley ; | Will he come Home to-night! Song, ! Potatoes, Jer bag. { Danks; My Dear Old Mother. Songand Hay, ®ton,......... BIRTHS. In Oshawa, on the 3rd inst., the wife of the Rev. B. L. Hutton, of a daughter. BE Nuhfuytif di adaad lg H Commercial, ! E8888 52838888588 C82 NER EESBEELESS : sa "ws at Boocsoo™; 2888223 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR A. & S. NORDHFEIMER, DEATERS IN 'Pianos and Musical Instruments; | . | 15, KING ST. EAST, TORONTO. iy 2 AT WIGHTMANS | 300 Pairs Ladies' Prunella Gaiters at 65 cents a pair. Harrockes' White Cottons, fine, and yard wide,at York shilling. 1640 yards Fancy Summer Dress Goods at a York shilling a yard, regular price 20 c. and 25°¢c. Linen Grenadines and Tasso Linens, plain and striped at a York Shilling a yard. Fine striped silk 'mixed Poplins at 27¢, regular price 40¢: Fine Black Grenadines at a York shilling a yard. Fine Chambray Costume Cloths, and: plain colored prints in | Pink, Lilac and Drab, at a York shilling a yard. 16 pieces Heavy Cotton Caton Flannels at a York shilling a yd. 60 pieces Heavy Grey Cottons slightly damaged on voyage of importation, at i0ca yard. Yard wide bleache Factorys, scoured and shrunk 'at a York shilling. 32 inch bleached Factory, scoured and shrunk, at 10c: 38 picces marted Poplinettes, good cloth, nice colors, new | goods, suitable for the early fall trade, 18¢ a yd., worth 30. | A few Moire Antique Watered Silk Poplin Dresses in Blue, | Black, Dark Gray, Dark Drab and Light Brown, at $5 50; regular price $7,50. A few fine figured Japanese Silks in Black, Drab, Brown and Purple, at 65c ; regular price 85c and 90ec. A few fine Fancy striped Crape Silks, in Blue, Brown and Green mixtures, at 75c¢ ; regular price $1 125. A few Fancy stgiped Silks in fine qualities, Purple, Green dnd Browns, at 90c ; regular price $1.35. A few Plain Colored Silks in Drab, Fink, Slate, Lavendar, Blue and Steel Grey, at $1 a yard ; regular price $1 35. Fine Black Silks; a full range of qualities and widths, all at greatly reduced prices. | 30 pairs Nottingkam Lace Curtains, at 65}c., $1 2, £1 50, 82 and $2 50 a pair. Table Linens in White, Cream and unbleached. Table Cloths, Toilet Covers, Antimacassars, Damasks, Repps, Curtains Holders, &c. A few. pieces Fancy Check Flannels; all wool, new goods, just received, at 25¢. per yard. A few pieces Tapestry Carpets, fine patterns, at 80c. a yard. | A few pieces Crossley Best Tapestry Carpets, registered pat- terns, at 81 a yard. 2 Cases Heavy Canadian Tweeds, all wool, just received, at 70 cents a yard. . 6 Dozen Men's Fancy Jean Shirts, at 55 cents each. Brown Linen Drills for Men's Pants at York Shilling a yard. | Gents' Fine White Shirts, broad Plaits, at 85 cents es P ure Black Silk Chantilly Lace Shawls, $5 quality, will be sold for $3 50 $7 $4 90 85 75 $775 $5 25 $4 00 « "« es ge $10 * " | " ve Jackets, $8 " | - $7 | WILLIAM mM. WIGHTMAN, (Late W, F. Cowan,) Oshawa and Prince Albert. « w "« Hurrak for Old No. 1 on the Corner! Just arrived, a Hikes aa and well selected Stock, lof UMMER GOODS! CONSISTING OF | Tweeds, Broad Cloths, Doeskins, Dennums, Shirtings, Gray Cottor Steamlooms, Prints, Ginghams, Table Linens, T le Napkins, Towellings, Tickings, Lace Curtains, Damasks, Blac and Colored Kid Gloves, Ribbons, Velvets, Hoisery, Corsets, Hoop Skirts and Bustles. | WOOLY WOOL. WHEAT, WHEAT CASH PAID FOR any quantity of WOOL, WHEAT AND OATS. J. W. FOWKE. ORGAN FACTORY. The Oshawa Organ FACTORY] wine FEAR es RemoveDj en Nie BOWMANVILLE! Special announcement in a Few Days. Look Out for It. Chan, of Business, Selling | off at Jost. S. TREWIN. Sacrifice Sale, before moving | into New Shop. S. TREWIN. Cheap Goods for One Month. 8S. TREWIN. Balance of Stock must be cleared out before 1st Sept. S. TREWIN. TREWIN offers Great Bar- gains just now. Clearing Sale until 1st Sept. S. TRE x. Bouts and Shoes and Groceries TREWINS. Very Cheap, at spring wheat this season will be one of thie | 2 . best we have had for years. a A: " ._ | afternoon last, at Oshawa Station, resuit- BuiLping. -- Bailding operations In | Aserious smash-up occured on Thursday | W afternoun,as a large number fron Toronto, | had promised te attend, and had | ALSO A LARGE AND BEAUTIFUL STOCK OF Oshawa are being puthed forward with great vigor. In addition to the handsome block of stores being constructed on the busindes streets, theqré are numerous dwelling houses in course of construction in various parts of the town--, and still the demand continues greater than tho supply. Taz Temperance Cavse.--The officers | of Oshawa Temple, No. 501, were duly | installed by Bro, J. 8. Saunders, T.| Deputy, on Friday, August lst for term sading October Sist 1873, viz : W. C. T.--Bro. D. McCallan, W. V. T.--fister BE. Reid; W. 8.--Bro. J. W. Cuadlipp, " OG. May, , C.-- " R. B. Montgomery, . T.--Sister J. Reid, . M.--Bro. W. Kirby, L G.--Sister M... Alexauder, 0, G.~ Bro. J. Gregory. There ars now 125 membiérs belonging ins in the partial destruction of two engines and other damage. It seems that a special freight train boimd west, was engaged under the protection of the sema- phore, in shunting ears on Whiting's siding. owside, and a brakesman of a train | standing on the oppusite siding, which was anxious %o proceed, thinkiig the special wis } 3 put down the sewa- | phore, and driver proceeded. The special st this'time was standing a little | on the main track, snd the result was, that | the two engines collided, smashing both, and damaging several cars, and tearing up the track. The damage done will proedly | them, for some unexplained reason did not come to hand, aud the consequence | was that a good deal of *ipe was needlessly | spent in making peeparations for their | reception. However, in the afternoon a of ladies; were in atteadance at the grove and if the numbers did not chme up to general anticipation, the deliciency was | more than made up by the completuness {of he arrangements, and the thorough opportunities affurded for pleasant enjoy- ment. The fine band of the 34th Bait, was in attendance and added mu ch to the | inter est by its excellent m ele, to hich ja sent word to have our people prepared he | PLAIN AND FANCY DRESS C0oDS Lustres from 20 cts. to $1 10, Black Silks from 75 cts to 83 50. Cobeurgs, Paramatias, Crapes; and every description of Mourn | iug Goods. Another train bound east, was | large crowd of persons, sumong whom we | Also the Largest and Best Stock of BOOTS and SHOES ever offered | were glad to notice a very large propertion | to the Public, | Special lines in Ladies Prunellas, Glaze Kids and Seal Gaiters, 300 pairs of Prunellas at 90 cts. to 81 00. Leather Satchels and Carpet Begs at ali Prices. ALSO A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF GENTS FURNISHINGS, Cimsisting i in Part of White and and Colored Shirts in latest patterns and Cuts, Felt, Stiaw and Panama Hats, Bows, Neck-ties, Collars, Hoisery, Braces, Gloves and Unbrellas. Having secured the services «f a First-class Tailor, we ave prépared io - get up Suits at the Shortest Notice. The usaal stock of Hardware, Crockery Groceries, Carpets and Haber. I ey rt oll v3 10 Dea J. W.FOWE, OLD NO. 1. Cheap Woolens at TRewix®, for One Month. 'General Crockery and ( ---- e-- ALEXANDER & BRYOR Will offer special iuducements to Customers FOR THIRTY DAYS, In the following departments :-- Dress Goods; Wr ne AT COST: Parasols; . at AT COST. Millinery, "AT COST. Beautiful Qualities in Black Silks at $1 and $1 20. Steattlooms, Tele Linens. Tabie Nankivs, T Fuiary Coftonsy Covers, Quilts, Tickings, Shirtings, Denims, To very much below the usual prices: Call and examine Prices and judge for yourselves. ALEXANDER & BRYCE. Wilson's Block, King Street, Oshawa. i BEDROOM SUI Lai WE HAVE NOW IN OUR SHOW ROOMS To Select from, Raging in Price From $25 to $200 each. PARILOR SUT ee) DINING ROOM SETTS; And othor Furniture, in great variety, all of First-class : Seki aufaotuse dads LUKE & BROTHER: S-14-1y Crhawa, July 15th, 1873. di go oprl], Joumrmung ne uo Bulon) AMON. "won 2 S00 hs 3 1873. FRUIT SEASON. 873. TEN TONS] OF THE BEST ERIGHT CRYSTALIZED SUG FOR PRESERVING! "TO BE HAD OF BLAMEY & BRIGGS. ry Chine SL a 2 ite nite Tea. White Granite Toilet s from. 82 60, equally The New Store! ! 50 SETS OF BEDROOM SUITES; "n ET

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