Ontario Reformer, 6 Aug 1873, p. 1

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EST STYL AND ST QUALITY, AIX, AT RLEY 4 AVE YOUR OKDERs pon \ND SUMMER cpg ¢ has just received his \ STQCK jh will be found compl Vest and Pant Pattern, all kinds made te wing shortest 'notice. ALL SOLICITED, MOVAL T MARKET MOVED HIS MEAT M e Building directly awa AND D DEPOT SCRIBERS BEG TO ve Yard, 'etown Lime, aitural memptly attended, to. Alexander. | *PLIT at EXTRA'CHARGE. | E AN 1L.TN Alt. STEAMSHIPS, 10 AND TROM Coal. t they have now large quantity nd CORD WOOD, Salt! 'ein the Yad, "Ontario Weformer, © PUBLISHED £VSRT WEDNESDAT MORNING, The Ontario Reformer Printing "Publishing Company, Pat their office, Simcoe St. Oshawa I CONTAINS THE LATEST FOR- EIGN and Provincial News, Local Intelli- ce, County fad an instructive Miscellany. TERMS :~$1 3) per annum, in advance 1 dwithin six monthe--$21if not paid till the Io Finevear No paper discontinued uatil all rrears sre paid, except at the' option of the pokets without lisher, and parties refusing v rds up will be heid responsible for the Jeription until they comply with the rule. 3 {dressed to the Editor must be pi otherwise they may not betaken from Post Office. + RATES OF ADVERTISING. ax lines and under, first insertion Each subsequent insertion - - From six to Tamiines, first insertion Each subsequent insertion Over six lines, Hirst insertion, perline « Each subsequent jusertion - x | sccipied, measured by a scale Advestisments without sp till forbid and charg All tran v advertisements must be when hanied in. Ad vertisements must office of publication by 10 o'clock on the a vary liberal discount will bo made. W. COBURN, M.D, FP. L., ACCOUCHEUR, King Street, Osha Hotel. X LAND. Residence--oppesite W. H. i esidence, Simcoe Street, Oshawa. ROBSON HOUSE, Robson House, Whitby, C.N. VARS, L ». S. EET INSERTED ON ALL A latest principles of the art. as cheap with Gold and Silver. apin by producing local anaesthesia. = "3. FERGUSON, LC es pen o Office over the Grocery of ros., King St, Oshawa. Ni flesidence in the sane building. TR. McGEE, ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, LICITOR, Business, Commercial Matters, i The namber of lines to be reckoned by the | . . sia Newparel | Gallery lately occupied by J. E. Hoitt d accordingly. | | and - -81 7 sub. $0 50 "0751 020 ~008 | -002 space id for inthe on- morning preceeding thair first publication - Jive and others advertising by the year 'S 1 Business BDivectory. HYS{CIAN, SURGEON, AND Wa. Residence and Office--Nearly opposite Habbe | WH. FREDERICK McBRIAN, M.D. M.R.C. 8 | UY'S HOSPITAL; LONDON, ENG- | Gibbs' | ING STREET WEST, HAMILTON, Geo. Robson, Proprietor, formerly of the THE | as the cheapest, and as good as the beet. . Teeth filled Teeth extracted without | Dental Rooms--in Cowan's New Block, over Atkinson's Drug Store, King St., Oshawa, 2-42 URGERY. | mpson | All operations preformed in a skilful manner. SO- Conveyancer and _Notarie Public, Oshawa, South-East Corner of King and Simcoe Streets, : 39 MONEY to Lend. Mortgages bought and @ © 2. E FAREWELL, LL B. JUNTY . CROWN and Conveyancer. Office. &. H. Cochrane,deceased, Brock Street Ontario. GREENWOOD AND MeMILLEN ARRISTERS AND ATTORN AT-LAW. Solicitors-in-Chancery, Ni ublic.. Conveyancers, &<., Whitby. Mo oan. J. HaMER GREENWOOD. p = % R. McGEE. ATTORNEY, Barrister, Attorney, Solicitor,Notary Public, Lately Seenpicd by 245 | Corner of King and' Simcoe Streets, ~ Onfavin: a Vol. 8 -- OSHAWA, ONTARIO, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6, 157s. Reformer, After the Fire! JO& RH HENRY, Have Resumed Business in the In the Building on the 'Where they are once more prepare? to Take Photographs, And other Styles of Pictures, in all the Latest Styles, Entranee on King Street Bétween Gilletts' and Dickie's Store. | Special attention given to enlarging | | and Coloring. Photographs taken from Pictures, and enla | any Size. Oshawa, December 24th, 1872. MEDICAL HALL. OSHAWA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. For the benefit of the public, we have compiled the following business directory. comprising the names of the most "eliable dealers in the village The public will find it to their ad vantage to deal. with them : MEDICAL) Dr. Wu. Cours, King Street, imu west of Hobb's Hotel. . jeRiaely Dr. FraNCIS RAE, King Street, Dr. MCBRIAN, Simcoe Street, LXGAL. J. E. FareweLL. County Crowa Att Barrister, &e¢., Brock Street, Whitby, orRey, R. McGee, Barrister, &c., Simcoe Street. op- posite Reroruer Office, Oshawa. GREENWOOD & MCMILLAN, Brock Street Whitby. ap iA . BANKS. ponte Bahk, Simcoe Street, C. HoLLAND, anager. Deminion Bank, Simcoe Street, J. H. McLEL- LAN, Agent. M AMES HoLDEN, Money to lend, Brokerage &c., Brock Street Whitby, 4 ag DENTISTRY. J. FERGUSON, near Ragget & Shea's, King Street. C. N. Vans, Cowan's Block, King Street. AGENTS, Ke. Jory McGiLL,-Auctioner, enquire at this office C. W. Smita, Architect, Shipping and insur- ance agent, Siincoe Street. D. HoLLipAY, Insurance agent, opposite RE- FORMER office, Simcoe Street. B. SHErIN, Hoop Skirt Manufacturer, Bow- manville, HOTELS. Removal DR. DEANS ESPECTFULLY : INFORMS THE Public that the MEDICAL HALL is EMOVED to WILSON'S NEW BLOCK. NEAR THE POST OFFICE, Drugs, Chemicals, Patent Modi. | 2% His Surgery is in connection with the hop as usual. Oshiswa, Maach 12th, 1872, 'Dominien Bank | 15 | NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THE | hitby, | 2h following calls on the alloted Stock | | of the Dominion Bank, have been made "| by the Directors, and the same are pay- | EYS- otaries ney.to A. G. McMiLL i WN cw. swim, Oshawa. , Agent for the Inman Fairbanks, Esq. B. SHERIN & Co., of HOOP SKIRTS. P. HOLLIDAY, ROOKLIN, ONT., . AGENT of Canada, Toronto, a purely Canadian 1 fes, capital £2.000,0 each. Also. A Appraiser for the Canada Permanent aad Savings Society, Toronto, for loans of at low rates of interest. ie G.Y. SMITH, L LB Solicitor in 'Chancery Notary Public, de. Brock Street, Whitby. FRANCIS RAE, M, D., \ RCHITECT, PATENT, INSUR- ance and General Agent Stncde Street, of Steamers to and from New York and Liv ol. REFER- | NCE-- Messrs. Gibbs Bros, F. W Glen, Baa. ¥ WHOLESALE MANUFACTURERS Best New York Ma- | erial used. The trade supplicd on best term Factory--King Street, East. Bowmanville. FOR the Isolated Fisk Fire Insurance Company nstitu- | tion. Also, for Queen's and Lancashire Compan- | £ nt and | uilding | money 15-1 ARRISTER, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, and Insolvency, Office--McMillan's Block, 314-1, y. | able at the Banking House in Toronto, as | follows | { 10 per cent. and premiumt of 5 per cent { on the 1st July, 1873. | 110 do | 10 " | 10 a {10 10 | 10 do 1st Aug. 1873. | "1st Sept. ** | "20d Oct. " "3rd Nov. "4th Dec. * "5th Jan. | 10 "5th Feb. * {10 " 9th March 10 "9h April *¢ (By order of the Board.) ¥ R. H. BETHUNE, Cashier, 3-154 ! "Toronto; 28th May, 1873. 86,000 Worth of Stack J. Banxarp, Kin | | Where he has opened out a NEW STOCK of | | And a large stock of Fancy Articler. | CeNTRAL HOTEL, Sinicoe Street, Jas. Quigley Proprietor. DRY GOODS. J. W, Fowke, Corner Simcoe & King Sts. Street East. W. WigaTMAN, King Street. Streets. ALEXANDER & BRYCE, King Street. Wun. Dickie, King Street. 8. Trewix, King Street. | Geo, HopDER, King Street East. W. Laxa, King Street. | GENTS FURNISHINGS, TAILORS. G, GURLEY, King Street. JouxN Woop, King Street. MILLINERY AND LADIES WEAR. J. F. KeLLOG, King Street, over Mc Rae's store GROCERIES, STEELE Bros., King Street. WiGHTMAN'S (late Cowans) King Street. BLAMEY & Bricos, King Street, ¥ V, Cruss, King Street. . W, Fowkg, corner of King and Simcoe Streets. F, NEALE, Simcoe Street. CHEMISTS &* DRUGGISTS. fTepeson; King Street. R. DEANS, Medical Hall, Wilson's Block. BOOTS AND SHOES. T. G. HawtHorN, King Street. HARDWARE. Hatcn & MEARNS, King Street. JEWELLERY. Y HrePINsTALL, Wilsons Bleck, King Street. HILIP TAYLOR, Simcoe Stgeet. FURNITURE & CAPINET WARE, Wi6o & Soxs, Siuicoe Street, Luke & BROTHER, King Street East. CARRIAGE MAKERS, BAMBRIDGE, Simcoe Street, North. PRINTING, ONTDRIO REFORMER OFFICT. Simcoe Street. PHOTOGRAPHERS. J. O. HeExny, King Street. WOODY ARDS. A. ALEXANDER, King Street. BUTCHERS G. W. GArTH, King Street. pasar "WA REMOVAL MEAT MARKET. GW. GARTH, BUTCHER: AS REMOVED HIS MEAT MAR- KET to the Building directly opposite BLACK'S COMMERCIAL HOTEL, KING ST. Having fitted up a Large Airy Meat Market, second to none in Ontaiio, he hopes by having it well stocked with the best of meats in their season, to merit a share of the wants of the vants of the Citizens of Oshawa in his line. TWO PEDDLING WAGONS on the road EVERY DAY, so that his customers can be supplied at their own doors,and in good time for the oven. Ali orders left at the Market punctually atiended to. Mrs. BRooNs, Simcoe Street, opposite Quigleys | " | | 1 | | | | » F. McRAE, & Co., corner of King and Simcoe | And glimmer, glum will go the thread. | He blew a great blast and the thread was gone. | What's that? The glimmering thread once more! | Radiant and lovely. the queen of the night, | But the Moon she knew nothing about the affair gazing keenly around the shop ; dear me, that's very awkward ! What is that pile of things on the shelf just above your head there?" - 5 Hoe is told that they are chest protect. ors, "Oh, indeed! Chest protectors, eh? they wouldn't do them--they--wouldn't --do." This is said slowly as the speak- ers's eye wanders searchingly around the shbp. Presently he says again, probably pdinting rudely and officiously with his uthbrella : "Isn't that pile of things there with the red horders to them washing-gloves? Tthink they must be." They are accordingly taken down, and shown to be something quite different to washing gloves. A glimmer of intelligence will then perhaps shine upon him, and he vill say, *' Well, if you haven't got them I can't have them--eh 1" Fortry. THE WIND AND THE MOON, Said the Wind to the Moon, *" I will blow you out: = You stare In the air Like a ghost in a chair, Always looking what 1 am about-- 1 hate to ve watched ; I'll blow you out." The Wind blew hard, and out went the Moon, So deep On a heap Of cloudless sleep; Down lay tLe Wind. and slumbered soon-- Muttering low, * Iv'e done for that Moon," He turned in his bad ; site wad there again ! On high In the sky 'With her host eye, The Moch shoné white and alive and plain ; Said the Wiad, " I'll blow you out again." The wind blew hard, and the M oon grew dim. " With my sledge And my ledge Thave knocked off her edge, If I only blow right flerce and grim, The creature will sooner be dimmer than dim. He blew and he blew, rnd she thinned t0 a thread "One puff More's enough To blow her to snuff ; One good puff more where the last was bred, may think himself fortunate if something in the window does not attract his notice #nd bring him back again. A customer much to be avoided is the Indiscreet customer. He orders readily, and speedily finds what he wants. But he never thinks about price, and generally never enquires until his parcel of goods is packed up. It most frequently happens that the price is three or four times what he expected or can afford, and an awkward dilemma is the result. It generally ends in the parcel being opened, and goods ex- tracted until the omount is reduzed tv within the reach of the Indiscreet custom: er's pocket, This customer is the more aunoying, as she mode of dealing with him is so diffienlt. If it be sttempted to disce™n the probable worth of the individual by his dress and appearance, there is the utmost danger of confounding him with the uiknown cus- tomer, who is at once the hotrot and de- light of shopkeepers. We will narrate a fact we canie across to illustrate this. A shabby old gentleman walked info & jeweller's shop, and asked to be allowed look at some topages. Three or four were In the air Nowhere Was a moonbeam bare ; Far off and harmless the sky stars shone, Sure and certain the Moon was gone ! The Wind he took to his revels once more, On down In town Like a merry-mad clown, He leaped and halloed with whistle and roar, He flew in a rage--he danced and blew, But in vain Was tke pain Of his bursting brain, > For still broader the moon scrap grew, T The broader he swelled his big cheeksand blew. Slowly she grew--till she filled the night, And shone On her throne In the sky alone, A matehless, wonderful, silvery light, Said the Wind, * What a marvel power am It With my breath Good faith : I blew her to death, First blow her away right out of the sky-- selected the best, which he said was hard- Then blew her in--what strength am11 " ly good enough. " Ah, but you see these stones are expensive," said the jeweller, rather patronizingly. 'I can assure yot the one you have chosen would answer any ordinary purpose.' The old gentlemart looked around him, in a dissatisfied way, and presently caught sight of a large and beautiful stone in a corner of the jeweller's glass case: ¢ That looks more like what I want," said he; *' let me look at that one, will you I" T "It will be very expensive; sir ; very indeed --more I dare say than you would like to give. The stone you have is very good sir." In a quiet voice, the old gentleman asked if the stone was for sale or only on view. At this rebuke the jeweller pro- duced it, naming s high price. It was immekistely chosen ; and his customer; taking a sketch from his pocket, sdid-- ¢ Get that coat of arms engraved upon it, and send nie word when it's done." He gave his nme and address: He was a noble earl and. thie shopkeeper had comntitted the grievous error of tredting For high In the sky With her one white eye. Motionless, miles above the air She had never heard the great Wind blare. INT a Selections, CURIOUS CUSTOMERS. Although we are accustomed to hear complaints in this jostling, struggling world of ours, of weaker persons who. go to the wall, it is not to be dented that if they cry out pretty loudly they will re- ceive an immediate share of public atten- tion, and if found to be much or unduly squeezed; we dre justified by precedent in assuming that sympathy and assistance will also be given them: Very many classes of society, when found tb be suffer- ing under the burden and heavy pressure of a yoke to which they donde roluntarily submitted themselves, have teen relieved by the charitable interference of public opinion: These are generally found to be And then cast- | ing suspicious glances around him, he | leaves the shop slowly, and the shopman accordingly shown to him, and he quickly | the aim of a foreigner when he enters a shop would appear to be mot to obtain what he requires. He demands an article. It is shown him. He wants it with or without some particular attribute. This is pgeduced, and he finds some other qualification necessary, and so on Suvch'a man will enter a stationer's shop and say, "'Ave you such note paper, what is very lean 1" Apprehending that he wants very thin paper for foreign cor- respondence, the shopman shows 'him some. He looks at it thoughtfully, and says, ' "Ave you also blue 1" Blue paper is shown ; and the foreign t is No. 17. tional ¢anse. Apart from the excesses which are the accompient of civil war elsewhere, and particularly in Spain, it if affirmed that his private conduct is without reproach.-- Blackwoods Magosi we. You can make $25, cash, by send- ing us the names of 100 new subscribezs. Great French Surgeons.' "I have seen Velpeau in his class-- Velpeau, that intellectual giant; a me- chanio until he was 20, but rising there- after to the highest pitch of scientific alarmed at the prospect of getting exactly what he wants. But presently a happy thought strikes him, and he says, * "Ave you wiz line?" If that is also found, he wishesit as large so that, measuring with his fingers, until at last, having by patience and perseverance succeeded in not getting what he wants, raices his hat politely, and leaves the shop. We regret to say that it is customary, in some shops, to get rid of foreigners as soon as possible. All experience shows that the shopman manner of speaking to customers. We have most of us met with people who an- noyed us by a peculiarity of some sort in manner or conversation. This, no doubt, arises from a little fastidiousness on our part ; 'yet we occasionally allow our feel- ings a little liberty in this respect. But it is an exceedingly ill-advised thing fora hop to do, especially (as is most often the case) with habitual customers. We met with an amiable bookseller, who suf- fered intense annoyance from a young | man who frequently epme into his shop, and commencing at the door te speak in the highest falsetto, would end when he | arrived at the counter in the deepest bass. ' Right down in his boot !" said our in- formant angrily, and although we pointed | out that it was but a trivial faalt, for which the young man was not altogether responsible; the bookseller declared that he should be unable much longer to re- strain his indignation ! A young man behind & counter com- | plained of a customer who annoyed him | by saying, ' Err--yes--um !" in a nasal | tone, at every available opportunity in | conversation. The shopman always care- | fully comstsucted his sentences so as to | avoid, if pousible, the exclamation, and, | failing this, he adopted the plan of serving him in dead silence. | We could speak of the Harmonie cus- | tomer, who whistles or hums a tune the | whols of the time he is in the shop, when ndt speaking, and who converses in an | abrupt, short manner, in order to give | himself more time for melody, of the in- | distinct customer, whotwiee asks for ** Or- | lybobbleggletukens," and, in despair, is at last told that he may perhaps get thema little lower down ou tke same side of the | way ; of the precise customer, who will | not have his parcel sealed with wax gets | under his finger nail when he opens it, | and of many wore. But for want of space | we must stop, content if we have reminded | the public that if everybody is entitled tv | consideration from the shopman, and the | shopman may lovk.for a little conuidera: tion from everybody. --Cassell's. should avoid being particular as to the | , the author of works which a century of progress will not supersede ; one of the very few who hsve been equally great in experiment and in ex- periment and theory. A 'plain' blunt man,' but his pupils adored him." I have seen him come upon them when econ- valsed | with laughter over a caricature of his own guaint person, seize the paper, applaud the resemblance, join im the mi with the utmost zest, and gayly criticise the drawing ; thea turning to his class again he identified the eulprit at a glance, and grasped him by the ear 'And it was you, you dog, who did it! I know your band!" I have seer the same man accusted when on his hospital rounds by another, great in place and power, who began powpously to congra- tulate him on the success of a difficult operation just performed on a' member of his own family. And the man of science waved the man of station aside silemily, but not discourteously, and continwed this own exposition. Wist not the dignitary that this worker must be about his master's busivess? Ah, that wae a man ! " How well I remember, he ¢ontinued, ¢ going one Sunday morning --an sutumn day like this- with a friend to one of the principal hospitals. It was the vacation term at the Medical School; dnd there were but few students ur visitofs about. As we passed into the hall, we heard grosns, evidently in great pain. The door leading to the sick Ward was ajar, snd as we approached we heard the volce of a man talking earnestly with the little sufferer. There was something very effecting in the tones of the child's voice and the tender and sympathizing replies | of the physician, avd it seemed to us mo breach of etiquette t0 witness unseen through the crack of the half-open door the scene that wad passing within. Oa a narrow pallet nasr the window lay a fine | boy, 9 or 10 years old, dying of cancer { developing itself between the eyes and | bhind the nose; It had mot yet shown | its} externally, but had destroyed the sight; and was attended by excruciating suffering. By his side sat a stately, white- haired man, holding with one hand the | two of the little patient, while with the other he carressingly smoothed his hair. The child told the story of his pain, " Ah; je souffre tant I" to which the old midi listened patiently; promising to de- vise Some relief. Then he rose to go, but first bent over the boy; and with tears' dropping from his eyes, kissed his fore- head lovingly ess mother. The white- hared man was the world renowned Nelaton--Nelaton; lately summoned to attend the fallen Eruperor. " Another teminiscence of another Saruxpay, July 26th 1873. The Pickering Council met agreeable to adjournment. Members all present. Minutes of last meeting resd and ar- roved. Petitions presented by Wm. Hartrick and others for the subvey o lot Mo. 16 in the 2nd Con; of Thomas Holbourn asking for the opening of the side road between lots 32 & 33, nest to the Kingston road ; of La#rence Linton and others for an on northern township opposite the 5th & Gil con. of Uxbridge, $60, David Pugh eom- Willson commissioners ; on between lots 10 & 11 in 2nd 8.K. Brown commissioner ; on Base line opposite lots 16 & 16, $60 James Peak commissioner. The following accounts was ordered to be paid vis., Isaac B. Orvis for work on side road. between lots 6 & 7, in Sad con, $30 ; Josep Pilkey, for work on side rosd between lots 1{& 15 Tth con. 25 Jacob Tool for repairing bridge on 3rd con., - opposite lot No, 15, $23 ; Abfam Burkholder for drain tiles $1,06; C. Fuller for support of Dumond's child, $22,560; 8. J. Green for aid to Mrs. Johnson, $4 ; Joseph Garbuts for cedar timber $1,25 ; 0. Dillingham for gravel ing on side road between lots 12 & 13, in 8ud com. $47,70 ; Ed. Boon for gravel, 32,560 ; John Shier for Serveying, $36; Thomas Head for reduction on Shop licence, $15 : Wm. McKettrick for = sheep killed by dogs, $4,66. Mr. Green moves for leave fo introduce a by-law to establish the side sound be- tween lots 10 & 11, in the 7th con. where now travelled and to vest in Edward Birrell a portion of the said original al- lowanee for road, that the safe be now read the first time and that the clerk give the proper notices. Mr. Miller introduced s by-law - whicle was read three several times and passed 25 for levying a rate of jg cent in the dollar, on all the ratable property in the township, for the improvement of roads and bridges, and for other incidental expensey of the Corporation for the present year. Mr. Brown gives notice that he will at the next meeting of this Council move for leave to introduce & by-law to appoint = Collector for the year 1873. Mr. Brown moves that tite Reeve be and ig hereby authorised to petition his Excellency the Lieut. Govefnor of the Province of Ouatario, to cause caites lot number fifteen in the 2nd Com. of Picker- ing, to be surveyed, and the boundaries thereof | i yoo is { Nv IS YOUR TIME FOR CHEAP A . him as an Indiscteet, when he was an un- known customer. One of the most reniatkable specimens is the comm tive t . This person, it appears, will, with the slightest encouragement (and sometimes without,) converse freely abcut his personal and private affairs over a shop counter; fo sn individual he has never seen before in his life. A gentleman of this class; on the simple indroductidn eccationed by the purchase of half a pound of figs, told the grocer's assistant that he should have been -- | suffering from the infliction of too much ADVERTISE IN THE " REFORMER." | work for tuo little money, which we call a CLOCKS, | '---- -------- ------ grievar.ce of conditidn ; but there are other FASHIONABLE | grievances, which for distinction's sake we | will call grievances of feeling, suffered by TAILORING. justine Seino John Wood which require for their alleviation not the gctive intsrference, but only tite attention EGS TO ANNOUNCE TO THE Public of Oshawa and neighborhood, that | and cunsideration of sotiety. he has opened a TAILORING ESTABLISH- Sunday Moriiing in Paris. saw brought into the hospital a young working-girl, whose leg liad béert crushed by a heavily- loaded omnibus; and so badly as to re- quire instant Pp The geo on duty was the famous M. Richard. We were asked to assist that time. I gave the anssthetid, and I remember he' charged me to kéep the 'poor child," as he calied her; unconcious nct only daring the operation, but until every trace of it had beer temoved. He intercepted s blunderitig attendant who would have brought the tray of instruments within sight before she slept ; and anything equal to his patient soothing of her pain and terror; the delicate care which banished 4&ll thst was unnecéssarily agitating from the scene, the deliberate and exquisite pity which softeméd his every look and mdventent; I hardly Moped to see agiin: This also wasa man."-- " Love in the Nineteenth' Century" by Harriet W. Preston, ; The Cure of Santa Crux: Before the guerillo warfare commenced; while Santa Cruz was leading a quiet life in his parish Hernialde, he was of 4 slight; delicate frame," and looked like sn invalid- Since then he has grown stotit and g; ise, stant living in the open air, aud ever recurring danger, he seems to thrive on: The sbstemiousness he had slways practiced he never departed from. Iu. person, he is 3 YSICIAN, SURGEON, ACCOUCH eur, and Corongr. King St., Oshawa. 1-2 | WATCHES; , Queenston and. jverpool I + . C1Ty oF ANTWERF BaLTH BRISTOL. LIMERICK. DUBLIN, 0 HALIFAX, DURsiAM, ver day, Agents wante d 85 to $20 Rh classes of working people of either sex, young or old, make more money at work for us in their spare moments,or all the time,t han at anything else, Particulars free. Address G. STINSON & CO., Portland, Maine. JEWELRY, SILVER PLATE, tation {| FANCY GOODS, | - #0. &C. Cry or Cry or Ciry or Crry or K. Cry oF Ciry uF ¥ WASHINGTON. ursdays and Saturdagsl r 45, North River, 'CENTRAL HOTEL, SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA. | JAS. QUIGLEY, Proprietor. T¥RIS_SPLENDID NEW HOTEL IS | now open; and offers to the travellers the | % Best of accomodation to he procured 'between | for Cash only, Sinasen and Toronto, House fitted up with Store and the mode! yvements. Best brands of i , Wines and hi hihi api hand. Extensive ets and manlactus rs. His prose wack 12 of Stabling and an attentive hostler. Bly | the best gq ity an ~ : L Tas i Faris | examining his s will save money by a i prices before purc DOM IN I ON BAN Kl Watches, Clecks and Jewelry repared and OSHAWA AGENCY. Philip Taylor Has commenced to sell his splendid stock at GREATLY REDUCED RATES prior to his fitting up a New r. premises, and visiting the . German, and American mark- Some time ago there appeared in one of MENT our comic periodicals a sketch entitled g fee t the Counter," in which ¥ PASSAGE Next door to Héwthorn's, King St., Oshawa, A Tragedy a " ' Cabin. Where he will be happy to receive orders fo Steerage, i t i ju h 1 apply. to the ¥ CW. SMITH, OsHaWA, i ef warra on short notice, and cheaper "than any other house. NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT | Oshawd, March 11h, 1873 the Dominion Bank has opened an agency | . ; » JLADI ES for the transaction of busipess in Farewells | aS 1 - | NDERWEAR! Ld i" iE £ i i Be i g i y= New Brick Block, opposite the office of Messrs. | 4 Gibos 4 Brother, Simooe Street: Interest will | = be allowed on deposits. Drafts issued on all | sints in Canada, United States dnd Great: ritain. - The Savings Bank department is now Spa. On all deposits over $4 interest will be | ow A - { Office Hours-- From 1€ o'clock a.m., to3o'clock | p.m., except on Saturdays, when the Bank will | tlosed at 1 o'clock, p.m.; : JH. McBELLAN, Age i} porE ev Y i 80 Livre ee ---- Sof II \NGE Fring a ee ~ The London Fun, under the heading. ' Mind your own buss-iness;" gave this extract from the dictionary of osculatiof : Buss, a kiss: Rebus, to kis# again: Pluribuss, to kiss irrespective of sex: Syllabus; to kiss the hand instead of the lip. ¢ Blanderbis; to kisd the wrong person. Owmibus, to kiss all promiscuously. Erebus, to kiss in the dark. Incubus, to have to kiss some ome you don't like. iF Harqoebus, to kiss with & loud smack. Suggested probaly by the whimsical definition of * syllabus,' dome orie seeing two ladies kiss said it was a waste of raw material. And similar in purport to this is the anonymous quattain : : Men scorn to kiss among themselves, And scarce will kiss a : Women often want to kiss so much, They smack snd kiss each other: Bia e 'M. Lachand will condnct the defehce of Marshal Bazaine in his trial for in October. A gentleiidn wilh & good Joisetto voles wishes to exchange with suybody possess- ing & good false set o' teeth. A Cincinatti mad who is going to married fiext month sits around 5 boiler-shops £5 get his ears trained to it. It is proposed to call a little island; near the 16 of Man, the Isle of Womhdn: Bo the good cause progresses. There &ré two reasons wh Recie at watering-places mover mind ir own businees. One is that they have no ness, and the other that they have mind. g : : Forth if 8 £ § i hand at the above Yard, : E 4 | i i i E 1 ONTARIO BANK. CAPITAL $2,500,000: Having obtained Rooms in OSHAWA BRANCH. GIBBS BLOCK FFICE HOURS_FROM 10 A.M. |OVER McRAE AND COS STORE to 3e'clock p.m. Oa Saturday, from 10 a.m. 1 o'clock p.m. | Banking business of all kinds transacted on the usual terms, Drafts fesued on all points in 5 ands, § nited States, and Great Britain. J vings Bank Department in connection Ww | this Branch, Interest allowed on all deposits | ' Over $4 00, repayable without notice. | LADI ES u N D ERWEAR ? i ¥ g | d tH i IT EAM SCTWEEN i, QUEBEC{ i i it | of 1 have ced the ig ; 7 iH sik ] ! Al eS ioe ee C. HOLLAND, Manager. | sly. | ermpi------ 3] Money to Lend AT REDUCED RATES. | AM NOW -PREPARED TO LEND any amount of money, oi thesecurity of Good | Farm or Productive [own Property. at the | Lowest Possible Rates of Interest, B sums and manner to suit borrowers. Princips | shown, and every San bs re-paid by yearly instalmects, OF 4n One | woman, Mrs. CURRIE. y : d NB, pi a | ; esday, i x lavestments made in Debentures, Slortages, | Oshawa, June 3rd; 1573: yoy ; ad other securities, ef tious J as Wednesday, Tth May Millinery / Miilinery / : Ls BILVER AND GREENBACKS BOUGHT AND Saturday, IMB » 3 | Wednesday, 28th 80 - For further particulars apply 10 ~ oxo ¥ For Style in Millinery; ; Go to Brooks', sms erms and conditions meade known at SOLD. hs | Vednesday and Saturday JAMES HOLDEN, tn Quebec for London Official Assignee, Moncy Broker, &c. T sale. For further particulars apply For Cheap Goods, £1 & fumed LEVI FAIRBANKS, . i to Brooks' Office-- MeMillan's Block, Brock, 8,W hitby neer, . Go Whitby, Ont, or to April Lath. #71. § FENWOOD & McMILLAN, Ladies' FurnishingStore| ° wader * alibr, Gat. pret TREAL, LEY'S LINE 7ing First-Class i ! if i Oshawa, July 16th, I873, HH i dear--isn't it 1" she § § iit L ne'ave intended te safl : ia vigation of 1873, from Montreal as follows; | | ® § I § -- | 3 li : * 8 E Ther e are on the said land Two good Fram | Dwellings and Out Houses, in every way suita- bie for two small families, besides a good Weil | and Pump. The Lot is well fenced, containing a number of Fruit Trees and a | | f f E the w § i T y. Thursday, 12 . Tuesday, Tuesday and aseage from Quebed Bi Stoernge, $247 Si In West at redgeed persons desirovs of BE =] Through bills of t, and In London « nthe United States to he. jcago and other POIBISSE ne, apply to Temp 8 Jeter Street, or Shaw, LOW, BE A Paris ent complains Fe Mr. Hoey, of New York, who life by driving an express, 1s i the best pictures of the French by the waggon load." HINGLES OF ALL KINDS FOR | . fon, le at my Mil, Lot No.6 ith. con, Darling: »~ : 4) miles NATHAN STEPHENS. Mazeh Bid Led busi- no began off der the middie stature ; his features in tH If if Ho had | i the thechanical habit that sliopmien have of ia tle grocety trade himise > lace ; but his small black eyes quate ; but that hie always ha¢ s fancy | SOOM PROS 8 » JOHN WOOD. | stated his requirements, was criticised. Wa yar; ug Fat | yg A Ry ey deep set, glow from out thick eye-brows, 14 | Sach # rebuke from such a quarter attruct- ' ithin. When he took the field ass "1 wasn't worth mich when I first ar- | "'* 3 Oshawa Coal. | general; and having always cultivated a i » said NE Derma cistonier chief of partizans, he, as has been observ- AND | desire to hear both sides of a question, 3 3 | for thé long black cassock, the black onsiderable extent, ascertaining their 1 bauglit 4 icude Yesterday, that Guts He cloak, and the erisrmous hat of the Son . 3 ol over fifteen hundred pounds; and I'm | feelings and opinions, and wherever we . , igning, and dangerous. He as: t th unfurnished | "*™PHE™ NE: ge HE SUBSCRIBERS BEG TO IN | And the result is the discovery thst the BOVE ad I at samed the dress #orn by the peasarits-- T FORM the public that they have now on | public undoybtedly have it in their power : y : i : \ red sash round the waist, the loose fitting |* | : : in five minutes of entering the shop, in- | ™ 4 COAL and CORD W. 00D |'sberious and irksome. : fornied the shiopmién where he was going | °° of the of Navarre, ¢ | ' One would haturally suppose tliat every Be rt 3 i f what : f | n gaiters, an e feet pro y ime | person wlio enters a shop is aware o what his balance was at the bankers! | Georgetown L ' | he requires. Our experience, however, | Of course, the most troublesome of all | the scaneals or alpargates of the country. : | sre to be found amongst those | pis , ; Agricultural Salt ! acenstottted to retognige two classes of | opi do not know what they want. | priests not nissionaries; or of the monasic | customers, those who know what they | yiogt among these; we are inforuied, are > ar} us ; | ladies: The difficulty these fair creatvres | S701, the reckiess file fe leads compelling will be promptly attended tb |is to be found that customer who is so him to forego the luxdry of the rasor. by the difficulty the shi nl ex- A. Alexander. | iucidea cstomet. Ho existe as sort Soult lor A then. Thay | revolvers, and in his haud the thick stick of fond dream in the mind of the shopman, which is as necessary a part of the equip- SC -- | sometimes, but ull too seldom to be resliz- | of buying must be performed lowly ; and | . A e {ed. He k what le Warfs, and he |; inde 4 : . | lah to an Irishman: His head-dsess is | ie xnows s, f an article is found speedily, that is the pina or tut doth wap, white: in y : NOTIO | it, and takes it away. Heaven prosper | The experience of a shopman in a fancy | = | h wBLIC hpi 8 I ar IREDY {him on his way! He is a model to all | shop was interesting on this point. which, according to the fancy of the re I ir . [ Ts wearer, mah be of wollen, silk, or siluer, produced at the time of Sale) the following | if the shopk aid not 3, IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, valuable property in the Now, if the dup Keep I. y $08 lady'sl woutae perforan tire ten of twelve stalwarth yout!'s from his i i the custom- . . native village, who aecompany him in all WHOLESALE & RETAIL. viz: Village Lot Number Four, on the North | he would infocus hag 80, a this Su i " That's pretty, 3 fon Side of Elgin Street, in the said Village of _ er w eave tie sa0h Tn respect, | in say. himselff aid prepared to execute any or- ot Nu A he Second Lad! eaving their orders | have them | lala wut on Lot Number Hoven, in J a | Finale ctistomor, who, although quite.as Su ro tact] ty ne a JOH oui sold by aR EN tion, at | wp o> po requi rements, pri Po more The fair one shrinks from the conclusion | 45 him, heart and soul ; aud it would be Ladies are luvited to call, whete fools SOE I {a putin y She searches fu:ther. Presently she ex- | 5 dangerous experiment for aug one to J. F KELLOGG. Village of Oshawa, on | that the articlo he wishes is not kept, : eo Saturday, the 16th day of August | (nan Lie betrays belief that it is, and that | There ! I think I really like that the | remotely suggest the advantage of be- best of any !" traying him- He has unbounded confi. At the hour of Three o'clock in the afternoon of | prevents him obtaining it: He therefore ' hat day. | bly-- | othes: from infincy, and they tegard him count throughout the shop, naturslly in. " Well, then, mfy dear, you'd better | not only as their chief and their friend, icting annoyance on the feelings of the Yisking wang And we are assured that lis lady Will | as their pastor. His partissns say that We will suppose that thie obstinate cus- then invariably put it on une.side, and | since the time of the Navarrese hero tomer enters a chemist's shop, sod asks Foreigners bear a very bad'eharacter. guerrlallas who, in so short a space of that " we do rot keep them." As the object of the Barnacles and Stilts- | time, snd with such small means at his stopped down--iri- the codutry; where he dark snd dnd irregular; sud rather work. Satisfaction and promptness guaranteed. | saying * Sir!" after the customer has P : Oshawa, July 30th, 1873 and indicate the fiery energy that burns ny ed -our attention towards: shopmien 1n Sultie, souted euquiries emong thent to a "but I'm worth a few thousands now. I ved, quite laid aside the clerical oustame ; . we pros cu ah > BEN nn / 4 W 00D DEPO I i ish it and it furnished. I Spanish priest would be inconvenient in found intelligence, encouraging loquacity going to furnish it and lot. it Nnished. i fo ; . lafge quantity ol to render the duties of the shopmen less Another instance was & man who, with- 8 Joe oust of Song brows sloth, the 0 ) nti | to dive, what he was going to have, sud reaching to the kuee, the legs envelloped | shows that shopkeepers and' shop are N | Bef~re close-shaven; like all Spanish Fore- | Crders, he has loft his beard and mustach orders, he is and mustache All orders left at the office in the Yard, | want, and those who do not. In the first have in making up their mind; is only a : | rare and so petfect; that wg will call him ? He carried In his belt d pair of loaded WOOD CUT and SPLIT at EXTRA CHARGE. | : are impressed with the ides that the task | =~" Busquo he MoRtgage Sale. |i te price; be sks tor it, pays for | prima facie vi Pond, ie 4 g g nows the price ; asks for it; pays prima facie evidence that it is not suitable. dolour; with &, bive Lin tin anion; contained in a certain Mortgage (to be | customers. Ifa lady and her hust i are about to . in pa oe ringe. : posed VILLA GE or OS HAWA | the article required by the Ideal customer | golgction. his expepitions; éftied and equiped like Oshawa, marked the* Plan of Village Lots | : : b- : sempies of work are now ready for inspect wa, 83 mal on th and m this only, he differs from the o " Yes; very. Suppods you hate that?" | ders he might give them. They are true oh JOHN BORLEASE WARREN, Esquire, will ad tne for | plaelk's Commercial Hotel, in the sald | trouble. For he is no sooner informed | ° : ; kr J drei v claims again-- tamper with their fidelity, or to even A.D. 1873 ly laziness or lack of understanding next, 3 | only laziness or Her husband observes, not umressun- | dence in them. They have known each | institutes a little search on his own ac- have that one." but, in spite of the irregdlss life he leads, shopman. look over the others again. Mina 'there has been no captian of for a pair of washing-gioves. Hoe is told alking was slways Jhow not to' do it, #0 | disposal, has done so much for the us- "Dow't keep them!" be wncleinis, SHINGLES. *POOR COPY

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