Ca coda | bs px 2 A IAN TRAGEDY" ASSASSINATION.OF A YOUNG GIRL BY PARENTS tock place" near Brussels, the capital Belgium, a tragedy, the shocking par: | - tienlary of which seem to have originated | In the fertile brain of a French ramancist, y- On the preceding day Christine. Duques- noy, a young girl of twenty-three, who for fi eather to have occurred in realit HER The French residences of San Frarcisco are taking steps toward the preparati m lof a testimonial to M. Thiers. -- G. Bion, the Halifug ehampion seuller, On the night of the 13th June there | is in truiving for the St. Jobu ani Luchine of | regattas, September, foot ruce, for the Beouett Cup, ot Spring The Dominion rifls matches are likely to commence at Ottawa on the 13h of Bowie, & Canadian, won the two mile UNTAKIU KEFUKMEK, USHAWA, WEDN Wholesale and Retail Dealer in FREDERICK NEALE, GROCERIES, WINES, ESDAY, July 30, 18¢ 5. AN ExtraorpIiNArY Divoros Case. has raised an sction of separation snd ali- went sguinst Sir Hew Cr.wford Pollok. her husband. She asks climent to the smount of £1000 per anoum, snd she lay» her notion on the ground of sn extraordi- nary series of ners of vruelty togurds her, cluding setting his bulidogs at her, and repeated'y beating her since the dite of Ler mw rrisge in June, 1871. Bir Hew denies the chief charge of cruelty and ex --Ludy Pollok of Pollok, Renfrewshire | W. WIGG & SON, Cabinetmakers and Undertakers ! SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA :«" Lounges, Desks, Tables, Bookcases, Bureaus, Cupboards, Sideboards, Sofas, Stands, ng their office, \ I= CONTAINS EIGN and gy LJ several years had ben a servant at the house of a wealthy' widow lady in Brussels, was informed that her aged mother, who lived at the villige of Quarter-Bras had in consequence of an Bedstead Washstands, Chairs, Mattrasses, Looking Glasses, and ey The body of an unknown man, pasty decomposed, was found on Saturdsy near the Grand Trunk station at Kiogston. Whiskey and exposure brought it there, AND. plains that, during his a'wence in Ane ic , some yeors ago, he contracted a h .bit ot drinkiog to excess and of frequenting drinking bars. He made the pursuers - ann-------- Pe on ~ R 2 4 i PAE ABRBSE 8 se 2 3 - acident, lost her eyesight. The dutiful daughter resolved at once to leave her situ tion and return t& her native village in order to take care of her poor: blind mother. While grieving greatly over the * % misfortune which had befallen the latte, Christine congratulated herself upon having saved from her wages the hand- some sum of 1,800 francs, which she had A. T. Stewart by the will he made prior 10 leaving New York for England, shows him to be worth one hundred willivns of | dollars, Beer-drinkiog leads to extravagant expressions, snd the place of meeting w.s swimming with that liquid, How glori. ously it inspired the specches "-- PrcAili. tion Era. LIQUORS! SIMCOE ST,, OSHAWA. sequaintence in December, 1870, in Scar borough, where she wuss a barmaid, and where she continually supplied him with drink, and she was perfeotly aware before her marriage of his failiogs. He admit« having drunk to exces but denies ever having intentionally burt the pur<uer, He bas all along in'ended and #'ill intends FURNITURE Of all kinds and qualities kept constantly on hand. Also Agent in Oshawa for the Dominion Noiseless Patent Steel Spring Bed Bottom, Clean, healthy, comfortable and durable, approved of before 'when in. Ad fice of publication b Say morning precoedi E merchants and oth very liberal discoun all others by these who have had them, and sure to give -atisfaction. Also sole Agent for v PALLING'S PATENT BALANCE WINDOW BLIND ROLLER, A first-rate article, Pictures in great variety. Frames made with neat- ness and despatch. Children's Carriages and Perambulators always on [ hand. - A grand banquet son at Rict- mond Monday evening iy honour of the Cioeisa nifl-men, wh, yicited England to prrticipate 10 the \Wonbledon contest, The Right Hon. Vi:count Bury presi- ded. deposited with w notary public, and which | she thought would enable her to preserve herself and mother from want. Next morning she received the money from the notary, and took the train for home. Upon reaching the last station she found that she was unable to obtain a cariiage . ; for Quatre-Bras, which was about five Th M "We ical Ci, gf Guelph, Dav. miles distant. She resolved to proceed | aria » oe ots yt oi . | J an tt pour hampions there on foot, but after walking about | --the Kingston boys winoing by s seore three miles she hesitated. A feeling Ol of 35 to 27. Thisis the first time the terror seized her. She had to 743s | Guelph pen buve been beaten, throogh a forest, and there being a ponse belonging to acquaintances of be 5 in the neighbourhoud, she resolved - to 1,049 the night there. She reached it in & few minutes and . found the preprietor, an elierly farmer named Ar gusssand his wife Eiize at home. "Opon inquiring where their only daug' ster Francoise was, | + 5 Al . aw Christine was told 'aa she had gone to | To private letter from isace gays e Quatre-Bras, ani would not return be. | P"* found out one very nice way of annoy. reer ™ ing our oppressors. Very many of the fore moruing. 'Christine then told them ) : | Prusian officers bave little white doys. that she was "fraid to proceed with the | We eateh those little dogs und evlour their money she hadin her pocket, to her | heads and shoulders red atid the . ind- native village, and Aubusse and his wife quirters blue, leaving a white streak in cordially invited her to sleep under their | 8t e middle, thus joing the Fieveh col roof. As she was very tired they told | ours, red, white und biue. Thin we ler her to retire immediately, and Elize con- | the little dog go, and ket around and bear ducted . her to her daughter Francoise's | 'he Pruscians swear, = bed in the small back room, Christine | Hi- Excelleney, Earl Dufferin, Lady Duquesnoy weit to bed withont delay, | Da f-rin «nd party visited Chath.m, but as is often the case with persons who | N B.. list week, acd received an enthu- aro very tired, she did not sleep very | simtie welcome. A s.d adeident recurred soundly. She had not closed her eyes | While a salute was being Bred in their very long when she was awakened by Power by the Voiunteer Arulery. Two voices in an adjoining room. It was 'Wcn®ere so badly wounded by the pre- Aub d his ig Although they ~Wture discharge of a cunvn tha ove 1» ousse. SC 3 wie. ough Ley expected to die. The other had to submit were conversing in an undertone, Chris- | to amputation of sn arm. His Excellency tine could understand every word they | aie rey ome emp e, | ATEINSONS' DRUG STORF she wounded men, aud fe:ls the seeident I that the two had resolved to murder her | REMOVED TO NEW.AY LCARGER PREMISES keenly. for her money which she had in her Next Door to COWAN'S. - ---- EEPFACRES 1H mr ge AND ava JOUR ofibkng yoy SPRING AND SUMMER ¢ LOT He has junk received ig oo ir 5 | NIW STQoR 0: i Vidch will be found on 4) UNDERTAKING. Ye an : . : ; 7 ci 3 Is attended to on the Special attention paid to Undertaking. Funera Lenin fees : : " shortest notice. A splendid Hearse furnished when required. Coffins Jlohing ds mists . cept hand and made to-order. Terms reasonable. kept on hand and m ci wo bi REMOV2 to treat her kindly. and regrets any scot» of roughness of whieh he may have been guillv, Any such sects, he says, must have been due 10 his unforiusate failing of drinking to excess, and to her irritating conduct. In regard to some of the gross- er acts of cruelty alleged against bim, he admits that under the influence of drink he may have sworn at and spoken loudiy 6 Lady Poliok ; but he udds that she 1 not a person of reflocment, and that she hus ul. her Lif becn sceusromed to asscei sty with pemsons of roach manners. Barr anp Hare. --0Old Joe Pettibone lives on the border of our town, and s one of them life long old drunkards who seem to live forever, in spite of three ocnt gin, or any other vieissitude that crdiniry mortals are subj ct to. Joe 'hus been obiiged for years quite often 190 resort to all sorts of dodges to get his tipple, but bis lust ome was rather the smartest that has ever been told wl him. Gerting poses sion of a two dollar counterteit bill, he | boldly stepped into a liquor store, in our villave, snd eslled for two quarts of whis ky. The whirkey wan put ap for him, and Joe threw down his evunterfeit bill. The werchant at once di-covered the fraud and refusing to give the old toper eredir, mersur 'd back into his barrel out of Joe's jug his two quarts of whiskey." Joe went on his wuy ro joiciog. Thad vil) this: Joa Jy put two quurts of water 1010 the jug before he took it te the store. aod cons quently got two quarts of very respectable vrog by the operation. Be Harry Now.--How old are 7 | Twenty-five ? Thirty ? Are you happy to | day ? Were you bappy yesterday? Are | you generally happy ? If so, you have | reason to judge that you will be bappy by | and by. "Are you so busy that you no time to be happy 7 And wre you going | '0 be happy when you sre oid snd have not much to do? No; you will pot, You pow have a specimen of what you wre going tobe. What you wre carrying slong | with ou is what you will huve by and by I yi ue ro Con wating yourseil that you have pesce with God, ana with jour fel- | low wen, sod with your faculties; 1f esery | day you insist that duty shall m ke you happy, vad you tuke ss much time as is oeeded for the culture of your social facul ties, you will not be exhausting lite, and it | will be eontinually replepished. But if a you are saving everything up till you yet | : 1 x Agent for Davies & Bro's Celebrated XXX Oream Ale and Porter. Ee 2 £2 PHYSICIAN, ACCOUCHEUR Residence and Offic Hotel. iif WH. FREDERICK Ni : GEA HOSPT LAND. . esidence, Cigars and Tobaccos always Bt in Stock, 1B1y THE TRADE SUPPLIED. Choice Brands of ING STREET al A street matron wants to know if some thinz e.noot be done tv proteet voqny | Ladies from being msulted on the streets at wight, snd gers this sugeesiion : * Just have the girl's nother tuck her into her litile bed about eight o'zlock in the even- ing, and lock the door on ber." 4 ag C.N. VA PERTH INSER - A latest principles . and ey d , TR - Dental Rooms--ip Atkinson's Drug Sto ry -- : a Vi : [ JOENTIATEo¥ G.V. GARTH Liga: EUTCHER; | Kesiaence in the sam AS RINOVED His MEAN C0 * Ea Having fittd wp § ! second to noje in (ta it well stockd wig Jo peau A ATINALOA4SAY a'INO 4 ' a, ARIF Hats and Caps. | WILLIAM LANG | INVITES INSPECTION TO HIS SPLENDID | i STOCK OF | | | fi g - = > x MEN JH NEW SPRING GOODS! WHICH 1S COMPLETE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Clothing Made to Order WITH CARE AND DESPATCH. . AS DAU Gents' Furnishings. 'Buiyjo|D apew-Apeay Mt TWO PE EVERY DAR, | supplied at | for the over Al uall NC Boots and Shoes. UNTY . CRO Attorne; Barrister, gu Conveyanoer. , Of tario. AMIN HINVIWHOLYM TTYISNIdIH 'M Kuve Suipnpucd v10y0q spool sy eas puv [[vo v wry ead], 'gororgoadg 20 'IITA 'Arron 'exo0TD 'SOTOYEM 1saje[ AT) Jo pH 'out om ¢ [[ saoud pu enpua poof! dead mt yw ug PAAUBIIBAA PUB ino 1edoy Anjoae) DLVM NI HHOM TV PICO POM PUW 'sous 10) PAUIdn MOU 8] MINS AIPM Mal 'S ONIY 'MD01g S,NOSTIAA ag '[19¢ 03 punoq esu puy ssoumnq uweld oy) Auotjap aoy jou sawed °M NNV OL FAVA'T ' -- AND i WOOD DEP( Hh | FPYHE SUBSCRIBERS BBG | FORM the public that thekh | hand at the above Yard, Zan COAL and CORD WOM Georgetown Lin _.__.GREENW ARRISTERS AT-LAW. Soli blic. Conveyancers, HONNOI YETTR oq [a 'egeonyuy 10 'SMO0TO ANV SIH! | Tc must be very gratifying to the poor J P : . : | beer drinkers of Chico, who-e chi! ly « Wrancouyy', mid , Au . hi have to live on short retiorg black bread wife, will not come home - to-night, 50 | aud sehweiser kaseagd whose sehooling nobody will know : that Christine was in|, maiglpicked up in the sirects, tr see our house. We will Lary her corpse In Jryided in the pape 8, t.e fut that Mr, | the garden, and who will evexdit "her Lebwan, the la e " eminent brewsr" of _ grave there!" ° tha erty, has authorized his wife in his ® The two wrehes then stepped into the | *itl to spitd $2 000 10 wold per annum . front rw. Christine Duquesnoy, a J \ ROCHITECT, ance and Gene SEE , NCEB-- Beam "WW HOLESALE . af HOOP SKIR] _ erial - "0% '43 SIH LVHL A Drugs, Patent Medicines, Scented 'Soaps, French and English Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brushes, and a General assortment of Dye Stuffs, her 'VAAVYHSQ 'ISVY LI L MIN 1 008 sy " 'ara mos]a sosuyoand for the vdue tin of his oldest boy, Fred- | preso indiscribbe terror, sprang at once | erick, and §1 500 each cr O-car, Ida, and | Everything of t hebest Quality and Strictly Genuine ffom her bed, and although she wes Elmond. Five cents a vines is very little, | bh tily dressed, climbed out of the 10 be =ure, but then it hure- the drinker "HATCH & MEARNS | | ' cinets of Greeley, Some enterprisiog rum opan rear window, and fled "across the io curling puvetsy coud guablen the brewer wir ree wily eovecived the des ot cng | EAA Ware, Tin and Stove Dealers, gi | All orders left at the office in will be promptly attended A. Aloxanie . » WOOD CUT and SPLIT at EXTRAMCHA T A : ; MAN L I Ni NeW Just arrived at the Goods. Er a TO AND FROM 12qWOWa 08d J 'LVAN er Liquor cannot be sold within the pre- od = : £few minutes, she started anew. In her terror she did not care in what direction she was going. At last, after she had been runving for upward of one , ! to live like » prings, snd wheo he d v3 10 Raxge garden into the open field. She pring, » Ph ran up a hq ir saioin just beyond the bound | leave his ehildrea us wealthy us lorde. BF Bfteen minutes as fast as her feet searry her, without dsring to look Then she to stood" still, and, after ary live of the ety. He ordered ihe | KING STREET, OSHAWA. " deadly juice" frum D.over, but, uofur- | Beg leave to return thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on them tunately tor the liq ior w in, it halo pues | during the post year, and would solicit a continuance of the same, We | He i Ye spas CARIN hour, she reached the Brussels highway, and was soon after espied by two gend- . srmes. They hailed her, and ordered Ler E ; but she sped on, and finally sank in utter exhaustion bshind a shrub by the wayside. When the gendarmes overtook her one of them threw his cloak to her and then she told them all about the fiendish plot of Aubusse and his wife. | They asked her' to accompany them to the house of the Aubusses, which they reach- | ed at an adv uced hour of the night. ~All was dark and silent in the house, but on Roig "around to the rear of the building | they discovered a light in the distrnt part of the garden. They went cautiously | toward it, and on coming close up 'o it i | through Greeley o y. Waen it stopped at the depot » number of stalwart men. with some hall dozen angers, perforated the barrel sot alowed the rnowon to { resch not the heart of the inebrisies, bar | that of mother earth, nothing but em ty burrels re .ehivd (he eintie of the would lg traffiocer, but pobody was wrrested or fived tor tije destruction of the rum. l | TheShsh is an aprosriously fanny | feliw. He (eiieves ir: reli 10 be hicrally f * king of kos," snd his sdvice to the | le-ser soverizms is sincere wud farherly, He was surprised that Kamer Wilipm should be evntent with #0 o.d and frow.y | a wite, snd bis parting words were, + 1 | nidvise you to get rid of that old Auzosta." { He saw darger, 100, tor the Piince of i ---- i LLL H A + Tr SE id] saw Ambusse and his wife engaged in | throwing earth updn a human bouy Jying | : on its face in & hole that had been dug in | yiidly suscested ; snd wien that was | Plated Forks, Spoons ete., B. the ground. . Suddenly the two armos rushed toward them. Wales io tie rivalry of the Duke of ~uiher Id. "Jwwmdput him 10 death," he | have on hand the Largest, Best and Cheapest Stock of HARDWARE, and &ec,, Ever offered in this market. -Our Stock comprises part of the following : 500 Kegs Cut, Shingle and Lath Nails, 50 Boxes Pressed and Horse Nails, | 200 Boxes Glass, " Star " and " Diamond Star," James', Walker & Parker's, and Brandram's White L ads, English and Ameican Colors, Blundel and Spencer's Boiled and Raw Oil, Fnmiture and Carriage Varnish. American, English, and ('anadian Locks, Latches, and Knobs, Butts, T. and Strap Hinges, Screws &o,, Spears and Jacksons and Sorby's Hand, Rip, and Tenon Saws, Chisels, Gouge's, Plane Irons, &e. American Socket Firmer Chisels, - Star Company's Bevils, Squares, Dividers, &e., Dawson's and English Planes, Rodgers' and other English English Cutlery, M Tea and Coffee Pots, gend- | demurred 2 1€ sisted that the dangere Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Forks etc. When | ous fellon's ey08 shomd be put cut, any | P atform and Counter Scales, Anbusse and his wife caught sight of the | how. The Stsh ivkes a lively interest, | Guns, Revolvers, Shot, Powder, and Gun Caps, young girl they uttered piercing cries of terror. " She is alive I" yelled Aubusse, whose face had turned livid. rd The next moment one of the gendarmes had collared bis and his wife, whits the | other drew the c.rpse from the hole in the ground. When he held the which stood by the side of the hole, up to the face of the victim, Anbusse and his wife uttered still more heartrending cries. *" Itis Francoise |" shricked Aubusse's wile. Aubusse looked a moment at the corpse, , Taen he suddenly broke loose from the. i grasp of the geadarme, and, before the! Heated the SIP RY yu. Sunsileribls latter was alls to seize him stabbed him- self with desperate energy, while his wife fll iuto a deep swoon. The greedy ccuple had murdered their own daughter iustead of their intended victim. While , they were preparing the grave in the gatden for Chriscine Duqesnoy, thir danghter, Francoise, had returned from Quartre- Bras, abd being very tired, had at once " gone to bed. Whben all was ready for the reception ef the corpse, Aubusse aud his | wife Eligs had stealthily re-entered tha house, and, then, utterly unaware of the _ change which had meanwhile taken place in the pecupants of Francoise's bed, they 'had rushed into the small back room, and smothered the person in it, to death by covering her facs tghtly with a heavy | pillow. They jerpetrated this deed in the dark, and when the victim had ceased tu breathe, Aubusse liited her from the bed "and carried Ler iuto'the garden, his wife ing him a Guuly burning Paint, the nole in which Christine Duqaesnoy was to have been buried. threw the co into he we, and his wife thrown a few Suavelfals of earth upon it when they vere surprised by the gendarmes. 4 Yon ize herd. re awoke it was found that the terrible shock had deprived her of ber reason. It was horrib.e to hear the erazy laughter with which she lovked npon the curpss of. her youug davguter "sad dying husband, who expired svon lantern, | | too, in other than royal person ges-- Eng lish girls. 11: saw tw) that he thought he | would like, sod off. red £30,000 for thew; | but the girls' mother r lished no sach exterw.inating ron in law cud wouldn't sell, The official investigation ino the causes which led to the wreck of the loman | steamship Cry fF Washiogron haus been conc.uded ut f sifex. The g:ptain"s tes(i- movy shows that he was in » state of iznorance enncerning mapy materisr *0I0'8 {io the navigstion of his v.ssel, and 11," evidence of his immediate subordinates | | does not improve the condition of affairs | | in the least. The cirgo, wnich wus mainly composed of steel, 18 severed to have | degree ; yet po allowsnce whatever was { stecring the »hip for xuch a lurze | deviation. In fact, the first (ffiger decinies | that he did not know that there was steci {on board. Thus tor eight duys the ste un ship ru-hied on the course which dashed her agninst the reck-hound coast of Seco'ia uni imperiled 1he hives of wil on bord The captuu his been suspended | tor one tear by the desision of the court. * CiviLIZATI0N."< -Beveral. liusion~ were wade, at the late Beer Brewers weet ing, iu relation 10 the temp. runes reform, as an upon * ewvilig tion." What +n emb em of eiviligition 18a beer-shop | alius whiskey-den | Wht refivement of | maser, snl high culture their proprie- | tors exhibit | Ant whit a grand nescss ity .0 eiviliz+d lite is the beer-blost snd the gross sensuality of a wakivg beer barrel | As Mr. Linenin would say, # their talk reminds us of a socedote :° Two suijors were shipwrecked on sn island, about which 'hey knew nothing. "They were 10 great anxiety, sad wandered about, feur- 1ul lest rome wuvage or wiid beast would de-cend upon them. Finally, one of the seamen espied in the distance a little bill- oek, and on it was er cred a gullows He turned w th grest joy 10 his comrsde ex- wim og; © Thauk "Heuven, Jick! we are 1m 4 Chr § on land --here's a gallows | Tue 1arter i» about wg mach an ewbiem of Curistiapity us the tormer is of ei ilies ion; Coal and Wood Cooking Stoves, Tinware, Lamp and Chimneys, Chandeliers and Brackets, EVETROUGHING & JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO Cut Nails 85 per Keg, Cash ; other goods at proportionate prices. HATCH & MEARNS, King Street, Oshawa, April Slat, 1873. CHEAP GROCERIES! THE BEST PLACE TO BUY YOUR GROCERIES CHUBB'S] HENRY'S OLD STAND, Opposite Black's Hotel, King Street. [ree Ore CHEAP TEAS, IN 10 LB. CATTIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, &C. Call and Satisfy jourself before you squander sits your Money elsewhere, R: V.CHUBB, --t to be an olf man, habit will staud hike a | tyrant, snd say, " You would sort enjoy yourself betore, and you shall net now." liow wmwny wen there are, who have ground snd ground to make woney that they might be huppy by snd by, but whe, when they bave got to be fifty or mxiy years aid, had used up ull the enjoyable nerve that was io them, During 1heir early lite tley ourtied 10il und epovomy and frugality to the excess of s'inginess, sod wleo the time same that they exprored jvy, there was no jay for thea), -- Beecher. Waoresare Liquor Dearers The wholesale grogshop hquor dealers, under the rolemn runetions of lax, hold up thair heads with considerable pomp snd dignity of demeanor, under the fl irering iden that they ure pot law grog sellers by the glass, which we 10 wiily admit, but do not hesi- fate to write them down »8 very diznified, high grogshop sellers. If the low retuil dealers ure »preading woe snd desol tion among the homes of our people, then we charge that these high, wholesale gro saop keepers are ar the head of the business, siding and abetting in the destination of human life snd the demorsliz tion of so- ciety, They may atempt to Iny the flirtering unetion to their greedy souls, whee fogering the gojoed out of the lite-blood und wrecked happiness of w.ny » househol J; that they are the min source--the great head-- of the riv r of We have a splendid stock of Black. and Colored Kid Gloveg at the BEE HIVE. Osmawa, March 27th, 1873, NEW FIGURED BALEKRNOS, NEW STRIPED SATEENS, NEW STRIPED POPLINS, NEW-T.USTRE SERGES, NEW BEACK LUSTRES, NEW PRINTS- J. BARNARD, BEE HIVE, King Street, Oshawa To fiver, Crry or Ricnmo; City or City ow b C1TY OF Pans, Crry or BrussELs. City or NEw YORK. Jtry or Loxpox, Sailing on Thursdays and ONTREAL, DOKLYN. From Pler 45, North Rives, RATES br! PASSAGE. Seca. BR Liverpool, + ie Loy Paris, Tjckets can 8! Partner Agent, ns wi July 20, 2X FOR (T-IRSIST UPON IT-BGY HO OTE YSPEPSIA ji Rice Ll. fH SH TRY IT! TERE intemperunge, besring annually upon its black bioody bosom three millions of blast «d mortals to destruction. The low, dirty, dow of iniquity--the commiin grogshop sod the fl.shy raloop--are only so many pipes, channels or sewers through which these respectable gentler n pour the tering, burping tide of desiructicn upon the raoks of hamanity, What if the history of every wholesale grogshop seller could be written out in detail | What if every gallon that goe- out through his barrels and e.sks could be traced in his feartul work! so wany murdered by his whiskey; so many r il- road treins dashed 10 pieces, and lives lost by the very liquor he sold ; so many lum iiies wreoked aod ruined by the whiskey he sold; so many hu<band« stutbed, vo muy widows mide 80 mush taxation produced. What would be his feelings, siter closiog a successful d.y's sule, just us he lays his head upon the pillow, 1 « tesio of all the murdered vietims, with their mungled bodies, und brokenhesrted wives, the sereami 1g shildren, snd a thous and woes, ull made by the whiskey he wold, could pres like » ghostly troop b fore his eyes, and-suy : " You did it] It was the liquor you sold" How would he keep that lettered sign over the door, reading to every passer by, ** Wholesale Liquor Desler 7" And yet that is the wors in wh ch the mien take pride, and finger the bicod money of wealth whien pours inte their coffers. No wonder that the strange and startling end of all such wen is mel anchaly, indeed, almast without exception. -- Southern Temperance Organ. A child in Batler Coyuty dined on sixty percussion caps, and now its parents are afraid to spank it. ' Tas certifies that Mr. LOUIS PRUDHOM is our duly Abbot's Patent Lock Stitch and Silent This further certifies that Mr. L. Pru Sewing Machines in the village of Oshawa, and that he is al Agents for the sale of our Machines, Torr to aa rights and privileges of the trade, as though appointed by us. The above Machine is one of the best Family needs to be seento be apprecisted. Prices, $23 without stand and $30 with wanted. £# A second-hand Grover & Baker Manufacturi ch ate a to do good work. Satisfactory reasons given for selling, ng Mashing for whup: Waneated A LARGE LOT OF BOOTS AND SHOES Men's Wear of all Classes, Ladies', To be Sold at a Reduction of 20 Per Cent. A share of public patronage soli:ited. CERTIFICATE OF. AGENCY. es authorized Agent, for the sale of Family Sewing Machines. dhom has the exclusive right of selling our horized to appoint in said Territery. Such agents Have all the Signed for the Company, J. J. COLLINS, St. Catharines, Out. Machines in the market, and only Agents CONSISTING OF Misses' 2ad Children's, of all Classes and Sizes, IN ORDER TO MAKE-ROOM FOR SPRING STQCK. . _L. PRUDHOM. --_ a SGOTLAND, thercafter. follows : Taames STEAM AND MONTREAL, TEMPERLEY'S LI C of the follo ; 'omposed of th wing First Cla MEDWAY, DELTA, - NIA THAMES, The Steamers of this Line are during the season of na London for Quebec and Montreal THAMES .- -. . Sat 7. (Via Halifax and St. ek SEVERY + - - Wednesday, Das .-- - - Yu Mepway = - - Wednesday, 1th. Nianza ScoTLAND - and every alternate Wednesday and And from Quebec for id vigation Saturday, (Direct.) ~ . SEVERN - - BEpTA - . Mepway - . . Nianzt ae Seal ScoTLAND - - and every alternate thereafter. , 1h - Wednesday, 38h 85 to 820 iy Sora DOMINIC : OSHAWA CEIS H whe Dominica B er Sia be allow on d The "ou al dpe 5 : ; except on Satw Riceed at 1 clock. pom ONTARI CAPITAL OSHAWA OFFi1CE-sIMCO CR HOUR Interest over $4 00, repayable ' > 3 0 Oshawa, July 16th, 187 ~ Money REDUC AM NOW PRH i any sitount uf mone Lowest Possible : n and manner to _. 'San Be re-paid by ¥ BE oth oor BILVER AND GREEN For further Official Ass Office McMillan's B April Wich. 1871. SHIN HINGLES OF wa, Shear Fale Mares