Ontario Reformer, 30 Jul 1873, p. 3

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oe -- vent Act of 1869. DA 5 / = N of North and Duchamp! RY ELDRIDGE, An Insolvent, c E19 DO * hed JAY OF for a dischatgs © this tenth day ot July, 4 v HENRY Eu : ty DRIDGE, Wm RH owe, IS attorney ad diem {ODDER ng Street. S' CLOTHING ~~ AND--. 'g Establishment, "DID STOCK OF ATS --AND APS, CET EAD. E AND CALL AT v Fire crevn mentioned. | of the Corporation Awa, have determined: 1 Fire Engine with a lose, and to erect a the same: into effect the will be necessary to raise by way of Thousand Dollars tor mentioned. require the sum of enty dollars to be special rate for payment i 1 interest as' nt of the whole i Municipality, rease of the income ry invest- natter men- { according to od of the said year one thog- eventy three Lt thous ty-five 'del- gz debt of the n thousand special rate of lar in addition to ied in eich year. 1h the Municipa f the Village of {ul for the Reeve t> raise by way 1 or persons, body may be swilling the eredit of r mentioned, a z in the whole 1 Doilars, and be pad mto the for the purposes + abavesrecited. for the saith of Debentures of | mouey as =s~ than one that the said | with the Seal and be e lawfu vunell, ntures shall be uty years at furthest er mentioned' for effect at the office of paliny, and coupons for sv.tures shall bear rate of six per + 1 the date hit} able on the mont f June and the month of Decem- he office of the icipality. f forming & ent of the said si at the rate 1¢ thereon, an equal 1 mills. in the dollar other rates, be ted in eacly year ropérty in the said re eontinuence of f them Le effect and he first day of e electors of the aken upon the + Town Halk i Oshawa, on the . year of our t Hundred and the hours of rencon ihe ing of a proposed y nto cone rpora- » about one n thereof tion was the yi ar of eur Lt hundred aod for the Tpnrpose tors thereon, the hours of and four y of Thursday, yenr'ef our fit hondred and wn Hall in the y of July, in the thousand = eight "MAN FNGLI3H, Council of Ogawa," Ia the Count % LIE hited Q rt of OSHAWA BUSINESS DIRECTORY. For the benefit of the public, we have compiled the following business directory. comprising the names of the most ~eliable dealers inthe village The public will find it to their advantage to deal. | with thom : MEDICAL. Dr. Wa. Conuvny, King Street, immediately | west of Hobbs Hotel. Pr. Francis Rae, King Strest, Di. MCBRIAN, Simgoe Street. LEGAL. J. BE. Farewerr. County Crown Attorney, Barrister, &ec., Brock Street, Whithy. R. MoGRE, Barrister; &c., Simcoe 'Street. op- posite REForMER Office, Oshawa GREENWOOD & McMiLiax, Whitby. Brock Street, BANKS. Ontario Bank, Simcoe «Street, C. Horraxp, Maaager. Pominion Bank, Simcoe Street, J. H. McLEL. LAN, Agent. James HoLpen, Money to lend, Brokerage &e., Brock Stredt Whitby, DENTISTRY. J. FERGU=ON, near Ragget & Shea's, Street. C. NX. Vans, Cowan's Block, King Street. AGENTS, Kc. Anctioner, enquire at this office | 3 Archi ance agent, Sime D. HOLLIDAY, Insure agent, opposite REe- FORMER office, Simcoe Sreet. B. Suerix, Hoop Skir Manufacturer," Bow- manville, i ect, Shipping and insur HOTEN, CevTrAL HOTEL, Simco¢street, Jas. Quigley Proprietor: DRY GOODS. J. W, Fowke, Corner timcoe & King Sts. J. BARNARD, Ring re East. W. Wicnrsan, Kiag Sreet. F. McRag, & Co, terne of King and Simcoe Streets. , ALEXANDER & BRYCI, Ning Street. 8S. Trew, Simcoe Sreel TAILAGS W. Laxc; King Street. G. GURLEY, King Street. MILLINERY AND LANDS WEAR. J. F. Ksrroa, King Street, ver McRae's store Mrs. BROOKS, Simcoe Streelopposite Quigleys ---- GROCERIES. SrerLe Bros, King Street.' WiGHTMAXN'S (late Cowans) Ming Street. BLAMEY & BRIGGS, King Siret, R. V. Cuuss, King Street. J. W, FowkE, corner of Kig and Simcoe Streets. F, NxaLE, Simcoe Stieet, CHEMISTS & DRUGGISS, Artxivsox, King Street. Dr. Deans, Medical Hill, Wilsa's Block. BOOTS ANI SHOES. T. G. HAWTHORN, Kin} Street. HARDW.RE, Haron & Mearys, Kine Street. JEWELERY. W. HEPINSTALL, Wilses Bicck, Ping Street. PaiLie TAYLOR, SimecoeStreet. FURNITURE & CSINET WaRe. Woe & Sons, Simcoe treet. Luke & BROTHER, Kig Street East CARRIAGE MKERS. BAMERIDGE, Simcoe Stret, North. PRINTSO. ONTDRIO REFORMER OFICE. Siincoe Stress. PHOTOGRSHERS, J. 0. Hexry, King Steet. WOODYRDS. A. ALEXANDER. Kingstreet. BUTCERS, G. W.GarTH, Kg Sweet. Ouimis Refarrier Is 1 BEST PAPELIN THE Kp ray Only ProfitableAdvertising Medium OSHAWA WENEZSD AY, IULY Orr ror Orrawa.--Hon: T. N. Gib left for Ottawa last Monday. 8. 8. Festival. --The B. C Bcheol children Pic-nicked Point on Thursday last. King | Sunday at Corbet | BOWMANVILLE NEWS. | { FROM OUR OWN CORRESPONDENT. Bowsaxvirie July 28th, Locals are very dull. On Saturday | last our citizens had the pleasure of wit- nessing the best games of Base Ball ever | { played in this town. It was between tle | Maple Leaf club of Guelph, and the | ' Victorias of Bowmanvile. The play of {the Maple Leafs was splendid, while | that of the Victorias was about as usual --nothing to brag of. The Maple Leafs | went for the Victorias to the tune of 25 to 2. Our Organ Factory 1s going on nicely, | and its prospects are good. The men | | { express themselves as well pleased with the change from Oshawa to Bowmanville. | The Company at_present occupy the | old brick store, on the Bowman property, | at the west end of the town, but it is their intention to build, immediately, a | building to accommodate from fifty to | seventy-five hands. | Our Cabinet Factory is going ahead | famously, and is now in a more flonrish- | ing "condition than before. | Factory closed down on Saturday, at noon ever {and will remain closed till Wednesday next! 30th inst., while stuck-taking is being The company has lately added a new' branch to the business--that of finished. coffin making, and under the management of Mr. Robt. McCall, it is flourishing be- | yond-all expectations. At the Bowmanville Machine Works, the wen are all kept busy, and the work | turned out is siving good satisfaction. To be sure,the works are small, --no compar- But | you know, everything must have a begin- | ison to your mammoth Hall Works. The | | ning. The irrepressible John Fowler, of rail- road notoriety, was in town a few days | | ago; this time agitating for a railroad | from Port Darlington to Lindsay, Fenlon | The scheme is a good one, but I doabt if anything will be done in the matter. | ee -- A -- ee | | © TxE crops in this vicinity are turning | | out much better than anticipated. Har- | vesting has commenced, farmers are busy, | and times are dull. . A Siear.--The first thaf of fall wheat | i we have seen this scason, was left in our f : 4 3 | office this morning, by George Duidge, of | Columbus. ' silent color . hat Hunting ried Pat 1 time gun $18. wil desirable 1 ve wut Lever Watch, full Jewel! Hepiustall's, J Oshaws rr sic | one side. John A. anu we : ts | now they are daspised. Petition are being PETITIONS. - g | Barley Falls and throught to the Georgion:Bay. | E | Peas, do The grain is well developed, | ¥ | ! never much admired in these parts, and Rexovar.--Mr. J. A. Gibson has re- moved into his elegant new store, next to the Dominion Bank, Coxczrr.-- Victoria Lodge, O. Y. B, will give their grand annual concert on "\ghe 2nd October next--Fair Day. \ Oprerrows Excursion. --The 04d fellows excursionize to Rochester on Mon- day next. + Tae 15th Avcusr.--The O. Y. B. Pic-nic for the 15th promises to he one of the fivest ever held in Oshawa. Every body should give the boys a helping hand. Ax oup priexp. ~The Rev J. J. Rice, of Toronto, and formely of Oshawa, will deliver two sermons in the Bible Christian Church here on Sanday next. Learsiye From IssrrvcrioNn.--The Whitby Council has carried out our sug- gestion in regard to repairing the Bridge this side of Whitby. Ir Fariern oN THE TORY AND THE Gurr. --The clerk of the weather has been | seized with a humid freak, and many rains have blessed us with lots of washing water wluring the past week. Excresios.-- Friday) next - has 'been Pruclaimed a public holiday - in Lindsay, Port Perry and - Whitby, and will' be celebrated by an excursion to Washbura's Ireland. : Narrow Bscare.--Mr. J. F. Kellogg with two ladies had a narrow escape from serious injury, on Monday last, by being thrown from a buggy, between here | and Whitby. Tar usual Sabbath afternoon Temper- | ance meeting will be held, in the Sons | Hall, on Sunday next at a quar er to four P. M. Addresses are expected from Elder Haynard and Rev. Mr. Rice, of Toronto. A good attendance is wished for and all are cordially invited to come. ~Wortwy or Parrovace.--The St. Pat- | ricks Benevolent Society will hold their pic-nic at Annis' Grove as previonsly-an- nounced, on Tuesday next. We hope our citizens will torn outan large numbers to participate in the pleasures of the day. The object cf the society is so worthy, that every assistance afforded to it coms tributes to the advancement of a goud and noble work. Accipest.--In the saw mill of Pilkie | & Miller, Uxbridge, a young man, David= Mordan, while cleaning up the sawdust | underneath the lath table, by accident put Webster $35, 1,000 Stitclies a minute | his hand too close to the saw and had three of his fingers cut off, the hand also | badly cut ; the doctor thinks he can save | the thumb and fore finger. We are sorry | to state this makes no less than eleven | elsven fingers taken off by the same saw within fifteen months, and it being the | safest saw in the mill, having two rollers in front and two at the back, a sclf-feed- ing lath mill. £-M..C. A.--We: are pleased tv learn | of an atwmpt, which will no doubt | prove successful, to establish a young mans' Christian Association in the village | of Oshawa. These institutions where- ever they have been in operation have been | productive of great good, sud we know of no place which there is a better field for the work which is the special object of the Y. M. C. A. than this place. It is propose to connect with it a free reading room, library &e., which will render the working of the Society mot | only useful practically; bat a means of | ntelligent recreation and mental improve- went. A public meeting will be held in connection with this subject, tus eveulng, jn the M. E. Church, aud we trust all wha osa, wid avtend, ' | frightful wound. | R. W: Bro. " largely signed throughout the county, praying u not¥o prorogue Parliament until th linistry have had ample cppor- tunity of clesring themselves before the | tHouse of Commons. Sovrrn Ostazo Fawr, Swow.--Ata meeting of the Directors of the Soaith Ou- d to ¥ of Oshawa; {in last ¥ ¥, it was « the Fali Show in the Vill d of October. Tha change of | to an earlier date will be on the 2 the usua e found an improvement. | Tue cane or Crickzs. --Colborne and | | Whatby tried conclusions in thi¥ game on | | Thursday last. The play was Sood on | | both sides, Moassrs. Osler, Lang, Ray, of Whitby, and Strong of Colborne, going in for some scientific touches and doing it | remarkably well. The Whitby boys were | beaten, and retired without according the courtsey to the Colborne people that might have been expected. At least that is what the people say. See, See---"Tis a positive fact that Rus- | ell'§ Slebrated watch is sold as cheap, and a little theaper in Oshawa, than Toronto men to do. before sending your money from home, to see those goods and learn the prices going at Hepinstall's Jeweller store. advertieo Be sure then Tur Crops. --The haying is all through | with, and the general opinion seews to be | that though the crop is rather light, it is not as bad as was anticipated. Barley is { ripening, and a number of farmers have | begun. to cut. Fall wheat is also coming under the sickle. TarroriNG at Wm. Dackie's. A large a®- sortment of New and Fashionable Clothes, New Hats, Collars, Ties, &c. Boots and' { New Hain --The Whitby Oddfellows Nave secured the block next to Lowes & Powell's on Brock Street, & intend build- ing a new hall. Conxer Stones. --W. H. Gibbs M. P. hid the foundation stone of a new Wesleyan Church at Sunderland, last Thursday. On Tuesday next the corner stone of the new Bible Christian Church at Duffins Cr. ¢c will be laid. Accipexr.--A little girl at Manilla met with a serious accident last Friday by getting (ntangled on a shaft in Mr. Bells, turning shop, breaking her collar bone and ziving serious interval injuries. She is now recovering. F. G. Park. a young printer from Canada," commenced work in this office on Tuesday morning last, and on measur- ing his "dupes" on Saturday night, it was found that he had set no less than than 08,000 ems, making $40.80 in five days. Mr. P. is the fastest "" comp" that ever : worked in Memphis,-- Memphis Gazetts. The London Advertiser, which copies. the foregoing, remarks that he worked in that office last fall a fow weeks-- Mr. Park is the youngest son of the Principal of Chatham Central School, in which town he learned his trade. - to Oot BIRTHS. n awa, on the 25th inst, the wife of M: Wm. Seot a by t, of the Lockhart House, of a Ath MARDIED. t the residence of the brides' o t Whitby, on the 10th {nat.. by Be IR Edmondson, Mr. John McKen-ie, to Agnes, only daughter of Mr. Willian Richa dson. Commercial, OSHAWA MARKETS our owt, ee eat, Fall, ¥ bushel, ... Wheat, 8 fs h July 37 $300 @$3 20 E] 1.0 119 042 -r So o 8 Peas, % bushel, Rive Peas. ............ jlack-eyed Marrow-fat | Potatoes, ¥ bushel, Mls .... Butter, ¥ », wes, ¥ Redns, ® Wool... 2 Apples. Dried Apples., Clover Seed... . Timothy seed.................. TORONTO MARKETS. Wheat, ¥ bushel, ......... Barley, do tere ne SHBIZCESS copoOo~ozoooO30® 88.888 55-88888 ccooo~osc0o0S b-2 rh] Oats, do Rye, do . Potatoes, per bag... Hay, ¥ton,........... Hocoocoy g8gss=2 Mortagage Sale. »URLIC NOTICE given, that i en ontaksed i certain Moriga. a t the ¢ of Sale) the fo ERERBY o be lowiag nu the VILLAGE oF OSHAWA 3 Novith | = 123 up and soid by Public Auction, at ae 's Commercial Hotel, in the | Villages of Roan) on Saturday, the 16th day of August | next, A.D. 1873; | At the hour of Three o'clock in the afternoon of | that day. | Ther e are on the said land Two good Fram | Dwellings and Out Houses, in every way suita- | ble for two small families, besides a gopd Well | and Pump. The Lot is well fenced, containing | a number of Fruit Trees and a good- Garden with Orchard. Terms and cong ss made known at the time of sale. ther particulars apply to FAIRBANKS, Auctioneer, dc. Whitby, Ont, or to | MESSRS. GREENWOOD 4 McMILLAN, Vendor's Solicitors, Whitby, Ont. LEVI | | 1i-din | { Change of Business, Selling off at Cost. S. TREWIN. | Sacrifice Sale, before moving into New Shop. S. TREWIN. Cheap Goods for One Month. S. TREWIN. Shoes, a specialty. Freach Calf Boots, very cheap. Call early and leave your | orders. Sermus Accipext.--In the town ship | of Pickering, on the 23rd con., Mr. John Gee, while driving the mower, ha ving oc- | casion to lean over to raise thie knife, and in doing so, the horses jumped, and threw him in front of the machine, and was fearfully cut and bruised, and one of the gards penetrated the skull, making a He now lies in a very helpless condition ; his recovery is very doubtful. Something Entirely new at w. The Banner $30 Sewing Machine ; Dickies The without noise, skipping of stitches, or breaking of thread. Buy no other without first trying these. Masoxic Graxp Lopoe.- The follow- ing are the officers elected and installed at the late session of the Masonic Grand Lodge of Canada in Montreal. i W. Bro, Wm. Wilson, L. L. D., G.M. . » Thos. White, jr., D. G. M. B. E. Charlton, G. 8, W. F. Mudge, G.J. W. Rev. Canon lures, G. Chap., Heury Groff, G. Treas. John Netticton, G. Reg. T. B. Harrie, G. Sec. John L. Dixon, G. Tyler, The following brethren were elected Destrict Deputy Grand Masters ; St. Clair--R. W. Bro. T. C. McNabb. London--R. WwW. Bro. D. B. Burch. Wilsou--NK. W. Bro. W. 8, Matto. | Huron--R. W. Bro. J. E. Harding. Wellingt m--R. W. Bro. W. S. Burnett. Hauniton--R. W. Bro J. J. Mason. Niagars --R. W. Bro. R. Kempt. Toromto--R. W Bro. H. Robertson. Outario---It. W. Bro. J. B. Tyres. Prince Edward--R. W. Bro. Richardson. St. Lawrance--R. W. Bio. J. Reyuoids. Ottawa--R. W. Bro. Wu. Nevin. Bedford--R. W. Bro. G. H. Wileinson. | Blauiwobs- RB. W. Bro. W. Kennedy. wr Balance of Stock must be | cleared out before 1st Sept. S. TREWIN. TREWIN offers Great Bar- | gains just now. Clearing Sale until 1st Sept. : S. TREWIN. | Bouts and Shoes and Groceries Very Cheap, at TREWINS. BY CRAND TRUNK NEW TEAS Good Japan Tea Very good Gunpowder Tea Choice GUNPOWDER TEA TO-DAY! A LOT OF ee STEELE BROS. For 25 cts. a 1b. For 50 cents a lb, For 80 cents a lb. EXCELLENT 1. By, ®; r - wiecn Teal | From 50 to 60 cts. a Ib, | THE FINEST FLAVORED Green & Black Tea From 80 cts. to $1, re AT eee Steele Bros., OSHAWA. Celebrated for Good Tea. GET THRE BEST Glass Preserve Jars, TO BE HAD AT STEELE BROS. Oshawa, July 21st, 1873. ---- 'ORGAN FACTORY. The Oshawa Organ FACTORY RemoveD y --T0-- | BOWMANVILLE! Special announcement in a Few Days. Cheap Woolens' at TREWINS', for One Month. | Look Out for It. | WHEAT, | FOR SALE. Pre SECOND HAND EUGGIES, IN good condition--cheap. | WM. COBURN. 164w SAFE FOR SALE. FIRE-PROOF SAFE, SIZE 23 inches deep ; 36 inches wide and 33 high, WII be sold cheap. A to te P- ADPIE 2 REWIN, Oshawa FOR SALE ONE-HORSE SPRING WAGGON, good and cheap, for cash. CAPTAIN G. FAREWELL. * FOR SALE! HAT DESIRABLE HOUSE AND Lot on the corner of Mary and Colborne Streets, at present occupied by Y, Barnard, is for sale on easy terms. 6-2w __CaPT.G. FAREWELL. 8tt FOR SALE. Hou AND LOT CORNER OF Lloyd aud Monk Street. Apply to 13-tf E. FIELDING. Lumber for Sale. LARGE QUANTITY OF SESLON A. lumber for sale at Meads' Mill, Reach. > A. B. CAMPBELL, dtr. Preprietor. FOR SALL. A HORSE, EIGHT YEARS OLD, Suitable for General Purposes, also BUGGY and HARNESS, apply to E. FIELDING King St West, Osbawe, 1-tf FOUR HORSES FOR SALE. ONE YOUNG SPAN MATCHED BAYS, suitable for either Dat or Pravght, A il sell 'either pdb or or pan: vy by the ANCRW ANNIS. House and Lot For Sale. Opposite Oshawa Cabinet Factory. HE HOUSE CONTAINS TWELVE rooms, and a good stone cellar. Will ac- Somuduts four small Jotuiliea i Yerma, ete., a to Capt. Geo 'wrewell, or to poly P rge 2 1 GEE. 249-1, For Sale! SINCE THE SOUTH RIDING OF 1) the County of Ontario is, and has bedn for sale in Lump, I think the individual properties therein ought to be sold as well. 1 therefore offer for Sale the South Part of Lot No. 5, Broken Front, East Whitby, about 75 Acres. The South Part Lot No. 6, Broken Front, East Whitby, about 130 Acres: also North half Lot of No. 13, 1st con. East Whitby, acs ont wi" be given, CONAN WOOL. Fest Whitby] Stk WOOL | rn WHEAT CASH PAID FOR any quantity of WOOL, WHEAT AND OATS. J. W. FOWKE. i i T.GGHAWTHORN Sweeps Everything before Him OOT re AND | SHOE TRADE I He has no competitor in the market. If you want to get a Good Article in Boots; Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, &e. &e. You can rely upon getting The Best at Hawthorns. Special Inducements Offered to the Country Trade! Oshawa, July 15th, 1873. WE HAVE NOW IN OUR SHOW ROOMS 60 SETS OF BEDROOM SUITES, To Select from, Raging in Price From $25 to $200 each. PARLOR SUITS, DINING ROOM SETTS, And other Furnitur, in great variety, all of First-class 2fazufasture. LUKE & BROTHER. Rheumatism, Sealds, Lameness, lleuralgia, Burns, Soreness, Sore Throat, Boils, Wounds, After the Fire! 1.0& RH.HENRY, Have Resumed Business in the Gallery lately occupied by J. E. Hoitt In the Building on the Cerner of King and Simcoe Streets, Where they are once more prepared to Take Photographs, And. other Styles of in ps Sty! Sure; all the Latest Entrance on King Street . Between Gllletts' and Dickie's Store. ITE an D MON » HVUHOIN A Te uo Buio A : SON) OPBLT, JotuwIng imc Pliotographs taken from Pictures, and enla . to any Sige. Oshawa, December 24th, 1872; LADIES' UNDERWEAR! Having obtained Rooms ia GIBBS BLOCK | OVER McRAE AND COS STORE 1 1 have d the lure of LADIES UNDERWEAR IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, WHOLESALE & RETAIL; x ave nol Ted) fol jam ction in wuauner guaranteed to give ries of oe SNIVOEVE HSNENINI 1873. The above being bought before the FRUIT SEASON. TEN TONS. OF THE BEST BRIGHT - CRYSTALIZED SUGAR FOR PRESERVING | TO BE HAD OF BLAMEY & BRIGGS. w---- China Tea Sets from 84 765, White Granite Tea Sets from $2 5O, White Granite Toilet Sets from $2 50, General Crockery and Glassware equally cheap. sers will do well to call and see then, as weshave a large Stock which must be sold to make room for other shipments now oh the way. sm Our general Stock of Groceries is now complele, including a new lot of | those Green and Black Peas, which cannot be surpassed Jor quality or price. 2,000 DOZEN EGGS WANTED: 1873 recetit advance, intending purcha- Dominion Bank OTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN THE following calls on the alloted Stock of the Dominion Bank, have been made by the Directors, and the same are pay- able at the Banking House in Toronto, as follows : 10 per cent. and premium of § per cent on the 1st July, 1873. do do 1st Aug. 1873. " " 1st Sept. " 2nd Oct "3rd Nov. "4th Dec. "bth Jan. 4 " 5th Feb. " " 9th March a" " 9h April (By order of the Board.) R. H. BETHUNE, Cashier. Toronto, 28th May, 1873. 3-15-tf. Millinery | Miilinery For Style in Millinery, For Cheap Goods, REMEMBER TEE PLACE, King St., Oshawa, (Nearly opposite Hatch & Mearns.) T. GG, HAWTHORN, | forniched avd Apply. at Gibls' Block, over "McRae | Als) soma odd Jota for sale on the Karr Prop Ia | Osbaws, July, 1873. Satay ~ PO | | FIFTY FIRST-CLASS | Sewing Machine Operators | XX ANTED, under-wear. Steady employment Wages given | . F. KELLOGG \ Oshawa, June 2nd 1372, LEE RE OR COPY Go to Brooks', Go to Brooks' Ladies' FurnishingStore TO MANUFACTURE iy . orper of v houses 'MEDICAL HALL. RemovalL DR. DEANS ESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE Public that the MEDICAL HALL is REMOVED to WILSON'S NEW BLOCK. NEAR THE POST OFFICE, Where he has opened out a NEW STOCK of ill he eid by the fers J. F K ELLOGS; if you want to get HORSESHOEING --OR-- : REPAIRING, OF ANY KIND DONE Up to Time | he oi By Timed On Time | ; And in Time ! --GO TO-- BAMBRIDGES, a SIMCOE ST. 'NORTH. - $8,000 Worth of Stock. And a large stork of Fancy Articler. 2% His Bury ry is in connection with the Shop as usual. Oshawe, Maach 12th, 1872. * PSYCHOMANCY, S0TL CRARNMING." | How either sex may fascinate and gain the lovd { and affection of amy person they choose, in stantly. This simple mental acquirc.nent ail free, by mail, for 25 cents, together nrringe Guide, Egyptian Oricle, Dreams, Hints to Ladies. etc. A queer. . x 106,900 sold. Address T. bi M Co.. South Eighih 8t., Puiladelpbia, Pa. FOR SALE. HE VALUABLE PROPERTY t | good water &c. erty, the best in Oshawa, Nov 1S YOUR TIME FOR CHEAP WATCHES, . CLOCKS, JEWELRY, SILVEE PLATE, FANCY GOODS, : 40, &C. Philip Taylor Has commenced to sell his splendid stock at GREATLY REDUCED RATES for Cash enly, or to his fitting tore and pre es wad Ei the English, French, German, and American mark- ets and fa His stock is of the best guailt d newest past - | to best. guailty aid ne est patterns pur | will save by Ns and feo hazing pe : Watches, Clecks and Jewelry renared and warranted on short notice, and cheaper © than any other iowse. Oshawa, March 11th 1373, Apply to R14 JAMES WOOD.

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