Ontario Reformer, 23 Jul 1873, p. 4

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' | EER BBISESER TT Sr ha 24 - : De oe EEE ARIEL t EELS go ow -- Li # = FTI i a . ELF bode Hi he ft ikl -------- RE GR 2» | -- ------ -- ---- ---------------- 1EE WIMILIDCN TBA.X Frocess oF CANADIAN MARKSMEN-- YEE PRELIMINARY FIriNG-- Prizes Won, London July Tith | At the Altcar ranges the Canadians beat Lie Liverpool rifles by twelve pointes At Wimbledon, in the Alfred prize, Messrs. Graham, Power, Boyd, Counter snd Shaw won. prizes in the first serice. Extra prizes were won by Eaton, , "Th "peténth Prize in the second series , Was fikan by Vai. o first prize, or the Queen's prize, first_ stage, was. won by Vail, seventh Anderson, 'won' prizes a the Prince of Wales.' Inthe Alexandra prize, Boyd won the th 5 : prince of Wales' prize, White he prise rize the Canadians won by fifty In the private match with the First Cheshire i points. Loxvox July 18. The Canadians have ded in carfy- in off five mcre prizes; but they have lost. the Belapore ' Xp Insh team bas won the Blcho slifs'd at Wimbledon. This is the first tune that the Irish rifleman have carried off this prize from the English markes- men, Sik John and Lady Macdonald will eave Ottawa city on Monday, for River du. Loup, to be absent, -it is said, umtil the 10th prox. The rumoured intention of the Premier pot to return to the capital until within three days of the meeting of the House is a good. deal commented upon." SirJohn is said to be exceedingly anxious that there, should not be a meet- ing of Parliament. His anxiety in this respect is further said to arise from his fear of the damaging results of the enquiry by the Huntington Committee, especially + the erofregxamination of Sir Hugh Allan. Thegoar¢ hints thrown out by irreepon- siblepeople of course, but nene the less reliable, as indicative of what is being contemplated within "the ring, the centre of which is the Council Chamber, to the "effect that careful watch will be kept as to "the designs of the Opposition. If it be found to be the intention of the latter to muster in force and proceed to business, then the supporters of the Government will be summoned with the design of using their majority,'if by that time they have the advantage in numbers to so control the enquiry that nobody will be hurt. . PP. T.Barmpm is well ' posted up' in this town, ' Motto for tea merchants--Honest tea is the best policy. A colum in an enterprising New Eng- land daily is headed " small-pox matters.' It is thought that Victor Hugo's forth- coming poem, 'Satan,' will be a devilish | good thing. Honesty is the best policy," must have | been said by some one who had tried bothalternatives. | The Postmaster General estimates that | "$130,000,000 postal cards will be wanted | the first year. | Anold conductor says he is no judge of female beauty, but he can always tell | Tie Mini esota papers wish the Cali- | fornia papers to mind their own business | on the subject of climate contparisons. An advertisement ina Western paper says : 'Look out for Mrs. Snyder, of Cleveland, who has killed two husbands "and is rofming around the country for a third." ; A recent novel describes a man as 'one of tl ¢ main sleepers of the church." This is thought preferable to the * pillows of the church," especially in the railroad districts. A not altogether gallant proprietor of an English provincial menagerie, posted up the foilowing novice: ' Ladiengpe re- not to remain stationery infront of the cages. Jt tires the monkeys. Doubt anyone's good sense who sp (" UNTAKIU KEFOKMEK, USHAWA, WEDNESDAY, JULY 23,188. REMOVAL MEAT MARKET GW. GARTH, BUTCHER, AS REMOVED HIS MEAT MAR- KET to the Buil d ly opposit BLACKS COMMERCIAL HOTEL, KING ST. Nes SSL Bla Mor, Kako it well stocked with {| of meats season, to merit Lv the 0) 3 Y ,» 80 that his customers can be plied at their doors.and in good ti; for the oven. Al orders Toit 88 the Market punctually scorufully of newspapers. There is much in them that is trifling, and perhaps, demoralizing ; but in the best of them, how much that is wise and noble 1--Old and New. A distinguished American tourist is amazed at the number of apothecaries who must have done business in Pompeii as he notices that nearly every house has ¢ Salve ' inscribed in large letters in vesti- bule. Two hundred and thirty assessors and twelve hundred assistant assesiobe will be relieved on the 20th of May next. [Relieved _ to know that their services are no longer needed in "rupnin' the guv. ment."] A Minnesota farmer has just sold his farm of 160 acres, broken and fall-ploughed, with a good frame house, a stable, and all his farming impl ts.and utensils, for #100 eash and an old sheepskin over coat. A Quincy, TIL, lady hpsa quilt eontain- ing 5,463 pieces, and 185,800 stitches. A Western paper says, ' Who counted the latter" Well, any weman who would te fool enough to. make them would be fool enongh to count them. A+ Little - Rock editor is pathetic about the loss' of exchanges, and says that anybody may steal his wardrobe, eat his luncheon, ortake hisempty pocket- book, if only his exchanges can be spared. The Beston Globe thinks it is unkind to ricicule those items in the papers about centenuarians. It says that it is no easy thing to become a centepnarian, aad it knows, several who have failed, one, particularly, who bas been at it 97 years and has not succeeded. Tue Rerorr Couvrteovs,--May (who does not like being ' Wallflower") ; You've uo idea Maud, how utterly idiotic you people dancing look to those who sit down and watch you !" Maud : 'I dare say mot, love ! I never tried ! T would say to all young men : marry your second wife: first, and keep out of debt by all means, even if you Lave to borrow the money to de it. England is a curious country. No one could be found to lake Gladstome's place. Over here, ten thousand men weald have felt themselves competent. A gentleman who had: been arguing | The Imported Ayrshire Bull, BISMARCK, ILL SERVE AT SYDENHAM FAR during the Season. Terms- Full Bred Cows Four Dol common Grade Cows One Dollar each. THOMAS GUY. Osbawa, July 8b, 1573. Wtf SPRING SUMMER CLOTHING. ¥ Ml . LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUALITY. CALL AT GURLEY'S AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING- He has just received his NEW STOCK, Which will be found complete. 3eautiful Vest and Pant Patterns Jlothing of all kinds made to order on the shortest notice, Oshawa Coal. AND WOOD DEPOT SUBSCRIBERS BEG TO IN that ve now SR IRAL ha ui are latge quantity of COAL and CORD WOOD Georgetown Lime, Agricultural Salt! All orders left at the office in the Yard, will be promptly attended to. A. Alexander. WOOD CUT and SPLIT at EXTRA CHARGE. SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF Stereoscopic Views always on hand. Musical Instruments, Sheet Music, Fancy Goods, Stationary, &c..at R. WELLINGTONS, Wilson's Block, Oshawa. MEDICAL HALL. Removal DR. DEANS ESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE Public that the MEDICAL HALL is MOVED to WILSON'S NEW BLOCK. NEAR THE POST OFFICE, Where he has opened out a NEW STOCK of And a large stock of Fancy Articler- #®~ His Surgery is in connection with the Shop as usual. Oshawa, Maach 12th, 1872. VICTORIA ELECTRIC LINIMENT! "THE KING OF ALL LINIMENTS." For Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Lumbago, Sciatia, Wandering Pains, Stiffness in the Limbs or Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Numbness, Swellings, Headache. rhe, Toothache, &e. BUY IT! TRY IT!! PROVEIT!!! Price 50 Cents per Bottle. Sold by all Druggists. VICTORTA CARBOLIC SALVE. " WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD," A Speéific for Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burns Scalds, Boils, Piles, Pimples, etc., and Chroni Diseases of the Skin of every description, A CALL SOLICITED. Price 25 Cents per Box. Sold by all Drugg s---- Hats and Caps. WILLIAM LANG | INMAN LINE when ladies are 'passing fare.' | 'with an ignoramus urtid his patience was Very few horses eat corned beef, but we | exhausted, said he didn't wish him de ad, saw one standing the other day before a! put he would be glad to see him no store with a bit in his his wouth. | more. A farmer thinks the words. "Ho, every one that thirsteth," should read, "' Thirst, every one that hoeth.' Western papers mourn at 'the aboliticn | penders of the short boys who try to kiss of the frawking privilege, it so reduces | her. : their revenue from the paper mill. Never ' pop' on horseback. --A New Never use profane language on the cars. | Yorker writes about pupping the question Go out on the platform.. Profanity is | On horseback as though he had been there. never throfm away on a brakesman. | Don't do it, it's the most awkward place The ' Pub. Docs.' printed by Govern- to pop in the world. If you're rejected, fuent in 1872, cost the tax produces of | you cau't vt away; il you're acceyted, this country the erormous sum of $2,- You Ga'taimbrace. Horees do's wader. 436,052,49. | stand that, and by the time you get your A contemporary speaks of a fashion- | Vin grog het the eiisioonded syinia} able. tailor as being 'one of the old war- hr I Apa i - : Jou tempt lo horses of the trade." A heavy charger, | th ye Lage JOSE oC. WP Dna. Youn ove We suppow, e whole countenance, kissing the nose and the chin more that any other place. | Alittle boy was playing with a couple of five-cent pieces, the other evening, which a friend had given him, and put- ting his finger on one of them, said, This is what they call | one I am gring to give to the heathen :He A Toledo man reckons that the recent increases in the price of wollen rags has ~ added three per cent. to the valuation of | his fanuly. ¢ Connecticutlets ' A beatiful Indiana school giel,. thirteen | years old and six feat 1inch- high, is | | carsing a general rupture among the sns small ites from the Nutmeg State when they insert them in the Waterbury, Mass An®rican. Hawthorn paid: a pretty complimen when he said of Miss Bremer, that she was 'a most amiable lijtle woman, "worthy to be a maiden-aunt of the whole human race.' ey The New York Commercial Advertiser ---- states that Mrs. Southworth has written oY forty,two novels ! And adds : ' Thou- sands of her readers have died, but she is alive.' A burglar who wus sentenced the other 'day at the Maidstone, Eng., Assizes to seven-years' penal servitude, offered to Sons the Bench whether it shculd be four teen years or nothing, A student, undergoing his examination was asked what was the mode of action of disinfectants?! He replied, ' They _ smell so badly that the le open windows, and fresh air a oh _ Just as the Passenger train on the Toronto and Nipissing was clear of Union- ville, and running at the Rate of twelve miles an howr an old man suddenly levped up from his seat, rushed to the platform and bounded off torning about forty somersaults before he brought up against the fence. In a short time he appeared at the depot, looking all around and then exclaimed, What an old fool ! I thought I * Toft my umbrella here, and jumped' of the cars toget it, and now, hang me, if 1 don't remember chucking it under the st Jim A--, out West, tells a good yarn abont a * shell bark lawyer.' His client was up 'n two small charges' 'frivolous charges," as shell bark designated them (forging a note of hand aud stealing a horse) On running his eye over the jury be didn't like their looks, so he pre pared an affidavit for coutiuwance, setting forth the absence of a principal witness, He real it. ina whisper to the prisoner. who, shaking his head, said: ~Squire, 1 can't~swear to the" Why 1 Kase it huint true. "Old shell' inflated and exploded loud enough 'to be heard throughout the room. What! forge a ABPgo an" ata] 3 horse an' can't swear ton L 4 Hang such infernal fools. And he Yin Dodi gely Jedh st Wb i lve Vie Ww - : kept on playing, till at last one of the pieces rolled away, and he could not | find it. Which one have you lost? | asked the friend. The one I was going to | give to the heathen, replied the cherub. Ou the wrong side.--Mr. Robert Kettle, a temperance missionary in Glasgow, left a few tracts with a young lady one morn- ing. Calling at the same house a few days afterwards he was rather discontent. ed at observing the tracts doing duty as as curl-papers on the head of the damsel to whom he had given. Well, my lassie he remarked, I see you have weed thé tracts I left wi' ye; but, he added, in time to turn confusion i.to merriment, ye have putted them on the wrang side of o'your head, my wowan. Strarumoy, July 11.--At 11. 35 last owning another serious fire weok- place here, totally destroying Pincombe & Pools tannery, with engine, stock, ete. also dasaging the buildings adjoining the town mills, The whole tannery was con- sumed in about twenty minutes after the first discovery, and it was with the greatest exertion that the grist mill was saved ; and had the latter building gone, the large woollen factory must have foHowed. Loss on the tannery and stock, $10,000 ; insurance for $3,600, The grist mill is damaged: to the extent of , but is fully insured." The loss falls upon the Western, Provincial, British American, and Royal Companies. The origin of the fire 1s a mystery. FOR SALE ONE-HURSE £p A LIE FERNG Wagar, 8- CAPTAIN G. FAREWELL, VICTORIA COMPOUND SYRUP OF HYPOPHOSPHITES The only ¥, red fro; . Chyrohill' ro iy SYTD ol to be pi ual . For the prevention and cufe of PULMONARY CONSUMPTION, Also for the cure of | spepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Dg i tists Leon 43 CERTIFICATE AS TO PURITY AND EFFICACY. Laboratory, U ato. Deersih, Nv . 4th, 1872, To the Vietoria C i ~ 1 have the articles employed in ths Victoria meal Works i the wreparation of the Vietoria Syrup of Hypo- pi several used are , and the Syrap is also ite free from any of ¥ ond wl Y Hela Wbtedly prove A BeNKY H CROFT Pr Chemistry, U0 Phe 1 per Bortie. Bell by all Druggists, { INVITES INSPECTION TO HIS SPLENDID STOCK OF NEW SPRING GCODS! WHICH 1S COMPLETE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Clothing Made to Order WITH CARE AND DESPATCH. Gents' Furnishings. 'Buiyio|n sprw-Apeay Boots and Shoes. sm HATCH & MEARNS, Hardware, Tin and Stove Dealers, KING STREET, OSHAWA, Beg.leave to return thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on them dunng the post year, and would solicit a centinuance of the same, We have on hand the Largest, Best and Cheapest Stock of HARDWARE, and &c,, Eyer offered inthis market. Our Stock comprises part of the following : 500 Kegs Cut, Shingle and Lath Nails, 50 Boxes Pressed and Horse Nails, 200 Boxes Glass, " Star "and " Diamond Star," James', Walker & Parker's, and Brandram's White L:ads, ish and Ameican Colors, Blundel and Spencer's Boiled and Raw Oil, Fnrniture and Carriage Varnish. lish, and C'anadian Locks, Latches, and Knobs, rap Hinges, Screws &c., American, Butts, T. and Gouge's, Plane Irons, &e. American Socket Fjrmer Chisels, Star Company's Bevils, Squares, Dividers, &e., Dawson's | English Planes, Rodgers' and other English lish Cutlery, Plated Forks, Spoons etc., B. M. Tea and Coffee Pots, Spates Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Forks etc. Platform and Counter Scales, Guns, Revolvers, Shot, Powder, and Gun Caps, Coal and Wood Cooking Stoves, Tinware, Lamp and Chimneys, Chandeliers and Brackets, EVETROUGHING & JOBBINGPROMPTLY ATTENDEDTO Cut Nails 85 per Keg, Cash ; other goods at proportionate prices. HATCH & MEARNS, iKpg Street, Oshawa, April 31st, 1873, Ontario' Commercial 'College, Belleville, Ont. THOROUGH ' AND PRACTICAL INSTITUTION FOR BUSINESS A, SHARACIERISTIC « of the age, where young men and boys can procure an education risk nothing, the result unvariable, and the opini are, the pra mam Jrominent business men, and the it miss} a are the of petency otfered by aa College." ne " SUBJECTS TAUGHT. Book-keeping--by single aud double entry, ian P: i Arithmetic, Correspondence, Commercial iy Phonogrethy. Toe ing, Railroading, Steamboating, Mechanical and rehitectural Prawing , & 8taff of Seven Practical and Experienced Teachers, whe oan devote a few months to study; who have BONS EDUCA 'hose 36airous of Ch 0 on Th thamserres 1s ond uct Thalys Woaht o ay Ly 7 rate oe Uy ---- AF Speoi of P hi, ars sent free of charg e, "Whims, and Ways. Spears and Jackden's and Sorby's Hand, Rip, and Tenon Saws, Chisels, OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, TO AND FROM New York, Queenston and Liverpool | A MTWERP. BALTIMORE Crry of City or LIMERICK. Crry or DUBLIN, City or HaLirax, City or DURHAM. City or WASHINGTON. " Sailing /on Thursdays and Saturdays From Pier 45, North River, RATES OF FAssAoE. or "abin. k verpool, - - oe gold. $30, currency on, - - 8, 35, ce ee WR. » " Tick: be bought here at moderate rate by os wiping 10 send for their friends. Fo her information apply to the Company® Agent, C W. SMITH, Osawa. seTwEEN/ LONDON, QUEBEC, MONTREAL. TEMPERLEY'S LINE Composed of the following First-Class Iron Steamers: SCOTLAND, DELTA, THAMES, The Steamers of this Line are intended te sail during the season of navigation ef 1873, fremn London for Quebec and Montreal as follows : Toauzs - - - Saturday, Apri Sth. (Via Halifax and St. John N. s SEVERN - Wednesday, * 16th DELTA «- . - Saturday, "2th MEpway - - - Wednesday, 7th May (Direct.) Niasza - - - 17th do SceTLAND - Wednesday, 28th do and every alternate Wednesday and Saturday thereafter. from Quebec for London as follows : THAMES - - - SEVERN . - - Duta - . Meopway MEDWAY, HECTOR NIANZA, SEVERN Thursday, 8th May Tuesday, I3th do Tuesday, 3rd June Thursday, 12th de Tuesday, 2ith do Nianza - - SCOTLAND and every alternate Tuesday and Thursday | thereafter. Rates of passage from Quebec to | London, Cabin, $60; Steerage, $2{; Throuzh Tickets from all points West at reduced rates. Certificates issued Lo persons desirous of bring. ing out their friends. Through bills of lauding issued on the continent, and "in London for all rts of Canada, and Inthe United States to De- troit, Milwaukee, Chicago and other points in the West, For freight or passage, apply to Tempe:lev's Carter and -Darke, Billeter Stivei, London; Ross & Co,,Queoce; David Shaw, Moai: cal, or to C.W, SMITH. . Oshawa, a J Scribner's Monthly. 4 Serial Story by DR. HOLLAND, New Story by SAXE HOLM. A Long Story From BRET HARTE. BRILLIANT ARRAY of CONTRIBUTERS CLARENCE COOK on Furniture » and Decorations. R. H. STODDARD on Authors. Bxtrac Inducoments to New . ubscribers; 500 PAGES FOR $1.00! &ec., &e The publishers of SCrRIBNER'S MONTHLY, 10 their Prospectus just issued, ensuing year a more brilliant array of coutribu- tors, aud an increase in the variety and beauty of its illustration, already conceded by the critics to be finer than any which have hitherto appeared | in any American magazine, Dr. HoLLAND, the Editor, will write the serial story of the year, which will be autobiographical in form, and will be lllustrated by Miss Hallock. It is entitled Arthur feastle, and will deal with some of the most dificult problems of American Life. It will be commenced in the November Number, There will be a new story by Saxe Horm, The One Legged neer. BreT Marte, the best writer of short stories now living, will contribute a characteristic story, entitled The Epic of Fiddictown, which will be illustrated by Sheppard, R. B. 8vosparp will write a series of ente- taining papers about Awthers, their Personal Charncteristies, Home Life, Families, Friends A series of Pertralts of Living American Writers, is also promised. Clarence Cook will write about Furniture and the Decoration of American Homes. These papers will be eminently practical as well as artistic, and will be illustrated with de- signs and sketches by numerous artists in addi. jis to those which the writer himself will furn- sh. Among those who will coritripute are: Hans Andersen, Bryant, Bushnell, Eggleston, Froude, Higginson. ishop. Huntington, Bret Harte, John Hay, H. H. Macdon Mitchell, Mise Phelps, Stedmgn, Stockton, Stoddard, Celia Thaxter, Warner, Wilkinson, Mrs. Whitney, besides a host of others, The editorial control and direction of the Mag- azine will remain In the hands of Dr. Holland, who will continue to write * The. Topics of the Timte," which the N. Y, Independent says * are more widely quoted than any similar papers in any American magazine." Walter Gilder will write " The old Cabinet 3 as hitherto, Prof. Joh per conducts the lemee." T ohn C Department of "Nature and Sel e . aud . > and ress," will engage the con- jributions of more than a score of peas on both sides of the Atlantic. The Watchman and Re- says : * Sevibner's Monthiy for September is better than usual, which indicates a needless waste of editorial brains and Publisher's mon- ey, for the M ne was r And yet the Publishe year. The subscri] price 1s 84 4 year, with » ie Lh id teachers, and pe The following pi. i Inducements are offered to new subscribers: For $5,50 t Publishers will end, or any Paokeelior or news ning of Mrs. Oliphant's, 3" for the m h5¢ back Ausbers Roun Lhe will give nearly with the finest il- 08 or nearly ge pages for a enable every subscriber to tain the series from the first, ob 4% Special terms to Dealers Clergymen and Teac! SCRID CAL N.Y. ONG for the PIANO Mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price. Darling, 1 am Lonely Now, Song and Chorus, Stewart, 30 cents. Sweetest, song and chorus, Danks, 30. Mattie May, song and chorus, Danks, 30. Lost and Saved, ballad, Donniker, 30. Fare- well, Darling. till we Meet, Rosew ig, 30. Think of me, , song and chorus, Miers, 30, Asking a blessing from Mother,=ong and chorus, Stewart, 30. Recollections of Childhood, Bari tone , Danks, 30. Thou art no longer Mine, ballad, Danks, 30. Hear me way my little prayer, song and chorus, Pratt. 30. Close the shutter, Willies song #nd chorus, Stewart, 30, Dreeme, 8 )ng and chorus, Persley, 35, it dat Ticklin Me, Song and Dance, Hays,35, ou'll always find me true, song and chorus Hays, 35, * , but not Forgotton, song and chorus, Hays, 40. * Meet me Maggie, song and of Hays, 40. oy Lay Ine where m3 Moihor'y 8, song and chorus, wart, 40. 'ather of All, sacred song, Panseron, 50, RSG. Autumn Leaves, Second Pensee Meodique, C. T, Frey, 35, Belisario, Fantasie, Kinkel, 35. * Rustic Beauty March, Kinkel, 35. * Sunbeam March, Skaats, 35. * Johnnie's March, Kinkel, 35. * Bertie's Sehottische, Kinkel, 35. *Jimmie' Schottische, Kinkel, 35. *Hattie's Walt | * Sweet Sixteen Waltz, Kinkel phys Waltz, Pacher, 30. Bi Waltz, , 9, Switch-off Galop, Y * Kitties Polka, Kinkel, 3. Ra Polk her, 35. Glistening Stars Polka de Salon, Feine, 50, * Eddie's Polka, Kinkel, 35, * Harry's Folks, Kinks) 35, Smile of Beauty lka, Young, 20. Pieces marked thus * have pictare titles. Any plece mailed, post-paid om receipt o marked price, Address, pt J. Le 599. Broadway, New York. > K FOR IT-IKSIST UPON IT-BUY NO OTHER ALDWELL'S b 403 id 0 NY I o cannot be obtained elsewhere, end Journal containing al p: dress, 8. 0. BETY & Ce. Bo Deville promisé - for the | WW. WIGG & SON, Cabinetmakers and Undertakers ! SIMCOE ST. NORTH, OSHAWA. Bl Bookcases, Bureaus, Cupboards, | Bedstead Washstands, Chairs, Mattrasses, Looking Glasses; and FURNITURE Of all kinds and qualities kept constantly on hand. Also Agent in Oshawa for the Dominion Noiseless Patent Steel Spring Bed Bottom, Clean, healthy, comfortable and durable, approved of before all others by those who have had them, and sure to give satisfaction. Also sole Agent for PALLING'S PATENT . BALANCE WINDOW BLIND ROLLER, A first-rate article, Pictures in great variety. Frames made with neat- ness and despatch. Children's Caitisges and Perambulators always on hand. Lounges, Dake: Tables, Sideboards, Sofas, Stands, 10 r-- UNDERTAKING. Special attention paid to Undertaking. Funerals attended to on the kept on hand and made to order. Terms reasonable. TA '119 sod puv enea pooS ! dey ®m yw Ing SIH LVHL HONNONNV OL FAVAT DAA ATINJAROIJISTY A100 'PojuBIIBAA pur padiedey A[njede) 'VAMAVHS( 'ILSYH JLIFTYLS ODNIY .'M0071g S,NOSTIA Kuve Suypn[oucs vi0jeq spood sry ees. puv [eo v wry ad o, 'seovgoeds 20 '9)VII-TOATIS 'AxrosMop 'SOOT 'SOYNIBM "19% 03 Plinoq eye puw ssouUTING UNSW OM pe ST1A1S Want Ay Jo puv N 'MAN #1 POIg TY se 'aroymos]o sasvyain TIVISNIdAH 'M THOLS AUTIMAT MIN HL oq [14 '930LIUT JO SJEII[PP HOY JOU OIWO Op 'SMO0T0 ANV SIHOLVM NI MOM TIV "0% 'H3I1AMIP 'UHINVINHOLYM uy are oym Luv 9jaly L[[UIPIOO PMOM PUY 'SSANISNG Jo) POUddo Mou 8] I0IE LIPMOL Mou | faquoewme oswol J g | | GET THE BEST GLASS Preserve JAR! A LARGE STOCK ----aQF---- ALL NEW KINDS! JUST RECEIVED AT THE MASON, . THE GEM}, Eo THE HERO, ; THE EUREKA, THE CLAMP. AND VARIOUS STYLES OF STONE AND GLASS FRUIT JARS! waisted STEELE BROTHERS | -- 4% STILL FURTHER REDUCTION i-- Ne, Ww we AT ini" STEELE BROTHERS. OBHAWA, JULY 7th, 1873, shortest notice. A splendid Hearse furnished when required. Coffins STEELE BROTHERS |== NEW POTATOR HOMINY 4 New York Amber Sym N ew Extra Sr . t= od UNPRECEDENTED PHig --AT-- STEELE BROg FOUR HORSES FOR $£ ONE YOUNG 8t Eee, or 48.4, ANCRW avwgy. NEW MUSIO PUBLISHED BY be Ea Over si Each Tae n occupi 2 pai pa All tran when h offiszrof day mo To mer a very L Aboveand Below. Sacred a Back to the Old home, os. By Jureh, Bear fifil Fo:m of my Dresses, Darling Weep uo more. Song ang ur one Bright Crown for me, We pray, yon that Song. Wilt thou ot XS Tam low 1'W, Ho) oF » m Fle Mollie's. by Kon na iaite. ¢ h3 etag Dev, by Allard, 40 cla. ; Sanbeams y A FOUR HANDS -- 7 i ler. 7 ) Wilon: Sets, ; Lr Careneis Boneh SE th Ey on, 50 cts. Any of the above mailed. post-paid,on price. AY Tame Address, J. L. PETERS, 500 Ex Ei, EH ITE SUGARS! oar will oil aod ation by applying to ai gt JAMES SUTTON & Publ P. RB. HOOVER, Issuer of Marriage Lice! WHRITEVALE,

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