7 f / i 83 8 Cy Ln Veg BA, iiiEELE Ey HRs AEE if BEERS FE EES EATREE 18538 Ps LAI coin iON ------ - »~ fend ., 7 saw Bir John, at which time two of my friends accompanied me. We then went over the ground again, afd ad. ded the lett.rs which appeared as address. ed to Mr. Smith, and after the interview 1 gave Sir Juhn, at his request, copie of sll these documents, Sir Hugh Allan's checks for the $40,000, and the receipts of Mr. Todd for; the Private Bill expenses of the Canada Improvement and Canada Pucific Railfoad Companies paid me, which must Rave been strange reading to him when eo 8d 'with the memorial of the Executive Committee of the said C. P. Rallroad * "Oompany, signed by Hagh AllanJ. J. 0: -Abbott, and Lois Beau- ies then in h's 'possesion; in which the following rewatkable passages ocears, ~--undér date" of Oc*ober 12th, 1872, which memorial was presented to Parliament during the present session ;-- With regard to the assertion that a | * extéuds everywhere' that the Canadian Company still intend to carry out the design of combination with American capitalists, it is only necessary to say that the gentlemen who suy so no doubt speak truly as to some limited circle with which they ars in immediate communication. But the Canada Company emphatically deny that beyond such a limited circle of any such belief, or even any ides, of such a state of things 'is entertained. "' The Canada Company are aware that » negotiation was commenced during the summer of eighteen hundred and seventy- one, between Sir Hugh Allan and certain | begin until the op | perual a statemer.t I proposed publishing | to the people of Canada as 10 my connec- tion with the Paciic Railroad. ~My reason for doing sv is that I have been subjetted to the vilest slanders at the hands of ¢he Ministerial press; of which | you are aware. 'The abundance of such | abuse makes it imperative that I should show what the real facts were, and as {you and I had a friendly association on { this matter, and you are personally | cognizant of many of the facts, I ask you to give me a letter relating thereto, and | recollection as to the circumstances of the case. I think I am justified in asking you to do this when my 'character has been so viciously assailed, Eo. " Your reply will be gratefully receiv- ed by we,and put me under lasting obli- gations. . " Very truly yours, "G. W. McMuriex." FOSTAR CONFIRMS M'MOLLEN'S STATEMLNT. " Warsaseo, July 16, 1873. ' "G. W, McMulten, Esq., ¢ Dean Sir.--1 have had an opportunity to look over the staterrent "yon nmke in regard to your connection with the Canada Pacitic Railroad submitted to me for the purpose mentioned in your letter of the 15th and I have this much sega sin re: gard toit. With the frst part of your history of the matter I am personally un- acquainted, as our intercourse did not ing, of. the. eeesio UNTAKIU KEFUKMII, USHAWA, WEDNESDAY, ouLY 28,185. EUROPEAN NEWS. Latest by Atlantic Cable. ENGLAND. Loxpox, July 20.--In the House of Commons, ta-day Mr. Rylands gave notice whom the Civil Bcrvice Estimates came up for eon sideration he should n.ove to throw out the' appropriation for building a house for the British Legation at Washington. Loxveu,. J The. Gazelle ..an- ounces that the Queen has given her consent to the marrage of Prince Alfred and the Grand Duchess Mavie Ale: i Christina. Toxpon, July 20--In the House of Commons this evening the Right Hon, Lord Otho Fitzgerald, member for Kil. dere County, Ireland, produced and had read the Queen's reply to the address of the Commons on the subject of interna- tional arbitration, gs follows : -- "I have received the address of my faithful Commons ying that I would be gracionsly ple to instruct my prin- cipal Secretary to enter into communica tion with Forvign Powers, with the view to further improve international law and establish a genersl and permanent system of arbitration. 1° am" sensible of the force of the philanthropic motives. dictat- ing that address. ] have st all times desired to extend the practice of closing internal controversies by their-submission to im- partial friends, and to. encourage the es- tablishment of rules intended for the eqnal beuetit of gll. ' I shall continue to pursue a similar course with due regard to the time and opportunity, whenever ic * «haracter attributed to it by the Inter. |Dbuild the Road, and as a consequence, of American: capitalists for the farmation of | 1872, when we were introduced, by Mr. a Oompamy™ fo construct and run tae | Albott. My negotatiops on the "sibject Canada Pacific Railway ; but they are | of the Pacific Railway previous to that informed by Sir Hagh Allan, and have | time had been with Sir Hngh Allan" and __satisfied themselves by a full enquiry into | Mr. Abbott, though from the commence- the circumstances and details of that nego- | ment I had been aware of the arrange- tiation, that it waa not inicated by Sir ments made with American parties whom Hugh, and that it wes commenced and | YOU represented. T was associated duringthe supperted by influential persons in Canada | Session of 1872 with Allan, Abbott, and as being the only combination that offered | yourself, in all the stages of procuring the | itself at that time for the construction and | charter of the Canada Pacific Railway running of the road ; but they are satisfied | Company, and in all the efforts made to hat that negotiation never possessed the | secure to that Company the contract to ©ocearic Company ; and they know that | was familiar with many points naturally Sir Hugh Allan would never have con. | arising there from. I discussed with you sented to embark with foreign capitalists | MY personal position under the proposed in & Canadian enterprise in which Be takes | Arrangements, and with yourself, Alan, | 0 great an interest, without the mest and Abbott, all the main fealurss of the perfect securities and guarantees for its legislation proposed aud such as were control ard conduct in the intéfest of | deemed necessary for ths clject. As you Canada. But the discussion of the nego- | State, there were difficulties in the way of tiation is entirely foreign to the proposi- | closing matters, and 1 was aware of the tion now being considered. That negotia- | *sFeement with Mr. Langevin, to which tion terminated when Sir Hugh Allan | you refer; as it was frequently discussed engaged with others in the formation of | between us and Mr. 'Abbott. I was also the Canada Company, and it has never | aware from the first of Sir Geerge Cartier's been renewed. opj osition to Sir Hugh Allan, and cf the * The Canada Company never participa- ted in that pegotintion,aud never cunsider- ed or entertained any proposition sugges- | tion . or intention of asking aid fiom | Amegian capitalists, or of coinbining with them for the prosecution of : the Railway, | or for aby other purpose. The ouly | negotiations they have carried on are ! those already alluded to with British capitalists, aid they have never even | communicated on the subject of the Rail- way, with any one vutside of Canada or Great Britain." ; "* Sir John requested us to meet Abbott | snd Allan is Mouweal, and ararge sowe- |, thing satisfactory. Sir Heh had g me to | New York, and while there hed called on | our friends and assured then: that. be | would still keep good faith with thew. While I hud the strongest reasons for | doubting such assurances, and though | sabsequent occurrences have contirned these doubts, yet at their reqhest I desisted from pushing matiets ay inst him further than to procure a seftle.ncumt | of my personal outlay aud loss, aud that |! of my friends who were with we, a loss directly entailed by his publicity. " This narrative embraces all the lead- | ing facts relating to my connection with Sir Hugh Allan, and mainly of my efforts and operations concerning the Pacific Railway, but as a matter of course, there Were numerous megotiation of a nature | relating to it, which seem unnccessury to detail, unless further occas'on should arise, But these facts would all tend to contirm | expended for election purposes under the | means by which Sir George was forced to forego this opposition. : Iu regard vo the payment of money for election purposes 1 was infcrmed of the arrangement with Sir George Cartier, and was also shown a confirmatory telegram from Sir John A. Macdonald. I under- stood the affair to be substantially as you have related, and I have reason to believe thet large sums of money were actually arrangement. --* Yours truly, (Signed) " A. B. Foster." | | AMERICAN NEWS. | = 1 | Very Latest by Telegraph -------- <Q -- ee. Corumsrs, O., July 18th.-- There have | been deaths from cliolera in the peui- | tentiary since last night. | Lovisvirie, Ky., July 18th.--Advices | to the Courier Journal state that the Cholera is prevalent in Elizabethtown, Owensboro, Millerburg, aud several other | Kentucky towne, | WasmivetoN, July 22.--Sir Edward | Thornton obtained an intersiew on | several subjects at the State Department to-day, including the events iu Manitoba, | in connection with the Lord Gordon | case, | and general points herein stated, and | Toren, O., 22.--The building occu- | they are such as would occur inevitably in the minst of such | rolonged and im} or- | on tents. tart negotiations. "Yours, &e., "Gro W. McMcriey, " P.8.--1 append authenticated copies of documents which bear on this subject, and which will d e the of conducting the business." CARTIZE APPLIES FUR MOSEY. " MoNTREAL Aug 24/1872. pied by Barlow, Page & Co. was destroy- | ed by fire this evening with most of the The luss is estimated at £35,000 | | to £40,000, insurance. £30,000. : | New Yorx., July 22.--Itisstated that neither our Government nor the Syndicate { have had anything to do with the private rtics who will consumate and transfer | of the Geneya Award to the Treasury of jhe United States. Issap Logan was stabbed and killed with | a pitcligfork yesterday Ly Michael Kearte, | at London, N. Y. | § A row-boat, containing Amos Cormack | and his son, of this city, was run down n East River to-day by the ferry-boat | of England and America. i " P2ab Ms Assory,--In the | sheence | George Law ; the father was drowned and | of Sir Hugh Allan, I shall Le oifliged bY | she son rescued. your supplying the Central Cumiitee | with a further sum of twenty 'thousand dollars, upon the same couditions as the smount written by me at the foot of my | letter to Sir Hugh Allan of the Sutn ultimo, ; "Georee E. CasTiER. "P. 8.--Please also send Sir John A Macdonald .en thousand dollars more ou the same 'erms." THE COMMITTEE'S RECEIPT. " Received from Sir Hugh Allan ty the hands of Mr. Abbutt, twenty thousand dollars for general election purposes, to be . - srsamged hereafter, according to the terms of the letter of Sir George E. Cartier, of the date 30th of July, and in d with the request contained in his letter of the 24th instant. * MosTREAL 26th August 1872 (Signed) "J. L. BEavbny, " HeNky STarsEs. " L. Berounxsy, "P. 8. Murenv." JOBN A. TO ABBOTT, " TuroNTO, Angust 2uth, 1872, "To the Hon. J. ' © Evaxsviuie, Ind., July 20. --A despatch | from Mt. Vernon states that there is little | if any cl.*nge in the cholera reported, and six deaths occurred there to-day, and three near the otbutbs. More than half the population have left the town, many hundreds of them ccwing to this city, Others are preparing to leave, unless a favorable change occurs immediately. No | pretence of business has been made there for several days, and the city lias a desert- ed and gloomy appearance, Physicians have arrived from several surrounding towns, and are rendering ali assis*ance in their power. Among the deatis to-ay was Dr. Matzedorff, a /young German | physician, who, since the appearance of | the epidemic, has been most active in his his efforts in behalf of the sick and-dying. A man with his daugliters died last night. Six cholera deaths occnrred in Evansville. Two. new cases were reported to-day, but no deaths. ; CANADIAN. AV little girl, daughter of Mr. 8. R. Fox of Sophisburgh, came to a permature death a day or two since from eating + many cherries, P-- | was most excellent in matter and spirit. is likely to be attended with advantage." The House received the document with hearty cheers. NORWAY. Loxpox, July 20.--The Coronation of Osca® and Sophia, as King and Queen of Norway, took place to-day at Droatheim, an ancient capitaiof the Norwegian Kings. There was a brilliant procession to the Cathredal, in which Prince Arthur repre- sented the Queen of England, and Prine; | Waldemar the King of Denmark, Ti, ceremony of coronation was n= riormed by the Bishop of Lrontheim * SPAIN. . Bavor ye, July 20.--Advices from Car- list g,urces say the Cure of Santa Cruz uas resumed his clerical robes and gone to Rowe to ask forgiveness of the Pope. It is reported from the frontier that the Madrid Government has issued a procla- mation suspending the constitutional guarantees in the Basque provinces. Tue friends of Doa Carlos entertain ntrong hopes of the recognition of their belligerent rights by Krance as/ soon as | they gain posspssion of a regularly forti- tied city wherein to establish their seat cf Government. 'I @& Carlists declare that the Republican general, Cabrinetty, was killed by his own men. RUSSIA. Loxpox, Ju'y 20.--A St. Petersburg letter says that 450 German residents of Russia have left in a body for the United States, because the Government declared thew liable to enforced military service. GERQMANY. New York, July 20.--In a sensational account of an alleged interview with Bis- marck at Berlin, the latter is represented as saying that he was not going to with- draw from public life aud retire to Varezin because he was growing unpopular, but because he was growing weary of the fight | of the Empire against the Church. Bis- march added :--* Nothing has amused | me more than the praises which I have | received from the Protestant Christians The asses! | have wished to crush Rome that I might crash Clristianity. If anything could corsole me fur the chagrin which I fore- see I am to endure for some time to come it would be to witness the a t of NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Robson Honse--George Robson. For Sale. -Wm. Coburn. Card of Thanks--J. ¥. Tamblyn. Dominion Bank--R. H. Bethune. Mortgage Sale--L. Fairbanks. Groceries and Liquors.--F. Neale. - Card--McRae & Co. The New Store-- Alexander & Bryce. Little Sale--Wm. Wightman, Circus--Dan Rice. . Pacific Railway--Geo. Hodder, Ontavio™ Befornier, AASV I LAR Oshawa, Thursday, July 16, 1873. TES SALB OF TED PACIFIC RAIL- WAT CEARTER. The indictment against the Govern- ment, preferred by the Hon. Mr. Hunt ingdon, with the astounding evidence which has been adduced, another por- tion of which wo publish to-day, still en- grosy public attention. The evidence which we published a few weeks since must have carried conviction to all who read it. Though not direct evidence, it was still most conclusive, and would have amply convinced any jury of sane and im- pagtial men, that the Government have been guilty of corruption of the most flag- rant kind ! that they have bartered the greatest undertaking this country ever en: tertained for money to buy votes to main- tain themselves in power with ! that the; have perjured themselves by oper viola. tion of the oaths which they took on ac- cepting office. To-day we show to whom the proceeds of the i.famous bargain were paid, and even the most incred- | ulors cannot but admit that the charges made by Mr. Huntingdon have been more than proven. It is need- less that we should suggest to tho reader the couclusions: which their intelligence cannot but lead them to, in this matter; and it would be uscless vo do so. But we claim that South Ontario is more than ordinarly interested in this matter, because the representative of this Riding has recently become the colieague of the perjured scoundrels whose villany is now laid bare. While the whole country has the right to expect taat iiterests sha'l no lorg r be l:ft in the | hands of men so corrupt and dishonest. South Ontario demands that her mew- ber shall retire from his conuection with persons who have been guiity of such unqualified rascality. It is clearly his duty, if he desires to maintain the staud- ing of this County, if he desires to pre- serve a reputation for honurand honesty, if he does not desire to be branded with his colleagues as an object of public con- tempt, if che savor of the flesh pots has not overpowered his sense of self-respect --to lose not a single moment in retiring from the bad eminence he now occupies. Wilkhe have the courage, the mauiiness, the honor to do this ? or will he cling to the Public Treasury with his colleagues, | until the people hurl them from position and power, and consign them to the dis- | grace and the infamy which they have so richly earned WEO TOLD THE LIE ? We have neard a good "deal about "lying telegrams" &ec., from Mr. Gibbs' organs, since the election, and both of them those go~d friends of mine, when they understand the truth. But understand it they never will. They are numskulls." CHINA. Loxpox, July 20.--Details have been received of the audience granted by the Emperor of China om June 29th, to the diplomatic budy at Pekin. Although no notice was given of the ceremony, the streets aud around the. Imperial Palace were crowded with people who eawe from all parts of the city to witness the arrival and departure of the foreign Ministers, The ambassador of Japan wss received first and "had a separate interview. When he had retired the Ministers of the United States, Russia, Great Britain, France, and Netherlands entered the presence in a body. M. De Flangala, the Russian Minister and Dean of the Diplomatic Corps, read an address to the Emperur in | French, which M. Bismarck, interpreter of the German Legation, ref d in have d us of falschood, in stating thrt Mr. Holden was ahead at any time during the day, asseverating the contrary | with great velizmence. The fact is, Mr. Holden led dering the entire forenoon. The following are the authenticated figures giving the state of the poll in the Riding at 12 o'clock. Houpey., Pickering, - - 108 Whitby town, - 3 Whitby township, 131 Oshawa, - - «> -- Gises. -- 242 196 Holden's majority at 12 o'clock 46. In view of the above we ask, *' who told the lie I" I ---- Tur Government hacks ase endeavoring to di te the idea that Mr. McMul- Chinese. Each Minister then deposited his credentials en a table in front of the throne. When this ceremony was con- cluded, the Emperor delivered ir the Mancliee dialect his reply to the address. Prince Hong, kneeling, interpreted the Emperor's words in Chinese. Eight hund- red mandarins in splendid costumes were present. At the close of the audience the Foreign Ministers were escorted to their ohairs with great ceremony by the mem-, bers of the Bung Liyamen. . de Geof- fray, Minister of France, had an inter- view with the Emperor at a later hour of the same day, and presented the letter of his Government in regard to the Tientian massacre. The Pekin Gazette says the wording of the Imperial Edict according the audience is considered insulting. fama el Goon a¥p Furr or INTEazsr. -- The Rev. Mr. Hutton will deliver in his chur<h for several successive Sunday evenings, special disconrses on the evi- dences o! Christianity, to which he invites attention. Last Sunday he delivered the introductory discourse of the series, ol the * Eternal existance of God," which | Next Sunday his theme will be * The necessity of a Divine re==lat' discogrses -* len, who is so important & witness in the case of the People against John A. & Co. im an unprincipled ¥Ya:kee adventurer, without charagter or standing, and whose statements are not to be relied upon, Bach is very far from being the case. Mr. McMullen is a Canadian, the sun of a Canadian clergyman, resident in Picton, and bears the most unimpeach- able character in every respect. Indeed, his position as the representative of Jay Cooke, General Cass and other leading capitalists in the U. 8., in the conduct of negotiations involving matters of such great delicacy and enormous responsibil. ity, as in the Pacific Railway matter, is a sufficient proof of his high standirg as a man of honor and integrity. Wz understand that the Rev. Mr. Scott Eas sncceeded in inducing a majority of the Orange Lodge here, to pass a resolu- tion, whitewashing his ly eonduct of the 12th July last. We have only got to say that the Rov. gentleman did mek. a politi =" * THE DUTY OF TEE EOUR. The organs of the Government have announced that there will be no session in August, and it is said to be the in- tention of the Government to advise His Excellency the Governor General to prorogue the House immediately on its mt meeting in August, in order that the ex- WO SECOND HAND BUGGIES, IN posure which threatens the Cabinet may good sonditivarehe ~ COBURN. be avoided. In this case, the corrupt, 15-4w rotten and unprincipled Government Card of Thanks. which sold the Railway Charter, will re- T A MEETING OF THE OSHAWA tain their hold on ths Treas:ry until March next--long-enough for them te Ea Fire Briuade, 3s wilowing resolution was 'aptains ruip the fry. This sch must be prevented. The enquiry has been staved a td off two long already. The desire of the Hall and Gameron, That the. ok A this Brigade are due, and are hereby tendered to Li tor the Fiend en House and the country has | vy, N, h Pew Ddveriisements, » . 5 ING STREET WEST, HAMILTON, Geo. Ro Proprietor, formerly of the Robson House, Whitby, . ~~ FOR SALE. Wholesale and Retail Dealer in nl GROCERIES, WINES, AND : 15 G 3 been frustrated by the machina. | has kind ly Drewented to us, and should ho ever tions of the Government, and it [he will find us according to our motto, h Prompt to obey where duty calls.' " is fime matters were brought to a JOHN ¥. TAMBLYN, crisis. Let the people arouse themselves, . Brigade Secretary. and be no longer the foot ball of a crew a of unprincipled scoundrels who have prov. ed themselves unworthy f all confidence, and who care not a jot what burdens are placed on the tixpayei's Ia:!'s so lung as they can keep themselves in power.. Let public meetings be calied and monster petitions sigred for preseniation to His Excellency asking hia not to prorogue the House uniil this great scandal has been wiped off, and we are sure that Lord | 10 1873. Dufferin will accede toa reqrest 80 made. " £ " 1st Bept. " Lord Dufferin is too high-minded and " Pr honorable a man to relish association with " "4th Dec. advisers with characters so stained and ' "5th Jan. " imjite as thase of John A's Government, y 5th Feb. * who did not even scruple to makea mock " " 3h March ery of the représentative of the Crown, (By order of the Board. P by bringing him down in the middle of a R. H. BETHUNE, Dominion Bank Nice IS HEREBY GIVEN THE folowing ealls on the alloted Stock of the Dominion Bank, have been made by the Directors, and the same are pay- able at the Banking House in Toronto, as follows : 10 per cent, and preminm of 5 per cent on the lst July, 1873. do ; do 1st Aug. LIQUORS] SIMCOE ST, OSHAWA. Agent for Davies & Bro's Celebrated XXX Cream Als and Porter, Choice Brands of Cigars and Tobaccos always in Stock their great | session to give the royal assent t> a bill which was represented as being of extra | ordinary importance, and which even at | thattime they had resolved to disallow. Cashier. 3-15-tf. 'Mortgage Sale. Toronto, 28th May, 1873. Let the House of Commons resolve itself into Committee of the whole, with an im- partial Chairman, and proceed to call the witnesses to the bar of the House,and there | let the whole revelation be made. If the | Government ace imnocent they have noth ing fo fear ! if they are guilty, itgwill be | His Excellency's duty at once to call upon | thei for their resignifion--as they have | too frequently shown' that they do not possess that sense of honor which should | have compelled them to retire from office | when the accusations wera first made. | The Government, in their extremity are only able to say that *' if Cartier did | get money for the Charter, we didnt know | anything about it ; it must have been | | viz: Village Lot Number Four, en the North | Dwellings and Out Hoases, in every way suita- | with Orchard UBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY Een, that under and by virtue of a Power of Sule ¢ontained in a certain Mortgage (to be produced at the time of Sale) the following valuable property in the VILLAGE oF OSHAWA Side of KEigin Street, in the said Village of Oshawa, as marked on the Plan of Village Lots laid out on Lot Number Eleven, in the Second Concession of the Town:hip of Whitby, b; JOHN BORLEASE WARREN, Esquire, will be put up and soid by Public Auction, at Black's Commsreial Hotel, in the said Village of Oshawa, on Saturday, the 16th day of August next, A.D. 1873, At the hour of Three o'clock in the afternoon of that day. Ther e are on the said land Two good Fram ble for Lwo small families, besides a good Well THE TRADE SUPPLIED. CARD. TO THE PUBLIC. 20: » We are so occupied in selling cheap' dry goods to our customers that we can't find time to get up an adver- tisement this week. This space is reserved for a special announcement next week. Kook eut for it. F. McRAE, ¢ CO}; Oshawa, July 23rd, 1873. and Pump. The Lot is well fenced, containing a number of Fruit Trees and a good Gardea Terms and conditisns made known at the time of sale. For further particulars apply to Tue Mair, unable to say anything else "beyond our knowledge." Their line of defence reealls foreibly that of the Auctioneer, d'c., Whitby, Ont, or to negro who on being caught with two of his MESSRS. GREENWOOD & McMILLAN, | neighbors hens in his pockets exclaimed | h Or rat. din with an air of injured innocence--*' De | SeRCESRERRRERRE man dat puf dem hens dar was no friend | SERVANT WANTED. | 0% dis niggers." John A.can creep out of | -- {a very small hole ; but he is caught at VY ANTED AT ONCE, A GIRL FOR | last, and very contemptible rat he is Seneval housework. Esquire at this office, rteestts ~ 'AGENTS WANTED | Either travelling or at home. The best paying | agency {a the lwopiinioa, Takes wonderfully The best gutlit to work with. New Plans, etc. . | Largrst Cash Pay. Agents make $35 to $400 for itself, acknowledges the forgery of the | per month. Every Agent and AeA | . sad: i ceive * CUTE," and a share in $11,000, in cash { language which it attributed to Mr. Fare- | al otlase Premiums, Particulars and terms | | WELL and the Reformer, but says that the | free. L.C. THOMAS & SONS, Brooklin, Ont. | mistake ! was inadvertently made ! ! Haif a colamn of leading editorial ** inadver- SAFE FOR SALE. | tently" creeps into the Mail--we consider A FIRE-PROOF SAFE, SIZE 23 . inches deep ; 36 inc | that pretty good. Wil An A and 33 Mah 11-1 S. TREWIN, Oshawa f 'souTH ontario riecrioN | FARM FOR SALE. AGAIN. | Rea -- HE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR To the Editor of the Ontario R:former:-- | J SALE his valuable FARM, in the South West portion of awa, comprising 91 acres. Siz. --1 am very sorry to trouble you | The situation and beauliful character of the | again on this very unpleasant subject, and | Found, together YS Tapia EW, of the {only do so in seif defence, and for the ! ont for Park pb building purposes. It will be vindication of truth. Inthe last Vindi- | sold either in Lots to suit purchasers, or as a cator an *'On Looker" makes a lame | while, . Apply ta SAMUEL PHILLIPS, - attempt to controvert some of the facts | Oshawa, July th, 1973. H2wp stated in my f rmer article. He denies | -- - nit Stn hata that any supporter of Mr. Gibbs was at HE HANDSOMEST CROQUET Mr. L's house, or saw him or any of his SETS at R. WELLINGTONS family on Sanday, or before, about the -- 5 oo election, or that money was offered by -- that party © him. Then why did he NOTHER NEW LOT OF FANS send for Mr. G. and tel Fim that such | LX all Styles and Prices, at R. WELLINGTONS. was the case | Mr. G. had ouly his state- FOR SALE! ment about it, and that $20,000 was to he spent in the election, so said the agent, HAT DESIRABLE HOUSE AND Lot om the corner of Mary and @Golborne and that he, L, might as well have a share of it. Will Mr. L. deny that he ' Streets, at present occupied by J. Barnard, is for sale on easy terms. told Mr. G. so I This matver rests between | 62w ~~ Carr.G. FAREWELL. Mr. L. aud Mr. G. Mr. G.is prepared FIFTY FIRST-CLASS LEVI FAIRBANKS, ~ | | | | to make oath that Mr. L. stated the above facts to him. Mr. G. and Mr. C. deny in the most positive terms, that they have either stated what is not true, or con- cealed facts knowingly in thiscase. * An Oulovker" attempts to excuse Mr. L. upon his ignorance of political parties ; whether this is truz or not may be judged of from the fact that he has been in South Ontario during two political contests, and has had the chance of being informed. 1 think * Onlooker" has nut shown good taste, to say the least, in bringing into this subject family matters and private trunsacti-ns, when he tells us that fr, L. did right in voting with his two relatives who had helped him &c. Perhaps Mr. L. had got help also from two relatives who voted on the other side. Is not this rather small asa reason for voting either way | And shows a Jack of good sound ument. But *"Onlpoker" cannot be content to deal with this matter on its own merits, he must conclude with a bullying threat or challenge to intimidate in the following style. Hear him *'I do not want a newspaper controversy, bus if Mr. C. or Mr. G. want to go into washing dirty linen in publie, I think I can accomodate | tham ard when T ~-¢ Sewing Machine Operators TANTED, TO MANUFACTURE ladies under-wear. Steady employment furnished and Kod wages given, PS a Apply at Gibbs' Block, over McRas & Co.» ore, J. F. KELLOGG Octhawa, June 2nd 1878, 8- The St. Patricks' Benevelent Society Intend to hold their Second Annual Pie-Nie AT MR. ANNIS' GRAVE The New Store 10: "ALEXANDER & BRYCE Will offer special indacements to Customers FOR THIRTY DAYS) In the following departments :-- 4 Dress Goods, i AT COST Parasols, Sell 'AT COS] Millinery, AT COST Beautiful Qualities in Black Silks at $1 and $1 2 Cottos Ta We are also showing a full assortment of Fa Steamlooms, Table Linens, 'Table Napkins, T Covers, Quilts. Ticki Shirtings Peni : gos Pelow the usual price Nid very mm Call and examine Frices and judge a 2 ALEXANDER & BRYC Wilson's Block, King Street, Oshawa. : 3 9 LITTLE SALH} tie SRY GOODS WIGHTMAN, Exvaroiya,--' Church here is bd growing requi A Pusuic Car Council has "yg " foundling," hs Rov. Mr. Aylesw Excurston-- excursion from 0 , 6 Wi River, on the 1st Pic-wtc,~Dr. treating tiie peo bic-nit vn last Dadace sy that great dam fences &c., by th day last. Crreaxivag Ovr is going to : Hope, the latter of $10,000 med the 15th a Public Holliday, 3 ne a chance to | Pic-nie. A Q. F.--The el emsuing six mon Oak, Nu. 5772 ¢ Baing last, with ¢ P. R., 8. G. Norton 3 J. Title ; 8. petiter ; 8. B.