LY 16, 157e. 3 Ba GEBERS mm Aboveand Below. Sacred Back to the Old home. Beautiful Fom of my =n Daging 3 Weep wo more. Sang Do not Weep 0, Ste during. 'ting, Don i fore to Write me' a Fold 'weour Hands, Rp ax IN THE PROVINCE, air sor } to the Heavenly i you were | L . would: Jom ile Blind Fy Noirs tn RA = Shh RA . » FEF FATREL REE sts Ald umber at amit Bs AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS YOR x nA RK AS, - Awalam Happy thou; ja. Wall > Ky PUBLISHED | EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING | iii mores os --. -- die io EEEELE ER ----" Maorip, July 11.--The Carlists have capture od the tonn of Sangnesa iu the Pro vince of Navarre, 23 miles south east of 3 A a a I ah bot AND 2 THE Latest by Atlantic Cable. Very Latest by Telegraph. WOOD DEPOT ENGLAND. PAINTER--CLAIMS UNDER THE TSBATY | of ores is going on. OF WASBINGTON, Fort Kramare, July 8.--The Militery City oF RICHMOND, Sryor 4 ant closed to day, and the trial is adjourn- | | Schoachin, Boston Charlie, Black Jim, Georgetown Lime, om > Tn Ciry oF BRISTOL, ed until the 21st instant. | and the others who are implicated in the : N 2.--~The Loxpux. July 10th,--An advertisement Porrsaovrn, N. H. July 1 AND Thursd and Saturd 1 appears this morning calling a meeting of Lh Unit.d S'ates Steamer Tullavooss, left All orders left at the office in the Yard, Sailing & Pier 43. North River. BEST QUALITY. will be promptly attended to. A be bought here at moderate rate | yesterday, accompanied by hail, which de- CALL AT Woon Sy -- od EXTRA MARGE By persona wishin ; lo ond oy Shee Fienda. Fo, fr stay ol Song and Chorus. | stroyed trees, orchards and crops. The VICTORIA Agent, Lovo, July Heh ---lgd ainiel that | of its range. Only 1.80 a year, INSTRUMENTAL, : th hv the way eight Turkish men-if-wat, ape on th | New York, July 10.--Mrs. Brooker, "THE KING OF ALL LINIMENTS." oH , . FOLEAS og ed For Rheumatism, Gout, Nenralgia, Lambago, adache. Earache, Toothache, &ec. vop » be_trTed c _ | inquest it wus stated she frequently took He has just received his Be '4 Soinantite) ke 10] : ed for acts com vi wrk as 1,000 grains of bromide potas- BUY IT! TRY IT!! PROVEIT!'!{ GALOPS.- "Charlie's and Freddie, by K > : mi Y beam, by iby | New Milford, Ce nn. was drowned to-day Which will be found complete. WVICTORTA LCNDO N, Q UEBE C, BY THE Kg Sen Maram, July 14 1~Three. thon fac: | while Lathing. The body was recovered. CAR BO LIC SALVE ADRI uly .11--{hree ( | . tory operatives here struck for higher Sr. Lous, July 12.--A depatch from | 3oautiful Vest and Pant Patterns. . AND : e's, by Kin Seorsfen MONTREAL. . Dev, b d, 40 cla. ; Sunbeam, by | ed into the Missouri River, near Kickapoo, the shortest notice. Seals, Pod, Plice. Pimples, axe...and Chron! TEM PERLEY'S LINE R E FO RM E R Ika, 35 cts. ; Love's C a { on Tuesday might, was greatly exaggerated; A CALL SOLICITED. Price 25 Cents per Box. Sold by all Drugs ler. ~. ET -- d of the following First-Class FiRiEid Ry es ii "ne | hrs . . r v oad ONTARIO REFORMER, OSHAWA, WEDN ESDAY; JU ------ le os _-- ets rm . - ---- - -- i PR INMAN LINE AMERICAN NEWS. S I 'N G Oshawa Coal. OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, bine Lis > - wot S M M E R HE SUBSCRIBERS BEG TO IN 1 > : \ : ---- despatch says the ht weather cleared ? : H E A P E S P A P E R THE TICHBORNE CASE--DEATR or 4 | all the canyons of snow, and the shipment : FORM the public hat they have now on New York, Queenston and C I CLOTHING Liverpool ! Loxpow, Jury 1lth.--The case for the | Coumicsion niet this werging. and pre . COAL and CORD wooD . P prosecution aqiingt the Tichborue claim. | cee ded with the trial of Captain Jack, City or ANTWERP, Ww AND Ciry or Fania. Cry or JamEnios, Loxpox, Julv 11t), Fre, inter. | Cauby massacre. The trial will probably TY cir City or Brussels. oF DUBLIN, halter, the celebrated portrait paiuter, | sonelude 0a or before the 9th inst. LATEST 5 LES E, . Sry or Nw Yous. * ry or Haiiraz, : died th dny of tym fever. Agricultural Salt! a or Wan en --THE-- " h the who have claims against the | here lust evening for New Yi rk, wit ' tle, 'wited States which arose after the ter SEI peg Leg Vy RATES oF Passe. b . oat Ey i b teminal date fixed in _the Treaty * of | boar e Decretary -» ' . To Queenston or fesrage. =~ : a me, Wadbington fr sking pint action fo the | Robyn, sccomyavied then. yi A. Alexander. |"IiEt" - Gna SS, ; LER he advancement of their interests. Towa Ciry, Ia, July 12.--A wind and Paris, + + « - 3 " " Oni or Song and Chorus, TURKEY ralu storm occ tred here at three pm. . miy for you! lad. : perance Song, Save one Bright C MOVEMENTS OF JHE TIE T--A PASHA | storm was remarka_le for the completencss G uU IL E Y 'S ELECTRIC Tau C W. SMITH, Osawa. wie Thon ou Si Tint sme IN. TRUUBLE, | of its destructive effect and the narrowness . L 1 N 1 M E N T f ny 4 alker, 44 . to Sumatra, to watch over the interests of | hb 1 ; . t » Hi ¥) died ye: « the Sultan on the island! sister of Woodhull aud Claflin, V v . CONSTANTINOPLE, July 10th.--Mal- | terday f Bright's disease of the bidasia SPRING AND SUMMER CLOTHING oF doi, ern Bre £tiffons in the Limbs mound Pasha has bedh "semmoned. to | | supertudaced by intemperance. t the ra sinm a week, and even as much as 300 N E WwW S T 0) C Price 50 Cents per Bottle. Sold by all Druggists. 5 T = A M each 35 ct SPAIN. . | grains a* day. L K » PETWEEN ar Sin 5h A STRIKE OF OPERATIVES--THE CARLIST | Father McKenna, Catholic priest of y pel, 3 WL or Ea ' ' i cov Chicago yesterday stating that half a mile " WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD," wages and shorter hdurs in Aleoy. | of thee Missouri Pacific Railway was wash- | Jlothing of all kinds made to order on | 'A Specific for Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burns Praise of Woman Polka- Maa Sot | only 300 feet of the track washed away, Pampeluna, and shot the tax collector. and cowmunication was restored in ten Te = Tron Stéamers: J GERMANY. Lgiong Sule 17 Fhe Sect SCOTLAND, MEDWAY, HECTOR re ASHINGTON, July J+ mile Decrelaly g. DELTA. NIANZA, VERY FATAL TYPE OF CHOLER®. | of the Treasury has cecided that canned Hats and Caps. eoton, Kinkel, % Fleurs. Tonel, 40 cts, ; W on, 50 cts. Who RE fo bbe i B : E 4 LE Beery, July 10. --Despatches from Bres! a, Breslau, says a vinlent type of far there has been eichteen cases, four. teen of which proved fatal. In the town | of Sauterburg, thirty four miles north east of Stras! urg, eight persons were stricken with the disease, and four died. FRANCE. -- 1 LAST PAYMENT OF THE WAR INDEMNITY. Paris, July HF.--In accordance" with the treaty signed in| Berlin last March, under which the departments of Vosges, Ardennes, Mouis and | Moselle, as well a the fortress and arrongdissment of Belfort, are to be evancuated, on the payment of the second instalment of the last milliard of war indemnity. The German troops have scommenced to rts on the third instant. The withdrawal will continne by detachments until the 15th of Angust. when the abcve.mentioned country will | be entirely evacuated. RUSSIA. CATTURE OF KHIVA BY THE INVADIES Loxpox, July 11--The Herald's corres- dent at Scheikarik, from River Oxus, une 4th telegraphs the details of the military operations at the capture' of Khiva. The de spatch was delay? at Ore bir: owing to the in blityoef w t 4 a foreign langnage. General Kantian ervssed the Oxus on June 1st with ten pieces of artillery, two witraillenses, 1.300 mfantry, and 600 cavalry. Having passed Adawkuigan on May the 1th, water heing scaree, the camels were seut hack for a supply causing a dely of one. week. Gen. Kuffman attacted Admknrzland, and repulsed tlie famous brigand Sadik Valtack. Suffering terrill; from want of water Kavliman pushed forwarn, reach: Ovhack mn the Oxus, skiruire h g way. He reached water and Turkmane, captoring eleven boats. lowing the river for fifry wiles, lie arrived opposite this station on May "28th, at a strong fort on the left bark. Gen. Gol- avosthoff opened fire and silenced the Khivaa guus. Meatime MacGasson had wandeped in 'the desert. from - point to point, #ollowing the wake of the army, wntil twy of his horses Gied from: hinng and thirst, finally he jeiched tle Oxus, May 28th, attract -d by the roar of cannon. He was enabled to reach the elevated hilly ground, flom whence he watched for two hours the operations of hth armies, Th: Ehivins offered submis.ion, and Kaoffinan crosced and cartured the boats. He was met by a fri ndly procla. mation. The inhabitants brought bread, fruit goats, &ec., for which the Rassians prid encrmour prices, having jived for the prat week on black liscuits. At that peris d the correspondent was enabled to Jn Kautfinan's' . After. the taking | of Fort Kasarth en June ati : ten miles fm thesiver, and 40 froin Khiva, the camped in the gardens, richly nt "Sind with ripe apricots, mo Jberries, &e whale availahle force of 60,000 then continued to move wn Kliva, with the certuin prospect of a brilliant success. 5 A ------ ". Lieut-Gov. Tlowland and fanily are tak- ing the waters at St. Catherines. The Bt. rejoice thereat. The last caisson of the Intercolonial bridge neross the Niagara river at Fort Erie was successfully placed ou Monday afterucon last. A sad and fatal accident occenred at Midlpoint, at three o'clock on Thursday | afternoon, by which a young wan na ed | James Brewin, sou of Mr. John Brennan of Tyendinug:, was instantly killed by a bursting of a wooden pulley which drives the lath puchine in Messrs. Rathbun & Shs' sawmill, . A Dutehiman appeared at the conntin Foom of the Nashua Irop and Steel nd pany, on Thursday, and in the most ex- cit manner demanded his pay. I've vorked a good vile in spoder blace and had to droul le, said the Dutchman. J vork hers dhree veeks aud I loose dwo Engh and der thumb. 1 takes mine bay d--m quick. The ville "Tafel ligeneer is informed that some of the residents in the vicinity of the creek at M¢Konney's in Rawdon, | "have fdfapoil.d the stream of the greater put of th tony Yroutee ther most -weloable nny occupanti--hy Bet news for anglers, Sr only creck within many | eville where goad trought I be had. We trust that the nspector will be ahle to discover and proscente them with it vigor of ths law, yonish Cusket nnderstanda that H oh Macdonald has nade : get the Dorfiuion bt Dp the entrance of of Antigzomish, Tracadie, and # Bouche this summer, and that | § funds are provided for. these Phe local representative being from the money expendi- p purposes have determined 1¥ the navigation SCearity & grant, for Eile vee + o'clock Thorsduy night a fire Mr. Fairman, but by Figg aaliges Mirtiam, hanber, lobsters and salmon are entitled to be entered free of duty, as' fish under the | cholera has appeared in that city. Thus4 Treaty of Washington, the only exceptions in the Treaty being of fish preserved in oil. ! George Sand,a"mate in the naval service on board the receiving ship at Norfolk Navy Yard, comuwitted suicide to-day by | shooting. He was son "of Rear-Aduiral | | Sand, U. 8. Navy. some of the Counties in Ohio show that their loss by the late storm an ounts to ever £250,000. Houses, bridges, and fences | were swept away by the over flowing of | rivers, &c. The crops in the cutton lands are a total loss. The Hocking canal will | not be repaired this sugamer, hav ing fifteen | | Jarge bre aks within a distance of 25 miles. { The Ne vark, Somerset & Stratsville Rail- road had 25 wiles of track washed away, and scveral bridges destroyed. CANADIAN. St. Catherines has has been testing steam fire engines with a view to purchasing one for that town, Some £17,000 worth of stock has been subscrived in the Stratford Gas Company, and prospec s are good for the early | commencement of the works, In Montreal last week of 193- inter- 'ments, at the cemeteries, no less than 120 were infants, or an average daily of nearly 28 burials, of which 7 daily were | iofauts. A Montreal paper publighes a worded hkeness gnd biographical sketch of Rev Johr Potts, who'is to assume the Pastor- ate of the Metropolitan Church in Tor- onto, The lawyers of Stratford have decided to close their offices between 1st of July and 21st Angust at 3 o'clock in the after- neon, except on Saturdsy, when they | will be closed at at one o'clock. Railway Scandal, while condemning Ea Mullen for divulging the secrets, says Sir Hush offered the latter half of his de- mand if he wold rewain silent. The Mail, after viewing the Allan cor- | or ! Tespondence and affidavit through a bot- | tle of "John A. Bitters," has arrived at the conclusion fhat the guilty parties are Blake and Dorion !| The Toronto &sylum will have to Le enlarged. The barn and other outbuildings with | their contents, including a reaper and mower, belonging to Mr Alex. Burnett, of Fenelon, were destroyed by fire on Sunday morning last, supposed to be the work of an incendiary. Loss covered by | insurance iu the Agricnltural Mutual. Mr. Bossange, Canada Immigration Agent in Paris, has forwarded to Quebee, port on Sunday warning, forty-one im- migrants. comprising twenty-three French, ten Italians, six Belgians, and two Alsa- tiars. They all intend to remain in this | { province. & The Truro Sun says a train ran through | a herd of cattle wear Truro, last Friday, | killing seven at once and wonnding another so badly that it had to be killed, The | owner of the animals, Mr. Robert Barnhill | claims ¢pmponsation from the Government | and will: probably receive it, as the fences | 'OSHAWA ORGAN & MELODEON on the line were down at the place when the accident accurred. In response to the qitestion as to what newspane ' were subsidized by Sir Hugh Allan the Nourean Monde makes haste to rav that it didmot get anything, but that | 11 it said on behalf of the Pacific and | Northern Colopization Railway was the | and Finish to airy Instruments of the fruit purely of conviction. Tt is reported now that at the meeting of the Pacilic Railway Directors on Friday Inst, Sir Hugh Allan submitted to hip | co-directors an of er from a well known, Neimater in Ergland to form a svndicate for the prrpose of attempting to float the | scheme, if the Government and Legisla ture assent to the following eocditions :-- The time of completing the work to be ex- tended from eight to twelve years ; anthor. ity to be given to issne the bonds at 85 per cent, net ; and to increase the issue from £40,000 per mile, as now limited hy Act of Parliament, to £50,000 per mile, and certain 'modifications to be made in terms on which the payments of the cash Nhwidy of §30.000,000. are provided for ak 'v the Act, These concessions 'being ob- | tained, the delegation will at once return to England ¢nd conclude the provisional arrangement, { | Fort Gamny, July 10. --Thecountry isin excitement over a case of forcible al- duction from'here by American detectives, A person known as Lord Gordon, report, ed to he connected with the 'Gould-Fisk Erie affair, hina heen rnsticating in this coundry for eicht months, On Tuesday | evening as he was sitting on 8 verandah of the *onse of Hon, James .McKey he was seized, pistols he'd to his head tied, ank borne off to a carriage in waiting, and driven away towards Pembina. A telegram was sent to Mr. Bradley. Collec. tor of Castoms there, who arrested the whole party. The two "American detect- ives were returned to this pe: and will bn examined to-m Rowe. have re cently heen se alarions moves be. tween here and Fork ¢ Garry, and it is be. lieved Jay Gould one set of men trving he the honds of his he'd by Gordon, d that Rherta Hot apcther sot Tooking after his 2 ; Si men het me and an Amey. Jixcrsyar:, 0, July 10--Reports from | ! per steamer Polynesian, which arrived in | ete, ete. WILLIAM LANG INVITES INSPECTION TO HIS SPLENDID STOCK OF 'NEW SPRING COODS | WHICH 1S COMPLETE IN ALL ITS BRANCHES. Clothing Made to Order WITH CARE AND DESPATCH. | Gents' Furnishings. BUUIOI0 SER ADION Boots and Shoes. HATCH & MEARNS, Hardware, Tin and Stove Dealers, "KING STREET, OSHAWA. Beg leave to return thanks for the liberal patronage bestowed on them | | | during the post year, and would solicit a_continuance of the same, We | have on hand the Largest, Best and Cheapest 'Stock of HARDWARE, and &e,; Ever offered in this market. Our Stock comprises part of the following : 500 Kegs Cut, Shingle and Lath Nails, 50 Boxes Pressed and Horse Nails, 200 Boxes Glass, " Star" and " Diamond Star," James', Walker & Parker's, and Brandram's White L ads, ! English and Ameican Colors, oe Minerve to-day, in-an article on the | | Blundel and Spencer's Boiled and Raw Oil, Fnrniture and Carriage Varnish. | American, English, and €'anadian Locks, Latches, and Knobs, { Butts, T. and Strap Hinges, Screws &e., Spears and Jackson's and Sorby's Hand, Rip, and Tenon Saws, Chiscls, Gouge's, Piane Irons, &e. American Socket Firmer Chisels, | Star Company's Bevils, Squares, Dividers, &c., | Dawson's and English-Planes, | Rodgers' and' other English agiish Cutlery, Plated Forks, Spoons etc., B. M. Tea and Coffee Pots, Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Forks ete, | Platform and Counter Scales, Guns, Revolvers, Shot, Powder, and Gun Caps, Coal and Wood Cooking Steves, Tinware, Lamp and Chimneys, | Chandeliers and Brackets, EVETROUGHING & JOBBING PROMPTLY ATTENDEDTO | Cut Nails 85 per Keg, Cash ; other goods at proportionate prices. HATCH & MEARNS, iKng Street, Oshawa, April 31st, 1873, MANUFACTURING COMPANY AVE NOW ON HAND. THE FIRST INSTRUMENTS OF THEIR Manufacture, which have been ronouniced by Good Judges to be supe both in have ever been p! Jone Te Placs Daye ele the oJ in ced before the Public of Oshawa Men of Practical Experience, Having a thorough knowledge of the Business; and, therefore. parties Pi rchasi ments can rest assured they cannot be su by any LID IERt inthe ow asm. | ALL OUR INSTRUMENTS ARE WARRANTED FCR FIVE YEARS, And parties purchasing from us will have a guarantee they cannot h: b imported, as the Manufacturer oilly is Josptn: ible for them Wh A Ronis Te Perch thee ons il I not be likely to take the responsibility on fet own shoulders. We ha ned our Wareroom in Mr, W $ lve ow al I Hotel, King gtr Sa sa Stare, Beiy. the We invite the publics to come and inspect our ring Parties desiring t it te their advantage lo dou with LA they can save ye Tet per cent. on hel Money will pnd © 8 i DARLEY & HOSKIN. 16-1y. Oshawa, October 0th, 1873, Ontario Commercial College, Belleville, Ont. THOROUGH AND PRACTICAL INSTITUTION FOR BUSINESS The Steamers of this Line are intended t2|sail during the season of na'igation of 1373, ftom London for Quebec and Montreal as foliows: TRAMES Saturday, April 5th. (Via Hallux and st John N. B. SEVERN - Vedues ay,' LL Derta « = . Sat urday 26th Meopway - - W ednesday, Th May « (Direct. ) NianNza - Saturday, 17th do SceTLaAND - - - Wednesday, 28th do and every alternate Wednesday and Saturday thereafier. And from Quebec for London as follows : THAMES - Thursday, 8th' May SEVERN . - = Tuesday, I3th do Decta + «+ - «Thursday, 22nddo Mepway - Tuesday, 3rd June | Nraxza - - - Thursday, 12th ds | ScoTLAND - - - Tuesday, 24th do | and ev ery alternate Tuesday and Thursday { thereafter. Rates of passage from Quebec te London, Cabin, $66} Steerage. $2; Through ! Tickets from. all points West at reduced fates. | | C ertificates issued to persons desirous of-brj | ing out their woicuds. U'irough bills of lau pe issued on the continent, and in London for all parts of Canada, and inthe United States to vin | | trait, Milwaukee, Chicago and other points in | the Ww est, For fre ght or passaze, apply to Temperley's Parke, Billeter Street, London; Ross | Carter and & Co,, Quebec; David Shaw, Montreal, or to C, W, SMITH. Oshawa, | SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF i Stereoscopic Views always on hand. Musical Tnstrume ts, Sheet Music, Fancy Goods, | Statiouary, &c. Ar re ELLINGTONS, Wilson's Bloc k, Oshawa. | Scribner's s Monthly. A Serial Story by DR. H&LLAND. New Story by SAXE HOLM. | "4 Long Story From BRET HARTE. | BRILL INT ARRAY of COM TRIT Uv TERS | CLARE. NC 'E COOK on Furniture ad Decorations. RH: STODDA RD on Authors. | Hasrourginasy Induesments to Now | ubscribers ; 500 PAGES FOR 00: &e., fe. | The pwblishers of ScafiNgR'S MONTHLY, mn their Pi clus just issue promise for the ensuing y ore brilllantfieray of contribu- tors, and a crease in he variety and beauty of its illustration, alread¥ cunceded by the critics to be finer than any which have Litherto appeared | in any American magazine. Dr. HoLLAND, the Editor, will write the serial =torv of the year, which will be au! obiographical in form, and will be illustrated by Miss Hallock. It is entitled Arthur Bonicastie, and will deal with some of the mest difficult problems of | American Life. It will be commenced in t | November Nwuber. There will be bo a hey story by Saxe HoLw, The One Legged Da Brer HARTE, the Dest writer of short storie: now living, will contribute a characteristic story, entitled The pie of Fiddietown, which will be illustrated by Sheppard. R. H. Stoppard will write a series of ente- taining papers about Amnghers, their Personal C Chntaetorishy Home Life, ¥ Anilles, Friendy A series of Pertralts of oh ng American Writers, is also promised. 'These papers will be Foinoutiy Jiactical as well as artistic, and will be illustrated with de- signs and sketches 4 numerous artists in addi- tion to those which the writer himself will furn- ish. Among those who will contribute are: linns Andersen, Rryant, Bushnell, Eggleston, Froude, Higginson. Bishop Huntington, Bret Harte, | John Huy, H. H. Macdonald, Mitchell, Miss | Phelps, RAS Stockton, Stoddard, Celia |. | Thaxter, Warncr, Wilkinson, Mrs. Whitney, besides a host of vihers. The editorial control and direction of the Mag- | azine will remain in the hands of Dr. Holland, who will continue to write * The Te of the Time," which the N. Y. Independent says * are more "widely quoted than any similar papers in any dmerican magazine. Walter Gilder will write " The old Cabinet i" | as hitherto, Prof. John C Draper conducts the | Department of "Nature and The | departmonts of "Heme aud Society, ," and 'witure and Progress," will engage ihe con | aributi ns of more than uw score of pens on both sides of the Atlantic. . The Watchman and Re- ! fector says : "Scribner's Monthly for September is better than usual, which indicates a needless waste of editorial brains and Publisher's mon- ey, for the Magazine was good enough before And yet the Fabtisners Prontive So make It | soil tier for the coming yea 'The subscription price is $4 a bth with speci. al rates to clergymen, teachers, and postmasters., | The following Extraordinary Inducements are offered to new subscribers: kor $550 th Publishers will send, or any bookseller or news- dealer will supply, the magazine for one ear, ard the twelve numbers of Vols, HI and 1V.. Stainin the beginning of Mrs. Oliphant's | Ke His Gates ;" for $7.50, the magazine Fora i, year, and the 21 back® numbers {pou the | beginning : for $10.50, the Magazine for one year | and the 2i back numbers bound (4 vols.), charges | on Sqund vols. paid. This will give nearly 5009 | pages of the choicest reading, with the finest il- ustrations for $10.50, or nearly #0 pages for a dollars! and will enable every subscriber to ob- tain theseries from the first, A& Special 'erms to Dealers Clergymen and Teachers. SCRIB ER & Co. ob Broadway, N.X SONG fortheP|ANO Mailed, post-raid, on receipt of priem Dhrling, I am Lonely Now, Song and Chorus, Stewart, 30 oonts, Sweetest, rong and chorus, Dauks, 3). Mattie May, song and chorus, Danks, 30.- Lost and Saved, ballad, Donniker. 30, Fare well, Darling, till we Meet, wig, 30. Think of we, Darl n song and chorus, es, 0, Asking a blessing from Mother, song and chor Stewait, 30. Recalleetions of Childhood, Bart: tone sone, Danks, 30. Thou art no hs Mine, ballad, Danks, 30. Hear we say my little ayer, Sony and chorus, Pratt. 30. Close the tier, le's Dead, song and chorus, Stew 30. Ethel Dreeme, s mg and chorus, Persley, 3 Quit dat Ticklin Me. Song and Dance You'll Awals find me true, song po Hays, 35. dead, but not Fi py Hays, 40. * Meet me Ma aggie, song ghorus, Hays, #0. * Lay me where mw; CHARACTERISTIC of the ge, where yor men and boys can p uited to the wauts of the times. young a The charges are moderate, the risk nothing, the result unvariable, and the opini- ons of the Press, letters from prominent business men, and united admission of hundreds of our are the g of ! and by ulils SUBJECTS TATITGHT. Book-keeping--by 'single uble entry, Spenéerian Penmanship, Arithmetic, Cortespond ence, ercial Law, Phonography, Telegraph- ing, Railroading, Shondtney of Mechanical and rehitectural Drawing , A Staff of Seven Sonia Brains Toles Those who can devote & few months to st its. who have SONS TO FPICATF RE Then will ind that the ad asiages Ho So quatry Penmanchip, ca sont cnn sp tes ofohug e oa Inerchant, », reidet of this plate, song and sherus, Stewart, of All, sacred song, Panseron, 5 SEL A INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC Antumn Yeaves, Second Pensee M C. T. Frey, 7 ey CE raidne, * Rustic "onary March, * Sun March, Skaats, 35. * Yonnnien March, K 25. * Bertie's Sehottise Finke, x 35. "Ji Schostiache, Kinkel, 35. * Ki * Sweet Sixteen Waltz, Kinkel | 35. Zevhyra. Walts: Pacher. 30. Bird of Waltz, ¥ LL) Galop, Young, Bc & £53 Dua 3 Clarence Cook will write about Faraitare | and the Decoration of American Homes, | Posters, Blank Forms, Orders by Mail Punctually Attended to EVERY DESCRIPTION OF CONSISTING OF Show Bills, 'Business Cards, N FACT EVERY KIND OF LETTER-PRESS PRINTING = SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. Visiting Cards, Bill Heads, Circulars, LADIES' VISITING CARD THE LARGEST SIZE POSTER, EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, 'REFORMER' OFFICE. CALL and SEE SPECIMENS. REMEMBER THE STAND, Next door to tie Montreal Telegraph fin EH THAMES, SEVERN | Printing ahd Publighin g C o., Any of the above madled. p Post reli recipt af Address, J. L. PETERS, 599 Biatuay Prospectus lr 578 TRE AL DINE Ax Illustrated ited Month J versally admitted to somost Not for sale in Book or News Gord. 3 aE I LDINE, while issued with all , has none of the temporary or hag Elastin racteristic nt Ti ordinary. PLAIN& ORNAMENTAL PRINTING | E55" the real thie and oH ny of The will be most appreci ated after it has bound up at the close of the Sear; While publications may claim Su; com with ALDINE is a unique alone and unapproach he competition in d= or he posse:sor of a complete volume cannot play the quantity of fine paper and in any other shape or number of for? ten tmay its cost; and there are besides, Art Devartment. Notwithstanding the increase in. thi" subscription last Fall, when THE HE assumed its present noble proportions Presentaiive character, the tion han déubled during the past yeas: that the Amerlcan<£ public Pretty will support, a sigecre effort in the cause The pu ichers, anxious to justify finence thus demonstrated, have exerted selves ta the utmost to develop and work ; and the plans for the as unfolded the #4 monthly issues, astonish and delight even the most eieats of THE ALDINE. The publishers are authorized to ai signs from many of the most America. 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