Ontario Reformer, 16 Jul 1873, p. 2

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ONTARIO KEFORMER, OSHAWA, WEDNESDAY, ouLyY 16, 137w, | THE PERFECTION OF JOURNAL-|one black spot which ISTIC SCOUNDRELISM, The brilliant and gifted dar, who 80 | | aptly represents Sie John Macdonald on | tisemients. Joss Ny RE MOVA | SERVANT WANTED. --. POTATOES L | HOMINY | MEAT MARKET. | Remov al: | MEDICAL HALL, eighteen years of| THE 12th OF JULY. political warfare had succeeding in fasten- | -- ing upon the Reform party. But there | Celebration in Cokawn. Was he thing that we hy omit, and *® | SPLENDID ANNIVERSARY OF THE DATILE OF -- make haste to roproduce it now. Here it AE | FANTED AT ONCE, A GIRL FOR is! Hugh Allan's letter to Hon. D.L. THE Solve, | WA : praise for t} ¢ extreme precision to which | McPh ug $ Ang oh : GOING EAST, { he has reduced the art of lying. For!" Shaerson ; 5. ii iy | daring ovigirafity, bolduess of coneaption, | oo 0pm. OSHAWA BUS For the benefit of ti the following busin names of the most =e The public will find i with them : Qrand Trunk Time Table. | : ; -- | the Mail staff} is deserving of the highest | OSHAWA ETATION. OSHAWA TIME! ¥ general housewe: k. Enquire at this office. | : ---- - -- VAT vi --- The 12th of July iu this town, wae the | " et TY % { i ew York Amber St ru, ~ r " (Copy.) occasion Faaiioorels importautanniver- SAT E FOR SALE. | J Pr | Gr. W . G 2 R T H, MRE.DPROOF SAFE SIZE 29 | <] VRIID J FIRE-PROOF SAFE, SIZE 20 GOLDEN SYRUE VINEGAR BUTC ER, . . : "Montreal, 20th Feb., 1872. | sary, For several years past the support- | andaeaty, and an unflinching faculty of | " dre sticking to it," Jack Fo'st £ in his] The Hon. D. L. Ma:pherson, | ers of the Altar and the Throne in this | [A jnehes dep; 3 inches wide and 25 bigh, H Ph a N Hl afl, in hs | - W : v soy . y ol » - 1 ankest of moods, ¥ob 1 1 a r attempt | "My Dear Sir,--Since writing to you { secticu have been called elsewhere to lend | W 1 he ac ia chea,. APU 0, WIN: Oshawa | \ REMOVEIL | i y y WL never: attemp off! Y CDRS 3 " a Se | J MOVED S 2 | to rival he. mad Wit hus develoned bs I am informed that thy lon. George { i dis | TUST ARRIVING XE 10) DiS MEAT Ma R- | } al ta a 5 has developed vn | vo \ are ) s . | Juild'ng directly opposit | oil tol > ! Drown will not be a sharcholder mt] i. ions of the history of Protestant | | BLACKS COMMERCIAL HOTEL. K geil | the Mail talents wach, sad te say, only} present, and 1 propose to pawe Mr. |. A o Hootie L SL, KING ST. a i hi P ne tia bi { ism. This year, however, it was the good a 70 BARRELS ving Airy Meat Market an acgident vcvented from being lost in | Howland in his place. : ek MS second to none in Ontario, he hopes by havine * Yours truly | fortune of the Orangemen of Oshawa to LAST, JULY 127m, j i well stocked wiih the best of meats in thei Ys - i. in' oaaah 4 en . » with * Victoria 1a | season, to merit a share of the want (Signed) « Huam ALLan." | Feceive as their guests, and to have assist- vants of the Citizens of Oshawa in Jy. the oxi ile won bereddett | Wow Extra Sugars 8 : | em in doing honor ii iver- | Finder will be rewarded by leaving it at this V TWO PEDDLING WAGON atte: its to carry on political warfare, and | Alas, thet this thing sliould be! There | 73 them in doing honor to their as cer gia hie | TAY iG WAGONS on the road Office. lw, EVERY DAY, so that his customers | 8 1 a y tiv | solic 4 . an be t* roputation of, that juurual is so notor- | is 01 HONEST wax among them all, whom | 50, lodios and roprombuivas frm | ie =i | Foret at thé own, doors good time Brushes, Coombs, Tras. Sveshuk ih. 0 Eveniig hil, So ious that it would be a work of superero- | Sir Hugh tried to bribe--the only man y : parts . Ja ane ya ing coun on The Imported Ayrshire Bull, ITN ; PRG | Peal stiended to 8} Fhe Marke 528, &e., &e. ' he Northe. 1a lon mmediate'y | . | i At an early Lou } dee ky « | - fier the arsival of the Train from the West, at gation on our part té attempt to correct, | of the Reform ranks whom Sir Hugh 1 76Y ur in he morning, lncee B 1 S M A R ( > K { UN PRECEDENTED PRICES | a. m,, daily, Sundays excepted . Wd td Airmsiiv vit y ul ue as steel to L | : Fie. Buglish suit vin. Queber, is closed at 13 oreven pay any attention to,any ordina:i'y attempted to approach, as true ; ; ' ah .*vew York | stapencous falsehood in its columns. We | jhe principlds of integrity and honesty, | | | | | a wag. ak on™ wisn IF : S rm A { And a large stock of Fancy i : almost before the ' wee snall hours" wer | FOU R HORSES FOR SALE. g! acy Articler. "Mock od Thu sday Evening. andv | are justified in noticing it to-day, however, | which have been the main foundation of he Mail! for Evfeld, Foler, ord Tavyton.. n pit H | |] | ---- Dr. Wu, CoBURNy, west of llobb's Hote Di. FRAN Rar, Dx McDriax, Sin DR. DEANS I JESPECTFULLY INFORMS REMOVED to 'Pe. MEDICAL Hayy, WILSON'S. NEW BLOCK. NEAR THE POST OFFICE, Where Le has opened out a NEW STOCK of. Puro Drags, Chemicals, Tatens Meds, cines, Supericr Dye § Dorfumes, canted Soaps, Taoth Brushes,Eair Brushes, Mall WHITBY STATION. Trains going East leave Whitby Station te nats euler, and those going West fiflcen mules laterthsaa the above. . E. FAREWELL: R. McGEE, Barrist posite REFORMER Of GREENWOUD & Whitby, SER Ee ==" - i 1 eclat to one of tho greatest monumental ited wp a Large OEUAWA FPOCTONFICE. The malls are closed at this oflice, by Post Office ne ae fellowes CING BAST. GOING WEST. Marning wall. 5.00 | Moriing mail, 7.00 "Powiinion Bank, Si LAN, Agen Ontario Bank, Sim Jaws HoLoex, M _ Brock Strect Whitby 1 8 J. FerovsgR, ne Street. C. N. Vars, Cowan « AGE] Jonny McG, Auct, C. W. Ssrrn, Archi ance _ageat, Siiicoe Si «= D. Howutoay, Insu E FORMER office, Simco B. Saux, Hoop ------ "" manville, . Tova ------ the pulpit, | | We have repeatedly exposed ! | the nefarious means by which the Mail | | | SENET lodges --A Tm : | ¥X7ILL SERVE AT SYDENHAM | | onl Shon |the Orangd brethren aroused the | W FAL {during the Season. Terms. Full | | ONE YOUNG SPAN MATCHED | osmawa Nak 3 i vous} sleeping with firing of cannon and Bred Cows Four Dollars, common Grade Cows | STEER I NH BROS. | genera' pups ! od One ser Carriage or sD 2th, 1872, : : : ig v he. dawning 4 : THOMAS GUY. = ee | Draught," Will sell cither. separatly arb tie egistered Better shovild ho Mriled 13 minutee | | . a wl in al of | A i t Comment is needless ; | Ot! oF signs of welecme to the d 8 : . paratly orby the } H ne the hour of clos ag a mail. [laselaced wader actveed this jours! of | purty maiitain ! CO morning of the ** Glorious twolfth." Frou vie Yas ANCRW ANNIS FOR SALE! Pan, Ho, ¢ h 4 NNIS. ctor. that until tem o'clock, the town | XT, 1 ip ' DR ; : ; a VYHAT DESIRABLE HOUSE alive with preparation, and all the bu te HANDSOMEST C ROQUET | A Lot on the corner of Mary 'and RAND 4: NAwE ing and animation attendant on sich occasions, SUBSCRIBER OFFERS FOR STS at Streets, at present occupied by J. W. WIGHTMAN, Kix and shortly after that time the brethren SALE bis vaiaable FARM, ia Abe South | ---------------------------- : . * "e ion of Oshawa, cumprising 01 aeres Wi from: the outside begah toarrive. At half | The situ: aud beautiful character of the M \ 3 well en, the more enthusiastic of | © His Surgery is in conneetion with the 257.15 Saturday Evening. : 4 pinwed at 12.90 o'clock every TvSecuy ord Friday | because it has in the plainest and most | all other principles which the Reform he isl G. Y. sara, LL 5. | FARM FOR SALE. | BUirSTirATIORSETATLAW, | Notary Public, dc. Oflice-McMillan's Block. { "JHE "4-1 | SET Oshawa, July 8th, 1873, OFFICE HOURS. -F.om § o'clock 8. m.unti | forying correspondence to further political | Jet the reader draw his cwn conclusions. oe » ip: ms | ends, at the same time, endeavoring to | O Mail! "multiply" us some more | fasten the stigma of the the alleged for- { " gvidences of George Browu's dishon- { gery upon the local member for South | ésty I" Pray do! v --_-- | Outario. We reprint below in full the | Boots & Shoes--T. G. Hawthoru. dastardly attack on Mg. FixewsLs and | Ontario Bank--C. Helland | the RepurxER, in the Mail. Wo aduit | New Potatoes --Steele Brothérs, | that either the Mail or the RerorMer | The more we come to analyz the glo- American Sewing Machine--J. Kellogg. | hes been guilty of forgery, but we will | rious victory" recently won by the Hon Domirion Bank--J. H. McLellan. | leave it to the intellizence of the readerto | Mi. Gibbs in South Ontario, the more é i Oshawa, July th, 1873. H-2wp | St, Patrick's Benovolent Society---Thos. | say which it was. The Mail on the 11th | reason we have to be satisfied with the | command, of Mars all 5 Kirby, i - Drrne See. inst, eaid :-- | tesult, so far as it affccts the standing of | Sts ® Dersss Steipiine Smog a Insolvent Natice--R. J. Yarnold. { 'We might multiply instances cf Mr. the-party of Refors Last year, in the ariel for the wd ol | Insolvent Notice--T. G. Hawthorn. | Browx's dishonesty, but let the above | contest between Mr. White and Mr. Gibbs hie 0 Bec F vich Tod he | Lost... Was, Maxwell. oon hap oo ir aH temtion.. In Ta 3 . Tife and Drom Band LEN, x lance with tha wish t} Furniture Depot --Luke Dros. issue. of his paper, the Untario Leformer, ly and villainous scandal --being no less | Victoria L ang o Y B sw Fir wl at the Fire Hal al half- Imported Bulle Thowas Guy. | of the 9th, we tind the following sentence | than a false charge of murder against the | Fife 23 Did ow . past. six BE, Dan, on SATU DAY evg Card - G. Y. Smith. deliberately inserted in what prrports to. Reform candidate--promulzated the day | Dufferin Lodge O.Y.B. Oshawa, The 3ith Batt. Band have coascuted to accom- Sewing Maclines--W. Dickia, i be 2 bree ou} By nd Huon 3 _elter | before the election, when thero was no | Meyerhoffer Lodge O.Y.B. Whitby. | Pals i endaiacn is particalarly requested. Organ| Factory-- Darley & Hoskin. | uae 1th, te Melvin 1 | chanes of refuting it. This year, the odds | Brass Band. [1 P, IL. THORNTON, Chief Engincer. "Jewellty--W. Hepirstall. I PRL vig Fog pa od So pie | were still heavier against the Reform | Bowmauville L. ee - To Firgman~P. H. Thoruton. & Fovsiih. | . : standard bearer. Mr. Holden had oppos- | Farm for Sale--S. Phillips. x ast a Esbwication, pute and simple. | 0 to Lim the supporter of the stronger | i No such sentence, no collection of words . tua i a Insolvent Act---Henry Eldridge. that by any possibility could be construct- | Party, with the addition] prestige of being | Rafe for Bale--S. Trewin. ed as above, appears in any part of the a Cabinot Minister ; he had to contend | Masonic Lodge--John Boyd, Secretary. | correspondence. Then again Mr. FaRe- | against an unprecedentedly lavish expend- | Girl Wanted --Apply at this Office Toca] Notice--J. W. Fowke, ws NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 1 STITT IVARR Brock Street, Whitby, ¥. R. WELLINGQTONS, Fis BREN FIAREEELE sale on easy ters, 5 3 ol 1 a Siw CAPT. 6, FAREWELL AT oe € Cu HAT * 4 : rronnd, together with the rapid g he N oF 'EW THAT "GLORIOUS VICTORY. past twelve the whole of the intending | Fronnd. together wi tie apd, Frowts br tad / NOTHER NEW r-- Br : ig LR Pea a Hr Tan pari (bo LX all Styles and Prices, at participants in"the out for Park and building purposes. | il be . here, and abont 0, She is lo to sult pucchasers, or as a | RW ELLINGTONS. y le. Appl A TA : : SAMUEL PHILLIPS, BEER RR ORL -- 3 - - cession was formed in order, under the A L PILLLU pH f * G, GurLey, King 5 MILLINERY A J. F. KELLoa, King Mus. BROOKS, Simo GR STEELE Bros, King WIGHTM AN'S (late ( BiaNky & Biiaos, ny | fr » tem r LOT OF FANS W. Lane, King St celebration, were | | one o'clock, the Pro- : | Sewing Machine Operator§ A SPLENDID. ASSORTMENT OF | YY ANTED, TO MANUFACTURE ¥, Stereoscopic Views always on hand. | h Tnept, ; 3, F \ ih ladies under-wear. Steady 1 Slomicat Tustroments, Sheet Music, Fancy Goods, | furnished and good wages given, "ple ' + 3. X, CHUB, King By me Apply at Glbve' Block, over McRae & Cos Sos FOURS, gu R. WELLINGTONS, i Store, J. F. KELLOGG § Ses: Wilson's Block, Oshawa. | Oshawa, June 2nd 1873. s » 1: LER - = |] Firemen Attention. LARGE NUMBER OF CITIZENS | have e z the Fi whose CHEMISTS ATKINSON, King St Du. Deans, Medica ee -- ~BOOTS BEDROOM SUITS; [ sem T.C.HAWTHORN | Puiu TAYLOR, Sig FURNITUK Columbus Lodge 665. Fo Sweeps Everything before Him a Whitevale Lodge 957. / t Wioa 4 Soxs, Si o orale Dis WE HAVE NOW IN OUR SHOW ROOMS SOOT LUKE & BROTHER, Ashburn Lodge 796. EAT AND s desirous of new uniform, ented by F. W that being secured by means of a coward. 0. L. Greenwood Lodge 167. Brass Band. 7h's evidence to show tha $100,000 on *he 1st October, wanted.' 50 SETS OF BEDROOM SUITES) | weet G. W, Gant, King © To Select from, Raging in Price : CARRIA BANBRIDGE, Simcoe rR ONTDRIO REFORM PHOTO "J. 0. Hexry, King 's editorially :-- | Sia} --r ima? Woo WE uae Cfitoriat vy: | iture of money, and he had also against | Brass Band. : be gave Sir John \. him, the unprincipled tampering | Oshawa Lodge G80. Clearing Sale-- Ragget & Shea. dd what mo | with the assessment in the village of | Tne music of the bands added very! Oshawa, and the accidental (7) leaving off | much to the material enjofinent through- | the list,of Reform voters in other puts of | out the day. The fife & drum bands did the county. Under these circumstances, | exceedingly woll, the performances of the it might well be credited that the strength | snare-drummer of the 34th Date. Band, ' $ "* There is no record in the whole batch --_-- em == | of letters later than the 16th September, . Pe 1872. There is no mention at any time Oalnio IN Hye bg OR {or in any letter of £100,000 or any sum ; = f having been given to Sir Jouxy Macpos- AAA WRR LAER LVVA ASR AAA EEL RY, ALD; but there are these two items which Mr. Fazewzir Aas alto ' |) . Oshawa, Thursday, July 16, 1672, | gether: Les -- "We are all rig} th the Globe. REE " George Brown £50,600, " What a spe 2" The "'great Re- "form" Party, of all, procuring pri- vate letters by bribery, and then attempt- \ Lad ratunat 3 > a } 2 f¢ a r. Ma r 10 vas tue geu- ing to strevgthen them by open forgery ! | 3Kaiust it in tha late contest, the Re form Dandy, Master, of wl om it was the gen ! A | Nou honest citizen ean countenance such | party lst but a fraction of its last year's | eral remark that a better icoking or more . AT wean and contemptible trickery." | standing. The following are the figures: | intelligent appearing body of young mer White 1572 7 could not be found. The fornier were | Holden 1333 on ! dressed in wldte, with the regalia of . B - . ! | -- "A x I. OO) RR S TTI Ji by Sy anevelent Society | ] Boots, 4/4 J | i DINING ROOM SETTS;, The Ontar DEST PAPER "| SHOE TRADE! From $25 to $200 cach, is NV) EMERGENCY MEETING. MEETING OF LEBANON AND D ONG ES and A.M, is call- $ i VENING. Bud ortance. J 'nN are requested . By order of the W.M. JUHN BOYD, Secret of the Reforin party would be weakened | being especially noticeable, suppressed We must pot omit to notice the admir- able appearance of the two lodges of ment that we noted the fact that such was | Young Britons, the Victoria's, numbering not the case, and that notwithstanding the {72 members, W. Trewin, Master, and the militated | Ducfrin's by the result of the election, and we must | confess that it was with no slight astounish- WE trust the Reformers of Sonth Or- | tario will take courage from their strength, Let a thorough organization be maictainéd, and ep 0 " : Sax Painter. would find a good 0 GREAT half-year] going on at Ragget # to-day. _ Hor Weatazz. -- ally admitted to cxperienced here ( + RECOVERING. ~TH - whose skull was f Lk an Brooklin, is progre of Tirst-class Manufastute. Lis recovery is look Ir you wish te ke cont at Hodder's, Tost Office. * MACADAMIZING, -- pushing * forward Simcoe Street Tapid at least, Las come © TarLerixa at Vin sortment of New and New Hats, Collars, Shoes, a specialty. very cheap, Call orders, : Asoruzr Pic-N adverse circumstances which pumbering 01 members, J. | as shown in the recent conflict. ---- me let the various branches watch that there He has no competitor in the market. If ! There are a number of i you waat to get a Good Article ia accuracies in the : g = above. Lie No.1: --That Apray FAreweLL | which gave Mr. Gibbs a majority onthe | yr p p be no repetition of the ass:wment frands Decrease ' Ww Mr Gill tagl § Orange and blue, and the latter with white 'here Mr.Gibbs got the actual ner ! is publisher of the OxtariO We have good reas to be- "Reroruex. Lie No. 2: -- That Mx. lieve that Lord 'Dufferin, disgusted with | Fareweryr inserted, anything, editorally 20th June. Jackets and black pants, both looking ex- nd to Lold the The Master Geo. Cameron, from Whitby als L. ©. Master, \ Ea, ed majority of 19 is well known ; as it is ceedingly meat. Meyerhoffer's, | nN? ; 4 -- Shoés, , ot : Le also well known that the cost in the main the infamous intrignes with which the OF otherwise, in the Reroryenr of the Oth | inst., he being in the neigh borkeod of St. Lie No. 3--That any ged Ly the Mail to have been inserted in Allan's letter of was over $2,000 cach ;but the additional ap- | preseuted a creditable appearouce. parent majority of 130 is easily accounted L. No. 636, G. W. Garth, W. 1073. for over 100 of them being made vp turned out very handsomely, numbering The Committee will spare no pains in making . of votes which werercally cfa very ** bogus' | upwards of one huudied good mon and Btihes > I one ef tLe season, G al te rs, character, and which under the Oatario | true, 'I'he procession marched through | Of Tur 011% 0 b2 given away Act, would not have been allowed. We the principal 1 s | , h got 2a l thence to Lave tie sithsi ! tial. dinn® awaited ample. justice to. Government have been mixed wp, will | : wy he Patli 3 : Paul on that ay. issdlve th 0 at no distant day, x "I1ssAi¥e the Paruament at no ¢ Bt Ga¥, | cuch sentence as that a 4x3 other Faraltam, in | J { | end appoint a new general election under | Gibbs | the 12th «f June ever appeared in the would Lave no chance of re-election what. | ReForxzr at all, Lie No. 4--That the i : | statement which purports to be copied from 1 .the new law, In that case Mr. ction of having proved, An iavita- | | "4d ? . LUKE & BROTHER. » | Oshawa, July 15th, 1873. 3-14-1y 2 ever. Let the work be bejun at once, then ; that the strength of our party re- - ms wains firm, united "and the taner man, the crowd repuired a while what it- has cost the Hon. Mr. Gibbs | the stand ercete to keep his following together, and to come which we not : Montgomery, Ke ial z > {ib Messis. H. J. McD , Cs partial spetulation to ue, but of bitter re- Gavth, Mr. Seatt, of Bows flection, and loss of self-respect for the new Minister of Inland Revenue. Slippers, ---- oven acto 1500, 1 se.0e NOW DEY Goods Store! © TAR DTI WOTICOCH, | 7 re (ees You can ref upon gi | A i, Rn X A N D BR & B BR v CRB 4 New Insolvent Act of 1889. | | | our editorial eclumrs, ever appeared in x + 4 . NH siniud sc. Manigemoent and with bribery, the 1ight arm of the undiminished, the Reformer of the 9th inst. or any other Tory party,lopped off, lct South Ontario | gate, Lie No. 5~That the refe rences to speak Refcrm to the tune of 500 or 600 Grorck PrRowN in ALLAN'S letters were wajority, 2s in the days of Oliver Mowat, suppressed in the Rerunyer. Lie No.6 That we were ** guilty of open forgery. out ahead in the polling, is a matter of " wv when corruption was unknown amongst us. acted a MEETING OF THE CREDITORS Thos. Gibe: n, Count; Mastor, £ Wa : ie fe Chairman, snd ina few brief words intio- Ron HARA duced Mr. Scott, who after a short ap- Ail parti rested are propriate speech retired. 1 Rev. Mr. Scott, tollowel in a speoch . reflecting upon the Ontario Government | When the Government of Sir John | in connection with the Orange Bill, aud Macdonald took the wuheard of course of | aru the Orangemen to remember who compelling the country, by meansjof an ther friends were. A othe Hn Com- |. Rev. De Betty Salo 2 ori Jet shove) Ti ih > aah i | 1 al vl Ie priscipig aligewicn. Nicholson Gibbs be unseated Jo the ring to the Rerorurr of the Oth inst, | 00 4, grant a public funeral to one of | Br Carswell ay oa u \sungenien { FFYHE INSOLVENT HAS MADE AN ground of bribery and improper influence | will see at once that the letters of Sin his colleagues, as the means of forcing an | Rev. Mr. Montgomery made a very in- | assiznment of his Estate to me, ard the . : | A i : 1 Te . " rs are notified to meet at his place of being used to secnre his election. The Huca Areax were given in full, being | oh acrsation of the political covrse of the | teresting address, concluding by saying | business in Oshiuwa, on TULSD AY the' oth hs " . is i > % R lay « LY, 1873, ot the Four o'clock, a.m. to ad Yami " . :. | neither curtailed nor added to, and be |, : | that a good many people did nut believe | bn hid Jour o . "| evidence to be laid before the House is vicar? ot the hte Haw yr he late: Sir George Cartier, thg Opposition | in secret societies, but he did not sce how | € e! tatements of his uilairs and appoiat an 4 | protested against that course, not that | any one could conscientiously do so with- p The quotations sbové given in the Aail were OPENLY AND DELIBERATELY FORGED We understand that the proper sieps uv tne Eston or 11 ! Announces that they are showing a full assortment of Spring and Summer Dry Goods, --AND-- England young ped MILI, IN ERY. ing" ut Corbetts poi Special Indusemsnts Offered to the | nyo : : : lB Be Oh RO \Ceuntry Tale NOTE A FEW OF THE PRIC Hating luvasied (Country Trade! Guod Dresses, $1 25,81 50, $2, £2 50, HE PRICES, ba Soviet; and Beautiful Black Lustres (a speciality) from 20 cts. per vard. spiatairs Good Light Ground Prints, at 8 te i Dita; 2 Best. at th ! T. G. IAWTIIORN, Assignoe. Best raz Hawthorns. have been taken for presentation of a They were never written for the I FRIED ON THE SAME GRIDDLE. do petition tothe House of Commous, on its | MER,never appeared in the Reronues, Angst, praying {aid were never seen by any adv he H Bl Th | connected with the Reror:eg until they august. body that the Honorable Thomas appeared in the Mail! Any one on refer. that one sssemoling in In the watter of LEVIS PRUDHOM, an Insolvent. ------ e. so direct, that it is hardly possible for the R J. YARNOLD, Intern Assignee." not partizan o" Commirtees to reject it. | Afyil iu from beginning to end a tissue of | In a wad, ever if the House is not dis- | malicious lies, based upon deliberate, cool | | | article which we have just copied from the | the y desired to withhold the respect that | was the mead of the dead, but because they felt that by having a political dodge | out denying that secret society (the mar- | - | ried state) 1a which all maa believe. Rev. Mr. Kenner made an eloquent | | "Insolvent Act of 1869. REMEMBER THE PLACE, Table Linens at 30 cts, 40 cts, 50 cts, 75 cts, 81, 81 25. Table Napkins from £1 25 per dozen, to $4. | Linen Towels 5 cts., 10 cts, 15 cts., 20 cts, 25 cts. and 30 ets. : Masoxic, ~The Lodges of Musons, meeting this evening CANADY, In the County Court of Heavy Steam Looms at 8 cents. . .s ted wilfi A i : and stirring address, dwell tlie solved; ss is now ticipated, it is beyond ' and wilful forgery. One thing we admut, | ¢ 0g upon them in a sham national el Pr Ol iy wz | » i ub i il- | doubt that ths Minister of Inland Rer- | that there is Bo doubt of the Mail's abil 1 x nissated tnd x tition lity for ** multiplying instances of GEorGE Sugsaien Ander is petition | Brown's dishonesty," so long as the pre- | { sen' capacity of its Editers for forgery aud 0 » . |] M -e2uted against Lim. | [ falsifying continues to be vouchsafed to | tribute to a political partizan, they were debarred from paying the respect to the | which they would have man himself, otherwise have wished to have done. fundamental principles of Protestautisin which made Orangisin such a power, and its cause such a righteous one. Rev. Mr. Hatton, deprecated the at- | tempt of the Rev. Mr. Scott, to turn the | orange Celebration into a political ma- Provirce ot Ontario, "County of Durham;,one | of the United C ymties aud Darham, of Northumberland \ | and Durham, / In the matter of the Un#ed Counties | of Northumberland | LEXRY ELDRIDGE, (Nearly opposite Hatch & Mearns.) T. G, HAWTHORN, King St., Oshawa, Our Grey Cottons are admitted to be the Cheapest in Town. A Splendid assortment of Lace Curtains at 90 cts, 81 20,81 50, $175 §2, 82 25, 83, $3 50, and $4 50. . Something Entirel The Banner $30 Se Webster $35, 1,000) without noise, skip breaking of thre without first try th | Not content with the attempt to make | chine. He showed that the Conservative -------------- thew in it present state of proficiency. | $15,300) A YEAR. : 5 i I ------------------ One of thos, things which have esaned | | public attention is the glarirg nepotism of | ONE HONEST MAN. which is carried on by the members of the | The Pacific Rai'way frauds, with the G wernment at Ottawa. Sir John's rela- | noustrous revelations of corruption and tic 1sars not nwaervas; but the num" erof | dishonesty on the part of the Govern- "+ second cous ms " who liold various oflices from Maurdtoba to New Brunsw ck, would wuiazge, perhaps" himself. O'C unor, Tup- per, Tilley, Mitchell, and all the rest of * them have also placed their impécunions relations where theyean do nothing and | ment and their following, which have been | brought shrinking into the light of day, and held up before the indignant gaze of an outraged people, have shown a deplor- able want of principle un the part of those capital out of Sir George Cartier's ashes, the Government organs exclaimed loudly against the opposition press, for thwarting their scheme, and accused them in the grossest way of " irsulting the dead" and outraging all sense of propriety in enter- ing tho protest which they did against being made tools of by Sir John Mae donald. Government act in such amergiencies. A short time since the Hon Chas. Connell, a | member of the Reform party died. Mr. | It is interesting to note how the | d { which had attended the anvval meeting | We ought to remark, anl we | | were much gratiSed to note the fact, that | { there was not a single intoxicated person | party was not as much deserving of the support of Orangemen as the Reform, in- asmnch as the party now in power in the vlic intrigues. His remarks were received with cheers. i After some further proceedings, every one | | Dominion nad always pandered to Cath- | | ed back to Ushawa and separated, vue and all well pleased with the excellent success for 1873. ier. GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT! N TUESDAY, THE 19rn DAY OF AUGUST next, the unders gned will apply to the Judge of the said Court for a disc Large under the said Aci, HENRY ELDRIDGE, Dated at Bowmanville, this tenth day of July, | JDyedm | QUINGLES OF ALL KINDS FOR w 4 | ; 4 going in for a short perivd ot dujoyment | Wm. I. Lowe, | before breaking up, the procession march- his attorney ad litem DOMINION BANK! OSHAWA AGENCY. OTICE 1S HEREBY GIVEN TIIAT | Oshawa, July, 1873. 3-14-1y | SHINGLES. sale at my Mill, Lot No. 6, ith con. Darling- ton, about 4 miles from Bowmanville, JONATHAN ¥TLPHENS, gf Mareh any number of loots that may be requir, ed. - Also rooms suitabic for Millinery ame Heavy Cotton Socks at 10 cts, "Good Oxford Shirts at 75 cts. Splendid Dress Shirts at $1, a full assortment of Straw and Felt Hats. Clothing made to order on the Shortest Notice. Call ond sce the New Styles in Shawls at $2 25. MILLINERY! MILLNINERY! | Our Millinery department is under the superintendance of a First-class: { Milliner from Toronto, and will be found replete in all the Paris and New York styles. goods marked in plain figures and' one price only. Call and examine goods, and for yourselves. All Locas Inprovexz Laving the sidewalk the syuth of the commendable alacrit the town would be nd share of the same at See, Sgx--"Tis ap Sell's celebrated watcl a little cheaperin Os) men advertisn to before sending your u * see those goods and | ALEXANDER & BRYCE. " : ny at install" el Wi'son'sBlock, K ing Strect, Oshawa. yi A oy iasiall Jou FOR SALE. _ creek, a short distanc { open. On ali deposits over £1 interest will be : yl oh Dressmaking establishment. Apply to MR. public men, whose names have been men- | Connell was a man who had done great | seen on the streets of Oshawa during that Eh athe Dominion Bank has opened an agency | KELLOGG, over McRae's Sore GibY, o Rd. tioned Ly Sir Hugh Allan, es his confed . 8 i 1 he transaction of business in Farewell's | Oshawa. 134 : public servize in New Brunswick, and day. dt 34f erates in his scheme to sell the country to { New Brick Block, opposite the office of Messrs. ee ; Gibos £* Brother, ~imcoe Street. laterest will ibn ee = uy who carned and received the respect of | be allowed on deposits, . Drafts issued on all X nile a : Fi u 59 Soy "8 | the people of that Province. Did he get BRUTAL MURDER! were not small § 00,000 and $50,000 | public funeral ? Not much. He was -- ' were the figures which Sir Hugh Allan A Woman Assassinated at Lindsay. FEARFUL OCCURREXCE. get well paid for it at the public expense. Dut thie gredtest imposition of them all is the Langevin family. Langevin has some twelve or fourteen of brothers and | ': other near relations 'nstalled in 1 lucrative offices, 2nd when vuewncies occur these Laugevins are jump- of the planks are bro) Office Hours--From 10 o'clock a.m., to3 o'clock . Lloyd and Mouk Strect. Apply to lng it dangarous for { P.m., except on Saturdays, when the Bank will | 13-tf- E. FIELDING mn. ; volnts iu Canada, Unitad® States and Great so» . { net even allowed to rest in his coffin intimated the votes and influence of mein- | | Britain, The Savings Bank department is now ; | quietly. The Hon. Dr. Tupper,(who had Bnd pry Odi ey i bers of Parliament and others as worth to a per.( j Slossd at 1 o'elotk, pu ship council should sf ed over the heads of cid and tried public | tervents without any regard to the priuci- plo of promotion which is stpposed to hit in his undertaking, and in looking | at the great temptation held out to these | | people to turn traitors to their country, often been worsted by the late Mr. Connell) | through his paper the Ottawa Times, aneers thus at the dead man: " The Hon. Chas. Connell, of Carleton Laxpsay, July 12th. { At about 8 o'clock this morning, David | oN T Nesbit, a carpenter of this place, entered | JUL. MCLELLAN, - Agent. RIO BANK. | FOR SALE -- Narrow Escare. -- louse of the Farmers] ville, eanghs fire on ONE-HOURSE SPRING WAGGON, good and cheap, for cash. suf CAPTAIN G. FAREWELL. a i ale fn the El Seskiee, rin | we find canse for mingled regret and | County, N. B., died on Saturday last. | J iy inte Felations of the {1nigter pleasure. Regret that Conservative de- | Mr: Connel was a politican of some cele- of Public Works, no less thau £16.500 per | pravity, even under Johu A. Macdonald's | brity, but wade a poorfigure in the House 1. snuemn of the peoj le's taxes are divided ! | ead plezsase that | of Commons. He achieved some notoriety s £7 About ten years a 0" Edvuwd J." : ha & : "| by placing his not over-handsome coun- . z Sy TL a, Mr. Lan in ; al the one men who, Sir Ungh acknowledges, | tenance on the postage stamps of New rother of the Hon. Mr. Lang: in, Vas | could spurn his proffered gold, is one | Brunewick while he vas postmaster." taken of the streets of Quebec, id Maced { prominently identitied with the history of | How these Tories respect the dead ! ia. the Cistums Department. ie ary Reform, ad who has ever been a tirm | What generosity, what magnanimity, what 'EY aapidiy proavoted through a TuSSeNIon of | champion of the rights »f the people since |'a * burial of party differences," does Dr. Fl offizes, is which he was ouly remarkalic | the daye of the Family Compact. Tn all And yet ' Tupper display in the a! ove ! for the large pay he ren sud the ncap- | the shame and confusion which the ex- la greater compliment vas never paid to a © city be exhibited, vn'il he bog appointed posure of 'the Allan Plot threw 'upon his | politizian, fo with all the venom that , Deputy Clerk of tu. Crown in Chancery | Government, Sir John had one consola- | prompted thie above brutal paragraph, the aud Registrar General, which positions he | tion, and it must be ackno #ledged that he 1 ; i kero of the pring Hill frauds could Jot ! filled at the same tiwe, drawing double | 00 (hemestor it. "We arezll right | point his finger at one"single dishonorable e has now been ap, ciated Under | ip), tha Globe! George Brown $50,000 1" | or dishoubst act of Mr. Connell, but must _of State for Canida, with a {was the ery which was cunstant- | noods lia content' to gratify Lis alice salary of $2, 500 a year. This unfair gob- {ly howled through the columas of his | with a cohtemptable heer, at the fashiga e ]atronage by the Lange- | paper the Mail. ~¥ George Brown was as! of the poor clay ! ving, who Jovked ou as pait-nus, is the | bad as the rest of us; 'George Brown was | the house of Mr. Hopwood to see a young | lady that was there. He asked her to go | to Peterboro with him, aid she refused, | OSHAWA DERANCH. saying you had better go and take care of . your poor wife a.d cluidren. With this (OFFICE---SIMCOL STREET SOUTH he drew a revolver and shot her in the | C FFICE HOTRS--FROM 10 AM. CAPITAL $2,500,000. THE BEST PLACE TO BUY YOUR <i fr FOR SALE oe = o Oo on = on Ss 1 ) p , A SiNguzaR Faor. Tepeat of u blunder on blunder iz made. Pe breast. She screamed and ran towards Yo 3 o'clock p. Yh Saturday, { HE VALUABLE PROPERTY | : . the door when Nesbit shot a ain and the | 1 rend ben Dm Ch Sutuniay, from um, |] lately owned by Mr. Robert Gott, corner of { ~ --_--T AT-- * kuwsf or large, neve ball went throngh the Leart, she fd BE is arta i | Bo wor sns svn sisuitut of te laariog : ; i y ya Sying Yheir clothing | the usual terns. Drafts issued on all points in | 2CTe, on i uate GF (Wo oud hy HENRY'S OLD STAND; i . Whar the¥ r sui | across the doosstep. The servant hearing | Canada, United States, and Great Britain. A | 800d water &e. a Ard - 9 - . Opposite Black's Hotel, King Street. conld stoop so low ; it 8 | ¢ A : : Nearvy A Fire. -- the shots came in to see waat was the | Savings Bank Department in connection with | Also some good lots for sale on the Karr Prop ¥ A FIRE. -- : . Ad 9 ano f erty, the be Lhawa, matter and found him with lus arms around this Branch. Interest allowed on all deposits ¥, the beg) in Oshawa. the office of Dr.C,N i : over $1 00, repayable without notice, Apply to ¥ 5 her crying. She ran out fo give the alarm C. HOLLAND, Manager. ge JAMES WOOD, by being accidental -- -- ®veuing last, set fir 7 -I © For Sale ! pe Devugi shies " Jonf due iy the OslLawa, July 13th, 1873, 3-141y | use, Nesbit had fled. Thy chief con- ------------ - i wi f a se rm mists | © OBEAWA | Dae! ats rr ha entered the Lindsay hotel and found | 5 QINCE THE SOUTH RIDING OF | Osorovrs, -- ie' teri | Organ Factory immer nd bed a | i ug be BO ell. 8 - rr a ge dre reise REMOVED TO ' [Luring alu for Sue viv Sout Pun of Bout 4 hovers, ani It melted in so goo Tne Terre Tie. fellows pai jo ese: CROCKERY, fii vue GLASSWARE, &C. to retarn the 01D Lanpuars Call angmSatisfy yourself' before you squander your Money e re se see esmmcmn. culls were clasped and the prisoner wack. | 5 Acres. I'he South Part or Lot No. 6, Broken 'nn' | Front, East Whitby, abont 1s Ao bas 2 - : a i E-- od tu 4 place uf svemity. 'The greatom | BOWMANVILLE! | North Bail Loc of No. 15, 15 con. Kast Whitby | CHE AP T : o ; ful justly so, of great complaint { 51 ¢1ed £50,000!" has been -his coustant | : : | excitement prevails. The prisoner had a | . Bs 8: j . " 1D. 4 on the of thoss members of the Civil | lea, and the only at cmpt he made at | The Halifax Chronicle says the public | narrow eacapy from Leing Ln el; cries | ela feriey es ill be Fives, - ) J Jon Whohave be rideen. I th N h . ; | will please observe that the organs of the | of * lynch lim" were callea from all Eest Whitby] 8th July, 1573, EL CONANT. Tice have been overrid. en. justification. Nay, he even went so far | Dominion Gover ment in this city, while | directions. serra vimentin : The Coroner's jwy retuin.d : -- / | Louk out for Advertise- tn (ti : is nots uf} omic { , | respecting the Pacific Railway Scandle. | Itiappeared at the inquest lield boo e ES Soprizussys of the Mail, containing what-not," in the supposition that 'these | have entirely suppressed Sic ITugh Allan's | Dr. "Fidler; coroner, that the : pod ALDWEI 12Q! EIEN, Jf YW FALL) | Rete tod oat : iy ci so llan evidence. | the 7th of August. By suj pressing the | David Nesbit had'becn keeping company'! WwW fh Y § widdle, sre-beimg very generally circulat- | Rezomare's copy of the A the 7 8 y su pi 8 v nu keeping company' PSI} a Ted throngh eT iy Fale in the eoun- | However, it hapnens chat we did actu.liy | strongest par? of the evidence and until lately, when her friends heard he { AGENTS WANTED : SHE fe IA 8 wohderiully 1 i EM EDY Sl RiGt asi } RTT ITE } LL FO ww having exposéd this "infamous job, the | eaying he was married to deceaed, and' yer 0 E Subwribor re- as to accuse this journal f turgery- and | professing to give all the available infor- | a vérdiet of murder in the fist de gree. i "3 " SR AS : | AA bud 1I-IXSIST UPOA IT-BUY 80 O1:.Lh i ment next week. | "fhe onestied statements of the Allan Bribery | two tit-bits Lad'been supjressed in the | dawagidg (to the Government) letter of | Sarah Alice Hopwood, and a mah named | I one of the 0! . i RR Mri busing Mr. Hantington, who des:rves'| was a married man, and warned her a sainst | ey ia the inion, Tak ball: A E.s:x Riterd noijely asks: Is | publish the great facts : ** We are allright | 20 Ae Whale: ini ! : with hi 5 {he best outilt to wo. k with, by x 1" a sey. by Bir | with the Clobe ; George Brown 80,000 © the thanks of tie fn, Dominion for | keeping company with him. * Ho persisted ' & sar Asis eke Gun ele, Miss, oF to come ont of the Bribery | which, it is said wero to Lo iicor, orated | organs hope 'te divert public attention | said if he did vot get her a life would be ho tad & stitre tn BIS. In ash . } ' ay * Pinto the Conservalire cile-hivm as the from the real question ga ising, lost," This threat was made last woek, fe, LC THO TAS & ry Lizook"n, Out, h ? 3a3.1y Fadi : . 4 7 Ew : St . RE m---------------------------- - pers _ AM

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