Ontario Reformer, 11 Jun 1873, p. 4

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¥ ft; BEEF Fodbe BERVEFIILS Ey iit 1 sae eee sEEBE2 =" EEyi gags ainans ) L am i 2 E pfit A E FL y " besos the servants. . ao 1 bed, dear ant, soithat MOLD WOMAN = i po 4 | od Ret, eT ie of life, My old womaan.and I, JH our in § aly and the The o cpa. [Bgores in 7 following romance, Charles G----. wa , bu _early developed | i ao y goods clark in sy is person was fiandsome, his clothes fitted him well, and he had his shoes made in Chisago. But he fell ip love with the uiece of a rich widow lady 'of Lucas place, in the afore-mentioned city, anil Wi hibowoes bagan'™ The widow having higher aspirations [3 k's, 5] ire i LJ young Sa ® he ad course a Charley. vo Pre el pa of course, appeared to acquiesce in these awbitivus Jesigne but at the same | wskisietd 1 Lt logkingerlass br Re one in the ro plant the dapper yard-stick man of het Tr © REINS LE Charley received a nota from his Clara, sta'ing that hes pening aftend prayer | 5 | The intimation was enough, and eight ple seated: upon yt eS died ao ibrary, billing and regular orthodox, tartle-dove Charley lure on by tha wé purfeetly im- his atm abobit her apd vowed that her form wh sylph- + He toyed-with her long goldening- letgeanddibened: them to truant sunber ws Sith a few other Sisk eh to the effect eaven's desrest gift to her sex was | of byght golden hair; Then she blushed he swore the roses had been robbed, and when she smiled that her lips were ruby portals to a casket of | paacis. 80 Rice, add she fed ords ¥:th adeh relish | : ly was rattling away at the] door bell as though the house next door wason fire full -five minutes before the | absorbed lovers heard her. 'Great hosvens my aunt!' eiglaimed, Es 03 J a trifle pale, and mttered] an interjection or two pertaining to the front endif ¥ falitpand. © 2 It appears 'the old lady, having reached}! ae of prayer, found the meeting' consequently after some, litde ned with a neighbor or two had re- | turn me at. this most inoportune | i "Wi wes to be dove 1 Not a cloget or | nuok'invidell refrest, and there Ch brley| stood and wisfied that he was a mile ill,_so that hey sould passthe of thedodisiaiaLegl- | other dreadful feature of Srilifmit idea occurred fv his the corner ef the library fcbeves that had beenbrought | and sharply 1 might bavlcoshe' pleasuré df rowaining gorary, but l fell asiecp.' in. d the ingenious girl, explanation Sumewhat ap- Bedy; who after warwing er to the bundle of car- Wp & curuer wondered ou leis Som Musil Lo assure her that it at all, imfact she was it that Ler aunt need not lool an a avewigution, ould dnd over the stuff 4 fr ne while ber niece ast ew sofas, sud little Charlie he ndight come to an in- iy a aumoy. hin a hEtie by ul suddeniens of the change. oun heer, the critis passed, for 'mow ides entering her head, 58°30 Jody dirvied, and remarking that So sired to death, plundred her two andififiy pom avoird pon the bea pd iin Oley aan at pai-cake. He would Bop did fivt have wid 0 hr rises, foil dressed up to-night | hos woplind Clara, montal- TR aig. ou Chasing felt in his £56 other, yoshi | HEL ate oir sick ¥ Ay coll dative 'well! answered wi should ever sup: | ~ || twenty years. Of thoge one hupdred have i loss of about 825, 000, 000. | to his advan ME: £ "Hats and. Caps. me pesos A et pe tt A ---- WILLIAM LANG y LaNv ITED INSPEOTIONSTO HIS SPLENDID Hoc uF NEW SPR G:GODDS! WHICH "15 _COMBERTE "IN AL 1s "BRANGHES, > head. You sometimes act more like a silly' school girl than a woman who has sedn twenty-six yedmaenidife. " I have 't, exci ied Clara, and Char- | ley put his mouth " shape for a wh stle but was immediately flattened out bya restive bounce of the old lady's. ' You haven't "Why, yes you haves and nearly twdiilf§é#ben. Why, what in the world ails girl? What are you whimpering about Clara? ¢ My--my ches. Please don't talk," begged het niece, not quite positive as to the effect her dissecti~n might have on the young martyrugder her aunt. | Clothing Made to Order ' Your head adhes, does it I' no wondet; wearing all that niass of hair on your head WITH CARE AND DESPATCH: is enongh to makeibgche. What nonsense T it is, when thereis no one here to sce yo . . Bdots and 'Shoes,, Beside, it'is povitively waking you bald- oN ; S| 4 "rw headed." Sy ; --- . Gents' Furnigaings. n Sage . EE ' SEER HATCH & MEARNS, young lady, burying her face in her hands Hardware, Tin and Stove Dealers, as she thought of the nice things the fellow under the carpi li@been saying. KING STREET, OSHAWA, ' You're not "Yes you are. There's a bald spot ou the top of your head the size of my hand," the old lady extending & palm in illustr§tion. Now what in the world are you about, Clara ? Sakesf wl alive, niece, yo yourself sick, and Be. then you'll not beable to visit the dentis} wg the post SY gHiennd would solidit' a continuance of the sane, to-morrow, No 2 | ha hand the Largést, Best and Cheapest cio Clg cir sion [SOC Le Of HIARDW A RE, and &o., aunt ' cried Clara, ot Charley attempt ed to scratch oy and had his arg nearly dislocated by 4 few restless move E ver wp thig market. Our Stock cotfiprises part of the followi ing: $00" Kegs Gut, Shiptle and Lath Nails, | and petalancy. 50 Boxes Pressed and Horse Nails, - "Jt was your OWR wish to go to the | 200 Boxes Glakg, "Star "and " Diamond Star," dent. Cian, x James', Walker & Parker's, afid Brandram's' White L ads, jc iow 4b was., Yot English and Ameican Colors, | suid that set hpriyour mouth, and you . wanted---goodness ious !| What pret Farias and pag Vari Raw oil, heaven ails the gitl I" for Clara had darte out of the room with 8 smothered cry of. FWHIE fish, and Laadian Rocks, Latches, and Knobs, rage and anguish, leaving her relative ta | utts and trap Nges, Screws doe. made by the ol as she indignantly reprimanded niece for her disrepect Gouge's, Plane Irons, &ec. | American Seeket Firmer Chisels, | Star Company's Bevils, Squares, Dividers, &ec., | Dawson' sand English oy ' and other English Plated Forks, Spoons etc., B. M Spades, Shovels, Rakes, Hoes, Forks ete, | Platform and ter Scales," | Guns, Revolvers, Shot, Powder, and Gun Caps, Coal and Wood Cooking Stoves, Tinware; Lamp and C himneys, | Chandeliers and Brackets, | in sheer astonishment, until l:ttle Charley | G<----s respiratory organs were like a pair of collapsed bellows, Then the old lady followed her niece | upstairs, and when#he house was ull quiet | Charley unlocked the front door, and stealing forth walked down Lucas Place, a sadder and a wiser man. * Clara left town on@wisit, and the young ladies who patronize the Fourth street dry | gouds establishntént think Chagley must be suffering from a case of unrequited a » lish Cutlery, "Tea and Coffee Pots, g leave to return thanks for the libétal patronage bestgwed on them | YI NEW STOCK, n 4 | bounce up and down on the pile of carpet | Spears and' Jackson's' and Sorby's Hand, Rip, and Tenon Saws, Chisels, | a FRG: wh hi AL MAA) 5 44S yoy . 's P > NG| asl : : in Oshawa' C3al. NV THE S UJ TL von Drvoy CISA REST PAPER Ths Vad od. IN THE PROVINCE, COAL and CORY HOQD, , {Georgetown ij ah STYLES di Ee 1 os Agricultural. ; : i | All orders left #t the office if fhe BEST|QUALITY. Fon , wilt omy wiendd 'ONTARIO REFORMER' Only 1.80 a year, ROE, ALLAN FANE OSEAVA A A 320mm CAET AT GU RIL|E Y"S AND arn YOU Rr ORDERS FOR | FALL AXD WIT 0 CLOTHING. W00D CUT an fruit poh CHa MRHLE 1 | | He ha as just eived his PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING "Under Contract with the Canad for cartying the Canadian Ch Which avill be found complete. 'BY THE LIVERPOOL, LONDON , AND CLASGOW, : . I£, VHIS rt ms S LIN "ONTARIO REFORMER | 3eautiful Vest and Pant Patterns. Jlothing of all kinds fhade to order on the shog Totice. ICITED. 4 Serial Storis by DREN WOLLAND. ew S L LR KT ITARTE. 7 VY of CONT IU TERS "CLARE NCE COOK pn Furniture od y Printing and Publishing Co., | Forming s a | and 3 nie: L N e for the f contribu RAF, Sa GR Ar in the variety and beauty of SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. ries SR on. een, $0 1 thelt ry ¥. i by the critics to a | lt seg ove, hitherto appeared | taedinin $4 Stocride Fit o> 20Ly Cl ri . | py TH re in any American 1 Dr. HoLLAND, t# or, wil ite the ig Ly . ley story lof the y e aut ebic S i 20% of | Itis h ] Hallock. | tesuied d will deal | id Ehroredn Po 10_parties EC Toh he i wil ail . : Ee pact Teal 20 ven EVERY DESCRIPTION OF ANI bs 8 w w Hoy by AX gers thereby av ama the foun fr | ection, rE RE Wo | Cut Nails 85 per Keg, Cash ; ther goods at proportionate prices. HATCH & MEARNS, King Street, Oshawa, April 31st, 1873. As we 80 often hear of a man out his love,' ¢ pouring | is i right to assume he | measures it by pidggand quarts 1 - A m:n who bought 4,000 Havana cigars | yesterday, on bili sasked what he had, replied that they were tickets to a course | of lectures to be given by his wife. One hundred and nine daily papers have | been started in NewYork during the last | died after a brief gxfatence, resulting in a MANUFACTURING COMPANY . | A quick puni fell upon a burglar |: | at Windsor yeste 2 He with two others AVE NOW ON HAND ' THE { Manufacture, which have been pronounce og by G8d Judges, to be superion Mot entered a house ; but] eing discovered, hell aig Finish to why Ihsttinents of the Kind (hat hgve ever J leaped out of theWin@olw, cutting an artery | Ve place ourselves before the Public as in his leg, and Wad t to death in a few | Men of Practical Experience, moments, y t Having a thorough knowledge of the Business; afd, therefore, parties Pubc -hasi The following adverfisemer t appeared | ments off rst pssured they caniot be surpassed by any establish in a New York pape :-- Notice. -- If (he | AML OUR "INSTRUMENTS ARE WARRANTED FOR 'FIVE And parties purchasing from us will have a guarantee they c genileman who keeps a store in Cedar | jn orted, as the Manufacturer o nly is respon. ible Tor them, a: aot. uve by Wurehnaing Street with a red lead, will return the | OSHAWA ORGAN & MELODEON FIRST INSTRUMENTS QF THEIR hin Pane before the Publie of Oshawa tinthe yi oh a nd Agent 1 i Dominion will not be likely to take the responsibility om Be he ink Tor. them, in winbrela he borrowed from a lady, withran | | We have maw-opad. 'our-Waréroom in Mr. Wilkinson s Store, near the mmercial Hotel, | We invite the publi: to come afd inspect our instruments. Pa Wa. rties d t { it to their advantage to deal with us, as they can save Ten per come. on ih Frsghase wi Jin A re I, ; | the same time encourage homme Manufaet i ne) thau any one man da Toledo, was waited | Apoti bys commited for a subscriptiafi'to | Oshaws. Qetoller ab, 872. 1615. | rebuild. thie féncelabott the cemetery. 'His i us (hy was chapacteristic as well as humor- + Gentlemen, I have always made it LA ya will hear, of sorhething A t DARLEY & "HOSKIN: » v3 | a nel my business never to make any - kK | répains widil the teusuts' Begin .tocom- . 4 Ah. 4 lain.' - . ' Pe ao mais | Ontario Commercial College; | Belleville, Ont. - -r s 4 to be married to a girl of seventeen. One day a friend Kim tenderly em- bracing hig "I den't wonder at your fognid the young lady, readi , you don't generally e edds on young B shoulder.' | broken off. - ¥ Edinburgh physiciam, Jovion ordered a blister to be put on d pusient's.chiest, called to inquire shat had Deen the edeet.. ' Oh,' raplipd the brothés the invalid, * we had na a kist tg put the blister on, but we putt vn a bandbox, and George is well eneuch.' ¢ Well well," answerdd the dggtor with a grin, 'dhat's alright if he is better.' 4) AL THOROUGH AND PRACTICAL INSTITUTION Wed to e wantsofthe times, Phe chi fons of the Press, letters from prominent business men, and the united aur students are the guarantees of competency and success offe by t SUBJECTS TAU GHT. Book-keeping--by single aud double entry, Speficerian Repmanship Arithmetic, Correspondence, Commercial Law, Phonography, Té ing, Railroading, Steamboating, Mechanical and rchitectural Dxawing, ete, ete. oA Btaff of Seven Practical and Experienced Teachers. Those who can devote a few months to study; rents who have SONS 50 ERUCATY those desirous of changing their present occupation for aometh! themselves to conduct their own business systematically, will cannot be oblained eisevghere, ts advaniagawe offe A young lady in New York lost a thons- and dollar ring. A young gentleman 5% Specim ens of Penmanship, and Journal containing all particulars sent free of ¢hatis. found ft. On 'ctidming the privilege of | dress, "8. 0.BETY & Cay phomills putting-it-cn her finger himself, the young z > Se lady assented, aud beld forth the fourth . FOR BUSINESS RACTERISTIC of the age, where young men $5 boys can precure an guestion | rges are moderate, the risk nothing; the result nnvariable, md the vig | Mgraph- You'll always find = hore usd {vey or fo qualify Fl finger of ber left hand, ' the engagement ring finger.' The young man was caught; but didu't flinch his doom, as the young lady's papa is worth two millions. A dame ordered a bustle at ono of oar stores. In the evering a clerk was sent tothe house with it. Her husband ap. peared as the door and asked his errand. * I have got an attachment for your wife,' said the youth. This was ai! he said that was intel igble. is going to learn | a trade now, as ja so effeminate. W. WIGG & SON; Large Fe man felt the re, a gentle- eminine feet Kir 2| Polka, Pacher, 35. | * Harry's Polka, | marked price. 4 } _A&«& Special terms to Dealers Clergymen and Ocean om | western en titled r own, whic bh will | be gite a seriss of ente- #, their Personal me Rife, Families, Friends A s of Purtraiis of : PLAIN& ORNAMENTAL PRINTING = NSISTING oF : Peri passage tickets And oi) tires: FROM LIVERPOOL ¥ HIBERNIAN, « # Nor." wr signs and ¢ rion to those Amy, lose w t ars: Hans nt, B rel $8) n, Froude, on, Hret Harte, .| Posters, H. & A. ALLAN, - "TA gluing L. SMITH, Agent, Post Office, Oshawg , Mitchell, Miss | , Btoddard, Celia | Mrs. Whitney, Ne IN M or Ni a T™ AND Flop Po Blank .Forms, x "The Topics of the ependent says "are tiny similar papers e. "The old Sablnet j Draper ¢ the "The ,* and the con- on bott {) Show Bills; Business Cards, Fs gil eT Publ A stil} better for the \ year, with spec v, aud postmasters, | | 6 ITY OF MONTRE At: CITY OF BROOKLYN, | CITY oF Pars. | CITY OF BRUSSELS, | Cir¥ oF NEw YORK. Ory oF LoXDox, Curr or W. ASHINGTON: § | Sailing on Thursdays 'and From Pier 45, North River, RATES OF PASS To Queen or Cabin, ncements i. For $550 th eller or news are offered to © Publishers wi dealer will ie "tor one year. | ~ Visiting Gards, 'BiH Feads, - "| ' | entaining the begi Mra. Oliphant's || ' Serial, ** At His Gate 7.50, the magazine for ome year, an numbers from the | be ginhing fe 3 ezine for ong year | . and the 24 back nt holed (4 vols.), char~es | § ( y on bound yola, y aid. T il Elve nearly 0) irgulars, verpool, - - $75, gold. $m pages of the choicest gealling with the fines. u- \ a - " " uetrations for $10.50 rly 30 pages for a "of s tiopde { fondon, Rane 2 we Ror dollars! and will enable every subscriber to o - i tain the series from the first. . - . : Tigkela oan-bo ho t Ra AHNDAN FACT EVERY KIND OF | Ber dorms lon. APMIS. 2 Sh Chl Agent in oh Teachers. SCRIZ ER & Co, | Fa She $PIANG L ETE REPRESS: PRINTING] eceipt of price. July 20. ir, Gos makin yal VICTORIA Eh COMPOUND'SYRUP Sot ott | well, Darlin | Ste wart, 30. | tone song, Danks, 30. - / x ' , .- T | ballad, Danks, 30. Hear me say my little prayer, | ] i " HES MIS] ING 4 CARD { and chorus, Pratt. 30. Close the shutter, | y ! Na T - 'chorus, Hays, 40. *1 , song and chorus, | Danks, ggpnd ¢ horus Danks, 0. only : prepared PY bs and certified to be C For the prevention PULMONARY CONSEIPYION, . Also for:the cure of. «lie + Pgspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Loss of petite, fencrply iqoi cewriFicaty as ® 1 Lavoratuty, Uni ge aan o To the Vioterie Ehghieal Coo ol Cor hs Gentlemen, -- I emjloyed in ih the bl reparation | phospuigs. The: | ate. ches: Frama pure, wad thes TU) The iin ay a yrs Price . $1 per. Bottle. Zodice | | Darling, 1 am Lonely Now,'Song and Chorus, | 30 | 30. a | | FROM A of me, - » jers, 30. | Asking a bi sing from Mothe r,song and chorus, | Recollections of Childhood, Bari- | Thou art no longer Mine, | son Ww fies *s Dead, song and chorus, Stewart, 30. | Ethel Dreeme, song orus, Persley, 35, Quit dat Ticklin Me. d Dance, Hays, 35. - ong and chorus, | lays, 35. Dead, bu ¥ gotton, song and | ig ays, 40. *N vt Maggie, song and | me where my Mother's prus, Stewart, 40. Father | suseron, 50, Sleeping, song and ¢ of All, sacred INSTRUMEN MUSIC. | Antomn Leaves, Se see Moodique, L Frey, 3 lisa os asie, Kink * Rustic P » i '8 ios Her ! March, = Kinkel, 36. * Hertie's 3 "Jimmies thottise he, Kinke e's 'W altz, Kinkel | , gnkel, 35. Evening | ». Bird of beaut , Young, Ray of Sunshine | Stars Polka de | olka, Kinkel, 35. Smile of Beauty [THE LARCENY SIZE BON STER, i i" \ - ssor Sold | x EXRGUTED WIZE: Salon, Feine, 50, olka, Ye¢ young, Pieces marked thus * have Any piece mailed, Addr _~ J. L. E | a vay, New York. Te iL Remedy re all TN HN RT a cture titles. Gad ri yw post-paid on receipt o go at o for any of fang dpe y | ag you « "Wil Se ea oT re. eminent virtues, | amv SCS SANE VICTORIA: vis ELECTRIC vias RARE CHANGE. | REFORMER: GFRICE, in a | "THE KING OF ALL LINIMENTS. 3-1) A 1 3 DOG y I, y, F AT THE / FA ae | For Ri A Sciatia, W unden he Limbs . | or Joints, § n - . | Headac be. rie i =21 | rn will be despite from and Pordand as follows: ed i iLivernoat NmATNiSE AID EE ii & AD upon his pat ¥ Madam,' he gently su, gest ty tanding on my feet." * Your Sweb, sir. 7 AK es, madam.' ' Gooduess, I Yor yor "pardon, sir, I | thought I was standing on a block of wood | y are.quite lirge, 'wie.' "Quite Jot | | you covered "em, madam.' A Brscvpre Danxsx.--4 abort time since a colored man entered the office of | the clerk ef the county court, and advane- ing to a tdble where the deputy clerk was | ""|'busily engaged, he produced"s | liconseldy wilidh-hieihad paid the legal fee | | few days before. v dB assi®said he, poking the license under | the nose of thé mbrorbed deputy. iia declines dis decent, sid utes - | got ngrmmunay back' 1 Ces ieemmost tein THEIR | FURNITURE WARERBOMS, "TO THE noe, NEW BUILDING, HE UNDER? about to retire NET and y NDERTAKING Bui he ded to dis- ose of his present la d profitable business | t Prince Albert, estab ver fourteen years, and which atfc ords an t opportunity to | one wishing to cng age id such a business, he Premises and wk gk-in-trade will be | disposed of at a Ba p easy terms, The stock in hand is large ssorted, and the fun of custom exceilon For terms and other p premises to Prin e Albert, July 17! filars, apply on the W. H. PARR. ALE. w=] One Hundred Acres. HE EAST HALF OF LOT No. 20 . in the 2nd con, o mship of Whitby, *f fluinte on the main roy Oshawa and Whitby, uality, and is well wi 50 upon it, Title indi @5 Lo prices and terms apply Also tor sale 35 acr - dal 4th con., of Whith| fen Perry, March 17, 2 is of the ood ore AL n or particulars the undersigned, of ; fl part of lot 20 in | "PR BIGELOW, 6w-pd SHIN 8. HINGLES OF NDS FOR sale at hy] Mi, Lot No.'®, ith con. . about 4} miles fro anville: STEPHENS. v {ren fF] Fig TE gE Orders by Mail Punctually Attended to oro 2 | VICTORFA: = Liga CARBOLIC SALVE ee 10s " WORTH 1T8 WEIGHT IN @OLD," E& Specifle f Ww | Sanlds, Bells, Pia Cond Diseases of thie A TE Ba 2 CALL and 'SEE SPECIMENS: prices See re Bes, S00 A Reine O ' v | | | ¢ od : I > i TY PED, ew wid a CLYGERTNE E JELLY. Cn For the Cc oplexton, wud Jor mov A ig ds ¥ | aldo tor Chap FER Bite and Sore Lip® REMEMBER THE TAND, Bg ji VIET ORERS © it door. to the orn) Telegraph ofcs; T ot LE T SOAPS. Im 207 90 . ¢ 0 picts LE COE TPR EEL Os HAW ANE Ah as VICTORIA or "EMINENTLY THE LA DIESSFANORIFEAS hall way hetwess) | - pd | Price, 25 Ceuts per Botile.d bygil hia 5 4 he Ont SVERY The Ontario Rs ; Publishi At their office, T CONTAINS : FRAN Lg Ah eur, 4nd Corone wa. Tack) UY'S HOSPI 2 D, Reside esidencs, Simcoe St ICENCED A | rly ial aT Ary alll Ww YOENTIATES Ries Se: Oma RAN Sharations pret =». ARRISTER, RR 4 Stredts. blic. Conveyancers, ¥ Hauer Bana wos ' + W. ALSiaeo ond or Al Bu ri ik : * wus Volin Ossi AWA Si J. Money. REDbGEn AM NOW PRE amount of m or Productive To ey sung > Logg) Investments made in and other thes, BIL 3. Mitlinery | For Style in Go to For Cheap G Goto Ladies' Furo Simoos Bt. North

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