Ontario Reformer, 11 Jun 1873, p. 3

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{the peace nl of ca voting . of electors aa | F Person liable to Tequired to be g in le by th ! all, if Bai tung e, be liable to he reco to a penalty 0 wil sue thercfor I0.~Ourne;: Re ndering hia wv leputy-reeve), ht ve of elsewhere in the he election of mayor ve (as the case . y or indi le r gift, nor does he ex. , for the vote which he on ; that he is g Fight" (er right of hin May require); and ia 5 the person Named, op ned in the list of gla A Dew municipality * ] been any Asse Mmeny | referring to the list of n offering to vote in Ue th ty rich he elaime to vote, or affirmations be. son, claiming to v, respect of & free ar to such effect : I age of twenty-one sl-born or naturalized «ty ; that he has not election m the town. U (as the case may be) ring his vote, and af for mayor, reeve op e has not voted before » municipality for the '"eve or dey uty reeve : that he bn ai. eceived any reward op pect to receive any, e tenders at the elec- en resident within the hat he is the g to be named, in the 1 case of 3 new muni. re has not been say n instead of swearing month next before the 12 to the list of elect. ig to vote may be re. a oath the property, laine to vote, and. of such municipal 3. ! r affirmations s! be * returning officer of - uest of any candidate nt; and no enquiries. ny voter, except with pecified in such oaths ' CEEDINGS AT Kime. XS. f the electors shall nomination of candi. mayor in cities, and 1 deputy reeves in the municipality, oa he month of Decem- 'clock in the forenoon - e shall be designated rd, &e, according to cted. f the municipality meetinf, or,.in cave unc' shall appoint in his place ; i the appointed: does mot present shall choose n to officiate from ard such clerk or e all the powers of a wednext week.) strates have decided ns on the 1st and netion City, Kanas, Compound Syrup of ling rapidly and ement ou account of >nchestes, England, lately died ana left latives to squabble heen married, and old. - Dowling, a Dublin wanted to marry an ; but after hav. t, 'he changed his ther lady. For his k has been eompell- s MeMullan$3,0004 reons killed in the ring the last five sorses has been five three ; maimed oF nd, four hundred Boston fire, as far about $1,500,000 $700,000. One of has reeeived from aire, a bill for the day. During the ng, some one sto) the Chicago, Ber- a" ve, from an Haley, More, Jindsay Post hat ell-known Deuty field of fall mead average aboutsix + a spot in it: fr. ers this the lest rv,and to him be Sth inst., thewls a, of a danghtet 4th inst.. Willlsa onshire," aged 8 - ngton, on Thum J.omas Ward, agd JIXIR or PHOB ns beonme a KTR rrféct realibilits i 'he stomach. lve " s the J . nditions utritive tonic anh im | Em 3 ial, KETS | Ld - 83.3485 EES2228 8s «. | ore .oncon=s00s00000~nl 3 wdnes 3 = easssany S8sRE8ITY ol wipe seo! | E vered to the .. © Oshawa, June 2nd 1573. ; a J "Pew Advertisements, CTS TARR TR AR A AR a NANTED OF SALESMAN AND A BOY NMBA - . p MRARRCD Foaber foe, fro WANTED. GOOD GENERAL SERVANTGIRL Wanted, adply at the Canadiana ets Wa. _§ NOTHER NEW STOCK OFPAP od R. WELLING TONS: Sign of the Book, 'Wilson's Block. "WY Xvow SHADES, ROOM PAPER at RE WELIRo Tomy, Sign ofthe Book. Wilson's Block. FOR SALE. PEAT. TWO STORY ROUGH CAST ghee meals 188 ar oF ie Froavrion "iw 3. M1800. 2 at t24e on. TO BUILDERS. ERS WILL BE RECEIVED UP f u's PLATE FACTORY: on ioe Mobil can be MILLIP TAYLOR, Jeweller &c., Oshawa, June Sth 1873 LO, Lodge, 686 A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE Ad Lodge 'will be held in the . Orange Hall Wilson's Block, this Wed. nesday evening, at 8 o'clock, sharp. A attendance requested. G. W. GARTH, W.M. LADIES ANNUAL SOCIAL In connection with the | : E HELD IN THE NEW STEN ih a ? J HH i THE DOMINION Coal 0il Cooking Stove Pumas coal ofl at an expensd of one cent per bour. without smoke or smeil and does every variety of cooking in a very superior manner. Bakes bread. buscuit, apples cakes pies. Roasts meat, fowls and birds to prefection bject to be dried up as in the by carelessness of the cook. construction of the oven m! up and left. On ber return, the tird them perfectly cooked. The meat never shrilled, the juices are retained. which impart 10 the bird its specific flavor, to the srtisfaction of the most fastidious epicure. neat--occupies but a small kitchen table; is always ready for a match for --and at preasure. be regulated to a nicety, and is hose variations to Which all fires are p oa Hn reciated dr or y wl oes her own rv ng. There is n> smoke, unpleasant odor, nor ashes. -- Families of siz> may do their entire cook- wiih this tov. To ons, Clerks, and PH on Gein is 'whos Sw esses smi L tirons at a smell expense ; the putas Sonsiancy of its heat mat ing it par- ularly efficient for purpo.e. Parties going early Train, or going howe after the usual hour for family meals will appreciate its value. The Sick Room, the Nursery, the Count ig House, the Workshop. will soon discover its usefulness. As a Summer Cookihe Stove it is unequalled. as it does not hewt the house. The stove will be monufactured to meet the waats of each. R.LARARD. Ageat for Oshaws, and East Whitby ' our. House ta: Rent. PPOSITE THE OABINET FAC- 3 TORY. Apres 3.0. HENRY. LL ACCOUNTS DTE THE ESTATE Ara M. CHISHOLM, Must be settled at once, or costs will be Oshawa, June 3rd 1573. FOR SALE WN. THOMAS BRO o.: A ONE-HURSE SPRING WAGGON, | 4 cheap, for cash. r CAPTAIN G. FAREWELL. TAKE NOTICE. INSOLVENT ACT OF 1860. LL PARTIES INDEBTED EITHER rlvent of ta Ue tate Arm of TRIPP & the same to me.on or before pext, or costs will be incurred. T. G. HAWTHORN, Assignee. of + : A qu ntity of Orick t Boots snd Spikes, NOTICE. JUNE 171m," 1873, A FIFTY FIRST-CLASS Sewing Machine Operators 'WANTED, TO MANUFACTURE ladies under-wear. Steady employment fh d and fined Blog: over McRae &Co. % 3.7. KELLOGG PIC-NIC. ; C WILL BE HELD IN FA ANNIS' BEA i) VE, on Do- minion Day, to asmist in ing Li: Presbytery, FCR SALEI } HAT DESIRABLE FOUSE AND ® mg eeeied by J. Barnard, is tor * Carr. G. FAREWELL. SGENTS HATS WIGHTMAN'S, : The Latest Styles of F. McRAE & Co. -- 0 -- » FRESH ARRIVALS OF BOOTS & SHOES! EKER , F." McRAE &. Co. JUST RECEIVED 3 --AT-. vi In the Dry Goods Department . Hoyle's Dark Ground Prints, Ashton's Dark Ground Prints, ~ Black and White Striped Prints, Dolly Varden Prints, Two Bales Crosley's Tapestry Carpets, A fow pieces Floor Cil Cloths, Oxford Shirtings, Swisse Bock Muslins, Harrockses Cottons, 32 and 36 inch, 'White Cotten Yarn. In the Grocery Department. Black Oouchong Teas, at 25, 45 and 65, cts. per lb. Black Congon Teas, at 25, 45 and 65 cts. per lb. WILLIAM M. WIGHTMAN, LATE COWAN'S Oshawa, and Prince Albert. New Dry Goods Store! 00 ALEXANDER & BRYCE Announces that they are showing a full assortment of NEW SPRING AND SUMMER DRY COODS, MILLINERY. ee Qf eee: NOTE A FEW OF THE PRICES. 'Good Dresses, $1 25, $1 50, $2, $2 50, up. Beautiful Black Lustres (a speciality) from 20 cts. per yard. Good Light Ground Prints, at 8 cts. Table Linens at 30 cts., 40 cts, 50 cts, 75 cts, $1, $1 25. Table Napkins from $1 25 per dozen, to $4. Linen Towels 5 cts, 10 cts, 15 cts, 20 cta, 25 cts. and 30 cts. Heavy Steam Looms at 8 cents. Our Grey Cottons are admitted to be the Cheapest sn Town. A Splendid assortment of Lace Curtains at 90 cte; $1 20, $1 50, $1 75 . $2, $2 25, $3, $3 50, and $4 50. GENTS' FURNISHING DEPARTMENT! Heavy Cotton Socks at 10 cts, Good Oxford Shirts at 75 cts, 8 Dress Shirts at $1, a full assortment of Straw and Felt Hats. Clothing made to order on the Shortest Notice. Call and see the New Styles in Shawls at $2 25. MI1LILIN ERY! MILLNINERY! fre ti Out Millinery Eo fo replete in all the Paris and New York styles. Csll and examine gods and for yourselves All goods marked in plain figures and one price oaly. "VAAVHSQ 'ISVH JTIULS ONIY 'MO01g SNOSTIM the superi ance of a First-class} Wiles Biook, King Sirve', Osbeva ..- ALEXANDER & BRYCE.| wv {opoo sry ees pu [fv wry oui? oy oquomas svi To 0 penoq om pun moun Sew si! wopsd pun ones pool deo AW Po 'pojuBlIBAA Pui padiedoy A[[njsas) - ; 0q [Ia 9901] 10 OUONOP HOY 108 SIE Sj 'SHO0TO ANV STHOLVM NI JYOM wa PUT SITTALS 19099] ogy jo pue IVAN 'MAN m1 00g MY we 'aegacsie sessqoind Law Sujpnjouco exojeq uj oe ogm Aue MAU] ATUIPI00 PINOM PUT 'seousnq Jo) POURdO MOU 8] 0I0MG LIPmer meu Jy pL ATINALOAJSTY A100. "0% 'HINAMIP UIAVAHOLYM * TIVISNIddH JM \ | THOLY AWTAMAC MAN IH SIH IVHI HONAONNYV OL FAVAT DFE Lumber for Sale. A LARGE QUANTITY OF SESLON lumber for sale at Meads' Mi, Reach. A.B. "f R. WELLINGTON, Sign of the Book, Wilson's Block. Only One Dollar. 10,000 Sold wi sample receiptof $1. or Shor 84, Send sent on or sr martd to She manudiotor, C. A. D. EDWARDS & Co., Toronto, Out, FOUR HORSES FOR SALE. ONE YOUNG SPAN MATCHED or by the ANDRW ANNIS, House and Lot For Sale. Opposite Oshaws Cabinet Factory. HE HOUSE CONTAINS TWELVE rooms, and a stone cellar. Will ac- comodate four Jomitics, Jor jermms, ete., apply to Capt. George Fare Sr 30 KEE.» FOR SALE. HE VALUABLE PROPERTY lately owned by Mr. Robert Gott, corner of Simcoe and Pine streets, of one quarter rec) on which there are two houses with wa Also some good lots for sale on the Karr Prop erty, the best in Oshawa. 3 Slt. JAMES WOOD. FOR SALE. A HORSE; EIGHT YEARS OLD Purposes, for General also BUGGY and HARNESS, apply to E. FIELDING King St. West, Oshawa. 1-4 - " PSYCHOMANCY, BOUL CEARMING." How either sex may fascinate and gain the love and affection of any person they choose, in . men acquire.nent all er C with , y Dreams ts LO to. A queer, SRoking 100,000 sold. Address T. WILLIAM Oe., South Eighth St., Philadelphia, Pa. NEW MUSICI PUBLISHED BY JL. PETERS, 609 BROADWAY. N. T And mailed, cg receipt of marked VOCAL. ICE. Abovesnd . Sacred Song. By Jurch. $0 30 Back to the Old home. on Chorus. » wart ah ee TA ia + Bogan Form of my Dreams. Stewart. eep no more. Soagand Chorus. Do 2 Weep so, Sister darling. Song. Don't forget to Write me" Song and Chorus. weour Hands. or duet. Boildien. Gone to the Heavenly Garden. Chamber- *2\ Up to Time | NA 1/ A | LR i H If you want to get HORSESHOEING lO REPAIRING OF ANY KIND DONE By Time | And in Time | --GO TO-- On Time [ 2 BAMBRIDGES, SIMCOE ST. NORTH. 'STEAM LONDON, QUEBEC, 'MONTREAL. TEMPERLEY'S LINE Com; of the follv posed af th wing First-Class SCOTLAND, MEDWAY, DELTA, N THAMES, HECTOR NZA, SEVERN a The Sisamets of thiy Line are intended 30 sail ® season ol navigation of from rely for Quebec and Montreal as follows: THAMES + - = Satirday y April Sth. (Via Halifax and St Johan N. a. SEVERN «= «7 Wednesday, * 16th Derta + + - Saturday, " 2th Mepway - - - Wedn , th eaday, May ) Niaxga - - - Saturday, ScoTLAND < Wednesday, 38th do and every alternate Wednesday and Saturday jicrenties. And from Quebec for London as ws : Thursday, 8th May + Toesday, I3th do = Thu 22nd do «Tuesday, 3rd June « Thursday, 12th do + + Tuesday, 3th do wd ew alternate Tuesday and Thursday berea! er. Rates of from parts of Canada, and in toit, Milwaukee, Chicago and other points in the West. Fi freight or passage, to Toemperle; Carter and Darke, Eiger Tabet, London: {7A & Co,, Quebec; David Shaw, Montreal, or to C. W. SMITH. Oshawa. MEDICAL HALL. were I, would you? Song. Shattuck. me Dar 3 ve Sent: Stewart. Blind Nell and Chorus. a . Song and Hays. We that Song. Dolph: wilt thou Weep Tam low? Walker, INSTRUMENTAL. A fo Rl ec Lge "Slory --cuien and Freddie's, by Kinkel, pyrsspvesevEsEnE #2 8 8 BE cta. Sy En Removal DR. DEANS RESPECTFULLY INFORMS THE ADTs that the MEDICAL HalL is WILSON'S NEW BLOCK. NEAR THE POST OFFICE, Where he has opened out a NEW STOCK of Shop as neual. Oshawa, Maach lth, 1572. 2% His Burgery is in correction with the v odwry ysoij sSSug Pp Lowel ve SPOR UOpIEY PUT PLL PIN 5 -» 1872) 1872 AS USUAL! Complete Success ! AT TWO EXHIBITIONS. W. BELL, & Co, Received Every First Prise for AL he nine Rahiition, eg This grind success, a. addition to last years Silver Medal, 3'Diplomas, and: Prove that our instrument in competent judges are all oie P and Manufa of the ' omGANETTSE, competition, thus superior 10 $8,000 Worth of Stock. NOV 18 YOUR TOME FOR CHEAP WATCHES, JEWELRY, FANCY GOODS, LOOKS, SILVER PLATE, ~ Philip Taylor Has commenced to sell his splendid stock ot RSK FOR IT-IESIST UPON. IT-BUY HO OTHER TRY i RAT GREATLY REDUCED RATES 10 FIRST PRIZES| 12 First Prizes, |, 40., 8&0. | | After the Fire JQ&REHENRY, Have Resumed Business in the In the Bufliing on the Oorner of King and Simooe Mi 'Where they are once more prepared ©, And tier Been of Picture. bal the Latent Between Giligtts' and Dickies Store. 10 any Sise. . Oshawa, December Sith, 1672. LADIES UNDERWEAR! » [Having cbtained Reems in GIBBS' BLOCK, 1 have rommenced the mesumeture of LADIES UNDERWEAR IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, WHOLESALE & RETHIL - EEE EEO satia'antion. nd Tadiee are invited tr can. where grade shown and! ev=rv Courteny paid by the woman, MRS. 4.7. KELLOGG. Oshawa. June 3rd, 1873. IN CASH PAID FOR any quantity of : J. W. FowER | Prospectus Jor 18 Tar AL9I. An ORCA) + versally admit the I a] Not for sale in Book or F----y 12 GUELPH, ONT. _ |e > Gully ately ovonpid by JE. Beit : Take Photographs, OVER MRAE AND 00.8 STORE * WHEAT, WHEAT, fowial sstuntion given So enlasging - WOOL! WOOL.

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