Ontario Reformer, 7 May 1873, p. 4

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Ee mi in thesi burns, | "bottle of which is plaints. BSoMEE pecular $ ,ont eye ¢ and gra his obed: use, all « look at a- : in the inv | but it is | cared for or Unsou Alter us, he gees on as . And an on another o ber, we withi n a hair a bre 8 very serions : The engine. gotten off to snowbaill a ch the conductor n m} . was mind a { widow's baby thos result was this train happened to get on a down grade, and was started off at a terrible rate, every Lit of four miles an hour, I should think We were just haifa mila above Oshawa Station, and the first thing we knew-- there being no one to whistel up the switch-tender--we were turned off into the siding and went down the track at full speed. Imagine when just at this moment we whistle, not half a mile ahead o up-train. We werg paralized with ter: were two fmmins on the same proaching each other at the dizzy joss mentioned. Evidently our t come ! ln a few short hours the would meet, and then--destruction With great presence of a minister on board organized a prayer-meeting Pale, but calm, the doomed band of passengers satand though with the very shadow of death upon th voices in a parting hymn. *' Send for the baggage-master," young man with a sad smile. " For what reason 1" our coast mind, , raised their N sald a was asked. " Because we are abou checks." Everybody wept. From the form we could see the n 0 pass in cur rear plat- iserable 'engineer straining every nerve to cat it he had tight boots on, thing to speak of: At this moment a ray upon us. TI had just fi will ¢ } chup; b and dida't gain any- f hope downed od writin n the back of a vis I observed a young lady detaching her' basta! --which was composed papers and a hair 10 arm, the heroine over the engine. It to see her climb « and bra things on her way to the cow-cateher. reminded me of a conatry over a wire. Was very intere wor the wheels But never mind that Let me see, where was [1 Oh the cow catcher. Holcing J bars with one hand, the noble the bustle on the sharp other. You can guess the result.. In the course of the afternoon the ¢ollision took place. Protected by tha bustle, the engine recovered only a gentle bump, and we were saved. prow -with F took up a ccllection fér the woman wpon the spot. take tp collecti on suc always. And what'sy to give the objest ft eresth nice out of it--ngver. I always occasions -- of never forgot 1 something There is noth'n Xx I suppose y mean about me; oy clothes ? We-don't know but our friend is really in earnest and intends us to believe the above, and, really, if he desires it we will believe it, but our readers must do as--they choose mbout placing implicit faith ih his state noticed ICntLs. -- 0 A -- ee. Ths * slave of the ring" --a bride. What is that which he who has it not does not wish for,but he not part. with for any head. who has it would money? A buld Punch asks: does not bet as "Why is the man who bad as tho ' Because he is no bett man who does! " If poor George had not blowed _into the muzzle of his gun," sighed widow, at the funeral of Ler late husband, last Saturday, "hs might hive plenty of squirrels, day for them." a rural gota It was such a good An wnstamped letter, dropped in the Springfield Post office, was recently for warded as usual by the Young Men's Christian: Association destination. and. reached its On being opened, it wand to contain the following : a another barrel of that Gin. was . Send Ba goud natvred traveler fell asle eepina | ; train and was carried a few miles beyond his destination, © Pretty good joke this, fan's it 7" said he to a fellow passe niger. *! Yes, but a little too far fatched," the reply. was Josh Billings says: ' There. iz one thing about a hen that looks like wisdum --they don't kakle wuch until after they | "have laid their eggs. © Sum pholks are alwus a Yengzing and a saskling what thicy | are going tew dew before-hand. That wars sorry case of a tailor who | al rates to clergymen, teachers, and postmastiers. unned a man for the amount of His bill. he man said' lie' was sory, we 'ry sorry | indesd, that he could not pay-it. aw Well,' said thetailor, 1 fook you for a man. that ¥ would be sorry, but if you are sorrier | than J am, I give under," = Chewing. --A Indy, whohna a- great hor- zor of tobacco, got te a railway carriage | the otis 'day, aud inquired of a male | dollar! fain the serie sir ? No | 4 td can | + Do you chew tobacco, madaihe, 1 dow't was the reply dap T get you a chew if you want one. and waken i wi Tiny v i + Yk | in any 4 | waste of edito at so hich dd Pulslisher are offered to new subseribers : P ard the twelve number cr taining the beg of Mrs. re a licrs he darkne in each loved and lost years feeling came back in that en their arrival at were married. of the rest 1s prose 1d hod baer 1 that a lump sum of 8158,000 led overto New Brun pick n for timber gton Tre aty. n established in Livepp >t. loss of by the Washin sey City, who | 1 girl, was fined by the I'by the 1 d-headed by nd it was not mm tes and hoersewhippe hen scratched 1 wchof a ening, and there iment in this village given oquist." A nung jac mas, the ventrii uan sid to ay ] ex; rossive eyes ur rag. ¢ 1 Tif} Ta will left by s own | nding at 'his zate when arived with a basketfu!l said the e man, A) My wifs said them as she bh the comm wa should ard you say mm taturs (cou- ee with on to kis fath 'chip of the m, do you ANS I was nd tld them g said | ) "Hem , they only meant that yon 'we i: honest, » , You out to play now." : Scribner's 5 Monthly. Bo DE. Youn AND. MM BEET manTE Z NT Af iY of CONTRILUTERS CL nr NCE puns on Furniture and Decorations, R. 1. STODDARD on futhors. Batrerdinay Iataoment ts to Now nw 299 500 PAGES FOR $1.00: &c., ac. BIEN ER' 8 - Me INTHLY, In 1 ms of in the ory by Saxe Hp, The | § write a series of ente Authors, their Personal os, n Hote fe, Families, Friends n Ways. A serdes of Portrabis of American Yriters, is also promised. e about Furniture Tf American Homes. i practicg rated: with de- ¥ numerous artists in addi- which the w YY himself will furn- a the h 2 those who will contribute are: Hans Bry esti Il, Eggleston, Froude, shun Fton, Bret Har Mitchell, "Stodd. ard, Celia Mrs. Whitne y litorial control ang direction of the Mag- will re niu the ds of Dr. Holland, th write "The Topics of the aglependent says * are I hr auy similar papers neican mafrazing. A 'Walter Gilde "mor he old Cabinet 3 lu ts the * Se i ndris Bont iy : rr September iy / ter than usual, whi r Teale * a nee less 8 mon - fie Mayazine wus good cnougly before ! the Pi bilshers; promise lEmake ie the eonting: year." The subscription price is $8 a year, with speci- The following Extraordinary Inducements For 5,50 the | seller or news. the lungazine for one year, | 3 of Vols, 111. and IV. Oliphant' s r $7.30, the mazazine | hers wi ad, dr any boo r will su ly, Serial, ** At His Gates 3 iorone year, and the 2 bik numbers from the beginning ig; tor 10.50. the and the 2i back nuabers®ou ou bound vols. paid. Jages-o of the choicest reafing, with the finest il { zine for one year | vols.) charges | This will give nearly 00 | ms, for $10.50, or nearly 500 pages for a and will er nable every subscriber to ob- | from the first, dpecial torins to Deslors od and | ! RIDER & © '| wl AA NY | and Finish to any Inst Miss ERNOS, \TEENS, COPLINS SERGES, LUSTRES, and Colored Kid Gl E HIVE. BARNARD, AIVE, King Street, Oshawa. 1. ACK A WORD OF TIMELY WARNING TO THE FARMERS OF ONTARIO. we are only indred Br ond and three hund © must find h other work. Please F. W. GLEN. 1d Cultivator Combined, is all owed by those th: v ir ina rch JAMES BOWMAN TAS McBio Ww 1G SEND IN TOUR ORDERS EARLY. ATEINSON'S DRUG STORE REMOVED TO MEW AND LARGER PREMISES Next Door to COWAN'S, Drugs, Patent Medicines, Scented Soaps, Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brushes, and a General assortment of Dye Stufly Everything of the best Quality and Strictly Genuine ro come, song WINTER GHEAPEST PAPER CLOTHING. LATEST STYLES AND BEST QUALITY. ALL. AT GURLEY'S AXD Ey YOUR ORDERS FOR FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. He has just received his NEW Which will be found complete 10VES 3eautiful -Vest and Pant Patterns, | lothing of all kinds made the shortest notice A CALL SOLICITED. NEW GOODS IN GREAT VARIETY, just arrived at IN THE PROVINCE, Oshawa Cog), WOOD "DEROY HE SU BSORIB T FORM the public Rs ADE TO IX. hand at the above Yard, g large havy dow Pd COAL and CORD Woop :§ Georget mn! Lime, Agricultural Sail All orders left at the office in will be promptly attended to, wi, {Marshall & Begeo 'ONTARIO REFORMER' ~~ -~~="22 Only 1.80 a year, STOCK, PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY . MORNING BY THE to order on | 'ONTARIO REFORMER FALL & WINTER Printing and Publishing Co. 1 4 SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. TAUNTON! THE CHEAPEST AND BEST ASSORTMENT EVER OFFERED THE 1 PUBLIC. have an excellent ass 1d Canadian Tweeds. on the shortest notice, H guaranteed, JOUR GROCERY I i ted, and our TEAR GOOD GEEEN TEA at Poi] Our l ' A No. L ENTS ass s, which w tks and Satel very hing crak Cou 1g « Isewhe re. for Hides and Skins WM WILLARD Taunton, Song the PIANO Mailed, pest -paid, on receipt of price. Song and Cho z and ¢he chorus, Dar Cash Paid French and English tions of Clgidhood, Hati I'hou art no Jonge r Mine, ar me t att. 30. ag a chorus, and chorus, . Song and Dance, Ha d me true ), We wong, Danks 30 . Danks, 30, 11 OSHAWA ORGAN & MELODEON, MANUFACTURING COMPANY AVE. NOW ON HAND THE FIRST INSTRUMENTS OF THES Hr which have beén pronounced by Good h unents of t kind that have ever be: We place ourscives before the Public as Men of Practical Experience, Having a shorough knowledge of the Businéss: and, there fare, purties bs Our Instru ments can rest assured they cannot be surpas=ed | Dominion. ALL OUR INSTRUMENTS ARE WARRANTED TOR An d parties purchasing from us will have a gna r mj orted, as the Manufacturer 'only is respon .i Dominion will not be likely to take thie re t haye. hy pufepas ther. as them in the pon Ih i Bar ley We have now opened our Wareroom in Mr, 'Wilkins son's Store, near the ommercial Hotel, King Street, Cshawa. We invite the publi to come ar vd inspect our instrun ts. Parties ng to purchase will find it to their advantage to deal with as they can sa Te n Pek oe on their Money, and at "PARLEY & HOSKIN 16-1y. Oshawa, October 9th, 1372. = AS Ontario Commercial Coll Belleville, Ont. THOROUGH AND PRACTICAL CHARACTERISTIC of the age, "uited to the w ants of the times, ege, INSTITUTION FOR BUSINESS where young men and boys can procure an education The charges are moderate, the risk nothing, the result unvariab le, and the opini- ons of the Press, letters from prominent business men, and the united admi our students are the guarantee nt tency and success offered by this Col SUBJICTS T AUGHYT. Book-keeping--by single laud double entry, Spencerian Penmanship, | Arithmetic, Correspondence; Commercial Law, Phono araphy, Tele grap h- | ing, Railroading, Steamboa ting, Mechanical and rehitectural Draw ir g ete, ete. of hundreds of A Staff of Seven Practical and Experienced Teachers. Those who can ' de vote a few months to study; 'hose desirous of changing their present themselves to co cannot be obtaine parents who have SONS TO EDUCATE occupatic n for so nnething more lucrative, or to qualify uct their own business systematically, will find that the acvantageswe offer elsewhere. R | #@ Specimens of Penmanship, and Journal containing all particulars sent free of charge. dress, S. G. BETY & Co,, Bsllevilla Hats and Caps. WILLIAM LANG | INVITES INSPECTION TO. HIS SPLENDID STOCK Es NEW SPRING GOODS! WHICH 1S COMPLETE IN BRANCHES Clothing Made to Order f WITH CARE AND DESPATCH. | | ALL ITS Gents' Eurnishings, BIO spew-Apeay Boots End Shoes, TIVE TBARS, ng those | j thempabiects of re M gmance to all who ar x fof Nitrés Oxide is A but not Fo potion, seng and * Meet me Muigle, song and * Lay me wher y Mother's nd chorus, Stey . 40. , sacred song, P'anscron, 30, SS. ? INSTRUMENTAL music. ¢ Meodique, C Kinkel, by Tor ¥ > > Sunbeam | bp iD Tone \ at s 38. ¥ arch, ] "Jimmie » Ii kel, 1. rtment of DEPARTMENT | song and cho rus, | Father | EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN& ORNAMENTAL PRINTING. and good | CONSISTING OF Posters, ; \ Blank Forms, Show Bills, Business Cards, dn Visiting Cards, Bill Heads, Circulars, AND IN 'FACT EVERY KIND OF - LETTER-PRESS PRINTING 1 tie s'Waltz, Kinkel | . Kin Polk Pacher, 3 1 Feline, 50, "Harry's Polka K » ung, 20. * have picture titles, wost-paid" on receipt o Pi¢®es marked thu Any piece mai marked price. Ad J. 699. Br vadway, New York, RARE CHANCE. Splendid Business for Sale FMPYHE UNDERSIGNED BEING about to retire from the CABINET and UNDERTAKING Business h as decided fo dis- we and profitable business stablished over fourteen years, ls an excellent opporiunity to wis ih to engage in such a business, and whic h affor any one The Pre dizposed of at a Bargain, and on easy terms. The stock in hand is large and well as sorted, and the run of custom excelle lt terms and othet particulars, apply on the | W. II. PARK. July 17th, 1872, 4-tr FARM FOR SALE. One Hundred Acres. TE E ST HALF OF LOT NO. 20 in the 2nd con., of the township of Whitby, Situs ate on the ma ub "road nbout half way be 'tween | Oshawa and Whitby, The land quality, argl is well watered; a good orchard is also 3 Title indisputable, For particulars Prin e Albert, | ast foes anc Fi a ms. apply to the undersigned. 80 lor sal acres of land tof I | the 4ih con. 3 ithy. Past a ot 3.1 EPH BIGELOW, ort Perry, p i 17, 187 ALL KINDS FOR | Lot N¢ JONATHAN STEPHENS. March Fely -- --------e - NITRObS OXIDE OR-- Smile of Beauty | | 'mises and whole Stock-in-trade will be | | | | FROM A LADIES VISITING CARD UP TO . ALLAN LINE OSZAWA 4 AGENOY, 'WINTER SERVICE! rn Canad Covey Malls, STEAM WEEKLY TO {LIVERPOOL, LONDCKNDERRY | AND CLASGOW, HIS COMPANY'S LIN "Hon posed of the undernoted Es ARR ngined Clyde Built Iron § Polynesian, §,200 trns (building), 3, od tons (buildin 'aspian, 3,20 Capt Scandinuviae 3,000 tons, ( it Prussian, 3,000 tons, Then? Ausirign, Nestorian, Moravian, 2 Brown. Pe "THvian, Suaith, m3 | Forming a w wiween LJ ive, donde wy, Que bee and Montreal, leav Lou ry Saturday, on arriv, al of 1 © Night E Xpress from Montreal, Forming a weekly line between G lasgo w, Qube and Montreal. PASSAGE. RATES OF Oshawa to Liverpool and 1,0 erty, Fit Cabin from $81 to £91, aceon adm tion. Stecrage, £30, including a pl of well cooked provisions, se Mug wl Stewards belonging to the ompany, Oshawa to Glasgow, First Cab Inter me: diste, $45 0s steerage, $29, , Pn &« Return Tickets, good for mon! sued at reduced rates, ax tha, Pre; Juid uropean Passenger Certificat, inoutd id y i hr educed Rates wo ga oy their friends from Fog - and, Tretang 7 Scotland, to uny part of ( ae The Steamships of the Montreal ship Company land the ie pase nge: eam toa, Trunk pa way Whar PORTLAND, passes. | gers thereby avoiding the usual charges eat. ing and handling of baggage. of | "xpress Trains leave Portland on arriy, | Ocean Steamers for Montreal, Torn hone western points; and the facilities afforded to v Ld passengers by the ALLAN LINE cannot passed by any other Jine afloat, hv For through passage tickets and every informs tion, apply to = Steamships will he despatched from Liverpogh i end Port 1 a8 follows: : 7 7th sC ANDIN AVIAN - o H&A. ALLA N, ¥ rto Agen ontreal, | L. SMITH. Agent, An, Hog | Post Office, Oshawa £5 IN M AN LINE OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, TO AND FROM New York, Queenston and N Liverpool | CITY or RicHMOXD, Cry OF MONTREAL. City oF BROOKLYN, Ciry oF Pakes. Ciry or Bruserrs, | C17¥ oF NEw YORE, City or Haurkx, OITY oF Loxpox, Cory or Dunsan. Cry or Wasnixoros. | Sailice on Thursdays and Saturdays! Fron; Vier 45, North River. CITY OF ANTWERP. CITY oF BaLmivons City or BristoL, CITY oF LIMERICK. Crry or Dusnix, | -- Fl { RATES OF PASSAGE, | To Queenston or Cain Steeragé. Averpool, + 75 god. | 8%, currency, London, . . " 35, - Paris, 0%: " 38, Tickets can be bought herp at moderna. rates by persons wishing to send for their friends, | further information apply to the Company® | Aggnt, July 3, 0 W, EMITH, Osmawa, "VICTORIA COMPOUND SYRUP OF 'HYPOPHOSPHITES! The only » Fyrup prepared from Dr. Churchill's Formula and certified to be Chemically pure. | » For the prevention and cure of PULMONARY CONSUMPTION, Also for the cure of | Dyspepsia, Bronchitis, Asthma, Loss of Ap | petite, General Debility, de. CERTIFICATE AS TO FUKITY AND EFFIOASY, | | Laboratory, University Col Torontg; Dec. un, To the Victoria Chemical Co., | Gentlemen, -- I have examined the ay | employed in the Victoria Chemical Works the preparation of the Victoria Syrup of H | phosphites., te eo. 'phosphites will THE LARGEST S¥ZE PO TER. re heron pure 4 Seth EXECUTED WITH 7 | valuable Medicine, undoubtedly prove a very HENRY H. CROFT, | Professor of Chemistry, U.0, | Price $1 per Bottle. Sold by all Druggists. | VICTORIA COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACTS OF NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, BUCHU & UVA URSI AT THE 'REFORMER' OFFICE i$ of the best | Orders by Mail Punctually Attended to hoe, Wane eel CALL. and SEE SPECIMENS. | Protoxide | lof Nitrogen | REMEMBE R THE'STAND, A DMIX ISTER] D FOR THE PAIN- F-3 4 Jess extrac tion f teeth th at the dental rooms FERGUSON over the ofsimson Bros, Kingi st, W TOMA Sey Persons need not ow, fear of pain at- tending the operati of extraction, carry for Fears in their mous a mass of filth, a fruitful cause of disease, whidh has not only ruined their health and destroye ditheir happiness, but made e 80 associated with them, as ple o bd to take and quite harm. unute as to Oshawa, Mav, 74, 1872. | € Next door to the Montreal Telegraph Office, SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA | | A Specific Remedy for all Diseases Blade er and -Kidneys; Dropsical Swell 4 Complaints ine idental to Females: and ali Discascs of the Urinary Organs in either Sex. | | Try atonce for any of the above Disorders, | and you will be fully convinced of its -pre- | eminent virtues. Price 81 per Bottle. _Soldgby all Druggist. i TVICTORIA 'LINIMENT! "THE KING OF ALL LINIMENTS." | _ For Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Lum! 1 | Sciatia, W dering Pains, S RL the ed or Joints, Sia us; ps nese in 8 | Headache. -Earac he, Toothache, &e. | BUY IT! TRY IT!! PROVEIT!!! Price 50 co Bottle. Sold by all Druggists. VICTORIA ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD," CARBOLIC SALVE. H | moving Tan, 4 Bed Freckles, Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, iles, Pimples, etc., and Chroni Skin of every description, Price 25 Centdfper Box. Sold by all Drugs (CARBOLATED. GLYCERINE JELLY. FMINENT] ' THE LADIES' FAVORITE." For Beautifyipg the Cc mplexion, phd Jou, Te Pimples, &e.. Bites | also tor C happed Hands, Chilblains, Frost | [ I | | | | and Sor | Price, & Colt wer Bottie.d by all Druggists. RE VICTORIA TOILET SOAPS. "Cele brated for their Uniform Purityan Exce llence of Quality. VICTORIA CARFOLIC SOAP. | YIeTORIA SULPHUP SO, AP. FICTORIA GLY CERINE "HONEY ROSE AND WINDSOR. oid by a'l Densgiste, | Fhe © SVERY © The Ontar] Pu "Al their o CONT EIGN and gence, Count and an instrig Sublisher. § are her, an Paving up wi peription until All letters post-paid, oth the Post Offic RAT 8ix ines and' Each sub From six to te Fach sub Over six lines Each subs The number occupied, me Advestisment be published t All transitory when handed 4 yery lib ral Psi ww. HYSC ACCOU( Residence a Hotel. HYSICI eur, and WH. FREDE fesidenc e, Simi ICENCEF wa. All promptly atlgs EETH 1 latest pri cheapest, and with Gold and pain by produ: Dental Roo Atkinson's Dry Lips ove Office ove ros., King St All operation Residence in th ARRIS LICITOH Public, Oshaw Simcoe Streets #4 MONPY oM. ARRIET Solicitor § Office --In Bige 'Whitby. JE OUNTY Barrister, / find Conyeyanc 8. H. Cochran Ontario. GREE ARRIST AT-LAW, Public. Convey Loan. J: Hamner Gre RCHIT ance and hawa. Age to and from Ne NCE Messrs, Fair banks HOLES of HOO prial used. Ti .. Factory --King ROOKLI the, Isolat Canada, To on. Also, for ion, capital £2. ppraiser for + t id Savings Soc at iow rates of i Issuer of DOMI] | OsH Mone RE AM NOW any amount ¢ Farm or Produc Lowest Poss n sums and m can be re-paid by sum. Investments 'and other securi "SILVER AND( For further Offic Office-- Mc Mill April 13th, 187 Bute GE ETURNS MEROU sq and beg his Meat "Starket ext door tO And hopes by meet the same sb _ Onpawa Pec. ! MIL] HE UNEH hat h Oshawa that 3% i Glas all 1 usiness, HE and deli! article, MILK, in| bya continyance ity in delivery, t age of all who m: the unde mending to the | ling imrour opinio business, aud wo good milk 10 buy 6. Henry, A. Farewell. -31-6m-pd. Milline *. For Styl Go For Che Go Ladies' Kimooe $*., Pa

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