Fa flat on let him ii is sh fiowing itself th troublec in the si burns, bottle of which is plaints. SoME: pecular ent eye ¢ and gra his obed use, all «. k at a n the ind but it is | tod for hail Suse or kindred dir uted to a low sate gt Owijp -- +* Bt My] Answer. Butifehe won't, she won't; anc that's the end ont Unce Loved you, I'll allow; You were faithless then, who now re entreat of me: "A That you love me yet! In my bygone girlhood, 1 bred not ron ery; ve like ours can never die; Neither can forget. Ah ! those days, those days love-blind, When I thought to surely ind Life as you--but never mind, Since it was not so. LA idea is, you see, Al that will never be; your love would seem to me Just a worthless show. In your answer. sweet, you say, Let your answer be just yea; Live your life out: FO; our way, re) "No." Angling for a Dog. An editor thus relates a fish story : We were travelling on ground we had no right to travel over. The only excuse was like that of a military necessity --it was better fishing through the farms where the trout had been preserved than in the open | lots whare all could tisk. It was early in the morning. We had risen at three, ridden ten miles and struck the crick as the trout were ready for break- fast. Looking carefully for a sheltered place to hitch our horses, we slyly crept on behind fences, etc., till we reached the part of the 'stream not generally fished. A farm house stood a quarter of a mile away. We saw the morning smoke curl- lightly from the stove--pipe ; saw a man and two boyscome out to do the chores, saw aavoman busy about the door, and a fero- | cious bull dog wandering about the yard. If ever we fished close it was then. Not a whisper to disturb the birds © the owners of the laad. We crawl- ed through the grass, and dodged behim chumipts of elders, lifting large specklet. beauties ont of the water till our baskets were full. This was the time to have gone; ; the trout were so large and bit 80 reac' we could not withstand the tem- Nat 80 we decided to string and 1S "ON we had, and take another ' eattull So ; . would the hook at it we went. Nosoon: | touch the water the 0° 7e ! ad a trout. Ww. ~ugot the house the man, the boys and the dog. Suddenly tiére=was a rushing through | an oat field as ii a mad bull was coming. We I: pad towards the house and saws the | farn<r and histwo boys on a fence, the i woaran in the door, and the bull-dog | bounding towards us. We saw it all -- we Lad been discovered. The well--trained | dog hud bean sent to hunt us out, and as the matter appeared it was safe to bet he was doing that thing right lively. To outrun that dcg was not to be thought of. He cleared a fence and came for us just as we reached a tree, ard ly great activity tock a front ecat on a lil above his reach. "ry Here was a precious go! A vicious bull-dog under the tree, and the farmer and two big boys ready to move down upcn our works It was fight, foutrace or fang. The farmer yelled to his dog. ** Watch him, Tige!™ | Tige proposed to do that little thing, wie. Keeping Lis eyes fixed upon us, seated hinse'f under the tree. | Jhen spoke this ugly farmer man, | ""Juat hold on thar, stranger, till we get breakisat ; then we will come and see yon: Ii you are in a hurry, however, | you can go now. Watch him there Tige I" We surmise trouble-- juite much--ifor thrice bad that bold man of bull-dogs and agriculture 'elegantly walloped- in- nocent tourists. His reputation as a peace | man was not good, and there arose a very i large heart towards our throat. Time is the essence of contracts, and a saving ordinance for those in trouble. | We had a stout line in our pocket, and a | large hook intended for rock lass, if we failed to take trout ; and, as, good luck would have it,we had a nice sandwich and a piece of corned beef in cur own pock- et. : } We called the dog pet mame, but he wasn't on it : then we tried to move down -~when he'd move up. At last we treb- led onrbuss line, fastened the great hook to jt, baited it with the corned beef, tied the end of ths line to a limb, and'angled for dog. 2 Tige wasin appatite. Hs smelt of the | beaf | it was very nice Ho swallowed it and saf with his eyes on us for more ; but with no friendly look beaming from his countenance. Not any. Then we pulled gently on the line; it was fast! Tige yanked and pulled, but | it was no use. | the letter --e | Some New York+professionals' showed they were no respecters of persons a few | nights since #y picking 'the pockets of the English detectives in that city in conneg | tion with the Bidwdll case. | © Ton, said a chap to his friend the other day, it secon to me that you didn,t stay long at Squire Fo'ger's last night 1 No, was the reply ; I was saying a few pleas. ant things tothe daughter, and the old man came in and give me a hint to go A hint, Tom ! What sorfof a hint? Why he gave rae my hat, opened the door, and just as he began to raise his heavy boot, 1 had a thought that | wasn't wanted, and #0 [=I took my leave. +I had more woney than he had to carry 'on the auit," said a very mean individual who had just won a lawsuit over a poor | neighbor, *and that's where I had the ad- ! ventage of him. Then I had much better | counsel than he, and there 1 had the ad 3 vantage of him, And lus family was sick 1 so he couldn't while the suit was pending, ; attend to it, and there had the advan | tage of him again. Lut then Brown ia a | very decent sort of a man after all.' *' Yes, | said his listener, 'and there's where he || had the advantage of you.' | An editor is a man who lives on what other people owe him 'until he starves to | death. A subscriber is one who ta ks a paper and says he is well pleased with it, {and he tells everybody else he ought to After he has subscribed abe " ,Jisor VTIte wi Ang seven ear, U5s elise e250 (two dol'ars asks him to ie «then the subscriber | {and Gity conte) 'editor and tells him not jee huek 2 paper any more, for there tt it, and then the poor editor isfuo J starves to death wore. --Shenan- goes a) 2) ¥ doch Jerald. 3 | .e'y Rosaxrro=The voice of a woman, | _ntleman, said a romantic individual, in ! subscribed. | » i but & late argnment in a beer saloon, the voice I of a woman no matter how much some of | you may sneer at the sentiment, exercises a soothing, an inspiring, a hallowing in- fluence on the ear of wan, comforts him in afiliction, and --Tom, you rascal, ex- | claimed his wife, at this moment showing | herself at the door; come home you loiter- ing scamp, and leave these worthless fellows to themselves. Oh, when I get you home won't you catch it! And did hei We rather think he did. . A bashfull young man wrote an avowal | of love to a lady and waited an answer | through the mail. Ie got the letter next evening, and hurrying to his bording- | house with it, was on the poir t of reading I L it, when some one came to the door, and | | he was obliged to shove it quickly int his pocket. He next weld to a saloon, | aud taking a position in a retired corner, was about to open the wissive when the passing to and fro of strangers made him wore tunid, and he again sl oved it into his pocket and slang out-dours. ' He tried several places with 10 better success; and finally returned howe, and at once went "to bed, when lhe remained in a state of awful surprise uatil not a noise was heard | e ; 'and then, being, assured | | ly e from interrup- | out of bed, opened fingers, and | dlirough a mist of tears saw that he was { | 3 "di sal indepted 'to ous of dgazzists for five | bottles of pomude Orrciy oF Toe TER Hadyn's Dictionazgy « news is not. as many ppose, derived from the adjective new. In former times (between the years 1790 and 1830) it was the prevalent practica to put over the! | perivdical republication of the day initial | lotters of the compass, thus: -- x | E----W La 8 | Importing that these papers contained in- | telligence from the four quarters of the globe, and from this practice is derived the term newspaper. ul 3 Scribner's Monthly. A Serial Story by DR. HOLLAND. New Story by SA i HOLM. A Leng Story From BRET HARTE. BRILLIANT ARRAY of CONTRILUTERS LARENCE COOK on Furniture and Decorations. y 1 3 R. H. STODDARD on futhdss. Extrao Inducoments to New. ubscribers ; | (500 PAGES FOR $1.00! &c., d&e. | The publishers of SCRIBNER'S MONTHLY, In their Prospectus just issued, promise for the { I ensuing year a more brilliant array of contribu- | tors, and anincrease in the variety and beauty of its illustration, already conceded by the critics to be finer than any which have hitherto appeared | in any American magazine, ! Dr. HOLLAND, the Editor, will write the serial | + . - | =torv of the year, which will be autobiographical We quickly slid down the tree--almost | in form, and will be illustrated by Miss Hs listering our back doing it--seized our pile, and straightway went thence some- what lively. { We found our string of fish, and reached | the buggy and a commanding spot in the | road, in time to sce the sturdy yeoman move forth. We saw him and his cohorts, male and female, moye slowly, as if in #0 h We saw them look up the tree ; we saw the anxious crowd eng gd about the dog. We came quickly hoe, anl kindly left the bass line and hook to the aste. farmer. A sare method of keeping eggs from | spoiling : eat them while they'er fresh. A country girl,in speaking of the polka, says the dancing® was nothin," but the huggin' was hearily." * Is dem bells ringin' for fire, Tiberius?" "ow ' No, sah! Dey got plenty o' fire ; dem bells is ringin' for wafer." : The paper having the Jargest circula- tion--ine paper of tobacéo, Your behavior is most singular; sir," said a young lady to a gentleman who had just stolen a kiss. "' If that is all," said he, *" I will soon make it plural." What is the diffrence between a sailor and a beer drinker I Oue puts his sail up; the other puts his ale down. A young man at Niagara, having been croseed in love, walked out to the preci- . pice, took off his clothes, gave one linger- look at the gulf beneath him and then went home. His body was found next morning in bed. A Minister, about to chastise a servant | Teachers. for lying, was asked, * Master don't | you preach that God ordains whatever | comes to pass? Then how could I help | doing what F'did I" The master replied, | '* It was also ordained that I should chas | tise you for it, snd how can I help | 4 doing it." | It is entitled Arthur Bonlcastle, and will deal with some. of the mg@st diffleult problems of | ife. It will be commenced in the | aber Number. There will be a new story by SAXe HoLM, The | One Legged Dancer. Bret HARTE, the best writer of short stories now living, will contribute a characteristic story, entitled The Epic of Fiddleiown, which will be illustrated by Sheppard. R. H. STopDARD Will write a series of ent taining papers abo Characteristios, Fhims, and W Living Ameriea » promised. Clarence Cook will write ab< Farnita t and the Decoration of Am n Momes. | These papers will be eminer wctical as R stic, and will be illustr 1 with de- signs and sketches by numerous artists in addi. Hon to those which the writer himself will furn- ish. Among those who will cantribute are: Hans Andeggen, Bryant, Bushnell, Eggleston, Froude, Higgitson. Bishop Humtingten, Bret Harte. John Hay, H. H. Macdonald, Mitchell, Miss Phelps, =tedman, Stockton, Stoddard, Celia | Thaxter, Warner, Wilkinson, Murs, Whitne} 1 besides a host of others, 1 The editorial control and direction of the Mag- | azine will remain in the hands of Dr. Hollan A, who will continue 1» write * The Topies of the | Time," which the N. Y. Independent says "are | | more widely quoted than any similar papers in any American magazine." Walter Gilder will write ** The old 'abinet 3" as hitherto, Prof. Join C Braper inet Department of "Nature and melenee." The rimonts of "Home and Seoecfety" and Iture and Progress," will er g ke the con- | tions of more than w score of pens on both | \ te. The Watchman and Re- buer's Monthly for September wal, which indicates a needless waste of edit ud brains and Publisher's mon ey, for the Magazine was yood cmough before ! And yet the Pabjishers promise to make it still beter for the coming year." fhe subscription price is $4 a year, with speci al rates to cle gymen, teaches, and posimasters. "The following Extraodinary Inducements are offs 1 to pew subscribers: kor $5.0 _the , will send; or any buokseller or Be A s- il supply, tire magazine for one year, ard the twelve numbers of Vols, UI and IV. | eontauining the beginning of Mrs Qiiphant's | Ber At His Gates" for $7.50; tha niag for o: a 1 the 21 back numbers fre beginnin or $10. 3 azine Yok on 224 back an 5 b ; p on bound vols, pid. This will give n d fakes of the chojces' reading, with the rst il usiiations, for $10.50, or nearly 5.0 pages for a dollar! and wilg enablé every subscriber to ob- | tain the series frou the frst. ! 24 Special terins to Dealers Clergymen and TER & 0J., 651 Broa lway, N. ¥ Clor says : | is better tha WANTED IMMEDIATELY. SMART ACIIVE BOY, WITH good education, to work in a Print. ing Office; one having a knowledge of the business preferred. Apply at this Office. ALL OUR INSTRUMENTS ARE WARRANTED FOR FIVE TEARS, | | Our Dust leas we are ceiling atorg by h i ariable, and the opini- | TT ons of the Press, letters from prominent business men, and the united admission of hundreds of | J P J Oo i nN & 9 N our students arc the guarantees of competency and success offered by this Coll . y '| : + parcats who hav g those desirous of changing their present ocenpation fe "sO! have SONS TO EDUCATF REFORMER, OSHAWA, WEDNESDAY, APRIL 80, 1873, THE HOLIDAYS ARE COMI G. W. WICC & SON I AVE JUST RECEIVED a BEAUTI- ful assortment of Pictures, already f~am- ced.suitable for Christmas presets, in part of which are the following: A SCENE IN CALIFORNIA, WINDSOR CASTLE. A SAIL BY MOONLIGHT. BALMORAL CASTLE. BALLYNAHINCH, Ireland. MOTHER'S JOY. STAR OF GLENGARY. THE HAPPY FAMILY, INNOCENCE. FIDELITY. THE FIRST PAIR OF PANTS. THE NOSEGAY. THE BREAD OF HEAVEN. EVENING PRAYER. ete., etc, ete. Also, a lot of First-Rate HAD-SLEIGHS , The best ever before offered in town. Call early and get your choice, CHEAP FOR CASH! Wishing our kind friendsa 'Merry Christ mas and a happy New Year." W. WIGG & SON. NEW FIGURED BALERNOS, NEW STRIPED SATEENS, NEW STRIPED POPLINS, NEW LUSTRE SERGES, NEW BEACK.: LUSTRES, NEW PRINTS- We have a splendid stock of Black and Colored Kid Gloves at the BEE HIVE. LAA on J BARNARD, FALL BEE HIVE, King Street, Oshawa. AND Osmawa, March 27th, 1873. WwW § N T { RI CLOTHING? A WORD OF TIMELY WARNING TO THE ALLA N LINp THE °3Zi¥a Leammy 3 A | CHEAPEST PAPER, 128 Sik for caryying the Canadian Sats 6 STEAM WEEKLY v LIVERPOOL, LONDOXD AND CLASGOW. a HIS COMPANYS Lingg composed of the und, p Double 4 Clyde Bui) Je Pull Pol¥nesian, 1.200 tons (build ons (building. an, Sig 4 ine. 3 IN THE PROVINCE, --THE-- 0 ¢ 3 i AF vi : 60 : 3 TU 20 tone, Lin : 4 vee) dy ine betivcen Liver | ] Serr, sir, nl t ) Xpress fr Forming a weekly Fincher ween coteeal and Montreal, * nn RATES OF PASSAGE, Oshawa to Liverpool onder Cabin from $81 to 0 oii ion . $30 2 a plentify of w 1S, served Stewards belonging to the Compan bg Oshawa to G ow, First eg mediste, $4 te n, $1; a4 Return Tickets, good 2 sued at reduced rates, Tor six Month, Ps p Passenge: d Rates 10 Only 1.80 a year, bring out their Seu} and, to any part of Camda, | The Steamships of the Méutreal Ocean | ship Company land t} F pascongon ran | Trunk Railway harf, PorTLAND, : 2 ers thereby avoiding the usual ch arges BY THE h ixpress Trai y ns. . "Express Trains leave Port), arrival Ocean Steamers for Mont pn " western points; and the facility passengers by the A N passed by any other ii a For through passage tickets tion, apply to bs Steamships will be despatches from and Portland as follows " i ~ PUBLISHED - EVERY WEDNESDAY MORNING ONTARIO REFORMER FROM LIVERPOOL. FROM 2 Printing and Publishing Co, i, | AND LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR Yours, &c., 10; m---- et one had better do so at once, asthe demand is so great, those who do not mm CALL AX day, as we have no room to itore a > ' quantity at once, and we must finish { H [ J | E Y them up and getatour other work. Please R S . : 4 The Easterly Broadcast Seeder and Cultivator Combined, N E WwW S T oO K is allowed by those that have worked it,"to be the best Agricultural Implement for the price | L 4 In » Which will be found complete. OLY FACING on. Or : GEO. OGLEVIE, Whitby. | #1 4}ive of all ds made to ord y SRV RO IERS, Ficke ring. B a " West Gwillmsbury, JAMES M )ZELY Aurora Jlothing of all kinds made t rder on look out in time cannot be served this season. We would like to supply all call as soon as possible -and get your | Machines. We [guarantee them to do . ac. ir oh a3 it saves seed and about one half the labor, and does the work better | Tian the noua] way. "The facts of Lhe above auy Person can ascertain by asking the following | . a ORDERS TARLY the shortest notice. IN TOV "do. = SEND A CALL SOLICITED. FARMERS OF ONTARIO. NEW GENTLEMEN, - 4s we are. only about home neglect coming in early tor Piitted tes: imunials. The fact that our Seeder saves one man and team all through seeding, | D. HINKSON, East Whitby, JAMES BOWMAN. King. H. bf BURK, Da-lington Fo 1 = manufacturing five hundred Broadcast AND Socders this year,and three hundred o BEST QUALITY. | their machines, we will have to send them out to other parts of the country, | ( ring si z the work better than the usual war, makes il quite a loss in one | - | ccason for every farmer Lhal fail to get 006, ror ores | FALL AXD WINTER CLOTHING. - - ast Gwillnisht ) Ss) TEN. Whithy, i. A, BOWES, Maripesa. | : HENRY ADDLETON, Clarke, JonN PRADEN. President MRA) »vanenan | Jeautiful Vest and Pant Patterns, REMOVED TO NEW AND LARGER PREMISES | | GOODS Next Door to COWAN'S. them are already gone, all who wish to | | where they are being calle] for every | | b He has just received his R. FOLEY, Darlington y South MR. R SON, Innisfil, oO IN GREAT VARIETY, Oshawa, January 20th, 1873. | | . : | | just arrived at TAUNTON! ; | everything of the best Quality and Strictly Genuine San : THE CHEAPEST AND OSHAWA ORGAN & MELODEQN [BEST ASSORTMENT] MANUFACTURING COMPANY |. -- © AVE NOW ON. HAND THE FIRST INSTRUMENTS OF THEIR «li : Manufacture, which have been pronounced by Good Judges, to be superior, both in Tone | English and Canadian Tweeds. and sh to any Instruments of the kind that bave ever been placed before the Public of Oshawa | Tailoring done on the shortest notice. and good We place ourselves before the Public ag | fits guaranteed. Men of Practical Experience, : iness: and. therefore. Durti 5 { Having a thorough knowledge of the Business: and, (herefore. purties Purchasing Our Instru- . i. MEAS: A 'co micnts can rest assured they cannot be surpassed by an tablishment in the Dominion. { is wellassorted, and our TEAS are A No.1. Drugs, Patent Medicines, Scented Soaps, French and English | Perfumery, Hair Brushes, Combs, Tooth Brushes, and a General assortment of Dye Stuffs. We have an excellent assortment of | ' OUR GROCERY DEPARTMENT And parties purchasing from us will have a guarantee they cannot have by purchasing those | the five ponads imported, as the Manufacturer only Is responsible for them, and Agents selling for them in the | BOOTS & SHOES in GREAT VARIETY. Dominion will not be likely to take the responsibility on their own shoulders. | Also, an excellent assortment of Rubbers We have now opened our Wareroom in Mr, Wilkinson's Store, neat the| end Overshoes which will be sold very | ; ommercial Hotel, King Street, Oshawa. | in fact, everything that belongs . y S We ihivite the publi: to came and inspect aur instruments. Parties desiring to purchase will find | to a General Country Store. i their advantage to dcal with us, as they can save Tem per cent. on their Money, | : . ob unl ib "\he same time encourage home manufacture. oney, and at | Call and examine our stock and L DARLEY & HOSKIN prices and satisfy yourselves be- =~ | fore purchasing elsewhere. Oshawa, October Oth, 1372. 1615. |Onsh Paid for Hides and Skins WM. WILLARD. | | Ontario Commercial College, Belleville, Ont. Taunton. | il | Fire, Removal, Damaged Goods, Sel- | THOROUGH (AND PRACTICAL INSTITUTION FOR BUSINESS ling Off, Auction. Sales, to the Elect- | - AR! ERIS of the age, whe: p " OFS Net | R-1 (CHARACTERISTIC of age iere young men and boys can procure an education tors, &e., all played out, but The charges are moderate, the risk nothing, the result nnv ege. TT AP als ale] r T r | SUBJECTS TAUGHT. | Watch-maker & Jeweller Book-keeping--by single aud double entry, Spencerian Penmanship, | : ' Arithmetic, Corresndence, Commercial Law, Phonography, Telegraph. | TP purine spo a -- og Zest of ing, Railrc ing, Ste 1 ing 5C 1 ohio - so | & New 78 | ng. Rai roading, Steamboating, Mechanical and rchitectural Drawing, "Black's Hotel. { | | And is now able to show his large and well assorted stock of Choice ard Fine Gold Jewellery, Watches, &o., &o.! Which he is offering cheap. A Staff of Seven Practical and Experienced Teachers. Those who can @evote a few monins (uv stuay or something more luc themselves to conduct their own business systematicall ag icrative, or to qualify y y, will find that the advantageswe offer | cannot be obtained elsewhere. | All work promptly attended to, and properly 4% Specimens of Penmanship, and Journal containing all particulars sent free of charge. dons, ii dress, RARE CHANCE. 8. G. BETY & Co., Belleville | SONG for the PIANO Osha wa Coal 3 Mailed, post-paid, on receipt of price. AND Darling, 1 am Lonely Now, Song and Chorus, or Stewar, 30 cents. Sweetest, song and chorus, anks, 30. Mattie"May, song and chorus, Danks, Splendid Business fo rSale | WO OD DEP oT Ri rel badd Benner 5, Fare | | | | of me, Darling, song und chorus, Miers 30, | Asking a blessing from Mother sou and chorus, a . = 'oa sre} | Stewhrt, 30. Recollections of Child¢hcod, 'Bari. HE UNDERSIGNED BEING | E SUBS « - | tone song, Danks. 30. Thou art no longer Mine, __about te retire from the CABINET and 'na WOSCRIBERS BEG TO IN- | ballad, Daiks, o0. Hear ne say my Hits prayer, UNDERTAKING Business has decided to dis- | hand ORM the public that they have now on | song and chorus, Pratt. 30. Close the shutier, pose of hiss resent large Fy profitable business | 0" 8t the above Yard, a large quantity of | hi EN es 1 1, song aid chorus, swwan, 30. a rince Albert, e shed over fourteen years, | . "the reeme, song and chorus, U'ersiey, 35, and which affords an excellent opportunity to COA | Quit dat Ticklin Me. Song and Dance, Hays, 35. any one wishing to engage in such a business, an 0 | You'll always find me true, song and chorus, | The Premises and whole Stock-in-trade will be | t ¢ | Hays, 35. * Dead, but not ¥o disposed of at a Bargain, and on casy terms. The | chorus, Hays, 40. 2 Meet me ) sie, song stark in hand is Jurge and well assorted, and the | horus, Hays, 40. soy Ee, ie Ye my Mo rum of custom excellent, | Sleeping, song and chorus, Stewart, 40. For terms and other particulars, apply on the | | of All, sacred song, Panseron, 50, premises to | - H F Georgetown Lime, AND FER. NERS Prin e Albert, July 17th, 1872, tr wom TUTE Agricultural Salt 1 INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC, FARM FOR SALE. | All orders left at the office in the Yard, | futymn Leaves, Becond Pensee Meodique, , C. vill be ' . Belisario, Fantasie, Kinkel, 35 will be promptly attended to. Rk Jeauty March, Kinkel, 33. , * Sunbeam | March, Skaats, 35. * Johnnie's March, Kinkel, | reson . | 5. * Hertie's Sehottische, Kinkel, 35. "Ji A One Hundred Acres. Marshall & B | 5, oe Herticssehottische, Kinkel Wo Hz, Ringel SF s--_ - | e8C0 * | 35. * Sweet Sixteen Waltz, Kinkel, 35. Evening HE EAST HALF OF LOT NO. 20 | woop ¢ Zephyrs Waltz, Pacher, 30. Bird of henuty " : UT and SPLIT XT E. | Waltz, Young, 20. Switch-off Galop, Young, in the 2nd con., of the townsk £ Whither at EXTRA CHARGE. | Waltz, Young, 20. Swi . ¢ sitnate op the main road about wth aii, S---- -- a ------ | * Kittie's Polka, Kinkel, 35. Ray of Sunshine ; | -- nen mmr | i ing Stars Polka de Oshawa and Whithy, The land is of the best | S H Fre Fine, pe Eddie's Bolla Rink, od ies ant Whithy. ae Jund te of th | N G i E Salon. Feine, 59, ee ma) , 35, also upon |}. Title indisputable. For Candis | ee S : H , Polka, RO a: "i ny Oop Tox site ae eval Lo the undersigned. | : JHINGLES OF ALL KINDS FOR | pieces marked thus * have picture titles. J » 0 b f °F . the 4th con., of Whitby. « "I on, about 1% Min, Lot No. 6, ith ean. Darling- | Any piece mailed, post-paid on receipt of SEPH BIGELOW, : | about 4} miles from Bowmanville. | ona, | - . marked ce. Address, Port Perry. March 1, 1873 JONATHAN STEPHENS. | Pe 3. J. PETENS, LATEST STYLES |. Posters, twp] March oS #09, Rroadway, New York, | ISIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. |' I. & A. ALLAN | Ot to LAN, L. SMITH. Agent, 2 Post Office, Oshawa STEAM BETWEEN LCNDON, QUEBEC] AND MONTREAL. SIMCOE STREET, OSHAWA. EVERY DESCRIPTION OF PLAIN& ORNAMENTAL PRINTING CONSISTING OF Composed of the following First-Clasy' Iron Steamers: SCOTLAND, MEDWAY, HECTOR NIGER. NI i . NILE, 3 TWEED, THAMES, SEVER Tue Steamers of this Line are infended to mi from Quebec and Montreal every Tuespay daw ing the season of navigation of 1532. and from London every Wednesday, calling at on the way out. Throngh tickets from points west at reduced ra Certificates fwd to partios desirous of bringing out their friends For full particulars apply to the Companyy Agent at Oshawa, 0. W. SMITR Blank Forms, INMAN LINE OF MAIL STEAMSHIPS, TO AND FROM Show Bills, Business Cards, : ; Liverpool | City or RicHMOND. Ciry or MoxT Crry oF Brooxu City oF Pans. CITY OF BRUSSELS, BLIN, City OF NEW YORK. Crry or HaLwrax, Ory oF Loxpox, City oF DurBaN. CITY OF WASHINGTON. Sailing on Thursdays and Saturdags! From Pier 43, North River, Visiting Cards, yo rs City or BrisroL Cry or Doma Bill Heads, Circulars, RATES OF PASSAGE: To Queenston or verpoel, - gondon, * ¢ aris, --- - - 9, T IN T° y is o can be bought h t moderate AND IN FACT EVERY KIND OF BE ots wishing i Bend of thet SHER - further information apply to the t, . Asow C 'W. SMITH, Osmawa. July 20, LETTER-PRESS PRINTING ~ victoria HYPOPHOSPHITES! The only Syrup prepared frcm Dr. Charchills Formula Ao ph fied 10 be Chemically pure: For the prevention and cure of PULMONARY CONSUMPTION, Also for the cure of spepsia, Bronchitis, "Asthma, Loss of 4p Ds petite, Geneval "Debility, &e. CERTIFICATE AS TO FURITY AND FYFICACY. Laboratory, University Col ; o Toronto. Dec. th, 187% To the Victoria Chomical Co., § sent ,--1 have examined thé articles Poin gd the ¥ictoria Chemical Works | Al | the preparation of the Victoria Syrup of Hyper s. The several Hypophosphites used THE LARGEST SIZE POSTER, spite imtmiias : Free from cmv impurity, Your Syrup of FROM A LADIES VISITING CARD UPTO ottabté MEESE Y H. CROFT, ; "Professor of Chemistry, UL Price $1 per Bottle. Sold by all Druggists. VICTORIA COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACTS OF BUCHU & UVA URSI A Specific Remedy for all Diseases of the Bladder and Kidneys; Dropsical Complaints incidental to Females: and Diseases of the Urinary Organs in either Sex. Try at once for any -of the above Disorders, and You wiil be fully convinced of its pre eminent virtues, _ Price $1 per Bote. Sold: by all Druggtet. VICTORIA ELECTRIC LINIMENT! "THE KING OF ALL LINIMENTS." For Rheumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Lum Sciatia, Wandering Pains Stiffness in the 1h or Joints, Sprains, Bruises, Numbness, Sw rg, Headache, Earache, Toothacke, &c. : 1 1 {1 Orders by Mail Punctually Attended to BOY I TRY I PRY VICTORIA EXECUTED WITH NEATNESS AND DESPATCH, AT THE 'REFORMER' OFFICE. -- 0 ------ « WORTH ITS WEIGHT IN GOLD," ific for Cuts, Wounds, Bruises, Burns, saris Piles, Pimples, ete., and Chroni Diseases of the Skin of every description, : CALL and SEE SPECIMENS. frau erie wo by si ouet | YICTORIA CARBOLATED. 'GLYCERINE JELLY. "EMINENTLY THE LADIES' FAVORITE" | For Beautifying the Complesion, aud for, I% | ving Tan, Sunburn, Freckles, . REMEMBER THE STAND, | Stith cilia fre sie | and Sore Lips. 2 Price, 25 Cents per Bottle. Sold by all Druggists. TTYICTORIA TOILET SOAPS. " ted for their Uniform debra Excellence of Quality. ICTORIA Salon vICTO SULPHU VICTORIA GLYCERIE*N HONEY ROSE AND WINDSOR. fold ty all Pruzzisis Next door to the Montreal T elegraph Office, phosphites Will undoubtedly prove a vy CARBOLIC SALVE. Ths Onta: Pah At their of T CONT! EIGN and gerioe, thount d. an instruc TERMS: $1 s and Bix Jines subs six to te roach su ix lines, Over ah subs _ The number upied, mea eatismen ls ave lished u All transitory when handed i office of public day morning ;p To merchants a very liberal ACCOUC Residenoe an Hotel. ¥ wysiel P eur, and ( wi. FREDER UYS H LAND. residence, Bimd > 3 ry ICENCE L way All promptly sien « EETH 1 | Jatest prin cheapest, and Sith Gold and pain by produc Dental Roo Atkinson's Dr ICENTI Office ove Bros., King St. All aperation Residence in ti ARRIS B LICITY Public, Oshaw Simcoe Streets, 2& MONEY old, LA ARRIET Solicitor § Office--In Bige Whitby. J. KE OUNTY Barrister, and Conveyanc A ochranc Ontario. GREE? ARRIST AT-LAW, Public. Convey Loan. J. Hamer Grr tion, Also, for fos, capital £2, Al ser for t Savings So low rates of | Issuer of DOMI OsH Mone REI AM NOW any amount Farm or Produc Lowest Pos n piams and wm can be re-paid LJ} sam, Investments 'and other secur} SILVER AND For furtiser p Ome Office-- Mei April 13th 187] Bute GE . ETURNS MEROUS and to rem his Mes Marke Noxt door And hopes by meet the Same si Oshawa, Dec. HE UNE leasure in 30 Oshawa that sell & Glass all, Milk business, hy 1 'de the sale and del by a continuance ity in delivery, V age of gli who u We the under mending to thei Jin, in our opinia business, and we good milk to" bu G. Henry. _ A. Farewell B16m-pd. Milling a For Sty ri HO For Cha Gd Ladies' Simcoe St